Job Safety Analysis / Permit To Work
Job Safety Analysis / Permit To Work
Job Safety Analysis / Permit To Work
Fabrication site construction safety recommended practice – Hazardous activities
Permit to Work
11) Site Management specifies when a Permit to Work is required. Supervisors
risk assess all work and determine if a work permit is required for specific
work or if a Job Safety Analysis alone is sufficient to control hazards.
12) If multiple Permit to Work systems are in place on a construction site then
a mechanism is required to ensure there are no conflicts (e.g. SIMOPS,
incompatible work processes, commissioning clashes etc.) between these
systems or work carried out. For each work activity, there must be one
permit to work utilized by workers so that the permit requirements are clearly
documented and understood.
13) Roles and responsibilities are defined for personnel who take part in Permit
to Work implementation, including Person In Charge, permit requestors,
permit issuers/coordinators, permit receivers, and permit holders. Training is
provided for those positions and the people holding these positions have been
14) Permits cannot be changed in the field without re-submittal and full approval.
15) Work plans are developed for the coming activities, identifying areas and
systems affected. Plans are formally communicated to the Permit issuer/
coordinator, as a minimum, before the activity starts.
16) The permit holder confirms that the workplace has been inspected before
work starts, that it conforms to permit listed requirements, that it is safe to
start work, and that the work permit has been signed.
Fabrication site construction safety recommended practice – Hazardous activities
17) All permits have a specified duration. There is a process in place to identify
permits which have not been closed within the specified duration.
18) There is a process for handover of permits between shifts.
19) Permit closeout checks confirm that:
• work was completed or suspended satisfactorily
• Isolations and Temporary Defeats were returned to service and assessed
• equipment was returned to a safe condition
• housekeeping is satisfactory
• completion of the work is communicated to the affected personnel.