Great Streets: Opportunities For Sustainable Change: APWA Congress & Exposition 2008 New Orleans

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APWA Congress & Exposition 2008 New Orleans

Great Streets:
Opportunities for Sustainable Change

Presented By:
Joseph Ehardt, Jr. AICP, CNU HDR Jacksonville, FL
Urban Design Manager
Professional Associate

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

What Are Great Streets

Alan Jacobs describes a Great Street that is

“markedly superior in character or quality” and
people visit frequently.

• contributes to community
• comfortable and safe
• encourages participation
• remembered
• representative of a community
Great Streets by Alan B. Jacobs, MIT Press 1995

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Examples We All Know
5th Avenue NY
Bourbon Street New Orleans

State Street Chicago

Rodeo Drive LA Champs Elysees Paris

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets Characteristics

Unique Sense of Place

Balance among various

transportation modes

Safe, attractive and economically

vibrant streets and public places

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Functions of Great Streets

Community Functions

Transportation Functions

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Great Streets: Community Functions

Community Functions
• Ceremonial / Symbolic
• Social Spaces
• Place of Commerce
• Outdoor Room

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Community Functions

A Great Street is memorable as a

symbolic or ceremonial place in
the city and a venue for events,
parades, fairs and other civic

As Great Street has social

spaces; they provide plazas,
parks, trees, benches and
public art. where people can
gather, watch other people, or
meet friends.

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Community Functions

A Great Street supports economic

development because it is a place
of commerce - where people go to
shop, eat or conduct business.

A Great Street creates an

outdoor room - a place where
buildings and vegetation define
the limits of the public realm.

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Transportation Function

Transportation Functions
• Various forms of Transit
• Vehicular Movement
• Bicycles
• Walking
• Parking

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Transportation Function

A Great Street functions for

public transit – bus, streetcars,
LRT, and BRT by providing
space stops, station and

A Great Street functions for

various forms of vehicular
movement including
automobiles, trucks and
public transit.

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Transportation Function

A Great Street functions for

parking, allowing for on-street

A Great Street functions for

bicycles, when practical,
providing lanes and storage

A Great Street functions for

pedestrians, allowing them to
walk in a pleasant and safe

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Albuquerque Great Streets Facility Plan

Design Principals
Contributing Elements
Design Standards / Guidelines
• Roadway Realm
• Pedestrian Realm
• Private Realm
Prototype Designs
• Major Transit Corridors
• Enhanced Transit Corridors
• Arterials
• Collectors
Public and Agency Participation

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Principles of Great Streets

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Principles of Great Streets

• Balanced Activities

• Social Interaction

• Place of Pride

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Principles of Great Streets

• Sense of Safety

• Visually Attractive

• Responsive to Climate

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Contributing Elements of
Great Streets

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Contributing Elements of Great Streets

• Trees

• Diversity : Many buildings rather than few

• Details: Special design features

• Places: Wide sidewalks, plazas

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Contributing Elements of Great Streets

• Density of People

• Diversity of Land Use

• Parking on the Street

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Design Standards and Guidelines

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Great Streets: Physical Realms and Components

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Components of Great Streets

Roadway Realm
Pedestrian Realm
Private Realm

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Roadway Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

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Roadway Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Design Standards / Guidelines Roadway Realm

Full Median – Left Turn Traffic Separator – Left Turn Only

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Design Standards / Guidelines Roadway Realm

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Pedestrian Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

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Pedestrian Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

Edge Zone

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Pedestrian Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines


AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Pedestrian Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

Walking Zone

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Pedestrian Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

Frontage Zone

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31 F t Z
Utilities: Location Options

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Pedestrian (Private) Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Pedestrian (Private) Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Private Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Private Realm - Design Standards / Guidelines

Drive-Through behind building

Parking in the rear or side

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Designs

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Prototype Streets

Major Transit Corridor

Roadways designed to optimize public transit and move large
numbers of people in a very timely and efficient manner. These
roadways could have dedicated lanes for transit, bike lanes, and

Enhanced Transit Corridor

Roadways designed or redesigned to improve transit and
pedestrian opportunities for residents, businesses, and other users

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets: Prototype Streets

The arterial system should carry the major portion of. trips entering
and leaving the urban area, as well as the majority of through
movements desiring to bypass the central city.

The collector street system provides land access service and traffic
circulation within residential neighborhoods, commercial, and
industrial areas, and distribute trips from the arterial to their ultimate

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Prototype Design: Major Transit Corridor


AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Major Transit Corridor

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Enhanced Transit Corridor

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Enhanced Transit Corridor

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Arterial Streets

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Arterial Streets

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Collector Streets

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Prototype Design: Collector Streets

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets Evaluation Matrix

Major Transit Major Transit Major Transit Major Transit

GREAT STREETS EVALUATION MATRIX Corridor Corridor Corridor Corridor
Weight 4 4 4 4

Major Activity Center 3 12 12 12

Corridor Plan 3 12 12 12
Redevelopment Area 3 12 12
Population Density +13 DU/AC 3 12 12 12

Community Activity Center 2 8 8

Sector Plan 2 8 8 8
Historic District 2 8 8
Supportive Uses 2 8 8 8 8
Institutional Uses 2 8 8 8 8
Supportive Zoning 2 8 8
Community Facilities 2 8 8 8

Total 84 56 64 88

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Great Streets Evaluation Matrix

Major Transit Enhanced

GREAT STREETS EVALUATION MATRIX Corridor Transit Corridor Arterial Collector
Weight 4 3 2 2

Major Activity Center 3 12 9 3

Corridor Plan 3 9 3
Redevelopment Area 3 3
Population Density +13 DU/AC 3 12 9 6 3

Community Activity Center 2 4

Sector Plan 2 8 2
Historic District 2 6 2
Supportive Uses 2 8 6 4 2
Institutional Uses 2 6 4 2
Supportive Zoning 2 8 6 4 2
Community Facilities 2 3 1

Total 48 54 22 23

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Benefits of Great Streets in Albuquerque

Great Streets will help strengthen the symbolic/ceremonial,

social, commercial and outdoor space of City.

Great Streets will contribute to making City streets and

neighborhoods more vibrant for inhabitants and visitors.

Great Streets contribute to the economic vitality of commercial

centers, and generate revenues for public services.

Great Streets will celebrate unique and notable characteristics of

the City.

Great Streets expand transportation choices other than


Great Streets implement the goals and policies of the

Comprehensive Plan related to Corridors and Activity Centers
AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Sustainability of Great Streets

Provided for economic vitality by encouraging mixed use

development including various housing choices.

Provide energy savings by expand transportation choices:

transit, walking and bicycling.

Provide for “green” development in the public row through street

trees and other plant materials.

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

Thank You

AWPA Congress and Exposition 2008

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