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Assessment of Learning 2 Module

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Dr. Nelia R. Pacaña, LPT

Dr. Celedonia C. Coquilla, LPT
Cristian Camanan
Pedro Raymunde Jr.
Joey C, Oliveros
Maria Kristine Joy Anter
Mervin Osic
Eddelyn Gupeteo


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Cover page 1
Table of Contents 2
Course Overview 3
Course Map 4
Module 1 Introduction to Principles of High Quality
And Authentic Assessment
Overview 5
The Lessons 5
Module 2 Process Oriented Performanced-Based Assessment
Overview 26
The Lessons 26
Module 3 Product Oriented Performanced-Based Assessment
Overview 40
The Lessons 41
Module 4 Assessment in the Affective Domain
Overview 51
The Lessons 52
Module 5 Portfolio Assessment
Overview 71
The Lessons 72
Module 6 Educational Evaluation
Overview 89
The Lessons 89
Module 7 Grading and Reporting
Overview 113
The Lessons 113


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
COURSE TITLE : Assessment of Student Learning 2
UNITS :3 Units
TIME FRAME : 54 Hours
This course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of alternative forms of
assessment in measuring authentic learning. It emphasizes on how to assess process and
product - oriented learning outcomes as well as affective learning, Students will experience
how to develop rubrics and other assessment tools for performance - based and product -
based assessment.
At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Apply the principles of assessment in conceptualizing techniques
for assessing authentic learning
2. Design performance - based assessment tools
3. Design assessment tools for affective learning
4. Develop portfolio to assess one’s learning
5. Demonstrate skills in preparing and reporting grades
6. Derive information from alternative forms of assessment
in making instructional decisions

Module Writers:
Team Leader : Dr. Nelia R. Pacaña - Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Members : Dr. Celedonia C. Coquilla - Kolehiyo Ng Pantukan
Cristian Camanan -Cor Jesu College
Pedro Raymunde Jr. - Compostela Valley State College
Joey C, Oliveros - University of Mindanao
Maria Kristine Joy Anter - UM Digos College
Mervin Osic - UM Tagum College
Eddelyn Gupeteo - Ateneo de Davao University


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
MODULE Introduction to Principles of High Quality

1 Assessment and Authentic Assessment

This part of the module will orient the students about their learning outcomes and its
sources, characteristics of good learning outcomes, the different levels of cognitive
domains introduced by Bloom, classification of learning outcomes, and the authentic
In this module, students are expected to:
 give meaning using their own understanding about Student Learning Outcomes
 identify the sources of expected student learning outcomes.
 explain the characteristics of good learning outcomes
 distinguish from each other the different levels of cognitive domains introduced by
 give reason/s why the three classification of learning outcomes must be given
emphasis in learning assessment course
 write samples student learning outcomes in the cognitive, psychomotor, and
affective domains
 give the meaning and discuss the characteristics, of authentic assessment
 demonstrate understanding of authentic assessment by adapting authentic
assessment tools

Lesson 1 Student Learning Outcomes

 Give meaning using their own understanding about Student

Learning Learning Outcomes

Outcomes  Identify the sources of expected student learning outcomes.
 Explain the characteristics of good learning outcomes

Welcome students! This is the first lesson for this module. In this lesson,
we have to remind that in every course/ subject or learning activity there
Introduction must be a definite guide about what behaviors are expected to be
achieved by every students during the learning activity and are therefore
supposed to attain success. Thus, all assessment and evaluation activities

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
should start with the identification and clarification of the student
learning outcome (SLO).
Write 2 examples of student learning outcomes derived from each of the
following sources:
1. Your subject or field of specialization (ask from your major
subject teacher).
2. Five (5) General education basic competencies (accessible from
the internet—CMO-No.20-2013.pdf)
3. Your school’s mission
(Activity) 4. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS)

 Present your answers in tabular form.

 Identify other sources of student learning outcomes and its role

towards students’ expectation after they graduate.
 Do research about the characteristics of good learning outcomes
and fill in the table “Chunking the Data”.

Important Term Important Concepts/ Ideas


Important Generalization Insights Learned

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Student learning outcomes are statements of the knowledge, skills and
abilities individual students should possess and can demonstrate upon
completion of a learning experience or sequence of learning experiences.
For example, for BS-Math program, the Commission on Higher
Education provided eight (8) learning outcomes which is expected from
the BS-Math graduates (e.g. develop an enhanced perception of the
vitality and importance of mathematics in the modern world including
inter-relationships and demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving by
solving and creating routine and non-routine problems with different
levels of within math and its connection to other discipline.)

The attainment of these learning outcomes should be periodically

assessed by both teacher and students. This could help the students
determine their strength and deficiencies and become active participants
in outcomes attainment.

Sources of Expected Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

According to Navarro and Santos (2013) as cited from Cartwright,

Weiner & Veneruso (2009), the sources of expected student learning
outcomes are the following:

1. The institution mission statement is a relevant source of student

learning expectation. Public schools and private schools either
sectarian or non-sectarian have their own mission that serves as
their source of learning following their own philosophy.

2. Policies on competencies and standards issued by government

education agencies such as DepEd, TESDA, CHED are
prescribed sources of student learning outcomes.

3. Expected competencies identified by the different professions,

business and industry should be adopted to ensure that graduates
are able to perform as expected in their respective work places
and or professions.

4. The thrusts and development goals of the national government

are useful integration in the identified competencies and
expectations from all sectors of education.

5. International trends and development should also be considered

in identifying and determining student learning outcomes to
ensure the graduates competitiveness in the employment and
professional practice abroad.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
6. It will be enriching if the identified competencies and
expectations of students integrate the basic general education
competencies such as the following competencies by the
Montgomery College:

(a) Oral and written communication which includes the ability to

use oral and written language of communication supported by
appropriate technology and enhanced with effective style of
(b) Scientific and quantitative reasoning ability which includes
competency in the use of quantitative data, mathematical
procedure and scientific methods of inquiry in decision-
(c) Ability to analyze, synthesize and develop creative solutions
which are the components of higher order thinking skills
(HOTS) or competencies.
(d) Technological competency which involves the ability to use
computer technology in documentation and presentations
appropriate in different academic and professional settings.
(e) Information literacy involves the ability to efficiency locate
and effectively use information from both print and electronic

Characteristics of Good Learning Outcome

1. Good student learning outcomes (SLO) are centered on the

students, on what the learners are capable of doing, instead of the
teaching technique. The teaching strategy will only be guided by
the desired competencies of the students. For instance, if the SLO
is: “the students can explain and illustrate the patterns or
geometrical figures found in Tinalak (T’boli’s tribal dress)” to
guide the students towards the desired competency the teacher
may use any or all of the following instructional techniques and

(a) Video presentation of the process of making Tinalak.

(b) Exhibit/gallery walk of the different patterns and geometrical
figures of T’boli.
(c) Field trip to a community in T’boli.
(d) Submission of an short literature on the history of Tinalak.

2. Good learning outcomes are based on the program mission

statement agreed upon by the program faculty in consultation
with other stakeholders like alumni and other professionals. It is
important that the student learning outcome are based on the
issuances from government regulatory agencies like CHED’s

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Policies, Standards and Guidelines on teacher education and
DepEd’s K to 12 Law Enhanced Basic Education in the

3. Good student learning outcomes are very well understood by

both students and faculty. They should be in agreement on the
importance of these competencies which they will cooperatively
develop. Here are suggest steps that teacher and students can
together take in their cooperative monitoring of the progress
towards the desired learning outcomes or skills and

H ooking the students to the desired learning outcome

E xploring the experiencing the supporting student activities
A pplying the ideas/knowledge required in contrived, simulated
or real-life situations
R efining, rehearsing, reviewing the target skills/competencies
E valuating the degree of learning outcome performance
D eciding on the action, solution or creative project to apply the
learning outcome.

4. Good learning outcomes include a spectrum of thinking skills

from simple to the higher order of application of knowledge and

5. Good learning outcomes are measurable. Students competencies

should be expressed as transitive verbs and/or action words
which are demonstrable and observable at various levels.

For K to 12 Grades 3-10 Reading, Mathematics, Language, Science.

Numerical Rating Proficiency Level

1 Below basic level
2 Basic level
3 Proficient level
4 Advanced level

The following are educational objectives for BSEd-Math. For every

educational objective, formulate two learning outcomes.

Educational Learning Outcome

1. Exhibit 1.1 The students can _______________________
(Application) competence in ________________________________________
mathematical 1.2 The students can

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
concepts and __________________________
procedures. ________________________________________
2. Exhibit 1.1 The students can ______________________
proficiency in _______________________________________.
mathematics to 1.2 The students can ______________________
other circular ______________________________________.

Congratulations, you have just finished lesson of this module.

Perhaps, if you are in the real world of teaching, you have now the idea
how to make student learning outcome that is align to the program
objective given by respective regulatory agencies.
The next lesson would be about Three Types of Learning. You are
expected to have some research works about this topic and prepare for
(Closure) individual presentation. Thank you.

Lesson 2 Three Types of Learning

Learning  Distinguish from each other the different levels of cognitive

domains introduced by Bloom
 Give reason/s why the three classification of learning
outcomes must be given emphasis in learning assessment
 Write three (3) samples student learning outcomes in the
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains

Introduction Welcome back! You are now in your second module. In this lesson,
it is emphasized that learning can be achieved in different forms. In
order to cater the different forms of learning, Benjamin Bloom and a
committee of colleague in 1956 identified three domains of
educational activities namely: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
This three terms found to be generic or too technical for practicing
teacher and so the domains were translated to simpler terms
commonly used by teacher: knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA).

Let’s get Started! Bloom together with his colleague, emphasized the three educational
objectives or domains in order to cater the different types of

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
learning. These are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

Cognitive—referring to mental skills

Affective—referring to growth in feeling or emotion, and
Psychomotor—referring to manual or physical activities.

Considering the activity in your first module, (Write 2 examples of
student learning outcomes derived from each of the following
sources), try to distinguish what domain is being highlighted from
the given student learning outcomes. Fill in the template (table) that
is presented below.

Student learning outcome domain

DepEd 1.
Gen. Ed 1.
competencies 2.

 What kind of words that are being used at the beginning of

the student learning outcome?
 Are there no restrictions upon using that word?
 Is there a need to arrange the said learning outcomes in
(Analysis) hierarchical order? Why do you think so?
Believing that there were more than one (1) type of learning,
educational objectives have been identified and emphasized. The
domains introduced by Bloom together with his colleague are being
organized into categories or levels and arranged in hierarchical order
from the simplest behavior to most complex behavior. In order to
ensure that the learning outcomes are specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and time-based, the outcomes were stated as
concrete and active verbs. In mid-nineties, a former student of
Bloom, Lorin Anderson, reviewed the cognitive domain objectives,
and effected some changes. The most prominent of these are (a)
changing the names in the six subdivisions from noun to verb and (b)
slightly re- arranging the order.
 Domain 1: Cognitive (Knowledge)
(Abstraction)  Domain 2: Psychomotor (Skills)
 Domain 3: Affective (Attitude)
(Please see attached table)

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Direction: Using the indicated topic or subject matter, write learning
outcomes for each of the three domains arranged from the simplest
to the most complex level or category.

1. Cognitive: Topic—Water Cycle

1.1 Remembering
1.2 Understanding
1.3 Applying
(Application) 1.4 Analyzing
1.5 Evaluating
1.6 Creating
2. Psychomotor: Topic—Table Setting
2.1 observing
2.2 imitating
2.3 practicing
2.4 adapting
3. affective: Topic—Developing and Nurturing Honesty
3.1 receiving
3.2 responding
3.3 Valuing
3.4 Organizing
3.5 Internalizing
Congratulations, you have just finished another lesson. Perhaps, you
have now an idea how to cater the different types of learning through
the help of instructional objectives from the three different domains.
The next lesson would be about Authentic Assessment. You
are expected to have some research works about this topic and
prepare for individual presentation. Thank you.


Lesson 3 Authentic Assessment:

Meaning, Characteristics and Practices
Outcomes Give the meaning and discuss the characteristics, of authentic

Introduction You are now in the third lesson of Module 1 in the Assessment of
Learning 2 course. You will study about authentic assessment and its
characteristics. In addition, you will identify the phases that an authentic
assessment goes through. And lastly, you will compare authentic
assessment form the traditional one.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
 Give five different forms of assessment made by your teacher just
to test how well you have understood the lesson.
 Make a short description on how the given assessment were
performed or done. Fill in the table below

Form of Assessment


 Among the assessments that you have written and described,

which do you think is/are the most important?
 If you are trying to make an assessment to your students, what do
you prefer? Why?
 If you are going to classify these assessments, what kind of
assessment you are referring to?
 Can you give at least two salient points why should this
(Analysis) assessment be used?

“In recent years, higher education institution in the Philippines have

Abstraction joined in the internal focus on the need to include in the teaching-
learning process the assessment and documentation of the student
{INCLUDEPICTU learning outcomes. This focus is in the recognition of the importance of
RE \d information on learning in the improvement of the educational
"https://encr experiences that colleges and universities offer” (Navarro & Santos,
2013, p. 16). That is why, authentic assessment has been pushed through.
tbn0.gstatic. Authentic assessments attempt to demonstrate what a student actually
com/images?q= learns in class rather than the student’s ability to do well on traditional
tbn:ANd9GcQ- tests and quizzes. Many have claimed this type of assessment an
tq7MiMsN05wwd excellent means of evaluating a student’s knowledge of subject matter.
qVf90uQA&usqp Characteristics of Authentic Assessment
=CAU" \* 1. Authentic Assessment starts with clear definite criteria of
performance made known to the students.
2. Authentic Assessment is a criterion- referenced rather than norm-
ET } referenced and so it identifies strengths and weaknesses, but does
not compare students nor rank their levels of performance.
3. Authentic Assessment requires students to make their own
answer to questions rather than select from given options as in
multiple choice items, and requires them to use a range of higher
order thinking skills (HOTS).
4. Authentic Assessment often emphasizes performance and

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
therefore students are required to demonstrate their knowledge,
skills or competencies in appropriate situations. Authentic
assessment does not rely on ability to recall facts or memorize
details, instead students are asked to demonstrate skills and
concepts they have learned
5. Authentic Assessment encourages both teacher and students to
determine their rate of progress in cooperatively attaining the
desired student learning outcomes.
6. Authentic Assessment does not encourage rote learning and
passive taking of test; instead, students are required to
demonstrate analytical skills, ability to integrate what they learn,
creativity, and ability to work in group, skills in oral and written
communications. In brief, authentic assessment values not only
the finished products which are the learning outcomes, but also
the process of learning.
7. Authentic Assessment changes the role of students as passive test
takers into become active and involve participants in assessment
activities that emphasize what they are capable of doing instead
test to measure students’ skills or retained facts has come under
scrutiny because of the limitation encountered in determining the
students’ capability to utilized their knowledge and skills in work
and professional practice.

Phases of Authentic Assessment

1. Identifying the most important knowledge and skills that students
should be able to demonstrate as a result of their learning
2. Determining the criteria and standards of outcomes performance
and the acceptable evidence that may be presented as proof of
outcomes’ attainment.
3. Implementation of the supporting activities that will facilitate the
attainment of the desired student learning outcomes.
4. Measuring the extent at which the student is attaining the desired
learning outcomes.
5. Interpreting the assessment results and evaluating whether they
indicate attainment of the desired outcomes and utilizing them for
continuous improvement

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Basic Difference Between Traditional Assessment and Authentic

Attributes Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

1. Action/
options Selecting a response Performing a task

2. Setting Contrived/ imagined Simulation/ Real-Life

3. Method Recall/ recognition Construction/ applications

4. Focus Teacher –structured Student- structured

5. Outcome Indirect evidence Direct evidence

Teachers do not have to select which assessment should be used. Take
note that the mastery of skills and knowledge that can be found in
traditional assessment is very important because this will be serve as a
foundation that will be used later in demonstrating and performing the
tasks that students are expected to perform in the real world. In other
words, authentic assessment compliments traditional assessment.

Direction: Determine whether each of the following assessment

activities/strategies is traditional or authentic:

1. Drawing the parts of the microscope

(Application) 2. Writing the multiplication tables 8, 9, 10

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
3. Submitting report on observations about butterflies in a field trip
4. Interviewing the barangay chairman about the problems of the
community and reporting on the findings
5. Providing answers to a enumeration assignment
Congratulations, you have just finished another lesson. Perhaps, you
have now the idea about the salient features why authentic assessment be
used in assessing students’ learning.

The next lesson would be about Tools used in Authentic Assessment.

You are expected to have some research works about this topic and
(Closure) prepare for possible questions next meeting. Thank you.

Lesson 4 Authentic Assessment Tools

Outcomes Demonstrate understanding of authentic assessment by adapting authentic
assessment tools
You are now in the last lesson of Module 1. You will study and apply the
different tools in an authentic assessment. You will be given examples of
tools that makes use of three modes of assessment namely: observations,
performance samples, and actual performance.
Situation: Assuming that your research students are proposing their study
and you are one of the research panels.

What to do:
 Make you own checklist about the researcher’s presentation
(Activity) highlighting certain attributes which you think important (e.g.
clarity of presentation) and with a rating from 1-5. Follow the
template presented below.
 Afterwhich, make at least 7 guide questions for your research
proposal interview.

Attributes Rating

5 4 3 2 1



Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {


 How do you find the activity?
 Do you find difficulty in making your own checklist?
 Is there a need to make a checklist every time you grade your
(Analysis) students’ output? Why?
If we want students to develop such competencies as examining,
understanding, creating, and evaluating information, we must be able to
assess the aforementioned skills in appropriate settings and context.
Authentic assessment makes use of three modes of assessment:

 Observations which include date and information that the teacher

collects from daily work with students.
(Abstraction)  Performance samples which are tangible results that demonstrate
student achievement.
 Tests and measures of student’s actual performance at a specific
place and time.

I. Observations-Based Assessment Tools

To make observation-based assessment efficient and impartial, Diane

Hart (1994) suggested the following guidelines:

1. Observe not only one but all the students.

2. Observation must be as frequent and as regular as possible.
3. Observations must be recorder in writing.
4. Observations should cover both routine and exceptional
5. Reliability of observation records is enhanced if multiple
observations are gathered and synthesized.

Developmental checklist is an observation tool which requires the

teacher recorder to describe the traits or learning behaviors being
assessed. When used regularly during the school year, developmental
checklists give a moving picture of the student’s progress towards the
desired competencies.

Example of individual developmental checklist

Name: Year and Section:

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Speaks with Speaks in Speaks Volunteers to

hesitation complete extemporaneously participate in
sentence speaking
Date: _______ Date : ______ Date: ________ Date: ______


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Writes with Write with Writes with Submit essays

difficulty some correct grammar and reports
improvement and syntax

Date: ______
Date: _____ Date: ______ Date: _______

Example of Group Developmental Record Sheet

For student teachers with major in Mathematics

Prepares Writes Motivates Students

Name lesson plan outcome class and actively
before based sustains participate
teaching objectives interests in class

Bernal, J.

Cruz, R.

Davila, S.

Fernan, G.

Juan, W.

Example of Observation Checklist

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
The Interview sheet is another observation tool which is also called the
conference recording form. Interview sheets consist of a list of questions
the teacher intends to ask and space for recording student’s answers.

Personality Development Interview Sheet

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
II. Performance Sample Assessment Tools

Portfolio is a systematic collection of learner work (such as written

assignments, drafts, artwork, and presentations) that represents
competencies, exemplary work, or the learner's developmental progress.
It can be as simple as folder of these pieces of evidence, as fancy as a
neat scrapbook containing evidence of a student’s accomplishments,
written works and pictures of the student’s activities and

The portfolio serves the following purposes:

(a) The teacher can assess the growth and development of the
students at various levels.
(b) Parents are informed of the progress of their children in school.
(c) Instructional supervisors are able to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of the academic program.

What can be included on a portfolio?

Essays Video tapes

Audio tapes Art work

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Conference note Group reports

Pictures Compact disk

Graphs/chart Field reports

III.Performance Assessment Tools

Student achievements at specific place and time are actual student

performance that deserve to be assessed. One of the most frequently used
measurements instruments is the checklist. A performance checklist
consists of a list of behaviors that make up a certain type of performance
(e.g. using a microscope, preparing a letter, solving mathematics
performance, etc.)

Performance Checklist in Solving a Mathematical Problem

____1. Identifies the given information

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
____2. Identifies what is being asked
____3. Uses variables to replace the unknown
____4. Formulates the equations
____5. Performs algebraic operations
____6. Obtains an answer
____7. Verifies if the answer is correct
Direction: Explain each of the following by representing an example
1. observation-based assessment tools
2. performance sample assessment tools
(Application) 3. actual performance assessment tools
Congratulations! You have completed the entire module 1. Always
remember that in a teaching-learning process, consider first the student’s
learning outcomes. These outcomes must cater all the three domains of
learning. In order to realize the learning objectives, do not forget to
(Closure) conduct assessment for you to monitor student’s learning progress. I think
you are now ready to proceed to other forms of assessment in the next
(Attached table for Lesson 2)

Domain 1: Cognitive (Knowledge)

Category/Levels Outcome verb Learning Outcomes
1.1. Remembering: recall of Define, describe, identify, Identify the parts of speech;
previous learned label, match, list, name outline, define Pythagorean theorem
information recall, recognize, reproduce,
select, state
1.2 understanding: Distinguish, estimate, explain, Distinguish the Five Postulates
comprehending the meaning give example, interpret, of Euclid; explain the circular
translation and interpretation of paraphrase, summarize flow diagram as how dollars
instructions; state a problem in flow through markets among
one’s own word households and firms
1.3 applying: using what was Apply, change, compute, Show that tan4 θ + tan2 θ = sec4
learned in the classroom into construct, demonstrate, θ - sec2 θ; prepare a halal menu
similar new situations discover, modify, prepare, for one week for a family of five
produce, show, solve, use
1.4 Analyzing: separating Analyze, compare, contrast, Compare and contrast the three
materials or concept into diagram, differentiate, versions of Cavite mutiny;
component parts to understand distinguish, illustrate, outline, differentiate the parts of a
the whole select flower (gumamela)
1.5 Evaluating: judging the Compare, conclude, criticize, Justify the famous idea of Rene
value of an idea, object, or critique, defend, evaluate, Descarte’s “tabula rasa”;
material relate, support, justify critique a group’s role play of
1.6 Creating: building a Categorize, combine, compile, Generate a plan on how to
structure or pattern; putting compose, devise, design, plan, eradicate suicidal thoughts;
parts together organize, revise, rearrange, make a five year school
generate, modify operational plan

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
The Categories/Levels of Cognitive Domain Learning Objectives Arranged

*Adapted from Bloom by Lori Anderson (2000)

Domain II: Psychomotor Skills

In the early seventies, E. Simpson, Dave and A.S Harrow recommended categories for the
Psychomotor Domain which included physical coordination, movement and use of the
motor skills body parts. Development of these skills requires constant practice in accuracy
and speed. Simpson contributed 7 categories, Dave 5 categories and Harrow 6 categories.
They have been re-organized and simplified into 4 categories or levels.

Categories/Levels Outcomes Verbs Learning Outcomes

2.1 Observing: active mental Watch, detect, distinguish, Watch the folkdance steps
attention to a physical differentiate, describe, of “Sayaw sa Cuyo.”;
activity relate, select observe and read secondary
2.2 imitating: attempt to Begin, explain, move, Show understanding and
copy a physical behavior display, proceed, react, sequence of steps with
show, state, volunteer assistance; recognize one’s
2.3 practicing: performing a Bend, calibrate, construct, Display mastery on the
specific activity repeatedly differentiate, dismantle, fundamental positions in
display, fasten, fix, grasp, folk dance; manipulate the
grind, handle, measure, mix, different parts of the
operate, manipulate, mend microscope

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
2.4 adapting: fine tuning the Organize, relax, shorten, Create a modern dance
skill and making minor sketch, write, re-arrange, routine; compose a short
adjustments to attain compose, create, design, song blended with a melody
perfection originate

The Categories/Levels of Psychomotor Domain Learning Objectives arranged


*Simpson, Dave and Harrow (1972)

Taxonomy of the Psychomotor Domain, N. Y: David Mc Kayle

Domain III. Affective (Attitude)

The affective domain refers to the way in which we deal with situations emotionally such
as feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, values, and attitude. The taxonomy is
ordered into 5 levels as the person progresses towards internalization in which the attitude
or felling consistently guides or controls a person’s behavior.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Learning Outcomes
Categories/Levels Outcomes Verbs Statements
3.1 receiving: being aware or Select, point to, sit, choose, Name important qualities of an
sensitive to something and being describe, follow, hold, identify, employee; choose a principle
willing to listen or pay attention name, reply that fits your being
3.2 responding: showing Answer, assist, comply, Write a letter of response to all
commitment to respond in some conform, discuss, greet, help, mining industries about its effect
measure to the idea or perform, practice, read, recite, to environment; participate in
phenomenon report, tell, write class discussions and give
3.3 valuing: showing willingness Complete, demonstrate, Follow religiously the
to be perceived as valuing or differentiate, explain, follow, mathematical steps presented to
favoring certain ideas invite, join, justify, propose, you; justify the decision of a
report, share, study, perform mother (leaving her sons to
3.4 organizing: arranging values Arrange, combine, complete, Organize activities that tightens
into priorities, creating a unique adhere, alter, defend, explain, the bond of the family; relate the
value system by comparing, formulate, integrate, organize, values emphasized in the story
relating and synthesizing values relate, synthesize of “The Prince” to your personal
3.5 internalizing: practicing Act, display, influence, listen, Display self-reliance when
value system that controls one’s discriminate, modify, perform, asking; value people for what
behavior that is consisted revise, solve, verify they are and not for how they
pervasive, predictable and look.
characteristics of the person
The Categories/Levels of Psychomotor Domain Learning Objectives
arranged Hierarchicall

*D.R. Krathwohl, B. S Bloom, B. B Masja (1964) Taxonomy of Educational Objetives: Handbook II-
Affective Domain, New York: David Mackay Co.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
MODULE Process Oriented Performance -

2 Based Assessment

Module Overview This module will journey you on how to write a process oriented
learning competencies, design a process oriented performance-
based activity coupled with authentic assessment such as scoring
Module Outcomes 1. Formulate process oriented learning competencies.
2. Describe process oriented performance-based assessment.
3. To design a process oriented learning activities and create
a scoring rubrics to evaluate them.
Lessons in the Lesson 1: Process Oriented Learning Competencies
Lesson 2: Task Designing
Lesson 3: Scoring Rubrics

Lesson 1 Process Oriented Learning Competencies

Learning Outcomes Formulate a process oriented learning competencies

Time Frame 2 sessions

This is the first lesson of Module 2 in the Assessment of Learning
2 course. You will study about process oriented learning
competencies through an activity and you will describe how you
understood it through a reflection. You will also formulate a
process oriented learning competencies from an activity that you
are thinking for your students to do.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Process Oriented Learning Competencies Formulation
1. Browse the K to 12 Curriculum Guide and focus on your
2. Identify what grade level and topic to work on.
3. Think about an activity you want your student to do based
on the topic that you’ve chosen in order to develop a
particular skill on them.
4. Determine the processes that your students will have to go
Activity through in order for them to develop their knowledge, skill
and attitude.
5. Try combining those skills in order for your students to
perform a particular task.
6. Write a draft of it.
7. Continue to enhance the first draft of the competency you
want to target for your students.
Questions to build up the activity
1. What’s the salient point of the K to 12 Curriculum Guide
based on your chosen discipline?
2. What grade level you chose to work on and what topic?
3. Do you have an activity in mind where in your students
will do in order for them to develop a particular skill?
4. What processes will the students have to go through in
Analysis order to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude?
5. Have you thought of a task or performance for the
development of the skills of students?

It is important to assess students’ learning not only through their

outputs or products but also the processes which the students
underwent in order to arrive at these products or outputs.

Learning entails not only what students know but what they can do
with what they know. It involves knowledge, abilities, values,
Abstraction attitudes and habits of mind that affect academic success and
performance beyond the classroom.

Competencies are defined as groups or clusters of skills and

abilities needed for a particular task. The objectives focus on the
behaviors which exemplify “best practice” for the particular task.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Such behavior range from a “beginner” or novice level up to the
level of expert.

Example of a process oriented learning competencies are:

1. Create a brochure in order to spread awareness about
Covid19 virus and its disease.
2. Deliver a persuasive speech before a class.

In creating a brochure the students have to develop skills on

gathering data or researching, manage the data to be included in
the brochure, writing skills, skills in design and lay out. Also, this
is a group work so they will also develop their collaboration skills,
communication skills and technology skills which are the 21st
skills needed by the students in the 21st century education.

In delivering a persuasive speech before a class, students will be

developing skills on using appropriate voice quality, skill in hand
gestures, establishing rapport with the audience, facial expression,
skills in pronunciation and proper diction.
It’s Your Turn Activity
Using the K to 12 Curriculum Guide as your reference, determine
at least two topics in your area of specialization and formulate
process oriented learning competencies of each of the topics.

Write a short reflection about your learning on this module.
The skills that you develop in formulating process oriented
learning competencies will be strengthen as we move on with
learning about task designing. Congratulations for working on it!


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
LESSON 2 Tasks Designing

Learning Outcomes Design a process oriented learning activities.

Time Frame 2 sessions

This is the second lesson of Module 2 in the Assessment of
Learning 2 course. After learning how to formulate process
oriented learning competencies, you will have to go back to
Lesson 1 by reviewing what activity/ies you want your learners
to do in order to develop their knowledge, skills and attitude.
You will then have to design the task.

From Lesson 1, you were able to identify two topics based on

your discipline and have already written learning competencies
for identified topics.

Now, think of an activity that would highlight the competencies

to be evaluated.

Identify an activity that would entail more or less the same sets
of competencies.

Find a task that would be interesting and enjoyable for the

Questions to work on
1. Have you already thought of an activity from the two
identified topics in the K to 12 Curriculum Guide based
on your discipline?
2. Where you able to identify activity? Kindly describe
the activity identified and explain how the students will
Analysis have to go through about the said activity?
3. Have you or your students determine the task to be

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
When designing a task, see to it that what you are trying to
target are the competencies that you set at the beginning of the
lesson through an activity.

Using Taskonomy, you will have to identify what task will be

given to your learners. If it is a group work activity, determine
the tasks and distribute to the members of each group.

For example, if the activity that you want your students to do is
to create a brochure as your learning competency. You need to
identify the researchers of the group who will take charge of the
relevant and correct information to be included in the brochure,
a writer who will be writing articles for the brochure, a lay out
artist for the proper placement of written article, and a designer
for color blending and proper placement of articles and

Each task should be given instruction on what to do and what

output to contribute to the group for the creating of the final
output. This is what we called “Scaffolding”. Learners will be
properly guided if we give them correct Scaffolds that they can
use as guide in the process of creating the output.

Task designing should be connected with your learning

competencies that you want to evaluate and develop for your
learners. This is to see to it that each learner will become an
active member of the group, will develop accountability and
responsibility through the given task. This will also ensure
proper monitoring of progress of the learners.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
It’s your Turn Activity:
Now after your analysis on the topics you’ve chosen and after
formulating learning competencies based on the topics. You
will now decide what activity to give to your learners.

Identify the tasks for each learner if it an individual activity and

Application for each of the members of the group if it is a group work or
collaborative learning.

Make sure that the instruction is clear for every task so each
learner should be guided.

Make scaffolds to guide learners on the right direction as they

create the desired outputs, outcome or performance.
Congratulations for successfully designing a task for your
learners based on your chosen topic. Continue the momentum
until you will be able to complete all the lessons in Module 2.
For take home activity please try to research and read about
authentic assessment using rubrics because that will be the last
lesson for this module.


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
LESSON 3 Scoring Rubrics

Learning Create a scoring rubric to evaluate the process of the activities to

Outcomes target the learning competencies.

Time Frame 2 sessions

Integrating assessment methods throughout the learning cycle
engages students and enhances teaching and learning. In this
module, students will explore ways to make assessment part of the
teaching and learning cycle in your classroom.
World’s Best Chocolate Chips
You will have to work as a group and you will be thinking what
criteria to assess a world’s best chocolate chips. Have three kinds
of chocolate chips that is available in the market. You have to mark
the chocolate chips A, B, & C.
You will using the matrix scaffold below to come up with an
evaluation tool in order to assess the world’s best chocolate chips.
Activity Think of words to describe the criteria you want to include when
assessing chocolate chips. Let’s say we want to include
crunchiness, taste, size and texture.
In each cell describe what to you is excellent when it comes to
crunchiness, taste, size and texture. Write it in every cell, start from
excellent, then to needs improvement columns and then work on
the middle part later.
Criteria/ Excellent Satisfactory
Very Needs
Performance Satisfactory Improvement
4 3 2 1




Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
After you filled up all the cells in the matrix, its time for you to start
evaluating the chocolates chips using the evaluation tool that you
Use the table below as scaffold in evaluating your chocolate chips.
The chocolate with the highest result will be the winner.
Criteria/Performance A B C
Questions to work on
1. How do you find the activity?
2. Where you able to describe properly each criterion in the
3. Do you find it easy or difficult to describe each criterion and
its level of performance?
4. What makes it easy or difficult?
Analysis 5. What did you learn from the activity?

Assessment purposes
 Gauge student needs
 Encouraging collaboration and self-direction
 Monitoring progress
 Checking understanding and encouraging metacognition
 Demonstrating understanding

What is Formative assessment?

The kind of assessment that occurs before and during a unit of
study is called formative assessment, because it helps to form an
understanding of learning that is in progress.

When do I use formative assessment?

Formative assessment is part of learning and can be embedded
during classroom work. You probably already do formative

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
assessment, but may not realize it. It includes, for example,
observing students, having students share their work, or reviewing
student work. Formative assessment may be done by teachers as
well as students for themselves and their peers.
Using Rubrics as a tool for formative assessment
A rubric is a versatile and flexible instrument that can support
assessment for all purposes and can be used with many different

Benefits of rubrics
1. Rubrics can be used for both formative and summative
- students can use rubric as they work on a product or
performance to help them assess their work, and a teacher
can use the same rubric to make a final assessment or grade.
Rubrics of 21st century skills can help students think about
their learning processes while they work projects in order to
reflect and set goals.

2. Other kinds of instruments can be developed from

- Checklist can be expanded into rubrics, and the highest
level of a rubric can often be made into a checklist. Rubrics
can also be modified into scoring guides to assign points or
grades to final products and performances.

3. Students can use rubrics throughout a project or unit

for self and peer-assessment
-Rubrics give students the language and concrete
descriptions they need to assess their own products,
performances and processes and to give feedback to peers.

4. Rubrics can make instruction more effective.

- Rubrics set out the learning expectations for a unit and
can be used to plan instruction in 21st century skills.
Modeling the behaviors describe in the highest level of a
rubric gives students concrete examples of a skill, and
helps them to self-assess their skills and give their peers
good feedback.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Process-oriented assessment is done before, during and after of a
particular activity, which we called assessment timeline. Let’s take
a look in the brochure making activity, the students will have to
start brainstorming about the articles, writings, photos, lay-out that
they are going to make and include in the brochure.

First, is the brainstorming part, you can start using peer and self-
assessment which are considered assessments before the conduct of
an activity.

Checklist for Small Group Activity to be used as a peer assessment


Criteria Observed
Shared relevant information
during small group sharing
Helped the group develop
good ideas for the brochure.
Gave helpful suggestions
regarding the making of the
Accepted suggestions from
Listened carefully to other
group members during
brainstorming activity.

Second, is during the making of an activity that is the next part of

assessment timeline, you can assess the students per group through
a peer collaboration rubric to monitor their progress.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Peer Assessment Collaboration Rubric

Criteria/ 4 3 2 1

Performanc Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs

e Level Satisfactory Improvement

Participation Group Group Group Group member

member member member did not
participate participated participated participate,
d fully most of the but wasted wasted time, or
and was time and was time worked on
always on on task most regularly or unrelated
task in a of the time. was rarely material.
group. on task.

Leadership Group Group Group Group member

member member member did not assume
assumed sometimes usually leadership or
leadership assumed allowed assumed it in a
in an leadership in others to nonproductive
appropriat an assume manner
e way appropriate leadership,
when way. alternatively,
necessary or often
by helping dominated
the group the group.
stay on
ng group
on, posing
having a
Listening Group Group Group Group member
member member member did not listen
listened usually sometimes to others and
carefully listened to did not listen often
to others’ others’ to others’ interrupted
ideas. ideas. ideas. them.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Feedback Group Group Group Group member
member member member did not offer
offered offered occasionally constructive or
detailed, constructive offered useful
constructi feedback constructive feedback.
ve when feedback,
feedback appropriate. but
when sometimes
appropriat the
e comments
or not useful.

Cooperation Group Group Group Group member

member member member did not
treated usually often did not complete most
others completed complete of the assigned
respectfull assigned assigned tasks on time
y and tasks on time tasks on and often
shared the and did not time, forced the
workload hold up group to make
fairly. progress on and held up last-minute
the projects completion adjustments
because of of project and changes to
incomplete work. accommodate
work missing work.

Summary of the Peer Assessment Collaboration Rubric

Group Partici Leaders Listen Feed Coopera Time
Member pation hip ing back tion Manage

[Copyright © 2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Adapted

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Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Third, is after the activity has been done, you have to assess the
output of the students or the group. This is the last part of an
assessment timeline.

Example of Rubrics for the Brochure as an activity for process-

oriented learning.

Brochure Grading Rubric

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1
The brochure The brochure brochure's The brochure
has attractive has some has limited has no
Attractiveness formatting formatting formatting formatting
y attractive
& Organization and well- and and and
organized organized of organization organization
and well-
information. information. of of material.
Use of facts
Use of facts and quantity Use of facts
Use of facts of Use of facts
and the and quantity
and quantity information and quantity
quantity of of
of about the of
information information
information aims and information
Content - about the about the
about the goals of about the
Accuracy/ aims and aims and
aims and mathematics aims and
Quantity goals of goals of
goals of education is goals of
mathematic mathematics
mathematics good but not mathematics
s education education is
education is consistent. education is
is present but
very good. limited.
exceptional. limited.

Brochure has Brochure has Brochure has Brochure has
Writing - has
very good good limited no
Organization exceptional
organization. organization. organization organization
There are
There very There are There are mistakes are
few some several so numerous
Writing - grammatical
grammatical grammatical grammatical that the
Grammar mistakes in
mistakes in mistakes in mistakes in readability of
the brochure. the brochure. the brochure. the brochure
is impaired.
Graphics go Graphics go Graphics go Graphics do
well with well with the well with the not go with
Graphics not
Graphics/ the text and text, but there text, but the
present in the
Pictures there is a are so many there are too accompanyin
good mix of that they few and the g text or
text and distract from brochure appear to be

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
graphics. the text. seems "text- randomly
heavy". chosen.
Careful and
Careful and Careful and
accurate accurate
records are Sources are Sources are
records are records are
kept to not not
kept to kept to
document documented documented
document the document the
Sources the source accurately or accurately or
source of source of
of all of the are not kept are not kept
most of the some of the
facts and on many facts on any facts
facts and facts and
graphics in and graphics. and graphics.
graphics in graphics in
the brochure. the brochure.

It’s Your Turn Activity

After learning what an authentic assessment is all about such as
rubrics, it’s your turn to create a rubric based on the activity that
you decided upon in Lesson 2 of this module.

Congratulations for creating your own rubric, this simply means
that you now grasp the meaning of authentic assessment and how it
can help maximize the potential of each learner.

References Brochure Grading Rubric
c_1.pdf" }

Intel Education.“Assessment in the 21st Century Classroom”.

Retrieved from
"https://educate.intel.com/download/K12/elements/assess_html/" \l
"asst_m3_l0_a1_01" }

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Product - Oriented Performanced -
MODULE 3 Based Assessment

Module Overview Hello future educators, welcome to module 3 - Product -

Oriented Performance - Based Assessment. Product - oriented
performance - based assessment or Product – oriented assessment
is a form of assessment that requires students to perform a task
rather than answer questions from a ready-made list. It is also a
form of assessment that measures students' ability to apply the
skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. In this
module you will be able to understand the meaning ang
importance of product-oriented -based assessment and you are to
also create a task design and a product assessment scoring rubric.

Module At the end of the module, you are expected to:

1. give meaning of product-oriented assessment of student
2. express the significance of product-oriented performance-
based assessment
3. create a sample of task design of product-oriented
4. produce a sample of product assessment rubric

Lessons in the This module is divided into 3 lessons

Lesson 1 - Process - Oriented Learning Competencies
Lesson 2 - Task designing
Lesson 3 - Scoring Rubrics.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 1 Product- Oriented Learning Competencies

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

a. give meaning of product-oriented assessment of student

b. express the significance of product-oriented
performance-based assessment

Hello future educators! Welcome to module 3, lesson 1 -

Product- Oriented Learning Competencies. By now, I am
confident that you really have a good grasp of the previous
topic on process – oriented performance. In this lesson, you are
going to be acquainted with product-oriented assessment - its
definition and importance to student assessment. Product-
oriented assessment assess performance through a finalized
product that should meet specific requirements.

Activity 1. In this activity, you are required to elaborate your

answer on the question below.
Enumerate and explain the strengths (3) and weaknesses (3) of
product - oriented assessment.
1. ______________________________________________
(Activity) 2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

Let’s Analyze
Activity 2. In this activity, I will require you to identify
the nature of product-oriented assessment and create a
spider map organizer.
(Spider Map’s purpose is to define a main topic with
specific descriptive connections.)


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Performance assessments are very effective for measuring
the process and products involved with student achievement.
Also referred to as authentic assessment or alternative
assessment. Performance-based tasks require performance-
based assessments in which the actual student performance is
assessed through a product, such as a completed project or
work that demonstrates levels of task achievement.
Product-Oriented Assessment
 A product refers to something produced by students
providing concrete examples of the application of
 A product is the output/outcome in performing a task
which is concrete or real and can be assessed.
Performance assessment of process and product refers to
the on-the-spot evaluation of performance behavior of the
student to determine his interest and willingness to perform the
task. The quality of the product depends on the performance of
the student to perform. Student products provide tangible
indicators of the application of knowledge and skills. Many
educators believe that product assessment is especially”
authentic” because it closely resembles the real work outside of
Learning Competencies
 Target tasks can also include behavior expectations
targeting complex tasks that students are expected to
 Products can include a wide range of student works
that target specific.
There are ways to state product-oriented assessment
 (Beginner). Does the finished product illustrate the
minimum expected parts?
 (Skilled level). Does the finished product or project
contain additional parts and function on top of the
minimum requirements which tend to enhance the final
 (Expert level). Does the finished product contain basic

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
minimum parts and function, have additional features
on top of the minimum and is aesthetical pleasing?

Let’s Check

Activity 3. The first step in developing product-oriented

assessment involves determining which concepts, knowledge,
and/or skills should be assessed. With this, you need to know
what type of decisions will be made from the given assessment.

In the template below, identify a product-oriented performance
and formulate competencies in defining the purpose of the

Orientation Topic General Specific Expected

Competency competency performance


Congratulations, you have just finished lesson 1 of this

module. You are now acquainted with the basic concepts and
importance of product – oriented assessment.
The next lesson would be about designing a task. You are
expected create a simple task design of product-oriented
assessment. Thank you.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 2 Task Designing

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. create a sample of task design of product-oriented


Getting acquainted with the basic concepts and importance

of product-oriented assessment, you are now ready to create a
simple task design for product-oriented assessment. In this
lesson we are going to discuss the features and steps in
designing a task. So, let’s get started.

Activity 1 Identify different product-oriented assessment used

in the classroom. Follow the instruction below.

 Make a list of product-oriented assessment

used by your former/present teachers.
 Describe how each task was implemented
inside the classroom including your personal
Product-oriented Description Personal
assessment Observation

Share your answers in a big group during class discussion.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Let’s Think About It! Activity 2. Scan/recall some task/project/output given to you
by your teacher and answer each question below. You are
required once again to elaborate your answer.

1. What did the task/project/output require you to do?

2. In what ways did the task/project/output enable you to
show what you know and can do?
3. In what ways did the performance inhibit what you
know and can do?

Performance assessment of product refers to the on-
the-spot evaluation of performance behavior of the student to
determine his interest and willingness to perform the task. The
quality of the product depends on the performance of the
student to perform. Student products provide tangible
indicators of the application of knowledge and skills. Many
educators believe that product assessment is especially”
authentic” because it closely resembles the real work outside
of school.

Task Designing

The design of the task in this context depends on what the

teacher desires to observe as outputs of the student.
 Complexity- within the range of ability of the students.
 Appeal- interesting enough so that students are
encouraged to pursue the task to completion.
 Creativity- lead the students into exploring the various
possible ways of presenting the final outcome.
Goal- Based-project is produced in order to attain a learning
Suggestions for Designing Performance Tasks
Linn (1995) suggested ways to improve the development of

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
1. Focus on learning outcomes that require complex
cognitive skills and students’ performances.
2. Select or develop tasks that represent both the content
and the skills that are central to important learning
3. Minimize the dependence of task performance on
skills that are irrelevant to the intended purpose of the
assessment task.
4. Provide the necessary scaffolding for students to be
able to understand the task and what is expected.
5. Construct task direction so that the student's task is
clearly indicated.
Clearly communicate performance expectations in term of the
scoring rubrics by which the performance will be judged.
Activity 3. Designing a Performance Task. In this activity,
you are expected to create a task design for product-oriented
assessment for a learning competency of your choice. Do the
following steps:
a) Have a copy of the K to 12 curriculum guide of your
specialization. For BEED-Generalist students, you can
choose any subject.
b) Select a learning competency that will serve as a basis
in the creation of your task design. For BEED-
Generalist students, select competencies from Grades
1 to 6. For BPE and BSED students, select
(Application) competencies from Grades 7 to 12.
c) Write a sample task design.
d) Ask your course facilitator regarding the submission
of your task design.

Congratulations! You successfully design a task for your

students based on your chosen topic. You still have 1 lesson
to go for you to be able to complete all the lessons in this
(Closure) Module.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 3 Scoring Rubrics

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. produce a sample of product assessment rubric

A rubric is an authentic assessment tool which is

particularly useful in assessing criteria which are complex and
subjective. Rubrics can improve student performance, as well as
monitor it, by making teachers' expectations clear and by showing
students how to meet these expectations. In lesson 3, we are
going to discuss the features and steps in creating a rubric and
you are also expected to create a sample rubric for product-
oriented assessment. So, let’s get started.
Activity 1. Interview. You are required to set an appointment
with a classroom teacher for an interview. You will ask the
following questions:
1. Where do you use the scoring rubrics?
2. What help have scoring rubrics given you?
3. What difficulties have you met in using the rubric?
4. What type of rubric do you use - Holistic or analytic?
What is the difference?
(Activity) 5. Which is easier to use?
Activity 2. In this activity, you are required to elaborate your
answer on the questions below.

1. What benefits have scoring rubrics brought to the

teaching-learning process?
3. To get the most from scoring rubrics, what should be
observed in the making and use of scoring rubrics?
4. Which rubric is easier to use? To construct?
Rubrics are said to be an authentic assessment tool. They
are most helpful when used to evaluate real-life tasks where
students are engaged in solving real-life problems. They are a
formative type of assessment because they are used before,
during, and after the learning process.

Advantages of the Use of Rubrics

(Abstraction) • Make expectations clear

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
• Help students judge own work
• Reduce time spent evaluating
• Easy to use and explain
• Make scoring fair and consistent

Types of Rubrics

Holistic Rubrics

Holistic rubrics ask the evaluator to make a single

judgment about the object or behavior being evaluated. If you are
using a 4 point holistic rubric to evaluate students’ oral
presentations, you indicate whether the presentation is a 1, 2, 3, or
4 based on the level at which it meets the described criteria. This
is a quick way to provide an overall evaluation of the
presentation. Table 1 presents an example of this type of rubric.

Analytic Rubrics

Analytic rubrics are used to assess multiple outcomes

simultaneously or for multidimensional outcomes and each
dimension needs to be rated separately, resulting in multiple
judgments about an object or performance. The analytic rubric
describes the criteria for each of the judgments. Analytic rubrics
provide more useable data than holistic rubrics because the
criteria provide strengths and weaknesses and describe the
performance at each level in more detail, thus providing more
information on what is lacking in the poorer performance. Table 2
is an example of an analytical rubric.

Steps in Writing Rubrics

1. Set the Scale

Select a learning outcome from your academic program.
Use your professional judgment to assess student learning
on a scale of 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, or 1-X that is appropriate for
evaluating the performance.

2. Define the Ratings

Add appropriate descriptors to each number on the scale

that you have identified.
4 = Advanced; 3 = Proficient; 2 = Basic; 1 =

3.Identify basic descriptions

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Add simple descriptions for each number on the scale.
4 – Advanced ability to __________;
3 – Proficient ability to ___________;
2 – Basic ability to _____________;
1 – No ability to ________________.

4. Descriptions of what performance will look like at each level

4 - The student is able to (description of what advanced
performance would look like).
3 – The student is able to (description of what proficient
performance would look like) but not yet able to
(description of advanced performance).
2 - The student is able to (description of what basic
performance would look like) but not yet able to
(description of proficient performance).
1 - The student is unable to (description of desired

Activity 3. Creating a Product Assessment Rubric. Create a

scoring rubric from the task formulated in lesson 2. Follow the
steps presented in designing a rubric.


Task Description:
(Application) ______________________________________

Scale Score


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Congratulations! You have just finished Module 3.

References Cajigal, R.M., Montanio, M.L. and Leus, M.J. (2014). Assessment
of Learning 2. Quezon City, Philippines. Adriana
Publishing Co. Inc.

Corpuz, B. (2015. Field Study 5 Learning Assessment Strategies.

Quezon City, Philippines. Lorimar Publishing.

Linn, R.L (1999). Educational Measurement. Washington, D.C.:

American Council on Education. The McMillian Book

4 Assessment in the Affective Domain

Module Overview Hi, student. Welcome to Module 4. In this module, you will
acquaint yourself in the concepts of Assessment in the Affective
Domain. This module describes a number of non-cognitive
variables such as person’s attitude, interests, and values. The
importance of affective targets, affective traits, and learning targets
as well as affective domain of the taxonomy of educational
objectives will be discussed.
Module At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. recognize the affective taxonomy in the educational

b. craft affective learning outcomes for the different levels in

the affective domain; and

c. develop instruments for assessing affective learning.

Lessons in the module This module contains the following lessons:

Lesson 1: The Taxonomy in the Affective Domain
Lesson 2: Affective Learning Competencies
Lesson 3: Development of Affective Assessment Tools

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LESSON 1 The Taxonomy in the Affective Domain

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

a. recognize the affective taxonomy in the educational

objectives; and

b. construct measurable affective objectives.

Time Frame This session is intended for 1 session (1 hour).

Hi, student! Welcome to Module 4 - Lesson 1: The Taxonomy

in the Affective Domain. As a starting point of our discussion in
the assessment in the affective domain, we shall first discuss the
taxonomy developed in the affective domain. This will guide us
as we learn how to assess the students in the affective domain.

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to think of a solution that will

help you as a teacher to understand your students and how will
you improve the situation if not totally solve the problem.

1. Carlos is an intelligent kid but never makes it to the top

ten of his class because of his attitude towards some of
(Activity) his teachers.

2. Because she found out that her teacher has a favorite

student, in which the teacher adjusts the grades of her
favorite student for her to become the top student, Maria
became unmotivated and became an average performing

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
1. What are the factors you
have considered in the
solutions you have come up?

2. Why is it important to
consider the factors you have
mentioned above?

{Analysis} 3. Do you think that the

learner’s aptitude and attitude
is related to his or her
academic achievement? Why
or why not?

Now, let us have the discussion about the taxonomy in the

affective domain.

In 1964, David R. Krathwohl, together with his colleagues,

extended Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives by
publishing the second taxonomy of objectives, this time giving
(Abstraction) emphasis on the affective domain. The affective domain refers
to the way in which we deal with situations emotionally such as
feelings, appreciation, enthusiasm, motivation, values, and

The categories/levels, definition, and example are given as


Category/ Definition Example

Receiving Concerned with Student does
student’s sensitivity to mathematics
the existence of activities for grade.
certain phenomena
and stimuli, that is,
with student’s
willingness to receive
or to attend to the

It is categorized in 3
subdivision that
shows the different

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
levels of attending the
1. Awareness of the
2. Willingness to
receive the
3. Controlled or
selected attention to
Responding Concerned with Student gives
responses that go special attention to
beyond merely the discussion of
attending to mathematics lesson
phenomena. Students to be able to
are sufficiently answer the
motivated that they activities.
are not just “willing to
attend” but are
actively attending.
Valuing Reflects the student’s Student actively
holding of a particular and consistently
importance or value. participated in the
Students display discussion.
behavior with
sufficient consistency
in appropriate
situations that are
perceived as holding
this value.
Organizing Students successively Student integrates
internalize values; the lessons learned
they encounter in math with
situations in which science.
more than one value
is relevant. This
requires the necessity
of organizing their
values into a system
such that certain
values exercise
greater control.
Characterization Internalization has Student applies the
by Value taken place in an lessons learned in
individual’s value mathematics in
hierarchy to the extent daily

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
that he or she can be activities/real-life
characterized as scenario.
holding a particular
value or set of values.

Moreover, given below are the sample behavioral verbs

appropriate for the affective domain.

Category/Level Behavioral Verbs

Receiving attend, accept, develop,
Responding complete, comply, cooperate,
discuss, examine, obey,
Valuing accept, defend, devote,
pursue, seek
Organization codify, discriminate, display,
order, organize, systematize,
Characterization by a Value internalize, verify

If we are desirous to apply the continuum of Krathwohl et.al to

our teaching, then we are encouraging students to not just
receive information at the bottom of the affective hierarchy,
instead, as teachers, we would like them to respond to what
they learn, to value it, to organize it, and even to characterize it.

The affective domain is the least studies and most often

overlooked domain in educational literature despite the fact that
almost every researcher or author begins with a premise on the
importance of the affective domain in the teaching-learning
process. The reson, perhaps, is the fact that affective domain is
the most nebulous and the hardest to evaluate among Bloom’s
three domains. Traditional assessment procedures, for instance,
concentrate on the cognitive aspects of learning and as teachers
majority of us typically focus our efforts on the development of
tasks and instruments for measuring cognitive learning.
However, it is important to realize that by tapping the potentials
of the affective domain in enhancing learning, we increase the
likelihood of real and authentic learning among our students.

Similarly, students may experience affective roadblocks to

learning that can neither be recognized nor solved with using a
purely cognitive approach.

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Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the taxonomy in

the affective domain, you are tasked to apply the concepts in the
given situation by crafting affective objectives correctly. The
affective objectives must be measurable. Use the template
provided for your answer.

(Application) Situation:

The school, being sectarian, wants to ensure that their

graduates will embody the character traist that are expected of
their graduates. As such, the president gave an instruction that
religion must be integrated in all subjects and not just during
religion class.

As a teacher, what and how will you support this direction of

the school president so that it will be realized, focusing on the
affective domain of the students?

Category/Level Measurable Affective Objective





Characterizing by
a Value

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first
lesson of the Module 4. Always remember that the
aforementioned affective taxonomy serves as a valuable part of
assessment of affect. Through them, standard or level of affect
that is part of the target is determined. In addition, it also
provides good suggestions for using student behaviors as
indicators of affect at each of the levels.

You are now ready for Lesson 2, the Affective Learning

Competencies. Good luck!

LESSON 2 Affective Learning Competencies

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

a. identify the different affective traits and learning

targets; and

b. craft affective learning outcomes for the different levels

in the affective domain.

Time Frame This session is intended for 2 sessions (2 hours).

Hi, student! Welcome to Module 4 - Lesson 2: Affective

Learning Competencies. In this lesson, we will look at how
learners’ attitudes towards academic tasks influence their
achievements. We will look at the affect side of the learners on
how it helped the students like the activities and do the
activities better.

Activity 1 Situational Analysis

In this activity, you are tasked to analyze and identify the

characteristics of classroom environment is/are present in the
situation. You need to propose what action/s must be done to
improve the situation. Discuss your answers and give your
comments and suggestions in our big group discussion.

Activity Classroom Characteristics of Action to

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Situation Classroom Improve the
Environment Situation

VP for Linkages
complained to the
Office of Student
Affairs that
Section A was so
noisy and unruly,
that their office
operation was
affected, as the
Linkages Office is
adjacent to the
classroom of
Section A. As per
complaint, a group
of students are
quarreling and
others are playing.
The complaint
was brought to the
attention of the
adviser of Section
A. But the adviser
dialed to extricate
what happened
since no one
among the class
wants to tell the
true story.

Let us now check how you examined the situations presented


1. Why did you come up
with that action plan?

2. What are the factors you

have considered in the the
decision you have made?

Analysis 3. What do you think is/are

the reason/s why the adviser
of Section A failed to

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
extricate what happened?

4. Do you think that the

environment and attitudes of
the learners affect their
learning? Why or why not?

Now, let us have the discussion about the affective learning


Affective desired learning competencies are often stated in the

form of instructional objectives.
 Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-
term, observable student behaviors.
 Objectives are the foundation upon which you can build
lessons and assessments that you can prove meet your
overall course or lesson goals.
 Think of objectives as tools you use to make sure you
reach your goals. They are the arrows you shoot
towards your target (goal).
 The purpose of objectives is not to restrict spontaneity
or constraint the vision of education in the discipline;
but to ensure that learning is focused clearly enough
that both students and teacher know what is going on,
and so learning can be objectively measured. Different
archers have different styles, so do different teachers.
Thus, you can shoot your arrows (objectives) in many
ways. The important thing is that they reach your target
(goals) score the bulls eye!

In the affective domain, and in particular, when we consider

learning competencies, we also consider the following
 Attitudes- are defined as a mental predisposition to act
that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with
some degree of favor or disfavor. Individuals generally
have attitudes that focus on objects, people, or
institutions. Attitudes are also attached to mental
categories. Mental orientations towards concepts are
generally referred to as values. Attitudes are comprised
of four compoenents:

Cognitions Affect Behavioral Evaluation

- beliefs, - refers to - refers to - central
theories, our feelings goals, component

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
expectancies, with respect aspirations, of attitudes.
cause-and- to the focal and our - consists of
effect beliefs, object such expected the
and as fear, response to imputation of
perceptions liking, or the attitude some degree
relative to the anger. object. of goodness
focal object. or badness to
- not the an attitude
same as object.
“feelings” - function of
affect and
intentions of
the object.

Why study attitudes?

 Can influence the way we act and think in the social
 Can function as frameworks and references for forming
conclusions and interpreting or acting for or against an

Motivation. A reason or set of reasons for engaging in a

particular behavior, especially human behavior as studied in
psychology and neuropsychology. According to Geen (1995),
motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity, and
persistence of human behavior.

The Need Theory (Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Human

Needs). One of the theories that explain human motivation. It
can be summarized as follows:
 Human beings have wants and desires which influence
their behavior; only unsatisfied needs can influence
behavior, satisfied needs cannot.
 Arranged in order of importance, from the basic to the
 The person advances to the next level of needs only
after the lower need is at least minimally satisfied.
 The further the progress up the heierachy, the more
individuality, humanness and psychological health a
person will show.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
The Two-Factor Theory by Frederick Herzberg. One of the
theories that explain human motivation. He stated that certain
factors in the workplace result in job satisfaction while others
do not, but if absent lead to dissatisfaction. He distinguished
 Motivators (challenging work, recognition,
responsibility- positive satisfaction
 Hygiene factors (status, job security, salary and fringe
benefits) which do not motivate if present, but if absent
will result in demotivation.

The ERG Theory (Existence, Relatedness, and Growth) by

Clayton Alderfer. He expanded the Maslow’s hierarchy of

Self-efficacy. An impression that one is capable of performing

in a certain manner or attaining certain goals. It is a belief that
one has the capabilities to execute the courses of actions
required to manage prospective situations.

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Affective Traits and Learning Targets
The word affective refers to a variety of tarits and dispositions
that are different from knowledge, reasoning, and skills. This
term means the emotions or feelings that one has toward
someone or something. Shown in the table below are the
different affective traits and its corresponding description:

Trait Description
Attitudes Predisposition to respond
favorably or unfavorably to
specific situations, concepts,
objects, institutions, or
Interests Personal preference for
certain kinds of activities
Values Importance, worth, or
usefulness of modes or
conduct and end states of
Opinions Beliefs about specific
occurences and situations
Preferences Desire to select one object
over another
Motivation Desire and willingness to be
engaged in behavior
including intensity of
Academic self-concept Self-perception of
competence in school and
Self-esteem Attitudes toward oneself;
degree of self-respect,
worthiness, or desirability of
Locus of control Self-perception of whether
success and failure is
controlled by the student or
by external influences
Emotional development Growth, change, and
awareness of emotions and
ability to regulate emotional
Social relationships Nature of interpersonal
interactions and functioning
in group setting
Altruism Willingness and propensity

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to help others
Moral development Attainment of ethical
principles that guide
decision-making and
Classroom development Nature of feeling tones and
interpersonal relationship in
a class

Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the affective

learning competencies, you are tasked to apply the concepts by
giving a learning competency objective in the affective domain
for each of the levels in the taxonomy of Krathwohl. Assume
that you are teaching a subject in your field of specialization.
Use the template below in crafting your affective learning

Application Topic: __________________________

Brief Description of the Topic:


Learning Competency Objective:





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Characterization by Value:

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the second

lesson of the Module 4. Always remember that positive
affective traits influence motivation, involvement, and
cognitive learning. Moreover, the affective domain defines
different levels of affect in hierarchical manner, from attending
to something to using something as a factor in determining
one’s life.

You are now ready for Lesson 3, the Assessment in the

Affective Domain. Good luck!

LESSON 3 Development of Affective Assessment Tools

Time Frame This session is intended for 3 sessions (3 hours).

Hi, student! Welcome to Module 4 - Lesson 3: Development of
Affective Assessment Tools. In this lesson, you are expected to
be equipped with knowledge about developing affective
assessment tools since the practice of routinely assessing the
affective learning constructs are often left behind.

Activity 1 Concept Mapping

To start off our discussion, you are tasked to construct a concept

map showing the use or purpose of using affective assessment


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Let us now check how you constructed your concept map.

1. What is the purpose of
affective assessment tools?


2. How did you come up with

those ideas?

3. What makes the affective

assessment tools different
from the cognitive and
psychomotor assessment

4. How will the affective

assessment tools help in the
development of the learner?

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Now, let us have the discussion about the affective assessment

Assessment tools in the affective domain, in particular, those

which are used to assess attitudes, interests, motivations, and self-
efficacy, have been developed.

Three feasible methods of assessing affective traits and

1. teacher observation
Abstraction 2. student self-report
3. peer ratings

Three considerations in assessing affect:

1. Emotions and feelings change quickly most especially for
young children and during early adolescence.
2. Use varied approaches in measuring the same affective
trait as possible.
3. Decide what type of data or results are needed: individual
or group data.

Teacher Observation
This is often used when the teacher wants to observe the
approach behaviors (positive) and avoidance behaviors
(negative). There are two types of this kind of observation: the
unstructured and structured observation.
 Unstructured observation- normally open-ended, no
checklists or rating scale is used. Everything that is
observed is just simply recorded.
 Structured observation- checklist or rating forms are to
be made since it will be used to record observations.

Student self-report
 Student interview- there is an opportunity that teachers
may have direct involvement with the students wherein
teachers can probe and respond for better understanding.
 Surveys and questionnaires- there are two types of using
survey and questionnaires: the constructed response, in
which it I straightforward approach asking the students
about their affect by responding to simple statement of
question; the selected-response, in which students can
choose from options and this assures anonymity.

Peer ratings

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
 Least common method in assessing affect because
students may not take this seriously. However, the
teachers can accurately observed what is being assessed in
peer ratings since teachers also engage with the students.

Sample of Affective Assessment Tools

a. Checklists
- contain criteria that docus on the intended outcome or
target. It helps students in organizing the tasks assigned to
them into logically sequenced steps rhat will lead to
successful completion of the task.

Sample Observation Checklist

Name: Subject: Date:

Type of Assignment
Not Yet Some- Fre-
times quently
Gets work done on time
Organizes work
Works well with others


b. Rating Scale
- helps students understand th learning target/outcomes
and to focus students’ attention to performance. It gives
feedback to students as far as their strengths and
weaknesses with respect to the targets to which they are
measured. Students not only learn the standards but also
may internalize the set standards. In addition, ratings help
to show each student’s growth and progress.

Sample Rating Scale

Directions: Put the score on the column for each of the statement
as it applies to you. Use 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
highest possible score.

1. I am happy during Mathematics class.
2. I get tired doing board work and drills.
3. I enjoy solving word problems.

c. Likert Scale
- It is a list of clearly favorable and unfavorable attitude
statements. The students are tasked to respond to each of
the statement that usually uses a five-point scale: Strongly
Agree, Agree, Undecided, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

Sample of Likert Scale

Direction: Put a check on the column for each of the statement

that applies to you.

Strongly Agree (SA)
Agree (A)
Undecided (U)
Disagree (D)
Strongly Disagree (SD)

(SA) (A) (U) (D) (SD)

5 4 3 2 1
1. I am happy during
Mathematics class.
2. I get tired doing board work
and drills.

d. Semantic Differential Scale

- This uses adjective pairs that provide anchors for
feelings or beliefs that are opposite in direction and
intensity. Students would place a check between each pair
of adjectives that describes positive or negative aspects of
the trait.

Sample of Semantic Differential Scale

Traits/attitude toward Mathematics subject

Boring ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Interesting

Important ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Useless

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
e. Sentence Completion
- It captures whatever comes to mind from each student.

Sample of Sentence Completion

1. I think Mathematics as a subject is


2. I like my Mathematics teacher the most because


Activity 2 Learning Objective Construction

Now that you have recognized and understood the affective

assessment tools, it is not your turn to construct tools that would
help teachers assessing and measuring the affective domain of the
learner. Your task is to craft one affective assessment tool of each
of the following:

a. Checklist
b. Rating Scale
c. Likert Scale
d. Semantic Differential Scale
Application e. Sentence Completion

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the third

lesson of the Module 4. Always remember that proper, on-going
assessment of the affective domain (students’ attitudes, values,
dispositions, and ethical perspectives) is essential in any efforts to
improve academic achievement and quality of the educational
experience provided.

Hats-off! You have just finished the Module 4. You are now
ready for Module 5. Good luck!

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {


 Positive affective traits influence motivation, involvement, and cognitive learning.

 The term affect refers to emotions and feelings, yet affective targets include cognitivw
and behaviroal traits.
 Attitudes refer to predispositions to respond favourably or unfavourably. They include
cognitive, affective, and behavioural components.
 Motivation is the purposeful commitment to learn.
 Motivation is determined by self-efficacy and the value of learning.
 The affective domain of Bloom’s taxonomy defines different levels of affect in
hierarchical manner, from attending to something to using something as a factor in
determining one’s life.
 The three methods to assess student affect are: teacher observation, student self-report,
and peer ratings.
 Students affect can be measured through checklist, rating scale, likert scale, semantic
differential scale, and sentence completion..
 A holistic approach is required so as to have a meaningful evaluation of student


Cajigal, R. and Mantuano, M.L. (2014). Assessment of Learning 2. Quezon City: Adriana
Publishing Co. Inc.
Navarro, R. and Santos, R. (2013). Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
Assessment 2 (2nd Edition). Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Module Overview Hi my dear students.You shall be emerged yourselves in this

Module 5.This module is one of the several authentic and
nontraditional assessment techniques in education. This is in
response to the growing clamor for more “reasonable” and
authentic means of assessing your growth and development in
Module At the end of the module,you shall be able to:
Objectives/ - be confronted with differentiated activities for the development
Outcomes of your lesson.
- recall your experiences from the different activities
-perform the activities to enhance higher thinking skills
- assess your expected output to improve your meta cognitive
Lessons in the Lesson 1 Features and Principles & Purpose of Portfolio
Module Assessment
Lesson 2 Essential Elements and Types of Portfolio
Lesson 3 Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment
Lesson 4 Assessing and Evaluating the Portfolio
Lesson 5 Student-Teacher Conferences

Learning At the end of the lesson , you will :

Outcomes - identify the features and essential characteristics of portfolio
- name the types and the purpose of portfolio assessment
- show awareness on the criteria of making a portfolio
- guided in doing a portfolio based on the conference made with the

Introduction Good day to all of you! Today you will be performing your first task
which is Lesson 1. Are you now ready? Let us do the task and focus
to the given directions. Ok, lets start.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 1 Features and Principles & Purposes of
Portfolio Assessment
Learning Outcomes: Generates creativity in their written output
Recognizes ones personal characteristics
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Are you ready with your lesson 1? In this lesson you shall do the activity.
You are familiar with this activity simply,

Activity1: Let’s get started!

Unscramble the terms which are relevant in coming up with a

collection of an output Reflect your answer opposite to the


Analysis:(Let’s think about)

1. Why do you come up with those terms?
2. What is the relevance of those terms in rating students
3. What are those items that you have collected to be rated?
4. Why do we rate your performance of your activity?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Abstraction:( Let’s Explore!)

As students you need to be aware on how to come up with a meaningful

portfolio because this can be an additive factor to improve your knowledge in
your subject. Your portfolio becomes an avenue to look into how you grow with
the evidences that you included in your portfolio.

Below you can find the features and principles as well as the purposes of
portfolio assessment. In that manner you as students you can have a chance of
improving your performance ahead of you.

A portfolio represents
A portfolio is a form a selection of what the
of assessment that students believe are
best included from
students do
among the possible
together with their collection of things
teachers. related to the concept
Features and being studied.
Principles of
A portfolio The criteria for selecting
provides samples of and assessing the
the student’s work portfolio contents must
which show growth be clear to the teacher
over time. and the students at the
outset of the process.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
First, portfolio assessment matches
assessment to teaching.

Second, portfolio assessment has clear


Third, portfolio assessment gives a profile of

learners’ abilities in terms of depth, breadth, and

Purposes Fourth, portfolio assessment is a tool for assessing a

variety of skills not normally testable in a single setting
for traditional testing.

Fifth, portfolio assessment develops awareness of
students’ own learning.

Sixth, portfolio assessment caters to individuals
in a heterogeneous class.
Seventh, portfolio assessment develops social skills.
Students interact with other students in the
development of their own portfolios.

Eighth, portfolio assessment develops independent

and active learners.

Ninth, portfolio assessment can improve

motivation for learning and thus achievement.

Tenth, portfolio assessment provides

opportunity for student-teacher dialogue.

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Application (Let’s do it)

At this portion write your nickname or your full name. Come up with a
meaning of each letter featuring your personal characteristics which serve as
guide for you as a student.



Eager to learn

Loves to work

L With colleague


Closure I commend your accomplishment !

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 2 Essential Elements & Types of Portfolio
Learning Outcomes: - Express themselves on how to be responsible learners
- Improve communication skills through a written discourse
Time Frame: 2 weeks
Hello ! How was your Lesson 1 ? Don’t you have some things
to be clarified? Shall we go to the next Lesson? Are you ready now? Ok. Let’s

Let’s get started!

This time we will try to flash back from your first day in College.What are the most
important things that you prepared?Fill in the bubbles with the things you prepared
for school. Number the bubbles 1 representing as essential one and 2 as lesser of

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Analysis:(Let’s think about)
1. Why do you come up with those things as your number 1 priority?
2. How about those that you numbered 2? Why are they just your
second priority?
3. When are you going to decide that such things are your first /
second priority?
4. How does it help you when you assess something?
Abstraction:( Let’s Explore!)
Just like preparing for school,before you shall present the contents of your
portfolio you need to provide preliminaries which give a package of what your
portfolio is all about. These are essential elements you need to provide so that the
readers will have a picture of your output. You shall find below the 6 essential
elements of a portfolio.

1. Drafts of
2. Dates on all
aural/oral and
entries, to written products and
facilitate proof of revised versions; I.e.,
growth over time first drafts and
3. Reflections can corrected/revised
appear at different versions
stages in the learning
process (for formative
and/or summative

5. Entries - both
core (items student
6. Cover Letter have to include)
4. Table of
“About the author” and optional (items
Contents with
and “What my of student’s choice)
numbered pages
portfolio shows
about my progress as
a learner”

Elements of the
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Please refer to the 3 types of portfolio. These shall also guide you to accomplish what type
of portfolio you are going to make.

Types of


Documentation Showcase

The process
As the name
implies, this portfolio in
approach contrast
involves a demonstrates all The showcase
collection of facets or phases portfolio only
of the learning shows the best of
work over time
showing growth process. the students’
and outputs and
improvement products.
learning of

Application (Let’s do it)

Come up with a reflection paper about your priorities as a student/ or

essential things that help you attain your dream .

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
My Reflection Paper


Congratulations! You did it well.

Lesson 3 Stages in Implementing Portfolio Assessment

Learning Outcome : - Implement decision-making skills to evaluate a situation

- Observe patterns to arrive an expected result

Introduction: How are you today? Are you good? From our previous lesson you were able
to come up with your self reflection based on our topic. Let us now tackle our lesson 3. Get
set? Ok, lets start with our 3rd activity.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity3: Let’s get started!

You are given 6 questions that represent the stages in implementing

portfolio assessment. Assign a number to each question. No. 1 as the first
stage and #6 as the last stage

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Whom should I
inform of being
assessed using
portfolio portfolio?

Do I need support
in the process of
development? What are the How should I be
contents of assessed with
your portfolio my contents or
to be assessed? activities I

Should their be
a guideline to
be followed for
a portfolio
What do I want
to learn?

Let us now address the questions.


1. What is the sequence of the posted questions?

2. Why do we have that sequence?
3. If they are stages, why do we need to follow the sequence?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Implementing Portfolio assessment needs to follow the 6 stages.The concept

should be clear to you. Through this you shall determine the traditional from portfolio
assessment . This kind of assessment is fair . You should also know how much weight
this portfolio will have in the computation of your final grade. You can present as
many evidence of learning as you can since you can be left at your own.Take a look at
the stages and discover the sequence to develop your own portfolio.


Stages in
Portfolio Identifying teaching goals to assess through

Stage Stage

3 2

Introducing the idea of portfolio

Specification of Portfolio Content
assessment to your class

Giving clear and detailed guidelines Informing key school officials, parents
for portfolio presentation and other stakeholders

Stage Stage
4 Stage 5

Development of the Portfolio

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Make a pattern using an arrow. Trace your experience in achieving a good output.

Ex. I have to comply my assignment:

I searched the topic from the library I went to the shelf where the book
related to the topic is found I browsed the book
read it and jotted those that answered my assignment. Finally I
accomplish my assignment in a clean sheet of paper.

Closure: At last we are done. I always appreciate your responses to our activity.
You did it!. Congratulations!

Lesson 4 Assessing and Evaluating the Portfolios

Learning Outcomes: - Promote creativity in presenting a portfolio

Identify ones criteria in choosing a friend

-Introduction: Good Day to everyone. How do you feel today? I hope you are all set for our
lesson 4. Are you all set? Let’s all switch now and do this activity:

Let’s get started!

Indicate a check mark which indicates a portfolio & an X if

otherwise before the statement.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Identify significant pieces of
Portfolios promote meaningful
work and the processes
classroom learning.
required for the portfolio.

Absence of students’ They are able to receive

Involvement of in the creation feedback from peers and
and assessment process.
teachers about their work.

Provations of students with

Reflection paper is a
the opportunities to be more
separate discourse.
reflective is out of the scene.

The portfolio process is dynamic

Demonstrates students’ abilities
and is affected by the interaction
to learn and achieve in academics.
between students and teachers

Teachers and students work together

to prioritize the criteria will be used as An output of ones
a basis for assessing and evaluating thinking on a travelogue.
student progress.
Analysis (Let’s think about)

1. How do you know that the output presented is a portfolio?

2. What are your bases?
3. Do you think portfolio can be assessed?


This is the detailed criteria in evaluating a portfolio:

- Thoughtfulness ( including evidence of students’ monitoring of their own

comprehension, metacognitive reflection, and productive habits of mind)

- Growth and development in relation to key curriculum expectancies and

- Understanding and application of key processes
- Completeness, correctness, and appropriateness of products and processes in
the portfolio

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
- Diversity of entries ( e.g. use of multiple formats to demonstrate achievement
of designated performance standard)


Fill in the boxes with your own criteria in choosing a friend.

Closure I’m so happy with your tasks. Keep it up guys.

Lesson 5 Student-Teacher Conferences

Learning Outcome: Improve logical-analytical intelligence
Value openness to enhance self worth

Introduction: I am impressed with your output in your Lesson 4. Are you ready to do your
last lesson? Ok, Shall we start?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Let’s get started!

You shall recall your experience when you were called by your teacher for a
conference. Decide whether you Agree or Disagree with the following
statements.Write A for agree and D for this disagree


Conference is
conducted with A scheduled has Clarify purposes
students before
to be observed and procedure
returning the with students

Give guidelines Have students Weaknesses and areas

Allow the compare the for improvement need
to prepare for
reflections with to be communicated
each conference students to do
most of the the teacher

At the end of the

Students are
Show them
conference there is encouraged to
what is possible
an action plan for take notes
for progress
the future

1. How does it feel when you have a conference with your teacher?
2. Were the questions asked in line with your portfolio?
3. Does it help you improve your performance?
4. What factor do you think which helps you answer the questions raised by your
5. Are the statements in the activity relevant to a conference with your teacher?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
It takes courage to submit ourselves for a conference with our teacher But we have
to do this.

The main philosophy embedded

in portfolio assessment is “shared
and active assessment” To this

The teacher should have short and individual meeting with each
student to discuss the progress and goals set for a future meeting.
The student and the teacher keep careful documentation of the
meetings noting the significant agreements and findings in each
individual session. The formative evaluation process for portfolio
assessment is facilitated.Indeed , the use Finally,
of portfolio
student-teacher conference can also be used
assessment takes time but in the end , the gains are
for summative well
evaluation purposes when the student
worth the time and effort expendedpresents
by the teacher.
his final portfolio product and where final grades
are determined together with the teacher. Even at this
stage of the process students can negotiate for the
appropriate grade to be given using as evidence the
minutes of the regular student-teacher conferences. It is
for this reason that notes from this conference have to be
included in the portfolio as they contain joint
decisions about the individual’s strengths and


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
To end this module compose a three stanza poem expressing your gratitude to your
teacher who helped you enhance your creativity and resourcefulness.

Congratulations for your achievement coming up with a meaningful

Module Summary

This module is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s
efforts, progress and achievement in one or more areas. It concentrates on the topic
called portfolio assessment method. It is one of the several authentic and nontraditional
assessment techniques in education. The module utilizes the 4A’s for them to do the
tasks at their own pace. The last topic dwells on student-teacher conference guided
with the detailed criteria.
Navarro, Rosita and De Guzman-Santos, Rosita (2013) 2nd ed,Lorimar Pub,INC
Qeon City, Phil.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
6 Educational Evaluation

Module Hello! Welcome to Module 6. In this module, you are to explore evaluation as
Overview a tool towards improving quality of educational services and programs.
Specifically, you will examine the significance of educational evaluation and
a variety of evaluation approaches, methods and techniques. However, this
module emphasizes the CIPP evaluation model which remains a practical lens
for you to have a better grasp of the impact of evaluation to the academic
institutions and the educational system.

Objectives/Out Upon the completion of this module, you should be able to:
comes 1. articulate the role of evaluation in ensuring the quality of education
academic institutions provide;
2. compare various evaluation approaches, methods and techniques; and
3. explain the CIPP evaluation model as well as its utility in schools.

Lessons in the In this module, you will be exploring these topics:

Lesson 1: Educational Evaluation
Lesson 2: Evaluation Approaches
Lesson 3: Evaluation Methods & Techniques
Lesson 4: The CIPP Evaluation Model

LESSON 1 Educational Evaluation

Learning Upon the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
Outcomes 1. demonstrate concrete knowledge and understanding of educational
evaluation and
2. explain the rationale behind the conduct of educational evaluations.
Time Frame 2 hours
Ready to begin a new lesson? Good! Anyway, Lesson 1 introduces you to
the utilization of evaluation as a valuable decision making tool of educators,
administrators and program designers. This lesson persuades you to become
active participants in the accreditation endeavor of your future employer as

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity 1: Word Cloud

Search the meanings of the words and acronyms shown in the word cloud
below. Which terms seem unfamiliar to you?


Reflect on the following processing questions.

1. What is your understanding of quality education? Which government
agencies set the standards of quality education?
2. How can you ascertain whether a school provides relevant and quality
academic programs?
3. What assessment data will support a school’s claim of excellence and
4. Who are the stakeholders of educational evaluation?
Analysis 5. Why do schools submit themselves to external accreditation?
Educational evaluation is an essential part of educational policy-making,
planning, and implementation. It is a systematic, continuous and
comprehensive process of determining the merit, worth, and significance of
school initiatives and programs (Navarro, R. L. & Santos, R., 2013). Its
main tenet is the holistic appraisal of a learner, his/her environment and
accomplishments (Cajigal, R. & Mantuano, M., 2014).
Educational evaluation is not limited to the teacher-student engagement. All
programs or activities in the school that went through the process of
deliberate planning and implementation require an assessment of their worth
and value (Reyes, E. & Dizon, E., 2015). Educational evaluation is deemed
imperative as a tool in the continuous quality improvement of schools as an
institution. In layman’s term, educational evaluation is the process of
ascertaining the quality of education provided by schools.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
As a tool for decision making, educational evaluation generates data that
may trigger changes in the current practices, programs, initiatives, activities
and policies of schools. The results of evaluation shall become the basis in
the formulation of appropriate educational decisions and actions (Kubiszyn,
T. & Borich, G., 2000).

Instructional & Grading: Inside the classroom, teachers reach instructional

decisions with respect to the extent of attainment of the intended learning
outcomes. Data is obtained from test results and performance scores.
Analysis will lead teachers to implement adjustments in the delivery of the
lessons and the designs of assessment tasks. This includes also decisions for
promotion or retention of students in a particular grade level.

Diagnostic: Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the learners

allows teachers to identify the root cause/s of the difficulty. Diagnostic
assessment provides relevant information regarding the readiness of the
students. Intervention and remediation programs must be based on needs

Selection & Placement: Evaluation data may also be gathered to select the
students to be admitted to a program or activity. Moreover, the placement
decision is made once the student is admitted to the school and usually
intends to identify students who need remediation or enrichment classes.

Guidance & Counseling: Guidance and counseling initiatives are deemed

more suitable if they are products of assessment. This includes the use of

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
socio-metric and standardized personality tests, anecdotal records and
clinical observations. Evaluation results may become basis for guidance and
counseling initiatives in response to the needs of the learners.

Program/ Curriculum: Based on results of evaluation, school

administrators may decide to continue, discontinue, revise or pursue a
program, activity, and curriculum. Evaluation shall lead to better planning
and implementation in the succeeding school endeavors. Hence, evaluation
should be an imperative in every school’s processes and procedures.

Administrative Policy: Given the available resources of the school, a

thorough evaluation of the efficiency of utilization of funding and assets
shall provide the basis for modifications in plans, policies and processes.
Decisions whether to acquire new facilities, machineries and materials and
whether to add more staffs must be based on gathered data.

According to the American Evaluation Association (2018), the five guiding

principles for evaluators are as follow:

Evaluation is an intrinsic and essential component of teaching and learning.

The results of an evaluation in educational setting may determine whether a
student passes to the next grade level, a teacher gets promoted, a particular
textbook will be used, a course will continue to be offered, a laboratory will
require renovation, and a school regulation will be modified. Educational
assessment typically uses preselected measurements such as norm-
referenced standardized tools to measure and evaluate quality of learners,
instructors, classes, institutions or the educational system as a whole
(ACSME, 2007).

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Competency evaluation is a means for teachers to determine the ability of
their students, not necessarily through a standardized test. Performance
evaluation ascertains the extent of capability to demonstrate a particular
skill. Course evaluation evaluates the quality of the delivery of a given
course while program evaluation determines if a program “works”. All of
these are components of educational evaluation.

The evaluation process goes through four phases as shown in the diagram

Planning: In the planning phase, there must be constructive alignment

among objectives, programs and evaluation criteria. What are the program’s
conceptual underpinnings? What information is needed to make decisions?
Which stakeholders will be directly involved in the process? Designing the
data collection tool is also a foremost concern in this phase.

Implementation: In the implementation phase, the prior concern is the

administration of the data collection tool. Extra care in data gathering and
handling is a must to ensure authenticity of findings.

Analysis: In the analysis phase, objectivity in interpretation and credibility

of the findings are to be established. Appropriate quantitative and qualitative
data analysis tools must be utilized carefully.

Reporting: In the reporting phase, translating the evaluation results in

concordance with the context of the recipients of the findings. Data
presentation must lead to clarity and not confusion. Consequently, the
results will lead to planning for program changes.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
All these four phases complete the evaluation cycle regardless of the
evaluation approach employed by the academic institutions.

As evidence of the significance of educational evaluation, many schools

pursue accreditation endeavors. DepEd, CHED and TESDA have
established respective standards for K-12, tertiary and technical-vocational
education. These standards have become the basis of the evaluation tools of
several external accrediting agencies such as PACUCOA, PAASCU,
ACSCU, AACCUP and etc.
Activity 2: Pattern Fan
Fill up the template shown by writing the important ideas you have learned
about education evaluation

EDUCATIONAL ----------------------------------------------------
EVALUATION ---------------------------------------------------


Activity 3: Case Analysis

Given the following cases, identify the type of educational decisions and
assessment action to be done.

Case Educational Assessment

Decision Action/s
1. Readiness of
Grade 10 students to
take the NAT
2. Implementation of
the Remediation
Classes in Reading
3. Shift from Face-
to-Face Delivery to
Full Online Mode
4. Utilization of a
learning management

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Congratulations for completing Lesson 1! Educational evaluation is an
essential mechanism for the smooth flow of processes and operations.
Educational decisions based on evaluation data are deemed trustworthy.
However, what are the approaches and methods in educational evaluation?
This shall be the focal point of the next lesson.

LESSON 2 Evaluation Approaches

Learning Upon the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
Outcomes 1. distinguish the different evaluation approaches
Time Frame 2 hours
Ready to begin a new lesson? Good! Anyway, Lesson 2 introduces you to the
different evaluation approaches that schools may employ to ascertain attainment
of intended outcomes. Particularly, you will explore the key features of these
evaluation approaches.

Activity 1: Background Knowledge Probe

Based on your understanding of the types of assessment, identify which type must
be employed according to the intention of the evaluator. Indicate your response by
putting a check under the appropriate column.

Formative Summative
Intention Assessment Assessment
Activity 1. Group students according to their
achievement levels.
2. Provide timely feedback to students.
3. Help students to feel safe to take
risks and make mistakes in the
4. Certify learning and award
5. Diagnose student learning needs.
6. Motivate students to increase effort
and achievement.
7. Actively engage students in their
own learning process.
8. Provide information about student

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
performance to stakeholders.

Reflect on the following processing questions.

1. How do you distinguish diagnostic, formative and summative assessment from
each other?
2. Is assessment synonymous with evaluation? If not, contrast them from one
3. What is educational evaluation? Why do we conduct evaluation? What can we
Analysis derive from evaluation results? Who benefits from the results of the evaluation?
Effective evaluation ensures that students properly placed, learning problems and
progress are appropriately diagnosed, performance of teachers are improved and
enriched, and academic standards are achieved and sustained. Thus, the choice of
the evaluation approach to use is a valid issue.

Evaluation approaches refer to the different ways to view, design, and conduct
evaluation activities. Some evaluation approaches provide solutions to problems;
Abstraction others improve existing processes and procedures. Generally, any evaluation
process may either employ formative or summative approaches depending upon
the intent of the evaluation activity.

Formative evaluation is an on-going process that allows for feedback to be

implemented during a program cycle. Formative evaluation is deemed a process-
oriented approach where feedback is generated while the program is being run
(Boulmetis, J. & Dutwin, P., 2005). Formative evaluation includes several types
(Trochim, W., 2020):

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Need assessment – identifies who needs the
program, how great the need is, and what might
work to meet the need

Structured conceptualization – defines the program

based on the target population and perceived
FORMATIVE outcomes
METHODS Implementation evaluation – monitors the
correspondence between the plan and the actual

Process evaluation – investigates the process of

delivering the program including alternative delivery

Summative evaluation takes place at the end of a program cycle providing an

overall description of its effectiveness. Summative evaluation measures the extent
of attainment of the program objectives. The results enable schools to determine
the future direction of a program or initiative. Summative evaluation includes
several types (Trochim, W., 2020):

Goal-based evaluation – ascertains whether the

intended goals of the program or project were

Outcome evaluation – identifies the effects to

students of participating in the program
METHODS Impact evaluation – determines the effect of the
program to larger stakeholders like community and
educational system

Cost-benefit analysis – investigates the cost-

effectiveness of the program

Moreover, House (1978) and Stufflebeam & Webster (1980) classified approaches
for conducting evaluations based on epistemology, perspective, and orientation.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Epistemology Political Questions Values
(Ethic) Perspective (Pseudo- (Quasi- (True
evaluation) evaluation) evaluation)
Elite Politically Experimental Decision-
(Managerial) controlled research oriented
Public Management Policy studies
relations information
Objectivist Objective-
(Utilitarian) based

Mass Accountability Consumer-

(Consumers) oriented

Elite Accreditation/
(Professional) certification
Subjectivist Connoisseur
Pluralist) Mass Adversary
(Participatory) Client-

In terms of the ways of obtaining knowledge, the objectivist epistemology is

associated with utilitarian ethics which concurs that something is good if the
society as whole is happy about it and it’s possible to validate externally the
knowledge acquired through publicly exposed evaluation methods and data. The
subjectivist epistemology is associated with intuitionist/pluralist ethics which
posits that there is no single interpretation of “good” and evaluation entails
looking into both the explicit and the tacit knowledge.

In terms of perspective, evaluation approaches may be categorized as elitist or

mass-based. An elitist perspective focuses on the views of the administrators
and/or experts in the field or profession. On the contrary, the mass-based
perspective puts the consumers at the apex of evaluation and highly participatory
in nature. The consumers may refer to the students, parents, community, and

In terms of orientation, evaluation approaches may be clustered into political,

question and values orientation. The political orientation or pseudo-evaluation
approaches tend to selectively present information and is skewed towards certain
perspectives or ideas. These types of evaluation includes public relations inspired

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
(a feel good evaluation focused on the positives of a program), politically
controlled (multiple truths uncovered) and evaluation by pretext (the client has a
hidden agenda for conducting the evaluation that is unknown to the evaluator).

The question orientation or quasi-evaluation approaches entail the collection

of evidence to ascertain whether any change that has occurred is due to the
program or intervention or other confounding factors. An elitist quasi-evaluation
employs experimental research (causal relationships), management information
systems (scientific efficiency), testing programs (individual differences),
objective-based studies (outcome-objective relationship) and content analysis
(communication data). However, a mass-based perspective quasi-evaluation
determines the extent of accountability based on well-defined performance
expectation and accurate accounting of outcomes.

The values orientation or true evaluation approaches are not only concerned
with goals, but also whether the goals are worth achieving. The evaluator
considers the impact, accomplishments and consequences of the program. A
decision-oriented approach promotes the use of evaluation as premise for the
educational decisions and planning activities. Policy studies include evaluation
approaches that focus in assessing potential costs and benefits of competing
policies. Consumer-oriented approach determines how the school has satisfied
the clientele’s needs and expectation.

Additionally, accreditation is a mechanism that allows academic institutions to

prove that they meet a general standard of quality. It is the formal recognition by
an authoritative body of the competence to operate with respect to specified
criterions. As a process, it is a form of peer review in which an association of
schools, colleges and universities evaluates a particular institution based on an
agreed set of norms encouraging improvement of every affiliate member. As a
result, schools receive recognition from the agency for having met the prescribed
minimum requirements.

Certification, on the other hand, represents a written assurance by a third party of

the conformity of a product, process or services to specified requirements. In the
Philippine context, this may refer to grant to operate certain programs in schools
and universities. Connoisseurship as an outgrowth of art appreciation advocates
the use of qualitative evaluation. It attempts to discern the subtle but significant
aspect of classroom life, schooling and education as a whole.

The adversary approach makes use of debate as its methodology. Two opposing
views on issues are presented with a neutral party acting as the referee. Moreover,
the client-centered approach places the unique needs of the clients at its core.

Evaluation ascertains how well a program, a practice, an intervention or an

initiative achieves its goals. It helps in determining what works well and what
could be improved. The selection of the evaluation approach to employ, however,

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
is dictated by the intent of the institution to be evaluated.

Activity 2: Grid Analysis

Identify the evaluation criteria being measured when you sought answers to these
key evaluation questions. Put a  on the appropriate column.

Questions Relevan Effectivenes Efficiency Impact

ce s
1. What range of
outcomes has the
Application school contributed to
society, environment
and economy?
2. Is the initiative
delivering on outputs
and outcomes as
3. Has the initiative
being delivered on
4. Is the school
impacting positively
on key groups and
5. Are there aspects of
the program that could
have been done

Activity 3: Balancing Act

Choose three evaluation approaches. Describe the advantages and disadvantages
of each approach. Present your response using the template below.



Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Congratulations for completing Lesson 2! Evaluation approaches are
distinguished by the nature of the questions they attempt to answer. It is therefore
vital to begin evaluation by being clear on what is wanted from evaluation. In
other words, begin with the end in mind. In the next lesson, you shall explore the
different methods and techniques in evaluation.

LESSON 3 Evaluation Methods and Techniques

Learning Upon the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
Outcomes 1. describe the salient features of the different methods and techniques
of evaluation and
2. identify the key strengths and weaknesses of each method and
Time Frame 1 hour
Ready to begin a new lesson? Good! Anyway, Lesson 3 introduces you to
the different evaluation methods and techniques that schools may utilize to
gather essential description of school performance. Particularly, you will
explore the key features of these evaluation approaches and methodologies.

Activity 1: Word Search

Placed in this puzzle are terms related to evaluation methodologies. Can
you find all of them?


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Reflect on the following processing questions.
1. How do you distinguish approach, method and technique?
2. In the process of assessment, what types of data can you generate?
3. Among the evaluation methods from the puzzle, which will yield a
quantitative data? Qualitative data?
Analysis 4. How do you decide which method or technique to use?

Evaluation helps schools to sought answers to questions such as “How are

we doing?”, “How do we know?”, and “What are we going to do now?” It
is ideal in investigating the influence of courses of action on the school’s
vision, mission, goals, learning and teaching practices, responses to
changes, and operational procedures. Quality education program evaluation
includes both qualitative and quantitative measures and evidences.
In the deciding which evaluation methodology to employ, academic
institutions must deal with theoretical and practical issues. Theoretical
issues include the value of the type of data, the perceived scientific rigor of
the data and underlying philosophies of evaluation. Practical issues
encompass the credibility of results, skills of the staffs, and financial and
time constraints (NSF, 2010).

Quantitative method focuses on “what” and “how many” while

qualitative method focuses on “why” and “how”. To choose between
them, you may use the flowchart below.

Data is intended to have Data is projected to lead

a robust understanding to a general description
of the program’s context of the program

Emphasis is examining, Emphasis is on the use of

comparing & interpreting statistical tools to analyze
patterns and themes and interpret data

Plans to use interviews, Plans to utilize surveys,

focus groups, journals, questionnaires,
observations, narratives, experiments, &
ethnographies secondary data
use use


Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
This comparison of the two methods is too simplistic. Both methods may or
may not satisfy the canons of scientific rigor. Quantitative methods may
seem precise if used properly and carefully; but, if respondents failed to
comprehend completely the items in the survey then findings may be
affected badly. Qualitative method setbacks, however, includes the
difficulty of gathering credible data sources, time-consuming and costly
nature of data collection, and intricacy of data analysis and interpretation
(Patton, 2002). Nowadays, to take advantage of the strengths of each
method the use of mixed-methods is advocated.

Different evaluation techniques have different purposes, work in different

contexts, and give you different types of feedback. Depending on what you
expect to obtain from the evaluation, you might find some techniques more
useful than others. Listed below are the common techniques employed in
education evaluations (NSF, 2010).

Technique Salient Features

Surveys  gather descriptive responses to a wide
range of close-ended or open-ended questions
 require a large number of respondents
 may be administered by pen-and-paper
or via web-based online data collection
 can be easily analyzed by existing
 provide a general picture but may fail to
consider audience’s context
Interviews  regard the participants’ viewpoint as
meaningful and recognizable
 require well-selected group of
participants based on a defined inclusion
 may be done through face-to-face or
telephone/video interview
 may use carefully worded questionnaire
(structured) or a free-wheeling probing
 require skillfulness and flexibility in
 prone to information distortion by
 produce vast volume of information that
may be difficult to transcribe
Focus groups  combine elements of interviewing and

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
participant observation
 explicitly use group dynamics to
generate data and insights
 may be conducted in a room or through
web-based discussion platforms
 may be used at both the formative and
summative stages of an evaluation
 less costly than individual in-depth
Observations  gather firsthand data on the
interventions, processes, or behaviors
 occur in natural, unstructured, and
flexible setting
 need qualified and highly-trained
 may push some participants to behave
 may be prone to distortion due selective
perception of observer
Tests  provide means to assess subject’s
knowledge and capacity to apply knowledge
 may be in selected-response or
constructed-response formats
 may be interpreted based on a certain
norm or criterion
 are criticized as fragmented, superficial
and punitive
 provide objective information that can
be scored in a straightforward manner
 may be distorted via coaching or
Checklists  use a standard list of action items, steps,
or elements that the clientele should have
demonstrated in completing a task, program or
 can be cheap and easy and covers a wide
array of factors
 depth and breadth is limited
Document Studies  use existing documents and secondary
 useful in analyzing trends and patterns
over time
 prone to doubts towards its authenticity,
completeness, and suitability
 time consuming to analyze and difficult
to access data

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Key Informant  entails selection or invitation of
participants based on their skills, background
and involvement in the program
 provides an “insider” perspective
concerning the issue evaluated
 prone to informants’ biases and
 requires observance of professional
relationship between evaluator and informants
to avoid tainting the results
Case Studies  provides a specific illustrative case or
exemplar of the issue evaluated
 allow a thorough exploration of
interactions between treatment and contextual
 require well-trained data collection and
reporting teams
 may be exposed to excessive
interpretation and generalization.

Other evaluation techniques include cohort studies, social network analysis,

self-completion questionnaires, feasibility studies, force field analysis and

Educational evaluation may need both qualitative and quantitative methods

because of the diversity of issues addressed. The choice of methods should
fit the need for the evaluation, availability of resources and time, and
capability of the staffs. While every evaluator has his/her own preference,
the dominant notion is that no one method is always best.

Activity 2: Pyramid
From the lessons you have learned; fill up the pyramid of thoughts below.

Application 2.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity 3: T-Chart
Contrast quantitative and qualitative methods based on the specified

Value of the types of


Relative scientific
rigor of data

philosophies of

Sample Techniques

Congratulations for completing Lesson 3! Evaluation need not be

conducted in an adversarial mode. Evaluations are designed for various
audiences who might be somewhat skeptical about the methods and
techniques employed. Evaluators, therefore, need to ensure credibility and
objectivity. In the next lesson, you shall focus on a specific educational

LESSON 4 The CIPP Evaluation Model

Learning Upon the completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
Outcomes 1. explain the elements of the CIPP evaluation model and
2. elaborate how the CIPP model can be used in school setting.
Time Frame 1 hour
Ready to begin a new lesson? Good! Anyway, Lesson 4 highlights the
CIPP model which is deemed an efficient tool for conducting educational
evaluations. Also, you will explore its efficiency and effectiveness as a
model of evaluation.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity 1: Classify Them

Identify the tool that can be used in each level of evaluation activities.

Activity Opinion polls Interest inventories

Observation guides Focus-group discussion
Personality inventories Interview guides
Tracer studies Rating scales
Anecdotal records National test results

Classroom Level Evaluation School System Level Evaluation

Reflect on the following processing questions.

1. Which tools are best used in classroom level of evaluation? School
system level of evaluation?
2. Which tool/s may be used in either level?
3. What must be the basis in selecting the tool to use in evaluation?
4. What is your understanding of the term model?
5. Are you familiar of any educational evaluation model? How about the
CIPP model?

Conducting an evaluation of a school program, project, intervention,

curriculum or initiative requires specific and systematic procedures.
Extensive studies of experts have yielded quite a number of evaluation
models. However, in this lesson you shall only focus on the CIPP model
developed by Phi Delta Kappa chaired by Daniel Stufflebeam (1971).
The CIPP (context, input, process, and product) evaluation model claims
that evaluation is conducted to reach a well-founded decision. It does not
assume linear relationship among its components. This model can be used
for both formative and summative kinds of evaluation activity. By
alternately focusing on program context, inputs, process, and products, the
CIPP model encompasses all phases of an educational program: planning,
implementation and evaluation. The first three elements of the CIPP model
are suitable for formative evaluation while the fourth element is ideal for
summative studies. The components of the model are summarized in the
model adapted from Stufflebeam (2003) below.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

Context Evaluation: The context evaluation component of the model

establishes the connection between the program goals and evaluation. The
evaluator describes the environment and determines the needs of the
program beneficiaries. The unmet needs, problems, issues and challenges
are identified and evaluated.

Input Evaluation: The input evaluation component of the model

determines how resources are utilized to achieve program objectives and
goals. Data regarding the school’s mission, goals, and plans are collected
leading to the assessment of the responsiveness of program strategies to the
stakeholders’ needs. A comparison to alternative strategies used in similar
programs is also aimed in this stage. The input evaluation complements the
context evaluation.

Process Evaluation: The progress evaluation component of the model

reviews the program quality. It ascertains whether the program is
implemented as it is planned. Program activities are monitored,
documented and assessed. Feedback mechanisms and continuous quality
improvement are of utmost concern by this stage.

Product Evaluation: The product evaluation component of the model

measures the impact of the program to target beneficiaries. Evaluators
assess the program effectiveness and sustainability. As a summative
component, decisions whether to continue, modify or terminate the
program are established in this stage.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
As a whole, the CIPP model looks at evaluation both in terms of processes
and products in all the various phases of school program, project,
intervention, curriculum, or initiative implementation. Outcomes and
projected objectives are matched and the discrepancies between them are
considered as basis for future plans and decisions.

Activity 2:
Identify the CIPP stage where you can obtain responses to these key

1. How do students use what they have learned?

2. Has the teacher’s reputation improved or been ruined as a result?
Application 3. Should courses be integrated or separated?
4. What is the relation of the course to other courses?
5. What is the entry level skill of the students?
6. Is the course content clearly defined?
7. What books do teachers have?
8. Is there an effective two-way communication?
9. What is the workload of student?
10. How well do students participate?
11. Is there any informal assessment?
12. How is disciplined maintained?
13. Do the objectives derive from aims?
14. What are the living conditions of students?
15. Is there a need for a course?

Activity 3
Determine in which CIPP component do each evaluator activities fall.
1. Determine the extent to which the program reached an appropriate group
of beneficiaries.
2. Assess the program’s work plan and schedule for sufficiency, feasibility,
and viability.
3. Maintain an up-to-date profile of the program.
4. Assess program goals in light of beneficiaries’ assessed needs and
potentially useful assets.
5. Assess the program’s proposed strategy for responsiveness to assessed
needs and feasibility.
6. Periodically interviews beneficiaries, program leaders, and staff to obtain
their assessments of the program’s progress.

Congratulations for completing Lesson 4! Schools often have both internal

and external reasons for evaluating their programs. Primary external reason
is the requirement of accreditation and government agencies. It is therefore
essential to have a strong evaluation process supported by a robust
evaluation model like CIPP.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Choose the option that provides the correct response.
1. How is assessment related to a course’s learning objectives?
a. Assessment and learning objectives are essentially the same thing.
b. The learning objectives are based on the way students are assessed.
c. Teachers use assessment to ensure a course’s objectives are met.
d. They are not at all related to one another.
2. If a teacher gives and exam and everyone fails, what should he/she do?
a. Give the exam again.
b. Determine why students missed the questions they missed.
c. Make the exam easier.
d. Adjust his/her teaching style.
3. Feedback is important because …
a. It allows students to learn from their mistakes.
b. It makes the student feel good about themselves.
c. It explains the grade that was assigned.
d. Teachers are supposed to give their students feedback.
4. Which is NOT true about formative evaluation?
a. It is focus is program improvement.
b. It judges the worth of a program while in progress.
c. It is primarily diagnostic in nature.
d. It is concerned with the overall effectiveness of a program.
5. Which is NOT true about summative evaluation?
a. It is done at the completion of a program.
b. Gathered data determine the worth of the program.
c. It is generally high stakes.
d. It entails comparing against some benchmark.
6. When is focus group more preferable than in-depth interview?
a. Peer pressure would inhibit responses and cloud results.
b. Subject matter is not so sensitive.
c. Group interaction is deemed nonproductive.
d. A greater volume of issues must be covered.
7. Which is a good tool for obtaining information when in-depth probing is not
a. observation c. case study
b. survey d. key informant
8. If the university was implementing a new online learning scheme this school year,
which might be regarded as stakeholders?
a. students and teachers c. IT support officers
b. staff development officers d. All of these
9. Which key question is aimed in the input evaluation stage?
a. What are the impediments to meeting necessary or useful needs?
b. How cost-effective is each identified approach?
c. Was the program running efficiently?
d. Were the intended outcomes of the program realized?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
10. Which key question is aimed in the product evaluation stage?
a. What are the longer-term implications of the program outcomes?
b. Did participants accept and carry out their roles?
c. How feasible is each of the identified approaches?
d. What relevant opportunities exist?


Educational evaluation is evaluation that is conducted specifically in educational

setting. It is the process of appraising particular aspect/s of the educational process. It
encompasses the evaluation of school programs, plans, courses, interventions, initiatives or

The purpose of educational evaluation may be formative or summative. Formative

evaluation begins during the program and program development and continues while the
program is ongoing. This entails monitoring and feed backing enhancing the
implementation along the way. Summative evaluation occurs at the completion of the
program. Its emphasis is on the achievement of the program goals and objectives.

Evaluation approaches refer to the underlying principles and assumptions in

designing the evaluation process. These approaches may be categorized in terms of
epistemology, perspective and orientation. Evaluation methods, moreover, are categorized
as quantitative or qualitative methods. There a lot of methods and techniques for evaluation
but there is no single best method. The choice of the method and technique relies on the
data and information you expect to obtain from the evaluation.

Stufflebeam’s CIPP model is a framework that provides a guide from the

conception, designing, implementation and evaluation of educational processes and
programs. The context evaluation identifies and defines program goals based on the needs,
problems, assets, and opportunities relevant to the program. The evaluator might utilize
document review, demographic data analysis, interviews, surveys, records analysis and
focus groups.

Input evaluation assesses current practices against other alternative practices with
emphasis on feasibility and effectiveness. Methods useful in this stage include literature
review, visiting exemplary programs, dialogue with experts and benchmarking. Process
evaluation is simply an implementation evaluation which highlights accountability and
documentation of the “lessons learned” in the process. Tools utilized in this stage include
observation, document review, participant interviews, and periodic monitoring reports.
Lastly, product evaluation examines the anticipated and unanticipated outcomes of the
program, positive or negative. Evaluators may use impact surveys, group interviews, case
studies and stakeholders’ judgments of the program.

Educational evaluation should assess and report a program’s merit, worth, probity
and significance. Whatever lessons learned by the entity being evaluated are also indicated

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
in the evaluation report. Hence, schools must establish an efficient internal and external
evaluation mechanisms and initiatives.


American Evaluation Association. (2018). American evaluation association guiding

principles for evaluators. Retrieved from { HYPERLINK
"https://www.eval.org/p/cm/ld/fid=51" } on July 10, 2020.

Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME). (2007). WEAS:

A web-based educational assessment system. Retrieved from { HYPERLINK
"https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/1233341.1233365%20on%20July%2010" }, 2020.

Boulmetis, J. & Dutwin, P. (2005). The ABC’s of evaluation: Timeless techniques for
program and project managers (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Cajigal, R. M. and Mantuano, M. D. (2014). Assessment of learning 2. Manila: Adriana

Publishing Co., Inc.

House, E. R. (1978). Assumptions underlying evaluation models. Educational Researcher.

7(3), 4-12.

Navarro, R. L. & Santos, R. (2013). Authentic assessment of student learning Outcomes:

Assessment of Learning 2. Manila: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

National Science Foundation (2010). The 2010 User-Friendly Handbook for Project
Evaluation. Retrieved from { HYPERLINK
friendlyhandbookforprojectevaluation.pdf" } on July 10, 2020.

Patton MQ. (2002). Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Newbury Park (CA):
Sage Publishing Inc.

Powell Tate (2020). Evaluation Approaches & Types. Retrieved from { HYPERLINK
"http://toolkit.pellinstitute.org/evaluation-101/evaluation-approaches-types/" } on July
10, 2020.

Reyes, E. and Dizon, E. (2015) Curriculum development. Manila: Adriana Publishing Co.,

Spaulding, D.T. (2008). Program evaluation in practice: Core concepts and examples for
discussion and analysis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Stufflebeam, D. L., & Webster, W. J. (1980). { HYPERLINK

"https://www.jstor.org/stable/1163593" }. { HYPERLINK
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_Evaluation_and_Policy_Analysis" \o

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
"Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis" }. 2(3), 5-19. { HYPERLINK
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCLC_(identifier)" \o "OCLC (identifier)" } { HYPERLINK
"https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/482457112" }.

Module Overview Hello, future educators! Welcome to the last module of this course,
Module 7 Grading
– Gradingand and Reporting
Reporting Systems.
SystemAfter being
7 acquainted with how to conduct assessments in the different
domains of learning and on the various methods of assessment and
evaluation, you are not to perform the last step of the process –
how to present results of assessment procedures through grading
and reporting systems.
In this module, you will be oriented with grading and reporting
systems, its functions and types, how these are developed, and
how these are implemented. Moreover, through this module, you
will be introduced to reporting grades through parent-teacher

Module Objectives/ At the end of the module, you are expected to:
Outcomes 1. Demonstrate understanding of concepts in grading and
reporting systems; and
2. Organize parent-teacher conferences.

Lessons in the This module is divided into 5 lessons:

Lesson 1 - Functions and Types of Grading and Reporting System
Lesson 2 - Development of a Grading and Reporting System
Lesson 3 - Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Grading
Lesson 4 - Distribution of Grades & Guidelines to Effective
Lesson 5 - Conducting Parent-Teacher Conference

Functions and Types of Grading and

Lesson 1 Reporting System

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. Discuss about the different functions of grading and
reporting systems.
b. Distinguish from each other the different types of grading
and reporting systems.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Welcome to the first lesson in this module! Here, you are to
familiarize yourselves with functions of grading and reporting
systems. Moreover, you will also be acquainted with the different
types of grading and reporting systems.
Let us begin!

Activity 1
Read the conversation of the characters in the comic strips then
answer the questions in the Analysis phase of this lesson.




Activity 2
Based on the scenarios depicted in the comic strips above, answer
the following questions:
1. What were the characters’ thoughts about grades?
2. In the first comic strip, how did the characters describe the
information in the report card?
3. In the second comic strip, does the male character’s
thoughts on grades understandable and relatable? Why?
4. What can you depict about the function of grading and
reporting systems based on these comic strips?

Grading is the process of judging the quality of the

performance of a student. Nonetheless, the grade is the symbol
used to represent the achievement or progress of a student.
Grading and reporting the progress of the students are two
of the most challenging tasks of teachers because there are so

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
many factors and decisions to be considered. Teachers find this
task demanding because (1) they have insufficient, formal
instruction in grading; (2) they have to make a judgment based on
incomplete evidence; (3) they have conflicting classroom roles;
and (4) there is no single universally accepted grading system.
According to Erickson and Strommer (1999, cited by Gabuyo &
Dy, 2013), grading and reporting systems are used to:
 Communicate the achievement of the students
 Provide students information to improve their self-
 Provide incentives for students to learn
 Select or group students from certain educational path or
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the program
 Inform the teacher about what students have and not
 Motivate and encourage good work.

Nonetheless, these functions may be summarized into three:

 Enhancing student’s learning
o enhancing students’ motivation
o indicating where teaching might be modified
 Reports to parents/guardians
o inform parents and guardians of students on the
progress of their wards
 Administrative and guidance uses
o helping to decide promotion, graduation, honors,
athletic eligibility
o reporting achievements to other schools or to
o providing input for realistic educational, vocational
and personal counseling

Different schools have different grading and reporting

systems. They are designed to serve many purposes in the
educational system. Linn (2009, cited by Gabuyo & Dy, 2013)
indicated that the purposes of grading and reporting system are to
be used for instruction, to report to parents/guardians, and for
administrative and guidance uses.

As stated earlier, grading systems of different schools vary.

So as the reporting systems. No single way of reporting the
students’ achievement is available. This depends on the policies
and guidelines imposed by institutions and government agencies’
mandates. These can be numbers, percentages, letter grade
equivalents, and descriptions. Nonetheless, these grades are then

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
communicated to parents through a parent-teacher conference.

Name Type of code used

Letter grades A, B, C, etc., Also “+” and “–” may be
Number of a Integers (5, 4, 3, ...) or percentage (99,
percentage grade 98, ...)
Two-category Pass-Fail; Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory;
grade Credit-Entry; Competent-Not Competent
Checklist and Checks next to objectives mastered or
rating scales numerical ratings of the degree of mastery
Narrative Report None; may refer to one or more of the
above but usually not to numeric grades

Activity 3
Create a concept map and determine different types of grading and
reporting systems then write the key feature of each system.

Activity 4
Write your thoughts about this quote:
(Application) “Grades are not inherently bad. It is their misuse and
misinterpretation that is bad.” – Guskey, 1993

Congratulations! You just completed Lesson 1 of Module 7. By

now I am confident that you are familiar with grading and
reporting systems, its functions and different types.
For the next lesson, you will be engaging on the features on
grading and reporting systems and be introduced on how grades
for the K-12 curriculum are computed and reported.

Lesson 2 Development of a Grading and Reporting System

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. Determine components of a grading and reporting system.
b. Compute student grades using averaging and cumulative
c. Compute grades of students in various grade levels
observing DepEd guidelines.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
After having an understanding of the functions and types of
grading and reporting systems, you are now ready to be engaged in
how these systems are developed and implemented. In this lesson,
you will be acquainted with the components that make up grading
systems and how student’s grades will be computed. Additionally,
you will be introduced to the policy guidelines enforced by the
Department of Education to perform assessments for the basic
education curriculum.

Activity 1
Research on the different grading and reporting systems used in
other countries. List down the key features of their grading and
reporting systems.
Activity 2
Based on your responses in Activity 1, answer the following
1. What have you observed on their grading and reporting
2. What components/criteria for grading is common to them?
3. What component/criterion is given the highest weight for
each system? Why was it given the highest weight?
Development of a Grading and Reporting System
The grading and reporting system needs to be:
 based on clear statement of learning objectives
 supportive of the school standards rather than opposing the
school standards already set
 based on adequate assessment, hence, verifiable through
(Abstraction) adequate systems of testing, measurement and assessment
 detailed enough to be diagnostic but compact enough to be
 able to provide for parent-teacher conferences as needed

Commonly found components of student’s grades:

 Periodic test
 Quiz
 Unit test
 Participation/performance
 Project/output
 Assignment
 Behavior

Methods of Computing Final Grade

There are two conventional methods of computing the final grades:

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
the averaging method and the cumulative method. The
computation of the final grade will depend on the grading policy of
the school or college and universities.
In the averaging method, the weights of the grade in each grading
period are equal. The formula is:

Benjamin’s grade in Mathematics IV is shown below. Find the
final grade.
Subject First Second Third Fourth
Grading Grading Grading Grading
Grade Grade Grade Grade
Math IV 89 92 94 96 ?

Final grade = 92.75

On the other hand, in the cumulative method, the final grade

gives a higher weight on the present grade than in the previous
grade. The percentage of the present and previous grade will
depend on the policy of the school, most notably in the private
schools, as defined by the manual of private schools or as their
grading policies.
An example of a cumulative method is when the final grade can be
obtained by multiplying a certain percentage (usually 70%) to the
current (tentative) grade, while 30% is to be multiplied to the
previous grade, then add the products.

What is Liana’s final grade in PE if her previous grade is 85, and
her tentative grade is 89?

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12
Basic Education Program (DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015)
This stipulated that there are three components of summative
assessment, namely: Written Works, Performance Tasks, and
Quarterly Assessment.
Written Works - This component ensures that students are able to
express learned skills and concepts in written form. This may
include essays, written reports, long quizzes, and other written
Performance Tasks - This component allows the learners to show
what they know and are able to do in diverse ways. Learners may
create innovate products or do performance-based tasks. Note that
some written outputs may be considered as performance tasks.
Quarterly Assessment - This component measures learning at the
end of the quarter. This may be in the form of objective tests,
performance-based assessments, or a combination thereof.

The grading system, according to this policy, is standards-

based and competency-based. For the Kindergarten, checklists,
anecdotal records, and portfolios are used instead of numerical
grades, which are based on the Kindergarten curriculum guide. On
the other hand, Grade 1 to 12 learners are graded on three
components every quarter: Written Works, Performance Tasks,
and Quarterly Assessment. The weights of these components vary
depending on the subject and grade level of the learner. All grades
are based on weighted raw scores of the learner’s summative
assessments. The minimum grade needed to pass a specific
learning area is 60 (percentage score), which is then
transmuted to 75 in the report card. The lowest mark that can
appear on the report card for Quarterly Grades and Final Grades is
To record and compute the learner’s progress, these series
of steps are done:
1. Add the grades from all learner’s work. This will result in
the total score for each component.
2. Divide the total raw score by the highest possible score,
then multiply the quotient by 100%. This will result in a
Percentage Score.
3. Convert Percentage Scores to Weighted Score. Multiply the
Percentage Score by the weight of the component indicated
in the tables below.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
4. Add the Weighted Scores of each component. The result
will be the Initial Grade.
5. Transmute the Initial Grade using the given Transmutation
Table in Appendix B of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015.

Weights of the components for Grades 1 to 10 are the given below:

Subjects Written Performance Quarterly
Work Tasks Assessment
Araling Panlipunan
30% 50% 20%
Edukasyon sa
40% 40% 20%
20% 60% 20%

Meanwhile, the Senior High School has the following

distribution of weights for each component:
Subjects Components
Written Performance Quarterly
Work Tasks Assessment
Core Subjects 25% 50% 25%
Academic Work
Track Immersion/
35% 40% 25%
All other
25% 45% 30%
TVL/ Work
Sports/ immersion/
Arts and Research/
20% 60% 20%
Design Performance
Track All other

The transmutation table is given below:

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
In computing grades at the end of the school year:
 Kindergarten: checklists, anecdotal records, and portfolios
are presented to the parents at the end of each quarter for
 For Grades 1 to 10: the average of the Quarterly Grades
produces the Final Grade; the General Average is
computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the
total number of learning areas since each learning area has
equal weights.
 For Grades 11 to 12: the average of the Quarterly Grades
produces the Semestral Final Grade; the General Average
is computed by dividing the sum of all Semestral Final
Grades by the total number of learning areas.

The summary of the learner's progress is shown quarterly

to parents and guardians through a parent-teacher conference, in
which the report card is discussed.
Descriptor Grading Scale Remarks
Outstanding 90-100 Passed
Very Satisfactory 85-89 Passed
Satisfactory 80-84 Passed
Fairly Satisfactory 75-79 Passed
Did Not Meet Expectations Below 75 Failed

An example of obtaining a student’s computed grade is given


What is Tina’s grade in Mathematics 10 if she has the following

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
scores in her the summative assessments?
Component Highest Total Raw
Possible Score Scores
Written Work 120 87
Performance Tasks 150 80
Quarterly Assessment 50 40

First, compute the Percentage Score for each component by
dividing the total raw score with the highest possible score:
Highest Total
Component Possible Raw
Score Scores

Written Work 120 87

Performance Tasks 150 80

50 40

Second, identify the distribution of the weights for each

component in Mathematics 10. Then, multiply the weight with its
respective Percentage Score:
Highest Total
Compo- Percentage Score
Possible Raw Weight
nent Score X
Score Score
Written 0.725 x 40
120 87 40%
Work = 29
0.533 x 40
mance 150 80 40%
= 21.32
0.80 x 20%
Assess- 50 40 20%
= 16
Initial Computed Grade 66.32

Afterward, identify the equivalent computed grade based on

DepEd’s transmutation table. Tina’s computed grade is 66.32,
which is equivalent to 78. This grade will be reflected in the report

In decisions of promotion and retention, different guidelines

are followed depending on the grade level:

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
For Grades 1 to 3, a learner is promoted to the next grade
level when he or she obtained a final grade of at least 75 in all
learning areas. If the learner did not meet expectations (failed) in
one or two learning areas, the learner must pass remedial classes
for learning areas with failing marks to be promoted to the next
grade level. Otherwise, the learner is retained in the grade level.
However, when the learner did not meet expectations in three or
more learning areas, he or she is retained in the same grade level.
For Grades 4 to 10, it still follows the guidelines for
promotion for Grades 1 to 3 learners but must pass all learning
areas in the Elementary to earn the Elementary Certificate and be
promoted to Junior High School. Additionally, Grades 7 to 10
must pass all learning areas in the Junior High School to earn the
Junior High School Certificate and be promoted to Senior High
For Grades 11 to 12, the learner must have a final grade of at
least 75 in all learning areas in a semester to proceed to the next
semester. If the learner did not meet expectations in a prerequisite
subject in a learning area, the learner must pass remedial classes
for failed competencies in the subject before being allowed to
enroll in the higher-level subject. Additionally, if the learner did
not meet expectations in any subject or learning area at the end of
the semester, he or she must pass remedial classes for failed
competencies in the subjects or learning areas to be allowed to
enroll in the next semester; otherwise, the learner must retake the
subjects failed. Contrariwise, when the learner passes all subjects
or learning areas in Senior High School to earn the Senior High
School Certificate.
How are remedial class grades computed? Summative
Assessments are also given during remedial classes, and these are
computed, weighted, and transmuted in the same way as Quarterly
Grade. The equivalent of the Final Grade for remedial classes is
the Remedial Class Mark. The Final Grade at the end of the school
year and the Remedial Class Mark are averaged. If the recomputed
final grade is 75 or better, the student is promoted to the next grade
level (for Grades 1 to 10), or he/she is able to enroll in the higher-
level learning area (for Grades 11 to 12). On the contrary, if the
recomputed grade is below 75, the student is retained in the grade
level for Grades 1 to 10. For Grades 11 to 12, the student will need
to retake the subject, and if the failed subject is a pre-requisite, he
or she will not be allowed to enroll in the higher-level learning

See example below:

Henry, a Grade 11 STEM student, has the following grades for his

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
first semester subjects:
Third Fourth Semestral
Subjects Quarter Quarter Final
Core Subjects
Oral Communication in
83 87 85
Komunikasyon at
Pananliksik sa Wika at 84 80 82
Kulturang Pilipino
General Mathematics 81 81 81
Earth Science 75 73 74
Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human 87 91 89
PE and Health 89 89 89
Applied and Specialized Track Subjects
Technologies (for the 81 83 82
Pre-Calculus 73 74 74

Notice that Henry got a Semestral Final Grade of 74 in Pre-

Calculus and in Earth Science. With this grade, the learner needs
to take remedial classes/sessions for specific competencies failed
and retake Pre-Calculus and Earth Science as back subjects.

After remedial classes, Henry got the following grades:

Learning Area Final Remedial Recomputed
Grade Class Mark Final Grade
Earth Science 74 74 74
Pre-Calculus 74 76 75

Since Henry already had a passing recomputed final grade, he can

no enroll Basic Calculus but needs to retake Earth Science since he
has a failed recomputed final grade for this subject.

Aside from the cognitive and psychomotor aspects, the

affective domain is also assessed in the K to 12 programs. The
development of learners’ cognitive competencies and skills must
be complemented by the formation of their values and attitudes
anchored on the Vision, Mission, and Core Values of the
Department of Education (DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2013). This is
through the Core Values of the Filipino child: Maka-Diyos,
Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa. Core Values have been
translated into behavior statements, and indicators have been

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
formulated for each behavior statement.
Non-DepEd schools may modify or adapt the guidelines
from the DepEd Order as appropriate to the Philosophy, Vision,
Mission, and Core Values of their schools. Additionally, schools
may craft additional indicators for the behavior statements,
ensuring that these are child-centered, gender-fair, and age- and
A non-numerical rating scale will be used to report on
learners’ behavior, demonstrating the Core Values. The Class
Adviser and other teachers shall agree on how to conduct these
observations and discuss how each child will be rated.
Marking Non-Numerical Rating
AO Always Observed
SO Sometimes Observed
RO Rarely Observed
NO Not Observed

Activity 3
Compute the students’ grades based on the given method.
1. By using the averaging method of computing final grades,
what is Mari’s final rating if the following are her grades in
First Second Third Fourth Final
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Grade
(Application) 94 87 92 90 ?

2. By using the cumulative method of computing final grades,

what is Mari’s final rating if her previous grade in History
is 87 and her tentative grade is 90?

Activity 4
Download the DepEd class record for Junior High School level
and for Senior High School level. Compute quarterly grades for 20
students for each level (one JHS and one SHS), including the final
computed grade. Submit your output in pdf file through email.
(Note: You may use fictional names and raw scores. What is
important is that you are able to present data and the computation
of the grades.)

Activity 5
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries opted to close
borders, communities are in lockdown, and establishments stopped
operations – including schools. However, the untimely occurrence
of this crisis affected schools heavily. It was before the end of the
school year/semester where most public and private schools were

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
unable to conduct face-to-face final examination.
Research on DepEd Orders and CHED Memorandum
Circulars released to address the situation of final assessments.
Afterward, compare and contrast the previously existing guidelines
and the recently released procedure by creating a Venn diagram of
the key features for each. (Note: Show similarities and differences;
separate for the basic education and another for the higher

Congratulations! You just completed Lesson 2 of Module 7.

You are now able to compute and report grades in various grade
levels in observance of the policy guidelines from DepEd Order
No. 8, s. 2015.
In the next lesson, you will be acquainted with norm-
referenced and criterion-referenced grading systems. You are
expected to be able to differentiate these two concepts.

Lesson 3 Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Grading

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. Distinguish between norm-referenced and criterion-
referenced grading.

Welcome to Module 7, Lesson 3 – Norm-referenced and

Criterion-referenced grading. By now, I am confident that you
have been acquainted with how grading and reporting systems are
developed and their functions. Here, you will be introduced to the
two categories of grading: the norm-referenced and the criterion-
referenced. Both of these grading systems are in use when
conducting assessments.

Activity 1
Recall tasks or activities conducted by your teacher where you
were graded by a set standard/criteria and when you were graded
by comparing your performance to the group. List these activities
below (a sample response is provided for your guidance).

Graded with a set standard:

1. The teacher gave a quiz with a passing score of 15 out of 20
(Activity) 2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Graded by comparing performance to the group:
1. After rating our dance performances, the teacher assigned us
into groups where that in Group A are students with high scores,
while those in Group D are students with low scores.
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________

Activity 2
In this task, elaborate your responses to the following questions:
1. In what instances/task was group grading appropriate?
2. In what instances/task was setting a target performance
level appropriate? Why?
3. Which method would you prefer using, group grading or
grading based on a target level? Why?
There are two common types of grading systems used at
different educational levels in the Philippines. We have the norm-
referenced grading system and the criterion-referenced grading

In the norm-referenced grading system, Student’s

performance is evaluated relative to the performance of the other
students within the group. When grades are compared to other
students (where you rank), it is called norm-referencing. In such a
system, grade depends on what group you are in, not just your
own performance. In addition, the typical grade may be shifted
(Abstraction) down or up, depending on the group’s ability.
1. It is easy to use. 1. The performance of a
2. It works well for the student is not only
courses with retention determined by his
policies, and it limits only achievement, but also the
a few students to advance achievement of the other
to the next level of the students.
course. 2. It promotes
3. It is useful if the focus is competition among the
on the individual students rather than
achievement of the cooperation.
students. 3. It cannot be used
4. It is appropriate for a large when the class size is
group of students (that is smaller than 40.
more than 40). 4. Not all students can
5. It does not encourage pass the given subject or

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
cooperation among the course.
6. The teacher easily
identifies learning
criteria – the percentage of
students who received the
highest grade or lowest

Meanwhile, criterion-referenced grading system give

grades that reflect absolute performance or compared to specified
standards. The student must get a grade higher than or equal to a
given standard to pass a given test.

1. The performance of the 1. It is difficult to set a
students will not be reasonable standard if it
affected by the is not stated in the
performance of the whole grading policies of the
class. institution.
2. It promotes 2. All students may not
cooperation among the pass the subject or course
students. when they do not meet
3. All students may pass the standard set by the
the subject or course when teacher or the institution.
they meet the standard set
by the teacher.
Activity 3
Construct a Venn diagram and determine the differences and
similarities of criterion-referenced and norm-referenced grading.
You may write your responses in bullet form.

Activity 4
Determine possible issues/problems that may be encountered
(Application) when using norm-referenced grading and when using criterion-
referenced grading. Afterwards, identify solutions on how to
address these issues.

Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 3 of Module

7. You are now equipped with determining criterion-referenced
grading and norm-referenced grading.
For the next lesson, you will be acquainted on the
distribution of grades and the guidelines on how to grade

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Lesson 4 Distribution of Grades and Guidelines to Effective

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. Determine how the distribution of grades are described.
b. Argue on how grading can be used effectively

After understanding the concepts of norm and criterion-referenced

grading systems, you will be introduced to how these systems
provide a description on the distribution of students’ grades.
Moreover, some key points on how to grade effectively will also
be presented.

Activity 3
Read this excerpt from a news article and answer the questions in
the Analysis section of this lesson.

Activity 2
Based on the article presented above, answer the following
1. How did the author describe feedbacking as a grading
2. For you, how will this strategy on grading students be used

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Distribution of Grades
 Norm-referenced or Relative Performance
o “grading on the curve”
o when “grading on the curve,” any pass-fail decision
should be based on an absolute standard (failed the
minimum essentials)
o standards and ranges should be understood and
followed by all teachers
 Criterion-referenced or Absolute Grading
o seldom uses letter-grade alone
o often includes checklists of what has been mastered
o the distribution of grades is not predetermined
Score Compared to Learning Potential
 grades are inconsistent with a standards-based
performance, that is, each child has his/her own standard
 reliably estimated learning ability is very difficult
 one cannot reliably measure change with classroom
 should only be used as a supplement

Guidelines for Effective and Fair Grading

Miller, Linn, and Gronlund (2009) suggested the following
guidelines for effective and fair grading, and this can be adopted in
the Philippine educational system, most especially in the Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs).
1. Discuss your grading procedures to the students at the very
start of instruction.
2. Make clear to the students that their grades will be purely
based on achievement.
3. Explain how other elements like effort or personal-social
behaviors will be reported.
4. Relate the grading procedures to the intended learning
outcomes or goals/objectives.
5. Get hold of valid evidence like test results, reports
presentation, projects, and other assessment results as
bases for computation and assigning grades.
6. Take precautions to prevent cheating on tests and other
assessment measures.
7. Return all tests and other assessment results, as soon as
8. Assign a weight to the various types of achievement
included in the grade.
9. Tardiness, weak effort, or misbehavior should not be
charged against the achievement grade of students.
10. Be judicious/fair and avoid bias, but when in doubt (in case

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
of a borderline student), review the evidence. If still in
doubt, assign the higher grade.
11. Grades are black and white, as a rule, do not change
12. Keep pupils informed of their class standing or

Activity 3
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you describe relative performance grading?
absolute grading?
2. Which is more effective to use – relative performance
grading or absolute grading?
3. How are grading and reporting systems made more
Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 4 of Module 7. You
are one lesson away to completing this module.
In the next lesson, you will be introduced to the process of
conducting parent-teacher conferencing and its importance.

Lesson 5 Conducting Parent-Teacher Conference

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

a. Organize a parent-teacher conference.
b. Determine problems encountered in a parent-teacher

After the student’s grades are computed and evaluated, the teacher
is to present these to concerned stakeholders, specifically the
parents. This can be done through a parent-teacher conference by
which the student’s performance and achievements are reported by
the teacher in order to inform the parents or guardians on how their
child had progressed after a specific period.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity 1.
Set an appointment with a teacher handling an advisory class and
ask the following questions about parent-teacher conferences:
1. How often do you conduct parent-teacher conferences?
2. What are the common reasons for conducting parent-
teacher conferences?
3. How do you prepare when conducting a parent-teacher
4. How do the parents react when receiving reports on their
children’s behaviors and achievements in school?
5. How do you handle parents that do not participate/attend
(Activity) parent-teacher conferences?
Activity 2
In this task, elaborate your responses to the following questions:
1. Why is it important to conduct parent-teacher conferences?
2. Why is there a need to inform parents/guardians on their
children’s progress?
Parent-teacher conferences are a means of communicating
the student’s achievements to their parents. This is where the
teacher can inform parents on the good and bad points of their
child, at the same, give an opportunity to parents to be involved in
their children’s education.
The following points provide helpful reminders when
preparing for and conducting parent-teacher conferences.
 Make plans for the conference. Set the goals and
(Abstraction) objectives of the conference ahead of time.
 Begin the conference in a positive manner. Starting the
conference by making a positive statement about the
student sets the tone for the meeting.
 Present the student's strong points before describing the
areas needing improvement. It is helpful to present
examples of the student’s work when discussing the
student’s performance.
 Encourage parents to participate and share information.
Although, as a teacher, you are in charge of the
conference, you must be willing to listen to parents and
share information rather than “talk at” them.
 Plan a course of action cooperatively. The discussion
should lead to what steps can be taken by the teacher
and parent to help the student.
 End the conference with a positive comment. At the end
of the conference, thank the parents for coming and say
something positive about the student, like “Mary has a
bright personality and is friendly with her classmates.”
 Use good human relations skills during the conference.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Activity 3
Imagine that you are a class adviser. Create a plan/program in
conducting a parent-teacher conference by filling the form below:
Parent-Teacher Conference Schedule

(Application) Student’s Parent/ Consultation Area of Consultation

Name Guardian Date & Concern Outcome

Activity 4
Identify at least five (5) possible incidences or problems that may
arise during a parent-teacher conference. For each problem,
recommend procedures or steps on how these should be addressed.
(Note: Cite your references and sources in APA format.)

Congratulations! You have completed Module 7 of Assessment of

Learning 2. I hope that you are now ready to be a future teacher
equipped with skills in grading and reporting student assessments.

Choose the letter of your answer. Show your solution for questions involving computations.
1. What is given emphasis in the K-12 assessment framework?
a. Written works
b. Quarterly assessments
c. Performance tasks
d. Written works and Performance tasks

2. What DepEd Order states the assessment framework for the K-2 curriculum?
a. DepEd Order No. 73, s. 2012
b. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015
c. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2012
d. DepEd Oder No. 73, s. 2015

3. Based on the K-12 assessment framework, how is the final grade per subject for
Grades 11 and 12 obtained?
a. Get the final average of the grades for the 2 Quarters.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
b. Get the final average of the grades for the 4 Quarters.
c. Get the final average of the grades for all the subjects for the 2 Semesters.
d. Get the final average of the grades for all the subjects for the 4 Semesters.

4. Which is true about criterion-referenced grading?

a. It compares the student’s achievement with the performance of others.
b. It compares the standards of one assessment method with another.
c. It compares student’s achievement with the performance standards.
d. It compares one assessment method to identify with is better.

5. Who among the following conducted norm-referenced grading?

a. Teacher Annie gave final grades based on the transmutation table.
b. Teacher Beni assigned the students into grading groups where those in
group A are students with high scores, while those in group D are students
with very low scores.
c. Teacher Cathy evaluated the student’s outputs based on the set standard.
d. Teacher Dino copied the students’ grades from the previous semester as this
semester’s grades.

6. Which statements represent criterion-referenced interpretation?

a. Lucy did better in solving the linear equation than 80% of representative
Algebra students.
b. Lucy’s score indicates that she is able to solve about two-thirds of all one-
variable linear equations of such complexity.
c. Students who have reached Lucy’s level on linear equations usually succeed
in the subsequent unit on simultaneous equations with special help, or extra
time, i.e., Lucy is ready to move ahead.
d. All of the above.

7. What is the student’s final grade in Filipino when he got the following ratings in the
following indicators of achievement?
Periodical Test 40% 87
Quizzes 15% 89
Recitation 25% 87
Homework 5% 86
Themes/Experiments 15% 89
a. 86.55 b. 87.55 c. 88.55 d. 89.55

8. What is the student’s final grade in English when he got the following ratings in the
following indicators of achievement?
Periodical Test 25% 84.5
Quizzes 10% 89.7
Participation 20% 88.6
Projects 20% 83.4
Performance 25% 86.8
a. 86.20 b. 86.02 c. 85.20 d. 85.02

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
9. By using the averaging method of computing final grades, what is Mari’s final
rating if the following are her grades in Science?
First Second Third Fourth Final
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Grade
84 87 90 93
a. 86.5 b. 87.5 c. 88.5 d. 89.5

10. By using the cumulative method of computing final grades, what is Mari’s final
rating if her previous grade in English is 89 and her tentative grade is 93?
a. 90.8 b. 91.8 c. 92.8 d. 93.8

For Item #11 – 15, here is a part of the guidelines of the 2015 DepEd Grade 1 – 10 Grading
Language, AP and Math and TLE and
EsP Science MAPEH
Written Tests 30% 40% 20%
Performance 50% 40% 60%
Quarterly Test 20% 20% 20%

11. What will be Jenny’s weighted grade in English with the following grades: written
test – 80, performance test – 90, quarterly test – 70.
a. 80 b. 85 c. 83 d. 86

12. What will be Henry’s weighted grade in Math with the following grades: written
test – 80, performance test – 90, quarterly test – 70.
a. 82 b. 84 c. 83 d. 85

13. What will be Ella’s weighted grade in TLE with the following grades: written test –
80, performance test – 90, quarterly test – 70.
a. 82 b. 84 c. 83 d. 85

14. What will be Hannah’s weighted grade in PE with the following grades: written
test – 70, performance test – 90, quarterly test – 80.
a. 82 b. 84 c. 83 d. 85

15. Will Jenny’s grade in the Report Card be 80 or 83 or 85 or 86?

a. Yes.
b. No.
c. The grade will be transmuted using DepEd’s transmutation table.
d. The grade will be averaged with the previous grade.

For items # 6 – 8, here is a part of the DepEd’s transmutation table:

Initial Grade Transmuted Grade
85.60 – 87.19 91

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
82.40 – 85.89 90
80.80 – 82.39 88
79.20 – 80.79 87

16. What would be Ella’s grade in TLE based on DepEd’s transmutation table?
a. 87 b. 88 c. 90 d. 91

17. What would be Henry’s grade in Math based on DepEd’s transmutation table?
a. 87 b. 88 c. 90 d. 91

18. What would be Jenny’s grade in English based on DepEd’s transmutation table?
a. 87 b. 88 c. 90 d. 91

For item #11 – 13, here are the Year 2015 descriptors and grading scale of DepEd.
Outstanding 90 – 100
Very Satisfactory 85 – 89
Satisfactory 80 – 84
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79
Did not meet expectation Below 75

19. Which will be Ella’s TLE grade description?

a. Outstanding c. Very Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory d. Fairly Satisfactory

20. Which will be Henry’s Math grade description?

a. Outstanding c. Very Satisfactory
b. Satisfactory d. Fairly Satisfactory

As a summary of this module, below are key terms and concepts that you need to
 Grade – the symbol that represents a value judgment concerning the relative quality
of a student’s achievement during a specified period of time
 Norm-reference grading – assigning grades of a student’s performance in
comparison with others
 Criterion-referenced grading – assigning grades of a student’s performance based
on a set of criteria or standard
 Grading system – a method of assigning and computing student grades
 Reporting system – a method of describing or informing student grades to
concerned individuals

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
 Averaging method – a method of computing final grades by assigning equal
weights to the grades, then getting the mean or average of these grades
 Cumulative method – a method of computing where the final grade is giving a
higher weight on the present grade than the previous grade
 Transmutation table – a table presenting equivalents of final computed grades for
final reporting

*Del, Felicidad R, et al. Assessment of Student Learning 1 & 2. Quezon City, Great Books
Publishing, 2011.
* DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015. Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12
Basic Education Program.
*Gabuyo, Yonardo A, and Gary C Dy. Assessment of Learning II : Textbook and Reviewer.
Quezon City, Philippines, Rex Book Store, Inc, 2013.
* Jacobson, L. (2020, April 30). For many students, teacher feedback is the new grading
system. Education Dive. https://www.educationdive.com/news/for-many-students-teacher-
*Navarro, Rosita L., Rosita G. Santos, and Brenda B. Corpuz. Assessment of Learning 1.
Quezon City, Philippines, Lorimar Publishing, Inc, 2017.
*Navarro, Rosita L., and Rosita G. Santos. Assessment of Learning Outcomes (Assessment
1). Quezon City, Philippines, Lorimar Publishing, Inc, 2017.
*Yazon, Alberto, and Eden Callo. Assessment in Student Learning. Wiseman’s Books
Trading, Inc., 2019.

Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {
Project WRITE XI: An Easy Guide for Course Pack making and Module Development {

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