Silicone Structural Glazing Manual - Dow Corning
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual - Dow Corning
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual - Dow Corning
The information contained herein is offered in good faith based on Dow Corning’s
research and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods
of use of our products are beyond our control, this information shall not be used
in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Dow Corning’s products are
fully satisfactory for your specific applications. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is
that the product will meet its current sales specifications. Your exclusive remedy
for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement
of any product shown to be other than as warranted.
Silicone structural glazing is a method utilizing a The success of every structural glazing project is
silicone adhesive to attach glass, metal, or other dependent on a partnership between the design
panel material to the structure of a building. professional, sealant user and Dow Corning.
Windload and other impact loads on the façade Successful structural glazing projects contain the
are transferred from the glass or panel, through following elements:
the structural silicone sealant to the structure of
the building. The silicone sealant must maintain Project Review
adhesive and cohesive integrity as the façade is
subjected to windload and thermal stresses. Design Review
Dow Corning must review and approve the
Structural glazing (SG) is a high performance structural joint design on every project.
application and not all silicone sealants are
suitable for this application. Only silicone Substrate and Material Approval
sealants which have been developed and tested
Dow Corning must approve all substrates and
specifically for structural glazing applications
materials that contact the structural silicone
should be used. The Dow Corning® structural
sealant. Specific project testing will be required
glazing sealants recommended for this application
by Dow Corning in most cases.
are identified in the next section of this manual.
Each Dow Corning structural glazing sealant has
Product Quality
been granted a “European Technical Approval”
(ETA) through independent testing according to
the current European structural glazing standard: Joint Preparation and Sealant Application
European Technical Approval Guideline (ETAG Dow Corning joint preparation, sealant handling
002). The sealants also have a CE mark which and sealant application procedures must be
indicates conformity to European health, safety completely followed.
and environmental protection legislation.
Quality Control
This manual is intended to give guidance on the Dow Corning quality control procedures must
proper design and use of Dow Corning silicone be followed. Dow Corning will assist the sealant
sealants in structural glazing applications. The user in the development of a comprehensive
recommendations made in this manual are based quality control program.
on the experience of Dow Corning supporting
structural glazing projects for over 30 years. Documentation
Because structural glazing projects differ in Quality control procedures and results must be
building design, environment and customer documented in an easily retrievable fashion.
requirements, this manual cannot address all Quality control log templates are provided in the
possible situations. Dow Corning Technical Documentation section of this manual.
Service Engineers are available to assist you in
your specific project needs. In subsequent sections of this manual, each of
these important elements will be discussed in
greater detail.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Dow Corning offers a full time of high with the current European structural glazing
performance silicone sealants. Each sealant is guideline ETAG-002. The product has been
developed and tested for a specific application granted a CE-label based on this approval.
and should only be used as intended unless
specifically approved by Dow Corning. Insulating Glass Silicone Sealants
Specific product information is available at The following Dow Corning Silicone Sealants
are offered for insulating glass applications.
Structural Glazing Silicone Sealants Dow Corning Insulating Glass Silicone Sealants
The following Dow Corning silicone sealants are are recommended for insulating glass units
offered for structural glazing applications: which are structurally glazed with Dow Corning
Structural Glazing Silicone Sealants. Dow Corning
Dow Corning® 993 Structural Glazing Insulating Glass Silicone Sealants are designed
Silicone Sealant and intended for insulating glass applications
Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing Silicone only and should never be used as structural
Sealant is a two-component, fast cure, neutral- glazing adhesives. For more information on the
curing silicone sealant intended for structural proper use of silicone sealants in insulating glass
bonding of glass, metal and other panel materials. applications, please refer to the “Dow Corning
When compared to conventional one-component Insulating Glass Manual” which is available at
silicone sealants, the fast cure properties of
Dow Corning 993 allow increased production
of structurally glazed curtainwall units. Dow Corning® 3362 Insulating Glass
Dow Corning 993 is a high modulus sealant with Silicone Sealant
excellent adhesion to a wide range of materials. Dow Corning 3362 Insulating Glass Silicone
Dow Corning 993 has been granted a “European Sealant is a two-component, fast cure, neutral-
Technical Approval” (ETA) based on independent curing silicone sealant intended for use as a
testing in accordance with the current European secondary seal in dual glazed insulating glass
structural glazing guideline ETAG-002. The units. Dow Corning 3362 Insulating Glass
product has been granted a CE-label based on Sealant has been granted a “European Technical
this approval. Approval” (ETA) based on independent testing in
accordance with the current European structural
Dow Corning® 895 Structural Glazing glazing guideline ETAG-002. The product has
Silicone Sealant been granted a CE-label based on this approval.
Dow Corning 895 Structural Glazing Silicone
Sealant is a one-component, neutral-curing Dow Corning 3793 Insulating Glass
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Project Workflow Diagram
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Structural Glazing Joint Dimensioning • The structural bite must be equal to or greater
than the glueline thickness.
A structural glazing joint must be properly
designed for the sealant to function as intended. • The bite-to-thickness ratio should be between
If a joint is improperly designed, the sealant 1:1 and 3:1.
stresses may be excessive potentially causing
failure. Therefore, all SG joint dimensioning • The SG joint must be able to be filled using
must be approved by Dow Corning. standard sealant application procedures.
Structural Glazing Joint Dimensioning • The SG joint design must allow the sealant
Guidelines exposure to air so that it can cure and achieve
full physical properties.
Following are guidelines that apply for all
Structural Glazing projects. Dow Corning must
• The above guidelines are minimum
review and approve all SG joint dimensioning.
requirements and exclude any application
Any exceptions to these guidelines can only be
made by your Dow Corning Technical Service
Engineer. Structural Glazing Terminology
• The minimum structural joint bite shall be as
Structural Bite
determined by the Structural Bite Calculation
for Windload and Glass Dimension. Structural Bite is the minimum width or contact
surface of the silicone sealant on both the glass
• The minimum structural joint thickness shall panel and the frame. The design windload, glass
be as determined by the Glueline Thickness panel dimensions, impact loads, dead load and
Calculation for Thermal Dilatation. thermal dilatation stresses must be considered
in the determination of the structural bite
• The minimum structural bite shall be as dimension
determined by the Structural Bite Calculation
for Deadload.
Thickness is the distance from the panel to the
• The structural bite must be a minimum of 6 frame. Proper thickness facilitates the installation
mm regardless of other calculations. of the sealant and allows reduced sealant stress
from differential thermal movement between the
• The glueline thickness must be a minimum of glass panel and frame. Thickness in a structural
6 mm regardless of other calculations. silicone joint is often referred to as glueline
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Minimum Structural Bite (m) = Glass Short Span Dim. (m) x Windload (Pa) x 0.5
140,000 Pa
• Glass Short Span Dimension (SSD) is the shorter of the two dimensions of the rectangular glass
panel. For example, on a 1.5 m by 2.5 m glass panel, the SSD is 1.5 m.
• Windload is the maximum wind pressure in Pascal for a return period of 10 years based on
EUROCODES and local regulations. This value is provided by the design professional to Dow
Corning. 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
• 140,000 Pa (0.14 MPa) is the Maximum Allowable Design Stress for both Dow Corning® 993
and Dow Corning® 895.
• Maximum allowable design stress is based on the Ru,5 value with a safety factor of 6. The Ru,5
value is the probability at 75% that 95% of the population will have a breaking strength above
this value.
Thermal Dilatation
The differential thermal movement between the and metal (aluminium or stainless steel), maxi-
glass and frame will impose upon the structural mum temperature change and design of the SG
sealant joint a shear stress that must be considered system. There will be greater movement if the
during the design of the SG joint. The amount of aluminium frame is exposed to the exterior.
differential movement will depend on the glass
• Thermal Dilatation is the amplitude of differential thermal movement between the glass and
• E Young is Young modulus as determined by Dow Corning. Dow Corning 993 has a
Young modulus of 1.4 MPa and Dow Corning 895 has a Young modulus of 0.9 MPa.
• The Maximum Allowed Stress in Shear is determined by Ru,5 value as determined in shear.
For Dow Corning 993 this value is 105,000 Pa. For Dow Corning 895 the value is
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
In unsupported SG designs, the deadload weight Provided the horizontal frame members are as
of the panel is supported by the structural silicone rigid as the vertical members, Dow Corning will
joint. This situation commonly occurs when consider both the vertical and horizontal or long
structural glazing is used on monolithic glass. edges of the frame in the deadload calculation. If
Dow Corning Structural Glazing Silicone Sealants the horizontal frame members will not support the
can support the weight of the glass provided glass under windload, only consider the vertical
stresses do not exceed the allowed design stress frame members in the calculation.
for deadload.
Min. Bite (m) = 2,500 kg/m3 x 9.81 m/s2 x Glass Thickness (m) x Glass Dim (m2)
[2 x Height (m) + 2 x Width (m)] x Allowable Design Stress for DL
• 2,500 kg/ m3 is the specific mass of float glass corresponding to approximately 25,000 N/m3
of specific weight.
• 9.81 m/s2 is a factor for gravity
• The Allowable Design Stress for Deadload (DL) for Dow Corning® 993 is 11,000 Pa. The
Allowable Design Stress for Deadload for Dow Corning® 895 is 7,000 Pa.
• If calculation should be compliant with ETAG002 or if the horizontal frame members will not
be supporting the glass or will deflect under the deadload of the glass, just consider 2 x Height (m)
in the denominator of the calculation.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Review
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Dow Corning performs extensive quality One-component structural silicone sealants may
assurance testing in our manufacturing facilities in be used in a production facility environment
accordance with ISO 9001 standards. This section or at the job site. All parties involved with a
of the manual is intended to provide the sealant project, including the architect, engineer and
user with procedures and recommendations for control bodies must support site glazing for a
the proper storage, handling, use and quality specific project. Specific local requirements may
control of Dow Corning Structural Glazing not permit site glazing in some instances. Cure
Silicone Sealants. As a sealant user, you must read, requirements and considerations for site glazing
understand and closely follow the procedures are discussed later in this section.
and recommendations set forth in this section
of the manual. If you have questions regarding Joint Preparation and Sealant Application
any of the following procedures or Specific procedures and recommendations on
recommendations, please contact your local joint preparation and sealant application are
Dow Corning Construction Office or your made later in this section. These procedures and
Dow Corning Technical Service Engineer recommendations will help to ensure proper
prior to using the Dow Corning Sealant. sealant adhesion, cure and joint fill. Ignoring
or skipping a step in the process could have an
General considerations adverse effect on the performance of the structural
silicone. These procedures should be understood
Material storage and handling and completely followed by the sealant user.
Dow Corning Sealants must be stored at the
recommended temperature and environment. Quality Control
Excessive temperatures or moisture may cause a A comprehensive Quality Control program is the
sealant to be damaged. Sealant cure, adhesion and most critical element of a successful structural
physical properties could be harmed if the sealant glazing project. Dow Corning provides procedures
is not handled and stored properly. The sealant and recommendations that must be completely
user must understand and follow recommendation understood and followed by the sealant user.
on the proper use of dispensing equipment for These procedures are proven to be effective and
two-component silicone sealants. reliable. In the Documentation section of this
manual, Dow Corning provides quality control
Shelf life logs which can be used by the sealant user.
Dow Corning Sealants must be used within their Dow Corning will assist you in the development
stated shelf life. Sealant that is used beyond its of a comprehensive quality control program.
stated shelf life may not cure properly to its full Dow Corning will also audit a production facility
physical properties and must not be used. and make recommendations for improvement if
necessary. Later in this section is a best practices
Factory vs. Site Glazing guide for SG production facilities.
Structural Glazing fabrication may occur in
a production facility or at the job site. Two-
component structural silicone sealants are
typically applied in the controlled environment
of a production facility.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Project Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Curing Agent Must Be Homogeneous regularly check the follower plate to ensure
Prior to placing material on the dispensing that it is moving smoothly and will not be
equipment, the curing agent should be visually blocked by a damaged drum or pail or by a
inspected and agitated in the pail to ensure damaged or brittle gasket. Proper maintenance
homogeneity. Do not incorporate excessive and cleaning of the mixer helps to ensure
air during mixing of the curing agent. Low and properly mixed sealant. Filters and gaskets
medium viscosity curing agents (Standard & HV) should be regularly inspected and replaced as
are more likely to show separation and should be necessary.
mixed prior to use. High viscosity curing agent
(HV/GER) does not generally require mixing • Ensure that there is no contamination of
but it should be checked in all cases before use. sealant components. Sealant must not come
It is recommended to mix the curing agent one to in contact with machinery oils from the
three days before the pail needs to be changed to equipment. Pumps must be checked for
allow the curing agent to de-air. tightness and oil should not be used on the
follower plates.
Properly Maintain Sealant Dispensing
Equipment When using a solvent such as
It is essential that the sealant user establish a Dow Corning 3522 Cleaning Solvent
quality program that will ensure that the sealant Concentrated for cleaning of the mixing
dispensing equipment is functioning properly. line, the sealant lines must be completely
Because there are many different manufacturers closed against the solvent lines to avoid
of dispensing equipment, maintenance contamination of the sealant with solvent. All
requirements will differ. Requirements common gaskets must be compatible with the cleaning
to all equipment manufacturers include: solvent.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Surface Preparation and Sealant 3. Prime the surface to receive sealant if required
Application by the Dow Corning written approval for the
Every structural glazing project requires a
diligent and thorough procedure to ensure that 4. Place the glass or panel to be glazed. Care
substrates are properly cleaned prior to sealant must be taken to not contaminate cleaned
application. The following procedures should be surface during any phase of production.
followed for every structural glazing application. If contamination occurs, surfaces must be
Further description of the cleaning, priming and recleaned.
placing procedures are included in the subsequent
section. 5. Apply sealant into the SG joint cavity. The
joint must be completely filled with sealant.
1. Inspect substrates and materials prior to By “pushing the bead” of sealant into the
use. The materials used in production must joint in a continuous manner, air entrapment
be representative of the materials that were can be avoided.
tested and approved by Dow Corning. The
substrates, i.e. aluminium profiles, should 6. Tool or strike the sealant joint surface with a
be in good condition and not damaged by tooling device such as a spatula. The sealant
outdoor weathering. must be pushed into the joint with a tool.
Scooping excess sealant from the joint is not
2. Clean substrates as recommended in the acceptable tooling. Tooling helps to ensure
Dow Corning written approval for the project. that the sealant wets out the joint surfaces
Joint surfaces must always be clean, dry, dust and completely fills the joint without air
free and frost free. Moisture or contaminants entrapment.
on the surface may have an adverse effect on
sealant adhesion to a substrate. 7. Inspect the finished SG units. Determine
whether the entire SG joints have been properly
filled and tooled. Determine wether the SG
units are stored in the proper conditions and
inspect whether the sealant is curing properly.
Ensure that all of the recommended quality
control tests are being performed.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
5. Visually inspect the second cloth to determine 4. Pour a small amount of primer from the
if contaminants were effectively removed. working container onto a clean, dry, lint-free
If the second cloth remains dirty, repeat the cloth and gently wipe a thin film on all joint
“two-cloth cleaning method” until the second surfaces requiring primer. Apply only enough
cloth remains clean. For each subsequent primer to wet the surface. Overpriming can
cleaning, rotate each cloth to a clean portion cause adhesion loss between the sealant and
of the cloth. Do not clean with the dirty the substrate. If too much primer is applied, a
portion of the cloth. For best results, replace powdery white film will form on the substrate.
used and dirty cloths frequently. Overpriming is not an acceptable practice and
should be stopped immediately. Overprimed
Substrate Priming Procedure surfaces must be recleaned and primed in a
Dow Corning 1200 OS Primer is commonly proper manner.
the primer recommended for structural glazing
applications. The following procedure describes 5. Allow the primer to dry until all of the solvent
how to properly prime surfaces with evaporates. This typically takes from 5 to
Dow Corning 1200 OS Primer: 30 minutes depending on temperature and
1. Before using, verify that the Dow Corning 1200
OS Primer is within it stated shelf life. The 6. Inspect the surface for dryness and for the
primer should be stored below 25°C in its appearance of overpriming. A primed non-
original unopened container. The primer porous surface will have a slight haze. If red
should be clear and water-like in appearance. colored primer is used, the primed surfaces
If the primer is milky white in appearance, do will appear red in color. Primed surfaces must
not use the primer. Red colored primer is also be sealed within the next four (4) hours. Any
available. surfaces primed and not sealed within four
hours must be recleaned and reprimed before
2. Joint surface must first be clean and dry. The applying sealant.
step of priming should begin within four
(4) hours after the cleaning step. If there is
a greater time delay, joint surfaces must be
recleaned prior to priming.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
adhesion (100% cohesive failure). Verification of 4. If freshly applied sealant will be applied within
sealant cure and adhesion is done through the use 1 hour after cutting the cured sealant, solvent
of “peel adhesion” and/or “H-piece” testing. It is cleaning of the existing silicone surface will
the responsibility of the SG applicator to perform not be necessary. Since new silicone sealant
these tests as prescribed in this manual. These fully adheres to cured silicone sealant, no
procedures are described in greater detail later in priming is required for silicone sealant to
the next section. adhere to silicone sealant. If the existing
silicone is solvent cleaned, allow the absorbed
Reglazing Procedures solvent to evaporate before application of the
Glass breakage occurs during all phases of a new sealant.
construction project and even long after the building
is completed. How a system will be reglazed is 5. If the existing sealant is completely removed
an important design consideration. The specific down to the frame, solvent cleaning of the
procedures will vary from project to project. frame will be required. Primer may also
Following are general guidelines for reglazing. be required. Please refer to the original
Dow Corning approvals for the project.
Reglazing Due to Glass Breakage
The following procedure assumes that a 6. Clean and prepare the glass or panel before
Dow Corning Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant setting on the frame. Replace the spacer if
was originally used on the project and that the necessary and set the glass. Install temporary
original recommendations are available to the fasteners to allow the glass to remain
contractor performing the repairs. If this information attached as the sealant cures. Mask the joint
is not available, please contact your Dow Corning if necessary.
Construction Office.
7. Fill the SG joint with a fresh bead of sealant.
1. First determine that the existing sealant is Tool the joint and remove the masking if
well adhered. A peel adhesion test must be used. Please refer to the sealant application
performed to confirm that the existing sealant procedures described earlier in this section.
has excellent adhesion (100% cohesive failure) Inspect the joints to ensure that they are
to the frame. If excellent adhesion is not completely filled and properly tooled.
achieved, please contact your Dow Corning
Construction Office. 8. After the sealant has fully cured, the temporary
clips may be removed. One-component
2. Remove all existing damaged glass. Depending sealant cure may take 1 to 4 weeks or longer
on the design, the glass may be removed using depending on the joint geometry, temperature
a cutting blade or piano wire. and humidity.
3. Cut away the silicone leaving a thin film 9. Quality control guidelines described later in
(1 to 2 mm) of sealant on the frame. Complete this manual must be completely followed.
removal of the sealant is not necessary. If
complete removal of the sealant is preferred,
care must be taken to avoid damage to the finish
of the substrate during removal of the sealant.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Some SG systems do not allow easy reglazing of Reglazing Due to System Failure
the damaged glass. These systems are designed Although complete system failure of a structural
to have the entire curtainwall unit, including glazed system is very rare, there are situations,
the frame, removed and replaced together. In particularly with older SG technology or linked
such instances, follow the sealant application to quality problems not associated with the
guidelines for new factory glazing which is structural silicone, where an entire SG façade
described earlier in this section. must be replaced. Because these projects can
be very complex, please contact your
In some instances, the structural joint cannot Dow Corning Technical Service Engineer during
be accessed once the glass has been set. With the investigation and planning phase of the
systems such as this where the frame cannot be remediation.
removed and the glass must be set in the field,
it is acceptable to use the following reglazing
procedure. Please consult with your
Dow Corning Technical Service Engineer prior
to using this reglazing procedure.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Frequency of Test
Sealant Production
QC Test After Each Pump After Each Diagnostic
Start-Up Container Change Investigation
Glass Test Required1 Required1 Required
Either the glass test or butterfly test must be performed at the scheduled frequency. It is not required that both
tests be performed.
Although Dow Corning 993 Silicone Glazing test will be more difficult. Please contact your
Sealant - Black is most commonly used, the Dow Corning Technical Service Engineer for
sealant is also available in white, grey or custom specific quality control recommendations for
colors for special projects. In such cases, grey or white Dow Corning 993.
performing tests such as the glass test and butterfly
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Glass Test
The Glass Test is a procedure used to evaluate
the mix of Dow Corning 993 Silicone Structural
Glazing Sealant. This test is performed each time
a pump starts-up and after either the curing agent
or base containers are changed. The purpose
of this test is to determine whether the two-
component dispensing equipment is adequately
mixing the sealant base and curing agent.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Butterfly Test
The Butterfly Test is a procedure that is similar
to the Glass Test. This test is performed at each
pump start-up and after either the curing agent or
base containers are changed. The purpose of this
test is to determine whether the two-component
dispensing equipment is adequately mixing
the sealant base and curing agent. For standard Apply Sealant to
Dow Corning 993 Black, the sealant base is white Folded Paper
and the curing agent is black. When properly
mixed, the finished sealant is uniform black, with
no grey or white streaks. Improper mix can be
the result of a damaged check valve, a clogged
hose, a clogged mixer, etc. Regular equipment
maintenance will help to ensure proper sealant
mixing. Please consult with your dispensing
equipment manufacturer for maintenance
Press Together
If grey, white or custom colored Dow Corning 993
Silicone Structural Glazing Sealant is being used,
please contact your Dow Corning Technical
Service Engineer for recommendations.
Proper Mixing
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Snap Time Test Every few minutes, pull the stick out of the
Once proper mixing of the sealant is established sealant. Do not stir or agitate the sealant. As
by the Glass Test and/or Butterfly Test, a Snap the sealant becomes more cured, the sealant will
Time Test must be performed. This test is become stringy. Once the sealant tears cohesively
performed each time a pump starts-up and after and snaps back once it is pulled, this is the “snap
either the curing agent or base containers are time”. Record this time.
changed. The snap time test helps to determine
if the mix ratio is correct and whether the sealant The Snap Time Test will vary depending on
is curing properly. Mixed sealant will handle temperature and humidity. Higher temperatures
like a one-component sealant until the chemical and higher humidity will cause the sealant to
reaction between the base materials and curing snap faster. Colder temperatures and lower
agent begins to take place. The sealant will in a humidity conditions will slow the snap time. On
matter of minutes begin to “snap” and begin to the following page is a figure which shows the
show elastomeric or rubber properties. effect of temperature on snap time. Snap time
will also vary from tester to tester depending on
Following is a procedure for the Snap Time Test: how the results are interpreted. Also, there will
be variation from lot to lot of material and as the
1. Fill a small container with mixed sealant ages. Highly unusual snap time values
Dow Corning 993 Silicone Structural Glazing could be an indication of a problem with the
Sealant. pump. The most important determination from
snap time is that the sealant does cure. If the
2. Place a small stick or spatula into the sealant. sealant does not cure, then further investigation
Record the time. is required.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
The Mixing Ratio Test is not a test that is required 3. Weigh the two cups, minus the weight of the
by Dow Corning as a daily test. This test is useful cup itself. The weight ratio between the two-
to determine whether the sealant is mixing at the components should be between 9 to 1 and 11
recommended ratio of 10 to 1 by weight. Most to 1.
two-component silicone dispensing machines
provide a set of valves which allow the mixing It has been the experience of Dow Corning that
ratio to be checked. Following is a procedure to this test is not reliable as a daily quality control
perform the Mixing Ratio Test: test. It is a useful test if there are concerns with
the mix of the sealant or the snap time. This test
1. Pressure valves must be adjusted in such a method is a very good diagnostic test and along
way that the pressure is equalized for both with the glass test or butterfly test and the snap
components. test, should be useful in the investigation of
equipment problems. Dow Corning Technical
2. Hold a disposable cup underneath each valve Service Engineers are available to assist you
outlet on the pump. Open the valve for 10 if there is concern with mixing or cure of
seconds or at least 3 strokes of both the base Dow Corning 993 Silicone Structural Glazing
and curing agent pumps. Sealant.
Typical Snap Time vs. Temperature for Dow Corning® 993 Structural Glazing Sealant
Snap Time vs. Temperature for Dow Corning 993 Structural Glazing Sealant
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Adhesion and Cure Quality Control Tests immersion. H-piece testing is recommended as
The following adhesion and cure quality control a test to verify proper cured sealant properties.
tests individually and together are the best means Deglazing is a procedure to verify proper sealant
to determine whether you will have a successful adhesion, cure and quality in actual production
structural glazing project. Each test is valuable units.
in its own way and must be considered as part
of your comprehensive quality control program. Dow Corning requires the adhesion and cure
Dry Peel adhesion testing is recommended as the quality control tests be performed by the sealant
daily test to verify sealant adhesion. For anodized user at the frequency recommended in the
aluminium substrate, the initial adhesion peel following chart:
must be reproduced after 15 minutes water
Frequency of Test
Sealant Adhesion
and Cure QC Test After Each Pump After Each After Each Substrate
Start-Up Container Change Change
Deglaze testing is a valuable test that should be included in every comprehensive quality control program.
Deglaze testing may be required for specific projects or if special warranties are requested.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Peel Adhesion Tests 5. After sealant cure, grasp the 4 cm tab of sealant
Peel adhesion test is the most effective daily test which overlays the polyethylene sheet. Pull
to verify sealant adhesion to a substrate. This the sealant at a 180° angle. Peel back only 1
simple screening test should be used as the daily to 2 cm of sealant leaving the remainder in
test to verify adhesion of sealant to a substrate. place for additional testing.
This test should be performed on all substrates to 6. If the sealant tears within itself and remains
which the sealant is expected to have adhesion at fully bonded to the substrate, this is called
the following intervals: “cohesive failure”. 100% cohesive failure is
desirable since this indicates that the strength
• After each pump start-up or after extended of adhesion is greater than the strength of
breaks cohesion.
• After a change of the curing agent or base 7. If the sealant releases from the substrate, the
container sample indicates 100% adhesive failure (or
• For each new lot of substrate 0% cohesive failure).Since sealant adhesion
develops over time, repeat the test after an
Following is a description of the peel adhesion additional 24 hours of cure. Continue until
test: 100% cohesive failure is achieved. If adhesion
does not develop as expected, contact your
1. Clean and prime the substrate as recommended local Dow Corning Construction Office
by Dow Corning.
2. Place a piece of polyethylene sheet or bond For anodized aluminium and when 100%
breaker tape across the flat surface. cohesive failure is recorded in dry conditions,
3. Apply a bead of sealant and tool it to form a place the initial peel test under water immersion
strip approximately 20 cm long, 1.5 cm wide for 15 minutes at room temperature. Take out
and 6 mm thick. At least 4 cm of the sealant the sealant from the water and start again peel
should be applied over the polyethylene sheet testing procedure. 100% cohesive failure in
or bond breaker tape. wet conditions is required. If adhesion does not
4. It is best to imbed a wire mesh halfway within develop as expected, contact your local Dow
the body of the sealant. For best results, solvent Corning Construction Office.
clean and prime the screen to ensure good
adhesion to the wire mesh. If wire mesh is not
available, reliable results can still be achieved.
Peel Adhesion Test: Cohesive Failure Peel Adhesion Test: Adhesive Failure
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
The H-piece test can be used as a daily adhesion
quality control test but because the peel test is Glass
less complicated to perform, the peel test is the or
recommended daily adhesion quality control 12 mm Metal
Every time a container is changed, four H-piece 50 mm
test samples should be produced. Samples should
be made using actual production substrates
(aluminium profile and glass, typically). The
substrates should be cleaned and primed in the
same manner as production units are prepared.
The test samples should be stored in the same
50 mm
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
combination of curing agent and base used in at rupture should be a minimum of 0.70 MPa.
production. Test samples should be stored in the This value corresponds to strength of 12 *
same conditions as the actual production units. 50 * 0.7 = 420 N applied to the test piece.
One sample should be tested at the same time that This strength corresponds to a load of 42 kg. If the
production units are to be shipped to the jobsite. Roman Scale is designed to have a b/a ratio of 10, a
Separately, peel adhesion testing should verify weight of 4.2 kg should be applied to the plate (W).
full adhesion (100% cohesive failure) at the same
time. The load should be applied for a maximum
of 10 seconds with no adhesive or
H-piece samples can be tested with either a cohesive failure of the H-piece. If no
tensiometer or through the use of a “Roman rupture occurs, incrementally add 0.5 kg to the
Scale”. A Roman Scale as represented below will scale until the H-piece ruptures. Record the load
allow the silicone user to test sealant cure and at rupture and percent cohesive failure observed
adhesion with a low cost piece of equipment. on the test sample.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Deglaze Test
Deglazing is a method of quality inspection used Dow Corning does not require this test method as a
to confirm sealant adhesion, joint fill and quality standard quality control procedure. Nevertheless
in actual SG production units. Deglazing includes it is a good practice that should be incorporated
complete detachment of a structurally glazed in a comprehensive quality control program.
panel from a frame. Once the glass or panel is For special warranties and certain projects,
removed, the silicone sealant is inspected for Dow Corning may require this procedure in the
cure, mix, uniformity of fill, lack of bubbles or quality control program.
air entrapment and most importantly, to verify
sealant adhesion. Deglazing is very useful to Deglazing should be performed as a regular
production personnel as a form of feedback on quality control procedure in a production
their performance. Production personnel should operation. This test can be performed randomly
be present during the inspection. on any production sample. Additionally, this test
should always be performed on units where the
Included in the Documentation section of this glass is damaged or for some other reason needs to
manual is a deglaze inspection form. During be replaced. When replacing the glass, a deglaze
inspection, the following elements should be inspection can easily be performed. Glass can be
evaluated: effectively removed using a knife or piano wire.
It is best to cut the sealant mid-way in the joint so
• Measured dimension of the structural bite. that enough sealant is left on the frame and panel
The minimum structural bite as determined to allow an adhesion test to be performed. A peel
in the project review must be satisfied. An adhesion test, as described earlier in this manual,
underfilled joint may affect the performance can be performed on the remaining sealant.
of the SG system.
Following is a recommended frequency for
• Measured dimension of the glueline deglaze testing to be performed on a project:
1. First Deglaze – 1 unit out of first 10 units
• Adhesion of the structural sealant to the manufactured (1/10)
substrate and panel. Sealant must achieve
full adhesion (100% cohesive failure) to all 2. Second Deglaze – 1 unit out of next 40 units
substrates. manufactured (2/50)
• Sealant uniformity of cure and sealant mix. 3. Third Deglaze – 1 unit out of next 50 units
manufactured (3/100)
• Lack of air entrapment and bubbles in the
sealant. 4. Through remainder of project, 1 unit of every
100 units manufactured
Any deficiencies observed should be reported in
the SG Quality Control Log. For further assistance, please contact your
Dow Corning Technical Service Engineer.
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
The sealant user is responsible for developing • Completed sealant production quality control
proper quality control documentation for their logs with glass test, butterfly test, snap time
project. Dow Corning provides in the following test and mix ratio test results
pages, sample quality control logs that can be
used on their own or as a model for a customized • Completed sealant adhesion and cure quality
quality control manual. At completion of a project, control logs with peel adhesion test dry and
the quality control logs must be provided to wet conditions, H-piece test and deglaze test
Dow Corning if a warranty is requested. results
Dow Corning recommends that project
documentation be retained for at least the length • Traceability documentation which allows each
of the warranty. These documents should be production unit to be precisely correlated to a
available to Dow Corning or local officials if specific date, time and location of production.
requested. All production units must be numbered so that
they can be specifically linked to the quality
A comprehensive quality control manual for an control logs. The position of each panel on the
SG project should include the following: building should be marked on the elevation
drawing so that it can be easily identified if
• SG details that were reviewed and approved required. This traceability documentation is
by Dow Corning critical in the event that a problem needs to
be investigated on a project.
• Dow Corning Project Checklist approval
letter(s) Dow Corning will assist you in the development
of a comprehensive quality control program.
• Project substrate and materials descriptions During a Production and Quality Control Audit,
and specifications your comprehensive quality control program will
be evaluated.
• Dow Corning adhesion and compatibility
approval letter(s)
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
• 3rd Inspection – 5 years after installation Please contact your Dow Corning Technical
followed by subsequent 5 year inspections Service Engineer if further assistance is
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Phone: Fax:
Architect: Consultant:
Profiles Exposed to
Max. Profile Temp. (°C)
Outside Temp. (Y/N)
Aluminium or
Max. Glas Temp. (°C)
Steel Profile?
Temperature During
Production (°C)
Proposed Structural Bite Proposed Glueline
Dimension (mm) Thickness (mm)
Profiles Tested/Approved
Document ID Number:
by DC? (Y/N)
SG details Have Been Sent or Name/number if a
Will Be Sent to DC (Y/N) Standard SG System
Additional Comments:
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Cleaning Solvent(s)
Profile Description
Profile Description
Profile Description
Glass Description
Glass Description
Other Substrate
Other Substrate
Accessory Material
Accessory Material
Samples should be
Dow Corning S. A. • Parc Inustriel Zone C • B-7180 Seneffe
sent to the following
Attention: Sealants Testing Lab •
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Snap Mix
Temp. & C/A Lot Base Lot Glass
Date Time Time Ratio Tester
Humidity Number Number Test
Test Test
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Sealant Cure Quality Control Log (H-Piece Test & Elastomeric Test)
H-Piece H-Piece
Temp. & C/A Lot Base Lot Test Dry Test Wet
Date Time meric Tester
Humidity Number Number MPa %CF MPa %CF Test
Silicone Structural Glazing Manual
Product Quality
Sealant Mix:
Other Observations:
Your Dow Corning Construction contact details:
Toll Free Numbers: All other countries:
From Belgium 0800 80 522 For English +32 64 51 11 59
From France 0805 54 04 39 For French +32 64 51 11 59
From Germany 0800 52 50 258 For German +49 611 237503
From Italy 800 92 83 30 For Italian +32 64 51 11 73
From Spain 900 813161 For Spanish +32 64 51 11 66
From United Kingdom 0800 91 72 071 For Russian +7 495 725 43 19