Rotating Machinery and Signal Processing.
Rotating Machinery and Signal Processing.
Rotating Machinery and Signal Processing.
Ahmed Felkaoui
Fakher Chaari
Mohamed Haddar Editors
Machinery and
Signal Processing
Proceedings of the First Workshop
on Signal Processing Applied to
Rotating Machinery Diagnostics,
SIGPROMD’2017, April 09–11, 2017,
Setif, Algeria
Applied Condition Monitoring
Volume 12
Series editors
Mohamed Haddar, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia
Walter Bartelmus, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
Fakher Chaari, National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia
Radoslaw Zimroz, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
The book series Applied Condition Monitoring publishes the latest research and
developments in the field of condition monitoring, with a special focus on industrial
applications. It covers both theoretical and experimental approaches, as well as a
range of monitoring conditioning techniques and new trends and challenges in the
field. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: vibration measurement and
analysis; infrared thermography; oil analysis and tribology; acoustic emissions and
ultrasonics; and motor current analysis. Books published in the series deal with root
cause analysis, failure and degradation scenarios, proactive and predictive
techniques, and many other aspects related to condition monitoring. Applications
concern different industrial sectors: automotive engineering, power engineering,
civil engineering, geoengineering, bioengineering, etc. The series publishes
monographs, edited books, and selected conference proceedings, as well as
textbooks for advanced students.
Mohamed Haddar
Rotating Machinery
and Signal Processing
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Signal
Processing Applied to Rotating Machinery
Diagnostics, SIGPROMD’2017,
April 09–11, 2017, Setif, Algeria
Ahmed Felkaoui Mohamed Haddar
Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics National School of Engineers of Sfax
University Ferhat Abbas Sfax, Tunisia
Sétif, Algeria
Fakher Chaari
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Sfax, Tunisia
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Preface
The editors would like to thank all participants in SIGPROMD’2017 for their
valuable contribution to this book. They hope that the readers can find what they
expect in the field of signal processing dedicated to machinery diagnostics. Finally,
many thanks go to Springer for offering this opportunity to publish the proceedings
of the workshop.
viii Contents
Abstract. Fault diagnosis based on pattern recognition approach has three main
steps viz. feature extraction, sensitive features selection, and classification. The
vibration signals acquired from the system under study are processed for feature
extraction using different signal processing methods. Followed by feature
selection process, classification is performed. The challenge is to find good
features that discriminate the different fault conditions of the system, and
increase the classification accuracy. This paper proposes the use of Pareto
method for optimal feature subset selection from the pool of features. To
demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed fault diagnosis
scheme, numerical analyses have been performed using the Westland data set.
The Westland data set consists of vibration data collected from a US Navy CH-
46E helicopter gearbox in healthy and faulty conditions. First, features are
extracted from vibration signals in time, spectral, and time-scale domain, then
ranked according to three different criterions namely: Fisher score, correlation,
and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Afterword, data formed by only the selected
features is used as input for the classification problem. The classification task is
achieved using Support Vector Machines (SVM) method. The proposed fault
diagnosis scheme has shown promising results. Using only the feature subset
selected by Pareto method with Fisher criterion, SVMs achieved 100% correct
1 Introduction
The gears are one of the major components of rotating machines, and proper mainte-
nance of gear system is very essential to ensure reliability, safety, and performance of
machines. The most of the developed methods for fault diagnosis of these systems are
based on pattern recognition approach (Rafiee et al. 2007, 2010; Gryllias and
Antoniadis 2012; Zhang et al. 2013; Ziani et al. 2017). The advantage of this approach
is that it doesn’t require large priori knowledge of the process under study. In this case,
the diagnosis is assimilated to a classification problem (healthy or faulty condition).
four (24) signals: nine (9) signals acquired in normal condition (Fig. 2a), six (6) with
defect Level 1 condition (Fig. 2b), and nine (9) with defect level 2 (Fig. 2c).
Fig. 3. Times domain signals acquired under torque of 45%. (a) Normal condition (b) defect
level 1, (c) defect level 2
Feature Selection Scheme Based on Pareto Method 7
into a finite number of zero mean oscillations named intrinsic mode functions (IMFs).
Each resulting elementary component (IMF) can represent the local characteristic of the
signal (Mahgoun et al. 2016).
Samples were decomposed into a number of IMFs, and then the kurtosis of the
three first IMFs is calculated.
The feature extraction operation was repeated with all samples of the three oper-
ating modes (normal, with defect level 1, and defect level 2). Table 1 summarize the
list of the extracted features.
4 Feature Selection
From the above section, one can understand that there will be thirty three (33) features
extracted for classification of samples belonging to three different classes. However, the
entire feature set will not be used for the classification. Some of the features contain
redundant information which may unnecessarily increase the complexity. This problem
is frequently found in almost all pattern recognition problems. The challenge is to find
out the most pertinent features and eliminate the redundant features to increase the
classification accuracy.
In this study, we propose a filter based feature selection method. First, features are
ranked in decreasing order based on their evaluation with a selection criterion.
Afterword Pareto method is used to select the optimal feature subset according to
features evaluations, then the corresponding classification accuracies using SVMs are
tabulated. Three different criterions are compared: Fisher criterion, correlation criterion,
and Signal to noise ratio (SNR).
c 2
nj l i
ij l
sðiÞ ¼ P
c ð1Þ
nj q2ij
where lij and qij are the mean and the variance of the i-th feature in the j-th class
i is the mean of the i-th
respectively, nj is the number of instances in the j-th class, and l
feature, c is the number of classes.
Correlation Criterion. The Correlation criterion evaluates features on the basis of the
hypothesis that good feature is highly correlated with the classification. This correlation
is measured using “Bravais-Pearson” criterion given by the following equation (Dash
and Liu 2003):
ðlik l i Þðyk yÞ
CðiÞ ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi ð2Þ
P m
2 P
ðlik l i Þ ðyk yÞ 2
k¼1 k¼1
i et y are the mean of the i-th feature and class labels of data respectively. m is
where l
the number of all instances.
Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). The signal to noise ratio (SNR) identifies the expression
patterns with a maximal difference in mean expression between two classes and
minimal variation of expression within each class (Mishra and Sahu 2011).
i1 l
jl i2 j
SNRðiÞ ¼ ð3Þ
ðri1 ri2 Þ
From the initial feature set, the best features have been selected using Pareto-Fisher
based feature selection algorithm, Pareto-correlation based feature selection algorithm,
and Pareto-SNR based feature selection algorithm given in the above section.
Data composed of 240 samples was divided into two equally subsets. The first one
is used for training SVMs, while the second is used for the test. SVMs accuracy is
evaluated by the number of misclassified samples in the test. Based on results of
previous work (Ziani et al. 2017), SVMs is trained with an RBF kernel and OAO
strategy for multiclass SVM is adopted.
In the first time the SVMs classifier has been trained with the initial feature set
composed of 33 features, then it has been trained with the optimal feature subset
selected with different algorithms and the results are tabulated as follows:
Figure 5 shows the Pareto curve in the case of features selection using Fisher score.
Features are ranked according to their scores, and then the selected features are those
cumulating 80% of Fisher criterion. In this case, the optimal feature subset is composed
of the following features: 1, 10, 6, 30, 2, 8, and 27.
From Tables 2 and 3, one can understand that three algorithms have selected the
pertinent feature subset in different manner. However, looking at a problem in clas-
sification accuracy view point, it is clear that the classification accuracy was improved
with the selected features in all cases. The Pareto-fisher gives 100% with only seven
features, Pareto-correlation gives also 100% but with ten features, and finally Pareto-
SNR gives 97.5% with 13 features.
Figure 6 shows 3D scatter plot of data with the entire feature set. This plot is
performed using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) where data is projected on
three Principal Components: PC1, PC2, and PC3. It is important to note that PCA is
used here for data visualization but not for selection purpose. Figures 7, 8 and 9 show
plots of data with pertinent features selected using the three criterions. It is clear that
data is well separated using the selected features which explain the improvement of
classification accuracy. The best data separation is obtained using the selected features
by Pareto-fisher algorithm.
From Table 2, one can understand that the selected features are not the same in the
three cases. This is logical since different criterions were used. However some features
are selected by the three algorithms which confirm their discriminant ability. These
features are: the mean, peak to peak, PSD calculated in the band [895–1321 Hz], and
Energy of coefficient 3.7. The mean and Peak to peak values quantify the level of
vibration. When any fault occurs in a gear, the level of vibration increase and the values
of these features increase consequently. This can be confirmed in Fig. 3 where the level
of vibration increases with the level of defect. PSD is a measure of the power of signal
in frequency domain. When fault appear, PSD calculated around the meshing fre-
quency increase significantly. This can be explained by the modulation phenomena
characterized by the production of sidebands around the meshing frequency.
Feature Selection Scheme Based on Pareto Method 11
Fig. 6. 3D scatter plot of data with the entire feature set (33 features)
Fig. 7. 3D scatter plot of data with features selected by Pareto-Fisher algorithm (7 features)
Fig. 8. 3D scatter plot of data with features selected by Pareto-correlation algorithm (10
Feature Selection Scheme Based on Pareto Method 13
Fig. 9. 3D scatter plot of data with features selected by Pareto-SNR algorithm (13 features)
6 Conclusion
In this paper, an investigation has been made on different feature selection criterions
and their effect on classification also studied. Different features were extracted from the
vibration data using different signal processing methods. There were totally thirty three
features out of which certain features may not be use for classification. The optimal
feature subset was selected according three different criterions such as: Fisher score,
correlation criterion, and Signal to Noise criterion. Their results and corresponding
classification accuracies have been tabulated. Pareto method has been used to define the
number of features to be selected. It can be concluded that Pareto-fisher based feature
selection algorithm with SVMs classifier seem to perform better for this application.
However, other algorithms also may suit for some other applications. Our future work
will focus on a more comprehensive fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on the
unsupervised learning methods.
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Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal
and Non-stationary Conditions
Based on Instantaneous Angular Speed,
Differential Evolution and Multi-class
Support Vector Machine
Abstract. The gearboxes are among the most important elements of rotating
machines and consequently they require an effective condition monitoring
strategy. However, many machines operate over a wide range of the rotational
speed and most analysis of rotating machines are based on investigating the
vibrations with a constant speed. Therefore, techniques developed for constant
conditions cannot be applied directly.
The angularly sampled Instantaneous Angular Speed (IAS) carry a consid-
erable amount of information on the health and usage status of rotating
machinery. Thus, it represents a potential source of relevant information in
intelligent fault detection and diagnosis systems, but also to construct Feature
Vector (FV) to further get robust and effective classification methods for dif-
ferent running speed or load conditions.
This paper presents an intelligent gear fault diagnosis based on Instantaneous
Angular Speed (IAS), Differential Evolution (DE) and multi-class Support
Vector Machine (SVM) in normal and non-stationary conditions. For this pur-
pose, features are extracted from IAS. Then, the DE selection algorithm is
applied in order to select the most relevant features. The classification is per-
formed by SVM in order to improve the detection and identification of gear
defects. The methodology is applied in normal and non-stationary conditions,
with six pinion fault conditions. The experimental results prove that the pro-
posed method is able to detect the fault conditions of the gearbox effectively.
1 Introduction
methods were applied in diagnostics according to the choice and experience accu-
mulated by researchers (Kudo and Sklansky 2000; Khushaba et al. 2011). These
methods can be divided into two categories: filters and wrappers. Filter based feature
selection methods are generally faster because they depend on some type of estimation
of the importance of individual features or subset of features. Whereas wrapper-based
methods are more accurate, because the quality of the selected subset of features is
evaluated using a learning method. There are many optimization methods that are used
to find the optimal number of features, but that differ in their optimality and compu-
tational cost. Such methods add the important features, one by one at each iteration,
until the best performance is reached. Among these methods: Genetic methods
(GA) (Haupt and Haupt 2004), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) (Dorigo and Stützle
2004), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) (Kennedy et al. 2001) and Differential
Evolution optimization method (DE) (Price et al. 2005). In this work, a modified DE
optimization method proposed in Khushaba et al. (2011) and abbreviated as DEFS
technique is used for feature subset selection. The advantage of this method is that the
practical results indicate the significance of the proposed method in comparison with
other feature selection methods. Another reason for choosing DEFS is that it selects the
relevant features automatically and not perturb or hide their physical meaning, which is
very important for interpretability of the classification and diagnosis results.
In this paper, IAS is determined to monitor different operating modes. For this
purpose, features are extracted from angular and frequency domains. Then, the DEFS is
applied in order to select the most relevant features. The classification is performed by
multi-class Support Vector Machines (SVM) for the improvement of the detection and
identification of gear defects. The methodology is applied in healthy conditions, then
for five pinion faults with different running speed and load conditions.
The main contribution of this paper is the use of new relevant indicators even in the
non-stationary conditions, to feed the classification methods, which requires the
analysis of the IAS signals estimated from the signals delivered by the optical encoders.
Knowing that the current trend of bearing manufacturers and rotary machines is to
integrate angular encoders in their products in order to obtain different types of controls
(speed control, position…). The use of these signals makes it possible to carry out
acquisitions directly in angular sampling without any additional constraints.
The paper is structured as follows. The first part provides an overview of IAS
measuring principle. Then, the description of the experimental device as well as the
various test conditions. Afterwards, we present the analysis of the characteristics of the
measured variables and the different indicators introduced as a Feature Vector VF.
After, we show the selection procedure using DEFS. Finally, we provide the SVM
classification results and related discussion in order to show the advantages of the
proposed approach and give the final conclusion.
2 Measuring Principle
The use of high resolution optical encoders, that is to say having a large number of
pulses per revolution, offers the possibility to measure the IAS. Several methods are
used to estimate IAS from a pulse signal. Generally, these methods can be categorized
Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal and Non-stationary Conditions 19
into two groups. The first technique, called (ADC)-based methods (Fyfe and Munck
1997), is based on the use of a standard analog to digital converter with an anti-aliasing
filter to acquire the angle encoder signal, using a lower sampling rate (typically several
tens of kHz), and to determine event’s times of the encoder by numerical processing
like upsampling or interpolation. The second technique, known as timer/counter-based
methods (Kong 1987; Li et al. 2005), illustrated in Fig. 1, consists to use a high
frequency counting approach: a high frequency pulse signal is used as reference,
typically several tens of MHz, and an electronic device is used to count the number of
pulses of the high frequency clock between two events of the angle encoder signal.
This method will be used in this paper.
Fig. 1. Principle of instantaneous angular speed measurement with the counting method:
(a) encoder pulses, (b) high frequency clock pulses, (c) angular position for the shaft and (d) IAS
2p fh
xi ¼ ðrad/sÞ ð1Þ
N f ni
where fh is the clock frequency of the counter board; ni the number of pulses/counts for
each angle interval i between two rising edges of the encoder signal; Nf is the reso-
lution of the optical encoder. The index used i on xi denotes instantaneous.
The test bed Fig. 3a used in this study consists of two rotating shafts, on which are
mounted a pinion and a spur gear offering a gear ratio of 25/56 respectively. To
compare the effectiveness of the analysis methods, we used six pinions, the first one is
referred as Good (G), whereas the others have several different types of defects: a Root
20 S. Fedala et al.
Crack (RC), a Chipped Tooth in Width (CTW), a Chipped Tooth in Length (CTL), a
Missing Tooth (MT) and General Surface Wear (GSW) as shown in Fig. 2. Three
pinions are simultaneously mounted on the input shaft of the gearbox; the engagement
change is done by a simple axial movement of the wheel on its axis Fig. 3b.
Fig. 2. View of six used pinions. (a) G. (b) RC. (c) CTW. (d) CTL. (e) MT. (f) GSW
Fig. 3. The test bed (a), location of pinions (b) and optical encoder (c)
The input shaft is driven by an electric motor controlled in rotational speed. The
engine ensures a maximum speed of 3600 rpm. The output shaft is connected to a
magnetic powder brake capable of generating different resistive torques. To measure the
angular positions of the shafts, two optical encoders of 2500 pulses per revolution are
mounted at the free ends of the two shafts of the gearbox Fig. 3c. The clock frequency of
the counting acquisition system is 80 MHz, generally considered sufficient to locate the
rising edges of the encoder signals. The encoders signals are recorded during 1200
revolutions of the input shaft. The angular positions have been measured for different
operating conditions by varying the rotation speed and the resistant torque for each of
the six gears used (Table 1). Each test is repeated ten times for normal conditions
(Fig. 5a) and five times for non-stationary conditions (Fig. 5b and c), in order to have a
sufficient number of signals for the training and testing of SVM. In total, 1260 records
have therefore been made, 210 records for each class of operation.
Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal and Non-stationary Conditions 21
For the non-stationary running conditions two strategies have been used:
– Load variation: for the five RPMs used (Table 1) the load balances suddenly from
the no-load to under load operation (Fig. 5b), repeated several times during the
acquisition time. Two resistive torques are used, 5 and 8 Nm.
– Speed variation: for the two couples used (5 and 8 Nm), speed increases gradually
until an approximated value of 50 Hz, then decreases with the same manner till the
end of acquisition (Fig. 5c).
4 Experimental Part
The flowchart in Fig. 4 shows a complete overview of the techniques used in this
study. From records made on the test bench, IAS signal is employed in order to extract
different types of indicators to build a FV, which afterwards, will be used, with and
without selection by DEFS algorithm, to the training and the testing of the SVM
22 S. Fedala et al.
Preprocessing and FV
N Stopping
Input Vector
Fig. 5. Presentation of IAS1 signals in normal (a) and non-stationary conditions: (b) Torque
variation and (c) speed variation, for pinions: good (G), Root Crack (RC), Chipped Tooth in
Width (CTW), Chipped Tooth in Length (CTL), Missing Tooth (MT) and General Surface Wear
Fig. 6. Presentation of IAS1 signal in non-stationary conditions (speed variation) for pinion
with MT defect. (1) IAS signal (a) before and (b) after normalization. (2) zoomed view of IAS
signal (a) before and (b) after normalization
Figure 6a and b show respectively the IAS1 signals, recorded for the MT defect,
before and after normalization. Figure 6a and b show the zoomed view of these signals
for 20 shaft revolutions. As can be seen, even if the two signals have periodic pulses,
the velocity fluctuations in the case of the normalized IAS oscillate around the zero and
not around a variable value. Therefore, the advantage of normalization is related to the
value of scalar indicators such as kurtosis and RMS, which had respective values of
2.99 and 37.61 before and which regain after normalization a respective values of 8.62
and 0.43 which are more representative of the pulses generated by the defect. Thus, the
IAS1 signals are processed to extract five angular domain features commonly used in
literature, which are RMS, variance, crest factor, kurtosis and skewness. The definitions
of these features can be found in (Mohanty 2015).
24 S. Fedala et al.
Fig. 7. Event spectra of IAS1 signals in non-stationary conditions (a) torque variation (b) speed
variation, using pinions: good (G), Root Crack (RC), Chipped Tooth in Width (CTW), Chipped
Tooth in Length (CTL), Missing Tooth (MT) and General Surface Wear (GSW)
Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal and Non-stationary Conditions 25
Fig. 8. Event spectra of IAS1 signals in non-stationary conditions (speed variation, torque
8 Nm) before and after normalisation for the pinion with MT defect
Moreover, the spectra of the IAS1 signals before and after normalization (Fig. 8)
reveal that the amplitudes of the different components are perfectly superimposed and
that normalization allows only to get rid of the phenomenon associated with the effect
of speed increase in bass orders by eliminating the dominant harmonic (at 0 events/rev)
which represents the mean value of the signal. Therefore, this normalization operation
only improves the relevance of the scalar indicators.
• five angular domain features: RMS, variance, crest factor, kurtosis and skewness,
• twelve orders frequency domain features from the IAS1 signals.
To describe the algorithm of SVM, let us consider the set P that trains the SVM
f ð xÞ ¼ wT x þ b ¼ wi xi þ b ¼ 0 ð3Þ
The Euclidean distance of any point that lies on either of the two hyperplanes is
equal to 1=kwk. Maximizing the margin 2=kwk is equivalent to minimizing kwk2 . The
solution is found after resolving the following quadratic optimization problem:
1 Xn
mimimize kwk2 þ C ni ð5Þ
2 i¼1
yi ðwT xi þ bÞ 1 ni ;
subject to i ¼ 1; . . .; n
ni 0;
1X n
maximize W ðaÞ ¼ ai ai aj y i y j x i ; x j ð6Þ
2 i;j¼1
< 0 ai C
subject to P
i ¼ 1; . . .; N
: ai y i ¼ 0
For the case of nonlinear separability in feature space, the kernel function is
introducing in the last equation in order to transform the input vectors in to a high
dimensional feature space, where the linear separation is possible. Thus, the inner
product (xi, xj) (Eq. 6) is replaced by a kernel function K(xi, xj), as shown in the
following equation:
1X n
W ð aÞ ¼ ai ai aj y i y j K x i ; x j ð7Þ
2 i;j¼1
Finally, based on the optimal hyperplane, the optimal classification function can be
given as:
f ð xÞ ¼ sign ai y i K x i ; x j þ b ð8Þ
The kernel functions commonly used in SVM’s formulations are: linear, polyno-
mial, sigmoid and radial basis function (RBF), etc. In this study, we opted for a cubic
polynomial kernel. This function permits to separate perfectly learning samples and
does not require any adjustment.
Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal and Non-stationary Conditions 29
In the present work, we have several types of defects, so it is important to not only
detect these defects (detection stage) but also to classify them (identification stage). For
this, a SVM classifier is specifically used at each stage of diagnosis: the detection stage,
where the training set consists only of examples in normal and fault conditions (2
classes). The identification stage, where the training set consists only of examples in
fault conditions (5 classes).
Here, we have applied the one-against-one approach for the multi-class classifi-
cation using 10-fold CV. Where N is the number of classes, N (N − 1)/2 classifiers are
constructed and each one trains data from two classes. In the classification, we use a
voting strategy in which each binary classification is considered to be a voting, where
votes could be casted for all data points, x, at the end a point is designated to be in a
class with the maximum number of votes (Widodo and Yang 2007; Chapelle et al.
1999; Weston and Watkins 1998; Hsu and Lin 2002). The classification accuracy is the
percentage of number of correctly predicted data with respect to the total number of
testing data. The 10-fold CV is used to reduce the bias related with random sampling of
the training and test sets. The cross-validation accuracy (CVA) is the average of the
k individual accuracy measures:
1X k
CVA ¼ Aj ð9Þ
k j¼1
30 S. Fedala et al.
where k (10 in this case) is the number of folds used, and Aj is the accuracy measure of
each fold, j = 1,…, k.
The CVA of SVM classification in detection and identification stages, in normal,
non-stationary and combined conditions, with and without selection, are shown
respectively in Tables 4 and 5.
The results show the performance of the classification for detection and identifi-
cation stages. It appears clearly that
• In the normal condition, we remark that the used FV give perfect performances of
100%. In the case with selection, this performance is reached with only 6 and 5
indicators respectively for detection and identification stages.
• In the nonstationary conditions:
– Load variation, the diagnosis success reaches a value of 100% for all cases and
achieve 98.5% for identification stage. The selection improves the performance
and achieves a 100% perfect accuracy to detect gear faults with only four
optimal features selected from DEFS method.
– Speed variation, in both stages, the accuracy of classification reaches 100% in all
cases and particularly with only two selected indicators.
• In the combined conditions, it is found that the designed SVM classifier can
diagnose all gear faults accurately, reaching respectively a success of 99.4% and
99.7% for detection and identification stages. The selection improves slightly the
results, achieving a success of 99.5% for detection and 99.8% for identification with
reduced feature subsets composed of 11 and 12 indicators respectively.
6 Conclusion
This paper presents a methodology for diagnosis of multiple gear failures under sta-
tionary, nonstationary and combined operating conditions. The presented methodology
is based on the use of Instantaneous Angular Speed (IAS), Differential Evolution
Feature Selection DEFS and multiclass SVM. It can be applied in the monitoring
domain where rotating machines operate under variable speeds and are subjected to
multiple failure modes.
According to the performances achieved without selection, it can be concluded that
the IAS signals deliver highly relevant indicators whether in the stationary, non-
stationary or combined case. On the other hand, the DEFS selection offers also the
possibility to eliminate unnecessary indicators, improves the success rate and reduces
CPU time. Consequently, using angular domain features extracted from IAS is highly
recommended to diagnosis the multiple gear faults in all operating conditions.
The proposed approach is suitable for the monitoring of rotating machines operate
under nonstationary condition. In future, the approach can be generalized by consid-
ering multiple failure modes and variable conditions.
Acknowledgments. This work was achieved at the laboratories LaMCoS (INSA - Lyon,
France) and LMPA (IOMP, Sétif -1- University, Algeria). The authors would like to thank the
Algerian and French Ministries of Higher Education and Scientific Research for their financial
and technical support in the framework of program PROFAS 2012.
32 S. Fedala et al.
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Intelligent Gear Fault Diagnosis in Normal and Non-stationary Conditions 33
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to study the effect of input parameters choice
of the artificial neural network (ANN), in order to obtain the best performances
of fault classification. The purpose of this network is to automate the electric
motor bearing diagnosis based on vibration signal analysis. The choice of the
components of ANN’s inputs (training and testing) has a big challenge for
prediction of the machines faults diagnosis. The vibration signals collected from
the test rig (Bearing Data Center) are preprocessed, to extract the most appro-
priate monitoring indicators to analyze the health of the experimental device.
To improve the performance of the neural network, we use three different
dataset: the first contains only time indicators, while the second contains the
frequency indicators, and the third set is a combination of these two indicators.
A comparison between the effects of each feature on the ANN performances,
allowed us to choose the optimal structure of input data. The obtained results
show that the combined dataset give the best performances compared to the two
others dataset.
1 Introduction
Bearings are the most fragile components of rotating machines. Being located between
the fixed part and the moving part of these machines, they ensure the transmission of
forces and the rotation of the shaft. They must be continuously monitored and any
defect should be tracked to avoid costly production downtime.
However, the vibration signals generated by faults in such systems have been
widely studied (McFadden and Smith 1985), and there are many signal processing
techniques that can be used to extract the defect information from a measured vibration
signals (Randall and Antoni 2011; Rai and Upadhyay 2016).
2 Background
Local or wear defects causes periodic impulses in vibration signals. Amplitude and
periodic of these impulses are determined by shaft rotational speed, fault location, and
learning dimensions. The formula for the various defect frequencies is given by:
Ball pass frequency, outer race:
nfr d
BPFO ¼ 1 cosðaÞ ð1Þ
2 D
Where fr is the shaft speed, n is the number of rolling elements, and f is the angle of
the load from the radial plane. Note that the ball spin frequency (BSF) is the frequency
with which the fault strikes the same race (inner or outer).
The learning of the multilayer perceptron is supervised, and consists of adapting the
weights of the neurons so that the network is capable of performing the requested task.
The conventional method for learning the multilayer perceptron is the back-
propagation algorithm, which was developed in particular by Rumelhart and Parkenet
le Cun in 1985. This algorithm relies on the minimization of the quadratic error
between the computed outputs and those desired.
Fig. 3. (a) The bearing test rig; (b) the schematic description of the test rig. (Huang et al. 2010)
Table 2 summarizes the values of the MSE error using the various indicators and
parameters described above.
In each case, the network is trained until it reaches the values of the stop criteria.
The results are obtained after several executions.
The Figs. 5, 6 and 7 show the performances of ANN for different input data. We
have obtained a performance of 0.032 (for MSE) using the time indicators and a
performance of 0.036 with the frequency indicators, while the combination of the two
sets gives a better performance of 0.0235.
Effect of Input Data on the Neural Networks Performance Applied 41
5 Conclusion
The objective of this work is to study the effect of the choice of the elements consti-
tuting the pattern vector (inputs) on the performances of the artificial neural network,
which has been used as a diagnostic tool for bearing fault diagnosis. Starting from the
analysis of the signals collected by vibration sensors of a rolling test rig, and the
calculation of time indicators and frequency indicators. Then, they are configured to
build the database that will be used to learn and test the ANN, which allows us to find
the best configuration of the network (inputs, parameters and outputs) in order to
automate the decision on the eventuality of a bearing defect.
The results show that the performance of the artificial neural network is better for
the case with the combined indicators. This is because the combined data include all the
indicators, which enable them to better presenting the health status of the studied
Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank Kenneth A. Loparo, from Bearing Data
Center, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, for providing us the experimental data.
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Effect of Input Data on the Neural Networks Performance Applied 43
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Bearing Diagnostics Using Time-Frequency
Filtering and EEMD
1 Introduction
Rolling bearings are widely used in rotating machines. Studies show that failure and
breakdowns on rotating machines are generally related to bearings (Li and Ma 1997).
Therefore, the fault must be detected as early as possible to avoid sudden breakdowns
which lead to significant economic losses and human casualties.
Generally, a failure in a bearing component may begin as a manufacturing related
defect or be induced by operating stress via overload or cyclic loading. Defects on
bearing are classified to distributed defects and localized defects. Distributed defects
include surface roughness, waviness, misaligned races and off-size rolling elements.
Localized defects include cracks, pits and spalls on the rolling surfaces (Li and Ma 1997).
When a fault is occurring in a roller bearing, it often generates periodic impacts
every time the roller element hits a defect in the raceway or every time a defect in the
roller element hits the raceway (McFadden and Smith 1984), The size and the
repetition period of the impact are determined by the shaft rotation speed, the type of
fault and the geometry of the bearing (McFadden and Smith 1985). These parameters
influence directly the vibration signal which is usually, non-stationary and non-linear.
The non-linearity is due to some factors such as loads, clearance, friction, stiffness and
the effect of lubrication. Since the roller bearing vibration signal is non-linear and non-
stationary, therefore, it is difficult to identify the bearing fault using conventional
Many methods based on vibration signal analysis have been developed to analyze
the roller bearing signals; the envelope analysis technique is widely used as a powerful
tool in the detection and diagnosis of bearing faults (McFadden and Smith 1984). This
technique consists of bandpass filter followed by a demodulation and a Fast Fourier
Transformation. However, the major shortcoming of envelope analysis is that the
selection of the centre frequency and the bandwidth of the filter, these parameters are
based on the historical data and are determined with experience which will make a
great subjective influence on the diagnosis results.
In order to overcome the limitation of the envelop analysis we use the TFF method
proposed by Flandrin (2015), Meignen et al. (2016) to filter the signal to analyze the
vibration bearing signals for different defects size, and then we compare the results
given by using the two methods separately and the results when we combine the two
The structure of the paper is as follows: Sect. 2 introduces the basics of EEMD. In
Sect. 3 the time-frequency filtering algorithm is summarized. In Sect. 4, we present
simulated signal which is analyzed by using the two methods EEMD and TFF. In
Sect. 5, the TFF and EEMD methods are applied to bearing faults diagnosis, and a
conclusion of this paper is given in Sect. 6.
The Time-Frequency Filtering technique is based on the fact that the Short-Time
Fourier Transform (STFT) of a signal is entirely characterized by its zeros (Flandrin
2015; Meignen et al. 2016). Flandrin (2015) propose to use an algorithm based
essentially on Delenaury triangulation and spectrogram Shx ðt; xÞ given by:
Shx ðt; xÞ ¼ Xxh ðt; xÞ ; ð1Þ
þZ1 t
Xxh ðt; xÞ ¼ xðsÞhðs tÞexpðixðs ÞÞds: ð2Þ
1 2
46 H. Mahgoun and R. Ziani
The EMD (Huang et al. 1998) consists to decompose iteratively a complex signal into a
finite number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) which verify the two following
The number of extrema and the number of zeros of an IMF must be equal or differ
at most by one.
An IMF must be symmetric with respect to local zero mean.
For a given signal xðtÞ the EMD algorithm used in this study is given in literatures
(Huang et al. 1998).
To alleviate the mode mixing effect of EMD, the EEMD was used. The EEMD
decomposition algorithm of the original signal xðtÞ used in this work is summarized in
the following steps (Wu and Huang 2009):
Bearing Diagnostics Using Time-Frequency Filtering and EEMD 47
Add a white noise nðtÞ with given amplitude bk to the original signal xðtÞ to
generate a new signal:
Use the EMD to decompose the generated signals xk ðtÞ into N IMFs IMFnk ðtÞ; n ¼
1; . . .; N; where the nth IMF of the kth trial is IMFnk ðtÞ.
Repeat steps (1) and (2) K times with different white noise series each time to
obtain an ensemble of IMFs: IMFnk ðtÞ; k ¼ 1; . . .; K.
Determine the ensemble mean of the K trials for each IMF as the final result:
1 XK
IMFn ðtÞ ¼ lim IMFnk ðtÞ; n ¼ 1; . . .; N : ð8Þ
k!1 K k¼1
4 Simulation
In order to confirm the validity of the TFF and to compare the two methods, EEMD and
TFF, we suggest analyzing a bearing simulated signal. This comparison will highlight
the advantages of applying TFF in fault diagnosis.
In our study we will use a mathematical model suggested by Yuh-Tay Sheen
(2004), to simulate the vibratory signal of a bearing with a defect in the inner ring
(Fig. 1). The results of this model give a signal very similar to the real vibratory signal.
The simulated signal composed of simulated pulse train exponentially decaying
impulses. Each pulse is modulated by three signal harmonic frequencies with an
exponential decay (Fig. 1).
The vibration signal is given by (Sheen 2004):
By using the TFF, the noisy signal xs nðtÞ is also filtered (Fig. 5) and then
decomposed. If we compare the results, we can observe that the first IMF (transient
component) given by EEMD is noisy, because the noise used in the EEMD algorithm
occur generally in the first IMF, we can observe that this noise does not exist in the
filtered signal (Fig. 5) but also some information was lost by using only TFF.
To increase the information, in this study we propose to use the other IMFs in the
reconstructed signal (Fig. 6) and to obtain the filtered signal by using the two methods
(EEMD and TFF). From Fig. 6 we can see that the noisy signal is filtered and the
information is conserved.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
noisy signal
Amplitude 0.5
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (s)
Filtered signal
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
Time (s)
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Fig. 6. The filtered signal using only TFF and (EEMD + TFF).
Experimental data (www.eecs) was collected from the drive-end ball bearing of an
induction motor (Reliance Electric 2HP IQPreAlert)-driven mechanical system is
shown in Fig. 7. The motor was connected to a dynamometer and a torque sensor by a
self-aligning coupling. The dynamometer is controlled so that desired torque load
levels can be achieved (www.eecs). The accelerometer was mounted on the motor
housing at the drive end of the motor. The data collection system consists of a high
bandwidth amplifier particularly designed for vibration signals. The accelerometer was
Bearing Diagnostics Using Time-Frequency Filtering and EEMD 51
mounted on the motor housing at the drive end of the motor. The data collection system
consists of a high bandwidth amplifier particularly designed for vibration signals and a
data recorder with a sampling frequency of 12,000 Hz per channel. The data recorder is
equipped with low-pass filters at the input stage for anti-aliasing. The bearings were
running at approximately 1797. The bearings used were SKF 6205 bearings. Some
parameters are listed in Table 1: Size: (inches).
Fig. 7. Test bench (the Case Western Reserve University- Bearing Data Center) (Kenneth 2003)
where fc is the cage fault frequency, fi is the inner raceway fault frequency, fo is the
outer raceway fault frequency, fb is the ball fault frequency, d is the ball diameter, Dm
is the pitch diameter, Z is the number of rolling elements, fr is the rotation frequency of
the shaft and is the ball contact angle.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 8 displays the vibration signal from a normal roller bearing which is ana-
lyzed with the EEMD and TFF. The first filtered IMF is displayed in Fig. 9. The
spectrum of the filtered IMF is displayed in Fig. 10. We can see only and clearly the
rotation frequency and its harmonics.
Bearing Diagnostics Using Time-Frequency Filtering and EEMD 53
First IMF
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
First IMF filtered
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
X: 1066
Y: 0.2517
0.2 X: 1036
Y: 0.2177
X: 1006
0.15 Y: 0.1398
800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Frequency (Hz)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time(s) 4
x 10
X: 30.01
Y: 0.1427
X: 161.8
X: 132.3 Y: 0.06874
Y: 0.0576
X: 191.9
0.05 Y: 0.04406
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Fig. 13. The spectrum of the filtered signal from a faulty roller bearing.
The vibration signal of inner race defect is displayed in Fig. 11. We can see that the
amplitude is very large and there are many impulses due to defect and at the same time
we can see a considerable noise. The filtered signal using EEMD and TFF is shown in
Fig. 12. It is clear that there are periodic impacts in the vibration signal. There are
significant fluctuations in the peak amplitude of the signal, and there are also con-
siderable variations of frequency content.
Figure 12 shows the results given by the EEMD and TFF. We can see from the
spectrum Fig. 13 clearly the ball pass frequency of the inner race BPFI = 162 Hz and
its harmonics, so it confirms the existence of the inner race fault.
Bearing Diagnostics Using Time-Frequency Filtering and EEMD 55
6 Conclusion
In this study, we have combined the two methods EEMD and TFF to denoise and to
analyze bearing vibration signals. The technique achieves good frequency separation
and does not require the use of the envelope analyses.
The method has shown successful separation of the different modes that correspond
to the presence of a defect. We have also used the spectrum to detect the frequency
defect, and we have observed that the technique separates the different parts of the
signal, and gives a solution to the problem of envelope analysis, which is the selection
of the centre frequency and the choice of the bandwidth of the filter that is based on the
historical data and is generally determined with experience.
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element bearing. J. Sound Vib. 98(2), 263–273 (1985)
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(11), 2137–2141 (2015)
Meignen, S., Oberlin, T., Depalle, P., Flandrin, P., McLaughlin, S.: Adaptive multimode signal
reconstruction from time-frequency representations. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 374, 20150205
Huang, N.E., Shen, Z., Long, S.R.: The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum
for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. Ser. 454, 903–
995 (1998)
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method. Adv. Adapt. Data Anal. 1, 11–41 (2009)
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Kenneth, L.A.: Case Western Reserve University Bearing Data Center (2003). www.eecs.cwru.
The Time-Frequency Filtering (TFF) Method
Used in Early Detection of Gear Faults
in Variable Load and Dimensions Defect
1 Introduction
Gears are mechanisms widely used for power transmission in rotating machinery. The
malfunctions and defects of gears are inevitable. The faulty gear is usually the major
source of noise and vibration (McFadden 1986) and may result in the abnormal
operation and failure of the system. The early detection of gear faults is very important
to prevent the system from damage.
When a local gear fault occurs, the vibration signal is characterized by the presence of
periodic impulses (Mahgoun et al. 2016). If the rotating speed of the shaft is invariable.
However, under the variable rotating speed of the shaft, and the vibration signal is non-
stationary (Wu et al. 2012). The local gear fault induces periodic impulses but these
impulses are masked. The use of the conventional methods of diagnosis of a defect such
as the Fourier analysis, short time Fourier transform does not allow us to obtain good
results. To avoid this problem, we propose to use time-frequency methods which
decompose the signal into bands and make it possible to filter the signal; these methods
are very useful in these situations.
Until now, many time-frequency methods were applied to detect the fault at an early
stage, among these methods such as Wigner Ville decomposition (WVD) (Forrester
1989), short Fourier Transform (STFT) (Staszeweski 1997) and wavelet transform
(WT) (Wang and McFadden 1997) seem to be the suitable tool to identify the signal
frequency and to provide information about the time variation of the frequency (Cohen
1989). These methods are classified to linear time-frequency representation such as STFT
and wavelet transform, and bilinear methods such as Wigner Ville distributions.
The STFT is appropriate only for analyzing signals with slow variation (Mallat 1998) and
it is inefficient in the case of non-stationary signals. The WT transform was widely
applied because it’s a multiresolution analysis (Mallat 1998), is very used to detect the
transient features to extract impulses and for denoising. Nevertheless, the wavelet anal-
ysis is also a linear transform and it uses functions named wavelet as window function like
the STFT. The window changes its width by using a dilatation parameter. Then, at the
high frequency, we have high time resolution and a low frequency resolution. While at
low frequencies, we have low time resolution and high-frequency resolution. Then, we
can’t have a good resolution for all time-scale map due to the Heisenberg uncertainty
principle (Staszewski 1997). In addition, this method gives a time-scale representation
which is difficult to interpret as a time-frequency representation; we must have a relation
between the scale and the frequency to understand the obtained results and to identify the
fault frequencies. Another limitation of the WT is how to select the mother wavelet used
in the analyses of the signal since different wavelets have different time-frequency
structures (Peng and Chu 2004), also, how to calculate the range scale used in the WT is
another deficiency of the transform (Liu et al. 2006). Many researchers demonstrated that
the use of the WT introduces border distortion and energy leakage (Peng and Chu 2004).
In mechanical application, Yang et al. (2011) confirm that this method is highly
dependent on the rotational speed and pre-knowledge of the machine. To overcome the
deficiencies of these methods empirical mode decomposition (EMD) was proposed by
Huang et al. (1998) for nonlinear and non-stationary signals and was applied in fault
diagnosis of rotating machinery (Liu et al. 2006; Mahgoun et al. 2010). It does not use
a priori determined basis functions and can iteratively decompose a complex signal into
a finite number of zero mean oscillations named intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Each
resulting elementary component (IMF) can represent the local characteristic of the
signal. However, one of the problems of EMD is mode mixing as a result of inter-
mittency (Huang et al. 2003; Rilling and Flandrin 2008). Mode mixing occurs when
different frequencies that should appear separately in different IMFs are presented in
one IMF. This problem gives a vague physical significance of the IMF. EMD is unable
to separate different frequencies in separate IMFs. Also, the IMFs are not orthogonal
each other, which produce end effects. To solve the problem of mode mixing the
ensemble empirical mode decomposition EEMD method was proposed by Wu and
Huang (2009) by adding several realizations of Gaussian white noise to the signal, and
then using the EMD to decompose the noisy signal, multiple IMFs can be obtained and
the added noise is canceled by averaging the IMFs. The ensemble empirical mode
decomposition (EEMD) proposed by Huang et al. to analyze nonlinear and non-
stationary signals. The method was largely applied in fault diagnosis of rotating
58 H. Mahgoun et al.
machinery (Mahgoun et al. 2012; Wu and Chung 2009) because it does not use a priori
determined basis functions and can iteratively decompose a complex signal into a finite
number of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). Each resulting elementary component IMF
can represent the local characteristic of the signal. We have used the EEMD to analyze
non stationary signals collected from test bench which work under non stationary
conditions, where the speed of the shaft is variable due to a variation of the load and we
have obtained good results in impulses detection (Mahgoun et al. 2016) but we cannot
separate the part caused by the variation of load and the part of the signal (impulses)
due to defect.
In this work, we use two different time-frequency methods, ensemble empirical
mode decomposition (EEMD) and time-frequency filtering (TFF) (Flandrin 2015;
Meignen et al. 2016) to analyze the vibration signals given by a dynamic modeling of a
gear transmission in the case of non stationary load and speed with a variation in the
defect size, and then we compare the results given by using the two methods separately
and the results when we combine the two methods.
The structure of the paper is as follows: In Sect. 2 the time-frequency filtering
algorithm is summarized, Sect. 3 introduces the basic EMD and EEMD. In Sect. 4, the
methods are applied and results are compared. In Sect. 5, a conclusion of this paper is
The Time frequency filtering technique is based on the fact that the Short-Time Fourier
Transform (STFT) of a signal is entirely characterized by its zeros (Flandrin 2015;
Meignen et al. 2016). Flandrin (2015) proposes to use an algorithm based essentially on
Delenaury triangulation and spectrogram Shx ðt; xÞ given by:
Shx ðt; xÞ ¼ Xhx ðt; xÞ ð1Þ
Xhx ðt; xÞ ¼ 1
xðsÞhðs tÞexpði x s Þds ð2Þ
the spectrogram is characterized by it zeros which are determined by using Weitrrass-
Hadamard factorization where Time and frequency are considered as coordinates of a
complex-valued variable by introducing z ¼ x þ it and Xhx ðt; xÞ can be written as:
1 2
Xhx ðt; xÞ ¼ exp jzj ,x ðzÞ ð3Þ
The Time-Frequency Filtering (TFF) Method Used in Early Detection 59
1 1
Aðz; sÞ ¼ p4 exp s2 isz þ z2
2 4
h1 ¼ xðtÞ m1 ð7Þ
60 H. Mahgoun et al.
in which, m11 is the mean of upper and low envelope value of h1. After repeated sifting,
h1k becomes an IMF, that is h1k ¼ h1ðk1Þ m1k then, it is designated c1 ¼ h1k as the
first IMF component from the original data. c1 should contain the finest scale or the
shortest period component of the signal.
(5) Separate c1 from x(t), we could get:
r 1 ¼ xð t Þ c1 ð9Þ
r1 is treated as the original data and repeat the above processes, the second IMF
component c2 of x(t) could be got.
(6) Let us repeat the process as described above for n times, then n-IMFs of signal x
(t) could be got. Then,
r 1 c2 ¼ r 2
. ð10Þ
r n1 cn ¼ r n
xðtÞ ¼ cj þ r n ð11Þ
(2) Use the EMD to decompose the generated signals xk(t) into N IMFs IMFnk ðtÞ; n ¼
1; . . .; N; where the nth IMF of the kth trial is IMFnk(t).
(3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) K times with different white noise series each time to
obtain an ensemble of IMFs: IMFnk ðtÞ; k ¼ 1; . . .; K
(4) Determine the ensemble mean of the K trials for each IMF as the final result:
1 XK
IMFn ðtÞ ¼ limk!1 IMFnk ðtÞ; n ¼ 1; . . .; N ð13Þ
K k¼1
4 Application
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Inst rotational speed
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fig. 1. (a) Evolution of the applied load, (b) Evolution of the instantaneous rotational speed
62 H. Mahgoun et al.
The variation of load leads to a fluctuation in the rotational speed (Fig. 1b) and a
variation of the gear mesh frequency. The mean value of the motor rotational speed is
nr = 1320 rpm which corresponds to a mean gear mesh frequency fgm = 308 Hz. The
Inserted defect is a crack on one of pinion teeth (Z = 14 teeth) then the frequency
default is 22 Hz which correspond to a period of 0.045 s. The sampling frequency is
30800 Hz for all signals. A crack in one pinion tooth is simulated by a periodic
decrease in the gear mesh stiffness function corresponding to the mesh of the defected
In this work we propose to study acceleration signals for a load fluctuation of 50%,
we have four different signals:
(a) Gear without defect (0%),
(b) gear with a defect that the severity is 1%
(c) gear with a defect that the severity is 5%
(d) gear with a defect that the severity is 10%
The acceleration signals for healthy gear and faulty gear for the early and advanced
stage are given in Fig. 2.
Load 50%
0% defect
0 a)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
1% defect
0 b)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
5% defect
0 c)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
10% defect
0 d)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Fig. 2. Acceleration signals for 50% of the load. (a) Healthy gear, (b), (c) and (d) faulty gear.
From literature, the spectrum of a gear transmission running under constant loading
conditions is dominated only by the gear mesh frequency and its harmonics with
eventual sidebands induced by the presence of defects (Capdessus and Sidahmed
1992). For non-stationary conditions, family of sidebands will be noticed around the
mesh frequency fgm and its harmonics induced by the non uniformity of the gear mesh
period (Fig. 3) and this can be thought to be a frequency modulation of the gear mesh
The Time-Frequency Filtering (TFF) Method Used in Early Detection 63
0% defect a)
0 800 900 1000 1100 1200
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
0.1 0.05
1% defect
0.05 b)
0 800 900 1000 1100 1200
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
5% defect
0.05 c)
0 800 900 1000 1100 1200
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
0.1 0.05
10% defect
0.05 d)
0 800 900 1000 1100 1200
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fig. 3. Spectrum of the signals for 50% of load (a) healthy gear, (b), (c) and (d) Faulty gear.
TFF method
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 c)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (s)
Fig. 4. TFF of signal for 50% of load (a) healthy gear, (b), (c) and (d) faulty gear
64 H. Mahgoun et al.
The zoom around the mesh frequency for the defect cases (Fig. 3b–d) shows many
asymmetric sidebands around this frequency, which indicate a frequency modulation.
From the presented zoomed spectrum (Fig. 3a) for the healthy case, we can observe
also the presence of sidebands which may cause confusion with the defected case when
diagnosing the transmission.
In order to overcome this difficulty, we propose to use two different methods TFF
and EEMD. Initially, we use the TFF to analyze the raw signals and the results are
compared with the results given by using only the EEMD and then the results are
compared with the results given by the combination of the two methods EEMD and
To compare the results, the acceleration signals for healthy gear and faulty gear for
the early and advanced stage for 50% a variation of load are filtered by using TFF. The
results obtained are given in Fig. 4. We can see that the method gives good results
when the defect is very advanced and does not provide good information on the defect
if it is early (5% or less than 5%).
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Fig. 5. IMF1 of signal for 50% of load (a) healthy gear, (b), (c) and (d) faulty gear
The Time-Frequency Filtering (TFF) Method Used in Early Detection 65
The same signals are also decomposed by using EEMD, Fig. 5 presents the first
IMF of the four studied signals. From this figure we can see that for the case of faulty
gear, we can observe clearly the variation of the load which can hide the impulsions
due to the defect and precisely at early stage (5% defect), we can see also the position
of impulses from 5% of severity which is the best result compared to results given by
TFF, and we can see the impulses due to defect if the severity is greater than 10%. The
period between to impulses is 0.045 s which is equivalent to the frequency defect.
EEMD allow us to detect the impulsions and eliminate the effect of the applied load
when the defect is in advanced stage 10% and 5%. To eliminate completely the effect
of the presence of a load, we propose to combine the two methods.
Figure 6 presents the first IMF of four studied signals after filtering by using TFF
method. From this figure, we can see the impulses due to the defect if the severity is 5%
but for a less severity, is 0% and 1% we see also some impulses which are the feature
of the load.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0 d)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Fig. 6. IMF1 filtered using TFF (a) healthy gear, (b), (c) and (d) faulty gear
The TFF of these IMFs shows clearly the position of the impulses due to the fault.
The periodicity of the defect can be clearly observed for 10% of defect better than 5%
of the defect after using EEMD.
66 H. Mahgoun et al.
5 Conclusion
In this study, we have combined the EEMD and TFF methods to analyze non-
stationary signals that give information about the variable conditions such as variable
speed and load. The time-frequency filtering (TFF) method can be used to denoise
signal and eliminate non stationary part as the effect of load. And the EEMD method
achieves good modes separation. In this study, we have used the proprieties of the two
methods to separate the fault effect from the load effect and to detect the fault masked
by simultaneous variation of load. The EEMD method showed successful separation of
the different modes that correspond to the variation of load and the effect of fault. We
have used the EEMD method to decompose the signal in many modes and then we
have used the TFF to detect the period of the impulses due to the fault and to eliminate
completely the load’s features from the modes by filtering.
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Comparison Between Hidden Markov Models
and Artificial Neural Networks
in the Classification of Bearing Defects
1 Introduction
data processing and decision-making. Diagnosis and prognosis are two important
components of the CBM program (Jardine et al. 2006; Zhou et al. 2016; Kan et al.
2015). Vibration analysis has proven to be an effective means of diagnosing break-
downs. For decades, many methods have been proposed to extract and analyze the
characteristics of the vibratory signal in order to perform the fault diagnosis (Wang
et al. 2009). Considerable researches have been carried out on the development of
various detection and diagnostic techniques based on vibratory data. These techniques
can be classified mainly in the time domain, frequency domain, and time-frequency
domain (Sanz et al. 2012). Increasingly sophisticated diagnostic methods have been
used to determine the etiology of mechanical failure. Several diagnostic approaches are
defined as, physical model, reliability model, machine learning model, and dependency
model (Lee et al. 2014). The fault diagnosis is a procedure for mapping the information
obtained in the measurement space and/or the characteristics in the characteristic space.
This process is also called pattern recognition. Therefore, automatic pattern recognition
is highly desirable. This can be achieved by classifying signals based on the infor-
mation and/or characteristics extracted from the signals (Jardine et al. 2006).
Several defect classifiers based on characteristics extracted from vibratory signals,
have been developed in this area. Recent approaches include K-nearest neighbors
(KNN) the Gaussian mixture model (Wu et al. 2012), machine vector support
(SVM) (Wu et al. 2012; Ziani et al. 2014; Sloin and Burshtein 2008; Zhu et al. 2009;
Zhou et al. 2016; Li et al. 2015; Watanabe et al. 2013), and artificial neural network
(Chen et al. 2014; Qiang et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2010; Sanz et al. 2012).
In this paper, a comparative study between two classifiers of different type is
presented; the first one being an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool, in this case Artificial
Neural Networks (ANN), and the second is a probabilistic classifier consisting of
Hidden Markov Models (HMM). These two tools have been used in the classification
of ball bearing defects and then evaluate one with respect to the other, highlighting the
advantages and disadvantages of one and the other. The following section presents the
related works with our study.
2 Related Works
Several researchers around the world are working on the development of reliable and
high-performance fault classifiers, with the aim of achieving diagnostic automation and
subsequently the prognosis which is a primary objective of conditional maintenance
(CBM). An important part of this research is focused on shape recognition tools of all
(a) Many researchers have opted for statistic tools. Thus, using the Gaussian mixing
models, (Wang et al. 2009) succeeded in performing a classification of the bearing
defects and their degree of gravity, without resorting to the extraction of the
characteristics of the vibratory signal, estimating the delay and the dimensional
integration Of the time series, the vibration signal is reconstructed in the phase
space and then the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is established for each type of
defect signal in the phase space. In the same context of the static tools,
70 M. Sedira et al.
(Wang et al. 2009) used another model whose use in the field of mechanical
diagnosis is very recent and remains relatively less explored, in this case the
HMM, for the automatic diagnosis of bearing defects. The principle of this work
is based on a given database established on the history of breakdowns listed in a
catalog or dictionary. The HMM are then used to relate the data carried by a
current signal with the established directory and to identify the defect by corre-
spondence. The difficulty or inconvenience in this approach lies in the estab-
lishment of this catalog (Li et al. 2015). Also used the HMM for testing on
simulation and real-life bearing fault diagnosis problem using the diversified
gradient descent algorithm (DGD) to overcome the learning difficulties of HMM.
This proposed formula does not require any particular form of objective function,
it provides various estimates of parameters with different degrees of diversity, and
it is obtained by dynamically adjusting the iterative procedure as a function of the
gradient change of each parameter.
(b) Other researchers have used the tools of the artificial intelligence (AI) as (Ziani
et al. 2014), carried out by the machine support vectors (SVM) on the same
database, using Fisher criterion for the selection of the indicators extracts of the
vibratory signal, in the same context (Wu et al. 2012), also used the SVM on the
same database to automate the diagnosis using the characteristics extracted from
the vibration signal by an entropy technique Of multi-scale permutation (MSE),
for the recognition of rolling defects (Chen et al. 2014), used an ANN for the
automatic diagnosis of rolling faults in the aforementioned database by charac-
terizing the defects by a dependent characteristic vector (DFV) to designate
symptom attributes. The characteristic vector is derived from the classification of
the characteristics on the basis of the evaluation of the Euclidean distance.
Whereas, with the same ANN but with multiple weights to form a probabilistic
neural network (PNN) to diagnose rolling defects in the database of case western
reserve university. Wang et al. (2010) have presented a hybrid approach of
coupled pulse neural networks (PCNN) with the probability neural network
(PNN) in order to perform an automatic diagnosis of a hydraulic generator. The
first network is used for extracting characteristics of the vibratory signal in the
time domain, while the second network is used to classify the defects of the
generator in question. A multi-layer perceptron (MLP) was used by Sanz et al.
(2012), for the classification of gear defects, the characteristics extracted by a
wavelet packet transformation were used as a level of input data to the network.
The second level was fed by the meshing data of the torsional stiffness of the gear-
carrying shaft. A multi-stage algorithm was applied to supervise learning of the
neural network.
(c) Another part of the researchers evaluated the classification tools by producing
guides for users of the classification, like Miao et al. (2007), which presented a
comparison of a statistical tool; Which is the HMM with an AI tool in this case the
SVM, the advantages and disadvantages of one with respect to the other have
been highlighted. This work is an important repertoire for researchers in this field.
In the same way, we present in this paper, a comparison study between two
classification tools, the first belongs to the field of statistics (HMM), the second to
Comparison Between Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural Networks 71
the domain of the AI (ANN). In the following section, we present the experi-
mental equipment and the protocol of work procedure.
The vibratory signals that constitute the database, which supported the application of
our study, were obtained from an experiment carried out at the Bearing Data Center of
Case Western Reserve University (Ziani et al. 2014), and made available to unrestricted
access for users on the website (
The reliability of this data base is justified by the many works published which can be
cited (Heng et al. 2009; Raj and Murali 2013; Georgoulas et al. 2015; Li et al. 2014;
Liu et al. 2015; Chebil et al. 2011; Rodriguez et al. 2013; Ziani et al. 2014; Watanabe
et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2012; Chen et al. 2014; Tian et al. 2015; Qiang et al. 2014; Li
et al. 2015).
(0.007 in., 0.014 in., 0.021 in. and 0.028 in.) (Fig. 2). Data were collected at
12,000 Hz for the fan end and at 48,000 Hz for the drive end bearings.
For our study, we only looked at the health of the fan bearing at the inner race with
different health states, that is to say; the normal state, state with defect of 0.007″, state
with defect of 0.014″, state with defect of 0.021″ and state with defect of 0.028″. The
most important for this context is to freeze the same environment for the two cases,
then evaluate the reaction of each of the two methods. The following section explains
how the significant features have been obtained from the vibratory signals.
Fig. 2. Time domain signals acquired under 2 hp motor load for normal and faulty bearing with
inner race fault. (a) Normal, (b) Fault diameter of 0.007 in., (c) Fault diameter of 0.014 in.,
(d) Fault diameter of 0.021 in., (e) Fault diameter of 0.028 in.
In fault diagnosis of rotating machines, the signature of the fault is mainly contained in
the temporal vibration signals, which can be also represented in three forms: time
domain, frequency domain and time-frequency domain. To ensure better characteri-
zation of the signal, it was preferred to extract the most significant features from each
domain. In this context, we used the features established in the framework of a previous
work by Ziani et al. (2014) knowing that it is the same experimental framework, the
objective of our study is the comparison between two classifiers notwithstanding the
diagnosis and finally this work is closely related to Ziani et al. (2014). Thus, in the time
domain, seven statistical features were established: mean, peak factor, asymmetry,
kurtosis and the central statistical moments of order 5 to 7 (Ziani et al. 2014). In the
Comparison Between Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural Networks 73
frequency domain, five (5) characteristics were calculated: the sum of the peaks of the
power spectral density (PSD), calculated in 4 frequency bands centered on the fault
frequency and its harmonics, and then in the total band. The third-order wavelet packet
decomposition (WPD) in the time-frequency domain allowed us to calculate Kurtosis
and energies for each coefficient; this allowed us to build the sets of learning and test
data, which is illustrated in the following section.
Based on features extracted in the previous section, learning and test data sets were
constructed for classification of bearing defects Table 1. The vibratory signals have
been divided into 80 samples, for each rolling state or each class, there are 16 samples
or sequences, divided into two groups of 8 samples each; One group reserved for
learning and the other for the test. For a supervised classification, states or classes with
their attributes have been designated as:
Classes or states: State 1, State 2, State 3, State 4, State 5, assigned attributes:
Normal, default 0.007″, default 0.014″, default 0.021″ and default 0.028″.
Learning data
C1 . . . . . . .
C2 . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
C40 . . . . . . . I4040
Test data
. . . . . . . .
C80 . . . . . . . I8040
The classes in question with their attributes will serve as input data for the learning
of the two classifiers, this is what will be illustrated in the next section.
74 M. Sedira et al.
k ¼ ðA; B; pÞ ð1Þ
6.1.2 ANN
ANN are a pattern recognition tool belonging to the concept of AI. The basic idea of
this concept has been extracted from the functioning of the human brain. They have
excellent learning and generalization skills nevertheless, they can deviate from com-
plicated or imprecise data (Kan et al. 2015) because they are generally used for the
classification of static inputs without sequential processing. They can also create their
own representation of the received information. These exceptional features make ANN
a powerful tool for modeling data (Kan et al. 2015). The minimization of the objective
function, also called the cost function, is the main learning problem encountered in the
ANN classification. One of the most used learning algorithms is back propagation
(Pacheco et al. 2016; Sanz et al. 2012).
6.2 Application
6.2.1 HMM
Typically, an HMM is assigned to each class and its parameters are estimated from a
learning database using the maximum likelihood (ML) method. The recognition of an
observed sequence which represents an unknown class can then be done by estimating
the parameters of the HMM related to it, hence the unobservable state sequence, can be
estimated by the observation sequence (Wang et al. 2010; Rabiner 1989; Zhou et al.
2016). The basis established in Sect. 4. contains 80 samples of 40 features for the five
states defined above, the learning was done on 3 steps, the first with 10 features, the
second with 20 features, and the third with all the Features i.e. 40 features. Indeed for
Comparison Between Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural Networks 75
6.2.2 ANN
A multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP) has been used in the present work to
identify the different classes based on the severity of the defects. ML consist of an input
layer of source nodes, one or more hidden layers of compute nodes and an output layer
(Sanz et al. 2012). The same context observed for HMMs in Sect. 6.1.2 was applied for
ANNs; the results of the classification are illustrated in Table 3.
The comparison is made first based on the results generated by each of the classifiers,
secondly on the context of data manipulation and the computational computation with
the difficulties encountered. On this aspect, the ANN offers more facilities for modeling
and generalization in relation to HMM, but the latter remain robust to the variation of
data in quantity and quality (nature and type of values). The results of this comparison
are shown in Table 4.
76 M. Sedira et al.
8 Conclusion
A comparison between the hidden Markov models HMM and the artificial neural
networks ANN is presented in this paper, for classification of ball bearing defects. This
is a study of pattern recognition techniques for designing an efficient and robust
classification system. Based on the results of the analysis, we found that the perfor-
mance of the ANN decreases with the increase in the number of input data, while the
HMM remain robust on this aspect. All the ANN are easier for computational modeling
and manipulation in relation to HMM. This leads us to explore them deeply in future
Jardine, A.K.S., Lin, D., Banjevic, D.: A review on machinery diagnostics and prognostics
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On-line Adaptive Scaling Parameter in Active
Disturbance Rejection Controller
1 Introduction
Recently, controllers which are independent on the mathematical model spread in many
filed such as Model Free Control (Fliess and Join 2013) and Active Disturbance
Rejection Control (ADRC) (Han 2009).
The ADRC technique used to estimate endogenous and exogenous perturbations
with a state observer. This estimated states can be injected in the equation of controller
and cancel all unknowns’ phenomena. Unfortunately, for obtaining the optimal control
requires a lot of time and needs many essays. The main difficulty of the calibration task
is to define properly the parameter that affect the denominator of controller. The range
of variation of this scaling parameter is considered un-known and differ from an
operator to another one.
This scheme of control was applied to control the passive quarter car system
(Hasbullah et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016). Researchers have developed this method with a
constant scaling parameter chosen by the operator and are approximate it to the inverse
of sprung mass. However, our aim is to find a global approach by changing controller
parameter in order to follow the sprung mass variation.
Recently, Alvarez-Sanchez (2013) provided an identification scheme framework to
estimate the sprung mass variation based on algebraic rules of Fliess and Sira-Ramírez
(2003). Using this approach, the range variation characteristic of body mass can be
deduced based on the measured information of sprung mass displacement, un-sprung
mass displacement and actuator force. Based on these mentioned principles, ADRC
control using real-time identification for time-varying mass is proposed in this paper.
A combination between online real-time identification and ADRC control can be used
in order to escape the time-consuming in founding the optimal control.
The organization of the paper as follows. Section 2 describes the motion equations
of quarter car model. Section 3 gives a simple description of estimator approach. The
online estimation of sprung mass is discussed in Sect. 4. Results are presented in
Sect. 5 and a conclusion is summarized in the last section.
The motion equations of passive quarter car system are given below:
ms is the sprung mass which represents the body of the car. mu is the un-sprung
mass. ks is the suspension stiffness. ds Represents suspension damping and kt is the tire
stiffness. The actuator force is denoted by FA (Fig. 1).
A random road excitation is characterized by a constant of roughness that is given
z_ r ðtÞ ¼ 2pVn0 zr ðtÞ þ 2p G0 V wðtÞ ð3Þ
where zr ðtÞ is the random road displacement, V is the vehicle speed, the reference
spatial frequency n0 , G0 is the road roughness coefficient and the white noise signal is
given by wðtÞ.
On-line Adaptive Scaling Parameter in Active Disturbance Rejection Controller 81
3 Controller Design
The basic idea of ADRC is using an extended observer ESO without a priori infor-
mation of the system. The attractiveness of this tool of control results from its capa-
bility to estimate on-line and reject unknown perturbations. Significant performances
are achieved in the works of Hasbullah et al. (2015) and Pan et al. (2015).
In order to improve the response of suspension system described in Eqs. (1) and
(2), the ADRC strategy used to reformulate these equations as,
From practical point of view, the knowledge of h (.) and b is not straightforward.
A non trivial approximation is used in other studies. Where, the constant b is chosen
empirically and is approximated by 1=ms .
In real conditions, significant uncertainties of sprung mass can affect the behavior
of this proposed controller. Estimation of this calibrating parameter can be a source of
upgradability in energy consumption.
An algebraic estimator used to find the car body mass of the quarter car system based on
algebraic identification methods (for more details see Fliess and Sira-Ramirez 2003).
ms ðtÞð2 zs 4 tzs þ t2 zs Þdt þ ds ð2 tzs þ t 2 zs 2 tzu t2 zu Þdt
þ ks ð t zs
t zu Þdt ¼
t2 FA dt
82 M. Haddar et al.
From the equation, it can be seen that only from the measured responses of vertical
displacements and actuator force; we can obtain an approximation of sprung mass
variation. This On-line estimation can be easily added to the controller structure where,
^ ¼ 1
bðtÞ ð6Þ
^ s ðtÞ
The structure of classical controller is changed with the variable bðtÞ, the new
design is given in this equations:
(1) the system’s state:
< x_ 1 ¼ x2
x_ ¼ x þ bðtÞF^ ð7Þ
: 2 _3 A
x_ 3 ¼ f ðt; x1 ; x2 ; wÞ
The observer gains ½L01 ; L02 ; L03 depends to the location the desired close loop
poles. The approximated error is ^e ¼ zs z1 .
5 Results of Simulation
In the simulation algorithm a solver set to ODE5 and fixed integration step of 1 ms
were used. The parameters of Suspension system are given by Table 1.
Figure 3 depicts the real value of mass and the identified masse m ^ i when using the
“Eq. (5)”. In reality, the on-line estimation process is characterized with few irregu-
larities in the beginning. In order to eliminate this perturbation caused by the singu-
larities; the implementation of identifier process is carried out at t > 0 s. It is observable
that the estimation process is achieved after a short time t = 0.004 s. (In the rest of
simulation, in the beginning b is chosen constant and independents of load variation.
After that the estimation and the adaptive scheme start at t = 10 s).
Sprung Mass (Kg)
Estimated mass
Real mass
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Figure 4 shows the suspension deflection with the effect of sprung mass variation
ms ¼ þ 50% ms initiale . The line at t = 10 s represents the instant where the identifi-
cation started and applied to the controller equation. Before estimation of the constant
from measured signals, the b is chosen empirically and it is not calibrated when the
x 10
Suspension deflection (m)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
body mass change. The ADRC controller with estimated b ^ can produce more best
tracking position than the ADRC without constant adaptation.
For quarter car control, the ride comfort is related to the body acceleration. In
Fig. 5, we can see that the designed system conserve the best isolation of disturbance
^ has the least RMS
with a slight attenuation, for the reason that ADRC with adaptive b
value among the sprung mass variation Fig. 6.
with adaptive beta
Sprung mass acceleration (m/s²)
3 3.5 4 4.5
Time (s)
RMS of Sprung mass acceleartion
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Mass (Kg)
Furthermore, the Integral of the Square of the Error (ISE) performance was cal-
culated with both of controller and with different masses. The results are depicted in
Fig. 8.
Actuator Force (N)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
with adaptive beta
220 without adaptive beta
control signal
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Mass (Kg)
6 Conclusion
The aim of this paper is to propose an adaptive ADRC controller using an On-line
identification of Sprung mass which is intended to extended time-varying observer.
This method can overcome time-consuming which are induced by nontrivial calibra-
tion. At the same time, this adaptive control provides high performances under sprung
mass uncertainty. Lastly, this method applied to quarter car system permits to getting
the best ride comfort and the best tracking with the minimum of power demand.
86 M. Haddar et al.
Alvarez-Sánchez, E.: A quarter-car suspension system: car body mass estimator and sliding mode
control. Procedia Technol. 7, 208–214 (2013)
Fliess, M., Sira-Ramírez, H.: An algebraic framework for linear identification. ESAIM: Control
Optim. Calc. Var. 9, 151–168 (2003)
Fliess, M., Join, C.: Model-free control. Int. J. Control 86(12), 2228–2252 (2013)
Han, J.: From PID to active disturbance rejection control. IEEE Trans. Industr. Electron. 56(3),
900–906 (2009)
Hasbullah, F., Faris, W.F., Darsivan, F.J., Abdelrahman, M.: Ride comfort performance of a
vehicle using active suspension system with active disturbance rejection control. Int. J. Veh.
Noise Vib. 11(1), 78–101 (2015)
Li, P., James, L., Kie, C.C.: Experimental investigation of active disturbance rejection control for
vehicle suspension design. Int. J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 1, 89–96 (2016)
Pan, H., Sun, W., Gao, H., Hayat, T., Alsaadi, F.: Nonlinear tracking control based on extended
state observer for vehicle active suspensions with performance constraints. Mechatronics 30,
363–370 (2015)
Modal Analysis of the Clutch Single Spur Gear
Stage System with Eccentricity Defect
1 Introduction
of the mechanical clutch-helical two stage gear. More coupled models were also
studied in the literature (Caruntu et al. 2016; Ghorbel et al. 2017a, b). All previous
investigations do not have to study the modal proprieties and the vibration modes for
coupled system.
In this paper, we propose a new model of coupled clutch-single stage spur gear
system that contains twelve degrees of freedom. A manufacturing defect in the gear
system is included to study their effect on the energies distribution. The natural fre-
quencies and vibration modes are investigated. For each vibration mode, the modal
kinetic and strain energies are also discussed.
2 Numerical Model
Im and I22 are respectively the inertias of the input and output. I1 represents the
combined torsional inertia of a flywheel. I2 is the inertia of the friction disc and pressure
plate. I12 and I21 represent the inertias of the gear-12 and gear-21.
Modal Analysis of the Clutch Single Spur Gear Stage System 89
where M and C are respectively the mass and the damping matrices. K(t) is the global
stiffness matrix and F is the linear vector force.
The mass matrix can be expressed by
½M ¼ diagðmb1 ; mb1 ; mb2 ; mb2 ; mb3 ; mb3 ; Im ; I1 ; I2 ; I12 ; I21 ; I22 Þ ð2Þ
where e12, X12, k12 are the eccentricity defect value, the speed of the gear-12 and the
initial phase of the eccentricity defect respectively (Fig. 2).
~ i
x2i M/i ¼ K:/ ð7Þ
Modal Analysis of the Clutch Single Spur Gear Stage System 91
where xi and /i are the i-th natural frequency and the corresponding vibration mode
Based on the parameters given in Table 2, the eigen solution properties are studied
by the present model. The vibration modes of the clutch-geared system can be clas-
sified into two categories including rotational and axial mode, translational mode. The
natural frequencies associated with each mode are computed and listed in Table 3.
1 ~ X
Ep/ ¼ /ti K/ i ¼ Ep/i þ Ep/k1 ð8Þ
where EpØi are the strain energies of the torsional and axial stiffness. EpØk1 is the strain
energy of stage meshing.
The modal kinetic energy can also be defined as:
1 X
Ec/ ¼ x2i /ti M/i ¼ Ec/i ð9Þ
where EcØi are the strain energy for each DOF in the rotational and translational
movements (i = 1..nDOF).
The modal kinetic energy for the second bearing in the case without defect and with
defect is written by Eqs. (10) and (11).
Ech ¼ mb2 x_ 22 þ y_ 22 ð10Þ
92 A. Ghorbel et al.
Ececc ¼ mb2 x_ 22 þ U_ x2
þ y_ 22 þ U_ y2
þ 2_x22 U_ x2
þ 2_y22 U_ y2
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the modal kinetic energies for the 12 natural
frequencies. The height of each column represents the percentage value of modal
energy. The contribution of each degree of freedom is presented on the X-axis.
f1 f2 f3
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f4 f5 f6
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f7 f8 f9
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f10 f11 f12
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
In case without eccentricity defect, the dominant kinetic energy in the translational
mode f8 is the rotation of the clutch plate, and for the case with a defect, the dominant
energy is the translation of the second bearing along y direction. For other modes such
as the modes f2, f3 and f11, the kinetic energy correspond the same degree of freedom in
the two cases is the dominant but the distribution percentage is different.
The distribution of modal strain energies is shown in Fig. 4 in each frequency
mode. In the case without defect, the dominant strain energy in the translational mode
f2 = 51 Hz is located in the second bearing and with the presence of defect the first
bearing has the dominant strain energy. For other frequency mode, the location of the
dominant energy remains the same, but with a variation of value percentage.
Modal Analysis of the Clutch Single Spur Gear Stage System 93
f1 f2 f3
40 50 100
20 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f4 f5 f6
100 100 50
50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f7 f8 f9
100 50 100
50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
f10 f11 f12
100 100 100
50 50 50
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
Eph ¼ :kðtÞ:d2 ðtÞ ð12Þ
Taking into account the defect, this energy is written in the following form:
Epecc ¼ :kðtÞ: d2 ðtÞ þ e212 ðtÞ þ 2:dðtÞ:e12 ðtÞ ð13Þ
where d(t) is the transmission error and is defined by:
dðtÞ ¼ ðx2 x3 Þ sin a þ ðy2 y3 Þ cos a þ h12 :r12 þ h21 :r21 ð14Þ
The modal strain energies percentage for the engagement contact of the single stage
spur gear is shown in Fig. 5. In the X-axis the case without defect is represented by 1
and the defected case is represented by 2.
The variation of the energy values due to the presence of a fault is important, and
the effect of the dynamic transmission error sign is significant in the comparison of the
two cases.
94 A. Ghorbel et al.
From Figs. 3, 4 and 5, we can determine the influence of presence of gear man-
ufacturing defect on the modal characteristics of the system. The variation of the
location of dominant energies can explain any increase in the vibration level for certain
operating conditions.
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6
60 60 100 60 100 60
40 40 40 40
50 50
20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12
60 60 60 60 60 60
40 40 40 40 40 40
20 20 20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
4 Conclusion
In this paper, an analytical model for combined clutch-spur gear system was developed.
An eccentricity defect on gear transmission system was included to investigate their
influence on the system. Solving the eigenvalue problem allowed recovering the modal
characteristics of the system. The vibration modes can be classified into rotational and
translational mode. The calculation of modal kinetic and strain energies for each
vibration mode will play an important role in defect sensitivity analyses.
Fakhfakh, T., Walha, L., Louati, J., Haddar, M.: Effect of manufacturing and assembly defects on
two-stage gear systems vibration. Int. J. Adv. Manufact. Technol. 29, 1008–1018 (2006)
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behaviour for a helical two-stage gear system. Mécanique & Industrie 10, 365–376 (2009)
Gaillard, C.L., Singh, R.: Dynamic analysis of automotive clutch dampers. Appl. Acoust. 60,
399–424 (2000)
Duan, C., Singh, R.: Dynamics of a 3dof torsional system with a dry friction controlled path.
J. Sound Vib. 289, 657–688 (2006)
Modal Analysis of the Clutch Single Spur Gear Stage System 95
Walha, L., Driss, Y., Khabou, M.T., Fakhfakh, T., Haddar, M.: Effects of eccentricity defect on
the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the mechanism clutch-helical two stage gear. Mech. Mach.
Theory 46, 986–997 (2011)
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control solution based on a piecewise affine model. Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst. 19, 168–185
Ghorbel, A., Abdennadher, M., Zghal, B., Walha, L., Haddar, M.: Modal analysis and dynamic
behavior for analytical drivetrain model. J. Mech., 1–17 (2017)
Ghorbel, A., Abdennadher, M., Walha, L., Zghal, B., Haddar, M.: Vibration Analysis of a
Nonlinear Drivetrain System in the Presence of Acyclism. In: International Conference
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems, pp. 541–550. Springer, Cham, March 2017
Hammami, A., Del Rincon, A.F., Rueda, F.V., Chaari, F., Haddar, M.: Modal analysis of back-
to-back planetary gear: experiments and correlation against lumped-parameter model.
J. Theor. Appl. Mech. 53(1), 125–128 (2015)
Estimation of Road Disturbance
for a Non Linear Half Car Model
Using the Independent Component Analysis
1 Introduction
response of the system. Pacejka (2005) also focuses on the study of the handling
behaviour of a bicycle model with transient tyres. In this paper a non linear half car
model is studied in order to identify the road disturbance. This identification was done
using different techniques such as direct measurements (Kim et al. 2002), but its cost is
very expensive. Other researchers use the estimation algorithms (Solhmirzaei et al.
2012), however they necessitate a long computing time (Fauriat et al. 2016). So in this
study the proposed method of road profile estimation is the ICA. It is used to estimate
the excitation force in many studies (Dhief et al. 2016; Hassen et al. 2017; Taktak et al.
2012). This method is simple to apply and permits to identify the road excitation in
real time.
This paper is structured as follows: the first part present the studied system and its
mathematical formulation. Then the results obtained by the ICA are presented in the
second part and finally a good agreement between the original excitation and the
estimated one is obtained.
The dynamic model (Meywerk 2015) of the half car is presented in Fig. 1.
zb1 ¼ zb l1 ub ð1Þ
zb2 ¼ zb þ l2 ub ð2Þ
zs ¼ zb ls ub ð3Þ
Dl is the difference between the two displacements zb1 and zw1 in Eq. (4)
And Dl is the difference between the two displacements zb2 and zw2 in Eq. (5).
b1, b2 are two non linear constants.
b1 = 0.1 and b2 = 0.4
The tire is modeled as a spring with a non linear stiffness k2 in parallel with a linear
damper c2. The expression of the non linear tire stiffness is taken from Li et al. (2011) as:
Dl is the difference between the displacement kw1 and the road excitation h1(t) in
Eq. (6) and Dl is the difference between the displacement kw2 and the road excitation
h1(t) in Eq. (7).
Estimation of Road Disturbance for a Non Linear Half Car Model 99
b3 is the non linear tire coefficient. Its value is taken from (Li et al. 2011):
b3 ¼ 0:01 ð8Þ
To solve this non linear system, the implicit schema of Newmark coupled with
Newton Raphson Method was used using the parameters presented in the following
Table 1:
Concerning the road excitation, we take in the first wheel a bump excitation and in
the second the same excitation with a short delay as presented below:
8 1cos ð8 p tÞ
< 0:05 2 if 1 t 1:25 >
h1 ðtÞ ¼ 0:05 1cos ð8 p tÞ if 5 t 5:25
: 2 >
0 otherwise
8 1cos ð8 p tÞ 9
< 0:05 2 if 1:25 t 1:5 >=
h2 ðtÞ ¼ 0:05 1cos ð8 p tÞ if 5:25 t 5:5
: 2 >
0 otherwise
100 D. Ben Hassen et al.
The following figure presents the two excitations applied on the wheels (Fig. 2):
first excitation
second excitation
F o rc e (N )
0 2 4 6 8 10
A: Mixing matrix
S: Vector of source signals.
The task of ICA is to estimate A and S based only on the knowledge of the vector
X. This estimation requires some assumptions:
– The components of the vector S must be statistically independent
– The number of the observed signals is equal to the number of the estimated sources.
– The components of the vector S must have a non-Gaussian distribution.
By validating these assumptions, the ICA define each column of the matrix A and
after that compute the separating matrix W such as:
W ¼ A1 ð10Þ
Estimation of Road Disturbance for a Non Linear Half Car Model 101
Then the ICA estimate the corresponding source signal defined by:
Finally, the vector X undergoes some pretreatments (it must be centered and
whitened) to have a successful separation.
4 Numerical Results
Starting from the observed signals presented by Fig. 3, the ICA is applied to the half
car model in order to reconstruct the original excitations. We added a Gaussian random
noise with zero mean value and a standard deviation r equal to 0.5 (Akrout et al. 2012)
on the observed signals in order to study the efficiency of the ICA.
(a) (b)
0.06 0.07
0.05 0.06
D is p la c e m e n t 2 (m )
D is p la c e m e n t 1 (m )
0 0
-0.01 -0.01
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(s) time(s)
The results of the ICA are presented by the following figures (Fig. 4).
We note that the ICA can identify the original signals. There is a small delay and
perturbation due to the effect of the non linearity and the noise added to the sensors.
But the obtained results remain in agreement with the original ones. The following
table resumes the performance criteria (Table 2).
We can note that Mac value is near to one for the two studied signals, also the error
has minimum value. These results confirm that the ICA is able to identify the original
102 D. Ben Hassen et al.
(a) (b)
6000 6000
The original signal The original signal
The estimated signal 5000 The estimated signal
4000 4000
F o rc e ( N )
3000 3000
F o rc e (N )
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 0
-1000 -1000
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
time(s) time(s)
Fig. 4. Identification of the road profile by the ICA (a) excitation 1 (b) excitation2
5 Conclusion
This paper deals with the application of the ICA in order to reconstruct the road
excitations. This method is applied to a non linear half car model. And the obtained
results are in concordance with the original sources even with the non linear case.
This will be of a good importance to study the dynamic behavior of the system and
to choose the adequate controller in future work.
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Transfer Path Analysis of Planetary Gear
with Mechanical Power Recirculation
Abstract. Planetary gears can transmit higher power density levels because
they use multiple power paths formed by each planet branches. In order to study
the propagation of vibration between components of planetary gear test bench
with mechanical power recirculation, an approach to the classical transfer path
analysis (TPA) method is used to improve vibration control of planetary gear
test bench. This approach termed Global Transmissibility Direct Transmissi-
bility (GTDT) avoids the drawbacks of the classical TPA which are decoupling
of the active part in the measurements of the Frequency Response Functions
(FRFs) of source-receiver paths and the difficult measurement of the operational
forces. The Global Transmissibility Direct Transmissibility (GTDT) is two steps
method: the first step is the measurements of transmissibility which requires no
disassembly tests and the second step is the measurement of the operational
responses which is easier than measurement of the operational forces. In fact, tri-
axial accelerometers are mounted in each component of the back-to-back
planetary gear test bench and the transfer functions (frequency response func-
tions, FRFs) are measured using hammer impact test in order to measure the
global transmissibilities. Then, the direct transmissibilities are computed from
the global transmissibilities. Finally, reconstructed operation responses are
shown in the partial path contribution (PPC) plots to compare the vibration level
of each component and to know its contribution in the transfer of vibration.
1 Introduction
The transfer path analysis (TPA) is required to improve vibration and noise control. It
was firstly is used in the automotive industry in order to analyze the different contri-
butions of vibration and noise applied to the driver and passenger positions (Plunt
2005). This celebrated technique can be applied into two steps which are the
The test bench is composed of two identical planetary gear sets (Fig. 1): The first
planetary gear is a “test gear set” and the second planetary gear is a “reaction gear set”
which has the same gear ratio and inject the output power to the input allowing the
106 A. Hammami et al.
mechanical power circulation (Hammami et al. 2015a, b). The two planetary gears are
connected back-to-back: the sun gears of both planetary gear sets are connected
through a common shaft and the carriers of both planetary gear sets are connected to
each other through a rigid hollow shaft (Hammami et al. 2016).
An optic tachometer (Compact VLS7) which is placed along the hollow carriers’
shaft measure its instantaneous angular velocity.
In order to measure the global transmissibilities, tri-axial accelerometers are
mounted in each component of the back-to-back planetary gear (Fig. 2).
The wires from accelerometers are connected to the acquisition system “LMS
SCADAS 316 system”.
The data will be processed with the software “LMS Test.Lab” and the transfer
functions (frequency response functions, FRFs) are recorded using hammer impact test.
3 Numerical Results
xi ¼ Hij fj ð1Þ
N 1
xi ¼ TijD xj þ TiiD xext
i ð2Þ
The blocked transmissibility is computed from the global transmissibility TijG which
corresponds to the ratio between the response of the ith degree-of-freedom and the
response of the jth degree-of-freedom when j is excited:
xj Hij f Hij
TijG ¼ ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
xi Hii f Hii
108 A. Hammami et al.
1 1
T G ¼ diagð ; . . .; ÞH ð4Þ
H11 Hnn
The direct transmissibility corresponds to the ratio between the response of the ith
degree-of-freedom and the response of the jth degree-of-freedom when j is excited and
all remaining degree-of-freedom, except i and j, are blocked. In this case and as the
system is governed by Zx ¼ f (Guasch et al. 2013):
Zii Zij xi 0
¼ ð6Þ
Zji Zjj xj 1
From the Eq. (6), the responses in ith and jth degree-of-freedom can respectively be
xi ¼ ð7Þ
Zij Zji Zii Zjj
xj ¼ ð8Þ
Zij Zji Zii Zjj
xi Zij
TijD ¼ ¼ ð9Þ
xj Zii
For the direct transmissibility TiiD , all degrees-of-freedom are blocked except the ith
d.o.f. So, Zii xi ¼ 1. Besides, only the ith d.o.f is excited. So, Hii ¼ xi . Therefore:
TiiD ¼ ð10Þ
Zii Hii
Dividing TijD in (9) by TiiD in (10) and taking into account to (11) gives:
¼ T ; i 6¼ j ð12Þ
TiiD ij
Transfer Path Analysis of Planetary Gear with Mechanical Power Recirculation 109
From (12) and (13), we have TijDE ¼ TijD ¼ TiiD T G ; 8i 6¼ j and TiiDE ¼ 1 ¼
D G1
Tii T . Where, T DE
corresponds to the direct transmissibilities matrix with its
diagonal replaced by −1 values. These relations can be written in the matrix form:
T DE ¼ KTD T G ð14Þ
The last equation is a generalisation of the Eq. (2) that includes all degree-of-
freedom operational decompositions using direct transmissibilities in a single expres-
sion (Guasch and Magrans 2004) (Guasch 2009):
x ¼ fucr ; urr ; usr ; u1r ; u2r ; u3r ; uct ; urt ; ust ; u1t ; u2t ; u3t gT ð18Þ
110 A. Hammami et al.
The rotational coordinates are urj ¼ rrj hrj for reaction gear set utj ¼ rtj htj and for
test gear set where j = c,r,s,1,2,3. hrj and htj are the rotational components; rrj and rtj
are the base radius for the sun, ring and planets and the radius of the circle passing
through the planets centres for the carrier.
The global transmissibilities are measured in the first step of the GTDT. The global
transmissibility is defined as:
2 3
1 Tcr;rr Tcr;sr Tcr;1r Tcr;2r Tcr;3r Tcr;ct Tcr;rt Tcr;st Tcr;1t Tcr;2t Tcr;3t
6 Trr;cr 1 Trr;sr Trr;1r Trr;2r Trr;3r Trr;ct Trr;rt Trr;st Trr;1t Trr;2t Trr;3t 7
6 7
6 Tsr;cr Tsr;rr 1 Tsr;1r Tsr;2r Tsr;3r Tsr;ct Tsr;rt Tsr;st Tsr;1t Tsr;2t Tsr;3t 7
6 7
6 T1r;cr T1r;rr T1r;sr 1 T1r;2r T1r;3r T1r;ct T1r;rt T1r;st T1r;1t T1r;2t T1r;3t 7
6 7
6 T2r;cr T2r;rr T2r;sr T2r;1r 1 T2r;3r T2r;ct T2r;rt T2r;st T2r;1t T2r;2t T2r;3t 7
6 7
6 T3r;cr T3r;rr T3r;sr T3r;1r T3r;2r 1 T3r;ct T3r;rt T3r;st T3r;1t T3r;2t T3r;3t 7
T ¼6
6 Tct;cr
6 Tct;rr Tct;sr Tct;1r Tct;2r Tct;3r 1 Tct;rt Tct;st Tct;1t Tct;2t Tct;3t 7
6 Trt;cr Trt;rr Trt;sr Trt;1r Trt;2r Trt;3r Trt;ct 1 Trt;st Trt;1t Trt;2t Trt;3t 7
6 7
6 Tst;cr Tst;rr Tst;sr Tst;1r Tst;2r Tst;3r Tst;ct Tst;rt 1 Tst;1t Tst;2t Tst;3t 7
6 7
6 T1t;cr T1t;rr T1t;sr T1t;1r T1t;2r T1t;3r T1t;ct T1t;rt T1t;st 1 T1t;2t T1t;3t 7
6 7
4 T2t;cr T2t;rr T2t;sr T2t;1r T2t;2r T2t;3r T2t;ct T2t;rt T2t;st T2t;1t 1 T2t;3t 5
T3t;cr T3t;rr T3t;sr T3t;1r T3t;2r T3t;3r T3t;ct T3t;rt T3t;rt T3t;1t T3t;2t 1
Log(T) [m/s≤]
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 3. Global and direct transmissibilities Tct;2t and Tct;2t
0.5 TDrr,rt
log(T) [m/s≤]
200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 4. Global and direct transmissibilities Trr;rt and Trr;rt
The fact that the direct transmissibility is not null, when it should, can pollute the
operational response reconstruction. Neglecting the error in the reconstructed opera-
tional displacement will depend on how small the involved direct transmissibility
becomes with respect to all the other direct transmissibility, and on the responses of the
degree-of-freedoms it connects as well.
The operational response reconstruction is studied in the stationary conditions.
112 A. Hammami et al.
U_2t 6
U_ct 0
U_3r -2
U_sr -6
U_rr -8
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)
It is shown on the last figure that the vibration level of all reconstructed operation
responses is higher around the frequency 321 Hz which correspond to the gear mesh
frequency. In addition, it is clear that the second test planet presents the highest
vibration level which can be explained by the fact that the test planet 2 has two pairs of
teeth on contact with the sun and the ring and its transmissibility is higher. In addition,
the test planet 2 has a position error on the carrier and it is preloaded before the other
planets which has an effect on the load sharing behaviour (Hammami et al. 2017).
In order to understand better the higher vibration level of the second test planet, a
decomposition of the reconstructed operational response is presented on the Fig. 6.
It is observed on this figure that the summation of all response contributions almost
perfectly match the constructed response of the 2nd test planet. Also, all these responses
are higher around the gear mesh frequency (321 Hz). Besides, the responses corre-
sponding to the direct connection with this component like the test carrier, test sun
(T2t;ct uct and T2t;st
ust ) present a higher vibration level.
Another meaningful PPC plot is the phase PPC plot. Figure 7 shows phase PPC
plot of the component of the constructed response of the 2nd test planet at (a) 100 Hz
and (b) 321 Hz.
At 100 Hz, contributions to the 2nd test planet should only be due to urt, ust, uct, u1t,
u3t, urr, those of usr, ucr, u1r, u2r and u3r being negligible whereas contributions to the
2nd test planet are only due to urt, ust, uct, u1t, u3t, u3r, those of usr, ucr, urr, u1r and u2r are
negligible at 321 Hz.
Transfer Path Analysis of Planetary Gear with Mechanical Power Recirculation 113 x U_cr
TD2t.rr x U_rr x U_sr 4
TD2t.1r x U_1r
TD2t.2r x U_2r
TD2t.3r x U_3r
TD2t.ct x U_ct -2
TD2t.rt x U_rt
-4 x U_st
TD2t.1t x U_1t
TD2t.3t x U_3t -8
Reconstructed U_2t
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 6. PPC plot of the decomposition of reconstructed response of the 2nd test planet
Reconstructed U2t
90 TD2t,crUcr
120 60
0.15 TD2t,2rU2r
150 30 TD2t,3rU3r
0.1 TD2t,ctUct
0.05 TD2t,stUst
180 0 TD2t,3tU3t
210 330
240 300
Reconstructed U2t
60 TD2t,crUcr
120 60
150 30 TD2t,2rU2r
180 0 TD2t,1tU1t
210 330
240 300
Fig. 7. Phase PPC plot of the constructed response of the 2nd test planet at (a) 100 Hz,
(b) 321 Hz
114 A. Hammami et al.
At 100 Hz, contributions to the 2nd test planet should only be due to urt, ust, uct, u1t,
u3t, urr, those of usr, ucr, u1r, u2r and u3r being negligible whereas contributions to the
2nd test planet are only due to urt, ust, uct, u1t, u3t, u3r, those of usr, ucr, urr, u1r and u2r are
negligible at 321 Hz.
4 Conclusion
Acknowledgements. This paper was financially supported by the Tunisian-Spanish Joint Pro-
ject No. A1/037038/11.
The authors would like also to acknowledge project “Development of methodologies for the
simulation and improvement of the dynamic behavior of planetary transmissions DPI2013-
44860” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology.
Acknowledgment to the University of Cantabria cooperation project for doctoral training of
University of Sfax’s students.
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Modeling the Transmission Path Effect
in a Planetary Gearbox
1 Introduction
change of the mesh force under a radially floating sun gear. Inalpolat and Kahraman
(2009) developed a mathematical model to report the origin of modulation side-band
including in a healthy planetary gear-set. As investigated, the modulation side-band in a
frequency representation comes from an epicyclic gearbox having either a stationary
sun gear or a stationary ring gear. In a later work (2010), they proposed a nonlinear
dynamic model to evaluate the modulation activity in an unhealthy planetary gear-set in
the form of run out or eccentricity. Fluctuating mesh force are investigated also in the
work of Guo and Parker (2010) and it was related to tooth wedging which causes
bearing failures. A model was developed to combine bearing clearance, tooth sepa-
ration and wedging and back-side contact. The modulation phenomenon either
amplitude or frequency modulation in time domain which is called side-band activity in
a frequency representation were investigated in the work of Feng and Zuo (2012),
Liang et al. (2015) and Liu et al. (2016). In Feng and Zuo (2012), the authors simulate
faulty gear damages for instance faulty planet gear and faulty sun gear after defining
characteristic frequency of faulty gear in a planetary gearbox. In Liang et al. (2015), a
lumped parameter model was developed to build vibration sources then all vibration
was concluded in the sensor location by taking into account the transmission path effect
due to the rotational motion of the carrier which holds planet gears. Two vibration
properties were investigated: healthy case and cracked tooth case. In a later work Liu
et al. (2016), they focused only on transmission path which is modeled as two parts: a
first part inside the gearbox to the housing and a second part along the housing to the
sensor location.
This paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, the origin of the modulation phe-
nomenon is investigated and the transmission path is defined. In Sect. 3, the trans-
mission path is formulated as function of geometric and physical parameters of the
planetary gearbox. Finally, some numerical results are presented in Sect. 4 where the
impact of planets on the resultant vibration is investigated and the vibration charac-
teristics are revealed.
As mentioned in Sect. 1, one planet can occupy different positions in one carrier
rotation period. Figure 1 presents three locations of one planet. The sensor is mounted
on the external housing of the planetary gearbox. It can acquire signals due to the
vibration coming from all components including sun-gear, ring-gear, carrier and planet-
gear. All components have only a rotational motion with respect to its center except the
planet-gear which has an additional motion with respect to the center of the gearbox.
Due to this additional motion, the vibration signals are under modulation phenomenon
either amplitude modulation in case of stationary speed or amplitude and frequency
modulation in case of fluctuating speed.
Since the study is focused on the stationary conditions, we will investigate only the
amplitude modulation phenomenon. As shown in Fig. 1, the transmission path can be
divided into two parts: a first part inside the gearbox (blue one) and a second part along
the casing. As the planet moves, the dimension of the blue path is still constant. On the
118 O. Graja et al.
other hand, the dimension of the red path decreases which creates the amplitude
modulation function (AMF). Hence, two points have to be mentioned:
– the main cause of the amplitude modulation is the time varying transmission path
which is represented by the arc of the circle.
– when the dimension of the path decreases, the vibration signal increases since the
planet becomes closer to the transducer. Therefore, the AMF and the time varying
path are inversely proportional.
In Sect. 2, it was mentioned that the time varying path (origin of modulation phe-
nomenon) is an arc of the circle. Hence, a geometric construction presented in Fig. 2(a)
was made in order to link the time varying arc with geometric parameters of the
planetary gear-set.
Derived from the geometrical construction given in Fig. 2(a), the AMF can be
expressed as:
2Rr sinðArc=Rr Þ þ 1
AMF ¼ ð1Þ
maxð2Rr sinðArc=R rÞ þ 1
An offset equal to one is taken into account to avoid the division by zero since the
AMF and the time varying transmission path are inversely proportional. In addition, the
AMF is divided by its max to consider only the percentage of the function.
Figure 2(b) turns out the shape of the AMF mentioned in Eq. 1.
Modeling the Transmission Path Effect in a Planetary Gearbox 119
4 Numerical Simulation
Table 1 resumes physical parameters of the planetary gear-set to simulate its dynamic
behavior. The dynamic model used is shown in Fig. 3. Acceleration is measured with
respect to the carrier.
Ns Zs
fs ¼ ¼ 36:39 Hz : sun frequency; r ¼ ¼ 0:2955 : ratio ðplanetaryÞ
60 Zs þ Zr
fc ¼ r fs ¼ 10:75 Hz : carrier frequency
5 Conclusion
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gear set having manufacturing errors. J. Sound Vib. 329, 371–393 (2010)
Guo, Y., Parker, R.G.: Dynamic modeling and analysis of a spur planetary gear involving tooth
wedging and bearing clearance nonlinearity. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 29, 1022–1033 (2010)
Feng, Z., Zuo, M.J.: Vibration signal models for fault diagnosis of planetary gearboxes. J. Sound
Vib. 331, 4919–4939 (2012)
Liang, X., Zuo, M.J., Hoseini, M.R.: Vibration signal modeling of a planetary gear set for tooth
crack detection. Eng. Fail. Anal. 48, 185–200 (2015)
Liu, L., Liang, X., Zuo, M.J.: Vibration signal modeling of a planetary gear set with transmission
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Dynamic Behavior of Spur Gearbox
with Elastic Coupling in the Presence
of Eccentricity Defect Under Acyclism Regime
1 Introduction
In addition to the motor regime, defects are source of excitation. For example, the
eccentricity which is due to the non-concentricity between the axis of the pitch cylinder
of the gear and the axis of rotation of the shaft is investigated by many researchers:
Driss et al. (2014) studied the dynamic behavior of two-stage straight bevel gear
with some defects which are the eccentricity defects, profile error and cracked tooth.
They proposed a new method for modeling gear mesh stiffness of straight bevel gear
and they introduced these defects in the three dimensional model of the studied system.
As results, the spectrum dynamic response shows appearance of sidebands around the
meshing frequency excited by the fault and its harmonics. Walha et al. (2011) studied
the effect of eccentricity defect on the dynamic behavior of an automotive clutch
coupled with a two stage helical gear. They included also three types of nonlinearity
which are dry friction path, double stage stiffness and spline clearance. Chaari et al.
(2006) studied the influence of eccentricity on the sun gear on the dynamic behavior of
planetary gear. They introduced this defect by adding a transmission error modeled as
displacement on the line of action of the sun-planet gearmesh.
In this work, effects of acyclism and eccentricity defect on the dynamic behavior of
a spur gearbox with elastic coupling are investigated. The system is powered by diesel
engine and the second model of Nelson and Crandall (1992) is adopted for the elastic
coupling. Excitations due to the fluctuation of load and speed of acyclism regime and
eccentricity defect of gearbox are introduced to the dynamic model. The dynamic
response is computed through Newmark algorithm and results are shown using
Wigner–Ville distributions.
2 Dynamic Model
The studied system is composed by a diesel engine motor and a receiver which are
connected through one stage of spur gearbox and an elastic coupling located between
the motor and the pinion.
Figure 1 show the corresponding dynamic model which is divided into three
blocks. This model was proposed by Hmida et al. (2016, 2017). The pinion and the
wheel of gearbox and the diesel engine motor are assumed as rigid bodies. Trans-
mission shafts are assumed massless and have torsional stiffness Khi and torsional
damping Chi (i = 1, 2, 3). They are supported by bearings which are modeled with
parallel springs (Kxi, Kyi) and damping (Cxi, Cyi).
The model of Nelson and Crandall (1992) is adopted for the elastic coupling
because this model is best approach to describe the dynamics of elastic couplings
(Tadeo and Cavalca 2003; Tadeo et al. 2011). This coupling is modeled with two
translation stiffness (Kxc, Kyc), a torsional stiffness (Khc), two translation damping (Cxc,
Cyc) and a torsional damping (Chc). Its inertial effects are included in the first block (I12)
and the second blocks (I21).
The degree of freedom vector “q” is defined as following:
Cm Cm þ Vcyl ð0:46 sin 2ac þ 0:24 sin 4ac þ 0:03 sin 6ac Þ ð3Þ
126 A. Hmida et al.
Rotational Speed
Rotational Speed (rad/s)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Time (S)
x 10
GearMesh Stiffness (N/m)
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035
Time (S)
Where Cm and ac are respectively the average of engine torque and the angular
position of the crankshaft. Vcyl and Pmax are respectively the cylinders capacity and the
maximum pressure inside cylinders.
The applied torque is periodic and it is shown in Fig. 4.
Torque (N.m)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Time (S)
E22 is the distance between the axis of rotation and the axis of inertia of the wheel
and expressed by:
The eccentricity defect affects the potential energies and kinetic energy. In fact, this
defect affects the tooth deflections. So, there is an additional potential energy which is
modelled by an additional force:
Fecc ¼ Km ðtÞe12 ðtÞf0 0 0 rb21 rb22 0 0 0 sinðaÞ cosðaÞ sinðaÞ cosðaÞg ð5Þ
128 A. Hmida et al.
3 Equation of Motion
½M €q þ ð½Cm þ ½Cs Þq_ þ ð½K ðtÞ þ ½Ks Þq ¼ F ðtÞ ð7Þ
[M] is the global mass matrix. [Ks] and [K(t)] are respectively the structural stiff-
ness matrix of the system and the time varying mesh stiffness matrix. [Cs] and [Cm] are
respectively the structural damping matrix and the mesh damping matrix.
The external force vector [F(t)] is defined as:.
F ðtÞ ¼ Fecc
ðtÞ þ Fecc
ðtÞ þ Fext ðtÞ ð8Þ
Cm and Cr are respectively the motor torque and the receiver torque.
These entire matrixes are defined in Hmida et al. (2016).
4 Numerical Results
In this part, effect of acyclism and eccentricity are induced in the model and numerical
results are carried out using the parameters values of the dynamic model presented in
Table 1.
Newmark method is used to compute the numerical results.
Figure 6 shows the time displacement signal of the second bloc in the Y direction.
The observed fluctuations on this figure correspond to the influence of the meshing and
eccentricity phenomena on the dynamic response.
Time acceleration signal of the second bloc in the X direction is shown in Fig. 7.
This signal is modulated by the acyclism and the eccentricity defect.
Spectral analysis is the most widely used techniques. Indeed, analysis spectrum of
acceleration of the second bloc in the X direction (Fig. 8) shows several peaks in the
neighborhoods of the natural frequencies of the system fi which are resumed in
Table 2.
Dynamic Behavior of Spur Gearbox with Elastic Coupling 129
x 10
Amplitude (m)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time (s)
x 10
Acceleration (m/s≤)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time (s)
f6 f10
Acceleration (m/s≤)
200 f111
150 f3 f12
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Frequency (Hz)
Signal in time
Real part
Energy spectral density
Frequency [kHz]
1210 8 6 4 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
8 Time [ms]
x 10
5 Conclusion
In this paper, the dynamic behavior of spur gearbox with an elastic coupling is studied
under acyclism regime generated by combustion engine. The eccentricity defect is
introduced in the model. Spectral analysis and the Wigner–Ville distribution of the
dynamic response are used to provide information about their state. In fact, only peaks
in the natural frequencies of the system and the meshing frequencies appear. These
methods fail to detect the frequencies of eccentricity and acyclism.
The future study will mainly focus on the decomposition of the dynamic response
of the system with eccentricity under acyclism regime in order to extract the fre-
quencies of excitations from the non-stationary signals.
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Author Index
Chaari, Fakher, 56, 79, 96, 104, 116, 123 Mahgoun, Hafida, 1, 44, 56
Miladi, Mariem, 96
Dziedziech, Kajetan, 116
Rémond, Didier, 16
Rezig, Ali, 34
Fedala, Semcheddine, 1
Fedala, Semchedine, 16
Felkaoui, Ahmed, 1, 16, 34, 56, 68
Sedira, Miloud, 68
Fenineche, Hocine, 34
Selmani, Houssem, 16
Fernandez del Rincon, Alfonso, 104
G Viadero Rueda, Fernando, 104
Ghorbel, Ahmed, 87
Graja, Oussama, 116 W
Walha, Lassâad, 87
Haddar, Maroua, 79 Z
Haddar, Mohamed, 56, 79, 87, 96, 104, 116, Zghal, Becem, 87, 116
123 Ziani, Ridha, 1, 44, 68