SRS Document - FIVE
SRS Document - FIVE
SRS Document - FIVE
Version <1.0>
Prepared by
202177 202177
CONTENTS................................................................................................................................................. II
REVISIONS................................................................................................................................................. II
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 PRODUCT SCOPE......................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 INTENDED AUDIENCE AND DOCUMENT OVERVIEW...........................................................................1
1.4 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................2
1.5 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS............................................................................................................ 2
1.6 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS......................................................................................... 2
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY............................................................................................................. 3
2.3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS.................................................................................3
2.4 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES............................................................................................... 4
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................. 5
3.1 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS..........................................................................................5
3.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................ 6
3.3 USE CASE MODEL........................................................................................................................ 7
4 OTHER NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................13
4.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................. 13
4.2 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................13
4.3 SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES................................................................................................ 13
APPENDIX A – DATA DICTIONARY....................................................................................................... 15
Version Primary Author(s) Description of Version Date Completed
Draft Filza Syafira, The draft of SRS document version 1 is 04/12/20
Version Nooramirah
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page iii
1 Introduction
The online food ordering system (OFOS) is the process of ordering meals from a website or other
application before being delivered by the riders. The system also provides updates to customers
regarding their order.
The purpose of this SRS is to attract developer / stakeholder interaction by outlining the
functional and non-functional needs of online food ordering system subjects, especially the
addition of real-time tracking systems. Therefore, the document should be an important basis for
completing the project efficiently and in accordance with the needs of stakeholders.
To groups of audiences involving customers, riders and restaurant owners, this SRS should
deliver and validate all required functions and represent contractual agreements between the
parties involved.
In today's environment, the use of online food ordering is on the rise. Therefore, the OFOS
system needs to be upgraded for the convenience of the users. However, the increase in the rate
of problems in the estimated meal time for food can also not be ignored. therefore, this document
sets the conditions to add real-time tracking features as a replacement to the problem.
The real-time tracking features are developed for general purpose and to replace the old “track
and trace” food ordering application. Instead, OFOS is built with “live track and trace” to increase
customer satisfaction interactively. With this system, food delivery can be easily tracked till the
last mile, thus ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction, resulting in customer retention.
OFOS also helps to improve the order completion process. By having real-time tracking about the
current location of each delivery vehicle, kitchen staff will be able to notify the fleet manager to
set the route for the next orders.
Term Description
Application A software program that runs on your computer
Customer Restaurant patron that orders/pays for a meal
E-wallet Known as digital wallets are financial accounts that allow users to store
funds, make transactions, and track payment histories by computer.
Hard disk An electro-mechanical data storage device that stores and retrieves
digital data using magnetic storage and one or more rigid rapidly
rotating platters coated with magnetic material.
Menu Surface computer representation of the available items and other
Order Comprises one or more items
Payment Comprises the total cost of zero or more meals and zero or more tips
Real-time tracking Collection of sensors that work together to automatically identify
and track the location of objects (including people) in real time.
Restaurant owner The one who is responsible for the daily operations of a restaurant
Rider Person who transport meals items from production areas to customers
Server Backend computer that hosts the restaurant menu and ordering system
Web Collection of websites stored in web servers and connected to
local computers through the internet.
Workstations Special computer designed for technical or scientific applications.
Acronym Description
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
DBMS Database Management System
GPS Global Positioning System
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
O2O Online to offline
OFOS Online food ordering system
PC Personal Computer
SRS Software Requirement Specification
VI Visual Identification System
2 Overall Description
The mobile application is constrained by the GPS navigation system within the mobile phone.
Since there are multiple systems and multiple GPS manufacturers. Also, there may be a
difference between what navigation features each of them provide.
The Interface needs to be user friendly for both the customers and restaurant manager. It may
need a little tip for the restaurant manager to make use of the application interface while the
customer which is a regular mobile phone user will easily get used to the interface.
The Internet connection is also a constraint for the application. Since the application fetches data
from the database over the Internet, it is crucial that there is an Internet connection for the
application to function.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 5
One assumption about the product is that it will always be used on mobile phones that have
enough performance. If the phone does not have enough hardware resources available for the
application, for example the users might have allocated them with other applications, there may
be scenarios where the application does not work as intended or even at all.
The payment system depends on the other payment system. It may differ from the speed and
availability of the bank/e-wallet server.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 6
3 Specific Requirements
The interface of the FoodPanda Takeaway App is mainly in pink color and runs through the entire
product design. In addition to the background color, icons, and text, it also matches the rider
clothing, etc. The entire set of colors has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it
can be said to be a very successful VI design case.
As a take-out product, the design core revolves around how to better display the business and
guide users to place orders. The middle position of the page is used to display businesses and
meals, the search, settings, message center and other functions are placed at the top, and the
bottom is a fixed menu navigation bar. The operation mode is mainly swiping up and down,
single-point selection, and occasionally sliding left and right as auxiliary display. On the basis of
the prototype diagram, use Axure to simulate and draw a demo page, which can be directly
clicked to operate, which is convenient for more intuitive display of the hierarchical relationship
between pages.
The English full name of SCSI is "Small Computer System Interface", which is a completely
different interface from IDE (ATA). IDE interface is a standard interface for ordinary PCs, while
SCSI is not an interface specifically designed for hard disks. A high-speed data transmission
technology widely used in minicomputers. The SCSI interface has the advantages of wide
application range, multitasking, large bandwidth, low CPU usage, and hot plugging, but the higher
price makes it difficult to popularize like IDE hard disks, so SCSI hard disks are mainly used in
middle and high-end servers and high-end workstations. Using this high-end hardware to process
the service information of this takeaway system is an efficient and simple choice.
The OFOS will interface with a Database Management System (DBMS) that stores the
information necessary for the OFOS to operate. The DBMS must be able to provide, on request
and with low latency, data concerning the restaurant's menu and employees. Additionally, it
should archive data provided to it as the data will include records of all orders and transactions
executed by the OFOS.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 7
Faced with such a complex decision-making problem, FoodPanda ’s intelligent delivery system
acts as the rider’s "super brain". It will track the rider’s direction and current position in real time,
and calculate according to the service requirements of the current waybill and the new waybill.
Distribute orders in the most efficient way for the system. The technical department is
continuously optimizing the algorithm, and ultimately hopes to more than double the per capita
distribution efficiency through technology.
In the offline service process, technology can do a lot of optimization. It is these optimizations one
by one, which together can continuously reduce the offline costs of FoodPanda and merchants,
and then improve the overall O2O production efficiency.
3.2.1 The system shall have real-time matching at the implementation level, that is, the dynamic
setting of the delivery fee involved when the user places an order, the assignment of the
order, and the execution of the rider. Give some examples, such as the planning of the
distribution range of the merchants, which area should be allocated to some disputed
communities, and what are the costs and benefits of dividing into each area? These all
need to be considered.
1. Customer (C)
Requirement Description
C01 Customers must register before they wants to order the meals .
C02 Customers can order their item/meals in the cart before submit the order.
C03 Customers can review their ordered meals and personal information such as
customer’s name, phone number, location (address) before they submit the
order. Then, they have to checkout the items in the cart.
C04 Customers can make their payment with credit card and online payment.
2. Rider (R)
R01 -The riders can view the restaurant and customers’ location before they take and
deliver the meals.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 8
3. Restaurant owner (RO)
Requirement Description
RO01 The restaurant owner can display and modify (add or remove) their menu on the
RO02 The restaurant owner will get notifies from the system if the order have been
RO03 The restaurant owner can request delivery to the system.
3.3 Use Case Model (Author – Nooramirah Amnani bt Nasri, Filza Syafira & Shaikh
Muhammad Mustafa)
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 9
Alternative Flow
Includes None
Notes/Issues None
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 10
Post condition
1. The system saves the order.
Includes Payment
Notes/Issues None
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 11
3.3.3 Use Case #3 (Track rider – C05)
The customer can track the order being delivered with the live
track through the GPS system service.
Priority High
Precondition 1. The customer order the meals.
2. The order request has to be assigned to the rider.
Post condition The customer successfully tracks the deliverable with GPS.
Actors Customer, GPS System
Extends None
Flow of events 1. The restaurant owner request to deliver the meals.
2. The rider start to deliver the meals.
3. The customer can track current location of the rider.
Includes None
Notes/Issues None
2. The restaurant owner request to add or
change the menu info in the system.
3. The restaurant owner submit the new
update of menu info to the system.
Includes None
Notes/Issues None
Includes None
Notes/Issues None
The performance requirement is speed of network. It is to load the menu from the
databases. For the rider location, the location should be refreshed every 5 seconds to
avoid long delay.
The user database should be normalized to prevent redundant data and improve
4.2.1 Safety
There are no safety requirements with this application, other than any normal hazards of a mobile
device. The only hazard is a user using the device when they should not be, such as while
driving. The rider should have a phone holder to view the task.
4.2.2 Security
Information transmission should be securely transmitted to the server without any changes in
4.3.1 Availability
If the internet service gets disrupted while sending information to the server, the information can
be sent again for verification after the device is coming back online.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 15
4.3.2 Security
The main security concern is for users' accounts and payment. The application should use a
proper payment gateway. The other security measures are the location of the rider is only
available for the user and the restaurants only.
4.3.3 Usability
The user’s ability to input data into devices that have a small screen should be in reasonable
manner and not difficult to the user.
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 16
(f or nf)
Register High Functional Use Case #1 Users sign up to the application before
have access to order
Display and High Functional Use Case #2 Restaurant owner adds and changes
modify menu menu information
Order item High Functional Use Case #3 Users order items from the menu
Track rider High Functional Use Case #5 Customer tracks the current locations
of the rider
View locations High Functional Use Case #6 Rider able to take or deliver the food to
the correct places
Software Requirements Specification for Online Food Ordering System Page 17
3 DEC 2020 We updated the Use Case details of the systems to follow the client’s