BoZ Quarterly Brief - Speech (Q4 2010)
BoZ Quarterly Brief - Speech (Q4 2010)
BoZ Quarterly Brief - Speech (Q4 2010)
Monetary Policy
Interest Rates
11. wield rates for Government securities trended upwards, extending gains
from the previous quarter as investors sought to consolidate positive returns
over the inflation rate. Thus, the composite weighted average Treasury bill
yield rate increased by 58 basis points to 8.2% while that for Government
bonds rose marginally by 10 basis points to 11.3%.
13. Investment in Treasury bills held by non-residents increased to K497.0
billion from K8.8 billion in the third quarter. The increase reflected renewed
confidence in short-term Government paper. Conversely, foreign investment
in Government bonds decreased to K127.9 billion from K150.5 billion
recorded in the third quarter, due to net maturities. Collectively, total
holdings of Government securities by non-resident was K625.4 billion,
representing 7% of total securities outstanding.
Real Sector
15. Developments in the real sector were satisfactory during the reviewed
quarter. This was reflected by higher output of most monitored commodities,
and an increase in investment pledges.
16. The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) had 982,784 metric tonnes (mt) of
maize in stock at end-December 2010, up from 162,956 mt at end-September
2010, out of which, total purchases from the marketing season amounted to
883,036 mt. The Agency also had in stock 4,508 mt of rice (1,794 mt; 30th
September 2010), out of which, 3,647 mt was purchased during the 2010/11
agricultural marketing season.
17. The stock of maize grain held by major millers in the country fell by
10% to 91,655.9 mt at end-December 2010 from 101,807 mt at end-
September 2010. In terms of holdings by province, Lusaka contributed
52,250 mt (57%), Southern 18,007.5 mt (19.6%), Copperbelt 12,200 mt
(13.3%), Central 7,128 mt (7.8%), Western 2,000 mt (2.2%), and Northern 40
mt (0.04%), respectively, while Eastern province accounted for 30 mt (0.03%).
18. During the fourth quarter of 2010, copper output fell by 13.5% to
197,500.2 mt from 228,369.7 mt produced in the previous quarter.
Nonetheless, this output was 9.6% higher than the 180,188.2 mt of copper
produced in the fourth quarter of 2009. On an annual basis, copper output at
819,159.2 mt was 17.4% higher than the 697,700.7 mt of copper produced in
19. Cobalt output rose by 1.5% to 2,401.79 mt during the fourth quarter of
2010 from 2,367.26 mt recorded in the previous quarter. This level of output
reflected an increase of 26.7% when compared with the 1,896.24 mt
produced in the fourth quarter of 2009. On an annual basis, cobalt output at
8,781.85 mt was 49.4% higher than the 5,879.14 mt of cobalt produced in
2009. The improvement in output was due to the resumption of production at
Konkola Copper Mines and Chambishi Metals Úlc.
20. During the quarter under review, production of clear beer by Zambian
Breweries Úlc increased by 6.2% to 237,458 hectolitres from 223,607
hectolitres the previous quarter. Further, this output was 46.7% higher than
the 160,820 hectolitres produced in the corresponding quarter of 2009. On
an annual basis, output of clear beer at 727,191.0 hectolitres was 27.6%
higher than the 569,771.0 hectolitres of clear beer produced in 2009.
21. Similarly output of soft drinks by Zambian Breweries Úlc rose by 28.8%
to 163,848.0 hectolitres from 127,244.0 hectolitres in the previous quarter.
Moreover, this output level was 45.3% higher than 112,722.0 hectolitres
produced in the fourth quarter of 2009. On an annual basis, output of soft
drinks at 561,910.0 hectolitres was 49.1% higher than the 376,747.0
hectolitres of soft drinks produced in 2009.
22. Úroduction of milk by Úarmalat Zambia Ltd during the quarter under
review rose by 10% to 8,613,737.0 litres from 7,830,878.0 litres in the third
quarter of 2010. Further, this output was 5.3% higher than 8,178,335.0 litres
of milk produced during the fourth quarter of 2009. On an annual basis,
output of milk at 32,456,505.0 litres was 8.2% higher than the 29,984,030.0
litres of milk produced in 2009.
24. During the quarter under review, international arrivals at the country·s
four international airports declined to 116,140 passengers from 124,244
passengers in the third quarter of 2010. However, this was 24.0% higher than
93,688 passengers recorded during the fourth quarter of 2009. Livingstone
and Mfuwe international airports, which are the major tourist destinations,
accounted for 20,590 passengers and 257 passengers compared with 21,272
passengers and 241 passengers in the previous quarter, respectively.
26. Total investment pledges were estimated at US $1.0 billion in the fourth
quarter of 2010 compared with US $110.4 million in the third quarter. On a
sectoral basis, pledges in manufacturing were US $377.3 million, real estate
(US $264.0 million), agro-processing (US $252.4 million), services (US $31.3
million), agriculture (US $25.3 million), tourism (US $16.7 million),
construction (US $11.8 million), ICT (US $8.8 million), and mining (US $93.0
27. The pledges when fully executed are expected to generate 22,532 jobs
(1,726 jobs: third quarter 2010) with the highest contribution from services at
12,763 jobs followed by agro-processing at 5,860 jobs. The rest were
manufacturing (1,882 jobs), construction (847 jobs), agriculture (397 jobs),
tourism (343 jobs), real estate (247 jobs), ICT (157 jobs) and mining (14 jobs).
29. Úreliminary estimates indicate that Gross Domestic Úroduct (GDÚ) rose
by 7.1% in 2010 from 6.4% in 2009. This outturn was well above the target of
5% announced by the Minister of Finance and National Úlanning in his 2010
Budget Speech.
30. The GDÚ outturn was largely attributed to the growth in the
agricultural, construction and mining sectors.
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The 2010 agricultural harvest was the highest recorded in history,
having produced over 2.8 million mt of maize; while the mining sector
also benefitted from higher copper prices and production levels.
31. The Kwacha was firm against major traded currencies, backed by
consolidation of macroeconomic gains and improved liquidity in the foreign
exchange market. A sustained increase in the international price of copper to
an average of US $9,127.4 per ton provided further support to the local
currency. Thus, the Kwacha appreciated by 2.1% against the US dollar to an
average of K4,731.52/US$ at the end of the fourth quarter.
32. The Kwacha also appreciated by 2.4% against the pound sterling to an
average of K7,375.98/£ and by 1.1% against the euro to an average of
K6,277.82/½. These gains were partially attributed to the lingering European
debt crisis despite the bailouts extended to Ireland and Greece. In contrast,
the Kwacha depreciated by 2.0% against the rand to an average of
K691.22/ZAR. The South African currency was broadly stronger on account
of higher price of gold and lower policy uncertainty after the Government
clarified speculation on privatisation of public enterprises.
Balance of Payments
the year. This was largely due to the unfavourable performance in both the
current account balance and the capital and financial account.
36. During the period under review, the current account surplus declined
to US $390.6 million from US $399.1 million recorded the previous quarter,
largely on account of a decline in the merchandise trade suplus and widening
of the net income deficit.
38. Copper export earnings, at US $1,654.3 million, were 7.8% higher than
US $1,534.9 million recorded during the third quarter of the year, reflecting
an increase in the average realised price by 6.8% to US $7,380.92 per tonne
from US $6,912.96 per tonne recorded in the third quarter. In addition,
copper export volumes increased by 0.9% to 224,128.6 tonnes from
222,034.6 tonnes.
42. During the same period, the net income account deficit widened by
3.2% to US $381.3 million from US $369.3 million in the third quarter. This
was largely on account of an increase in income on equity payments and
interest payments. The current account transfers, increased to US $128.1
million from US $93.6 million recorded the previous quarter, explained by the
disbursement of budget grants amounting to US $53.8 million.
43. The capital and financial account deficit widened to US $354.5 million
from US $238.9 million recorded in the third quarter. This was largely due to
the unfavourable performance of the financial account arising from a surge in
short-term deposits abroad by the private sector, despite the increase in
foreign direct investment.
44. The overall financial condition of the banking sector for the quarter
ended December 2010 was satisfactory. On aggregate, the banking sector·s
capital position, asset quality and liquidity were satisfactory. However, the
earnings performance of the sector declined largely on account of an increase
in the non-interest expenses (due to increases in staff emoluments,
reorganization costs and additional tax provisions).
46. As part of the overall objective to enhance financial inclusion, the BoZ
undertook provincial sensitisation tours on savings and credit covering all the
nine provinces of Zambia. The tours focused on the following topical areas:
47. The BoZ is planning to conduct the tours on a regular basis to address
public misconceptions about the role of the BoZ in the financial sector.
Future tours will also educate the public on how to detect genuine currency
and how to invest in Government securities. The BoZ was requested to
publish the names of licensed financial service providers in the print media
on a more regular basis.
Developments in Banking, Currency and Payment Systems
48. During the quarter under review, there was a continued improvement
in the availability of electronic payment options. The number of Úoint of Sale
(ÚOS) terminals increased by 8.3% to 1,119 (third quarter 2010: 1,033). The
volume of ÚOS transactions also increased by 42.2% to 284,145 (third
quarter 2010: 199,817). Similarly, the values of ÚOS transactions increased
by 32.6% to K113.9 billion (third quarter 2010: K85.9 billion). The Bank
would like to urge members of the public to use Úoint of Sale terminals as
they provide a more convenient, safer, efficient and cost effective way of
making payments.
Economic Programme
52. The IMF Executive Board meeting was held on 10th December 2010
and completed the fifth review of Zambia·s economic programme. This
resulted in the immediate disbursement of an amount equivalent to SDR
18.395 million (about US $28.3 million), bringing total disbursements under
the ECF arrangement to SDR 201.7 million (about US $310.3 million).
53. The IMF mission commended the authorities for Zambia·s economic
prospects that have continued to improve as well as for having sound
macroeconomic policies. It also commended the authorities for the progress
made in implementing structural reforms. However, the Fund noted that the
main medium-term challenge remained that of creation of fiscal space for
priority spending, enhancement of economic diversification and poverty
54. Total disbursed poverty reduction budget support (ÚRBS) in the fourth
quarter of 2010 amounted to US $123.4 million from; the African
Development Bank (US $49.8 million), European Union (US $43.8 million),
Sweden (US $9.9 million) and Germany (US $9.9 million). This brought the
total disbursed ÚRBS to US $227.4 million for the year against the projection
of US $222.9 million. The variance of about US $4.5 million is largely
attributed to exchange rate variations.
55. In addition, a total of US $35.0 million mining tax revenue was received
from First uantum Mining Úlc, for the benefit of Government, while Bank of
Zambia foreign exchange purchases from the market amounted to US $61.0
million during the period under review. The above receipts were against
payments to ÚTA Bank (US $139.0 million) for oil procurement and debt
service payments (US $44.5 million).
Inflation Outlook for the First Quarter of 2011
56. Annual overall inflation is projected to remain above 8.0% during the
first quarter of 2011, mainly due to the following factors:
Seasonal increase in some food prices: During the first quarter of the
year, there is seasonal low supply of selected food items including fish,
fresh vegetables and beef. As a result, prices for these items and their
products are expected to continue rising and feed adversely into the
inflationary process; and
Lagged effects of money supply growth in 2010: During the second half
of 2010 there was a rapid increase in broad money by over 15.0%, largely
due to lending to government for the purpose of purchasing maize
following the bumper harvest.