Commerce O Level Notes 166
Commerce O Level Notes 166
Commerce O Level Notes 166
Commerce Notes
Subject Code: 7100
Article No. 166
Zeeshan Sheikh
(MS Marketing – UCP, MBA – University of Lahore)
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UNIT 1 PRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 20
What is commerce? .............................................................................................................................................20
1.1 THE CHAIN OF PRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 20
Chain of production .............................................................................................................................................20
Needs and Wants .................................................................................................................................................21
Needs ...................................................................................................................................................................21
1.2 PRIMARY INDUSTRIES, SECONDARY INDUSTRIES AND TERTIARY ACTIVITIES ............................................................. 21
Direct Production and Indirect production. .........................................................................................................21
Direct production .................................................................................................................................................21
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sector of Production: .......................................................................................21
Primary production ..............................................................................................................................................22
Secondary production ..........................................................................................................................................22
Tertiary production ..............................................................................................................................................22
How are manufacturing and tertiary activities inter-related?.............................................................................23
1.3 SPECIALIZATION AND DIVISION OF LABOR........................................................................................................ 23
Specialization .......................................................................................................................................................23
Forms of Specialization ........................................................................................................................................24
1.4 COMMERCE.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Trade and Aids to Trade .......................................................................................................................................25
Types of Trade .....................................................................................................................................................25
Purpose / Importance of Foreign (overseas) trade ..............................................................................................26
Comparison of Home Trade and Foreign Trade ...................................................................................................26
Aids to Trade ........................................................................................................................................................27
1.5 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDUSTRY, COMMERCE AND DIRECT SERVICES ............................................................. 27
UNIT 2 RETAIL TRADE ....................................................................................................................................... 30
2.1 THE ROLE OF RETAILER IN THE CHAIN OF DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................................... 30
The Retail Trade ...................................................................................................................................................30
2.2 TYPES OF RETAILERS ................................................................................................................................... 31
Small Scale Retailers ............................................................................................................................................31
Peddlers / Hawkers / Roadside Traders / Mobile Shops / Street Markets ...........................................................31
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................32
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................32
Unit Retailers .......................................................................................................................................................32
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................32
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................33
Automatic Vending Machines ..............................................................................................................................33
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................33
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................33
Specialty shops.....................................................................................................................................................34
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................34
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................34
LARGE SCALE RETAILERS ......................................................................................................................................34
Department Store ................................................................................................................................................34
Advantages of departmental stores ....................................................................................................................34
Disadvantages of departmental stores ................................................................................................................35
Multiple Chain Stores / Multiple Shops:...............................................................................................................35
Advantages ..........................................................................................................................................................36
Disadvantages .....................................................................................................................................................36
Super market .......................................................................................................................................................36
Advantages of supermarket ................................................................................................................................37
Disadvantages of supermarkets ..........................................................................................................................37
Hyper Market .......................................................................................................................................................37
Advantages of hypermarket ................................................................................................................................38
Disadvantages of hypermarkets ..........................................................................................................................38
2.3 LARGE SCALE AND SMALL SCALE RETAILING ..................................................................................................... 38
How do small scale retailers survive against competition from large scale retailers? ........................................39
2.4 SELLING TECHNIQUES AND METHODS AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF E-COMMERCE ........................................................ 40
Branding / Own Brands / Logo ............................................................................................................................40
Packaging ............................................................................................................................................................41
Self Service ...........................................................................................................................................................42
After Sale Service .................................................................................................................................................42
Computers as AID to retailing ..............................................................................................................................43
E-commerce .........................................................................................................................................................45
Why Small Scale Retailers are dependent on wholesalers ...................................................................................45
2.5 TRENDS IN RETAILING ................................................................................................................................. 46
Omni-channel (Omni-channel retailing) ..............................................................................................................46
Self Service Checkouts ..........................................................................................................................................46
Loyalty Programs .................................................................................................................................................47
Mobile Retailing: (m-commerce) .........................................................................................................................47
UNIT 3 CUSTOMER CREDIT ............................................................................................................................... 50
3.1 USE OF CREDIT.......................................................................................................................................... 50
Reasons for giving Credit / Reasons for increased use of credit ..........................................................................50
3.2 TYPES OF CREDIT ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Hire Purchase .......................................................................................................................................................52
Extended Credit / Deferred payment: ..................................................................................................................53
Store cards ...........................................................................................................................................................54
Credit Cards .........................................................................................................................................................54
Informal Credit / Lay-bye .....................................................................................................................................56
3.3 SUITABILITY OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF CREDIT ..................................................................................................... 57
UNIT 4 WHOLESALER ........................................................................................................................................ 60
4.1 THE ROLE OF WHOLESALER IN THE CHAIN OF DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................. 60
Wholesale Trade: .................................................................................................................................................60
Channel of Distribution ........................................................................................................................................60
Different Channels of Distribution .......................................................................................................................60
Factors affecting choice of Channel of Distributions ...........................................................................................61
4.2 FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES OF THE WHOLESALER ................................................................................................ 62
Cash-and-carry wholesalers .................................................................................................................................62
Voluntary chains ..................................................................................................................................................62
Reasons why do wholesalers not operate at retail level ......................................................................................63
Why the role of wholesaler is on decline .............................................................................................................63
4.3 INTERMEDIARIES ....................................................................................................................................... 64
Middle Man .........................................................................................................................................................64
Agents: .................................................................................................................................................................65
1. Factors .........................................................................................................................................................65
2. Brokers .........................................................................................................................................................65
Special types of Middleman .................................................................................................................................65
Why Small Scale Retailers are dependent on wholesalers ...................................................................................65
I am thankful to the Omnipotent Allah almighty for His endless blessings and never-ending love that has
enabled me to take a step ahead in my life and to strive for the best. The consumer market is
continuously changing with technological advancement and ever changing customers’ tastes and
preferences. The emergence of smart phones, in particular, has eliminated a great number of gadgets
and changed the lifestyle of whole globe. People, everywhere, are now found using smart phones. From
e-commerce and app stores to video advertising etc., the trade environment has changed altogether.
Considering this, CIE updated the syllabus for Commerce O-levels from 2018. Not only the syllabus
content has changed from traditional trade systems to technological adaptation but the examinations’
structure of the subject has also changed. Unfortunately, no book on ‘O-level commerce’, with new
technological terminologies, is available in the market so far, to provide relief to the students of
commerce. This book uses most advanced technological concepts to prepare them for CIE O-level
Examination from 2018 onwards.
This book is intended to cover the commerce content of CIE O-level syllabus comprehensively, with a
thorough discussion from basics of trade even for students with less knowledge and for non-business
students. The topics like customers’ protection, omni-channel retailing, self-service check-outs,
development of loyalty programmes, virtual retailing, mobile retailing (m-commerce), digital billboards,
social media, digital video, computer hardware (tablets, smart phones), digital banking, mobile wallet,
cashless society, closure of bank branches and commerce in the external environment have been
addressed in detail to help students get prepared for best grades. A brief list of learning objectives at the
beginning of each topic will assist readers to determine the factors they should understand while going
through the topic.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to numerous people for their
guidance and support in writing this book. In particular, I am grateful to Mr. Imran Latif first for
encouraging me to develop a book for students, as they were suffering from academic deprivation in
commerce, and then for the inputs, he made, enabling me to write this book. I remain indebted for his
constructive criticism, reviews and continuous guidance for this book.
At the end, As it is the first edition of the notes in publishing, I thank you all in advance and request for
any suggestions to make the subsequent editions more useful.
Zeeshan Sheikh
Mobile No. 0333 – 4283727
1.4 Commerce
define the terms trade and commerce showing the differences between them
discuss how distribution assists commercial activity
explain the nature, purposes and importance of trade, both at home and overseas
discuss how advertising, communications, transport, warehousing, insurance, banking and finance
help trade to function
evaluate the extent to which businesses are involved in trade and/or commerce
describe characteristics of mail order, telesales, television shopping, online shopping (e-tailing) and
discuss the advantages and disadvantages to retailers and consumers of these methods of selling
evaluate the likely implications for retail outlets and consumers of the growth of online shopping ande-
4.3 Intermediaries
evaluate the role of agents (including brokers andfactors) and export merchants in international trade
7.1 The role of advertising
show understanding of the purposes of advertising
7.2 Media
identify the main forms of advertising media, including:television, radio, internet, cinema, newspapers
(localand national), magazines, trade journals, trade fairsand shows, leaflets/flyers, packaging, direct
mail,sponsorship, catalogues/brochures, digital billboards,transport vehicles, displays – point of sale
and window,neon lights, signs
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the mainforms of advertising media
evaluate the factors affecting choice of medium ingiven situations
8.1 Importance ofcommunications in trade and the global market
show understanding of the importance of communications in trade and the global market
evaluate the need for rapid and accurate communication in trade and in the global market
9.1 Transportation
evaluate the importance of transportation in the chain of distribution
describe the characteristics of different methods: road, rail, air, sea, waterways, pipeline
describe different modes of transport used for road, rail, air and sea, including: passenger train,
goods train, ferry, tanker, bulk carrier, cruise liner, containership, cargo liner, delivery vans, buses,
shared taxis, passenger aircraft, freight planes
evaluate the factors affecting choice of method in given situations
evaluate the benefits to a business of having own transport
9.2 Containerisation
identify main features
discuss advantages and disadvantages
discuss reasons for increased use
10.1 Role of warehousing
describe warehousing functions
evaluate the importance of warehousing to businesses and trade, including: links with seasonal
production, demand, protecting supply and price stability
10.2 Types of warehouse
identify the main features of bonded, cold storage, cash and carry, manufacturers’ and retailers’
warehouses and large-scale retailers’ regional distributioncenters
evaluate the importance of each in either home or international trade
11.1 Purposes of insurance
describe the purposes, including: risk reduction, compensation, financial protection, business
confidence, investment
evaluate the importance of pooling of risk
11.2 Business and personal risks
identify and describe the main types of business and personal risk and explain why they are important
distinguish between insurable and non-insurable risks
explain why some risks are not insurable
11.3 Insurance principles
explain the essential elements of insurance principles, including: indemnity (including contribution and
subrogation), insurable interest, utmost good faith and explain how they are applied
evaluate the importance of insurance principles when taking out insurance and making a claim in
given situations (including calculations relating to insurance premiums and compensation payments)
11.4 Effecting insurance cover
outline procedures, including calculating premiums
identify the main documents of insurance, including: proposal form, cover note, policy and explain
their purposes
12.1 Banking services
distinguish between deposit/savings accounts and current/cheque accounts
describe services and documents provided to personal and business customers, including: paying-in
slip, bank statement, night safe, ATM services, internet banking, telephone banking
explain when each service and document would be used
13.4 Franchises
describe the main characteristics of franchises
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of franchises for particular businesses
13.5 Multinationals
define multinational company
explain reasons for the existence of multinationals in the global economy
evaluate the importance of multinationals in the global economy
evaluate the opportunities offered to, and conflicting interests of, multinational companies locating in
individual countries
14.1 Sources of finance
distinguish between long-term and short-term finance
discuss the main features, advantages and disadvantages of:
o long-term finance, e.g. shares (ordinary and preference), debentures, mortgages, loans, sale and
o short-term finance, e.g. overdraft, factoring, leasing, trade credit, hire purchase
describe methods of self-financing, including: retained earnings (retained profits), sale of assets,
evaluate the suitability of choice of finance (including self-financing) in given situations
1.1 The chain production
1.2 Primary industries, secondary
industries and tertiary activities
1.3 Specialisation and division of
1.4 Commerce
1.5 The relationship between
O Level industry, commerce and direct
Commerce Notes
Zeeshan Sheikh
Cell: 0333-42-83-727 0336-5314141
Unit 1 20 Production
What is commerce?
Commerce is the study that relates to distribution of products from the producer (point of
production) to the end user (point of consumption).
Commerce is the activity of buying and selling goods and services especially on large scale “against a
monetary value”
Commerce also refers to exchange of goods and services of value, between businesses or entities.
Production is any activity which serves to satisfy human needs and wants. It means changing the form
of resources and adding value to them according to the desires of the consumers. The aim of production
is to fulfill human needs and wants.
Chain of production
The chain of production involves a series of stages, which add value (added value is equal to selling price
less cost of materials) to the end product.
Production chain is the steps taken to convert raw materials into goods. It combines all the three stages
of production (primary, secondary and tertiary) and ends when the form of good is changed. Production
cycle completes only when goods reach to the point of consumption i-e to the consumer.
At times, production is also referred as creation of utility* which states that raw materials are
transformed into some useful products which were not useful earlier that will result in satisfaction of
human needs and wants. In simple words we can describe production as Goods and services are
produced to satisfy needs and wants of the people.
* Creation of Utility can be of different types. (All are considered as production)
Utility of form: Any activity that changes the form of a product so that it becomes more useful to the
consumer for example conversion of leather skins into useable jackets.
Unit 1 21 Production
Utility of place: Any activity of transferring goods or services to a location which is within easier access
to the consumer, for example transfer of goods from factories to nearby retail shops.
Utility of time: Any activity to make the product available in time when it is needed by the consumers, for
example availability of wheat throughout the year.
Producer is a business entity or a person who produces goods and services to satisfy need and wants.
Consumers are the ultimate users of goods and services produced.
Needs Are the items without which a person cannot survive. They include food to eat, shelter, water,
cloths etc. Hence are the things necessary for living.
Wants are those goods and services which are not compulsory for living but makes life easier. These
are the products and services without which human can survive and they consume those products to
please themselves. e.g. holidays, branded cloths and cars etc.
Direct Indirect
(Self - production) (Aimed to market)
Direct production is when a person produces what he needs by himself, it is called direct production.
It is sometimes also referred as self production.
e.g. Growing vegetables needed by the family in the home garden itself, or making a chair at home to be
used by the family for sitting.
When goods, services and ideas are produced with the intention of selling them in the market it is called
as indirect production. It is because goods are produced aiming at the market. Most of the
production activity in world belongs to indirect production.
Categories of production
Products in primary production are in unusable form therefore they have to be moved to secondary stage
of production.
Now, products are ready to be used by the consumers, but are at wrong place, therefore they are moved
to tertiary stage.
Manufacturing is concerned with producing and transforming goods from raw materials while tertiary
activities are concerned with the distribution of finished goods from the factory to the final consumer.
Without tertiary activities, finished goods would not be sold because there would not be any
advertising, no finance to build factories, no storage facility, and no transport to the retailer/wholesaler
and no communication between buyer and seller.
Manufacturing would not be able to take place as goods will remain in stock and so it is dependent on
tertiary activities (e.g. retailing) to get the goods to the right person at the right time.
As manufacturing becomes more specialized, the manufacturer will become more dependent on
others to provide tertiary services.
The manufacturer may set up some of the tertiary activities himself – advertise, have warehouses,
have his own transport he may also have his own retail outlet, e.g. factory shop but usually he sells to
wholesaler or retailer.
Tertiary activities are also concerned with trading in services, advertising and communicating these
services and so are not entirely inter-related with manufacturing.
The manufacturer will need to insure the factory/its contents against risk, e.g. public liability,
employer’s liability
When working people continuously do some work that they select according to their ability or skills, they
get a special ability or a competency in doing it. It is called specialization. e.g.: A carpenter has special
ability in making furniture. The special competency he gets by involving in it for a long time that is to
produce quality and artistic furniture, is specialization. Hence specialization is to do something at which
one is best at.
Specialization is attained because of division of labor in which work is divided into stages. Division of
labor is separation of work process into tasks and each task is performed by a separate person or group.
Therefore, division of labor is referred as breaking down of a productive activity into simpler tasks so that
a person specializes in that task can perform it.
Advantages of Specialization
To Manufacturer To Workers To consumers
Reduced costs enable
Increased productivity (output per Increased productivity (output per
consumers to get products at
worker) worker)
cheaper prices
Higher living standards
Producer concentrates on one Less efforts because of capital
because of higher purchasing
product intensive methods of production
Production can move from labor Workers get skilled and can get
intensive to capital intensive employed in different work
techniques (automation). places.
Economies of scale can be
achieved (through low average Less time consuming.
cost of production).
Reduces labor cost as production
Increases concentration on work.
moves to automation
Better efficiency because of better
Enables to produce better quality
techniques and updated
Unit 1 24 Production
Forms of Specialization
(Produce what one is best at)
Specialization at regional level (by a number of countries) occurs when a group of countries produce a
particular or similar product at large level (normally through natural resources) e.g. Arab (middle east)
region is well known for oil production, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia etc. have large Deposits of
diamonds, gold, copper etc.
Specialization at country level occurs when a certain country devotes itself mainly to produce
certain products which it exports to other countries. Through this, a country produces what they do best or
can produce most economically. e.g. Pakistan is world famous for making sports goods and footballs,
Singapore, Maldives and Dubai are famous for their tourist industries etc.
Specialization at region level occurs when a particular region in a country devotes its self in
producing certain types of products, which is used by all the country. e.g. in Pakistan, Punjab province is
known for agricultural products, Baluchistan for Mining and Quarrying, Bordeaux region in France is well
known for its wine production etc.
Specialization at town / city level occurs when a particular city in a country devotes its self in
producing certain types of products, which is used by all the country. e.g. Sialkot is famous for
specialization in its sports goods industry.
Specialization at firm level / Specialization in workplace occur when a firm is divided into
departments and within departments individual workers have their own specialized duty.
Unit 1 25 Production
Commerce is the study that relates to distribution of products from the producer (point of
production) to the end user (point of consumption).
Commerce is the activity of buying and selling goods and services especially on large scale “against a
monetary value”
Commerce also refers to exchange of goods and services of value, between businesses or entities.
Exports Imports
wholesale trade Retail Trade
(bulk) (to end user)
Types of Trade
Home Trade is buying and selling of goods and services within international boundaries of the country.
The buyer and seller are residents of the same country hence they speak the same language and trade in
same currency. Goods are transported easily using railways or through highways between the cities and
because of a good knowledge of local market, terms of trade are easily set.
Foreign Trade is buying and selling of goods and services across the globe. In this, both buyer and
seller are from different countries therefore it is more complicated than home trade. A common currency
for trade have to be set, language barriers have to be dealt with, transportation of goods become
Unit 1 26 Production
technical and normally terms and conditions have to be made considering different legislation among
countries too.
In foreign trade, export trade means sale of goods and services to buyer in other countries while import
trade means buying goods and services from sellers in other countries.
Better standard of living through better exports and through using better quality imported products.
Mass production produces surplus which can be sold out in international (bigger) markets
More exports mean a favorable balance of payment and better current account.
Countries are able to use the products they are not self-sufficient in and normally imported products
are of better quality than locally manufactured products.
Enabled the growth of service sector (i-e insurance, transportation, banking etc.)
Low cost of production can be achieved in exports industries through economies of scale and
imported goods may also be available to consumers in relatively cheap prices.
Home and foreign trade are similar in various prospects e.g. trade is done to make profits, satisfies needs
and wants of consumers, both types are dependent upon aids to trade, surplus goods are sold,
specialization is achieved.
Differences in home and foreign trade can be summed up in table below:
Aids to Trade are the services which are required to facilitate trade. That means aids to trade are
commercial services that help trade to function. There are several aids to trade which are as follows:
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