Small Business Loan Application
Small Business Loan Application
Small Business Loan Application
Business Legal Name / Individual Name Current Customer Federal Tax Identification Number / SSN Number of Business Phone
☐ Yes ☐ No Employees
(select one)
Business Street Address City State Zip County
CRA Address *The physical location where the loan’s funds will be used. Cannot be P.O. Box. Use cross City State Zip County
streets if no street address available.
Organization/Business Type ☐ Sole Proprietorship ☐ General Partnership ☐ Limited Partnership ☐Farm ☐Other (specify) Present Management
☐ C Corporation ☐ S Corporation ☐ Limited Liability ☐ Partnership ☐ Limited Liability Company
Primary Bank How Long? Average Business Checking Account Balance?
1. Does your business owe any taxes from prior years? ☐ Yes ☐ No 2. Is the business liable for any debts not listed on the application?
How much? $ ☐ Yes ☐ No How much? $
3. Is the business a party to any claim or lawsuit? ☐ Yes ☐ No 4. Has the business or any guarantor ever been involved in bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings in the last 10
☐ Yes ☐ No Year? Who (business or guarantor)?
5. Are there any delinquent FICA, withholdings or sales taxes? 6. Has the business or any guarantor ever defaulted on any government guaranteed loans?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No
7. Is the business for sale or under agreement that would change the 8. Does the business, its owners or majority stockholders have a controlling interest in other businesses?
ownership of the business? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No (Please List)
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
* Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not to be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.
Retirement Plans
(401K/Thrift Pension)
Other Partnership
Interest/Business Interests
Automobiles – Number:
DETAILED SCHEDULE OF REAL ESTATE (If additional properties owned, attach separate schedule)
Type of Present Mortgage Gross Rental Current Mortgage
Address of Property Monthly Payment
Property Market Value Holder Income Balance
Applicant(s) hereby certify that all of the statements above and any other documents provided to the Bank to consider this extension of credit are true and complete as of the date given. Applicant(s) authorize
Bank to verify all of the above information given, to obtain a credit report or any other verification of credit references, and to make such other investigations as the Bank deems appropriate. Applicant(s) agree to
notify the Bank promptly of any adverse change in their financial condition. Applicant(s) also certify that all loan proceeds will be used exclusively for business related purposes. If the business is a corporation or
partnership, all authorized owners/principals must sign and include their corporate/partnership title.
Applicant(s) further authorize the Bank to provide any, or all of the information provided to the Bank in connection with this Application, to a third party credit processing service via the Internet, as part of the
Bank's evaluation of the Applicant's creditworthiness, and Applicant(s) hereby release the Bank from any liability for any damages sustained by Applicant(s) in connection with the Bank's use of said third
party credit processing service.
Signature Printed Title Date
Signature Printed Title Date
For official use only
Date Received: / / Officer Code: Region: Branch: Application No.:
The purpose of collecting this information is to help ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and that the housing needs of communities and neighborhoods
are being fulfilled. For residential mortgage lending, federal law requires that we ask applicants for their demographic information (ethnicity, sex, and race)
in order to monitor our compliance with equal credit opportunity, fair housing, and home mortgage disclosure laws. You are not required to provide his or
her information, but are encouraged to do so. The law provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of this information, or on whether you choose to
provide it. However, if you choose not to provide the information and you have made this application in person, federal regulations require us to note your
ethnicity, sex and race on the basis of visual observation or surname. The law also provides that we may not discriminate on the basis of age or marital status
information you provide in this application. Instructions: You may select one or more “Hispanic or Latino” origins and one or more designations for “Race.” If
you do not wish to provide some or all of this information, select the applicable check box. This information is not required for entity borrowers.
Ethnicity Ethnicity
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Mexican I do not wish to provide Mexican I do not wish to provide this
Puerto Rican this information Puerto Rican information
Cuban Cuban
Other Hispanic Other Hispanic
or Latino or Latino
______________ ___________
Examples: Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Examples: Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan,
Salvadoran, Spaniard, etc Salvadoran, Spaniard, etc.
Race/National Origin: Race/National Origin:
American Indian or Alaska Black or African American American Indian or Alaska Black or African American
Native‐ Enter name of Native Hawaiian or Other Native‐ Enter name of Native Hawaiian or Other
enrolled or principal tribe: Pacific Islander enrolled or principal tribe: Pacific Islander
_____________ Native Hawaiian _____________ Native Hawaiian
Asian Guamanian or Asian Guamanian or
Asian Indian Chamorro Asian Indian Chamorro
Chinese Samoan Chinese Samoan
Filipino Other Pacific Filipino Other Pacific
Japanese Islander‐ Japanese Islander‐
Korean Enter race: Korean Enter race:
Vietnamese ________________ Vietnamese ________________
Examples: Fijian, Tongan,etc. Examples: Fijian, Tongan,etc.
Other Asian‐ Other Asian‐
Enter race:
White Enter race:
_____________ I do not wish to provide _____________ I do not wish to provide
Examples: Hmong, this information Examples: Hmong, this information
Laotian,Thai,Pakistani, Laotian,Thai,Pakistani,
Cambodian,etc. Cambodian,etc.
Sex: Sex:
Male I do not wish to provide this information Male I do not wish to provide this information
Female Female
To be completed by Financial Institution (for an application taken in person):
Was the ethnicity of the Applicant collected on the basis of visual Was the ethnicity of the Co‐Applicant collected on the basis of visual
observation or surname? ___ YES ___ NO observation or surname? ___ YES ___ NO
Was the sex of the Applicant collected on the basis of visual observation Was the sex of the Co‐Applicant collected on the basis of visual observation
or surname? ___YES ___ NO or surname? ___YES ___ NO
Was the race of the Applicant collected on the basis of visual Was the race of the Co‐Applicant collected on the basis of visual
observation or surname? ___YES ___ NO observation or surname? ___YES ___ NO
The Demographic Information was provided through:
Face‐to‐Face Telephone Interview Interviewer’s Name: Branch:
(includes Electronic Fax or Mail
Media w/ Video
Email or Internet
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent
Annual Gross Salary Other Income Amount* Other Income Source Monthly Housing Payment ☐ Own ☐ Rent