Case Against BH Media Sep 8 2020 PDF
Case Against BH Media Sep 8 2020 PDF
Case Against BH Media Sep 8 2020 PDF
N~ 5 11
~2 Hau Dzuong (a.k.a Andy Thanh) )~;'Z~vo'-~ ~p~.'~~,- J'DEX
an individual; dba Blue Ocean Music, a )
California Sole Priority, )COMPLAINT FOR:
Plaintiffs, ) 1. DAMAGES
BH Media, a Vietnam Corporation ~ UNFAIR COMPETITION
Incorporated in Ha Noi, Vietnam, and ~ 4. WRONGFUL ACTS —
19 DOES 1 to 10, inclusive, ) MISREPRESENTATION
Defendants INTERENCE
1. This Court has jurisdiction under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C.
Section 101 et seq., for trademark infringement arising under the Lanham
Act, 15 43(a)and for unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive
acts or practices. This Court has jurisdiction of this action pursuant to 17
U.S.0 §Section 101, et seq., 106, 201, 501, 502, 104(b)(2), 512(~,512
- ~-
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 2 of 99 Page ID #:2
(g)(3)(d), 504, and 28 U.S.0 § 1331, 1338(a)and 1338 (b), 1367(a), and
under its supplemental jurisdiction.
3. Plaintiff's name is Hau Dzuong (a.k.a. Andy Thanh), dba Blue Ocean
Music. Plaintiff resides at 13752 Cypress St, Garden Grove,CA 92843.
Plaintiff Hau Dzuong (a.k.a Andy Thanh)is the sole proprietor of Blue
Ocean Music and proceeds here in Pro Se.
4. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant';
address is located at D 12/80 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Ha Noi,
10000 Vietnam. Plaintiff is informed and believes that Defendant consents
to accept service of process at this address.
5. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant 'I,
BH Media, a Vietnam corporation incorporated in Hanoi, Vietnam and ~
existing at D 12/80 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, 10000 Vietnam.
6. The true name and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate, or
otherwise, of defendants sued herein as Does 1 through 10, are unknown to
23 Plaintiffs, who therefore sue said defendants by such fictitious names(the
24 "Doe Defendants"). Plaintiffs will seek leave of Court to amend this
25 complaint to state their true names and capacities when they have been
26 ascertained. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and on that basis aver that
2~ the Doe Defendants are liable to Plaintiffs as a result oftheir participation in
28 all or some ofthe acts hereinafter set forth.
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7. Plaintiff owns various copyrighted and licensed works that he either made
by Blue Ocean Music or purchased licenses between 2015 to 2016 from
Thanh Hang Production, Chau Production and Apple Films. [See Exhibit A
Contracts between Blue Ocean & Thanh Hang Production, list video of
Plaintiff's own videos to display on Youtube and Defendant's infringed
Plaintiff's copyrighted and licensed works.]
8. Plaintiff's copyrighted works and licensed works were uploaded to Youtube
by BH Media, under the uploader Display name "Cai Luong Viet Nam",
"Phim hai hay — phim hai viet" channels and in other channels ofBH Media
9. Plaintiffs are currently, and at all relevant times have been, the sole
proprietor of all right, title, and interest in and to the copyrights and licenses
~4 in the above works.
lO.BH Media do not have any license, authorization, permission or consent to
use the infringed Works and wrongful took down Plaintiffs copyrighted
~~ works and licensed works.
is 1 1. Plaintiff filed a complaint with Youtube in accordance with the United
19 States Digital Millenium Copyright Act(DMCA)Section 17 U.S.C. 512.
20 12. Based on the DMCA Notice, Youtube removed Plaintiff's copyrighted and
ai licensed works from the Defendants' channel on Youtube website.
22 13. Plaintiff filed Federal lawsuit against Defendants on June 2nd,2017.
23 14. On January 16th,2019, Defendants filed another lawsuit against Plaintiff in
24 Vietnam under different name, VIPS,Lang Van Inc.
25 1 S.On March 22nd,2019,Plaintiff received letter noticed from Youtube
26 regarding Defendants filed a lawsuit against Plaintiff in Vietnam with
2~ different name VIPS,Lang Van Inc in order Youtube not reinstate Plaintiff
as video. [Exhibit B]. This Vietnam Court is null, no motion, no hearing, no
- 3 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 4 of 99 Page ID #:4
16. On December 17~', 2019, Plaintiff received letter noticed from Youtube
regarding Defendants filed a lawsuit against Plaintiff in Vietnam with
different name VIPS,Lang Van Inc. in order Youtube not reinstate
4 Plaintiff's videos.[Exhibit C]. This Vietnam Court is null, no motion, no
5 hearing, no judgement.
6 17.From January 2019 to current, BH Media intentionally continue taking down
Blue Ocean Music's copyrighted and licensed works on Youtube with these
a channels owned by Blue Ocean Music: onlineblueoceanmusic,
9 blueoceanmusicty, vietkaraokeonline (represent by Blue Ocean Music),
io blueoceanmusic. The copyrighted works refers as Blue Ocean Music's
~~ works, the licensed works refers as Chau Production, Apple Films/Mua
12 Hong Production, and Thanh Hang Production. In addition, Defendants BH
13 Media stored on Plaintiffs copyrighted works and licensed works in
14 Defendant's ID contents to match Plaintiff's videos. Defendants are
15 cheating to use Plaintiff's videos by cutting all videos footages titles or
16 changes different titles name.
~~ 18. From January 2019 to current, Defendants continue upload and reupload
Plaintiffls copyrighted works and licensed works and wrongful took down
Plaintiff's copyrighted works and llicensed works.
19. On September 2019,the Court denied Plaintiff's motion for leave to amend
SAC to include new allegation works related to Thanh Hang Production and
list of videos. Therefore, Plaintiff file this new complaint to include new
allegation works related to Thank Hang Production and new allegation such
as Defendants used different names, VIPS &Lang Van Inc to file lawsuits
against Plaintiff in Vietnam in order Youtube not reinstate Plaintiff's
copyrighted works a.nd licensed works.
20. In order for Youtube to validate Plaintiffs Counter Notification and reply
Defendant's Counter Notification during this time, Youtube requires
Plaintiff must have a complain with new allegation videos such as Exhibit
Therefore, Plaintiff must file a new complaint.
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(Copyright Infringement 17 USC §106,501,504,505)
21. Plaintiff hereby incorporates the allegations contained in paragraphs 1
through 21 for this cause of action.
22. Defendants BH Media's conduct is a direct copyright infringement of
Plaintiff's works and have infringed Plaintiff's copyrighted works and
licensed works, the exclusive rights provided therein by uploading them on
Youtube without any consent in the Copyrighted Works in violation of
Section 106 and 501 ofthe Copyright Act, 17 USC §106 and 501.
23. The foregoing acts ofinfringement by Defendants BH Media are willful,
intention, and purposeful and in disregard and ofindifference to the rights c
24. The foregoing acts constitute direct infringement ofthe exclusive rights in
Plaintiffs works.
25. As a direct and proximate result of said infringement by Plaintiff,
Defendants acted in reckless disregard ofPlaintiff's copyrighted and
licensed works.
26.As a result ofthe copyright infringement, Plaintiff suffered, and will
continue suffer, substantial damages to its professional reputation and
23 goodwill. In addition to Plaintiff's actual damages,Plaintiff is also entitled
24 to receive the profits made by Defendants from their wrongful acts pursuant
25 to 17 USC § 504. In the alternative, Plaintiff is entitled to statutory damages
26 pursuant to 17 U.S.0 §504(c).
z~ 27. Plaintiff is entitled to his attorney's fees and full costs pursuant to 17 U.S.0
Za § 505 and otherwise according to law.
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28. Defendants BH Media's wrongful acts oftaking down Plaintiffls
copyrighted and licensed works caused Plaintiff's Youtube channel to incur
many strikes, lost profits and got shut down. Defendants BH Media don't
own any Plaintiff's copyrighted works and licensed works.
(Wrong Jurisdiction Court - 17 USC § 512(g)(3)(d))
29. Defendants using wrong court Jurisdiction Court in order Youtube not
reinstate Plaintiffls videos. The Vietnam Court is null, no Judgement, no
hearing, no motion, no action. Furthermore, Defendants have a counter-
claims against Plaintiff in Federal Court, it doesn't make sense Defendants
made a new case in Vietnam and created multiple users name to take down
~~ Plaintiffs videos in order for Youtube not reinstate Plaintiffls Youtube
is videos and Plaintiff's Youtube account got shut down a few times.
30. Defendants BH Media knew that Plaintiff has the exclusive contract with
Apple Films/Mua Hong Production, Chau Production, and Thank Hang
Production, but Defendants BH Media intended to contact Apple Films and
Chau Production to sign contract with Defendants then took down Plaintiff s
licensed works on Youtube and made Plaintiff s Youtube Account got
shutdown a few times.
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5. In future, Defendants must go through legal action from Federal Court in
order to deal with copyright issue.
6. The costs of suit incurred herein;
7. Such further relief as the Court deems fair and just.
Dated: September 1st, 2020 Signed
Hau Dzuong
(a.k.a. Andy Thanh)
- ~-
omp ain
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Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 9 of 99 Page ID #:9
1.Ben B(Trang Tim Thanh Hinge/ Thanh 1'rang~ cho ph~p bra A(Blue Ocean
Manic)torn gay~a s~ d4~ ~K 9~Y~ n6ar~g sia p~ DVD,Vxl~o,CD asn zaaa cua
trt~gg tram bang nh~e T6stn~ H3~g/Tb~~6 Trang tree h~ ffiong m~ag le~fri to~ln caa,tree
yoatnbe cha~eel v~ duQ~c pb~p sg dgng tr~ea h~ thong treyen hinh Soathern
Califoroia/fo~a N~c M~ trong cha~arng tried Blae Ocean Music. Nhdrsg DVD Cal
LQarng,Hsi Koch,Ca Nhac,Tfin Co,Phim Traygn s~ ~uqc ligt ke trong List A,B,C,D,
2. Ben B(Blue Ocean Manic)s~ ch}u tr~ch nhigm phi chi phi Admi~stration,
Technical Labor, Mastering.
.Rieng Chsang Trinh Cai Lung cua trung tam Bing Nh~c Thanh Hang,Blue
Ocean Mnsic mua lei torn b~ san pham Cai Limrng cua trung tsm Thank Hying v3
d~rgc ph~p Ong kj► bsn quy~n vlri Library of Congress~.(List du~c lid ke ~ tren)
4. Ben B (Blue Ocean Music) s~ tra ties hang thing cho ben A (Trueg Tam Thank
H~n~ tLeo schedule A, va so dew ~u+Qnc trn sung tLeo cfch fink ben schedule A.
khi Phan thank toxin Schedule A song, trung tam Thank Hang ny quyen lei het
nh~rng sun pham hai loch, es nh~c, tan co, Phim Truygn cua trnng tam T6anh
cho Blue Ocesa Music.
chi ky
Ben A -Andy Thank Blue Music Ben B Tnmg Tam Thank Hang
N~`y ~~~ I~I2 0l C
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 10 of 99 Page ID #:10
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works - 1 of 15
2. Party A (Blue Ocean Music) will be responsible for all of the cost such as
Adminstration, Technical Labor, Mastering.
3. Blue Ocean Music completely paid off Thank Hang Production "Cal Luong" program,
and has all rights to register with Library of Congress.
4. Term: Lease to own - Party A (Blue Ocean Music) will pay Party B(Thank
Hang/Thanh Trang Producton)as in schedule A. As soon as Blue Ocean Music pay off the
total amount as in Schedule A,those DVDs as list above will be owned by Blue Oceao
M usic and Blue Ocean Music has X11 right reserved.
Signature Signature
Party A -randy Thank Bluc Ocean Music Party I3 Thank F~ang'I'hanh Tranb Production
Date October 16th,2016 Date October 16th,2016
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Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works - 2 of 15
Ben Yeu
Beo May Doi Nga
Bi Bau
Bia Hoi Luu Dong
Bich Cau Ky Ngo
Bich Van Thien
Bien Dau
Bien Doi
Bien Doi Menh Mong
Bien Lang
Bien Long Cua Me
Bien Tim Tinh Em
Bien Tinh
Biet Thu Co Don
Bo Vo (Bo Va)
Bo Vo(Ba Va)
Boi Que Dau Xuan
Bon Ong Den Do
Bong Chim Tam Ca
Bong Hong Cai Ao
Bong Hong Sa Mac
Bong Hong Tang Cha
Bong Mo Di Vang
Bong Mo Hanh Phuc
Bong Toi Dam Me
Bui Kiem Thi Rot
Bui Mo ai Nhan
Buoc Thang Tram
Buom Trang To Vang
Ca Da Can Cau
Ca Dao Em Va Toi
Ca Lam Hay Noi
Ca Nha So Vo
Cai Bay
Cai Lao Hoi Xuan
Cai May Noi
Cam On Anh Sui
Can Can Nhuom Mau
Can Nguon Suoi Le
Canh Chim Le Ban
Canh Hoa Lac Loai
Canh Nhan Co Don
Cao Dao Hat
Cao Tay An
Cau Hai Nam
Cay Le Ban
Cay Sau Dau Sinh Doi
Cha Nuoi
Chang Cuoi Len Cung Trang
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 13 of 99 Page ID #:13
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works - 3 of 15
Son Nu Pha Ca
Song Gio Cuoc Doi
Song Gio Lang Chai
Song Hung Ky Hiep
Song Ngam
Song Nu Loan Vien Mon
Song Tinh Be Han
Su Tich Duc Phat
Sui Gia Dai Chien
Suoi Oan
Suong Mu Tren Non Cao
Tai Vi Em Yeu Anh
Tam Cam
Tam Long Cua Bien
Tam Long Vi Tha
Tam Sinh Hoang Tu
Tam Su My Thuong
Tam Su Ngoc Han
Tam Tra No Dau
Tan Co Lay Chong Xu La
Tan Co Nho Mai Nhung Me Cha
Tan Thuy Hoang
Tao Lay May
Tao Quan Ken Re
Tat Den
Tau Ra Xu Hue
Thach Sanh Ly Thong Thoi Dai
Thai Binh Cong Chua
Thai Hau Duong Van Nga
Thai Tu A Xa The
Tham Kich Tuoi Xanh
Tham Sat Chon Hoang Cung
Tham Thi Tham
Tham Tien Niem Phat
Than Dong Luu Minh Chau
Than Gai Dam Truong
Than Nu Dang Ngu Linh Ky
Than Phan
Thanh Guom Va Nu Tuong
Thanh Xa Bach Xa
Thao Thuc
Thap Tam Thai Bao
Thap Tu Nu Anh Hao
That Lam Son Ky An
That Thu Co To Thanh
Thien Duong Trong Mo
Thien Ha De Nhat Kiem
Thieu Su Tong Dien
Thoai Ba Cong Chua
Thoai Khanh Chau Tuan
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 23 of 99 Page ID #:23
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works -13 of 15
Cai Luong Vu Linh, Ngoc Huyen, Tai Linh, Kim Tu Long (Collection)
Cai Luong Phuong Hong Thuy, Thoai My ...(Collection)
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 26 of 99 Page ID #:26
Addition URL 3nFHQYiZA T dY 708Mv8USE Uv0 sSMTDM40Bs Lhr3k4 127cVew E4cltg8 hKUoGk W86rk RfB7F02b1 VGsco8
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9/3/2020 Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE
Gmail Document 1 Filed
- Re:[5-8210000022656] New09/08/20 Page 30 of 99 Page ID #:30
Copyright Counter-Notification
Thank you for your counter notification. We have received the attached court complaint in regard to this content.
Therefore, we regretfully cannot honor this counter notification. The content will not be reinstated.
Please take some time to review our Copyright Tips, as well as the copyright-related information available in our Help
To learn more about copyright, you may also visit YouTube's Copyright Center.
4 attachments
flan+kign+vi+ph~m+sing+tic+Tran+Thign+Thanh+-+Blueocean (1).pdf
1751 K
Document Complaint of Vietnam Copyright Services Company_Andy Thanh .pdf
Document Receipt of lawsuit .pdf
243K!0?ik=e3310f14b7&view=pt8search=all8permmsgid=msg-f%3A1628729587248185657&simpl=msg-f%3A16287295872... 1/1
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3. Buoc Ngum b~ kiln ph i chain dut h~nh vi vi pham quyen tac gia nghiem trong b~nng vi~c th~tc hign
cac bign phap: ga bo ho c xin phep Ling Vin ve vigc tiep tuc sir d~►ng doi vii torn bcj cac tac pham
am nhac do tac gia Tran Thign Thank sang tic thugc quyen soy huu va quan ly dQc quyen city Lang
Vin vo~i cac thong tin tac gia sau $ay:
- Tac gia: Tran Thign Thank
But dank: Nhat Truang, Anh Chuang, Thank Tran Nhat Thi, Tran Thien Thank Toan, ...
9. Cho thue tat sham ma khong tra lien nhugn but, thu lan vd quyen 1Qi vat chat khac cho tcic giu hoac
chu so~ huu quyen tat gia.
10. Nhan ban, sun xuat ban sao, phan phoi, trunk bay hvac truyen c~gt lac pham c#en tong chzing qua ;~
m~xng truyen thong va cat phuong ti n ky thuat so ma khong dupc phep cua chu sd huu quyen lac Ria.
11. Xuat han lac pham ma khong c~upc phep cua chu sa hur~ quyen lac gia.
12. Co y hay bo hoc~c lam ro higu cat bi n phcfp k}~ thugt do chu sa huu quyen tirc gid th~tc hi~n cue bdo
~~e guy~en tat gia c~oi vai lac pham cua minh.
13. (_'o y xoa, thay c~oi thong tin quan ly quyen dudi hinh that c~i~n to cd tronR lac pham.
1,~. .San xuat, lap rap, bien c~6i, phan phtii, nhgp khau, xuat khau, ban hogc cho thue thiet bi khi bier
ho c cd ca sa cue biet thiet b~ coo lam i~o hi~u cat bier phap ky thugt do chu sa huu quyerr tcic gia th~c
hi~n cue hao i~~ quyen the gia c~oi vai the pham cua mink.
1S. Lrrm va ban lac pham ma chu ky cua lac gia b# gia mao.
16. Xuat khau, nhpp khau, phan phoi ban sao tat pham ma khong c~ugc phep cua chu so'huu quyen lac
- ~e ter bao v~ quyen sa huu tri tug cua minh, Lang Vin hoar loan co the ap ding cat bi n phap lam
ng~n chin hank vi vi pham ban quyen cua mink,lien hinh la dung tong c~ chiic n~ng gin "Strike" cua
Youtube tren cat video sir d~uig npi dung trai phep cua Nguori bj khbi kign. ~e Quy Toa tign them
khan, Chung toi xin giai thich them,"Strike" la tong c~ chi'rc Wang d~xo~c xay d~xng bori Youtube Wham
ng~n chin hank vi vi pham bin quyen c~oi vvi cat san pham ding tai bai cat Chu the khi hoat long tren
Youtube. H~nh vi ter bao vg quyen so hixu tri tub cue Lang Vin hoar loan tuan theo quy d~nh tai lieu
198, Luat Sa huu Tri tub 2005 sire poi bo sunk nom 2009:
flieu 198. Quyen t~ bao v~
1. Chu the Auven sa h~tu trf tae cd auv~n an dunr cat biers When sau ~#&v de bao ve Quven sa hti~u try
tae cue minh:
a)An dung bi n When c8np nrh~ nh~»i nP~n nFi~a hdnh vi xd►n Wham auven sb hr~u try tae;
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 34 of 99 Page ID #:34
c) Yeu cau co auan nha nrrd►c cd them ouv~n xis lv harsh vi xdm Wham Quven so' htYu tri tue theo auv
a~nh cua Lu&t nav va cac auv ~#inh khac cua nhan lu&t cd lien auan:
Khd►i kien ra tba bn hoac troop tai ~e bao ve Auven. Ivi !ch ho~v nhQrn cua minh.
2. To chtic, ca nhan h~ thiet hai do harsh vi xam phum quyen .rir huu tri tub hogc phat hien harsh vi xam
pham quyen sa huu tri tue gay thigt hai cho nguai tieu dung ho~rc cho xa hoi co quyen yeu cau ca
guars nha nuo~c co therm quyen xu ly hdnh ~~i xam phpm quyen .ra huu tri tub theo guy c#inh cua Lugt
nay vu cac guy c~inh khac cuuphap lugs co lien quern.
3. To chat, ca nhan b~ thief hai hoae cd kha Wang bi thiet hai do harsh vi canh tranh kh6ng lank m~nh
cd quyen yea tau co' Yuan nha nu6c co therm quyen ap dung cat biers phap dan sir guy c~inh tgi flieu
202 cua Lugt rrdy va cat baen phap harsh chinh theo guy c~inh cttuphap lust tie canh lrunh.
Harsh vi xam pham quyen tic gia cua Ngub~i b~ kign der gay ra thiet hai nghiem trgng den lqi ich v'
quyen tai san cua Chung toi. Vi very, being dan khbi kiln nay, Chung toi kink de ngh~ Quy Toa c' c
bi n phap kip thori ~e bao vg quyen v~ lqi ich hqp phap cua chiing toi.
Kirsh mong Quy Toa xem x~t, giai quyet.
o~"- -~
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Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 35 of 99 Page ID #:35
La nguo~i dai dien theo phap lust cua Blue Ocean Music, INC
I. Ngvoti khoti kign yeu cau Toa an giai quyet nhirng van de sau clay:
1.Bugc Ngixbi bi kign ngay lap tUc ngimg sir dung, tai san xuat, phan phoi hoc khai thac kink doanh
cac tac pham sang tac bm nh~c si Tran Thien Thank va nh~c si Tu Nhi thuQc ban quyen ciza Cong ty
TNHH I.~ng Vin,~v~rc quan ly bm Cong ty njch vµ Aan quyen Vitt Nam.
2. Buoc Ngu~i bi kiln phai trung th~rc Qoi scat va try lei torn bq c~c kho~n doanh thu m~ Ngub~i b~
kiln thu dugc tir vigc sir dung, tai san xuat, phan phoi ho c khai thac kink doanh trai ph~p nh~rng tac
pham thuoc ban quyen cua Cong ty TNHH Lang Van.
3.Bugc Ngvoi bj kien phai boi thtrbrng thi~t hai do hank vi vi phvn bin quyen cua Nguori bi kign gay
ra. bong thm, NgUoi bi kiln phai chiu toan bo kho~n chi phi lust str, toa an,... ma Ngum khm kien
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 36 of 99 Page ID #:36
phai chi tra cho vu kign nay va cac chi phi khac ma Toa an thay hp~p ly.
II. Nen tang phap ly:
l. Tran Thin Thanh 1~ mQt trong nhung nhac si Viet Nam not tieng What giai ~o~n truo~c 1975. Mot so
but hieu khac cua ong la Anh Chvomg, Tran Thin Thanh Torn, Thanh Tray Tran Thi, Nh~t Tnrvng,...
Ong mat v~o nom 2005, ong d~ di chuc town bo yuyen phan phoi va khai thac c~c tac pham do ong
sang tac cho 5 nguori con cua mink.
Vao ngay 10 thang 4 nom 2014, Cong ty TNHH Lang Vin v~ cac con cua nhac si Tran Thien Thanh
d~ tham gia ky Hop long Chuyen nhuomg ban quyen, theo ~o, Cong ty TNHH Lang Vin cb dugc toan
bq cac quyen phan phoi va khai th~c doi vbi c~c tac pham dugc sing tic bon nhac si Tran Thien
T~anh. Dann sach tac pham dugc Binh kem trong phu luc Hqp long nay.
2. Tu Nhi la mqt trong nhimg nh~c si Vigt Nam not tieng What giai loan thap Wien 60. Ong hoat long
vii mpt so but hi~u khac la: Che Linh, Lixu Tran Le,...
V~o ngay 14 th'ang 2 nam 2014, Cong ty TNHH Lang Vin va nh~c si Tu Nhi c#~ tham gia ky Hpp
Qong Chuyen nhtrgng ban quyen, theo db, Cang ty TNHH Ling Vin cb ~~rqc town bq cac quyen phan
phoi va khai thac doi v6ri cac tac pham dugc sang tac bai nhac si Tu Nhi. Danh sash tac pham dugc
Binh k~m trong phi 1µc Hc~p long nay.
3. Cong ty Dich V~ Ban quyen Viet va Cong ty 'I'NHH I,~ng Vin tai Viet Nam d~ thoa thuan va ki ket
Hqp gong IJy quyen quan ly, khai thac Ban quyen Tic pham. Theo db, Cong ty Dich vu Ban quyen
Vigt Nam l~. dom v~ dugc uy quyen de quan ly ban quyen cac doi v6i c~c tac pham sing tac bari hai
nhac si Tran Thin Thanh va Tu Nhi thugc ban quyen cua Cong ty TNHH Lang Van. ~o~
4. Ngvori bi kiln d~ co harsh vi xam ph~m Quyen Tac gia nghiem trgng bang vi~c sao chep, phan phoi, Ha'
kink doanh trai phep thong qua vi~c ding tai, khai thac rat nhieu tac pham thugc quyen quan ly cua ~v
Nguon khori kiln tren he thong kenh Youtube ciia Ngu~i bi kign. Chung toi xin giai thick them, ~~r
YouTube la mqt trang web chia se video, la nm ngiz~i dung cb the tai len hoc tai ve may tinh hay
din tho~i v~ chia s~ cac video clip. Ng~rm dung YouTube co the kiem d~zgc doanh thu quang cao tiz
Google AdSense, mqt chuo~ng trinh nh~m muc tieu quang cao theo not dung va doi tugmg cua trang
Hann vi xam pham Quyen Tac gia dugc Binh nghia trong Ludt Sa hi7ru Tri tug Vigt Nam 2005 sirs doi
bS sung n~rr► 2009 nhu sau:
flieN 28. Harsh vi x&m phgm quyen tic gia
1. Chiem c7ocxl quyen tac gia c~oi vo~i sac pham ~~an hQc, nghg thugs, khoa hQc.
2. Mgo dank tac gia.
3. C'ong bo, phan phoi the pham and khonk c~uac phep cuu tac giir.
-~. C'ong bo, phanphoi tac pham co gong taciis ma khong c~uo~c phep cuu gong the gia coo.
.i. .Sua chua, cat xen hopc xuyen tgc sac pham dubi bat ky kink that nito gay phuang hai den dank du
va uy tin cua the Ria.
6. .Sao chep sac pham and khonR a~upc phep cuu tat gia, chu so huu yuyen sac Ria, tru ~ruang hop quy
afi~nh tai diem a va diem c~ khoanIflieu 25 cua Lugt nay.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 37 of 99 Page ID #:37
7. Lam 16c pham phai sinh ma khong c~upc phep cua tac Ria, chu sa huu quyen tkc gid doi vai tac
pham c~u~c ditn~ e#e lam tac pham phai sinh, tru truoreg h~ quy e~~nh tgi e~iem i khoan 1 flieu 25 cua
Lugt nay.
9. Cho thue lac pham ma khong tra lien nhuan but, thu lao 1~a quyen lqi ti~at chat khac cho tac gid hogc
chu sa huu quyen the gia.
10. Nhan ban, sdn xuat ban sao, ph~rn phoi, trung bay ho c truyen c~~rt lac pham c~en tong thong qua
mang lruyen thong va cat phuong tign ky thugt so ma khong c~upc phep cua chu so~ huu guyen lac gia.
11. Xuat ban tat pham ma khong c~u~c phep cua chu sa huu quyen lac gia.
12. Co y huy bo hogc lam vo hieu cat Bien phap ky'thuat do chu sir huu guyen tat gia thuc hi~n cue bao
ve quyen lac gia c~oi vbi lac phCm cua minh.
13. Co y xoa, that'c~oi thong tin quern ly quyen dual hinh thuc coign to cd trong lac pham.
1-f. .San xuat, lip rap, bien c~oi, Phan phoi, nhgp khau, xuat khan, ban hoc~c cho thue thiet bi khi biet
hoac co ca so cue biet thiet hi ~o lam vo hieu cat biers phap ky thu~t do chu sa huu quyen lac gia thuc
hi~n cue bdo v¢ quyen tat gia c~oi voi lac pham cua minh.
15. Lam va ban lac pham ma chu ky cua lac gia bi gia mao.
16. Xudt khau, nhgp khau, phan phoi ban sao tut pham and khong c~u~rc phep cua chu sa he~u guyen lac
~e boo vg quyen cua Cong ty TNHH Ling Vin, long thb~i, theo quy d~nh cua Hqp long iJy quyen
quern ly, khai that Ban quyen Tac pham, VIPS hoar torn co the that' mdt Cong ty TNHH Lang Vin ap
d~,tng cat bign phap lam ng~n chin harsh vi vi pham ban quyen, lien hinh la dung tong cu chirc n~ng \
gin "Strike" cua Youtube tren cat video sir ding nQi dung trai phep cua Ngurai bi khai kiln. De Quy
Tba tign therm khao, thong toi xin giai thich them,"Strike" la tong c~ chin n~ng dUgc xay dung bpi J
Youtube nh~m ngan chin harsh vi vi ph~m bin quyen poi voi cat san pham ding tai bvi cat chu the '~N
khi host dQng tren Youtube. Harsh vi t4r bao v~ quyen soy hCru tri tug cua VIPS horn loan loan theo quy
Q}nh tai Dieu 198, Luat S~ huu Tri tug 2005 suer poi bo sung nom 2009:
flieu 198. Quyen tir bao vg
I. Chu the ouven sa hi~u trl toe cd Quven rin dung cGfc bi n nhan sau ddv ~ bdro v~ auven s~ hf~ru try
tub cua mink:
a1 ~n dung biers Phan c8np n~he nh~fm ngun nPim harsh vi xdm nham Quven so'hiru try tub:
c)Yeu c&u ca auan nha nu~c c6 thine Quv~n xir lv harsh vi x8m sham auven sa h~u trttoe theo Quv
Binh ci~a Lint ndv va cdre Auv Binh khkc cua nhaa lu~3t cd lien Quern:
d)Khmi kien ra tba drn ho c front tali~bao ve auven.loi ich hpin nhan cua minh.
2. To chuc, ca nhan bi thi~t hgi do hdnh vi xam pham quyen sa huu tri tub hogc phat hi~n harsh vi xam
pham guyen sa huu tri tub gay thi~t hgi cho nguai lieu dung hogc cho xa hQi co quyen yeu cGu co
quern nhd nuo~c co therm quyen xu ly harsh vi xam phgm quyen sa huu tri tub theo quy c~inh cua Lupt
nay va cbc quy d~nh khhc cua phap lu~rt co lien quern.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 38 of 99 Page ID #:38
3. To chat, ca nhan b; thigt hai hogc co kha nc~ng b~ thigt hgi do hanh vi c~rnh tranh khong lanh manh
cd quyen yea tau ca quan nha nulrc cd tham quyen ap dung cat bien phap dan su guy c~inh tai flieu
202 cua Lupt ndy va cat bi n phap hanh chfnh then quy c~~nh cua phkp luat ve c~nh tranh.
III. Danh mac tai Ggu Binh k~m c~ou khoi kign gom co:
1,Ban sao Giay chimg nhan dhng ky kinh doanh cua Cong ty TNHH Ling Vin
2,Ban sao Giay chimg nhan ding ky kinh doanh cua Cong ty Co phan Dich w Ban quyen Vitt Nam.
3, HQrp long L'Jy quyen quan ly, khai that Ban quyen Tac pham gi~ra Cong ty TNHH Lang Van va
Cong ty Co phan D}ch v~ Ban quyen Vitt Nam.
4.Phi lac 1: Tai lieu chimg mink ban quyen tat pham cua Cong ty TNHH Ling Vin
5,Ph}~ lac 2: Tai lieu chirng mink vi ph~m cua Ngubri bj kign
Harsh vi xam pham quyen tat gia cua Ng~rm bi kiln da gay ra thigt hai nghiem trgng den lqi ich va
quyen tai san cua Chung toi. Vi vay, b~nng dom khori kien nay, Chung toi kink de nghi Quy Tba c6 cat
bi n ph~p kip th~ri de bao v~ yuyen va lqi ich hip phap cua Chung toi.
Kirsh mong Quy Tba xem x~t, giai quyet.
0`~~, .
~ ~.
o' ~
* BAN 9UvE
~p~V t ET N ~!~1
~ ~~~,~~~
10:04:45 AM
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Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE New ..
Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 41 of 99 Pageb8&view=pt&se... ID #:41
Thank you for your counter notification. We have received the attached court complaint in regard to this
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Please take some time to review our Copyright Tips, as well as the copyright-related information available in
our Help Center.
To learn more about copyright, you may also visit YouTube's Copyright Center.
The YouTube Team
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Notice of Document Filing.pdf
of 1 9/3/2020, 9:07 AM
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 42 of 99 Page ID #:42
..T T ~~ — T~ do — H~nh p6~ic
HA N 1
TOA AN NHAN OAN TP... ******
~~N,THL~ ~EN
So:.........~~~+~, w`i~ Ha Noi, ngdy 16 thong Ol nom 2019
La nguai dai din theo phap luat cua Blue Ocean Music,INC
l-~. San xuat. lap rbp, Bien c~6i, phan phoi, nh~rp khau, xuat khau, ban hoac cho thue thiet b~ khi hiet
hogc co cv sir cue hiet thiet bj cad !am vo hi~u cac bi n phap ky thupt do chu sa huu quyen the gia th;rc
hi~n cue bao v~ quyen !bc giir c~oi vbi tac pham cua minh.
IS. Lum 1~d ban tac pham and chu ky cua the gia b~ gid mgo.
16. Xuat khau, nhap khan, phan phoi ban sao the pham and khong d'uac phep cua chip sd huu quyen the
De ter bao v~ quyen sa h~ru tri tub cua cac tac pham, VIPS hoar toan co the ap ding cac bien
phap lam ng~n chin hank vi vi ph~m ban quyen,lien hinh la dung cong cu chin n~ng gar► "Strike" cua
Youtube tren cac video sir dung nqi dung trai phep cua Nguon bi khai kign. ~e Quy Toa tign tham
khao, Chung toi xin giai thick them, "Strike" la cong cu chin n~ng dugc xay dung bpi Youtube nh~m
ng~n ch~nn hank vi vi phvn ban quyen doi von cac san pham ~~ng tai bai cac chii the khi host ~qng tren
Youtube. H~nh vi ter boo v~ quyen s~ ht"fu tri tug cua VIPS hoar toan tuan theo quy Binh tai Dieu 198,
Ludt Soy hiru Tri tug 2005 lira doi bo sung nam 2009:
flieu 198. Quyen tit bao v~
1. Chu the puv~n so' hku tritue cd prtven an dtrnP cac bi n nhkn sau ddv ~ bko ve Quven s~ htru t~~
tub cua m1nh:
a) Aa dunF bi n nhdrn conF nFh~ nh~m nF~n nPun hdnh vi xam Wham Quven sd' hf~u 1ri tug;
c) Yeu cau cv auan nha nu~d►c cd them auv~n xir lv hank vi.x~m Wham ouven sd hi~u trltue theo quv
Binh cua Lint nav va cac Quv Binh khhc cria nh~n Ludt cd lien Quan:
d1Kh~ii kien ra taa an ho~rc tronF tai afe bao ve Quven. !oi ich hen nhap cua mink.
2. To chuc, ca nhan bi thi~t hai do hdnh vi xam pham quyen sa huu tri tub hoac phkt hi~n hank vi xam
phgm quyen sa huu tri tue gay thigt hpi Cho nguai tieu dung ho~ic Cho xa" hoi co quyen yeu cuu co
quern nha nu6c co therm quyen xu ly hank vi xam ph~rm quyen sa huu Sri tug then guy c~inh crier Lugt
nay va cac guy Binh khac cua phap luat co lien quern.
3. To chuc, cb nhan b~ thigt hpi ho~rc co kha n~ng b; thigt hgi do hank vi c~rnh tranh khong lank manh E
cd quyen yeu cau ca quern nha nuo~c co therm quyen by dung cbc bign phap dan su quy c~~nh tai flieu
202 cua Lu~rt nay va cac bien phbp hunk chink theo quy c~~nh cua phap lu¢t ve canh frank. ,r
~ i~nh vi xam pham quyen tac gia cua NgU~i bi kiln d~ gay ra thigt hai nghiem trgng den lon ich v~
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 44 of 99 Page ID #:44
dugc goi la "NIPS" va ban quyen am nhac sang tac cua cac nh~c s}~ Anh Bing; Giao Tien; Ha Phucmg:
Hoang Phaomg; Lam Phuom~; Quoc Anh; To Thanh Som, Tran Thin Thanh. Tu Nhi, Vinh Su trcn kenh
Youtube: Blueoceanmusic va Viet Karaoke Online(C~ the trong danh Bach phu lac Binh kem ma k118n~
dvvc su dong y cua NIPS).
3.Bupc Nguari bi kien phai chain dirt hank vi vi pham quyen tac gia nghiem trgng bang viec thuc hign
cac bign phap: g~ bo ho c xin phep NIPS ve vigc tiep tpc sir dung doi von toan bQ cac san pham cai
luong thuoc quyen sa hiru va quan ly d$c quyen cua NIPS.
9. C'ho thue tac~ham ma khonK tru lien nhas~rn hut, rhu lao va yuyen lo~i vat chat khuc cho tcic giu hogc
chu sv huu yui~en lac gia.
10. Nhan ban, sun xuat ban suo, phan phoi, lrun~ bay hoac trt~yen c#gt lac pham c~en conR chunR qua
mung tr:iyen thong vd cat phuang ti n ky thuat so ma khong c~ucrc phep cua chu sa huu quyen lac gra.
11. Xuat ban the pham ma khon~ c~cc~c phep cua chu sa huu quyen tat gia.
I2. Co v huy~ bo ho~rc Idm v6 hi~z~ cbc bi n phap ky thuat do chu scr huu quyen the gia th~rc hi~n cue bao
ve quyen lac gia c~oi 1~ai tat pham cuu mink.
13. ~'o y'.roa, shay c~oi thong tin Yuan ly quyen dudi kink thirc c~ien to co trvng tut pham.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 45 of 99 Page ID #:45
quyen tai san cua Chung toi. Vi vay, bang dom khm kign nay, Chung toi kinh de nghi Quy Toa co cac
bign phap kip thm de bao vg quyen v~ lqi ich harp phap cna Chung toi.
Kinh mong Quy Tba xem x~t, giai quyet.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 46 of 99 Page ID #:46
Phu lac 2
Danh such c~c tic pham m~ Ngtdri bi kign ding tai trai ph~p,~~i pham ban quyen
Mai la mink xa
57 nhau Tu Nhi hops://'?v=1 ~57kdd-u~
58 flo~n cuoi tinh yeu Tu Nhi httns:// UFZsCA
Neu thong mink
59 cash tr~ Tu Nhi hops://'h~-=OH~v_~''iS
Tan cS ~o~n cuoi
60 tinh yeu Tu Nhi h s://'?~~=
— _ 3Ko LISIAL,
~---- -- ~
N@u thong m~nh
c~ch trh- Mai log
61 mink xa nhau Tu Nhi•atch''~-=u9u K MiNti _-i~_
62 Bpi ca ky ni~m Tu Nhi hops://www.voutube.tom/v~•atch?~~=tV74DGg2tiih~
63 Mua thu la bay Vinh Su'?v=euH01 TI.SCts
64 Noi lei tinh x~ra Vinh Sri .h~tns://'?v=~DsnW539 lNi
65 Gai nh~ ngh~o Vinh Sri•atch''~~T'9ytl,gsPOf~~~
66 Nit boon thbri Chien Vinh Sir https://www.voutuhe.tom./v~•atch'?~-=Wu~~3~3tdfzlll
b7 Xa ngurori mink yeu Vinh S~'?~~=~iyfnuO~,pss
Chom chom ly qua
68 pha Vinh Sv'?~~=8N8'I'n~~Y(>~:c
Chom chom ly qua
69 phi Vinh SU'?~~=~'FFuw-Vk~~po
70 Vay tay ch~.o Vinh su'?~~=Bb~oh9~~Jn8c
Ngvari thirvng ke
71 nh6r Vinh Su!w~atch'?v=rjzXn-Xo2Ki1
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 49 of 99 Page ID #:49
'I'O~1 A1~ NH~~N DAN Cf)N(: HOA Xt1 H61 CHU NGH~A VI~T NAM
'fHt1NH PHO Ht1 N61 hoc lap — Tu'do — Hanh phut ~~
---------- -----------------
Toa Kinh Te
V igo hoi: 10 gio~ 00 phut ngay 12 thang 03 nom 2019
Tai tru soy: Toa an nhdn din thank phb Ha Nfii
Ben giao: Ba Chu Thi Giang
DC: 36 ngo 100 Ngo Choi Kham Thien, Hong ~a, Ha Noi
Ben nh~n: Lv Minh Chink —Can btu Toa an
~L~ ~~ ~
Ly Minh Chink
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 50 of 99 Page ID #:50
Hau Dzuong (a.k.a Andy Thanh) )
an individual; dba Blue Ocean Music, a )
California Sole Priority, )COMPLAINT FOR•
Plaintiffs, ) 1. DAMAGES
BH Media, a Vietnam Corporation ~ UNFAIR COMPETITION
Incorporated in Ha Noi, Vietnam, and ~
DOES 1 to 10, inclusive, )
Defendants INTERENCE
1. This Court has jurisdiction under the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C.
Section 101 et seq., for trademark infringement arising under the Lanham
Act, 15 43(a)and for unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive
acts or practices. This Court has jurisdiction ofthis action pursuant to 17
U.S.0 §Section 101, et seq., 106, 201, 501, 502, 104(b)(2), 512(~,512
- ~ -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 51 of 99 Page ID #:51
(g)(3)(d), 504, and 28 U.S.0 § 1331, 1338(a)and 1338 (b), 1367(a), and
under its supplemental jurisdiction.
3. Plaintiff's name is Hau Dzuong (a.k.a. Andy Thanh), dba Blue Ocean
Music. Plaintiffresides at 13752 Cypress St, Garden Grove, CA 92843.
Plaintiff Hau Dzuong (a.k.a Andy Thanh)is the sole proprietor of Blue
Ocean Music and proceeds here in Pro Se.
4. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant':
address is located at D12/80 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Ha Noi,
10000 Vietnam. Plaintiff is informed and believes that Defendant consents
to accept service of process at this address.
5. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that Defendant
BH Media, a Vietnam corporation incorporated in Hanoi, Vietnam and
existing at D12/80 Trung Kinh, Yen Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi, 10000 Vietnam.
6. The true name and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate, or
otherwise, of defendants sued herein as Does 1 through 10, are unknown to
Plaintiffs, who therefore sue said defendants by such fictitious names(the
24 "Doe Defendants"). Plaintiffs will seek leave of Court to amend this
25 complaint to state their true names and capacities when they have been
26 ascertained. Plaintiffs are informed and believe and on that basis aver that
2~ the Doe Defendants are liable to Plaintiffs as a result oftheir participation in
2a all or some ofthe acts hereinafter set forth.
- 2 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 52 of 99 Page ID #:52
7. Plaintiff owns various copyrighted and licensed works that he either made
by Blue Ocean Music or purchased licenses between 2015 to 2016 from
Thanh Hang Production, Chau Production and Apple Films. [See E~ibit A
Contracts between Blue Ocean & Thanh Hang Production, list video of
Plaintiff's own videos to display on Youtube and Defendant's infringed
Plaintiff's copyrighted and licensed works.]
8. Plaintiff's copyrighted works and licensed works were uploaded to Youtube
by BH Media, under the uploader Display name "Cai Luong Viet Nam",
"Phim hai hay — phim hai viet" channels and in other channels ofBH Media
9. Plaintiffs are currently, and at all relevant times have been, the sole
proprietor of all right, title, and interest in and to the copyrights and licenses
in the above works.
lO.BH Media do not have any license, authorization, permission or consent to
use the infringed Works and wrongful took down Plaintiff's copyrighted
~~ works and licensed works.
18 11. Plaintiff filed a complaint with Youtube in accordance with the United
19 States Digital Millenium Copyright Act(DMCA)Section 17 U.S.C. 512.
20 12. Based on the DMCA Notice, Youtube removed Plaintiff's copyrighted and
zi licensed works from the Defendants' channel on Youtube website.
2z 13. Plaintiff filed Federal lawsuit against Defendants on June 2nd,2017.
23 14. On January 16~', 2019, Defendants filed another lawsuit against Plaintiff in
24 Vietnam under different name, VIPS,Lang Van Inc.
25 15.On March 22nd, 2019,Plaintiff received letter noticed from Youtube
26 regarding Defendants filed a lawsuit against Plaintiff in Vietnam with
z~ different name VIPS,Lang Van Inc in order Youtube not reinstate Plaintiff
as video.[E~ibit B]. This Vietnam Court is null, no motion, no hearing, no
- 3 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 53 of 99 Page ID #:53
16. On December 17~', 2019,Plaintiff received letter noticed from Youtube
regarding Defendants filed a lawsuit against Plaintiff in Vietnam with
different name VIPS,Lang Van Inc. in order Youtube not reinstate
4 Plaintiff's videos.[E~ibit C]. This Vietnam Court is null, no motion, no
5 hearing, no judgement.
6 17.From January 2019 to current, BH Media intentionally continue taking dowr.
Blue Ocean Music's copyrighted and licensed works on Youtube with these
s channels owned by Blue Ocean Music: onlineblueoceanmusic,
9 blueoceanmusicty, vietkaraokeonline (represent by Blue Ocean Music),
so blueoceanmusic. The copyrighted works refers as Blue Ocean Music's
~~ works, the licensed works refers as Chau Production, Apple Films/Mua
12 Hong Production, and Thanh Hang Production. In addition, Defendants BH
13 Media stored on Plaintiff's copyrighted works and licensed works in
~4 Defendant's ID contents to match Plaintiff's videos. Defendants are
15 cheating to use Plaintiff's videos by cutting all videos footages titles or
16 changes different titles name.
~~ 18. From January 2019 to current, Defendants continue upload and reupload
is Plaintiff's copyrighted works and licensed works and wrongful took down
Plaintiff's copyrighted works and llicensed works.
19. On September 2019, the Court denied Plaintiff's motion for leave to amend
SAC to include new allegation works related to Thank Hang Production and
list of videos. Therefore, Plaintiff file this new complaint to include new
allegation works related to Thank Hang Production and new allegation such
as Defendants used different names, VIPS &Lang Van Inc to file lawsuits
against Plaintiff in Vietnam in order Youtube not reinstate Plaintiff's
copyrighted works and licensed works.
20. In order for Youtube to validate Plaintiff's Counter Notification and reply
Defendant's Counter Notification during this time, Youtube requires
Plaintiff must have a complain with new allegation videos such as E~ibit
Therefore, Plaintiff must file a new complaint.
- 4 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 54 of 99 Page ID #:54
(Copyright Infringement 17 USC §106,501,504,505)
21. Plaintiff hereby incorporates the allegations contained in paragraphs 1
through 21 for this cause of action.
22. Defendants BH Media's conduct is a direct copyright infringement of
Plaintiffs works and have infringed Plaintiffls copyrighted works and
licensed works,the exclusive rights provided therein by uploading them on
Youtube without any consent in the Copyrighted Works in violation of
Section 106 and 501 ofthe Copyright Act, 17 USC §106 and 501.
23. The foregoing acts of infringement by Defendants BH Media are willful,
intention, and purposeful and in disregard and ofindifference to the rights of
24. The foregoing acts constitute direct infringement ofthe exclusive rights in
Plaintiff's works.
25. As a direct and proximate result of said infringement by Plaintiff,
Defendants acted in reckless disregard ofPlaintiffls copyrighted and
20 licensed works.
zi 26.As a result ofthe copyright infringement, Plaintiff suffered, and will
continue suffer, substantial damages to its professional reputation and
23 goodwill. In addition to Plaintiff's actual damages, Plaintiff is also entitled
24 to receive the profits made by Defendants from their wrongful acts pursuant
25 to 17 USC § 504. In the alternative, Plaintiff is entitled to statutory damage.
26 pursuant to 17 U.S.0 §504(c).
2~ 27. Plaintiff is entitled to his attorney's fees and full costs pursuant to 17 U.S.0
28 § 505 and otherwise according to law.
- 5 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 55 of 99 Page ID #:55
28. Defendants BH Media's wrongful acts oftaking down Plaintiff's
copyrighted and licensed works caused Plaintiff's Youtube channel to incur
many strikes, lost profits and got shut down. Defendants BH Media don't
own any Plaintiffs copyrighted works and licensed works.
(Wrong Jurisdiction Court - 17 USC § 512(g)(3)(d))
29. Defendants using wrong court Jurisdiction Court in order Youtube not
reinstate Plaintiff's videos. The Vietnam Court is null, no Judgement, no
hearing, no motion, no action. Furthermore, Defendants have a counter-
claims against Plaintiff in Federal Court, it doesn't make sense Defendants
made a new case in Vietnam and created multiple users name to take down
~~ Plaintiffls videos in order for Youtube not reinstate Plaintiff's Youtube
is videos and Plaintiff's Youtube account got shut down a few times.
30. Defendants BH Media knew that Plaintiff has the exclusive contract with
Apple Films/Mua Hong Production, Chau Production, and Thanh Hang
Production, but Defendants BH Media intended to contact Apple Films and
Chau Production to sign contract with Defendants then took down Plaintiff s
licensed works on Youtube and made Plaintiff s Youtube Account got
shutdown a few times.
- 6 -
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 56 of 99 Page ID #:56
WHEREFORE,the Plaintiff requests:
4. Defendants must pay to Plaintiff the reasonable attorney's fees and costs
incurred in connection with the prosecution ofthis action.
17 I
5. In future, Defendants must go through legal action from Federal Court in
order to deal with copyright issue.
6. The costs ofsuit incurred herein;
7. Such further relief as the Court deems fair and just.
Dated: September 1st, 2020 Signed
Hau Dzuong
(a.k.a. Andy Thanh)
- ~-
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 57 of 99 Page ID #:57
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 58 of 99 Page ID #:58
1.Ben B (Trang Tim T6anh H~ua~/ Than6 Tr~ng~ cho ph~p bea A (Blae Ocean
Mes~c) toga gey~s sdr d~ ~e 9aYea nh6~g sse p~ DVD, Video, CD s~ia zuaa cua
trttug tram bang nh~e T6~ H3ingll'~ag6 Trang tr~ h~ thong mfg lem torn can, tren
yoatabe chapel v~ d84^~ PAP sg drag tree hg thong trays kink Sont~ern
Catiforein/I'o~la N~fnc M~ trong che+arng trim Blse Oeeag Music . Nh~ DYD Csi
LQorng, H~li Itch, Ca Nhac, Tfin Cq Phim Truygn s~ c~u+~rrc 6gt ke trong List A, B, C, D,
2. Ben B (Blue Ocean Music) s~ ch~u tr~ch nlugm phfin chi phf Adminstration,
Technical I..~bor, Mastering.
3.Rieng Chamig Trinh Cai Lumig c6a trung tam Bing Nh~c Thaah Hying, Blue
Ocean Music maa Igi torn bpi shin pham Cai Lvmig cna trung tam Thank Hying v~
c~~rorc phep c~ng ky bin quy~n vtri Library of Congress.(List ~u+Qrc ligt ke ~ tree)
4. Ben B (Blue Qcean Music) s~ tra lien hang tL~ng cho ben A (Truag Tim Thank
H~ng~ theo schedule A, va so ties dagc tra sung t~eo cl~ch funk ben sc6ednle A. Sau
khi Phan thank toxin Schedule A gong, trung tam Thank Hang uY 9uY~ lai het
nh~3vg sin phim hai Bch, ca n6~c, tan co, Phim Truygn cis trang t~~ Thank Hang
c6o Blue Ocean Music.
chi ~u~ to l~ I~
Ben A -Andy Thank Blue Music Ben B Trung Tam Thank Hang
Ng$y ~C ~f ~ ~ ~2 oI ~
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 59 of 99 Page ID #:59
., /,
1'ranslale to English:
2. Party A (Blue Ocean Music) will be responsible for all of the cost such as
Adminstration, Technical Labor, Mastering.
3. Blue Ocesn Music completely paid off Thank Hang Production "Cal Luong" program,
and has all rights to register with Library of Congress.
4. Term: Lease to own - Party A (Blue Ocean Music) will pay Party B(Thank
Hang/Thanh Trang Producton)as in schedule A. As soon as Blue Ocean Music pay off the
total amount as in Schedule A,those DVDs as list above will be owned by Blue Ocean
Music and Blue Ocean Music has all right reserved.
Signature Signature__
Party A -Andy Thank Dlue Ocean Music Party A Thank Hang "I'hanh Trang Production
Date October 16th,2016 Date October 16th,2016
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 60 of 99 Page ID #:60
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works - 1 of 15
Ben Yeu
Beo May Doi Nga
Bi Bau
Bia Hoi Luu Dong
Bich Cau Ky Ngo
Bich Van Thien
Bien Dau
Bien Doi
Bien Doi Menh Mong
Bien Lang
Bien Long Cua Me
Bien Tim Tinh Em
Bien Tinh
Biet Thu Co Don
Bo Vo(Bo Von)
Bo Vo(BaVd)
Boi que Dau Xuan
Bon Ong Den Do
Bong Chim Tam Ca
Bong Hong Cai Ao
Bong Hong Sa Mac
Bong Hong Tang Cha
Bong Mo Di Vang
Bong Mo Hanh Phuc
Bong Toi Dam Me
Bui Kiem Thi Rot
Bui Mo ai Nhan
Buoc Thang Tram
Buom Trang To Vang
Ca Da Can Cau
Ca Dao Em Va Toi
Ca Lam Hay Noi
Ca Nha So Vo
Cai Bay
Cai Lao Hoi Xuan
Cai May Noi
Cam On Anh Sui
Can Can Nhuom Mau
Can Nguon Suoi Le
Canh Chim Le Ban
Canh Hoa Lac Loai
Canh Nhan Co Don
Cao Dao Hat
Cao Tay An
Cau Hai Nam
Cay Le Ban
Cay Sau Dau Sinh Doi
Cha Nuoi
Chang Cuoi Len Cung Trang
Chang Lua
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 62 of 99 Page ID #:62
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works - 3 of 15
Son Nu Pha Ca
Song Gio Cuoc Doi
Song Gio Lang Chai
Song Hung Ky Hiep
Song Ngam
Song Nu Loan Vien Mon
Song Tinh Be Han
Su Tich Duc Phat
Sui Gia Dai Chien
Suoi Oan
Suong Mu Tren Non Cao
Tai Vi Em Yeu Anh
Tam Cam
Tam Long Cua Bien
Tam Long Vi Tha
Tam Sinh Hoang Tu
Tam Su My Thuong
Tam Su Ngoc Han
Tam Tra No Dau
Tan Co Lay Chong Xu La
Tan Co Nho Mai Nhung Me Cha
Tan Thuy Hoang
Tao Lay May
Tao Quan Ken Re
Tat Den
Tau Ra Xu Hue
Thach Sanh Ly Thong Thoi Dai
Thai Binh Cong Chua
Thai Hau Duong Van Nga
Thai Tu A Xa The
Tham Kich Tuoi Xanh
Tham Sat Chon Hoang Cung
Tham Thi Tham
Tham Tien Niem Phat
Than Dong Luu Minh Chau
Than Gai Dam Truong
Than Nu Dang Ngu Linh Ky
Than Phan
Thanh Guom Va Nu Tuong
Thanh Xa Bach Xa
Thao Thuc
Thap Tam Thai Bao
Thap Tu Nu Anh Hao
That Lam Son Ky An
That Thu Co To Thanh
Thien Duong Trong Mo
Thien Ha De Nhat Kiem
Thieu Su Tong Dien
Thoai Ba Cong Chua
Thoai Khanh Chau Tuan
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 72 of 99 Page ID #:72
Blue Ocean Music's Copyrighted works and licensed works -13 of 15
Cai Luong Vu Linh, Ngoc Huyen, Tai Linh, Kim Tu Long (Collection)
Cai Luong Phuong Hong Thuy, Thoai My ...(Collection)
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 75 of 99 Page ID #:75
Addition URL 3nFHQYiZA T dY 708Mv8USE Uv0 sSMTDM406s KQYetQ0a4 BTQHS51iA hKUoGk I D2E71 H pQ L8Pv4 Rf67F02b1 VGsco8
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 76 of 99 Page ID #:76 uJ31pYwDLs
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Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 79 of 99 Page ID #:79
9/3/2020 Gmail - Re:[5-8210000022656] New Copyright Counter-Notification
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4 attachments
Dan+kiln+vi+ph~m+sing+~gc+Tr~n+Thign+Thanh+~Blueocean (1).pdf
Document Complaint of Vietnam Copyright Services Company_Andy Thanh .pdf
Document Receipt of lawsuit .pdf
httpsJ/ 1/1
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 80 of 99 Page ID #:80
Ngaoti b~ kign:
A'.~1D1~' THANH
Dia chi: 13753 Cypress St ,Garden ('Trove, CA 928 3 US '`~°~~
Sci lien thoai: 71X8569733 `
F.-mail: musicface9733~u~gmaiLcom
3. Bu~c N~►vi~i b~ kiln phai cham dirt hank ~~i ~~i pham quyen tac pia nghiem trQng bang vi~c th~tc
cac hi~;n phap: ga bci ho c xin phep Lang Vin ~-c ~~igc tiep tuc sir ding dui ~~bi loan bq cac
lac pham
am nhac dc~ lac gia 'I'ran Thin Thanh sand* lac thuoc qu}'en soy ht~'u ~•a quan 1}' dQc
quyen cua Lang
Van ~•~ri cac thong tin lac gia sau day :
- Tac pia: Tran Thign Thanh
- Iiut danh: .'~"1~u1 Tru~ntK. .-~nh ['l~trrr~ig. Thniih Ti•u►r .'~'hur TITi, Trci,1 Tlricn
Tlrairh 7i~un.
Lang Vin la chu sb hiru ~~a quan ly~ dQc quyen loan tx~ cac sang tai
cua 'lac gia Tran 'I'hien ~l~hanh.
yua } 14rp ~on~ chuyen nh~rcamg d~r4Yc ky gi~ra cat chu stir hiru yuti•cn
lac gia va Land Vin (I)anh sash
lac tmng iIgp c#ong chu~•en nhugng quyen lac gia d~rc~c Binh kem). Ke tir
thai diem I-icrp long chuyen
nhUcm~ qu}•cn lac gia co hieu luc, Lang Van la chu sir hire hap phap quy~en
tic gia, quan ly dQc quycn
tat ca cat sang tat ctia 7'ac pia Tran Thign Thanh. Vigc nhan chuyen nhup~ng
ban quyen 'I'ac gia cua
I.~ng Vin dugc quy Binh tai ~icu 45 I.uat sci ht~u tri tue 200 sira doi bo
sung nom ?009:
flieu 45. Qu}~ dfnh Chung ve chuyen nhu~ng qu~•en tat gia, qu~•en lien quern
1. C/tune"n nhtm'nP 4ut~n I~fc Pia. Qut'L'/i Ilell QNQI/ Il} i'!QC CIl(% SO' IIfI"J!
l~III•~n lac Fier. Chu so' hr~u
r~ut~en lien Quern chuven Piero aut~en sa huu poi i~~i cat Quti~en Qut~ Binh t~ri khoan 3
lieu 19. Dieu ;~
20, khnan 3 flieu 29. Dieu 30 va fli~u 31 cua Lint mar Cho to char. ca nha~n khac
theo how ~onP •'~~ ~'
/ro~rc theo aut~ Binh cua nh6n !Wert cd lien auan.
'. Tcic gicr kh~i~rk c~tnrc chtit~ett nhtrcrrtg rcic yttl'~'n n/aci►r Jhu~t yir~~ r.~rnh lur Dic~ii !9, lrir
y:r}'C')1 COi1f; 60
/cic~ phiint; n~nnri hietr dien kh6nR c~trcrc ch:n~~~n nlrrrcrng ccic• yu~~~•n ~rhun Nrcin ytit~ Binh Jui khuun
? f)ie:r
29 ctiu Lctu~ nu►'.
3. Tru~iK lrtrri~nR lurp Inc /~huiu, c'Z/(1C hlE'Il (.IIE'l7, hun ghi um, ~I7i hi»h. clnrar7g trinh phcit
song cri c~o~rg
Cheri srr hirer phi ri%~c Chu}'en nhirrnrg phcri c•ri sir thou thu~tn rtru tcil cu ccic• c~ofik chtr sa
ltittr, tr•o~:x
lru~r~tg h{r~~ c~i c~iinK Chu sir htn~ nhtrn~ tcic ph~un, cui~r hieri diC%n, hun ghi uni, ~,~Iri hinh, churnt~
ph~il .s~inX cci ccic nhan ~•ii~t~ beet cri the Icich ►•cr .cu cltut~T cPpc lap Ihi c•hir sir hfrtr qut~en ►cic~
giu. rhu scr
Il[f1/ (~7/l~e~~ limn ytrun rci ytn~i~ir chut~en nhucni~~ ytrt'L'l1 IC/L' ~,IU. yul'c:%n
lir:~17 C/!lCUl l7O! 1'(TI f)I71(!7 1•i~>»g heel
ciru mi~ih chn l~~ cht~c, c•ci nhun khcir.
- '`guriri hi kiln d~ sao chcp, phan phoi. lam lac pham phai Binh trai phep th~~n~ qua ~~iec c#~ng
tai, khai
that rat nhieu san pham do Lang Van la chti sn hiru qu}~cn lac gia trcn kenh Youtube cua Nguai
kiln. Chung toe xin giai thick them, You['utx~ la mist trang web Chia se video. la ncri n~uc~ri dung
co the
tai len ho c tai ~~e may link hay di n thoai ~~a Chia se cat video clip. Nguari dung You'I'ube
c6 the
kicm d~rac doanh thu quan~ cao ter Gaggle AdSense, mot chucrng trinh nh~m mac lieu
quang cao then
nt~i dung ~~a di e t~rcmg can trang wrb. Ilfinh ~-i ding tai ~~a kink doanh cat ncii dunb ma khbn~ dvgc sir
Cho phep cua Chu sar hiru n~i dungy der` tau thank hank vi ~~i pham yuyen lac pia theo qu}~ Binh tai lieu
~8 I.uat Sci hiru Tri tae ?005 nhix sera:
flieu 28. Harsh vi.rAnr ph{rm qu}en the gia
1. ('hie~nt e~e~~rl ytnrn leis kiu viii ~•~ri Ieic ~~hum ~•un hnc, nKl~i~ !hate!. khvu hc~c.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 82 of 99 Page ID #:82
y. ('hv Ihui.~ /cic• ~~hum nru khnn~ t~•u lie~r nhi~cin hu►. rhir lao ~~u gtri•ci~~ Icri ►•fir! chin khcir c•ho lac kiu
rhu scr hirtr ytr~~c~n !uc Diu.
/U. .17xin hu~7. .scrn xuirl hrr►i .cuo, shun ph i. 1~•irnk hhi• hour t►•in~en c~4r1 Icir pl~anr c~i~n c•6rr~ chunk
niung Irut~e~t lh6n~ rir cac phtrarr~ ti~~n kip 1hti~il s~~ ntu kh6nk c7tr~rc phe~ ci~u chu .sa hin~ yut~en tnc pia.
11. .lir~i~ him tuc pltam ntn khon~ c~:rcrc phc~p ctru rh~i .srr Ittrr~ yttt'~'~r !uc kru.
1'. ('~i ~~ htn~ h~~ hv~c lung ►•o hieu c~cic bi~~n phci)~ kj• lhrr~rr c10 chu scr {tiro ytr►•im !uc ~~u thuc hi~•n cue huo
r4 c~utti%~r lcic Kiu c~~~i rcri luc ~~hun~ cuu mink.
13. ('ii t` xaci. Ihut• c~oi IhGnk yin yirun l►~ ytn~i~n durrr kink ~hirc• c~ic~n Jer r~i /ron~ lcic• phcinr.
1-l. Scrn .ruin. liip ,~cip, hien r~i~i, phcin nf~ni. ~thirj~ khc"irr, xr~ut kh~n~, hun houc Clio lhtre lhii~! bi khi hiet
houc r~~ r~r .~•~r cue Kiel lhiet hi coo ldnt r6 hietr ecic hie` phci~ k►~ ~heiut do ch:r sir hint ytrl'c:'n tuc Diu th;rr
hi~~n c~~~ hnr~ r~ gtn'~~n I~~c Rio c~ni rcri Icic phun~ CIIQ ))II/lll.
1.5. I.un: rir hciit Jcic pliant nra c•hir lct~ cuu Icic Diu hr kiu moo.
1h. .tirr"i~ khuu. ,rh~r~ khuu, than phfii hun su~~ l~rr J~hdm nru kho~tx c~ucrc phc%~~ cuu c/rtr .~lr I1if1! (~l/l'E'll ILlc
- De ter bao ~•~: quycn s~ huu tri toe cua mink. Lang Vin horn toan co the ap ding cac bi n phap lam
ngan chin hank ~•i ~•i pham ban qu~~cn cua mink, dien kink la dung conk cu chirc n~ng gin "Strike" cua
~r'outube tren cac video sir dµng nQi dung trai phep cua N€UiYi hi khm kign. ~c Quy 'I'oa tin tham
khan Chung toi sin giai thick them. ``Strike" la cong cu chirc nang duerc xa~~ duylg bai Youtube nham
n~~n chin hank ~•i ~~i phaun ban quyen doi vori cac san pham ding tai bm cac Chu the khi hoat c#gng tren
Youtubc:. IIanh ~•i ter bao ve quyen sor huu tri tug cua [.anL Vdn hoan loan loan then qu}' c#~nh tai Dieu
198. Luat Sa huu ~l~ri tub 2005 sua doi 1~ sung nom '?009:
c1 Yeu cnu co'Quan nha nudc cd th&m au~~en xic!t~ harsh vi xr~nr Wham aa~~en sd burr trilie theo au~~
dinh ctia Lain aav va ccic nuv Binh kh6c cries nhan lu&t cd lien uuan;
d)Klro7 kiln ra tda an boat trong tai de bao ve qur~n. Ivi Ich h~v phbp cues m)nh.
' . 7n rht~c, cb nhdn hi ~hi~~ hui c1u lurnh ri xunt pltum ytn•e~r sir hir:~ lri lug hnuc nhu! hie~~ hi~»h ri
plaum yin~en srr hint Iri ~u~ ku~~ thi4~t h4ri chn ngit~ri lieu ciiu~~ {7oue cho ~u Izni cis gttt~e~t
t~et~ CQl( Cl7
LJI(U)? )1I1G itI!(rC c~i tham yiryen xu !t` hirnh ti~i xc"nn phnnt ytn~e~r sir
ltfiru !ri 1t~c lhe~~ qu►' c~inh cuu I.uut
ni{~~ rci c~~c qtn• c7'inh khcic cuu phdp hr4r~ co lied yucnr.
3. T~~ c•lrirc, rcr nhun hi Thiel hui bout co khu ~~u~~g bi lhrel hui coo
I~un1~ t•i c•unh trur~h kh~mg lu~th marsh
rig ytn~e~i lti~tr earl ccr yrtcm ~thi~ ntr~rc cri llt~u~t ytri•~n yip d;rn~
c•crc hi~►r ~~l~cip c~un .~•ir yrrt~ c~inh !~i fli gtr
?0? cuu 1,t~4~1 nui• rir rcrc hi~~n phci~ hurrl7 clri~:h lhco y:i►• c7iirh
ctu~ phcip lerul rc"~ ecmh Irut~h.
~. Phu lac 1: Tai lieu chimp mink yuyen cues NgtxiYi khiri kicn
-~, Phi lac 2: Uanh sack test test pham ma NgUiri hi kiln dank tai trai
phep, vi ph~m ban quycn cues
Ngu~ri khiri kiln. (llanh sack test pham ma Ngucri b4 kiln iiep tut vi ph4un (neu
co) se d~ro~c c~~ nh'~,p
txi sunk tai test phi lac dinh kcm khac).
Ranh ~~i xam pham quyen test gia cues Ngu~i hi kicn d~ ga}~ ra thi~t hai nghiem
trgng ctcn lei ich v~'
yuyen tai san cues Chung toi. Vi vay, bang Qcm khai ki4n nay, Chung toi kinh do nghi
Qu~~ Toes cq,..~'ac
hi~:n phap kip th~ri cte bao v~ quyen ~~a 1pi ich hcrp phap cues Chung t6i.
I ~.,; e
~r. ~ ~kp
4 ' ~
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 84 of 99 Page ID #:84
.. .
Ng~roi bi kign: : ;f~, .. >f
~.-e .~ ~
I..a ng~r~i dai lien then phap luat ciia Rlue Ocean Music. ItiC
[. Nguoti khoi kign yeu cau Toa an giai quyet nhirng van ~e sau day:
1.Buoc N~ubri hi kiln nga}~ lap tuc ngimg su dung, tai san ~:uat. phan phoi ho c khai thac kink daanh
cac tac pham sang tac bni nh~c si Tran '1'hien Thank ~•a nhac si Tu '.~ihi thu~c ban quyen cua Ccing t.'
"1'NIIi~ Tang Vin. d~rc7c qu~~n lj~ hcYi ('cin~ t~~ I~jch ~~►~ Ran quyen Vi4t Nam.
Z. Buoc NgUiri hi kien phai trung th~rc diii coat ~~a tra 1~i toan b~ cac khoan doanh thu ma ?~gu~ri b~
kiln thu dugc tir vi4c sir ding, tai san ~uat, ph~ui phoi ho c khai thac I:inh doanh trai phcp nhun~ tac
pham thugc ban queen cua Ccing t~~ TNHH Lang Van.
3. Runic Ngur~ri hi kiln phai b~~i thurimg thi~t hai do hank ~-i ~~i pham ban yuyen cua I~~~rm hi kien ga}
ra. 3~~ng th~ri. I~~uai bi kiln phai chiu toan bo khoan chi phi luat su, toa an,... ma Nguri~i kh~ri kien
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 85 of 99 Page ID #:85
phai chi tra cho ~~u kicn na~~ va cac chi phi khac ma Tina an th5~• hcrp 1~-.
II. Nen tang phap Ij••
1. ~1'ran `I'hien Thanh la mQt tron~ nhirng nhac si Viet Nam not tien~ nhat giai loan tnrc~c 1975. Mkt sii
but hicu khac cua ong la Anh Ch~rcmg, Tran Thien 7'hanh Taan. Thanh '['rare "fran 'I'hi, tihat Truromg....
bng mat vao nom X005. ong da` di chuc town bo quyen phan phiii ~~a khai that cac tac pham do 8ng
sang tac cho ~ n~ucri ton cua minh.
Vao ngay 10 thing 4 nom ?O1~F, Conk t}~ T'_~1HH Lang Vin va c:ac con cua nhac si'fran T'hien 'I'hanh
d~ tham gia k}~ Hap long Chuyen nhucmg ban quycn, then do, Cong t}~ TNlili Lang V~r► cb d~rcrc toan
be cac yuyen phan ph~~i ~•a khai that c~oi ~~ai rac tic pham dUc7c sang tic lx7i nh~c si "1'ran 'I'hien
1'hanh. Uanh sash tic pham du~Yc c#inh kem trcmg phi luc H~~ dons nay.
~. 'I'u ~Ihi la mQt trong nhirng nhac si Vitt Nam not ticng nhat giai do n thap nicn b0. Ong hoat ding
~~cii mqt so but hi~u khac la: Che Linh, Luu Tran I,e....
Vito nga~~ 1=~ thank ~ nam '?01~, C'ong t~- 'f'VI t!i Lang Van ~~a nh~c si "('u Nhi d~ tham pia ky I~~,
dong Chu~~en nh~rom~ ban qu}'en, then cfic5, Ccing h- "I'NHH Vin co d~rgc toan by cac qu~~cn Phan
phoi ~•a khai thac doi vm cac tic pham ~uc~c sang tic bi~i nhac si Tu Nhi. Dinh sach tic pham durgc
Binh kem tronb rho luc f~crp di~n~ na~~.
3. Long t~~ Uich Vu Ban quycn Vitt ~•a Conk* t}~ "l'NfiH Lang Vin tai Viet Nam d~ thoa thuan ~~a ki kct
Ilcrp thing [;~• yu}ren quan I}~, khai that Ban qu}•en 'lac pham. "!'heo d6_ Ccing i}~ Dich ~~u Ban qu}~en
Vi4t tiam la dc~n vi ducYc uy yuyen de quan ly ban queen cac dcii ~~cii cac tic pham sang tic boi hai
nliac si "1'ran 1~hign T'hanh va "I~u Nhi thu~~c ban quyen cua ('~ng ty TNHEI Lang Van.
-~. '~fguiri bi kien d~ co hank vi scam pham Qu}•cn '1'ac pia nghiem trc~ng bang ~-i~c sao chop, phan phcii.
kinh dc~anh trai phep thong qua ~~iec ~~ng tai, khai that rat nhieu tic pham thu~c queen Yuan ly cua
Nguai khcri ki~.n tren he th ing kenh Youtube cua Nguiri hi kiln. Chum t6i xin biai thick them,
You'1'ube la mot trang web Chia se video, la ncri n~tri~i dung co the tai len ho c tai ve ma~~ tinh hay
din tho~i ~~a chia sc cac t-idco clip. Ngu~i dung YouTube co the kiem c#ucrc doanh thu quang can tir
Google AdSense, mqt chucmg trinh nh~m muc tieu yuang cao then nqi dung va c~oi tucmg c~ia trance
IIanh ~~i sam pham Quyen 'l ac gia dvcrc Binh nghia trong I.u~t SAY hiru 'I'ri tub Vitt '.~'am 2005 sira di~i
txi sung nom ?009 nhu sau:
flieu 28. Hdirh ti~i x&~n plrgnr quf~e~r tic gia
I. ('hii%nr c~nc~l yul~e~~ <<rc ~=iu c~~~i ►•cri lcic phunr rim her. ~~ghc rht~4i~. kh~,u hoc.
?. :11u~~ dcmh ~cic Diu.
3. ('6n~,~ bpi. ~~hart phrii ~cic pliunr mu khiing c~trcrc~ ~~hc~~~ caa~ lire ~icr.
-l. C'ort~; hr;. phuj~ ph~ir luc pltum c~i c~i»ag tcic ~rlU J17p ICI70il~~r [~ucrc plic~p cc~u cfi~ing ~irc ,~riu c~ci.
i. ,Stru chiru, cirl xen lto~~c• st~l~en Luc tur phum d~r~rr hul ki~ kink lhirc nuu gut' phuang hui c~en dunk d;r
ru in• tin rrru Icic kiu.
h. .Suo chc~P luc J~hcim mu kh6n~ c~trcrc phc~p cuu Icic Kiu. chtr sa hirt~ yu~~c~n tuc Kiu, n~i~ 1~•rrcrnR hcrp yur
ruu Lt~uJ ~~in~.
[PJ/?I7 fCI! (.~1C'/)l c/ 1'I! C~lf,'!lt C~ I[I70C1/1I fllE'I! ~J
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 86 of 99 Page ID #:86
~'. I.imr Jcir chum phcii .ti•inh m~~ khi~ng ~lu~rc >>he~ cttu Icic ,~~iu, rlui .~•~r hirti qu}~c%r~ Icic giu rl~~r rdi lcic
J~hunt c~ircrc' C~lli71; C~C lum !ur l~hunt phcii Binh, Irir 1~•tr~r~~K hcrp yrn~ c~i~~h ~c~r diem r klrou~r!Di~~rr ?5 cuu
I.irut irut~.
y. ('ho ~ht~c~ lcrc• J~ham nui kh6ng Iru ~ie~i nhuu~7 hi~l. Nun luc~
i'Cl l~ill~e~t l~ri r~i! chr"it khcic cht~ Icic kin hvirc
c~hu sir hint gti~~en t6c giu.
10. Shun hun, s(I!J Xl(Ul hp/7 tiUO, phun Choi, trtrrrg hut' hnuc
lri~~~en c~u~ lcic pham c~en tong chting yiru
n~nnK h•tr1'err lh~»t~r rii ccic ~~hucrn~r li4~n ki~ lhu~r~ .~•ii nrn kh6n~ c~ircrc
phc%p cz~u chu sir J7irir yut•en tar pia.
11. .lircil hcm lcic phcint min kh6►t;~ c~rr4rc phep c:ip chtr sir hirtr yin•en
tcic gia.
1?. ('o ~~ hin~ bn hv~c lan: r6 hieu ccic hicn plrcrp ki• Ihe~ci~ c!a chir .sir hirer
yz~~•en Icic Kiu lhtrc hi~n ~e hu~~
rc:~ yut•en ~6c Kia c~oi r~ri ~bc pham cuu mink.
l3. C'o ~~ xob, than c~oi thong tin quern l~~ yt~~~efr c~ltr~ri hinh Ihi~c c~ien ttr cri
tron~ !bc phunt.
I-~. Surr xtrul, lup rup, hien c~oi, phail ~~h~ii, nhcip khan, xriat k{~atr, hcifl
hv~~c chu ~hu~~ rhiC~t hi klti hip%~
hauc cry car sir c#i~ hie! ~hie1 hr coo lum ~~6 hi~i~ ccic hi~n p{~cin !n~ thuut coo chri
sir hin~ y:n~~n Luc Kiu !hire
hi~n cue buo re ytrt~en lcic gici c~iii r~ri Icic phanr ruu nrinh.
1S. ~'C! hC111 /Ctc phanr ma chir k~~ ct~a tae Diu hi pia ntun.
16. _lirli~ kh6ii, nh4rJ~ khuu, Pl~un phiii hun .~•un rcic phum nr~i kh6nK c~trsrc phel~
c•:ru rlttr .sa hittr ytn~c:~►~ rcic
Dc bao vg quyen cua Conk ty 'I'NIItI I,an~ Vin, c~on~ thori, then quy c~jnh cua
Hqp dc3ng iJy quyen
quern ly, khai there Ban quyen Tac pham. YIPS hoan toan co the thay mkt Cong ty TNHH
Lang Vin ap
dung cac bi n phap lam ng~n chin hank vi Sri pham ban quyen, ctien h~nh la dungy Gong
cu chirc n~n~
gin "Strike" cua Youtube tren cac video su dung nqi dung trai phep cua Nguai bi khai
kiln. De Qu}~
'1'oa ti n therm khan, chting toi ~:in giai thick them. "Strike" I~ cong c~ chin n~ng duck
xay dung bori '
Youtut~e nh~tn ng~n chin hank vi vi ph~m ban quyen poi vai cac san pham ~~r►g tai bcri
c~c chu the
khi hoat ding tren Youtube. Hank vi ter bao v~ quyen sir hiru tri tub cua VIPS hoar loan tuan
theo qua• "~~,
Binh tai Dicu 198, Luat Sir h~ru Tri tug 2005 siia doi bo sung n~in ?009:
Dieu 198. Qul~en to bao v~
1. Chu the aut~en sd hi~u trf tae cd aui~~n an dung cac bier nh6n sera der ~f~ baro ve aui~~n
sv ki~u tri
tub cua ndnh:
a) An dune bier ahbn cone nFhe nhr~ni n~an nFirn hank vi x~m ahQm Qu1~en so' hu~u tri
c) Yeu ca~u ca auan nhd nuke co tha1nr auti~e~n xic lt~ hank vi xam Wham Qu►+en so' hfiu tri tae theo aut~
d~nh cua LWat nav vd cdre Quv dish klr~fc caa nhav !u$t co lien Quern;
d) Kho~i ki n ra toa an /roac trong tai dc~ bao ve Aat~en. loci ich ha'n phap cua mink.
?. 7o chc~c. c•ir r~hcirt hi iliie~ lrui c~i~ hunk ~•i xcint ph4u~t ytrt~e~r sir hirtr tri l:r~ h~uc• plat hic~r hir~rh ri xunr
phunr qul~en .ca hitt~ tri ttr~~ ~q1' thi4~t hui cho nKu~ri ~iet~ cli~nK houc cho xu h~~i c~i yii~•en }'eu eau ca
yirun Whir ntr~c c•o thdm gul'en xtr Il~ hirnh ►~i xum phunr ycr}~e►r sa hinr h~i 1i~~ Theo y:n~ c~f~~h c•t~u LtriN
►riri• ra cbc qul~ c~l~ih khac cuu ~hGp 1~~4i~ cvi lien yrrun.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 87 of 99 Page ID #:87
3. T~, chzic, ru nhun hi lhie! hci hour c~~ khu fur~t~ hi Ihi~~~ hui do hiu7h i~i ccurh lrunh khonk lun/T mcmh
cci yir►~en itit~ c•tnr ca yriun nl~u ~irr~rc c•~i lham ytn•e~t cip ul~~ng c~uc• hi~~~7 phap darn .str yui' c~irtl~ tug ~~ii~ir
~~~~ L'1!(! I,1lC(/ l7C71~ ru ccic hi4~n pl~ap hirnh clzr~rh llicn ym~ c~init r:rcr phirp lrru! t~e c4rnh Ira~~h.
III. Dante mac tai ligu Binh k~m c~o~n khan kign gom co:
1, Ban sao Giay chimg nhan gang k}~ kinh doanh cua ('one; ty TNHH [.ang Van
?. Ban sao C,iay chimp nhan ding ky kinh doanh cua Long tS~ Co phan Dich ~~u Ban quyen Viet Nam.
3. FicXp long liy quyen quan ly-, khai that Ban yuyen '1'ac pham ~;i~ra Long ty TN~iH I.anb Van ~~a
Cong ty Co phan lljch v~ Han queen Viet ?tiam.
~. Phi Inc 1: "I'ai lieu chirn~ minh ban yuyen tac pham cua Conk t}' T~iHH Laub Vin
5. Phu luc ?: '['ai ligu chimg mink vi pham cua 1~'g~rai bi kiln
~ [ante ~•i xam pham yuycn tac pia cua Ngum hi kien 8a gay ra thigt h~i nghiem trpng dcn lqi ich ~•a
quy~en tai san cua Chung ti~i. Vi vay, bring drni kh~ri kiln nay. Chung toi kink ~e n~hi Quy Toa co cac
bi n ph~p kip thm de bao v~ quyen va lei ich harp phap cua Chung toi.
Kinh mc~ng Quy Toa xem tet, giai quyet.
~ ~E~
'~r i/.
a,ts~ /anls/ 1f~Ky. L—UCC~LUIO
STT Ng~y gin ID Video vi pham Ti~u 8'~ video vi ph~m K~nh vi pham Liak K~nh of ph~m Email gin
1 15.11.2018 2_OFR2AxhZg Bay ngay dpi mong - Tuan Ngoc Van San com/channeWCtH2Zug6bEpkxLhn Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D.
oervTQw ~co
2 15.11.2018 Baqu3eIkoCM Bay ngay 8qi mong - Hien Thpc Hien Thuc com/channeWClQfL~vkJNuk2AmU Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D.
rtWKG4ww <copyrightsdept@langva~
3 16.11.2018 UAUESo7DeK0 Bey ng~y dqi mong - Vu Ha SaoTVnew com/channeWCWKArUxVDE0o3 Ong Van Inc. Copyrights D.
AQDjN2aARA <copyrightsdept@langva~
4 16.11.2018 ad6gKmV0008 Bay ngay Qqi mong - Ha Vy bl
Ou~oceanmusiconline com/channeWCbB3BSFsOKtFIPzU Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D~
] g4omkBw ~opyrightsdept@langva~
5 16.11.201 S EEU2ICNJhAI Ba n a d mon Ban Chau ft Nh"t Truon Do ei ass01 Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D.
Y g y ~ g g ~ g pp p com/user/Doppelpass0l <copyrightsdept@langvat
6 ]6.11.2018 xX4MwewA7Wk Bay ngay dqi mong - Nggc Huyen Lan Van Inc. Co
Ngh~ Si Ngpc Huyen Official cWom/channel/UC3QPOyrT_hWpHeN g pmtis D.
~2S2TW <copyrightsdept@langvai
7 16.11.2018 95BEe7zufo8 Bay ng~y Qqi mong - Thanh Lan nguyen nhu com/channel/UCab6GgA1H- Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D.
BvSDZIvXwQeVQ <copyrightsdept@langva~
S 16.11.2018 RNLeSSSMNLs Chiec .4o B~ Ba - Lw Anh Loan Nam Viet Bolero com/channeWCaPcemDgLgWlm- Lang Van Inc. Copyrights D.
cc 1FOVgw <co
pmttsdept~° langvas
9 16.11.2018 w9CO1F7WvQ Chiec Ao Ba Ba -Hong Phugng (kara) com/channeWCC3W4zGDBmOn4 Lang
Van Inc. Copyrights D.
Hong Phuong sao Noi NgSi ~copyrightsdept@langva~
10 16.11.2018 B54kGXyRwCO Chiec Ao Ba Ba -Hong Phvgng DK ENTERTAINMENT com/channeUUCi22LM9nFg8HfFM Lang
Van Inc. Copyrights D.
nNhtPDIQ <copyrightsdept@langva~
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Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 91 of 99 Page ID #:91
- #fie!np — Tyr do — Hanh phuc
N~irb~i b~ kign:
I.a ngUiri dpi di n theo phap luat cua Blue Ocean Music. I'.~C
1 ~. .Surt .rtrcil, lire rup, bier c~~~i, pha,~ ph~ii, nhun kh~rt~, rt~ul khritr, hun hvur cho ll~uc• /hiet hi kl7i hi£~1
huuc ch car .str c7e hies Ihie! hi c~~i lum ry hi4~u cbc hicn phap kfi thu4r~ do chr~ sa hir:r gut•e~~ tcrc ,~icr Ih;rc
hi4~►~ c~i~ hu~~ i•4~ ytn•c~n tcic pia c~ni r~ri 1uc nhirm ct~a mink_
1~. I.i~m ru hi~n luc J~h~~m mu chir k~~ cuu lcic ~,=iu hi giu ntuo.
16. ,lirci~ khfrr~. »h~q~ khu1~, J~hun phoi han scro luc nhant and kho»R c~trcrc phep cciu chu sa hutr ytrtiti~n !uc
Uc to bao ~~e quyen soy hiru tri tue cua cac tac pham, VIPS hoar toan co the ap dung c~c bien
phap lam ng~n chin harsh vi vi ph~m ban qu}~en, lien hinh la dung tong cu chirc nang gars "Strike" cua
Youtube tren cat ~~ideo su ding nQi dungy tr~i phep cua Ngucri bi khm kiln. De Quy 'I'oa ti n sham
khan, Chung toi xin giai thich them, "Strike" la tong cu chirc n~ng dupe xay d~rn~; bi~i Youtubc nh~m
ng~n chin harsh vi vi pham ban quyen doi vai cat san pham c~~ng tai bai cat Chu the khi hoat ding tren
Youtube. Harsh vi tU bao vg quyen soy hiru tri tug cua VIPS hoan toan tuan theo quy Binh tai flieu 198,
I.uit Sci hiru "Tri iue ''005 sua doi bo sung nam ?OQ9:
flieu 198. Qu1~en lu bao v~
1. C/ru the Qu►~~n soy hthr tri tue c6 auven 6n dNnQ cat biers vhap sau ~&v ~#e biio ve aut~en s' hi~u tri
tue cua m~nh:
a~ ~p dune biers nhaa conF nghe nh~m nF~rn npiva hdnh vi xa~m nh~rm Quven sa hi~u trf tue;
c) Yeu tau cd auan nhd nu~Yc c6 th8m Quven xis lv harsh vi x8in nham aut~en sd hi~u trf tue theo au~~
d~nh cua Lupt na►~ va cat au~~ dinh khac cua nhan luau cd lien ouan;
d1 Khoi ki n ra toes rin ho~rc trQne tai de bao ve Queen, /~i ich ho'n nhuv cries minlr.
3. Tr", chirc, cu nhan hi rhi~r hui do harsh ~•i xunr phum yul~en .rcr hCnr Sri tue hvuc phal hien hnrrh ri .rirnr
phcrnt ytrl'~'n sir hin~ !ri liii~ gu~~ thi~~ h~i Cho n~nrrri 1iet~ dirng ho c Cho .ru hi~i cci ytt~~c:~n ~'%~u tiro ccr
yrrun nhn nuirc co Thum yt~l~en rti !t' hunh ~•1 SQIn J)f1G/~l CfZfl'en S(Y I91fI! I!'l ItlB Ifreo yut~ c~inh trio Luu!
~Tui~ ru c•cic ytr~~ c~inh khcrc c:iu phc~P l:r~rt c~i lien yt~crri.
3. T6 rhuc, cb nhun bi lhi~t h~ri hoot co kha nang bi thi~t hcri do harsh ►•i cunh tranh khorrg lanh mcrnl~
c~i yin'G'7T l~eu cai~ c'lY C(2/C/I? i'1I?Ll 171lO'C C() /{IC/)l2 Cfi()'G~'r! LJ'JI CI1lI7~; CCJC hl~'it ~l{7GJ7 C~Clrl scr yi~1~ c7if~h lcri ~ietr
30? cues Luut nul' ru test bic~n f~hcip hunk chink lhev yu~~ c~inh c:iu phup /i~~,~ re cunh Irunh.
Iianh ~•i xam pham quyen test pies cues Vgum bi kien d~ day ra thiet hai n~*hiem trpng den lai ich va
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 93 of 99 Page ID #:93
du~Yc e~i la "NIPS" va ban yuyen am nhac sang tac cua cac nhac s}~ Anh ~3~n~; Giao 'Tien; Ha Phircrng:
(-loam PhUcm~; Lam Phucmg;(1u~ic Anh; Tu Thanh Scm. Tran '['hien Thanh. Tu Nhi. Vinh Str tr~:i I:~n ~:
Youtu~e: ~3lueoceanmusic va Viet Karaoke Online (Cu the trong dank sash phu'uc Qinh k~m ma kh:sn .
ducrc su dong ~• cua NIPS).
3. I~ui~c :~~u~ri bi kicn phai dram dirt hank ~•i ~•i pham queen tac gia n~hicm trong bang ~~icc thirc hicn
cac bicn phap: g~7 bci hoac xin phep NIPS ve vi~;c tiep tuc su dung doi ~•cii toan bq cac san pham cai
lucmg thucic yuycn s~ huu ~~a quan l~~ doc quyen cua V1YS.
". Li~nr ~cic phum phcii .si~Tlt mu kh6~rg c~ttcrc phc~p rtru luc Riu. chu sa lti~u ytq'c%n icic ~rru c~~ii r~ri tuc
f~hcinr c~ircrc dirn~= c~~• lum ~cic ~~l~~mr phui .si►th, l~•t~ ~~•crrrn~~ {1~rp yirt• c7inh lui c~ic~m r khoui~ 1 ~ic'~ir ?~ rt~a
l.trcil grin•.
9. ('hv llrtrE~ lcir phcim ntu khGnk t~•u lii~~t rthtr4in hul, lltit lun rig ytn'ei~ lcri rirt rh~il kl~cir chv Jcic ,~jiu h~~uc
rhu sir Iririi yin•en tuc ,~riu.
I(1. :~'hus~ bun, .ti•un xucil hun suo. /shun E~hni. IrctnX hurl' ho~rc l~•tr1'~~n r~crt tcic phunr c~en c~6n~,r chiu~k gtru
nrcu~K h-t~i~en Jhon~,~ ru rcic• pJttrrrn~~ limn /ci' lhitcrt so min kltdjtg c~tr~rc phep ctu~ ch:r sa hfnr yirl'en tcrc• kiu.
ll. .li~cit hun lur nhum stir khnr~g c~trcrc pheJ~ ci~u clttr scr hir:~ yin• %n Icic• ~,Tiu
!'. ( ill l' jllll' I7O IJOUC ILllll r6 hii~rr cur hi4n phci~~ ki' llll/C!/ CIU CJTI! .SO' Illfll [~I(1'L'll ILlC t(,Tiu lhtrc hi~n c7e huv
rc ycrt•~~n Icic ~~iu d~ii rcri Icir pl~unt ctiu mink.
13. ('ii t` _roci. Ihcn~ c~Gr lhnn~~ yin yr~uf~ h~ c1trt'C/7 Cllf(rl I71i?I7 1J71fC C~l('IT CI! C~i Irt~nk Icic• pltcint.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 94 of 99 Page ID #:94
qu~-en tai san cua Chung toi. Vi ~•a}~. hang darn kh.~iri kien na}~. chi~ng t~~i kinh de nghi Quj Tina co cac
bicn phap kip thi~i de bao v~ yu}'cn ~•a lcri ich hcr~ phap qua Chung toi.
lY(3Ef~:~}~(~I KIFN
.4~=~: ,.
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 95 of 99 Page ID #:95
Phu luc 2
1)anh each cac tic pham ma Ngu~i bi kign ding tai trai phep, ~~i phgm
ban quti~en
?8~Tinh anh link chitin
Phu: cu~ii- Tinh bcr
39 vc7
1_am Phuang Phucrng
Ihti s:ii'~~~~.youttihe.c~~n-_`~~atch?~_ c~f)~r_'_l:f'~`~.i_~~
r-' -~
! ,:V1ai la minh xa '
57nhau i Tu Nhi ht:ps:i«~~+~~r~~.youtub~~~on~<«atclt?~~=1 ~;5~'k?z.-tt-~ j
~S~E~o~n cuoi tinh yeu Tit Vhi ht~pS:/;~~~~ti ~~outub~_.a„n'~~atcli't_-eCi(~ [~l_1s~
~---- -- ' _i
j Neu Chung minh
i9 cacti tra "fu Vhi ht~:~~_I;~ti13=~.~~outub~.corr:,`~~atch.'~• =t)! 1~;~;(~i_!`"'.
Tan co loan cuoi
f~0 tinh yeu '['u ~1hi ht~~s_/r'~t_ti?►'~~.atch:~•- 3k+ t~l.%~; '
Ncu Chung minh
c~ch troy-Mai la
G 1 mink xa nhau Tu tihi hops /,_~~~4_~~-~;~>utubc;.cc~rr._'ti~atch '~~=c~~)uh jai"_ ',, .
fit Bai ca ky ni~m 'I'u \hi hn~s:/ /titi~~~~-.voutubc.comh~-atch '~~=t\~l.~f)(~ ~~' '=-~~`- ~
63:Mua d~u la bay Vinh Sir hors_/i~~~~1~~.~~~utut~e.corn!tiatc}~'~ cul l(~ 1'I I.S(: t.
6~ Noi lai tinh xtra Vinli fir ~lit~s;/%~i~j•'~tiatch.'~~ ~Dtir~V►.'~;!►_ ,"1~
65 Ciai nh~ nbheo Vinh Su - tittt~s_//«'~at~h~_~ ~"f~)~t1~c sl'(~ ~.
i----- _ — -- -.. j
66 Nit boon th~ri chicn Vinh Sir r
l~~t s:/,~t~} u•.ti ~utubc.c~~irh~~at~li_'~~ ~t'u, .:~3t~li;~ ~ 1
67jXa ngui~i minh ~~cli Vinh Su https:lr«~~~_~~~utube c~m!«atch:~_ ji>>ti:;iC~~~~~~~ -_-
Chom chom lj~ qua
68 pha Vinh Sir ~htt~s_/'~~atch:'~_-8'~If~ I_~~~_~ ~1'~ f.~
Chbm chom 1}~ qua
~ 69~ha ^ Vinh Sir ~litt~1:i!«~~~rn-.}'uatch._~_-~'I~l~u~.~t-k~' _ ~t
7Q;Va}~ tay Chao Vinh sir 'htt~s:/i«1~°,`~~atch_~_=t3b~; ~ht►~_,1,-z. ~i..
F--.. . . __r — - --- _ ------ - ~-= _--_
;Ngum thvcmg ke
I 'l nha ---- Vinh Sir lhttnti:!h«;!uatcli~'~~=ril}~~~-~~~.'1~ ['
Case 8:20-cv-01719-DOC-JDE Document 1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 98 of 99 Page ID #:98
"fO:1 .1!~ 1H:11 I):~ti (:O'~C HU~1 ~:1 H(31 CHL,' V(,HI~1 VIES:"!' V~1:~i
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Toa Kroh Te
BI1 ~ B~~N (~Ir10 NH~1N Tr1I LIEU
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~k Domestic only. x For Domestic shipments, the maximum weight is 70 Ibs. For International shipments,the maximum weight is 4 Ibs.