TLE FoodProcessing8 Q2M1 Week1 2

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TLE Exploratory
Food Processing
(Salting, Curing, Smoking)
Quarter 2 – Modules 1
Week 1-2

Equipment, Tools and Utensils

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
familiarize the equipment, tools, and utensils in Food Processing. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course.

This module is divided into two lessons, namely:

• Lesson 1 – Equipment and tools for salting, curing, and smoking in
accordance with manufacturer’s specifications
• Lesson 2 – Check, Sanitize and Calibrate Equipment for the above food
processing methods in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1.1 identify types of tools, equipment, and utensils for food processing (salting,
curing, and smoking); and
1.2 check, sanitize and calibrate equipment for food processing (salting, curing,
and smoking)

This module covers the Introduction/ Learning Objectives, Pre-Assessment, Lesson

Proper, Generalization, Application and Post Assessment.

What I Know

Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________
Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Let us determine how much you already know about utilizing kitchen tools
and equipment. Take this test.

Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

__________1. It is used to cook or prepare various foods with steam heat by means
of holding the food in a closed vessel, reducing the steam escape.
___________2. It is used to contain a liquid for pasteurization.
___________3. It is used to lower the temperature of liquids within the range 2 to 7
degrees Celsius.

___________4. It is a small vehicle with wheels that can carry things.
___________5. An equipment used to cure meat or fish with smoke.
___________6. A stainless-steel bowl used for mixing ingredients together in.
___________7. It is designed for carrying items and can be utilized for a number of
___________8. A deep cooking pan, typically round, made of metal, and with one long
handle and a lid used for general range top cooking.
___________9. These are spring-type tools used to grip and lift foodstuff.
__________10. A type of pot, specialized in boiling water, with a lid, spout, and


Equipment and Tools for Salting,


Curing and Smoking

What is It

Equipment for Salting, Curing and Smoking: Uses and Specifications

Every purchased equipment, tool and utensil are accompanied with a manual
containing specifications as to how they are used, manipulated, or operated, cared
for, and stored to lengthen their serviceability. Specifications usually include the

1. Important safeguards or basic safety precautions to follow when using

the device like a pressure cooker for instance.

2. Warning labels which serve as a reminder to the user to read and follow
instructions on the proper use and operation of a certain device
equipment or tool.

3. Dimensions, weights, and capacities as in the case of cookers, boilers,

and steamers.
4. Instructions on caring for the equipment, tool, or utensil.
5. Instructions on the correct usage of the device.

When using any equipment, tool or device, it is important to read and understand the
manufacturer’s specifications in order to properly or accurately use or manipulate it
and prevent any accident that may occur due to ignorance or lack of information
pertaining to their correct usage. Being familiar with all information pertaining to food
processing equipment results to systematic, orderly, and accurate accomplishment of

Parts and Functions of Equipment, Tools and Utensils

Knowing the parts and functions of equipment, tools and utensils used in processing
food ensures the accuracy or proper use, operation, and care for them. It is very easy
for a food processor to manipulate a particular device if he knows all its parts and
their respective functions. Proper maintenance for the parts of any tool, equipment
and utensil can also be done if a processor is familiar with them.

The Smokehouse
A smokehouse is a device used in treating the fish or meat with smoke. It can be a
cold smoke house or a hot smokehouse. It is a hot smokehouse if the fish is in close
proximity to the source of smoke and a temperature of 66 Celsius to 88 Celsius is
produced. If the source of smoke is 2 meters away from the fish and the temperature
of the smoke is 32 C – 43 C, then it is a cold smokehouse. Some are simple like the
barrel and drum types while others are mechanized and controlled like the Torry
smokehouse which can also be used as a drier.

The Drier Smokehouse

The Parts of a Drier Smokehouse and their Functions

a. Removable slatted benches. They hold the fish to be smoked.
b. Removable hangers with hook. They are used for hanging fish to be dried or
c. Wooden hooks. They are nailed from the top of the drier smokehouse here
fish are also hanged when drying or smoking.
d. Vents. These are located below the roof at the front and the back of the

smokehouse to provide the necessary air circulation.
e. Tunnel or pipe. Conveys the smoke from the concrete furnace into the
f. Concrete furnace. It is where the smoke – producing materials are placed
and burned.
g. Tight sheathing rafters. Serve as the top cover or roofing of a smokehouse.
h. Meshed screen. Serve as a closure of openings like the vents to keep flies and
insects from entering the smokehouse.

The Torry Smokehouse and Its Parts

Some Types of Smokehouse

1. Stainless Steel Smokehouse 2. Electric Smokehouse
gas-stainless-steel-smokehouse mb21076919

3. Mechanical Smokehouse

Smokehouse control and sensor of an electric

4. Barrel Type Cold Smokehouse 5. Brick Smokehouse


• Chest Freezer - Freezers can reduce the temperature of objects within the
range -1 to -13 degrees Celsius. Only food intended for freezing can be placed
inside the freezer.
• Chiller - Chillers are used to lower the temperature of liquids within the range
2 to 7 degrees Celsius.
• Juice Extractor – squeezes out the juice from fresh vegetables and fruits
• Mixer – a machine used for mixing ingredients. Often used in baking.
• Pressure Cooker - sealed pot with a valve that controls the steam pressure
inside to cook food faster and make the meat tender

Salting Equipment

Oil drum – used as Earthen pots are

a container to keep used in storing the
salted fish during salted products.
the process
Wooden salting vat Wooden shovel or
is a container used spade is used for
in the salting mixing or stirring
process. the mixture of salt
and small fish for

Smoking Equipment

Bakol is a bamboo
Baklad made of basket used to
bamboo used in transport smoked
drying the fish
prior to smoking

Bistay is a Dinarayan is a
smoking tray made
bamboo basket for
of wood
collecting sun
dried fish

Panakip is a Panandok is a big

metal ladle to
bamboo cover used
scoop up the
to keep fish cooked fish from
submerged in the the boiling brine
brine while boiling

Bamboo poles Pugon is a

concrete heat
used to hold the
source used when
baklad. With brine pre-cooking fish in
cooked fish while a brine

• Smokehouse– an equipment used to cure meat or fish with smoke

• Boiler – It is used to contain a liquid for pasteurization. A modern version
such as the steam jacketed kettle boils liquid through steam. It is enclosed by
a ‘jacket’ to ensure even heating.
• Steamer – used to cook or prepare various foods with steam heat by means
of holding the food in a closed vessel, reducing the steam escape. Food is
placed at the top, over boiling water that produces hot moist air.
• Trolleys – a small vehicle with wheels that can carry things. Used for
transporting heavy loads.
• Vacuum Packaging Machine – a machine that removes air from the package
prior to sealing.
• Silent cutter – used to chop and mix meat as well as cut into identical sizes
to make sausages


Tools are handheld devices used to carry out particular functions. Utensils are tools,
containers, or other articles specifically used for household tasks like cooking.


Bowl –a round dish used to prepare and serve food. It can be

made of different materials such as aluminum, enamel, glass,
stainless steel, or stoneware.

Casserole – a large, deep dish used both in the oven and as a

serving vessel

Enamel Kettle - is a type of pot, specialized

for boiling water, with a lid, spout, and

Food Tray - flat dish or container that is used to carry or serve

food. It can also be used for storing or displaying.

Jars – a glass container ideal for packaging

fermented and sugar concentrated products

Mixing Bowl – a stainless steel bowl used for mixing

ingredients together in.

Non-stick Pan – cooking pans that have non-stick

properties. They do not require any amount of oil and
work well with food that generally sticks.

Perforated Tray – a pan that has holes in the bottom. It allows

steam and/or oil to escape the food.

Saucepan – a deep cooking pan, typically round,

made of metal, and with one long handle and a lid
used for general range-top cooking

Soaking Container – used for containing curing or brining

solutions along with the meat, fruit, or vegetable

Utility Tray – designed for carrying items, it can be utilized
for a number of functions. A utility tray can be used when
mixing liquids or transferring products from one container
to another. It can hold product to avoid spills.

Wire Basket –it is a metal container used to sort and store

items in the food processing plant

Hand Tools

Basting Spoons – used Can Opener – a

to scoop liquid at the mechanical device
bottom of the pan and used to open tin
pour it into the foodstuff cans
being cooked

Colander – a bowl- Cook’s Fork –

shaped strainer, it is heavy, two-pronged
usually made of metal fork with a long
that has holes through handle. Used for
which liquid can drain. It lifting and turning
is typically used to drain meat or another
boiled foods such as foodstuff.
pasta and potatoes. It
can also be used in
rinsing fruits and

Food Tongs – spring- Funnel – a tube or

type tools used to grip pipe, wide at the top
and lift foodstuff. and narrow at the
bottom. It is used
for guiding liquid or
powder into a small

Squeezer – a hand- Strainer – a

pressed tool used for handheld tool used
squeezing juice from to strain food

Syringe – a tube with a Wooden Ladle – a

needle and pump used to long-handled spoon
inject curing solution with a cup-shaped
into meat bowl made of wood.

It can be used for
lifting liquid out of a

Wooden Spoon – a spoon that can be for stirring sauces, mixing

ingredients, or cooking. It is preferred over metal spoons because
it does not transfer heat.

Cutting Tools

Boning Knife – used for • Bread Knife –

boning raw meat and used for slicing
poultry. A flexible boning bread, cake,
knife is used for filleting
and light cutting. It is thin
and pointed usually about
6 inches long

• Chef’s Knife – most • Chopping

used knife in the kitchen Board – where food
for chopping, slicing, items to be sliced or
dicing, etc. The blade is chopped are placed
wider nearing the handle
and tapers until it reaches
the sharp point.

• Cleaver – used to • Sharpening

hack and cut through Steel / Stone –
bones. It is a very heavy same as honing rod
and broad knife.

• Paring Knife – This • Peeler – used

is a small and pointed knife for peeling
around 2 to 4 inches long. vegetables and
This is used for trimming fruits with a
and paring vegetables and revolving blade
fruits. mechanism

• Utility Knife – used for • Honing Rod –

cutting and preparing used to realign
fruits, as well as carving the knife’s edges
roast chicken and duck. quickly
It is a narrow knife about
6 inches in length

Apparatus/Instrument Special Tools

Apparatus refers to a special set of tools often used in the laboratory. But they
remain useful in food processing. Let us see why!

Measuring glass – Measuring cups –

used to measure used to measure
liquid ingredients. dry ingredients
such as sugar and
flour. Each cup in
the set measures a
specific amount as
indicated on its
Measuring pH meter – an
spoons – used to instrument used
measure small to measure
amounts of acidity or
ingredients. Each alkalinity.
spoon in the set
measures a
specific amount
as indicated on its
Hydrometer – Salinometer – an
used to measure instrument for
relative density measuring the
of liquids based salinity of a
on the concept of solution. It has
buoyancy various types:
digital, digital
handheld pocket,
pen-type, and
Refractometer – Meat
used to measure Thermometer –
sugar used to measure
concentration internal
when processing temperature of
jams, jellies, meat. Depending
preserves, and on manufacturer
marmalades. For specifications,
starters, you will some meat
most likely thermometers can
encounter this be left during
when making cooking for
solutions with monitoring of
water and sugar. temperature.
Digital Timer – usually
Thermometer – comes in an hour
also used to range, it will help
measure the you perform

temperature of different tasks at
food, it gives digital the same time.
reading of the

Weighing scale – Most recipe ingredients are measured by

weight, so accurate scales are very important. Portion scales
are used for measuring ingredients as well as for portioning
products for service.

What I Have Learned

• What is Food Processing?

• What are the tools used in Food Processing?
• What are the classifications of tools and equipment?
• What are the apparatus needed in Food Processing?


Check, Sanitize and

Calibrate Equipment

What is It

Check, sanitize and calibrate Equipment for food processing

Keeping things clean in the workplace prevents food spoilage and the spread of
foodborne diseases. By cleaning and sanitizing equipment, tools, and utensils, you
can ensure the safety of the food being handled as well as the safety of those working
in the area.

Cleaning and sanitizing are two separate processes.

Cleaning means to remove unnecessary and unpleasant matter like garbage,
food waste, and grease. Cleaning equipment differs from cleaning tools and
utensils. Equipment is usually bigger and involves electrical wiring.
It is always best to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning and
sanitizing equipment. However, there are general rules that must be observed
when cleaning equipment:
1. Make sure that the power is turned off and power cords are unplugged.
2. Gas equipment should be turned off.
3. Proper protective clothing must be worn when cleaning equipment that deals
with chemicals.
4. Ventilation should be provided.



Detergents remove dirt and grease, but they do not kill bacteria and other
microorganisms. This is why cleaning is followed by sanitizing.

Sanitizing involves the use of a chemical agent to reduce the number of
bacteria to safe levels.

Sanitizing generally consists of three steps:

1. Soaking tools and utensils in hot, clean, and potable water (75 °C) for at
least 2 minutes.
2. Immersing in a sanitizing solution for at least one minute.

3. Leaving tools and utensils to air dry on a draining rack.

Preparing a Sanitizing Solution

• 1 Teaspoon Bleach + 1 Gallon Water

Tips on Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools

1. Pre-cleaning and main cleaning can be combined if there is only light

2. If using a hose to wash equipment, use high-volume, low-pressure hose in
order to prevent splashing and spraying pathogens onto surfaces.
3. Sanitize items that come into direct contact with food or with the hands of the
food handlers.
4. Sanitizers work best at the correct dilution. Be sure to check the label before
applying them.
5. Always label chemical agents.
6. Store chemical agents and cleaning materials away from where food is being
7. Be sure to clean and dry the cleaning equipment.

Please click the video:

What I Have Learned

What is the difference between cleaning and sanitizing?


Do we need to sanitize our utensils? How often?


What I can do

Instructions: At home, prepare a sanitizing solution and make sanitize your kitchen
tools and utensils. Have a picture of before and after making the solution and before
and after disinfecting. Make a collage of your taken photos and give your feedback
or observation after doing the activity.


1. 1 Teaspoon Bleach
2. 1 Gallon Water
3. Gallon
4. Basin
5. Plates
6. Fork and spoon
7. Storage canister
8. (at least 10 utensils)

1. Make a sanitizing solution and store it in an empty gallon. Label the solution
2. Prepare the utensils and kitchen tools to be sanitized (at least 10).
3. Clean and remove the dirt of the kitchen tools and utensils with soap
4. After washing, disinfect tools and utensils using the sanitizing solution.
5. Wash the tools and utensils with running water
6. Let it dry. And store in a clean storage.


Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:

Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________

Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Test I. Directions: Identify the tools and equipment used for food processing.


2 Wooden Salting Vat

5 Baklad

Oil Drum

Test II Matching Type. Match Column A to Column B. Draw a line to connect

the tools to its function.

Column A Column B

1. A heavy, two-pronged fork with A.

a long handle, used for lifting
and turning meat or another
2. It is a tube or pipe, wide at the B.
top and narrow at the bottom,
used for guiding liquid or

powder into a small opening.

3. It is a long-handled spoon with C.

a cup-shaped bowl made of
wood, used for lifting liquid out
of a pot.

4. A hand-pressed tool used for D.

squeezing juice from fruit

5. A mechanical device used to E.

open tin cans

6. A spring-type tools used to grip F.

and lift foodstuff.

7. A handheld tool used to strain G.


K to 12 Food Processing Learning Module

Online Sources

retrieved August 24, 2020, retrieved August 24, 2020


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