Journal - Abdullah Baasith Ataro Gultom

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Abdullah Baasith Ataro Bachelor of
Information System Multimedia
Nusantara University Gading Serpong,
Kab Tangerang

Abstract— E-learning is a learning system that utilizes E-lerning operations at Indonesian universities have
information and communication technology facilities through begun to be carried out, although not all universities have
implemented e-learning learning, there are also some
a website or application. Several factors are needed to
universities that have implemented e-learning but do not know
measure the level of e-learning readiness, including: Course the level of readiness in implementing e-learning. According
Content, Course Evaluation, Assessment and Feedback, to. [6] E-learning or online / online lecture programs are part
Course planning, E-Learning Policies, E-Learning Culture, of the development of the world of education during the 4.0
E-learning Infrastructure, E-learning Sustainability Costs, Industrial Revolution. According to [7] There are 9
Indonesian universities that are included in the category of
E- Learning Support, E-learning Management System. Based
best universities in the world, including: University of
on these factors, a statistical test is needed to calculate the Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, Bandung Institute of
data. The statistical tests include: t test and f test, reliability Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Airlangga
test, static descriptive test and regression test. In this University, Padjajaran University, Bina Nusantara
research, the object used is the University of Indonesia (UI) University, Diponogoro University and Sepuluh November
Institute of Technology. At the University of Indonesia,
which is a state university which is ranked 296 in the top Universitas Indonesia with a system called SCELE (Student
universities in the world and the Bina Nusantara University Centered E-learning Environment) and changed to(E-
(Binus) is a private university that is included in the category learning Management SystemEMAS). Gajah Mada University
of top universities in the world has ansystem e-learning called eLISA (e-Learning System for
Academic Community) to supportlectures online. The
program developed by the UGM Inherent Team can be
Keywords: E-Learning, Measurement, Statistical Test, College
accessed by lecturers and students. At the Bandung Institute
of Technology Students who take online courses at ITB can
I. INTRODUCTION use an online lecture portal, Blended Learning ITB. The
The development of information technology is a challenge Agricultural Institute of Bogor has anportal e-learning called
as well as many opportunities to emerge in this era, one of Estella which has a list of academic calendar courses and
which is the development of information technology which has forums. At Airlangga University, the teaching and learning
an impact on all fields, including in the field of education. process at Unair can be done online through the Airlangga
Information and communication technology in the field of University e-Learning Application (AULA). In addition to
education, among others, plays a role in facilitating the being a separate learning experience, online lectures at Unair
management of academic administration, registration, and also aim to improve students' mastery of lecture materials. At
teaching and learning processes [1] . In the field of education, Padjadjaran University Unpad has an e-learning center that
the impact that is felt is a change in the learning paradigm felt offers Virtual Based Learning (Vabel) facilities. Here students
by teachers and also on learners. This perceived paradigm is can access lecture modules, various lecture references, and
the emergence of new e-learning methods and utilizing even cross-disciplinary course material. At Bina Nusantara
information technology. E-learning is learning to apply in the University with the name Binusmaya system, Binus Online
Internet-based learning system that is well received and Learning is one of the things that led this university to become
widely used today. With this concept, students or teachers can the first best private university in Indonesia according to
put learning materials, give assignments, collect assignments UniRank. At Diponogoro University, thelecture system online
or quizzes for evaluation, and can communicate with students. at Undip is known as Kul-on. Apart from being a media
Thus, learning activities can be carried out anytime and provider of learning materials, Kul-on also provides time
anywhere.[2] flexibility for lecturers and students outside of face-to-face
In e-learning learning activities students are forced to be class schedules. The Sepuluh November Institute of
actively involved in the learning process and students have Technology (ITS) has a system called Sharable & Reusable e-
greater flexibility in choosing learning materials to study, Learning ITS (Share ITS) is an online learning system used at
where and how to study, which in turn will accelerate student ITS. Virtual classes in Share ITSallow all ITS students
acceleration as the center of their own learning experience.. wherever they are to attend lectures.
[3]. E-learning will have an impact on the effectiveness of Every college that wants to implement learning uses
learning in terms of time, place and facilitate interaction ansystem e-learning at their university, but these colleges
between students and lecturers, as well as with fellow must pay attention to the readiness of implementing e-
students. [4] In line with this, the Ministerial Regulation learning. So the measurement and analysis of several factors
(Permen) on Long Distance Higher Education Standards are needed to measure the readiness of a university in
(PJJ), flexibility and autonomy of authority to units to
implementing thesystem e-learning or so-called (ELR) e-
encourage creativity and innovation, and provide
learning readiness. In this study, the authors conducted a
opportunities for the operation of world-leading universities
in Indonesia. [5] literature study in order to determine thetrends e-learning
ongoingin higher education. After knowing the trend, the


researcher will conduct an exploratory study which aims to E. Regression Test
identify problems that exist in e-learning using qualitative and Regression test is an analysis test used to see the effect of the
quantitative methods. This research aims to determine the independent variable and the dependent variable which is
level of readiness of a university in implementing e-learning assisted by the SPSS application in the statistical calculation
and determine what factors what should be improved is for process. The simple linear regression model is the simplest
higher education institutions that have implemented e- regression model which has only one independent variable
learning, and for universities that have not implemented e- X [10].
learning, it is necessary to pay attention to what factors must
be prepared in implementing e-learning.
A. Framework of thinking
A. E-Learning Readiness
E-learning is a form of distance learning that utilizes
technological facilities. Readiness(readiness)is a mental
and physical preparation for the organization in the
implementation of e-learning. ELR (E-learning Radiness)
functions to simplify a process to obtain information that
serves to improve the quality of e-learning. E-learning
Readiness describes the extent of an organization's
readiness in several aspects to implement e-learning [4]

B. T dan F Test
The T-test or T-Test is one of the testing methods of the
parametric statistical test [8]. This method is used to
determine the effect between the dependent variable and
thevariable independent. And the t-test is divided into 2
sample groups: Independent sample t-test and Paired y-test.
The F test is used to determine the significant effect between
simultaneous independent variables and related variables.
Additionally it is used for significance in the sample group
or two samples in the study
Gambar 1 Flowchart Jurnal
C. Reliability Test
Reliability is an index used to show the extent to which a Figure 1 is a flowchart that aims to explore the phenomena or
measuring device can be trusted or relied upon. Reliability factors associated with e-learning at a university. Before
test is used to show the level of effectiveness of the data in knowing this phenomenon, the writer must do a literature
capturing data. Because theformula is Cronbach Alpha used study then conduct an exploratory study then do a model
to get the reliability that the scores are not 0 and 1. The development then conduct a confirmation study after that
reliability test in this study uses the SPSStechnique Alpha analyze the data obtained and then produce a conclusion. For
Cronbach. To interpret the reliability coefficient, the a detailed explanation:
categories according to Sugiyono (2015: 184) are used as Study
follows: literature Study literature is an early stage of research. At this
Tabel 1Alpha Chronbach
stage the researcher will conduct a journal review to
Interval Koefisien Relationship Level
understand and find out things related to e-leraning and to
0,0 - 0,5 Unacceptable determine the methods and tests to be carried out in the
0,5 - 0,6 Poor research.
0,6 – 0,7 Acceptable Exploratory study
0,7 – 0,9 Good At this stage the researcher will determine the factors used to
0,9 – 1,0 Excellent measure the level of readiness in implementing e-learning in
higher education. using survey plots and final surveys and
D. Descriptive Statistics Test conducting interviews in order to find out the phenomena or
Static descriptive test is used to explore primary data taken factors that will formulate the problem in measuring the level
directly by using a questionnaire [9]. In the static descriptive ofreadiness e-learning in higher education.
test, it presents in the form of data descriptions. The Development models
resulting data is in the form of the number of respondents, At this stage the researcher will develop a model theory and
mean (average), maximum (largest value), minimum initial concepts in measuring application readiness e-learning
(smallest value), and standard deviation. readiness in higher education is based on readiness factors in
implementing e-learning.
Confirmation study B. A Priori Power Computing
Is a step to confirm data from previous parameters. Which is A good rule of thumb for selecting an appropriate sample
useful for answering the formulation of problems regarding e- size for factor analysis states that a study should have at least
learning raidiness in implementation in a university. 10 to 15 participants per factor (Field, 2009, Hair et al.,
Data Analysis 2010). In order to have a large data set, 10 performance
At this stage the data obtained from the Exploratory study and participants were initially considered to estimate the sample
Confirmation study will be calculated using a statistical test size. With a theoretical model consisting of ten factors, the
which will produce a score which will later be measured using sample size estimate yielded 100 participants. Post-Hoc
a Likert scale to determine the level of e-learning readiness in power calculations were performed as a solution and a
sample size of 100 was generated.
tertiary institutions. at this stage the researchers will conduct Tabel 3 F-Test
reliability testing as well as T-test and F test on the pilot F tests – ANOVA: Fixed effects, main effects and
survey.dan perform regression test and final test against the interactions
descriptive statistical survey Analysis Post hoc: Compute achieved power
Conclucion Input Effect size f 0.50
At this stage, researchers will make the conclusions obtained
from the formulation of the problems that exist in Chapter 1 α err probability 0.05
are taken to describe the completed research study Total sample size 100
B. Measurement Factors Numerator df 10
According to [11] the factors needed to measure the Number of groups 2
effectiveness of e-learning are: Course Content, Course Number of covariates 1
Evaluation, Assessment and Feedback, Course planning, E- Output Noncentrality 20.0000000
Learning Policies, E-Learning Culture, E-learning parameter λ
Infrastructure, E-learning Sustainability Costs, E-Learning
Support, E-learning Management System. Critical F 1.9577115
Denominator df 74
Power (1-β err prob) 0.83565456
This chapter describes the methodology that shapes Pada tabel 3 F-test Menunjukan hasil output 0,83565456 atau
research. As part of the methodology, exploratory study and sebesar 83% dari 100% maka pengaruh per variable secara
confirmation study through a questionnaire. The data simultan berpengaruh signifikan sebesar 83% dan 17%
obtained were 10 respondents. Data were analyzed using T dipengerahui oleh faktor external diluar dari penelitian
test and F test and reliability test for the pilot survey. As well
as regression test and descriptive static test for the final C. Analisa Seluruh Faktor (Pilot Survey)
survey. This chapter presents the findings of an exploratory Tabel 2 Uji Reabilitas Seluruh Faktor
study as well as confirmationstudty of a survey Factors Number Cronbach’s Cronbach’s
A. A. Sample Size: Power A Priori of Items Alpha Alpha
Scores Description
Table 2 T-Test
T tests – Means: Difference between two independent Course Content 7 0.893 Good
means (two groups) Course 6 0.861 Good
Analysis Post hoc: Compute required sample size Evaluation
Input Tails Two Assessment and 4 0.885 Good
Effect size d 2.0000000
Course planning 7 0.826 Good
α err probability 0.05 E-Learning 4 0.710 Good
Power (1-β err prob) 0.95 Policies
Df 12 E-Learning 4 0.827 Good
Output Sample Size group 1 5 Culture
E-learning 4 0.995 Excelent
Sample Size group 2 5
Total sample size 10 E-learning 4 0.803 Good
Actual power 0.9602208 Sustainability
In table 2 it is explained that from the probability level of 0.05 E-Learning 6 0.866 Good
or equivalent to 5% in the T-test table shows the output results Support
of 0.9602208 or 96% of 100%, the effect per variable partially E-learning 15 0.907 Excelent
has a significant effect of 96% and 4% is influenced by Management
external factors outside of the study System
After running the reliability test, Cronbach's alpha values are REFERENCES
usually rated as very good, good, acceptable, bad or [1] Prihantoro, C. R. (2018). Pengaruh E-readiness, E-
unacceptable. The Cronbach alpha (α) values are categorized learning dan E-book pada Implementasi Kurikulum
as follows; α ≥ 0.9 very good; 0.7 ≤ α <0.9 good; 0.6 ≤ α Program Studi D3 Teknologi Mesin Terhadap
<0.7 is acceptable; 0.5 ≤ α <0.6 bad; and α <0.5 is not Prestasi Lulusan Program Diploma.
acceptable [2] Ramadan, R., Pradnyana, I. A., & Suyasa, P. A. (2019).
D. Descriptive Static Test (Final Survey) Pengukuran Tingkat Kesiapan Implementasi E-
At this stage, it is to confirm the data from the previous learning (Elearning Readiness) di SMAN 2
parameters. There were 10 respondents who participated to Singaraja Menggunakan Model Chapnick.
fill out the questionnaire. The obtained mean and std deviation [3] Suwarsono, L. W. (2015). Pengukuran Elearning
data varied. the mean obtained is from 2.50 to 5.00. and the Readiness Pada Mahasiswa Teknik Universitas
std deviation obtained from 0.00 to 1.853. Telkom.
[4] Lestari, Y. (2019). Analisis Tingkat Kesiapan Penerapan
E. Regression Test (Final Survey) E-learning Pada Prodi Pendidikan Biologi
It is known that in the summary table the correlation value (R) Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan UIN AR-Raniry
is 0.332 from the output (R Square) of 0.110, it can be Banda Aceh. Banda Aceh.
concluded that there is an effect of variable (X) on (Y). In the
[5] Fujiawati, F. S., & Raharja, R. M. (2019). Analisis
ANOVA table the calculated F value is 9,433 with a
significance level of 0,000 <0.05, the regression model can be Kesiapan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Seni
used to predict the effect of variable (X) on variable (Y). In the Mengimplementasikan Pembelajaran Berbasis
t value coefficient table (count) of 3.071 and a significance Online (Elearning &Mobile Learning).
value of 0.003 <0.05, the conclusion is that there is a partial [6] Purbowati, D. (2019). Pilih E-Learning-mu pada 9
relationship between variable (X) and variable (Y). Kampus Ini. Retrieved from
F. Interview Result learning-mu-pada-9-kampus-ini
• University of Indonesia [7] QS World University Rankings. (2019). Retrieved from
University Indonesia several years ago the name of the e- QS TOP UNIVERSITIES:
learning platform they used was called SCELE and now it
has been changed to EMAS which already uses IOT (Internet
Of Things). The current platform is more flexible than the old
[8] Magdalena, R., & M. A, K. (2019). Analisis Penyebab
platform. The motivation for the university to implement an
e-learning system is to help the learning process at dan Solusi Rekonsiliasi Finished Goods
Indonesian universities to be more effective and more Menggunakan Hipotesis Statistik Dengan Metode
flexible. The expected result is to create quality graduates Pengujian Independent Sample T-Test di PT
and emphasize students to be able to use digital technology Merck,Tbk.
4.0. [9] Purnamasari, I., & Hayati, M. N. (2018). Analisis
• University Bina Nusantara Deskriptif Pada Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi
Bina Nusantara University has an e-learning platform called Minat Siswa Untuk Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke
binus maya. The motivation for universities to adopt e- Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi.
learning actually leads to the university's mission, namely a [10] Hijriani, A., Muludi, K., & Andini, A. A. (2016).
global university so that students can gain mobility, which Implementasi Metode Regresi Linier Sederhana
means students can learn more flexibly than face-to-face Pada Penyajian Hasil Prediksi Pemakaian Air
learning. The expected result from e-learning is that students Bersih PDAM WAY RILAU Kota Bandar
can follow the digital age 4.0 using IOT (Internet Of Things) Lampung Dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis.
[11] Aguti, B. (2015). A Model to Facilitate Effective E-
learning in Technology-Enhanced Learning
Environments within Universities.
Journal assessments are conducted to determine factors
related to measuring the level of e-learning readiness in
tertiary institutions. Based on the results of the study, several
statistical tests are needed to measure the success of e-
learning readiness in tertiary institutions. In the reliability test
based on 10 factors used chronbach's alpha above 0.7 entered
the category of colleges that were successful in implementing
e-learning, but there were several items that had to be
improved because the correlation value was still <0.3. And
the results of the regression test get a significant value of
0.003 <0.05, which means that there is a partial relationship
between variable (X) and variable (Y).

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