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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

Trionic 5

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

This document is intended for Saab fanatics and engineers who want to start understanding the Saab
Trionic 5 engine management system. It will give as much information as possible about the technical
part of the system. The only limitation will be the knowledge of the author.

In short the content of this document will enable you to understand Trionic better and give you
hands-on information about altering the maps it uses. Prerequisites are minor electronics and
computer knowlegde and of course some understanding of how a turbo charged engine works.

Throughout the document the T5Suite software will be referenced. This software will enable you to
really “get into” the Trionic. The T5Suite software can be downloaded from the T5Suite website.


The author would like to thank everyone on ecuproject for their help on getting all this information
together. Special thanks go out to General Failure, J.K. Nilsson, Hook, Hma, Vigge, Mackan, Renton,
Sourcode, Seb, Sandy Rus, JKB, L4staero and Steve Hayes.

These icons are used throughout the document to denote:


T5.2 remarks

Advanced technical topics

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 ii

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

Table of contents

Preface................................................................................................................................................. ii
Table of contents...................................................................................................................................iii
Hardware ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Integrated circuit list .......................................................................................................................... 1
Block schematic diagram..................................................................................................................... 2
PCB details ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Power supply ................................................................................................................................ 3
DI cartridge triggering.................................................................................................................... 4
BPC drivers (MTP3055V) ................................................................................................................. 5
Injector drivers (MTD3055VL).......................................................................................................... 6
Crankshaft position sensor (LM1815) ................................................................................................ 6
Analogue to Digital converter (TLC546)............................................................................................. 7
Flash.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Using public domain LPT BDM interface................................................................................................. 8
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 8
Install FlashT5............................................................................................................................... 8
Prepare ECU for flash management.................................................................................................. 8
Dumping flash memory .................................................................................................................. 9
Flashing the ECU ........................................................................................................................... 9
If you run into a problem................................................................................................................ 9
Downloading with PEMicro USB BDM interface ..................................................................................... 11
Flashing with PEMicro USB BDM interface............................................................................................ 11
Checksum ................................................................................................................................ 12
Firmware ....................................................................................................................................... 13
General .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Memory map ............................................................................................................................. 13
Disassembling the code ............................................................................................................... 13
Symbol tables ................................................................................................................................ 15
General .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Maps.................................................................................................................................................. 19
General .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Adaption limiting.............................................................................................................................. 19
Fuel............................................................................................................................................... 20
Fuel injector valves ...................................................................................................................... 20
Pre injection ............................................................................................................................... 20
Maximum torque ......................................................................................................................... 20
Calculating of injection time .......................................................................................................... 20
Cranking enrichment.................................................................................................................... 23
Lambda correction ....................................................................................................................... 24
Acceleration and deceleration ........................................................................................................ 25
Idle correction............................................................................................................................. 26
Knocking .................................................................................................................................... 27
Knock sensitivity.......................................................................................................................... 28
Altering VE map .......................................................................................................................... 30
Adaption .................................................................................................................................... 32
Pointed adaption ......................................................................................................................... 32
Global adaption ........................................................................................................................... 32
Fuel save.................................................................................................................................... 32
Converting to E85 fuel.................................................................................................................. 32
Fuel consumption measurement .................................................................................................... 33
HOWTO: Get your fuelling under control......................................................................................... 34
Ignition .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Ignition cassette.......................................................................................................................... 37
Ignition regulation ....................................................................................................................... 37
Combustion signals...................................................................................................................... 38
Ignition maps.............................................................................................................................. 38
Altering ignition maps................................................................................................................... 42
Crankshaft position sensor ............................................................................................................ 42

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

HOWTO: Get your ignition advance under control............................................................................. 43

Boost ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Basic charging pressure................................................................................................................ 44
Charging pressure regulation......................................................................................................... 44
Computing adaption..................................................................................................................... 46
Boost request.............................................................................................................................. 46
Limiters...................................................................................................................................... 47
Fuel cut limiter ............................................................................................................................ 48
HOWTO: Get your boost under control ........................................................................................... 48
Gear ratio................................................................................................................................... 54
Variables ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Program mode ................................................................................................................................ 55
Footer information ...................................................................................................................... 56
Tuning the T5 ..................................................................................................................................... 57
Engine types................................................................................................................................... 57
B204E, B204S and B234E ............................................................................................................. 57
B204L, B234L and B234R.............................................................................................................. 57
Tuning in general............................................................................................................................. 58
General information ..................................................................................................................... 58
Hardware requirements ................................................................................................................ 59
Knocking .................................................................................................................................... 59
Volumetric Efficiency (VE)............................................................................................................. 60
PID Control................................................................................................................................. 60
Tuning with T5Suite......................................................................................................................... 75
Manual tuning............................................................................................................................. 75
Tuning wizard ............................................................................................................................. 76
Converting to 3 bar mapsensor .......................................................................................................... 77
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 77
Issues........................................................................................................................................ 77
Maps that should be considered when converting to 3 bar sensor ....................................................... 82
Overs_tab_xaxis Implementation in T5Suite ................................................................................... 82
Implementation in T5Suite............................................................................................................ 83
Converting T5 to larger injectors........................................................................................................ 84
Injector information ..................................................................................................................... 85
Technical information................................................................................................................... 87
Converting math.......................................................................................................................... 89
Real world .................................................................................................................................. 90
Simple conversion........................................................................................................................ 92
Advanced conversion ................................................................................................................... 93
Implementation in T5Suite............................................................................................................ 94
Adjusting supporting axis.................................................................................................................. 95
CAN Bus interface ................................................................................................................................ 97
General information ......................................................................................................................... 97
Connecting to CAN bus with ECU on your desk..................................................................................... 97
CAN Bus (SFI) test connector ............................................................................................................ 98
CAN Bus termination ........................................................................................................................ 99
CAN Bus protocol ......................................................................................................................100
Monitoring real time data .................................................................................................................102
Downloading adaption data..............................................................................................................107
Cable example................................................................................................................................107
Downloading and flashing Trionic 5 ...................................................................................................108
Implementation in T5Suite ...............................................................................................................108
Common mistakes and FAQ..................................................................................................................111
General .........................................................................................................................................111
T5Suite .........................................................................................................................................113
BD32 ............................................................................................................................................113
IDA Pro ....................................................................................................................................113
Hex editor ...............................................................................................................................114
References ...................................................................................................................................115
Webreferences ...............................................................................................................................115
Appendix I : Symbol list .......................................................................................................................116

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

Flash symbols.................................................................................................................................116
Appendix II : Trionic 5 pinout ...............................................................................................................125
70 pin connector.............................................................................................................................125
Appendix III : BDM technical information ...............................................................................................126
General .........................................................................................................................................126
Home build 2 chips design schema....................................................................................................126
Pinout ...........................................................................................................................................127
Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps...................................................................................................128
How to read compressor maps..........................................................................................................129
Choke area ................................................................................................................................129
Comparing compressor maps .......................................................................................................130
Understanding information within the compressor map ....................................................................130
Surge limit.................................................................................................................................131
Selecting a different turbo charger ....................................................................................................131
Calculating your engine’s flow requirements ...................................................................................131
Determining the Best Wheel Trim-Housing A/R Combination .............................................................133
Garrett T25 specifications.................................................................................................................134
Mitisubishi TD04-15G specifications ...................................................................................................135
Mitsubishi TD04-19T specifications ....................................................................................................136
Garrett GT28RS (GT2860R) specifications...........................................................................................137
Garrett GT30R specifications.............................................................................................................138
Conclusion .....................................................................................................................................139
Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7 ...........................................................................................................140
Stage I..........................................................................................................................................140
Stage II.........................................................................................................................................140
Stage III .......................................................................................................................................141
Stage IV........................................................................................................................................141
Stage V.........................................................................................................................................142
Stage VI........................................................................................................................................142
Stage VII.......................................................................................................................................143
Appendix VI: Check Engine Light (CEL) ..................................................................................................144
CEL Flash codes..............................................................................................................................144
Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection..............................................................................................145
Ionization current generation............................................................................................................145
Ionization current sensing ................................................................................................................146
Detection ..................................................................................................................................147
Ionization Current Terminology.....................................................................................................147
Spark Advance and Cylinder Pressure ................................................................................................148
Peak Pressure Concept ....................................................................................................................149
Engine-tuning for efficiency..............................................................................................................150
Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators ....................................................................................................151
General .........................................................................................................................................151
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor .............................................................................................151
Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) sensor .........................................................................................151
Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor .......................................................................................151
Coolant Temperature sensor ........................................................................................................152
Crankshaft position sensor ...........................................................................................................152
Battery voltage...........................................................................................................................153
Throttle Position sensor (TPS) ......................................................................................................153
Lambda sonde (oxygen sensor) ....................................................................................................154
Knock sensor .............................................................................................................................155
Vehicle speed signal....................................................................................................................155
Boost control valve .....................................................................................................................156
Wastegate actuator.....................................................................................................................156
Injectors ...................................................................................................................................158
Spark plugs................................................................................................................................158
DI Cartridge...............................................................................................................................159
Purge valve (carbon canister solenoid valve)...................................................................................160
Idle Air Control (IAC) valve ..........................................................................................................160
Appendix IX: Converting to T7 boost control valve ...................................................................................161
Short description ............................................................................................................................161
Hardware modifications ...................................................................................................................161

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite

Software modifications ....................................................................................................................162

Proving it is possible........................................................................................................................162
Appendix X: How to connect the PD BDM programmer to a T5/T7 ECU.......................................................164
Pinout ...........................................................................................................................................164
Appendix XI: How to flash a T5 ECU......................................................................................................167
Overview .......................................................................................................................................167
Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................167
Steps ............................................................................................................................................167
Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface .......................................................................169
Overview .......................................................................................................................................169
Steps ............................................................................................................................................169
Appendix XIII: Installing a knock LED ....................................................................................................175
Description ....................................................................................................................................175
Schematic diagram..........................................................................................................................175
Appendix XIV: A tuned example on the road ...........................................................................................176
Description ....................................................................................................................................176
Appendix XV: Program mode status bytes...............................................................................................177
Description ....................................................................................................................................177
Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation.....................................................................................................178
Description ....................................................................................................................................178
Equation 1.................................................................................................................................178
Equation 2.................................................................................................................................179
Pressure drop.................................................................................................................................181
Appendix XVII: Fuel calculation formulas................................................................................................183
Correction factors ...........................................................................................................................183
Appendix XVIII: You can be too rich ......................................................................................................184
Adding fuel too cool ........................................................................................................................184
Appendix XIX: Acronyms......................................................................................................................186
Engine management specifics...........................................................................................................186

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 vi

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Integrated circuit list

The T5 is build around a Motorola MC68332 microcontroller. This is a 32 bit controller that handles the
entire engine management including fuel injection, ignition timing, knock control, diagnostics and
boost pressure control.
The processor has a vast 2Mb (256 kByte) flash memory (only 1Mb for T5.2) to its disposition for
fetching program code and maps. This memory is divided into two physical flash chips (28F010 for
T5.5, 28F512 for T5.2) that each holds half of the program memory. Saab has made it a little harder
to reverse engineer the T5 by having all even bytes of program memory written to one chip and all
uneven bytes to the other. So, byte 0 is in the first chip whereas byte 1 is in the second one, and so
on. Of course some RAM memory is present in the form of a 256 kbit SRAM TC55257 chip. This
results in 32 kByte of RAM. The board also contains a AN82526 (CAN Controller), a TLC546 (8 bit A/D
converter), and a LM1815 (Sensor amplifier). This sensor amplifier is used for crank shaft position

Integrated circuit list

The table below lists almost all IC’s on the board. This is just to give you an idea on what to expect.

Partnumber Function Usage # on board

MC68332 Main micro controller All functions 1
28F010 1 Mb flash memory Storage of program 2
TC55257 256 kb SRAM Runtime memory 1
L4937 Dual multifunction voltage regulator Power supply on board 1
AN82526 CAN interface Communication 1
TLC546 A/D converter (19 inputs) Sensor reading 1
LM1815 Sensor amplifier Crankshaft sensor 1
L9842 Octal Power Driver 2
74HC00 Quad positive NAND gate
74HC02 Quad NOR gate
74HC03 Quad NAND gate (open drain)
74HC14 6 Hex inverting schmitt triggers
74HC74 Dual D type flip-flop
74HC123 Dual monostable multivibrator
CA3262E Quad 700 mA driver DI triggering 1
TLC274 Quad op-amp
MTP3055V N-channel MOSFET TO-220 BCV drivers (high current) 3
MTD3055VL N-channel MOSFET DPAK SMD 4 Injector drivers 10
2 EVAP purge valve drivers
1 O2 sensor preheating
1 Vacuum pump driver
1 IAC valve driver

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 1

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

Block schematic diagram

In 1994 and post trionic (T5.5) there is a slotted disk attached to crankshaft which is read with an
inductive pickup sensor. Each time a slot and a bridge in the disk moves past the sensor the
reluctance of the magnetic circuit variates and thus a signal can be acquired. There is one bridge
missing in this disk and that is used to determine the TDC. The signal from the sensor is converted to
a usable signal for the ECU by the LM1815.

Trionic is an all sequential injection system meaning that each dose of fuel is calculated for each
cylinder in ignition sequence. There is a lot of sensor data (like engine coolant temperature, manifold
absolute pressure (MAP), manifold air temperature (MAT)) that is used for calculating the injector
open time. Also, several constants are used like engine volumetric efficiency at a certain point of load
(a matrix of rpm and manifold pressure), injector constant, battery voltage table etc. Even further,
this is still adjusted by variables like lambda feedback and throttle position sensor delta from previous
position of it (acceleration enrichment and deceleration enleanment).

There are three different hardware versions of T5. In 1993 Trionic 5.2 was used with engines B324R
and B234L. In 1994 Trionic 5.5 came to all engines (in 9000, NG900 turbo only) and from 1996 on
Trionic 5.5 was updated with faster CPU (20 MHz, to cope with ODBII requirements) and flash
memories (90 ns access time).

The ignition switch (+15, pin 60) on the Trionic 5 box controls the internal +12 volt regulator. When
you turn off the ignition, the CPU and others will power down too. There is apparently a delay circuitry
on the board which will turn on the box after about 15 minutes for updating adaptive injection tables

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 2

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

PCB details
The PCB layout is not entirely known of course because SAAB did not release details about this, even
in the service manuals. Finding out how things are setup is not so very difficult though, once you
know what the system should do and what hardware components are on the board.
The image will give you some idea on what is what on the board.

Power supply

The board is powered by the car battery. The input voltage (+11V - +14V) is transformed to a usable
voltage by the L4937 (Voltage regulator). The input voltage (from the battery) is supplied to
pinnumber 1 on the regulator. The output voltages (Vo1 and Vo2) are stabalized +5 volt which can
sink 50 mA and 500 mA respectively. The Vo1 is a standby voltage. If the ignition is turned off an RC
network will keep the power supply in operational state for a while and then lets it resume into
standby modus in which the power drain is significantly lower. The maximum standby current the
regulator can sink is 50 mA. Nice to know is that the regulator can supply its +5 volt output when the
input ranges from +6V upto +28V (with transient spikes upto +40V). When starting a car the battery
voltage can drop as low as 6-7 volts when the battery is not in tiptop shape. The regulator is located
opposite of the MOSFETs that drive the boost control valve.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 3

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

DI cartridge triggering

The DI cartridge has a trigger input for firing the four individual sparkplugs. These are triggered by
signals from the ECU on pin 9, 10, 11 and 12 which are generated in the power driver IC CA3236 on
the Trionic PCB (topside, 16 pin DIL housing). Internally these four pins are connected as show in the
tabel and the image below.

DI cartridge pin ECU pinnumber CA3236 pinnumber Description

2 9 1 (OUT A) Trigger cylinder 1
3 10 3 (OUT B) Trigger cylinder 2
4 11 6 (OUT C) Trigger cylinder 3
5 12 8 (OUT D) Trigger cylinder 4

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 4

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

BPC drivers (MTP3055V)

The ECU pulses the boost control valve in order to bleed air pressure to the wastegate or to the
compressor housing and thus controlling the charging pressure of the turbo. The boost control valve is
simply a set of coils that control the position of a metal plate in the valve to determine how much air
should pass in one direction and how much air should pass in the other direction. Driving the coils
with enough energy for them to be able to shift the plate to one side or the other needs more current
than the microcontroller can deliver by itself (the outputs of the controller could never sink enough
current for the coils) and so an “current amplifier” is needed. The FETs (Field Effect Transistors) used
by default don’t conduct current. When a tiny amount of current starts flowing through the gate
suddenly the circuit Source – Drain will conduct current. In this way we have a current amplifier (also
called electronical activated switch, as one could indeed characterize a FET) and the microcontroller
can determine when to flow large amount of current (and thus energy) though the coils in the valve.
Pulsing the coils in the right frequency and pulse width now controls the amount of air pressure
applied to the wastegate actuator.
The image below shows the FET used for driving the coils in the valve and a schematic diagram of
how this is setup to work.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 5

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

Injector drivers (MTD3055VL)

Since fuel injection also relies on a solenoid valve to open and close the injector Trionic needs power
drivers for these too. These smaller packages can supply the same amount of current as the TO-220
packaged ones that are used for the boost control valve, but the resistance in the conducting state is
slightly higher. The way the MOSFETs are used is very simular to the boost control valve.

Crankshaft position sensor (LM1815)

The crankshaft sensor signal needs to be amplified before the microcontroller can interpret it. This
amplification is done by the LM1815. It is probably used in adaptive mode (mode 1). In this setup the
signal from the VR pickup sensor for the crankshaft position is (filtered) supplied to pin 3 (Vin). The
nice square wave signal is picked up from pin 12 (reference pulse out) and supplied to the
microcontroller for timing and counting.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 6

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Block schematic diagram

Analogue to Digital converter (TLC546)

input# HW address ECU pin TLC546 pin Description

0 1 (INPUTA0) AD_trot, Throttle Position, 0-5 volt, 0-255
1 2 (INPUTA1)
2 0xFFFD0D 68 3 (INPUTA2) AD_kylv, Coolant temp, 0-5 volt, 0-255
3 4 (INPUTA3)
4 0xFFFD0B 44 5 (INPUTA4) AD_knock
5 0xFFFD08 46 6 (INPUTA5) AD_lufttemp
6 7 (INPUTA6)
7 8 (INPUTA9)
8 0xFFFD05 23 9 (INPUTA8) AD_sond (0-1.3 volt, 0-80)
9 0xFFFD07 70 10 (INPUTA9) AD_cat (0-1.3 volt, 0-69)
10 11 (INPUTA10)
11 12 (INPUTA11)
12 13 (INPUTA12)
13 15 (INPUTA13)
14 16 (INPUTA14)
15 0xFFFD03 69 17 (INPUTA15) AD_EGR (0-5 volt, 0-255)
16 18 (INPUTA16)
17 19 (INPUTA17)
18 20 (INPUTA18)

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 7

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Using public domain LPT BDM interface


Important note!
The flash memories in the T5 ECUs are starting to get old and writing to the flash does not always
work. If this should be the case the ECU will be inoperable and the only way to fix it is to physically
replace the flash chips on the board. Unfortunatelly there is no way to determine the status of the
flash in advance. Please do not flash if you only have one ECU and you really need it to drive your car.

The binary file that consists of 256 kilobyte of program code (128 kB for T5.2) can be downloaded
from the ECU in several ways. One option is to remove the PLCC32 flash chips from the board and
read the program code from the chips in a programmer (for example the well known Willem
programmer). Because this requires special tools (or a very skillful hand) that are not very common
this is not the ideal way. The advantage is that sockets can be mounted on the board once the chips
have been desoldered. This way, new firmware can be flashed with a normal flash programmer.
The other way to download the code is to hook up a BDM (background debugger module) to the ECU
and use BD32.exe to download the code from the flash with the ECU running (not in a car though, on
the bench ). Last but not least, the binary file can be downloaded from the ECU through a CANbus
interface for which you need an adapter and some wiring. More will be written about this later in this

Using public domain LPT BDM interface

To download the code you’ll need to have a T5 on your desk, a power supply that can supply +12
volts regulated, some wiring, a Win9x (!!!) or DOS PC with a parallel port, a BDM interface (see
appendix III for more information), a 8 pin DIL header, a soldering iron, the BDM software
(, the T5dumper scripts available from the and some patience.
 Open the ECU by removing the six small torx screws.
 Locate the 8 pin header pads on the top side of the board and solder the 8 pin header onto it.
 Connect the power wires to the ECU as shown in image 1. See appendix II for more
information about T5 pinout.
 Connect the BDM interface to your computers parallel port.
 Connect the BDM interface to the 8 pin header you’ve soldered onto the board. See appendix
III for information about pinout.
 Power up the ECU.

 BD32 must be installed and working (see appendix XII).
 The BDM interface must be connected to the T5 ECU and to the computer.
 The T5 ECU must be powered up.

Install FlashT5
 Download FlashT5 from
 Unpack the files in the same directory as BD32 is installed in.

Prepare ECU for flash management

 In BD32 give the command: "do". This will start a script that prepares the
processor in the ECU for flash management. Among several things this script will disable the
watchdog, set up registers to allow writing to flash and tell BD32 where to load the target
resident program.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 8

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Using public domain LPT BDM interface

Dumping flash memory

This step is not necessary but can be used to verify that the content of the flash really is changed. It
is a good idea to always make a backup of the flash before you start writing to it.

 In BD32 give the command: "dumpT5 filename.bin”.

filename.bin can be replaced with a file name of your choice as long as you stick with the 8.3 format
(so 8 characters for filename and 3 for extension). BD32 will now download a target resident program
that reads from flash and sends the information to BD32. You will see a number of dots appearing in
BD32 during the copying. When you return to the BD32 prompt you will have succesfully downloaded
the flash content.

Flashing the ECU

 Read Important note above!
 In BD32 give the command: "flashT5 filename.bin"

filename.bin should be replaced by the name of the binary file that you want to write to flash (stick
with 8.3 format here as well). BD32 will now download a target resident program flashT5.d32 to the
processor in the ECU and execute it. The target resident program and BD32 cooperates during the
flashing (BD32 takes care of file handling and the target resident program handles writing to flash).
During the flashing you will see a number of dots being printed in BD32. This will stop when the
flashing is completed and the command prompt of BD32 will appear.

If you run into a problem

If you run into problem when you are flashing try this:

 Double the delay parameter.

 The bottom field in BD32 should report "MCU: STOPPED" while you are using flashT5. If you
for some reason have given the reset command you need to run the script again in
order to setup the registers and stop the MCU.
 If you get an Erase Error or Program Error message it is likely that your flash cannot be
written to (see Important note above). You can try flashing a couple of more times but it's
likely that the ECU no longer can be used.

For T5.2 there is a different script (dumpt52) which is availble from

Image 1: T5.5 pinout

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Using public domain LPT BDM interface

Image 2: BD32 memory display result

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Downloading with PEMicro USB BDM interface

Downloading with PEMicro USB BDM interface

Install the PEMicro device driver as described in the PEMicro documentation.

Install the PEMicro software as described in the PEMicro documentation.
Create a read batchfile for your settings as shown below in an example.
The read batchfile should be something like this.
c:\pemicro\pkg32z\cprog32z.exe c:\pemicro\READ_AMD.CFG Interface=USBMULTILINK Port=USB1 bdm_speed 2 ?

The READ_AMG.CFG file should contain these statements:

CM c:\pemicro\T5_AMDalgo.32P 0
UM c:\pemicro\FROM_ECU.S19

The read batchfile should be tailored to your specific needs. If you installed the PEMicro software in
another location then C:\Pemicro, the batchfile should be altered likewise.
Once you’ve got the batchfile running you can enter it as a parameter in T5Suite.
The config file tells which filename should be used by the PEMicro software. In the example the
filename is FROM_ECU.S19. Make sure this result file is the same as in the read batchfile.

Flashing with PEMicro USB BDM interface

Create a write batchfile for your settings as shown below in an example.

The write batchfile should be something like:
c:\pemicro\pkg32z\cprog32z.exe c:\pemicro\WRITE_AMD.CFG Interface=USBMULTILINK Port=USB1 bdm_speed 2 ?

And the WRITE_AMD.CFG file:

CM C:\pemicro\T5_AMDalgo.32P 0
SS c:\pemicro\TO_ECU.S19

T5Suite creates a TO_ECU.S19 automatically when writing to the ECU so this filename should also be
used in the write config file.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 11

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Hardware : Checksum


The firmware uses a checksum over the flash contents.

This checksum is a simple 32 bit addition of all bytes in the flash up to the part where the program
code ends. The end of the program code can be found programmatically by reading a footer field with
identifier 0xFE. This field indicates the last byte in the binary that belongs to the program code. This
byte is the last byte that should be calculated in the checksum.
Normally this is immediately after a certain marker. This marker is 4E FA FB CC for normal binaries. If
you alter any code between 0x00000 and the endmarker the checksum will have to be updated. The
checksum verification and update routines are also implemented in T5Suite.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 12

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Firmware : General



Once you are done with dumping the flash contents and you want to do more than only alter variables
and maps you can start analyzing the binary. This is a difficult task because there are a lot of different
firmware versions, stock ones – maybe different per MY and tuned ones that differ for every
manufacturer and stage. In every case the code can be disassembled using a 6833x disassembler like
the one in IDAPro. There are scripts available to automatically disassemble the code and make it more
readable by replacing addresses by variable names that are extracted from the symboltable inside the

Memory map

0x00000 – 0x07FFF = SRAM
0x40000 – 0x7FFFF = FLASH (program memory)


0x00000 – 0x07FFF = SRAM

0x60000 – 0x7FFFF = FLASH (program memory)

Disassembling the code

To convert the binary flash file to readable assembler language we now have to disassemble the
binary. This can be done by any 68332 disassembler but I recommend using IDA Pro (Interactive
Disassembler Professional).
To get the code disassembled in IDA Pro you need to do at least these steps.
 Open the bin file in IDA Pro.
 Select processor type Motorola 68300 series (this tells the program which disassembler to
 Set up memory maps for RAM and ROM (offset and length), so RAM = 0x00000 to 0x40000
and ROM 0x40000 to 0x80000. ( for T5.2: 0 – 0x60000 and 0x60000 to 0x80000).
 Look up the second double word (after FFFF F7FC) in hex view in the binary file, this is the
boot vector for the binary.
 Go to the address given by the second double word in IDA Pro.
 Press C (starts analysis).

There is an easier way to do this but you will need a script that has been made by sandy_rus which is
available from
Another route is to use the – simpler – disassembler that has been build into T5Suite.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Firmware : Disassembling the code

Image 3: Result of disassembly

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Symbol tables : General

Symbol tables


Each T5 firmware file contains a symbol table describing data structures in the program. These
symbols can be extracted together with their corresponding memory addresses (ROM and RAM).
The SIM - “System Integration Module” - registers in the MC68332 show how the memory is mapped.
See Motorola user manual for register addresses. For T5.5 the RAM starts at 0x00000 and the ROM
starts at 0x40000. T5.2 ROM start address is 0x60000.
Image 4 gives a general idea on what these symbol tables look like.

Column 1: Symbol delimiter (0D0A)

Column 2: Symbol SRAM address
Column 3: Symbol Map number of bytes

Image 4: Symbol table in T5 firmware

While examining the symbol table you can see that the separator is 0x0d 0x0a.
The next two bytes are the SRAM address where the variable can be found and the two bytes after
that are the length of the variable. You can see this clearly where two variables are sequentially in the
symbol table. For example:

00ED5E: 19 BC 00 50 41 4D 4F 53 5F 74 65 78 74 00 - ...PAMOS_text.
00ED6E: 1A 0C 00 05 41 4D 4F 53 5F 73 74 61 74 75 73 00 - ....AMOS_status.

First var: AMOS_TEXT, Starts at 0x19BC with length 0x50.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Symbol tables : General

Adding 0x50 to 0x19BC results in 0x1A0C which is exactly the starting address for the next variable:
AMOS_Status which has a length of 0x05.

Note that these are the SRAM addresses in which the runtime instance of the symbol can be found.
From a tuning perspective, this is only interesting when we want to alter or view the variables while
the car is running. Otherwise, we need the addresses in flash for each symbol.
This can be done by converting the sram address to flash address using the lookuptable that is
actually in the flash. The conversion is not really complex once you know how to proceed.
The firmware copies a lot of symbols (tables or maps) to SRAM when the ECU is booted. For the
firmware to do this, it needs the addresses for the symbols in SRAM as well as the flash addresses.
So, there is a lookup table in the binary that contains all this information.

Finding start of symbol table:

Search binary for string 00 0A 28 79 00. If the byte after this is a 07 the file is T5.2. If the byte after
that is 00, the file is T5.5. From the found address find the next 4E 75 record and skip 2 bytes. This is
the start of the symboltable.

Finding start of addresslookup table:

Search binary for 4E 75 48 E7 01 30 26 6F 00 16 3E 2F 00 14 24 6F 00 10 60 00 00 0A
From the found address (+ length) find the first : 4E 75 48 79 and we found the start of the
In your typical hex editor this will look something like this:

Image 5: Address conversion lookup table

The starting address for the selected symbol is 00040AFC which is in the flash address range (see
chapter: memory map). After substracting 0x040000 ( T5.2: 0x60000) from it this gives us the
address in the binary, 0x0AFC. The symbol which belongs to this address has SRAM address 0x3CB2.
While writing this document I haven’t figured out what the other information contained in the lookup
table means.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Symbol tables : General

To save you the time to lookup all addresses manually the T5Suite application will extract all symbol
information in one run. Symbol name, SRAM address, flash address and length will be displayed all
Some symbols don’t have a corresponding flash address although they do have an sram-address.
These are runtime only symbols that are used by trionic (variables, buffers etc).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Symbol tables : General

This image (6) will give you an idea of what the symbol table should look like once it has been
extracted. See appendix I for a complete list of known symbols.

Image 6: Screenshot of a part of the symbol table

When the user double clicks one of the symbols that has a flash address attached to it, T5Suite will
display the corresponding symbol in a viewer. This viewer will display the data in table form was well
as in graphical form.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : General


A lot of maps in the T5 are not only made up of a piece of raw data. It also includes x-axis and y-axis
information. For example, the ignition map is called ign_map_0!. There are also 2 symbols called
ign_map_0_x_axis and ign_map_0_y_axis. These last two symbols hold the axis configuration for the
ignition map.

Adaption limiting

The system continiously adapts tables that it holds in SRAM to finetune the injection, boost and
ignition to the current hardware setup, the fuel used etc.
It uses some initial values in adaption tables – mostly 0x80 – to which it adds or from which it
subtracts steps to get the egine running as smooth and economically as possible. To prevent the
values to fall or rise too much, mostly a maximum and minimum is set. This is shown by the symbols
“Adapt_injfaktor_low!” and “Adapt_injfaktor_high!” perfectly.
In a sample binary these values are: 0x66 and 0x9A. The initial adaption value is 0x80 in symbol
Another sample is symbol “Adapt_korr!” which holds an entire (initial) adaption map in flash. It is
copied to sram when the system first boots and the table is empty. It is filled with 0x80 in flash. The
symbols “Adapt_korr_low!” (0x4D) and “Adapt_korr_high!” (0xB3) hold the minimum and maximum
values for this adaption map. If the adaption runs out of its boundaries a CEL (Check Engine Light)
will be thrown.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel


Fuel injector valves

The fuel injector valves are of a solenoid type with needle and seat. They are opened by a current
flowing through the injectors coil and are closed by a strong spring when the current is switched off.
To ensure as optimal combustion as possible and low exhaust emissions at the same time, the
injectors are equipped with four holes, which gives a good distribution of the fuel. The squirts of fuel
are very exact positioned (two jets on the backside on each inlet valve). This puts very high demands
on the fixation of the injectors. To secure this fixation the injectors are fixed in pairs by a special
retainer between cylinders 1 – 2 and 3 – 4. The injectors are electrically supplied from the main relay,
while the ECU grounds the injectors.

Pre injection

When the ignition is switched on, the main relay and fuel pump relay are activated during a few
seconds. As soon as the ECU gets the cranking signal (from crankshaft sensor) it initiates a coolant
dependant injection with all four injectors simultaneously, this ensures a fast engine start. If the
engine is started, and shortly after is switched off again, a new pre injection is initiated after 45
seconds waiting time with the ignition switched off.

Maximum torque

The fuel mixture determines (together with other factors like ignition advance) whether or not the
engine can produce its maximum power. The image below shows at what mixtures maxmium torque
can be achieved and at what mixture maximum economy may be had.

Calculating of injection time

To decide how much fuel needs to be injected into each intake runner the ECU calculates the air mass
that has been drawn into the cylinder. The calculation makes use of the cylinder volume (B204 has a
displacement of 0,5 litres per cylinder), this cylinder volume holds an equal amount of air which has a
density and thus a certain mass. The density is calculated using the absolute pressure and
temperature in the intake manifold. The air mass for combustion has now been calculated and this
value is divided by 14,7 (stoichiometric relation for gasoline mass to air mass) to determine the
required fuel mass for each combustion to inject. Since we know the flow capacity of the injector and
the density of the fuel (pre programmed values) the ECU can calculate the duration of the injection.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Using the oxygen sensor (front) the injection duration is corrected so we receive Lambda=1
(stoichiometric combustion). When hard acceleration occurs the lambda correction is masked out and
WOT (Wide Open Throttle) enrichment occurs for maximum performance. When opening the throttle,
acceleration enrichment occurs and when closing the throttle deceleration enleanment occurs. During
a cold start and warm up, before lambda correction is activated, coolant temperature dependable fuel
enrichment occurs. With a warm engine and normal battery voltage the duration of injection varies
between 2,5 ms at idle and approx. 18 – 20 ms at full torque.
After the calculation for injection time a constant is used to determine the actual time for injector
opening time. This constant is also used for example to compensate for different fuel type (e.g.
alcohol based fuels). When using standard injectors on a turbo engine (should also be used on a N/A
engine but according to EPC there are different injectors) with normal displacement the injection
constant is 20-21 in easy mode in T5Suite. The first calculation of injection time is:

Grund _ tid  Inj _ konst *((( Lufttemp _ faktor  384) * P _ Manifold 10) / 512)

Finally the volumetric efficiency table is drawn into the equation. This table holds correction values for
different manifold pressures and rpm sites. This correction value ranges from ~0.5 to ~1.5. If a
different engine is used, or for example a different turbo charger, this map should be adjusted.
Engine VE is determined by the hardware used (also see chapter: Volumatric efficiency).
You can see that the VE curve is steep, this is due that:

CorrectedValue  Grund _ tid *((matrixvalue  128) / 256)

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Note that the minimum injection duration in the system is determined by the variable Min_tid!. This
variable normally has a value of 250. (1 ms) and that the battery voltage will adjust final duration
through table Batt_korr!.

Cranking enrichment
To facilitate a better start cranking enrichment is needed. The factor that compensates which is
coolant temperature dependant is stored in Startvev_fak! (what’s in a name).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Lambda correction

The catalyst requires that the fuel/air mixture is stoichiometric. This means that the mixture is neither
rich nor lean, it is exactly 14,7 kg air to 1 kg gasoline (Lambda=1). That is why the system is
equipped with an oxygen sensor in the forward part of the exhaust system. The sensor is connected
to pin 23 in the ECU and is grounded in the ECU via pin 47. The exhaust fumes pass the oxygen
sensor. The content of oxygen in the exhaust fumes is measured through a chemical reaction, this
results in an output voltage. If the engine runs rich (Lambda lower than 1) the output voltage would
be approx. 0,9 V and if the engine runs lean (Lambda higher than 1) the output voltage would be 0,1
V. The output voltage swings when Lambda passes 1. The ECU continuously corrects the injection
duration so that Lambda=1 is always met. To be able to function, the oxygen sensor needs to be hot,
this requirement is met by electrically preheating the sensor. The preheating element is fed by B+ via
fuse 38 and the main relay, the sensor is grounded in the ECU via pin 50. The ECU estimates the
temperature on the exhaust gases (EGT) based on engine load and engine speed (RPM). At high EGT
the electrical pre heating is disconnected. The lambda correction is masked during the engines first
640 revolutions after start if the coolant temperature exceeds 18 C (64F) at load ranges over idle and
under WOT, or 32 C (90F) at idle. Operation can be divided into two parts, open loop mode and
closed loop mode. In closed loop mode the feedback signal from the lambda sensor is used to keep
the mixture stoichiometric (approx. 14.7 : 1) while in open loop mode the system only depends on the
maps, no feedback from the lambda sensor is used to compensate for lean or rich mixture. The point
where the system switches from closed to open loop mode is determines by a couple of maps of
which the most important one is: Open_loop! This map indicates the load levels for each rpm site
from which the system should run in open loop mode. This is also indicated in T5Suite in the main
injection map and the fuel knock map. The load levels in knock mode are different from the ones for
normal mode operation and are stored in Open_loop_knock!

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Acceleration and deceleration

When going into transients for pedal position the throttle opening changes fast. Suppose we floor the
pedal suddenly while cruising at 2500 rpm. The sudden opening of the throttle draws much more air
into the engine but because of the sudden ‘rush’ the fuel which is hanging in the air cannot follow in
the same rate. Hence, the mixture goes lean even if we supply enough fuel. This is why we need
acceleration enrichment (and deceleration enleanment). When pressing down or releasing the
accelerator pedal Trionic tries to maintain Lambda at 1. This is done by fetching values from an
acceleration or deceleration table (Lacc_konst, Accel_konst, Lret_konst and Retard_konst).
When the accelerator pedal is pressed down or engine load increases the system checks both
acceleration tables (Lacc_konst and Accel_konst). Lacc_konst is a function of engine load while
Accel_konst is a function of throttle position (how far the throttle body is opened and hence how
much air is entering the engine). Both tables result in an enrichment factor. The enrichment factor
that is the largest is the one that will be applied. The same goes for enleanment. Whenever the
accelerator pedal is released or engine load decreases the system checks both Lret_konst and
Retard_konst. Lret_konst is a function of engine load and Retard_konst is a function of throttle
position. Both tables result in an enleanment factor. The largest value is the value that will be applied.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Idle correction
To be able to maintain a steady idle state a separate idle fuel map is used (Idle_fuel_korr). This table
aids in keeping the idle rpm smooth by correcting fuel injection a bit.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

When knocking occurs inside the engine (sensed through the DI cartridge) evenly in all cylinders a
tiny bit of extra fuel will be injected. When the manifold pressure (MAP) is over 140 kPa (0.4 bar) the
normal injection map will be overruled by another map: the knocking fuel map. This map enriches the
fuel mixture so that the engine cools down (extra fuel means cooler mixture). If the knocking map
kicks in, something is actually wrong in the rest of the mapping (ignition, injection etc). Try to prevent
entering the knocking map at all times!

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Knock sensitivity

For Trionic to be able to determine what received knock signals from the DI cassette are actually
knock and which are not, it looks up reference signals from several maps. The most important one is
Knopck_ref_matrix! shown below.

If knock it detected and adding extra fuel and pulling ignition timing doesn’t help, Trionic starts to
decrease boost. The steps in which this is done are listed in the map “ Apc_knock_tab!”. In the map
shown below all values are 8 which means that every increase will pull 0.08 bar of boost pressure.
The current value for this (boost reduction) is stored in Apc_decrese which can be monitored using
the CAN bus connection.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Knock detection is only active above a preset level of boost. These levels are stored in

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Altering VE map
To tune the ECU regarding the fuel injection you must install a wide band lambda sensor to make sure
that you hit your desired lambda value when under WOT (Wide Open Throttle). You can make use of
an EGT meter here to verify that your desired WOT lambda is enough to keep the EGT below: 1 795°
F (~980° C) on the SAAB T5 engine. When using alcohol fuel the EGT seldom reaches these
temperatures. This means that by using a 3” down pipe and a fairly sized turbine the EGT meter can
be redundant.

The VE-map must be tuned to make the engine run at lambda 1 in all load/RPM points that don’t need
a richer mixture. In wide open throttle situations an AFR of 12 or even a bit richer are required. This
job is already done by the ECU when it regulates the fuel injection in respect of lambda and storing
the result in the Adapt_korr!. To be able to use adaption maps you must be able to pull this data from
your ECU without disconnecting the power and use it to adapt the initial VE map (see chapter CAN

When the engine is ran at WOT conditions, Fload_throttle_tab! gives the information when the
throttle should be considered wide open and the lambda sensor is then masked. The WOT enrichment
map Fload_tab! is used to add more fuel to the calculated amount of fuel to be injected. Note the
interesting original Fload_tab! Over 2 400 RPM the lambda is masked when the throttle is fully
pressed down but there is no additional fuel than what is allowed from the VE matrix. Below
2 400 RPM the lambda is masked and extra fuel is injected. Here are the right tables for adding fuel to
cool your exhaust gases.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

The values shown in Fload_throt_tab are throttle position sensor values and in Fload_tab the values
are values to add to the fuel calculation.
The EGT can be allowed for up to 1 795° F (~980° C), it is up to you how you will be using it. A
quarter mile (402 m) dragster can be allowed for hitting that temperature after about 11 seconds. A
more useful temperature will be ~1 652° F (900° C) at WOT when every day driving. If you must go
below AFR 11 when driving on gasoline to prevent a high EGT something is wrong. Upgrade your
turbine and add a 3” down pipe, the EGT rises if there is a bottleneck in the passage for the exhaust
gases or if the ignition is too late (not enough advance).

When tuning the fuel maps make sure that you are tuning the right maps. When accelerating and
decelerating there are enrichment and leaning tables that starts to function to let you hit Lambda 1.
But between idle and 2 400 RPM this is overtaken by the WOT enrichment to get maximum power
without pinging when accelerating. The downside is that the catalyst stops to oxidise HC and CO
fractions in the exhaust gases. If you are over 140 kPa you could be running on the knock map
(Fuel_knock_mat!) because the engine had started to knock. When this happens the engine should
stop accelerating due to the simultaneous change of ignition map (Ign_map_2). Further tuning of the
normal map is then useless. This could be indicated that the boost request map must be altered to
“ridiculous” levels to make the engine continue to accelerate. A second point of view is that the knock
matrix must be changed according to the changes made in the normal VE-table, strive to keep the
proportional differences of the maps.
Always make sanity checks of what you are doing so that your engine can deliver maximum power
without excessive emissions and with a minimum risk of mechanical failures.

At last give a thought that the engine is not lean when cold by: verifing that the normal (stock) warm
up enrichments are enough, using OBD II or the CANBus to check the short term fuel trim during
warm up to a coolant temperature of 85° C.

A short list of what has been discussed:

 Always strive for Lambda 1 when using the engine in normal traffic.
 Let the ECU do the boring job for you.
 Keep your EGT with margins for overheating the turbine.
 Make changes in all necessary maps but think of the WOT maps.
 Don’t forget the Fuel_knock_mat!
 Don’t let the engine run lean.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel


The ECU calculates the injection duration based on MAP and intake temperature. Injection duration is
then corrected by multiplication of a correction factor, which is fetched from the main fuel matrix
(Insp_mat!) which depends on MAP and RPM. The need to correct the injection duration is due to the
fact that the volumetric efficiency of the engine is dependent on the engine speed (RPM). The last
correction is made with the lambda correction, this results in a stoichiometric combustion
(Lambda=1). The lambda correction is allowed to adjust the calculated injection duration by ±25 %.
The ECU can change the correction factors in the main fuel matrix based on the lambda correction.
This ensures good driveability, fuel consumption and emissions when lambda correction isn’t
activated. This is called Adaption.

Pointed adaption

If the ECU calculates the injection duration to be 8 ms but the lambda correction adjusts it to 9 ms
due low fuel pressure, the ECU will “learn” the new injection duration. This is done by changing the
correction factor for that particular RPM and load point in the main fuel matrix to a new correction
factor resulting in 9 ms injection duration. The correction factor in this example will be raised by 9/8
(+12 %). The pointed adaption can change the points in the main fuel matrix by ±25 %. Adaption
occurs every fifth minute and takes 30 seconds to finish, the criteria for the adaption are: Lambda
correction is activated and the coolant temperature is above 64 C (147F). During the adaption the
ventilation valve on the carbon canister is held close.

Global adaption

The global adaption on OBDII variants occurs during driving on non OBDII variants the global
adaption occurs 15 minutes after engine shut down. When the engine is inside a defined load and
RPM range (60 – 120 kPa and 2000 – 3000 RPM) no pointed adaption will occur. Instead, all points in
the fuel matrix will be changed by a multiplication factor. Global adaption can change the points in the
main fuel matrix by ±25 % (Tech2 shows ±100 %). Adaption occurs every fifth minute and takes 30
seconds to finish, the criteria for the adaption are: Lambda correction is activated and the coolant
temperature is above 64 C (147F). During the adaption the ventilation valve on the carbon canister is
held close.

Fuel save

With fully closed throttle and engine RPM over 1900 RPM and with third, fourth and fifth gear, a fuel
shutoff will occur after a small delay (some seconds). On automobiles with automatic transmission fuel
shutoff is active in all stages. The injectors are reactivated when the RPM hits 1400 RPM.

Converting to E85 fuel

If you want to setup your car for E85 fuel use, you will need to inject 30% - 40% more fuel. Change
the inj_konst! to reach the 30% to 40 % more fuel needed for E85 regardless of what injectors you
are currently using. If the injectors that you plan to mount are flowing the desired percentage of fuel
more, you will not need to change the Inj_konst!
The Ethanol fuel E85 has different combustion characteristics resulting in more ignition timing
advance at low RPM´s and less ignition advance at high RPM´s compared to gasoline. This is the
result of the higher combustion rate of Ethanol and its less initial combustion rate. I.e. it’s harder to
ignite but when it ignites it burns faster than gasoline. This is the single most error E85 converters do,
advancing the timing to restore the torque and not put the ignition advance later when needed,
thereby putting unnecessary stress to the piston by passing MBT.

Additional information can be found on

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

Fuel consumption measurement

The wire from the ECU to the third injector is also connected to the main instrument cluster. The main
instrument calculates the fuel consumption based on the injection pulses duration. The fuel
consumption is used to help getting an accurate presentation of the fuel level in the fuel tank and to
calculate average fuel consumption in the SID.

Image 7: Stock fuel injection table (9000 FPT 200bhp T25 turbo)

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

HOWTO: Get your fuelling under control

If you start tuning for different turbo models, different injectors or anything else that changes
either the air path or the fuelling path you will need to remap the fuelling part in Trionic 5.
Trionic 5 will adapt for approx. 25% in fuelling but you don’t want to be on the end of
adaption after your changes of course.

Targets for mapping

What to map for? That is the primary question to start with. Normally, off-boost and a little
but on-boost the system will be running in closed loop (lambda signal is taken into account
when calculating optimum mixture) and the ECUs target will always be 14.7 AFR (lambda =
1). The actual mixture will swing a little bit around this target because of the usage of a
narrowband lambda sensor (14.x-15.x). When you go on-boost the system will leave closed
loop mode and enter open-loop mode. In this mode the lambda signal is not used and the
system depends only on the fuelling information in the maps that it has. On full load you will
want to have a target of approx. AFR 11.x. Maximum torque is made at 11.1 AFR but since
the curve drops off pretty steep when going richer most tuners aim for 11.5-12.0 at full load.
The path towards full load (on-boost but still not full load) can gradually go from 14.x to 11.x.
Of course you will need a calibrated wideband lambda sensor for mapping for optimum

Main fuelling constant [inj_konst]

To correct the system for different injectors a injector constant variable is present. It is called
Inj_konst! And is around a value of 20 with stock injectors. If you go for larger injectors this
constant will have to be dropped because the injectors deliver more fuel per millisecond.
Changing from stock to for example 630cc injectors will drop the constant from 20 to 14-16
range. You can also use this constant to get a little more tuning headroom in the main fuel
map since that is mostly mapped to the top (maxed out). If you increase the injector constant a
but you can drop the main fuel map a bit to gain more control in the upper regions of this

Main fuel injection map [insp_mat]

This is a map that determines the corrections to be made at each rpm/load point to the pre-
calculated injection duration. It ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 and the value is a multiplier to the
injection duration that was calculated based on manifold pressure, IAT and coolant already.
With this map you can map out flat spots and make sure that every rpm/load site sits at
YOUR desired AFR value.

Knock fuel injection map [fuel_knock_mat]

If the system detects knock it will inject a different amount of fuel. This fuel amount is no
longer calculated using the main fuel injection map but it takes the correction factor from this
map. So, always make sure that this map has higher values (5-10%) then the main fuel map.

Open loop vs. closed loop [open_loop]

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

If you want the system to leave closed loop at different rpm/load point you can alter the
settings in this map. So, if you want to run different AFR values for a rpm/load point that is
actually in the closed loop range (these ranges are indicated in T5Suite by marking the cells in
the main fuel map) and would thus be 14.7, you will have to alter the open_loop map. In this
way you can determine the AFR value by changing the values in the main fuel map. Note that
knocking conditions a different map is used. You can also switch off closed loop as a whole
by changing the firmware settings in the system. This way you gain full control of the fuelling
part but lose the systems ability to adapt for fuel pump wear etc.

Coldstart enrichment [Eftersta_fak*]

To have the car run properly when the engine is cold (vaporization is worse) it needs to inject
more fuel. These values are coolant temperature dependant so they can also be used for semi-
cold start (e.g. coolant = 50 degrees). The values in the maps are also correction factor like
they are in the main fuelling map.

Acceleration/deceleration enrichment

If you suddenly open or close the throttle plate the air flow changes dramatically in the intake.
Since air is lighter (weighs less) than petrol vapour/droplets the air will react faster than the
petrol in it. Opening the throttle will therefore result in a lean mixture because the petrol will
lag behind on the air. Closing the throttle will cause the air to stop faster than the petrol
because mass reacts slower and hence the mixture will go too rich. To compensate for these
phenomenea the acceleration and deceleration maps are there to try to keep the desired AFR
when changing throttle or changing load (which amounts to the same actually because load
change is airflow change). Maps are Accel_konst, Lacc_konst, Lret_konst and Retard_konst.

Battery correction for injectors [Batt_korr_tab]

Different battery voltages result in different injection durations because the injector opening
time varies with the voltage applied to it. Lower voltage means that the injector valve takes
longer to open and hence less fuel is injected in the same injector duration. This calls for
correction factors that depend on battery voltage.

Watch out for adaption

Reading the above you would maybe think that the closed loop values in the main fuel map
are redundant because the system will use lambda feedback anyway. This is not true because
the system will adjust the adaption trim based on the feedback values from the lambda sensor
compared to the values within the closed loop range of the main fuel map. If you map the
closed loop part incorrectly the system will react by adjusting the adaption values (both long
term and point adaption – per cell that is). The horror is in the fact that long term trim is also
applied to WOT (wide open throttle, so full load) conditions. The you map closed loop too
rich, the system will trim the fuel down using the long term trim and your WOT mixture will
also go leaner… watch out for this!

Watch out for LPG/petrol combinations while tuning

One of the main problems with running LPG is that the Trionic adaption system will also
adapt when you are running LPG. Most people tend to run on LPG most of the time, only

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Fuel

running petrol on engine start and when LPG runs out. This means that adaption is done
mostly on LPG. If the LPG manufacturer installs and calibrates the system he will set a
multiplier in the LPG computer to correct for the extra amount of fuel needed when running
LPG. If he does this incorrecty – for example he enters a number a bit too big – the fuelling
will be a little off when running LPG. Trionic will adapt to this – in the example it will trim
the fuel down (cases are known that Trionic has to adapt so much that the CEL comes on with
adaption range errors). No problem when still running on LPG but when adaption is done (lets
assume 10% off) and the driver switches to petrol the engine WILL be running lean.
Indicators are that the engine will not run properly on coldstart (it will start on petrol with the
10% off and thus will not inject the intended amount of fuel).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition


Ignition cassette

The ignition cassette is mounted on the valve cover on top of the spark plugs. The ignition cassette
houses four ignition coils/transformers whose secondary coil is direct connected to the spark plugs.
The ignition cassette is electrically supplied with battery voltage from the main relay (B+) and is
grounded in an earth point. When the main relay is activated the battery voltage is transformed to
400 V DC which is stored in a capacitor. The 400 V voltage is connected to one of the poles of the
primary coil in the four spark coils. To the ignition cassette there are four triggering lines connected
from the Trionic ECU, pin 9 (cyl. 1), pin 10 (cyl. 2), pin 11 (cyl. 3) and pin 12 (cyl. 4). When the ECU
is grounding pin 9, the primary coil for the first cylinder is grounded (via the ignition cassettes B+
intake) and 400 V is transformed up to a maximum of 40 kV in the secondary coil for cyl. 1. The same
procedure is used for controlling the ignition on the rest of the cylinders.

Ignition regulation

At start the ignition point is 10° BTDC. To facilitate start when coolant temperature is below 0°C the
ECU will ground each trigger line 210 times/second between 10° BTDC and 20° ATDC, at which a
“multi spark” will appear. The function is active up to an engine speed of 900 RPM. At idle a special
ignition matrix is utilised. Normal ignition point is 6°-8° BTDC. If the engine stalls e.g. cooling fan
activation the ignition point is advanced up to 20 ° BTDC in order to increase the engines torque to
restore the idle RPM. In the same way the ignition is retarded if the engines RPM is increased. When
the TPS senses an increase in throttle opening the ECU leaves the idle ignition timing map and
regulates the ignition timing in respect of load and engine speed.

During engine operations the Ignition cassette continuously monitors the ion currents in the cylinders
and sends a signal to the Trionic ECU on pin 44, in the event of knocking. The logic for this function
rests solely in the ignition cassette and is adaptive to be able to handle disturbing fuel additives. The
Trionic ECU is well aware of which cylinder that has ignited and could hence cope with the information
fed through one pin. The signal to pin 44 and ion current in the combustion chamber is related to
each other. When this signal reaches a certain level the ECU interprets this as a knocking event and
firstly lowers the ignition advance by 1.5° on this cylinder. If the knocking is repeated the ignition
advance is lowered further by 1.5 °, up to 12°. In case of the same lowering of the ignition timing
advance in all cylinders the ECU adds a small amount of fuel to all cylinders. If knocking occurs when
the MAP is over 140 kPa the knocking is regulated by switching both fuel injection matrix and ignition
advance matrix. If this is not sufficient the charging pressure is lowered. This purpose of this
procedure is to maintain good performance. If the signal between the ignition cassette and the ECU is
lost, the charging pressure is lowered to basic charging pressure and the ignition timing advance is
lowered 12° when it exist a risk of knocking due to engine load. Refer to appendix VII for more
information about knock detection.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

Knocking detection

Combustion signals

The Trionic system lacks a camshaft position sensor. This sensor is normally a prerequisite for a
sequential pre ignition/pinging regulation and fuel injection. Saab Trionic must decide whether
cylinder one or cylinder four ignites when the crank shaft position sensor indicates that cylinder one
and four is at TDC. This is done by help of ionisation current, one of the pole of the secondary coil of
the spark coils is connected to the spark plugs at an ordinary manner. The other pole isn’t grounded
directly but connected to an 80 V voltage. This means that an 80 V voltage is fielded over the spark
gap of the spark plugs, except when the spark is fired. When combustion has occurred the
temperature in the combustion chamber is very high. The gases are formed as ions and start to
conduct electrical current. This results in a current flowing in the spark plug gap (without resulting in
a spark). The ionisation current is measured in pair, cylinder one and two is one pair and cylinder
three and four in the other pair. If combustion occurs in cylinder one or two the ignition cassette is
sending a battery voltage (B+) pulse to the ECU, pin 17. If the combustion takes place in cylinder
three or four the B+ pulse is feed to pin 18 in ECU. If the crankshaft position sensor is indicating that
cylinders one and four is at TDC and a B+ pulse enters the ECU via pin 17 simultaneously, then the
ECU know that it is cylinder one that has ignited. At start the ECU doesn’t know which cylinder that is
in compression phase, hence ignition is initiated in both cylinder one and four and 180° crank shaft
degrees later sparks in cylinder two and three are fired. As soon as combustion signals enters the ECU
via pin 17 and pin 18 the ignition and fuel injection is synchronised to the engines firing order. The
combustion signals are also used to detect misfires.

Ignition maps
The ignition timing is vital to achieve MBT (Maximum Brake Torque) by using the minimum ignition
spark advance. In theory this is simple: For each RPM and load point, advance the ignition timing until
you reach the peak torque, the more ignition advance BTDC (Before Top Dead Centre) the more
torque you will get until the resulting combustion pressure begins to slower the upward moving piston
and the torque starts to decrease.

The more ignition advance you use the more NOx emissions you will generate resulting from an
increase in combustion chamber temperature, this is one factor to take into consideration when
establishing the correct ignition advance. One other factor is the end gases, gases that are formed
from deterioration of the fuel present in the combustion chamber from the compression heat. The end
gases can auto ignite when the spark is fired from the spark plug causing two flame fronts in the
combustion chamber, these flame fronts collide and form a knocking sound as the resulting flame
front is oscillating in the pressure traverse. This could easily damage the engine internals as the peak
pressure can be higher than the pressure occurring during MBT. The higher combustion chamber
temperature from an increased ignition timing can lead to “hot spots” in the combustion chamber and
thus ignite the Air/Fuel mixture separate from the spark plug and cause the unwanted knocking. This
detonation can almost instantaneously kill your engine since the ignition may take place at a totally
wrong time. A fuel with higher octane rating is more resistant to these engine damaging phenomenae.
This is reflected in the differences between the main ignition maps on B234R and B234L

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

Also bear in mind that since the emissions controls prevent the engine manufacturers to reach MBT
they could save some money and weight on the pistons, thereby giving a ambitious tuner a lighter
wallet as a result from broken pistons. The collapsed piston roof or cracked piston ring is a direct
result from high combustion pressure, not necessarily from knocking, but only from the normal
increase in pressure resulting from driving at MBT without knocking. This is not a known problem in
engines with T5 though.

The Ethanol fuel E85 has different combustion characteristics resulting in more ignition timing
advance at low RPM´s and less ignition advance at high RPM´s compared to gasoline. This is the
result of the higher combustion rate of Ethanol and its less initial combustion rate. I.e. it’s harder to
ignite but when it ignites it burns faster than gasoline. This is the single most error E85 converters do,
advancing the timing to restore the torque and not put the ignition advance later when needed,
thereby putting unnecessary stress to the piston by passing MBT.

Different stroke requires different ignition advance since the different length of the piston rod changes
the geometry of the piston, piston rod and crank shaft system. When the piston rod is shorter than
infinite length the reciprocating motion doesn’t describe the desired sine curve, rather it is a triangle
wave with flat tops. The different stroke doesn’t change the ignition advance in any easy predictable
way. See the difference between the ignition advance on 2.0 LPT and 2.3 LPT engines.

1: Normal ignition map (warm engine)

On the B204E in NG900 the ignition timing is well advanced in low RPM/Load during warm up to make
the engine work harder and inefficient, more heat is generated inside the cylinders. This inefficency
enables the catalyst to heat up and start working quicker. The warm up ignition map is Ign_map_4!
and the normal ignition map is Ign_map_0!

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

2: Warmup ignition map

When idling the idle ignition map “Ign_map_1!” is used to control the engine´s torque at idle, this
compensates for rough idling.

3: Idle ignition map

In case of detonation/knocking the ignition timing is retarded by 1,5° in steps for that specific cylinder
until the knocking stops. This is done to a maximum retardation of 12°. In an event of all four
cylinders knocking and it´s the same ignition timing retardation, more fuel is injected and ignition
timing is restored. If manifold pressure (MAP) is over 140 kPa when knocking occurs the ignition map
is switched to Ign_map_2! This map indicates how much ignition timing to pull (retard) from the
original values as a countermeasure to stop the knocking.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

Altering ignition maps

To be able to tune these maps you must firstly use common sense. Then you must install an EGT
meter. The Exhaust Gas Temperature is depending on the ignition timing. The further away from TDC
the spark fires, the cooler the exhaust gases will be but as described earlier in the chapter the risk of
detonation increases the more you advance the ignition timing. At high charge pressure you must
retard the ignition to avoid detonation, this results in an increase in EGT. For a SAAB T5 engine the
target EGT starts at 930° F (~500° C) and stops at 1 795° F (~980° C). To lower this temperature the
ignition can be advanced, as little as 0,5° might be enough. Adding more fuel at this RPM/Load point
is also lowering the EGT. In addition you might consider using waterinjection or change fuel to a more
fast burning fuel e.g. Ethanol or E85. To be totaly safe when tuning you use a cylinder pressure
transducer to find out your maximum pressure but this might be over your budget as a reliable kit
costs as much as a few enignes.

Crankshaft position sensor

Trionic T5.2 uses a different crankshaft position sensor than Trionic T5.5.
The early (T5.2) models use a HALL effect sensor while the later models (T5.5) uses a variable
reluctance sensor.

The HALL effect sensor procudes a square wave output while the VR type produces a sinewave output
as shown in the picture below. The VR type output voltage is converted by T5.5 by using the LM1815.
This results in a simular output as the HALL effect sensor. T5 has 62 pulses per engine rotation from
which 2 teeth are missing at 117° BTDC on cylinder 1 to determine TDC.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Ignition

HOWTO: Get your ignition advance under control

After mapping fuel you can start working at optimizing ignition timing. To get the most of the
engine in a safe way you need – of course – at least a wideband lambda controller and an EGT
gauge. The latter is firstly to check if you’re not passing 950 degrees celcius and secondly to
be able to see the effect your ignition trimming has on EGT values. I find that the easiest way
to map ignition timing is to get fuel mapped properly first, then boost control to a very stable
level and then request boost to match on of the ignition map columns (for example 1.2 bar).
Do a run and see if knock occurs using T5Suite or the dashboard. If you have no knock,
increase timing a little bit and rerun. Continue to map all relevant cells until you are at
approximately 1 degree timing from knock (so, if knock occurs at 7 degrees, you should map
for 6 degrees advance).
Start at a low advance (known to work good) and work your way up from there, not the other
way around! You should not only feel the increase in power this way but also see EGT drop a
bit in the process which is good. If you run the car on RON95 normally you should map for
RON95. If you fuel up on RON98 always you can map for RON98 of course. Use commen
sense in this!

Tips: Knock can be seen in either the logfiles or in the knock_count_map and
knock_count_cylx variables. If you have knock in one specific cylinder only (or the majority
at least) deal with that first before proceeding on the main ignition map. One of the injectors
may be off or you might have a fouled up spark plug. Swap them one by one and see if the
knocking travels to the other cylinder as well.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Basic charging pressure

Basic charging pressure is fundamental for charging pressure control. Basic charging pressure is
mechanically adjusted on the actuators pushrod between the actuator and the waste gate. At too low
basic charging pressure the engine doesn’t rev up as expected when the throttle is opened quickly. At
to high basic charging pressure a negative adaption occurs and maximum charging pressure cannot
be achieved. In addition there is a substantial risk of engine damage since the charging pressure can’t
be lowered enough when regulating with attention to pre ignition/pinging. Basic charging pressure
shall be 0,40 ±0,03 bar (5,80 ±0,43 PSI). After adjustment the push rod must have at least three
turns (~3 mm) pre tension when connecting to the waste gate lever. The purpose with that is to
make sure that the waste gate is held close when not affected. On new turbo chargers the basic
charging pressure tends to be near or spot on the upper tolerance when the pre tension is two turns.
The pre tension may never be less than three turns (~3 mm). When checking the basic charging
pressure it shall be noted that the pressure decreases at high RPM and increases at low outside

Charging pressure regulation

Charging pressure regulation utilises a two coiled three way solenoid valve pneumatically connected
with hoses to the turbo charger’s waste gate, the turbo chargers outlet and the compressor’s inlet.
The solenoid valve is electrically supplied from +54 via fuse 13 and is controlled by the ECU via its pin
26 and pin 2. These pins are driven by MosFETs. The control voltage is pulse width modulated (PWM)
at 90 Hz below 2500 RPM and 70 Hz above 2500 RPM. The rationale for this change is to avoid
resonance phenomena in the pneumatic hoses. By grounding pin 2 longer than pin 26 the charging
pressure is decreased and vice verse, when pin 26 is grounded longer than pin 2 the charging
pressure is increased. To be able to regulate the charging pressure the ECU must at first calculate a
requested pressure, a pressure value that the system must strive for. This is done by taking a pre
programmed value (matrix of values established in respect of RPM and throttle opening). When one or
both of the following criteria are met, a limitation of the charging pressure is set.

 In first, second and reverse gear there is a RPM dependable maximum value. The ECU
calculates which gear that is in use by comparing the speed of the automobile and the
engines RPM.
 When pre ignition/pinging occurs a maximum charge pressure is set on the basis of a mean
value from each cylinders retarding of the ignition.

One or both of the following criteria initiates a lowering of the charging boost pressure to basic boost

 When the brake pedal is pressed down and pin 15 (brake light switch) on the ECU is supplied
with battery voltage.
 Certain fault codes are set (Faulty throttle position sensor (TPS), pressure sensor, pre
ignition/pinging signal or charging pressure regulation) or low battery voltage.

To be able to electrically regulate the charging pressure we must decide the relationship between the
air that is sent to the wastegate as the working media to actuate the wastegate valve. When driving
under ideal conditions this relationship is enough to get a stable charge pressure. This map is of
course not necessary on LPT´s since the wastegate is not electrically/pneumatically actuated. This
map also controls how fast the turbo can reach the desired pressure with some respect to the
durability of the transmission. Tuning this map is necessary when changing turbo charger or its
working conditions such as: 3” down pipe, porting the cylinder head or changing intercooler. The aim
when tuning this map is to get a stable pressure build up without any overshoot when reaching the
desired pressure. A calibrated charge pressure meter is a must when undertaking this task.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

The regulation table determines the bias (sort of pre-tension) for the pulse width signal to the boost
control valve. It can be considered an offset for the PID controller. So PID and regulation bias
determine the pulse width on the boost control valve taking the pressure error (boost request minus
actual boost) as an input value.

Image 8: Boost regulation table

Above you see an example of the PID control tables that are used in a stock firmware.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Computing adaption

When the required charging pressure has finally been calculated it is converted to the PWM signal that
controls the solenoid valve. The ECU then controls that the actual pressure (measured by the pressure
sensor) corresponds with the required pressure. If needed the PWM is fine tuned by multiplication of a
correction factor. The correction factor (adaption) is then stored in the memory of the ECU and is
always used in the calculation of the PWM signal. The rationale with this is to make sure that the
actual pressure as soon as possible will be equal to the required pressure after a change of the load
has occurred.

Boost request
Trionic tries to reach the pressure values for a given RPM and throttle position that is contained in the
map “Tryck_mat” (or “Tryck_mat_a” for automatic transmissions).
The stock boost request map for a B234L (200bhp, Garrett T25 turbo) is shown in image 8.
You can see that the requested pressure drops when RPM values go over ~4500. This is because the
little T25 turbo cannot maintain higher pressure values at these engine speeds, it is simply too small
for that. In modified cars containing a larger turbocharger these values will keep rising with engine

Image 9: Boost request map for B234L

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost


To prevent damage to the gearboxes there is a charge pressure limiter on the reverse, first and
second gear on manual gearboxes. The limiter on automatic transmission is active on the first and
reverse stage. This reduces the engines torque as while the downshift of the RPM on the lower gears
is increasing the torque so that we are able to get the car rolling without damaging any transmission
details. Main boost request comes from tryck_mat. If the boost request is higher than the value from
the limiter, the limiter value will become the actual boost request.

The first and second gear limiters are only present to prevent the ECU to use the main boost request
map in first and second gear. If these limiters are set ABOVE the values in the main request map, the
limiters are switched off.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Fuel cut limiter

Do prevent damage to the engine cause by faulty hardware or overshooting boost, fuel will be cut off
when charging pressure gets higher than set in the fuel cut map (Tryck_vakt_tab).

Image 10: Stock max. boost pressure table

This example shows that the maximum boost level is always 0xEB, this is the standard cut-off value of
1.35 bar.
0xFE would be highest possible, around 1.54 bar.
0xFF would turn off the fuel cut totally.

HOWTO: Get your boost under control

Boost control in Trionic 5 is quite simple on the one side and very complex on the other. If
you are trying to regulate boost with a turbocharger that is closely related to the stock
turbocharger (either T25 or TD04) it is quite simple to alter boost settings by altering the
boost request map (Tryck_mat) if you stay within the limits for the turbo.

If you are using a larger than stock turbo (e.g. GT28, TD04-19T, GT3071R, Holset
HX35/40w etc) then you might run into trouble getting your boost under control. There are
several known issues that you can encouter here.

- Not getting your requested boost

- Overshooting when running @WOT from low RPM’s
- Overshooting when running @WOT from high(er) RPM’s

Not getting your requested boost

If you are not getting the amount of boost that you are requesting in Tryck_mat you might be
looking at either a hardware problem or a software problem. To identify which kind you’re
having you will need to log information from the ECU through the canbus interface.
Software problems are a fact when “PWM_ut10” is NOT at it’s maximum value (98%) while
you are not getting your request and you are in an RPM range where the turbo can surely
deliver more boost (test with W-hose disconnected).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

If you decide it is a software failure you can start logging P_fak, I_fak, D_fak, Reg_kon_apc,
PWM_ut10, Rpm, P_Manifold10, Ign_angle and Apc_decrese. If you see from the logging
that Apc_decrese > 0 in the area where you’re not getting the requested boost, you’re having
knock detection which is lowering boost. You should also see Ign_angle dropping a bit just
before that point.
If Apc_decrese stays 0 and you’re not getting your requested target AND PWM_ut10 < 98
then you should be able to see that I_fak is pretty low (<400 anyway). This could mean that
you have to increase either reg_kon_mat values or I_fors values.

Example of a too soft PID controller. PWM_ut10 < 98%, I_fak climbing but not fast enough. Raise either Reg_kon_mat
values or I_fors values.

If you – on the other hand – see that PWM_ut10 is at it’s maximum and you’re not getting the
amount of boost you’re requesting that means that the software it trying its best to meet you
request and the problem should be searched for in the hardware. It might be vacuum leaks, a
wastegate actuator that is too weak, to much backpressure, too large C-port in the APC valve,
defective APC valve and then some other options. Searching for hardware failures is outside
of the scope of this FAQ though.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Not reaching boost request even though PWM_ut10 is approx 98%. Hardware issues at hand.

Overshooting when running @WOT from low RPM’s

If you floor it from 2500 rpm and spoolup is starting at 3000 rpm for example you might see a
spike in the boost level just when you pass the point where you hit the requested boost. Let’s
assume that you request 1.8 bar and @ 4200 rpm you reach this level but boost overshoots to
1.9 bar @ 4250 rpm. This indicates that the spool characteristics defined in the PID maps are
too agressive. PID control should be smoother when almost reaching the requested boost. You
can almost certainly map this correctly by decreasing I_fors values in the area below 4200

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

A little overshoot when flooring from low RPM range. Solution is in trimming reg_kon_mat or I_fors/D_fors

Overshooting when running @WOT from high(er) RPM’s

If you floor it from 4500 rpm and the turbo can deliver your requested boost at this rpm point.
You might see a spike in the boost level just when you pass the point where you hit the
requested boost. Let’s assume that you request 1.8 bar and @ 4700 rpm you reach this level
but boost overshoots to 1.9 bar @ 4750 rpm. This indicates that the spool characteristics
defined in the PID maps are too agressive. PID control should be smoother when almost
reaching the requested boost. You can almost certainly map this correctly by decreasing
P_fors and/or I_fors values in the area between 4500 and 5000 rpm.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Overshoot after changing gear in higher RPM range. Solution is in trimming I_fors/D_fors or reg_kon_mat

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

How it should look

Things to watch out for

I_fak should not equal I_fak_max (400 by default). If it does, you will have to raise
reg_kon_mat in this area.
Apc_adapt should not equal 250 (its maximum value). If it does, adaption limits have been
reached and something is not right in the PID mapping.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Maps : Boost

Gear ratio

Trionic calculates in which gear it is currently driving by using the engine speed, wheel pulses and the
number of pulses per wheel revolution. Combined with the gear ratio settings (maps) in can make a
calculation on which gear is currently engaged. This is important for boost limiting in 1st and 2nd gear.

Tables Gear_st and Gear_ratio hold information about the different values for this calulcation. Gear_st
is the overall ratio per gear. In the example above the ratio for first gear is 13.7 according to the
service manual for this car and model. The bottom value show in Gear_st is this exact value. 5th gear
shows 2.67 in the service manual and so does the upper value in the table (2.70).
So, what does this figure mean? It is actually the ratio between engine revolutions and wheel
revolutions. If the engine is running in 5th gear and with 3000 rpm with a gear ratio of 2.7 you will
have 3000 / 2.7 wheel revolutions PER MINUTE. Given a wheel radius of e.g. 300 mm you will travel
at a speed:

Wheel revolutions per minute = 3000/2.7 = 1111 rev/m

Wheel revolutions per second = 1111/60 = 18.5 wheel revs per second.
The distance traveled for a complete wheel rev is: 2 * pi * 300 = 1884 mm = 1.884 meter
The distance traveled per second will then be: 1.884 * 18.5 = 34.8 meter
The speed will be: 125 km/h

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Variables : Program mode


Program mode

This next table gives an overview of “program mode” options for Trionic. These are stored bitwise
(one single bit switches functionallity on or off) in the variable “Pgm_mod” and can be accessed by
using the firmware options screen in T5Suite.

Byte Bit Mask Description

0 0 0x01 Afterstart enrichment
0 1 0x02 WOT enrichment
0 2 0x04 Interpolation of delay map
0 3 0x08 Temperature compensation
0 4 0x10 Lambda control
0 5 0x20 Adaptivity
0 6 0x40 Idle control
0 7 0x80 Enrichment during start
1 0 0x01 Constant injection time (E51)
1 1 0x02 Lambda control during transients
1 2 0x04 Fuelcut
1 3 0x08 Constant injection time during idle
1 4 0x10 Accelerations enrichment
1 5 0x20 Decelerations enleanment
1 6 0x40 Car104
1 7 0x80 Adaptivity with closed throttle
2 0 0x01 Factor to lambda when throttle opening
2 1 0x02 Uses separate injection map during idle
2 2 0x04 Factor to lambda when AC is engaged
2 3 0x08 Throttle Acceleration Deceleration adjust simult MY95
2 4 0x10 Fuel adjusting during idle
2 5 0x20 Purge control enabled
2 6 0x40 Adaption of idle control
2 7 0x80 Lambda control during idle
3 0 0x01 Heated plates present
3 1 0x02 Automatic transmission
3 2 0x04 Load control
3 3 0x08 ETS
3 4 0x10 APC control
3 5 0x20 Higher idle during start
3 6 0x40 Global adaption enabled
3 7 0x80 Temperature compensation with active lambda control
4 0 0x01 Load buffer during idle
4 1 0x02 Constant idle ignition angle during gear one and two
4 2 0x04 No fuelcut in reverse, first and second gear
4 3 0x08 Airpump control
4 4 0x10 Normal asperated engine (non turbo)
4 5 0x20 Knock regulating disabled
4 6 0x40 Constant ignition angle
4 7 0x80 Purge valve MY94
5 7 0x80 VSS enabled

Data_namn = Software version (eg. A5COP47T.35G)

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Variables : Footer information

Footer information

If we look at the footer in the binary (last page in hexviewer) we see a set of reversed strings. Each of
these strings contains an identifier. These idenifiers have a hardcoded meaning.

Identifier Type Description

0x01 String Partnumber
0x02 String Software ID
0x03 String Data name
0x04 String Engine type
0x05 String Immobilizer code
0x06 --- Unknown
0xFC ROM end Last available ROM address
0xFD ROM offset Offsett in ROM addresses
0xFE Code end Last used ROM address

919A60 = Last program address, reversed, actual address is 06A919

000040 = Program size (size of binary), reversed, actual size is 040000
FFFF70 = Flash last address, last available ROM address (07FFFF)
10XL = Unknown value/code (LX10)
652251 = VSS security code, reversed, actual code is 152256
SSV 1C 0009-R432B = Engine type & model, reversed, actual is B234R-9000 1C VSS
L63.LN1VZI5A = Dataname, reversed, actual string is A5IZV1NL.36L
7260094 = Software ID, reversed, actual code is 4900627
8992034 = Partnumber, reversed, actual number is 4302998

Watch out with the dataname, this is also a symbol in the binary, they need not always be the same.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Engine types

Tuning the T5

Engine types
To be able to tune your engine you first have to know what engine type you have. Saab produced
several different engine types with different options.
The engine code will tell you what type it is.

Engine size Power level Turbo Output (m) Description

204 E/S Garrett T25 150 bhp 1 2.0 L Low Pressure Turbo
204 L Garrett T25 185 bhp 2.0 L High Pressure Turbo
234 E Garrett T25 170 bhp 2.3 L Low Pressure Turbo
234 L Garrett T25 200 bhp 2.3 L High Pressure Turbo
234 R Mistubishi TD04 225 bhp 2.3 L Aero (TD04 turbo)
900NG and 9-3 are 154 bhp while 9000 is 150 bhp.

B204E, B204S and B234E

When tuning an LPT engine like the B204E or B234E you will immediately need a BPC valve (Boost
Pressure Control) a.k.a. solenoid valve. This valve enables the ECU to control the wastegate on the
turbo to control boostlevels. The valve comes with three vaccuum hoses and should be connected to
Wastegate (noted as W on the hoses), Compressor (load side of turbo noted as C on hoses) and
Return (resulting unused airflow, noted as R on the hoses). Cars lacking an intercooler should be
fitted with one. Optional a boost gauge can be mounted in the car to monitor pressure levels. LPT
versions lack a boost gauge (some exceptions are known though). After altering the hardware,
replace the LPT software with FPT (B204L or B234L) software and tuning can begin in the same way
as described for an FPT engine (B204L, B234L and B234R).

B204L, B234L and B234R

Upgrading cars is often expressed in stages. Stage 1, 2 and 3 are doable without too many costs and
hardware modifications. Over stage 3 serious alterations are needed like a larger intercooler, larger
turbocharger, larger injectors etc. We will only discuss hardware requirements for stages 1 – 3 here.
Stages higher than stage 3 are listed in appendix V.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Stage I

Stage I is achievable with all stock hardware. No modifications needed here. This does not mean that
you cannot replace the stock airfilter with an open airfilter, but it is no requirement for stage 1.
Power gain achievable: ~ 20-30 bhp.
Torque gain achievable: ~ 50 Nm.

Stage II

Stage II needs at least a sport exhaust from the catalist backwards (cat-back). Again an open airfilter
is optional but no requirement.
Power gain achievable: ~ 30-50 bhp.
Torque gain achievable: ~ 80 Nm.

Stage III

Stage III needs at least an open airfilter and a complete sport exhaust (turbo-back). This exhaust
must be at least 2.5 inches in diameter. A sport or race catalist will help spool-up.
Power gain achievable: ~ 60 - 70 bhp.
Torque gain achievable: ~ 100 - 120 Nm.

Tuning in general
To be able to tune the T5 – or any other engine management system for that matter – one has to
know about some general issues and terms used in engine management tuning. This chapter will give
the reader some understanding of effects taking place inside an engine and how to consider these
effects while tuning.

General information

To tune an engine means that you optimise your engine for its possibilities. You could be lucky and
have the precise right tolerances to make the engine last as long as you want it to. Unfortunately that
can not be achieved during mass production of engines so there will be tolerances that can both be
luckily cooperating or opposing each other. These tolerances will decide how much power the engine
can produce with safety. Ovalities on the big ends on the connecting rods and the crankshafts bearing
surfaces are one possible source for disaster when the engines output rises. Secondly the diameters
on the crankshaft’s journals are not to be trusted even if the shaft is unused. The bearing shells in the
engine block are prone to engine overheating. The shells are deformed and they become both oval
and reduced in diameter, bearing failure is then not far away from that point on. If you are serious
about maximising your engine’s performance you must make sure that your engine is in good shape.
Check that
 The hydraulic valve lifters are quiet after a few seconds after engine start.
 The engine does not consume an excessive quantity of oil.
 The engine does not consume any coolant.
 Open the valve cover to get an idea of the engines general condition, check if the oil residue
build up is normal compared to the engines mileage and if there are large amounts of it. If
this is the case, remove the oil pan and check if the oil strainer is clogged, clean and
 If the oil strainer is clogged do the procedures described in TSB: 210-2561 utg. 3. (Oil sludge
in SAAB 9-5 and 9-3 B205 and B235 engines up to My 2003. Briefly described hereunder:
 Check that the oil pressure is at least 2,7 bar at 2 000 RPM using 10W/30 oil at 80° C
(176° F) engine temperature.
 Remove the tensioner for the camshaft transmission chain by first removing the small
hexagon head with the long spring and small plastic piece at the end. Remove the
tensioner and measure that it hasn’t protruded 15 mm.
 Measure the bearing play at the crank shaft

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Even if your engine is in good shape you take a higher risk of engine failure because of the higher
stresses related to the higher power output. The engine manufacturer constructs the engine according
to the principle that the average automobile life should be on the far left side of the bell curve of
engine failures. If you put more stress to the engine you are moving the bell curve to the left and thus
increase the risk of an engine failure.

Consider changing the pistons and the connecting rods if you plan to reach over ~400 Hp.

Hardware requirements

To be able to monitor the engine’s condition while tuning and road testing you will need some
additional hardware to make sure that you are not actually destroying the engine. This paragraph will
list a couple items that you really need to get things right.

 Knock LED. PLEASE install a knock LED so you are alerted when the engine starts to knock!
Installation of a knock LED is described in appendix XIII.
 EGT meter. And exhaust gas temperature meter will indicate whether or not the combustions
are getting too hot. If this happens, the chance on detonation rises. The maximum allowed
temperature for the exhaust gases is about 950 C. A simple multimeter with a thermocouple
can be used as an EGT meter.
 Wideband lambda meter. If you are not getting the AFR information from somewhere else
you will need a wideband lambda sonde to monitor the air/fuel ratio.


Knocking is a term that means the engine is not igniting in the correct or expected manner. Knocking
can be divided in three categories. When Trionic detects knocking and MAP is over 140 kPa it switches
to the knocking map (Fuel_knock_mat). When this happens, you actually know that something else in
your mapping is not as it should be. Try to prevent the usage of the knocking map as a “knocking
handler” but rather see this map as a ultimate fail-safe.


Pinking occurs when the ignition is advanced too far for a given environment (engine speed, load etc).
The fuel is ignited too early and therefore the pressure of the ignition reaches too high levels before
the piston is at TDC. The piston gets a ‘blow on the head’ and rattles agains the bore as it reaches
TDC, resulting in a high pinched, mechanical sort of pinging from the engine.
This type of ingition failure is quite common but should be addresses as soon as possible. Engine
damage will not occur instantly, but the effect is unwanted from a maintainance point of view as well
as from a tuning point of view. Power is of course affected in an undesired way by pinking.


Knocking occurs when the ‘normally ignited’ fuel creates a flame front though the cylinder and the
end-gasses (the mixture furthest away from the spark plug) ignite by themselves. This can occur
when a fuel with a low octane grade is used.

Detonation / pre-ignition

Detonation or pre-ignition is the worst of the three. This term is used when mixture in the cylinder is
ignited by anything else as the spark from the ignition system. This can happen when ‘something’
(mostly the spark plug itself) gets overheated. The glowing part of the overheated object ignites the
fuel at an unwanted moment in time. This will often instantatiously result in severe engine damage.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Volumetric Efficiency (VE)

Normally we would assume that all air taken in by the engine (and thus measured by the ECU) will be
burnt in the cylinder. This is very important because this assumption means the amount of fuel to be
injected is determined by the amount of air taken in only. In practice this is not the case. Some air will
travel though the engine, leaving the engine though the exhaust. Some air will even travel back into
the air intake. This effect is known as the volumetric efficiency of the engine. To compensate for the
air measured but not burnt in the engine, correction maps have been introducted. These are known
as VE maps.

PID Control

A PID controller is a feedback control system that tries to get an output value for the system equal to
a reference value. It uses a very complex mathematical algorithm to do so which will be described in
this chapter. At any time I will try to give pratical information to make the chapter more
understandable. The major part that we are concerned about when tuning a car – as far as PID
controllers are involved – is the boost regulation (charging pressure). When boost is requested – by
opening the throttle – the system detects that there is a difference between the requested boost and
the actual boost in the inlet manifold. The example given throughout this chapter will be idling and
then requesting maximum boost pressure (at wide open throttle). The error that the PID controller
has to correct will be maximal at this point and will also include the problem of overshooting.
There are 6 major values to consider when looking at the PID controller.

1. The actual boost pressure: the boost pressure as measured through the MAP sensor.
2. The requested boost pressure: the value that has been fetched from the boost request table
(Tryck_mat or Tryck_mat_a).
3. The controller’s calculated output
4. The controller’s P value (proportional gain)
5. The controller’s I value (integral gain)
6. The controller’s D value (derivative gain)

Since 1 and 2 are quite obvious we will not discuss them any further here.

Controller’s calculated output

The PID control scheme is named after its three correcting terms, whose sum constitutes the
manipulated variable (MV). So the amount of correction taking place on the boost pressure depends
on three factors: Pout, Iout and Dout.

where Pout, Iout, and Dout are the contributions to the output from the PID controller from each of
the three terms, as defined below. The PID’s output value is simply a number which indicates what
PWM signal to apply to the solenoid valve to correct the difference between requested boost and
measured boost.

Proportional output (Pout)

The proportional gain makes a change to the controller’s output that is proportional to the current
difference between measured boost and boost request. The proportional response can be adjusted by
multiplying the error by a constant Kp, called the proportional gain.
The proportional term is given by:

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Pout: proportional output

Kp: proportional gain fetched from P_fors table which depends on RPM and boost error.
e: error = boost requested minus boost measured
t: Time or instantaneous time (the present)

A high proportional gain results in a large change in the output for a given change in the error. If the
proportional gain is too high, the system can become unstable. In contrast, a small gain results in a
small output response to a large input error, and a less responsive (or sensitive) controller. If the
proportional gain is too low, the control action may be too small when responding to system
disturbances. In the absence of disturbances, pure proportional control will not settle at its target
value, but will retain a steady state error that is a function of the proportional gain and the process
gain. Despite the steady-state offset, both tuning theory and industrial practice indicate that it is the
proportional term that should contribute the bulk of the output change.
In more detail the P factor has a result as shown in the image below.

As we can see, the P factor determines the steepness of the inclination of the curve. In terms of
throttle response we would like to have P as high as possible without the system overshooting too
much or becoming unstable (hunting for requested boost pressure).
Would we try to draw the value of Pout into the graph we would get a result that looks like the yellow

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Integral output (Iout)

The contribution from the integral term is proportional to both the magnitude of the current error
(requested boost minus measured boost) and the duration of the error. Summing the instantaneous
error over time (integrating the error) gives the accumulated offset that should have been corrected
previously. The accumulated error is then multiplied by the integral gain which is fetched from the
I_fors table) and added to the controller’s output. So, the influence of the integral factor depends on
the integral gain from I_fors. The fetched value is calld Ki.

Iout: Integral output

Ki: integral gain fetched from I_fors which depends on RPM and boost error
e: error = boost requested minus boost measured
τ: time in the past contributing to the integral response

The integral term (when added to the proportional term) accelerates the movement of the process
towards the requested boost and eliminates the residual steady-state error that occurs with a
proportional only controller. However, since the integral term is responding to accumulated errors
from the past, it can cause the present value to overshoot the requested boost value (create an error
in the other direction so that measured boost will be higher than the requested boost).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

If we draw the Iout value (indicative again) in the image we would get the yellow line in this image.

Derivative output (Dout)

The rate of change of the boost pressure error is calculated by determining the slope of the error over
time (i.e. its first derivative with respect to time) and multiplying this rate of change by the derivative
gain Kd. The magnitude of the contribution of the derivative term to the overall control action is
termed the derivative gain, Kd.

Dout: Derivative output

Kd: Derivative Gain, a tuning parameter
e: Error = SP − PV
t: Time or instantaneous time (the present)

The derivative term slows the rate of change of the controller output and this effect is most noticeable
close to the controller setpoint. Hence, derivative control is used to reduce the magnitude of the
overshoot produced by the integral component and improve the combined controller-process stability.
However, differentiation of a signal amplifies noise and thus this term in the controller is highly
sensitive to noise in the error term, and can cause a process to become unstable if the noise and the
derivative gain are sufficiently large.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

If we look at the graph above we can see that the error starts off as zero (engine = idling). The
moment the boost request changes (throttle opened) The error changes very fast to 1 (blue line).
The change rate is highest at this point. Where the red line is flat, there is no change in error so Dout
will be zero there. If we look at the next image we can see the rate of change in the yellow line.

We now see that Dout is only a factor when boost inclines or declines very fast. This is shown in the
yellow line (indicative) in the image below.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

PID controller output

The output from the three terms, the proportional, the integral and the derivative terms are summed
to calculate the output of the PID controller. Defining u(t) as the controller output, the final form of
the PID algorithm is:

 Kp: Proportional Gain - Larger Kp typically means faster response since the larger the error,
the larger the Proportional term compensation. An excessively large proportional gain will lead
to process instability and oscillation.
 Ki: Integral Gain - Larger Ki implies steady state errors are eliminated quicker. The trade-off is
larger overshoot: any negative error integrated during transient response must be integrated
away by positive error before we reach steady state.
 Kd: Derivative Gain - Larger Kd decreases overshoot, but slows down transient response and
may lead to instability due to signal noise amplification in the differentiation of the error.

Effects of increasing parameters

Parameter Rise Time Overshoot Settling Time Offset Error

Kp Decrease Increase Small Change Decrease

Ki Decrease Increase Increase Eliminate
Kd Small Decrease Decrease Decrease None

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Implementation in Trionic 5

If we take a closer look at the parameters in the Trionic software we can see that the factors Kp, Ki
and Kd depend on RPM and pressure error. This makes the already complicated system even more
complex because not only is the boost request and measured boost a variable but also the factors in
which P, I and D are applied. This makes tuning these parameter tables very difficult.

The image above shows a stock P_fors (Kp in out previous paragraphs) table for manual transmission
on a B234R engine. We can clearly see that values differ a lot with RPM and pressure error. Low
pressure errors (0-0.10 bar) are not adjusted over 2500 RPM. The highest Kp is found in the lowest
RPM range. This is probably because the turbo still needs to spool up on this region so regulation is
strong here.

Here we see the Ki factors used in the stock firmware. What seems kind of strange is that I peaks at a
low boost error and high range RPM.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

And finally we take a look at the Kd factor in the stock firmware. It seems kind of dumb to have these
stange high values in the table at seemingly random places. The fact that Kd is low on low error
values is quite understandable because we saw earlier that Kd is only an active component when
boostpressure changes quickly.

If we step back to our example of idling and then opening the throttle 100%, we can see that the
boost error will be large at low RPM. Looking at the tables we find that Kp starts of high, Ki is zero
and Kd is zero. The system will start to work it’s way to the requested boost. While it is doing so, RPM
rises and the boost error decreases. Suppose we pass 2500 RPM and the boost error has decreased to
0.5 bar. We now have a Kp of 40, Ki of 4 and a Kd of 155. So, the system is suddenly completely
different and will not increase boost so fast anymore because Kp is much lower. Kd is coming into play
to prevent overshoot and Ki is rising to settle to the right requested boost. We just keep going on
WOT and our RPM has climbed upto 4000 RPM and the pressure error is virtually non existing. 0.05
bar. We now have a Kp of 0, an Ki of 10 and a Kd of 0. Again the entire system has changed and we
now have a situation where boost inclination is very low and we are just keeping at this pressure

As you can see, getting familiar with the PID control algoritm is a very time consuming factor. If you
don’t have to alter these settings, please don’t. Changing the PID control parameters is only useful
when you know exactly what your goal is and what you are doing. More boost doesn’t require the PID
control parameters to be changed, just change the boost request maps and the boost regulation
control tables (reg_kon_mat tables) for that.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Having a drive

If we drive the car and log RPM, Manifold pressure, P_factor, I_factor and PWM signal we end up with
a graph like shown below.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

In more detail, throttle response in relation to PID parameters and PWM output can be read from this

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If we WOT the car under load the response can be as shown in this image.

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Closing and opening the throttle in respect to the PID/PWM parameters are show in this last image.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

If we add Pout, Iout and Dout and plot it against the PWM output we can see that there is a very
strong resemblence.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Reading the code

Reading the assembler code from the Trionic gives us more insight about the PID behaviour and lets
us verify the things we see in practice. The major formula for the calculation of the PWM signal on
the boost control valve is:

PWM _ ut  APC _ Knock *(reg _ kon _ mattemperature _ correctionP _ gain I _ Gain  D _ Gain Apc _ Adapt )

In which

APC knock
From this we see that knocking can decrease charging pressure (we already knew this, but the
formula confirms it) with a certain factor.
APC_Knock = (100 - APC_decrese ) / 100
Where APC_decrese = factor that determines how much boost pressure should be lowered in
case of knocking

Reg_kon_mat is an offset table that determines what offset to add to the PID controllers
output to get to the PWM output signal. We can see this in the previous image… the
difference in offset between the yellow and the green line is the current reg_kon_mat value.
The percentage found in reg_kon_mat is actually the bias (preset) of PWM signal in a given
RPM site.


Temperature Addition to PWM_ut

Below 0 C 0
Between 0 ˚C and 40 C Temperature * 2
Over 40 C 80


P _ gain  P _ factor * ( pressure _ error / 10)

Where pressure error = 50 when 0.5 bar

I _ gain  I _ factor* ( cumulative _ pressure _ error / 10)
Where cumulative pressure error = I_factor * pressure_error + previous cumulative error
The cumulative pressure error gets cleared (set to zero) whenever:
The cumulative pressure error > 100 and I_factor > I_fak_max
The cumulative pressure error < -100 and I_factor < -I_fak_max
on NOT wide open throttle I_gain = 0
on break I_gain = 0
on cruise control I_gain = 0

D _ gain  ( D _ factor* pressure _ error ) / 2
Where pressure error = 50 when 0.5 bar

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Under 1000 rpm PWM_ut = 0.2 %
PWM_ut maximum = 98%
PWM_ut minimum = 0.2%

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Tuning with T5Suite

T5Suite incorporates several ways to tune your software to another stage.

Manual tuning

You can alter maps and parameters within the binary file using T5Suite. This is done by selecting the
desired symbol from the symbollist and double clicking it. A mapviewer will appear and you can
manually alter the values in the map.

Map presentation

You can view the data in a map in several ways: hexadecimal, decimal and easy.
In hexadecimal mode the numbers in the map are displayed as hexadecimal numbers (0-F). If you
don’t know how to interpret hexadecimal numbers you can switch the view to decimal numbers (0-9)
or even easy view. Easy view lets you view the map in understandable numbers for as much as the
maps are known. Boost pressure maps for example are converted from numbers ranging from 0 to
255 to actual boost pressure values (-1 bar to 1.55 bar).

Color indicators

The map can be displayed in table form as well as in graphical form. The values can (depending on
settings made by the user) be displayed in colors ranging either from transparent to red or from green
to red. The coloring can be disabled alltogether for performance reasons.

Altering values in a map

To edit a value in a map just point and click on the specific cell. To edit several cells at once you
can hold the Ctrl-button on your keyboard then point and click on each individual cell you want to
edit the same way. Finally you can click, hold and drag to select several cells in the same box. To
avoid that you have to adjust all values of a “large” map manually some features have been
added to the mapeditor:
 Plus key: adds 1 to all selected cells
 Minus key: substracts 1 from all selected cells
 PageUp key: adds 10 to all selected cells
 PageDown key: substracts 10 from all selected cells
 Home key: sets all selected cells to the maximal value
 End key: sets all selected cells to the minimal values
And a mathematics tab where you can select:
 A value to fill the selected cells with.
 A value to add to the selected cells.
 A value to multiply the selected cells by.
 A value to divide the selected cells by.
To execute what you have selected in this tab, push the lightning button.
You can also select one or multiple cells, right click and chose “copy selected cells” or “Paste
selected cells” where you could choose: “At original position” or “At currently selected position”.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Tuning in general

Tuning wizard

T5Suite can tune most binaries automatically. Stages I, II, III are standard. After selecting a stage a
wizard will appear. Please check appendix V for hardware requirements.

When the user selects to continue with the wizard, adaptions will be made to boost request tables,
injection table, knocking map tables etc. After making the changes a report will be generated
indicating exactly which changes have been made to your software. Of course a backup of your binary
is created before making the changes.

Stage Boost B234E/L Boost B234R, B204E/L/R Boost B234E/L (AUT) Boost B234R, B204E/L/R (AUT)
I 1.05 1.15 0.95 1.04
II 1.15 1.25 1.04 1.13
III 1.25 1.35 1.13 1.22

Tuning to stage X enables you to set the parameters for the wizard manually.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Converting to 3 bar mapsensor


This chapter will explain the issues that one will encounter when the need for a 3 bar mapsensor
rises. This need surfaces when a tuned car must reach over ~1.4 bar boost pressure. The standard
mapsensor is a 2.5 bar variant and hence will measure correctly to approx. 2.5 bar minus environment
pressure (which is ~1 bar) minus saturation level of the sensor ~3% so about 1.4 bar.
Above this boost pressure level the standard mapsensor will not suffice anymore and an upgraded one
should be mounted for the Trionic to be able to measure boost pressure correctly.


The real issues we’re faced with when doing this conversion are not of the hardware type.
Boost pressure calculation is one of the smaller issues that we stand for. Suppose we are working on
a binary that has the following boost request map (Tryck_mat).

Image 11: Standard FPT boost request map

The values displayed are the requested boost pressure for a given throttle position and rpm. The
boost requested at 2000 rpm at wide open throttle (WOT) is 1.00 bar. Trionic will try to reach this
requested boost level by controlling the boost control valve (solenoid) using a complex control

Suppose we hook up this car with a 3 bar mapsensor and change nothing else.
The Trionic would then measure lower voltages from the sensor for a given boost level.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

The output voltage values for the stock 2.5 bar mapsensor are:

2.5 bar mapsensor


-0,75 -0,5 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5
pressure (bar)

For the 3 bar sensor these are the approximate values:

3 bar mapsensor


-1 -0,75 -0,5 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2
pressure (bar)

Hence, we could change the map to the boost levels the Trionic would be trying to reach.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Image 12: Standard boost request map in 3 bar view

Now we can clearly see that the boost levels the Trionic would be trying to reach are way higher.
But… now we come to the real issues…

Imagine the igntion map having boost pressure as x axis. Normally the most ignition advance will be
around a certain boost pressure level.

Image 13: Standard ignition map

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Now let’s change the boost pressure axis to the values the Trionic would be measuring when
a 3 bar mapsensor would be installed.

Image 14: Ignition map with 3 bar mapsensor axis

Now we can clearly see that the ignition advance shifts over the boost pressure axis. The 35 degrees
advance we see in image 13 is set for -0.68 bar boost pressure. In the 3 bar table (image 14) this
advance point is suddenly shifted to -0.62 bar.

This of course should not happen!! Ignition advance for -0.68 bar should remain the same.
So, the entire map should be shifted to the left a bit when using a 3 bar sensor.

An example for such an ignition map is given in image 15. Please note that this is not the same table
but is only displayed for reference reasons.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Image 15: An altered table for 3 bar sensor

Now that we’ve seen that not only the pressure maps should be altered but also every single table
that has a boost pressure dependency one can easily understand the complexity of the conversion
problem. In the next chapters a summary will be given for known tables that have this dependency.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Maps that should be considered when converting to 3 bar sensor

Symbolname Description Dependency

Tryck_mat Boost table for manual transmission Values are boost pressure
Tryck_mat_a Boost table for automatic transmission Values are boost pressure
Tryck_vakt_tab Boost limiter Values are boost pressure
Regl_tryck_fgaut Boost limiter 1st gear automatic Values are boost pressure
Regl_tryck_fgm Boost limiter 1st gear manual Values are boost pressure
Regl_tryck_sgm Boost limiter 2nd gear manual Values are boost pressure
Limp_tryck_konst Limp home mode maximum boost Values are boost pressure
Idle_tryck Boost level on idle Values are boost pressure
Insp_mat Fuel injection correction table Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_0 Ignition map for warm engine (main map) Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_2 Ignition map for knock detection Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_3 Ignition map transient Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_4 Ignition map for cool engine (warmup map) Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_6 Ignition map for torque reduction upshift Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_7 Ignition map for torque reduction downshift Boost pressure in x axis
Ign_map_8 Ignition map for idle during speed Boost pressure in x axis
Lambdamatris Lambda sensor control factors Boost pressure in y axis
Knock_press_tab Pressure limit for knock indication Values are boost pressure
Purge_tab Purge matrix ( 0 – 100% ) Boost pressure in x axis
Del_mat Delay map (crankshaft degrees) Boost pressure in x axis
Temp_reduce_mat Fuel Injection, Temperature compensation Boost pressure in x axis
reduction map (open throttle)
Temp_reduce_mat_2 Fuel Injection, Temperature compensation Boost pressure in x axis
reduction map (closed throttle)
Mis1000_map Misfire maximum allowed (emission level) Boost pressure in x axis
Mis200_map Misfire maximum allowed (cat overheating) Boost pressure in x axis
Misfire_map T5.2 only Boost pressure in x axis
Detect_map Reference map for misfire detection Boost pressure in x axis
Knock_ref_matrix Knock reference map Boost pressure in x axis
Turbo_knock_tab Pressure limit for turbo knock regulation Values are boost pressure
Iv_min_load Pressure for which adaption should be Values are boost pressure
Min_load_gadapt Minimum load for global adaption Values are boost pressure
Max_load_gadapt Maximum load for global adaption Values are boost pressure
Kadapt_load_low Pointed adaption minimum load Values are boost pressure
Kadapt_load_high Pointed adaption maximum load Values are boost pressure
Last_cyl_komp Values are boost pressure
Open_loop Load limit where system switches to Values are boost pressure
Open_loop_adapt Open loop adaption (not used?) Values are boost pressure
Open_loop_knock Load limit where system switches to open Values are boost pressure
loop during knock conditions.
Lacc_clear_tab Values are boost pressure
Lner_detekt Values are boost pressure
Lupp_detekt Values are boost pressure
Sond_heat_tab Load limit for lambda sonde heating Values are boost pressure
Grund_last Values are boost pressure
Grund_last_max Values are boost pressure

Still investigating tables:


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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting to 3 bar mapsensor

Implementation in T5Suite

T5Suite has a “convert to 3 bar mapsensor “wizard” build in that allows you to alter your binary so
that all the before mentioned parameters are automatically changed.

NOTE: Converting to a 3 bar mapsensor is a very complex prodecure. You will have to verify all
settings after converting the binary and check operation using knocksensing led, EGT meter and
wideband lambda sensor.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Converting T5 to larger injectors

This chapter will explain the issues that one will encounter when converting to larger injectors. The
standard injectors deliver 345 cc of fuel @ 3 bar pressure.
The approximate maximum power achievable with these injectors is ~300 bhp. When a car is to be
tuned over this power, larger injectors are needed to be able to supply the amount of fuel needed for

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Injector information

Stock injectors on Saab 9000 1993

Brand: Lucas
Mfd. p/n:D5162EA
Imp: 15.9 Ohms
Flow: 286g C7H16 @ 3 bar / 60s (~408 cc/min)

Stock injectors on Saab 9000 1994-1998

345 cc/min @ 3 bar fuel pressure

Static Flow Rate: 31.6 lb/hr @ 43.5PSI = 239.4 g/min = 349 cc/min (+/-4%)
Dynamic Flow Rate 2.5ms pulse width @ 100Hz: 6.68 mg/pulse (+/-6%)
Coil Resistance: 16.2 Ohms (+/-0.35 Ohms)
Physical Dimensions: EV1 Body Type
Connector: Minitimer (Bosch EV6)

Possible upgrades can be:

Bosch -968 “Green Giants”

465 cc/min @ 3.8 bar fuel pressure.

413 cc/min @ 3.0 bar fuel pressure.

Siemens Deka 630 cc/min @ 3.0 bar fuel pressure.

Static Flow Rate (GAS): 62.7 lb/hr = 646 cc/min = 474 g/min
Dynamic Flow Rate 2.5ms PW @ 100Hz (GAS): 20.2mg/pulse
Coil Resistance: 12 Ohms

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Gain: 0.11ms/mg
Offset: 0.055ms
Turn on time @ 14VDC: 1.14ms
Turn off time: 0.85ms @ 600KPa
Factory Tollerance: +/-6 %
Spray Pattern: Cone (4-Hole)
Connector: Minitimer (Bosch EV1)

Siemens Deka 4 875 cc/min @ 3.0 bar fuel pressure.

Static Flow Rate (GAS): 80 lb/hr = 875 cc/min

Dynamic Flow Rate 2.5ms PW @ 100Hz (GAS): 18.6 mg/pulse
Coil Resistance: 12 Ohms
Spray Pattern: Pencil
Connector: Minitimer

Bosch EV14 920 cc/min @ 3.0 bar fuel pressure.

Static Flow Rate (GAS): 88 lb/hr = 920 cc/min

Coil Resistance: 12 Ohms

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Technical information

Injectors used in Saabs with Trionic 5 engine management systems are of the high impedance type.
This means the impedance (resistance) is ~12 Ω. The other type – low impedance - is not used in
conjunction with T5. The low impedance type are ~3 Ω.

Injectors are actually little solenoid valves which open when current flows through them. By pulsing
the injectors the right amount of times per interval the valves are opened and closed in the same
frequency as engine RPM. This way the fuel can be injected at precisely the right moment.

The waveform supplied to a single injector could look something like in image 16.

Image 16: pulsling of injector

Theoratically the injector would open at the point where the voltage goes high and close where the
voltage goes low.

By changing the width of the pulse the effective opening time per period can be changed and thus the
amount of fuel injected per cycle. When less fuel is needed as shown in image 16 the width is lowered
and could result in image 17.

Image 17: Smaller pulses result in less fuel

When more fuel is needed the waveform will get wider and could look something like image 18. This
is called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Image 18: Wider pulses result in more fuel

In these examples the frequency stays the same (RPM) while the pulse width changes (throttle
opening and therefore fuel requirement). When engine RPM rises the amount of pulses per period of
time would simply increase. This is shown in image 19.

Image 19: Frequency increased with higher RPM

This image instantly clarifies why injectors are limited to a certain level of power. The maximum
opening time that can be reached is determined by the maximum rpm value the engine can achieve.
When engine speed rises the duration that the fuel can be injected decreases. At the point of
maximum engine speed this duration will be at its minimum. The effective injection duration in other
rpm sites cannot be higher than at this point.
The PWM duty cycle is the percentage between on and off time. A typical maximal dutycycle is ~80%.
This means the injectors flowrate * 0.8 is about the maximum amount of fuel the injector can deliver
in action.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Converting math

When calculating fuel flowrate from one rail pressure to another we’ll have to this formula:

Rn = √(Pn / Po) * Ro

Rn = New flow rate for the new rail pressure.

Pn = New pressure on the rail.
Po = Old pressure on the rail.
Ro = Old flow rate at the old rail pressure.

For example we need to recalculate the flowrate for the green giant injectors for 3 bar rail pressure.
The rated flow @ 3.8 bar is given by the manufacturer and is 465 cc / minute.
The formula will be:

Rn = √(3.0 / 3.8) * 465 = ~ 413 cc / minute

When we want to calculate the rail pressure to get a certain flowrate from our injectors we’ll have to
use this formula:

Pn = Po * (Rn / Ro)2

Pn = New pressure that needs to be applied

Po = Old pressure (current)
Rn = Desired rate of flow for injector
Ro = Old flow (current)

For example we want for get 370 cc of flow from our stock injectors.
The new pressure would then be:
3.0 * (370/345)^2 = ~ 3.45 bar

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Real world

In reality injectors don’t open instantly. They need time to open the valve. Dramatized a bit the actual
opening time will look something like the red line in image 20. Opening and closing ramps must be
taken into consideration. In an ideal world the injector would go from closed to open on the exact
moment the pulse is applied. In high resistance injector injection systems, like the T5, this is a factor
that must be taken into consideration.

Image 20: Pulse vs. injector open time

What is apparent is that fuel starts to flow at the start of the pulse but the injector’s flow rate isn’t
reached until a certain time after the pulse was applied. At the end of the pulse we must take the
closing time into account. Note that the opening and closing ramps are asymmetrical, this means that
the ramp faults do not cancel each other out. The fuel we are missing is denoted by the red color and
the extra fuel is denoted by the green color. There can also be differences in the height of the figures
due the differences between injectors. Bosch standard injectors have small manufacturing tolerances
so the differences are thereby small. When dealing with larger injectors, even small differences in
percentage leads to large real differences. In this case we must therefore considering flow matched
injectors. The Siemens 630 cc has a reputation of having large differences in flow rate, especially
when measuring on low and mid range duty cycle. Differences in flow rate could lead to pre
ignition/detonation when one cylinder is running lean and the others are runing rich because the
injectors inject different amount of fuel. The knock regulation in Trionic 5 should protect the engine
from failures but it can result in rough idle and a roller coaster like wideband lambda readout on idle
and mid-range RPM.
The opening time is in direct relation to the battery voltage and the relative fuel pressure, the closing
time is in direct relation to the relative fuel pressure. Therefore one idea could be to adjust the
Batt_korr_tab! to cancel out the difference in opening time when converting to larger injectors. The
Batt_korr_tab! table regulates the time the injectors are held open in respect of the battery voltage
because of the relationship of how fast the injectors open when different voltages are applied.

The most important thing to remember is that larger injectors need more time to open than the stock
injectors. The fuel flow maybe better (more fuel per microsecond passes the valve simply because the
opening is larger) but the valve is a bit bigger too and hence needs more time to open. On low rpm
values this might not be a very big issue but on higher rpm ranges the frequency of the waveform is
also higher and hence the injectors responsetime becomes more important (there’s simply less time
per cycle to get the fuel into the intake manifold). Would we replace the injectors from image 20 by
larger ones the new opening times could look something like image 21.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Image 21: Pulse vs. injector open time with larger injectors

These two images make the concrete problem very visible. The opening duration multiplied by the
flowrate determines the effective amount of fuel injected. Larger injectors need a little more time to
open – hence the actual opening time gets smaller – but the amount of fuel per microsecond is larger.
Setting up the software in such a way that the injectors deliver the required amount of fuel at all RPM
and load ranges takes some work.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Simple conversion

Up until ~25% larger injectors can be used without much problems. The change in opening times are
relative small and can be altered using a constant in the software. The remainer of the difference in
injected fuel can be adapted by the Trionic using the lambda values measured up to some point
(there’s a limit to this adaption of course).

Image 22: Injector constant shown in T5Suite

If we look at the Trionic software we find that there’s a constant called Inj_konst present. This
constant lets us influence the factor used in the fuel injection calculation. In stock software this
constant is mostly set to ~20.
When we upgrade to larger injectors we need to decrease this constant (opening time needs to be
smaller with larger injectors) with about the same percentage that the injectors got bigger.


Fuel pressure upgrade

We upgrade the fuel pressure from 3.0 (44 psi) bar to 3.8 bar (55 psi).
If we use the math on this pressure rise we’ll find out that the stock injectors will deliver:

Rn = √(3.8 / 3.0) * 345 = 388 cc/min

The factor of extra fuel will be 388/345 = 1.125

The Inj_konst value in the software used was 21. Now we devide this value with 1.125 and this
results in ~19. Since we must round the figure to an integer value we might need to fine-tune the
injection table (insp_mat) to make sure we don’t have any lean/rich spots using a wideband lambda

Injector upgrade
We upgrade our stock injectors with larger Bosch “green giant” injectors.
We leave the fuel pressure @ 3 bar.
The larger injectors will deliver 465 cc of fuel @ 3.8 bar.
At 3 bar these injectors will deliver ~413 cc of fuel per minute.
Our gain factor in this case will be 413/345 = 1.197.
If we recalculate the injector constant (21 / 1.197) = 17.5, we’ll have to enter 18.
Again we have to round the result and we might need fine-tuning of the injection map (insp_mat) to
make sure we don’t have any lean/rich spots using a wideband lambda sensor.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Advanced conversion

If we want to replace our stock injectors with much larger injectors we’ll have to do more than only
altering the injector constant.
Trionic won’t be able to adapt the injection time difference that will occur because of the injector
opening latency when the difference in injector flow is more then ~25%.

In this case we’ll need to alter the injector constant as well as remap the entire injection map

Image 23: Injection map shown in T5Suite

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Converting T5 to larger injectors

Since the injection map is already mapped up to its limit in the stock software we need to make sure
that we alter the injector constant in such a way that too much fuel is injected.

Suppose we get the siemens injectors in stead of our stock injectors. The injectors will deliver 630 cc
of fuel per minute. This is 630/345 = 1.83 times more than stock.

We’ll have to adjust the injector constant with this factor also. Because we want to be able to alter the
injection map afterwards (and we cannot put higher values in it so we’ll have to get lower) we have to
make sure that the injector constant is a bit higher than we calculate.

The new injector constant would be around (21 / 1.83) = 11.4

Because we need to be able to alter the injection map afterwards we would have to enter 12 or 13 for
the injector constant.

Now remember the extra time the injector needs to be opened. Because there’s no standard way of
calculating this we need to increase the injector constant from the value we have upto the point
where the engine starts to run rich. I’ve seen 630cc injectors used with an injector constant of 17 (!).

Now we need to remap the injection matrix site by site. We’ll see that we need to decrease the values
in the map because the engine was already running rich.
To be able to remap the injection matrix properly you’d ideally need an exhaust gas temperature
meter (EGT), a wide band lambda sensor + display and a rolling road.
The latter is to make sure you can determine on which load and rpm site you are working.

Implementation in T5Suite

T5Suite gives the user the possibility to re-calculate the injector constant with given injector flowrates
and fuel pressure values.
The above formulas have been implemented for this with one addition.
To compensate for the injector latency increase in larger injectors (more time needed to open)
T5Suite increases the newly calculated injector constant with one (1) for every 100 cc / minute
increase in injector flow @ 3 bar. This is only guesstimating but there’s nothing better at this time.

Again: when injectors flow changes by more than 25 percent the injector constant and injection map
needs verification too.

NOTE: minimum time for normal idle ~ 1.2 ms.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Adjusting supporting axis

Adjusting supporting axis

If you want to rescale maps to – for example – support higher engine speeds you need to
perform a couple of steps.

Open the map you want the axis changed for.

Suppose we want to change the Y-axis (RPM) here. Right click on the Y axis and select “Edit

A new map will appear called “Fuel_map_yaxis!”. This map contains the axis numbers for the
given map.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tuning the T5 : Adjusting supporting axis

Now you can edit this map with axis values, save it and reload the original map (insp_mat in
this case). The map will now have the new axis values.

NOTE: Please note that changing the axis values WILL cause trionic to lookup different cells
from a map and so, you will have to rescale the maps content as well (in this case, insp_mat).
If you don’t rescale everything the way it is supposed to be trionic will fetch the wrong values
from the map while the engine is running which may result in engine damage.
NOTEII: Also note that support axis may be used by more than one map. Please check the
axis browser in T5Suite to confirm that there are no more maps that you need to rescale other
than the one you started out with.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : General information

CAN Bus interface

Interfacing with the Trionic T5.x unit through the CAN bus is possible with to retrieve data from the
ECU. The CAN interface supplies information about runtime variables (symbols) and allows for flashing
and reading the flash content (to be developed) in a faster way than the BDM interface does.

General information
Chip used on Trionic side: Intel AN825256
Communication speed used: 615 kbit/s

The most frequently used interface for this is the lawicel CANUSB interface that can be found on This interface can convert CAN signals onto you USB port and vice versa. The
interface has a USB port on one side – that connects to you computer – and an male RS232 (DB9)
connector on the other side. This side connects to the CAN bus of the Trionic.

The lawicel interface has the following pinout on the DB9 connector.

Connecting to CAN bus with ECU on your desk

The CAN bus is connected to the ECU through pin 62 (CANH) and pin 63 (CANL). Of course ground is
also required. To connect the CAN interface directly to the Trionic, use this schema. If you want to
connect to the Trionic unit in the car please check the next paragraph that handles the SFI test

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : CAN Bus (SFI) test connector

CAN Bus (SFI) test connector

In most 9000 T5 cars the connection for the CAN Bus is located in an SFI test connector that is
located near the ECU. It is a six pin connector for which the pinning is already given here.

Pinnumber Description Color Trionic pin

1 CAN H Grey 62
2 CAN L Red 63
4 Ignition + (15) Green/white From fuse box
5 Ground Black 24 & 25
6 +15 V (Programming Red/white 65

The location of the pins in the connector housing – looking on the cable side of the connector - is
shown in image 24. These numbers are also embossed into the plastic on the side of the connector

Image 24: SFI connector pinlocation

SFI Connector in-car has partnumber: 44 11 518

SFI Connector counterpart (that you need) has partnumber: 44 10 510
SFI Connector terminal (pins) used for this connection are partnumber: 12 79 06 14 from which you
will need at least 3 (CAN-H, CAN-L and GND).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : CAN Bus termination

In 93 and 900NG cars the connector is different and looks like the image shown below.

900NG connector 93 connector

CAN Bus termination

A CAN bus interface needs to be terminated by 120 Ω on both sides. This means a resistor should be
soldered over CANH and CANL lines as close as possible on either side of the line.
But… Trionic is already termined internally by 120 Ω. This is probably done because the CAN interface
on Trionic would never be used as a real bus architecture, it would always be a one-to-one
connection. This voids the need for adding a resistor on the Trionic side.
For the best result the cable used should be twisted (CANH and CANL) upto approx. 1 cm of the

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : CAN Bus protocol

CAN Bus protocol

SAAB engineers have implemented a proprieraty protocol on top of the CAN Bus layer. The CAN layer
is the transport layer in the OSI model while the SAAB protocol is the application layer.
This chapter will describe the message structure used in transferring data from and to Trionic over the
CAN Bus. The protocol for sending and receiving data to and from SRAM is relatively easy. All CAN
messages sent to Trionic have CAN message ID 0xC4 while messages received from Trionic are
message ID 0xC6.

Low level commands

Send command byte for read

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 CMD 0xC4

Send command byte

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF CMD 0xC4

Send acknowledge

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xC6

Set address for uploading bootloader

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

After set address: #frames to write data into SRAM

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: INDEX = 0x00 – 0x7F

Jump to address (after uploading bootloader, to start executing the bootloader)

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 ADR_LL ADR_LH ADR_HL ADR_HH 0xC1

Get flash end address

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xC3
Response 0xB8 0x89 0xFF 0xFF 0x07 0x00 0x00 0xC3

Set Analogue to digital register values

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data ??? AD7 AD6 AD5 AD4 ID BANK1 0xC5
Note: BANK = 0x00 or 0x01

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : CAN Bus protocol

Read data from SRAM

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 ADR_LL ADR_LH ADR_HL ADR_HH 0xC7
Response (ADR+5) (ADR+4) (ADR+3) (ADR+2) (ADR+1) B(ADR) 0x00 0xC7

High level commands

Request symboltable command (uses send command byte)

To fetch the entire symboltable from the ECU you will need to issue a command ‘S’ <CR>
So, two frames are send actually:
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x53 0xC4
Data 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x0D 0xC4

Request software version command

To fetch the entire symboltable from the ECU you will need to issue a command ‘s’ <CR>
So, two frames are send actually:
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x73 0xC4
Data 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF 0x0D 0xC4

Write to SRAM command

W = ‘W’ (0x57)
AAAA = address to write to in hexadecimal form in capitals
DD = data to write in hexadecimal for in capitals
<CR> = carriage return character (0x0D)
To issue a write command all bytes in the command stated above should be transmitted as frames.

To write a value 0x1c to SRAM address 0x107a the command to issue would be W107A1C<CR>
The frames to send would then be:
Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x57 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x31 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x30 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x37 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x41 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x31 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x43 0xC4
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0D 0xC4

Read from SRAM command

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data 0x00 0x00 0x00 AH AL 0x00 0x00 0xC7
AH = Address High byte and AL = Address Low byte

The response to this message should be a CAN message with ID 0x0C

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Monitoring real time data

Monitoring real time data

To be able to monitor your engine’s status while driving you can fill the dashboard with gauges (which
of course looks very cool) showing you boost pressure, intake air temperature, coolant temperature
etc. Another route is to hook up the CAN bus SFI connector to a laptop using the lawicel CANUSB
converter and monitor all engine parameters on the computer. This has several trivial advantadges.

 You don’t need a gauge for every parameter you want to monitor
 You can monitor much more parameters
 You can rearrange the monitor layout much easier
 You can add logging function for evaluation

T5Suite encorporates a CANBus driver library (for which we owe General Failure lots of gratitude)
which enables the application not only to monitor live data from the Trionic, but also to download
adaption data from it. This chapter will address the first while the next chapter will address the latter.
There’s literally hunderds of symbols that can be monitored in Trionic. We will discuss only the most
trivial symbols/parameters here. You must be aware of the fact that some symbols consist of multiple
‘flags’. These flags indicate a certain state or event in the ECU. Flags are bit masked in a byte or
multiple bytes.

Symbol Description Type

P_Manifold Current manifold pressure (kPa) Byte
Batt_volt Battery voltage (*10) Byte
Adapt_injfaktor Long term fuel adaption factor Byte
Rpm Current engine speed Integer
Rpm_pol Current engine speed scaled for 1 byte Byte
Lufttemp Current manifold intake air temperature Byte
Kyl_temp Current cooling water temperature Byte
Medellast Average calculated engine load Byte
Medeltryck Average inlet manifold pressure Byte
Medeltrot Average TPS value Byte
Lambdaint Current lambda intergator value Byte
PWM_ut PWM signal (%) to BPC valve Integer
PWM_ut10 PWM signal (%) to BPC valve scaled for 1 byte Byte
Mis200_tot Misfire catalyst overheating counter Integer
Mis1000_tot Misfire emission degradation counter Integer
Pgm_status Program status flags 4/5/6 bytes
Knock_status Program status flags 4/5/6 bytes
Ready Flags register indicating ready codes for one trip Integer
APC_status APC status byte Integer
APC_adapt APC adaption value Integer
Diag_status Diagnose status byte 12 bytes
*_error All error counters Byte
Last Current engine load Byte
Last_delta Load change Byte
Bil_hast Current vehicle speed Byte
Batt_korr Correction factor for injection depending on voltage Integer
AD_sond A/D value for front lambda sonde Byte
AD_bat A/D value for battery voltage Byte
AD_EGR A/D value for EGR temperature Byte
AD_knock A/D value for knocking detection Byte
AD_trot A/D value for Throttle Position Sensor Byte
AD_lufttemp A/D value for manifold air intake temperature Byte
AD_kylv A/D value for coolant temperature Byte
U_lambda_eng Front lambda value Integer
P_fak APC controller P factor Integer
I_fak APC controller I factor Integer
D_fak APC controller D factor Integer
Regl_tryck Control pressure (target) Byte
Gear Current gear Byte

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Monitoring real time data

Symbol Byte Mask Description

APC_status 0 0x80 Car_speed 45-55 km/h
0 0x40 Car_speed const. between 45-55 km/h
0 0x20 I-part for APC regulator activated
0 0x10 Overboost enable
0 0x08 Brake
0 0x04 Cruise
0 0x02 New reduce of pressure allowed
0 0x01 Allowed to adapt "I_fak_max"
1 0x80 Torque reduce automatic
1 0x40 APC adaption disable

Knock_status 0 0x80
0 0x40
0 0x20
0 0x10 Knock indicates to lower boost ?
0 0x08 Knock indicates to lower boost ?
0 0x04 Ignition retard because of knock?
0 0x02
0 0x01 Knock_average > Knock_average_limit

Diag_status 0 0x01 Idle error

0 0x02 IAT error
0 0x04 Speed error
0 0x08 Front lambda sonde error
0 0x10 Throttle error
0 0x20 Pressure error
0 0x80 Water temperature error
1 0x01 RPM out error
1 0x10 Front lambda sonde omslag error
1 0x80 Rear lambda sonde lean ignition
2 0x02 Cat error (rear lambda)
2 0x04 Rear lambda sonde lean
2 0x80 Cooling water temperature activity test ready
5 0x01 Start_tryck out of range (mapsensor error?)
5 0x08 Knock levels within boundaries
5 0x10 Use diagnose for front lambda parameters
6 0x01 Something wrong with front lambda sonde
6 0x04 Indicates that front lambda sensor transition test has failed
8 0x40 Front lambda sonde transition test ready
8 0x02 Indicates that OBD2 diagnose part is disabled due to high altitude
or low temperature
8 0x10 Rear lambda sonde activity test ready
8 0x20 Rear lambda sonde activity test approved
8 0x40 Front lambda sonde activity test ready
9 0x20 Rear lambda sonde heater test ready
9 0x40 Front lambda sonde heater test ready
11 0x10 Rear lambda sonde “peak over 400 mV” test ok
11 0x40 Indicates that OBD2 diagnose part is disabled due to high altitude
or low temperature
13 0x02 Tank pressure test enabled
13 0x04 Tank pressure test ok
13 0x80 Tank pressure air inlet closed
14 0x04 Indicates tank pressure error
14 0x20 Indicates large leakage in tank system
14 0x10 Indicates small leakage in tank system
14 0x40 Indicates tank pressure sensor shorted to +5V
14 0x80 Indicates tank pressure sensor shorted to ground

Ready 0 0x8000 Trip ready

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Monitoring real time data

0 0x4000 Warmup cycle ready

0 0x2000 Driving cycle ready
0 0x0001 System performed front lambda sonde transition test

Knock_offset 0 0x7FFF Knock flag

Readiness 0 0x8000 Indicates catalyst monitor readiness state

0 0x4000 Indicates EVAP purge monitor readiness state
0 0x2000 Indicates both oxygen sensor monitor readiness state
0 0x1000 Indicates both oxygen sensor heater monitor readiness state

MError 0 0x80 Indicates momentary error on TPS signal

6 0x80 Indicates momentary error on vehicle speed signal
12 0x80 Indicates momentary error on water temperature signal
18 0x80 Indicates momentary error on MAP signal
24 0x80 Indicates momentary error on front lambda sensor
30 0x80 Indicates momentary error on rear lambda sensor
36 0x80 Indicates momentary error on battery voltage
42 0x80 Indicates momentary error on intake air temperature
48 0x80 Indicates momentary error on knock signal

Cat_status 0 0x8000 Set when delta load are within limits

0 0x4000 Set when cooling water temperature is above limit
0 0x2000 Set when vehicle speed is within limits
0 0x1000 Set when fuel system enters closed loop
0 0x0800 Set when airflow is within limits
0 0x0400 Set when warm up data is ok
0 0x0200 Set when system disapproves current oxygen sensor 1
0 0x0020 Set when a stage 1 evaluation should start
0 0x0010 Set if catalyst test fails
0 0x0008 Set when catalyst evaluation is ready
0 0x0004 Used to enable catalyst monitor function
0 0x0001 Set if one or more of the used input sensors has detected errors.
Disables catalyst monitor.
2 0x8000 Set if throttle is open

PMProt 0 0x8000 Purge monitor diagnostic is ready, resets on ignition OFF

0 0x4000 Indicates that purge monitor test is enabled and currently running
0 0x2000 Indicates purge monitor test result. Set at ignition OFF. Resets after
one successful test.
0 0x1000 Indicates "Save Lambda Reference" state.
0 0x0400 Indicates "Ramp To Start" state.
0 0x0200 Indicates "Perform Test Open" state.
0 0x0100 Indicates "Perform Test Close" state.
0 0x0040 Indicates that the system has detected idle state.
0 0x0020 Indicates that vehicle speed equals 0.
0 0x0010 Indicated that the system has enabled purge control.
0 0x0010 Indicated that the system has enabled purge control.
0 0x0008 Indicates that no failure has been detected on used input sensors.
0 0x0004 Indicates that purge monitor has entered halt state.
0 0x0002 Indicates that front lambda transition check is ready.


Pgm_status 0 0x01 Ignition key on

0 0x02 Afterstart 2 completed
0 0x04 Engine is stopped
0 0x08 Engine is started
0 0x10 Engine is warm
0 0x20 Pressure guard triggered (fuel cut)
0 0x40 Temperature compensation active

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Monitoring real time data

0 0x80 RPM guard is triggered (RPM limiter)

1 0x01 Application sync ok
1 0x02 Knock fuel map activated (knock detected)
1 0x04 Throttle closed
1 0x08 Room temperature start
1 0x10 Fuel off cylinder 4
1 0x20 Fuel off cylinder 3
1 0x40 Fuel off cylinder 2
1 0x80 Fuel off cylinder 1
2 0x01 Fuel not off (during sync. off ign.)
2 0x02 Dec.enleanment completed throttledec
2 0x04 Acc.enrichment completed throttleinc.
2 0x08 Decrease of retard enrichment allowed
2 0x10 Start of retard enrichment in progress
2 0x20 Adaption allowed
2 0x40 Limp-home mode
2 0x80 Always active temp.compensation
3 0x01 Restart
3 0x02 Active lambda control
3 0x04 Afterstart enrichment completed
3 0x08 Init during start completed
3 0x10 Cooling water enrichment finished
3 0x20 Purge control active (engine running in closed loop)
3 0x40 Separate fuel map during idle
3 0x80 Ignition synchronized
4 0x01 Sond heating, second sond
4 0x02 Sond heating, first sond
4 0x04 ETS error
4 0x08 Ordinary idle control disable
4 0x10 Fuel cut allowed (Dashpot)
4 0x20 Enrichment after fuelcut
4 0x40 Fulload enrichment
4 0x80 Fuel syncronized

Idle_status 0 0x80 Neutral position

0 0x40 AC off
0 0x20 Engine is running in idle mode

Knock_status 0 0x01 Knock indicator

0x08 Knock adapted ???

Airpump_status 0 0x80 Airpump output pin 52 on

Restart_status 0 0x08 Soak five minutes

Layout for Error_frame symbol

Offset Content Description Example Length

0x00 Battery_time Last battery ok time 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA7 4
0x04 Diag_tid Ignition on timer in seconds 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x08 Hast_tid_grans 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA7 4
0x0C I_front_time 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x10 I_rear_time 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 4
0x14 Ign_counter Ignition counter 0x00 0x00 0xEA 0x55 4
0x18 Knock_time_low 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA7 4
0x1C Kyl_tid_end Last time coolant temp test ok. 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x20 Luft_tid_end Last time iat test ok 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x24 Luft_tid_konst Time when constant reading of iat was ok 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x7D 4
0x28 Purge_time Time when purge reading was last ok 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA7 4
0x2C Rsond_tid_end Time when read sonde reading was last ok 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 4

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Monitoring real time data

0x30 Sond_tid_end 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4

0x34 Sond_tid_konst 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x93 4
0x38 Tid_kylv_ok 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x91 4
0x3C Trott_tid_end 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x40 Tryck_tid_end 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA8 4
0x44 Tryck_tid_konst 0x00 0x00 0x03 0xA7 4
0x48 unk_34A2 0xFF 0xEF 2
0x4A unk_3478 0x00 0x1F 2
0x4C unk_347A 0x03 0x31 2
0x4E unk_3338 0x00 0x00 2
0x50 unk_333A 0x02 0xC3 2
0x52 Knock_diag_level Knock diagnostic level 0x01 0x14 2
0x54 Lls_lage 0x01 0x34 2
0x56 Mis200_tot Misfire catalyst overheat counter (total) 0x00 0x00 2
0x58 Mis200_1 #cyl1 0x00 0x00 2
0x5A Mis200_2 #cyl2 0x00 0x00 2
0x5C Mis200_3 #cyl3 0x00 0x00 2
0x5E Mis200_4 #cyl4 0x00 0x00 2
0x60 Mis1000_tot Misfire emission level counter (total) 0x00 0x00 2
0x62 Mis1000_1 #cyl1 0x00 0x00 2
0x64 Mis1000_2 #cyl2 0x00 0x00 2
0x66 Mis1000_3 #cyl3 0x00 0x00 2
0x68 Mis1000_4 #cyl4 0x00 0x00 2
0x6A R_sond_lean_ign 0x00 0x01 2
0x6C R_sond_rich_ign 0x00 0x00 2
0x6E Rpm Engine speed 0x03 0x5C 2
0x70 Run_hours System uptime hours 0x00 0x04 2
0x72 Sond_omsl_counter 0x00 0x10 2
0x74 Ad_sond Front lambda AD value 0x28 1
0x75 Ad_cat Rear lambda AD value 0x01 1
0x76 unk_3474 0x13 1
0x77 unk_3472 0x50 1
0x78 unk_347C 0x22 1
0x79 unk_3476 0x23 1
0x7A unk_348E 0xFF 1
0x7B Adapt_injfaktor Long term fuel trim value 0x80 1
0x7C Batt_volt Battery voltage 0x85 1
0x7D Bil_hast Vehicle speed 0x00 1
0x7E Diag_status 0x08 0x00 0x84 0xC0 Length
0x02 0x01 0x00 0x00
0x86 unk_349E 0x00 1
0x87 Lambdaint Lambda integrator value 0x23 1
0x88 Medellast Average load 0x00 1
0x89 unk_34A0 0x22 1
0x8A P_Manifold MAP pressure 0x4F 1
0x8B Purge_value 0x1B 1
0x8C Pgm_status 0x0C 0x01 0xDE 0x93 Length
0x00 0x02
0x92 Run_minutes System uptime minutes 0x34 1
0x93 Run_seconds System uptime seconds 0xFF 1
0x92 Obd_fuel_status Bug! Same address as Run_minutes 1
0x94 unk_348A 0x7B 1
0x95 unk_348C 0x58 1
0x96 Start_tryck Starting pressure (ambient?) 0x21 1
0x97 Trot_min 0x61 1
0x98 Kyl_temp Coolant temperature 0x28 1
0x99 Lufttemp Intake air temperature 0x15 1
0x9A unk_3490 0x00 1
0x9B Airpump_value 1

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Downloading adaption data

Downloading adaption data

Besides realtime information about the processes inside the engine, the CAN bus interface can also
deliver adaption data. This adaption data (tables and variables) is downloaded from the Trionic in a
batch method. The user chooses to download the adaption data from the ECU at a given point in time
and the adaption data is extracted. With this data we can determine whether or not our mapping is
correct bacause we can see if the Trionic has adapted (positively or negavtively) maps to get a better
A/F ratio for example. In the near future T5Suite can alter – if the user chooses to – the binary file on
the computer with this adaption data automatically. If it turnes out that the Trionic has adapted up to
its limit something most be wrong and T5Suite will alert the user of this fact. Remapping of the table
at hand will in this case be nessecary.

Symbol Description
Apc_adapt APC controller adaption value. Indicates whether or not boost request values are within
limits. If the adaption value is larger, more investigation is needed.
Adapt_korr Fuel injection adaption table. This table can be downloaded to investigate validity of the
initial injection table (Insp_mat). If the values in Adapt_korr reach the limits
(Adapt_korr_low or Adapt_korr_high) the initial injection matrix should definitely be
remapped or there is something wrong hardware-wise, like faulty fuel pump or regulator.
Adapt_injfaktor Global injection adaption factor. If this values reaches the limits (Adapt_injfaktor_low or
Adapt_injfaktor_high) the fuel injection matrix should definitely be remapped or there is
something wrong hardware-wise, like faulty fuel pump or regulator.
Adapt_ind_mat This map indicates where adaptions have been made to the injection adaption matrix.
Ign_offset_adapt General ignition adaption offset.
Adapt_ggr This map contains the number of adaptions made to a certain rpm/load point. If the
values in this table are high, Trionic needed to adapt the matrix frequently and something
might be wrong.
Adapt_error Indicates the number of errors detected while adapting.
Adapt_inj_imat Idle injection map adaption.

Cable example
The picture below will give you an example of what a home made interface cable for a 9000 may
look like. Notice that the cable is protected by a plastic wrapper. Two of the four cables inside the
wrapper are twisted as mentioned before in the chapter, CANH and CANL. The other two are for
ground and programming voltage (+15 V).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Downloading and flashing Trionic 5

The two picture below show the embossed numbers on the connector housing. Numbers 1 and 2 are
on one side while 3 to 10 are on the other side.

Downloading and flashing Trionic 5

Trionic 5 supports reading and writing to the flash chips in the ECU. To be able to download or upload
a program to the ECU a so-called bootloader needs to be uploaded to the ECUs SRAM and executed.
Once the bootloader is executed, the program in flash is no longer needed to keep the ECU running
and can be erased and reprogrammed. T5Suite has these functions built-in and they are accessible
through the menu “Programming functions” in “Read ECU through CAN bus” and “Write ECU through
CAN bus”.

Once an option has been chosen (assuming all hardware is connected properly) the canbus
connection is opened and reading or writing commences.

Implementation in T5Suite
T5Suite can connect to the ECU through the Lawicel CANUSB adapter using the components delivered
with the adapter. The interface implements these functions:

 Retrieving the entire symboltable including SRAM addresses

 Retrieving and saving the adaption data (see paragraph Downloading Adaption data)
 Retrieving specific information at a high update rate (real time viewing and logging)
 Editing variables and tables at runtime in Trionics SRAM

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Implementation in T5Suite

All realtime data is displayed in a separate panel. This panel can be customized in various ways. The
user can select the symbols (variables) to monitor at runtime and the panels entire user interface can
be customized. This mean gauges and views can be added and removed from the panel to the users
likings. The more symbols are monitored, the more time and processor consuming the process will be.
The image below shows the realtime panel in action.

T5Suite also allows for realtime editing of maps in SRAM. This enables to user to tweak the maps
without having to reflash between every modification of the software. If the CAN bus interface is
connected (realtime panel is opened and CAN connection is running) the user can double click on a
map in the symbollist and the corresponding mapviewer will appear.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 109

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite CAN Bus interface : Implementation in T5Suite

Now we see a set of extra buttons that allows the user to get the maps data from SRAM and write it
back again. Please note that altering maps while driving the car is very, VERY dangerous. Please only
edit maps when the car is parked at a safe spot!!

All data the is requested by the CAN interface (items entered in the realtime view) will also be logged
to file. It is possible to view this data in T5Suite as well as export it to LogWorks
( Within T5Suite the log can look something like
the image below.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 110

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Common mistakes and FAQ : General

Common mistakes and FAQ


This chapter will describe some frequently made mistakes in handling the Trionic.

Fuel knock map

When knocking occurs inside the engine (sensed through the DI cartridge) evenly in all cylinders a
tiny bit of extra fuel will be injected. When the manifold pressure (MAP) is over 140 kPa the normal
injection map will be overruled by another map: the knocking fuel map. This map enriches the fuel
mixture so that the engine cools down (extra fuel means cooler mixture).

A common mistake in changing maps is that the injection map is altered but the knocking map is
forgotten. This may result in lower (or equal) values in the knocking map than in the normal injection
map. When the engine starts to knock and the map is switched to supply more fuel to cool the
engine, not more but less fuel will be injected. This, of course, is a nightmare for your engine.

Ignition advance

When altering the ignition tables keep in mind that more than 35 advance from TDC is not good.

Ignition retard

When altering the ignition tables keep in mind that more than 5 retarding from TDC is not good.

Injector constant

After changing the stock injectors for larger ones, the injector constant has to be changed. Keep in
mind the the injector constant needs to be over ~10 to keep a good resolution for fuel injection time
calculation (630 cc injectors have an injector constant of 14-17 so there no need to go below 10.

Boost request map

Some tuners change the boost request map(s) to absurd values. Sometimes because they think that
it’s just a request map, so the engine will make maximum power anyway, sometimes because they try
to compensate for weak wastegate springs and such.
The boost request map should not be higher than what the engine can achieve. So, putting 1.45 bar
request @ 5500 RPM with a Garrett T25 turbine is useless because the little turbo cannot sustain this
pressure at higher engine speeds. The only result this will have is socalled negative adaption. The
Trionic will notice that the requested boost is not met by the engine and adapt the boost request
accordingly. This can even result in lower boost in other load and rpm sites and thus give you the
result of less power than can be made at that load / rpm site.


Question: At what AFR should I try to keep the engine?

Answer: Try to keep the AFR between 10.8 and 12 @ wide open throttle

Question: At what EGT should I try to keep the engine?

Answer: Try to keep the exhaust gas temperature below 950 C.

Question: What is the approximate ignition advance at wide open throttle?

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Common mistakes and FAQ : General

Answer: Try to keep the ignition advance at approximately 10˚ BTDC @ wide open throttle and rpm

Question: How can I determine what the maximum boost request should be for my turbo?
Answer: Check that the boost request level fits somehow to compressor map:
In addition you can read appendix IV.

Question: What is a good intake air temperature?

Answer: Upto 60˚C is good enough. If temperatures rise above 60 C consider replacing your stock
intercooler with an aluminum, cross-flow type. These are available from speedparts, Abbott, ETS and

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 112

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tools : T5Suite



T5Suite was initially build to contain all separate tools available for T5. It grew a little and at the
moment of writing this document it has these funtions:

 Checksum verification and correction

 Software ID adjustment
 Immobilizer code adjustment
 File comment adjustment
 Box number adjustment
 VSS enable and disable
 Splitting binaries
 Merging binaries
 Extraction of symbol table
 Generation of XDF file for TunerPro
 Map visualisation
 Compare maps in binary to another binary.
 Tuning wizard to stage 1, 2, 3 and X (X means free parameter input)
 Modify binary for use with 3 bar mapsensor
 Modify injector constant for use with larger injectors
 Check binary for anomalies (see next chapter)
 Realtime monitoring of data
 Realtime mapping of data
 Logging in T5Suite format and exporting to LogWorks©

For usage of this tool please refer to its user manual.


BD32.exe is the tool used to interface with the ECU through a BDM interface. It is DOS based and will
run normally on Win95/98/Me. Ideally the user would boot into a DOS environment to use the tool.
There is a windows version available but the author has no expercience with that specific tool.


IDAPro stands for Interactive DisAssembler Professional. It enables the user to disassemble binary
files to its original source code. IDAPro is commercial software, not freeware.

Example of how to use IDA Pro with a Trionic 7 box.

Open binary/raw file
Set processor to Motorola series: 68330
Check the 'Create RAM section', start address 0xF00000, size 0xFFFF.
Go to address ROM:00000000 in 'IDA View-A' and hit D-key three times to get dc.l $FFFFEFFC
Go to the next address ROM:00000004 and hit D-key three times to get reset vector address (this
varies from binary to binary)
You should get e.g. dc.l unk_5169A or something like that, double-click the unk_5169A text
Your now in the place where the code executation starts, press C to disassemble
Now, from the menu select Options -> General, go to Analysis tab and press 'Kernel options1' button

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 113

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Tools : Hex editor

Check 'Make final analysis pass' and hit OK

Press 'Reanalyze program' button and wait a while (this really takes some time, a minute or so)

Hex editor

Hexworkshop (or UltraEdit) is a tool that comes in handy often. It can be used to view, search and
modify the raw binary file.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 114

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite References : Webreferences


 ECUproject initiative [ Steve Hayes and friends ]
 Xendus [ General Failure ]
 SaabCentral [ ]
 Motorola datasheet on MC68332
 Trionic Wiki pages [ ]
 T5Suite homepage [ ]
 Townsendimports [ ]
 BDM Software [ ]
 T5 scripts including T5.2 [ ]
 Ion sensing for knock detection [ ]
 Turbo compressor maps [ ]
 [ ]
 JKBPower forum [ ]

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 115

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix I : Symbol list : Flash symbols

Appendix I : Symbol list

Flash symbols

Symbol name Category Subcategory Description

AC_const! Misc Advanced Number of half enginerevs AC compensation is active.
Data to control the ac-compressor when the brake pedal is
AC_Control! Misc Advanced
pressed. This function must be enabled with a bit in Pgm_mod.
Lambda Additive (enrichment) offset to lambdacontrol when AC
AC_fak! Sensor
sensor activates.
Number of half enginerevs between every decreament of
AC_slope! Misc Advanced
AC_fak when ramping if lamdacontrol is not activated.
AC_start_tid! Idle Advanced AC starttime
Delaytime in milliseconds when AC disables. Function of air
AC_wait_off! Idle Advanced
Delaytime in milliseconds when AC engages. Function of air
AC_wait_on! Idle Advanced
Accel_konst! Fuel Transient Fuel Injection Map, Acceleration, Throttle Position.
Accel_temp! Fuel Acceleration temperature compensation
Accel_temp2! Fuel Acceleration temperature compensation #2
Adapt_inj_imat! Fuel Idle Idle Injection map adaption.
Adapt_injfaktor! Fuel Advanced Long term fuel adaption factor.
If the long term fuel adaption (Adapt_injfaktor) is above
Adapt_injfaktor_high! Fuel Advanced
Adapt_injfaktor_high, adaption error is set. Resolution is 0.008.
If the long term fuel adaption (Adapt_injfaktor) is below
Adapt_injfaktor_low! Fuel Advanced
Adapt_injfaktor_low, adaption error is set. Resolution is 0.008.
Adapt_korr! Fuel Advanced The adapted injection table (spot adaption base)
Adapt_korr_high! Fuel Advanced Maximum value for fuel adaption map
Adapt_korr_low! Fuel Advanced Minimal value for fuel adaption map
Lambda Lean and rich step adjustment depending on rear lambda
AdjustLamCal! Sensor
sensor sensor
After fuelcut enrichment (function of number of combustions
After_fcut_tab! Fuel Enrichment
after fuelcut)
Ignitionangle offset value when the airpump are activated. A
Airpump_ign_offset! Ignition Advanced
negative value will decrease the ignitionangle.
Injectiontime factor when the airpump are activated. A value
Airpump_inj_factor! Fuel Advanced
above 1.00 will increase the injectiontime.
Lambda Delaytime between that the airpump are turned off and that the
Ap_lambda_delay! Sensor
sensor lamdacontrol are activated.
Airpump Maximum time the airpump will bee activated after the engine
Ap_max_on_time! Misc
control are started.
Maximum watertemperature for the airpump. If the
Ap_max_on_watertemp! Misc watertemperature are above this limit will the airpump bee
turned off.
Airpump Maximum engine speed for the airpump. If the rpm are above
Ap_max_rpm! Misc
control this limit will the airpump bee turned off.
Maximum start airtemperature for the airpump. If the start
Ap_max_start_airtemp! Misc airtemperature are above this limit will the airpump never turn
Maximum start watertemperature for the airpump. If the start
Ap_max_start_watertemp! Misc watertemperature are above this limit will the airpump never
turn on.
Minimum start airtemperature for the airpump. If the start
Ap_min_airtemp! Misc airtemperature are below this limit will the airpump never turn
Apc_cert_tid! Boost control Advanced Apc_cert_tid
Apc_decrese_asp! Boost control Advanced Apc_decrese_asp
Apc_frek! Boost control Advanced Apc control frequency
Apc_fullgas! Boost control Advanced Apc_fullgas
Apc_knock_tab! Boost control Advanced Apc_knock_tab
Apc_konst_tid! Boost control Advanced Apc_konst_tid

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Advanced Delay time for 'drive and throttle' ignition retardation before
API_dt_delay! Misc
automatic ramping back.
Advanced Function to reduce torque when driver switches from NEUTRAL
API_dt_offset_tab! Ignition
automatic to DRIVE and has activated accelerator pedal.
Advanced Ramp time for 'drive and throttle' ignition retardation ramping
API_dt_ramp! Misc
automatic back.
Advanced Delay time for 'kickdown and upshift' ignition retardation before
API_ku_delay! Ignition
automatic ramping back.
API_ku_derivata! Ignition Negative rpm derivata limit (rpm/10ms).
Advanced Function to reduce torque when driver kick's down and
API_ku_offset! Ignition
automatic automatic gearbox shifts up.
Advanced Ramp time for 'kickdown and upshift' ignition retardation
API_ku_ramp! Ignition
automatic ramping back.
Advanced Below this rpm limit no 'kickdown and upshift' ignition
API_rpm_limit! Misc
automatic retardation will be enabled.
Advanced Below this throttle limit no 'kickdown and upshift' ignition
API_throttle_limit! Ignition
automatic retardation will be enabled.
Advanced Table used to determine ignition offset retardation depending
API_throttle_tab! Misc
automatic on relative throttle angle when DRIVE is engaged.
Batt_korr_tab! Fuel Advanced Correction on injectiontime depending on battery voltage
Parallel injection on all cylinders before engine start to aid in
Before_start! Fuel Cranking
starting a cold engine.
Decrease of fuel during idle when rpm < rpm nominal.
Br_minus_tab! Fuel Idle
Resolution is uS
Increase of fuel during idle when rpm < rpm nominal.
Br_plus_tab! Fuel Idle
Resolution is uS
Enables before start at restart after 0 to 45 sec if last start was
BS_temp! Misc Advanced
succsessful and coolingwater temperature is above BS_temp.
Delay between first detected crank tooth and before start.
Build_up_time! Fuel Cranking Compensation for building up fuel system pressure. Active when
coolingwater temp is above Build_up_time_switch.
Delay between first detected crank tooth and before start.
Build_up_time_2! Fuel Cranking Compensation for building up fuel system pressure. Active when
coolingwater temp is below Build_up_time_switch.
Temp limit for Build_up_time. if(Kyl_temp >
Build_up_time_switch! Fuel Cranking Build_up_time_switch) Use Build_up_time for delay. else Use
Build_up_time_2 for delay.
Cat_af_start_timer_min! Sensor If the air flow is below this threshold, the Cat_start_timer halts.
Lambda Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Cat_air_flow >
Cat_air_flow_hi! Sensor
sensor Cat_air_flow_hi) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is 1.
Lambda Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Cat_air_flow <
Cat_air_flow_lo! Sensor
sensor Cat_air_flow_lo) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is 1.
Lambda Airflow site for calibrating tables using airflow as input data.
Cat_air_flow_tab! Sensor
sensor Resolution is 1.
Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Kyl_temp <
Cat_cool_temp_lim! Sensor Cat_cool_temp_lim) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is
Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Cat_delta_load >
Cat_delta_load_lim! Sensor Cat_delta_load_lim) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is 1
To average the engine load value.(Last). Used to detect load
Lambda transients. 0.000 => Max filtering. 1.000 => Min filtering.
Cat_load_filt_coef! Sensor
sensor filter_coeficient = 1-exp(-loop_time / time_constant) loop_time
= 0.010s Resolution is 0.001.
Lambda Load site for calibrating maps using load as input data.
Cat_load_tab! Sensor
sensor Resolution is 1.
Lambda If set to one, the catalyst monitor will restart. (automaticly set
Cat_monitor_restart! Sensor
sensor to zero directly afterwards)
The O2 bias is the point where the O2 sensor switches from rich
Cat_ox1_bias_lim! Sensor to lean. This value is substracted from the filtrated O2 voltage
to get Cat_ox1_err. Resolution is 1 mV..
To define the maximum acceptable duty cycle of oxygen sensor
Cat_ox1_duty_hi_lim! Sensor 1. if (Cat_ox1_duty_cycle > Cat_ox1_duty_hi_lim) Do not use
current cycle data for catalyst monitor. Resolution is 1%.
To define the minimum acceptable duty cycle of oxygen sensor
Cat_ox1_duty_lo_lim! Sensor 1. if (Cat_ox1_duty_cycle < Cat_ox1_duty_lo_lim) Do not use
current cycle data for catalyst monitor. Resolution is 1%.

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Its purpose is to assure that a stable fuel control condition

Lambda exists before data can be considered valid for test purpose. if
Cat_ox1_err_lim! Sensor
sensor (Cat_ox1_err > Cat_ox1_err_lim) Do not use current cycle data
for catalyst monitor. Resolution is 1 mV..
Lambda Table to control Cat_ox2_dev_max_lim. Input variable
Cat_ox1_err_max_tab! Sensor
sensor Cat_ox1_max_err. Resolution is 1mV..
Look-up tabe of filter coefficients as a function of load and rpm.
As driving conditions changes, so does the O2 frequency,
Lambda therefore the amount of filtering will need to change to
Cat_ox1_filt_coef_map! Sensor
sensor maintain a fixed amplitude filtered output. This table look-up
will provide a varying coefficient to keep the amount of filtering
constant at all points. Resolution is 0.001.
To eliminate catalyst oxygen sensor data whose high period is
Cat_ox1_per_hi_tab! Sensor higher (longer) than expected. This look-up table is a function
of engine airflow. Resolution is 1 mS..
To eliminate catalyst oxygen sensor data whose low period is
Cat_ox1_per_lo_tab! Sensor higher (longer) than expected. This look-up table is a function
of engine airflow. Resolution is 1 mS..
Table look-up as function of load and rpm. This calibration map
Cat_ox2_dev_max_map! Sensor defines a threshold for the Cat_ox2_dev_max_lim. Cat_dev_diff
= Cat_ox2_dev_max - Cat_ox2_dev_max_lim Resolution is 1.
To determine if enough samples have been collected to average
the post-catalyst oxygen sensor maximum deviation data. if
Cat_ox2_dev_samp_lim! Sensor (Cat_ox2_dev_samp >= Cat_ox2_dev_samp_lim)
Cat_avg_dev_diff = Cat_ox2_dev_sum / Cat_ox2_dev_samp
Resolution is 1.
Lambda Filter coeficient to second LP-filter on oxygen sensor 2 signal.
Cat_ox2_filt_coef_2! Sensor
sensor (used to create Cat_ox2_dev)
Look-up tabe of filter coefficients as a function of load and rpm.
As driving conditions changes, so does the O2 frequency,
Lambda therefore the amount of filtering will need to change to
Cat_ox2_filt_coef_map! Sensor
sensor maintain a fixed amplitude filtered output. This table look-up
will provide a varying coefficient to keep the amount of filtering
constant at all points. Resolution is 0.001.
Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Cat_ready_timer =
Cat_ready_timer_lim! Sensor Cat_ready_timer_lim) Catalyst monitor enables. Resolution is 1
Used to increase recovering period for catalyst after fuel
Lambda dependent actions. Cat_ready_timer_step is decremented from
Cat_ready_timer_step! Sensor
sensor the ready timer if the warm up data are met and the warm up
data breaks due to high delta load or lambda ctrl. deactivation.
Lambda Rpm site for calibrating maps using engine speed as input data.
Cat_rpm_tab! Sensor
sensor Resolution is 10.
To determine if the post-catalyst oxygen sensor's average
Lambda deviation difference is small enough to pass the diagnostic test.
Cat_stage1_threshold! Sensor
sensor if (Cat_avg_dev_diff > Cat_stage1_threshold) catalyst converter
test fails. else catalyst converter test passes. Resolution is 1.
Lambda To enable catalyst monitor. if (Cat_start_timer <
Cat_start_timer_lim! Sensor
sensor Cat_start_timer_lim) Catalyst monitor disabled.
Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Bil_hast >
Cat_vehi_speed_hi! Sensor Cat_vehi_speed_hi) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is 1
Used to enable catalyst monitor function. if (Bil_hast <
Cat_vehi_speed_lo! Sensor Cat_vehi_speed_lo) Catalyst monitor disables. Resolution is 1
Cut_ej_under! Fuel Advanced Lower engine speed limit to be able to allow fuel cut
Cut_temp! Fuel Advanced Minimal coolingwatertemp to allow fuel cut
Limit for cylinder detection low part Fuel compensation factor
Cyl_komp! Fuel Advanced
due to differences between cylinders.
D_fors! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, D-Gain factor of PID control
D_fors_a! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, D-Gain factor of PID control (automatic)
Dash_act_step! Idle Advanced Dash act step
Dash_rpm_axis! Fuel Axis Dash pot tabel rpm axis
Dash_tab! Fuel Advanced Dash pot position interpolated from matrix.
Dash_trot_axis! Fuel Axis Dash pot tabel rpm axis
Data_namn! Misc Basic Software version
Del_mat! Fuel Advanced Delay map (crankshaft degrees)

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Number of 131 millisecond intervals to permit adaption. (How

Delay! Idle Advanced
many seconds engine should be in the I part to allow adaption)
Derivata_br_sp! Fuel Axis Fuel adjustment map support points
Derivata_br_tab_neg! Fuel Idle Fuel adjustment, negative rpm delta
Derivata_br_tab_pos! Fuel Idle Fuel adjustment, positive rpm delta
Derivata_fuel_rpm! Fuel Idle Rpm limit for fuel adjustment
Derivata_grans! Idle Advanced Smallest rpm difference for idle control
Detect_map! Diagnostics Misfire Reference map for misfire detection. Resolution is 1.
Control's the current working position in Detect_map depending
Detect_map_x_axis! Diagnostics Axis
on inlet manifold pressure. Resolution is 1.
Control's the current working position in Detect_map depending
Detect_map_y_axis! Diagnostics Axis
on engine speed. Resolution is 10.
Below this voltage, signals from the DI-cassette can not be
DI_cassette_U_limit! Diagnostics Advanced trusted. Used to disable some diagnostic tests to prevent
corruption depending on bad input signals. Resolution is 0.1 V.
Threshold for detecting missing vehicle speed signal. (Last >
Diag_speed_load! Diagnostics Advanced
Diag_speed_load) Resolution is 1.
Threshold for detecting missing vehicle speed signal. (RPM >
Diag_speed_rpm! Diagnostics Advanced
Diag_speed_rpm) Resolution is 10 rpm.
Timelimit for load and rpm to be over their limits for detecting
Diag_speed_time! Misc Advanced
vehicle speed error.
Number of half enginerev. between a unit of decrease for
Eft_dec_fak! Fuel Warmup
Eft_fak1. Number of half enginerev is temperature dependent.
Number of half enginerev. between a unit of decrease for
Eft_dec_fak2! Fuel Warmup
Eft_fak2. Number of half enginerev is temperature dependent.
Eft_fak_minsk! Fuel Warmup Number of steps to decrease Eft_fak2
Enrichmentfactor for coldstart #1. Factor is depending on
Eftersta_fak! Fuel Warmup
coolantwater temperature.
Enrichmentfactor for coldstart #2. Factor is depending on
Eftersta_fak2! Fuel Warmup
coolantwater temperature.
Multiplicative factor to load and engine-speed axles. Introduced
Expand! Misc Advanced
to experiment with idlemap.
Fload_tab! Fuel Enrichment Full load map for full load enrichment
Fload_throt_tab! Fuel Enrichment Full load throttle map for full load enrichment
Frekv_map! Sensor Lambda ramp combustion delay
Fuel_knock_mat! Fuel Enrichment Fuel enrichment table when knocking occurs
Fuel_knock_xaxis! Fuel Axis Fuel knock correction table x axis
Fuel_map_xaxis! Fuel Axis Fuel correction table x axis
Fuel_map_yaxis! Fuel Axis Fuel correction table y axis
Gear_ratio_delta! Runtime Basic Car speed calculation, gear ratio delta
Gear_st! Runtime Basic Car speed calculation, gear stages
This constant is used by pointadaption to decide if the riftpoint
Halva_sidan! Fuel Advanced the engine works in is close enough to the matrixpoint which is
closest to allow adaption (0-7 - 7 is easyest to allow adaption)
Lowest vehicle speed with idle control. (Minimal car speed limit
Hast_grans! Idle Advanced
to enable idle control)
Hot_decr! Fuel Enrichment Decrementtime on Hot_start_fak
Hot_tab! Fuel Enrichment Enrichmentfactor when hotstartenrichment is active
Hp_support_points! Fuel Axis Restart factor for heatplates support points
I_fors! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, I-Gain factor of PID control
I_fors_a! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, I-Gain factor of PID control (automatic)
I_kyl_st! Misc Support points for cooling water temperature dependend maps
I_last_rpm! Idle Advanced Value for calculation of nominal load. Function of rpm.
Value for calculation of nominal load. Function of coolant water
I_last_temp! Idle Advanced
I_luft_cel! Misc Advanced Last actual airtemp (more text)
I_luft_st! Misc Support points for airtemp dependend mas
Number of rotations for integrating control. (Number of engine
I_medel_varv! Idle Advanced
revolutions needed to calculate average enginespeed)
Idle_ac_extra_sp! Idle Axis Rpm breakpoints for Idle_ac_extra_tab.
Drive with AC, function of airtemp. Extra step for idle valve
Idle_ac_tab! Idle Advanced
position when AC is turned on.
Idle_der_tab! Idle Advanced (D) Above nominal enginespeed when rpm is decreasing
Idle_drift_tab! Idle Advanced Drive/Neutral value
Idle_ej_off! Idle Advanced Increment of valveposition first time when not idle.

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Idle_fuel_korr! Fuel Idle Idle fuel correction map

Idle_p_tab! Idle Advanced (P) Decrement value over nominal rpm
Idle_rpm_off! Idle Advanced Increment of nominal rpm when Drive/Neutral
Idle_rpm_tab! Idle Advanced Nominal rpm depending on cooling water temperature
Idle_st_last! Fuel Axis Injection on idle load axis values.
Idle_st_rpm! Fuel Axis Injection on idle RPM axis values.
Idle_start! Idle Advanced Idle start variable
Idle_start_extra! Fuel Idle Idle start extra, new value after 5 minutes soak
Idle_start_extra_ramp! Fuel Idle Number of 180 degrees pulses for decrement
Idle start extra, new value after 5 minutes soak, map support
Idle_start_extra_sp! Fuel Axis
Idle_step_imns! Idle Advanced Decrement value within the inner band
Idle_step_ioka! Idle Advanced Increment value within the inner band
Additional factor to valveposition. Function of cooling water
Idle_temp_off! Idle Advanced
Increase of valve position during start. Function of AD value
Idle_tryck! Fuel Cranking
pressure sensor.
Ign_idle_angle! Ignition Idle Target ignition advance for idle state.
Ign_map_0! Ignition Basic Main ignition map for warm engine (0)
Ign_map_0_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 0 x-axis, pressure from MAP sensor
Ign_map_0_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 0 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_1! Ignition Idle Ignition map for idle correction (1)
Ign_map_1_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 1 x-axis.
Ign_map_1_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 1 y-axis, RPM deviation
Ign_map_2! Ignition Advanced Ignition map for knocking correction (2)
Ign_map_2_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 2 x-axis, pressure from MAP sensor
Ign_map_2_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 2 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_3! Ignition Advanced Transient ignition map (3)
Ign_map_3_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 3 x-axis, cooling water AD
Ign_map_3_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 3 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_4! Ignition Basic Ignition map for warmup (cool engine) (4)
Ign_map_5! Ignition Ignition map for stalling engine (5)
Ign_map_5_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 5 x-axis
Ign_map_5_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 5 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_6! Ignition Advanced Ignition map for torque reduction on upshift (6)
Ign_map_6_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 6 x-axis, pressure from MAP sensor
Ign_map_6_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 6 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_7! Ignition Advanced Ignition map for torque reduction on downshift (7)
Ign_map_7_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 7 x-axis, pressure from MAP sensor
Ign_map_7_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 7 y-axis, RPM
Ign_map_8! Ignition Idle Ignition map for idle ignition compensation during speed (8)
Ign_map_8_x_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 8 x-axis
Ign_map_8_y_axis! Ignition Axis Ignition map 8 y-axis, RPM delta
Ign_offset! Ignition Basic Global ignition offset, added to calculated ignition angle.
Ign_offset_adapt! Ignition Advanced General ignition offset adaption.
Individual ignition offset for cylinder 1, added to calculated
Ign_offset_cyl1! Ignition Advanced
ignition angle.
Individual ignition offset for cylinder 2, added to calculated
Ign_offset_cyl2! Ignition Advanced
ignition angle.
Individual ignition offset for cylinder 3, added to calculated
Ign_offset_cyl3! Ignition Advanced
ignition angle.
Individual ignition offset for cylinder 4, added to calculated
Ign_offset_cyl4! Ignition Advanced
ignition angle.
Indent_kvot! Undocumented Undocumented Not used.
Inj_konst! Fuel Advanced Injector scaling (adjust for different injectors)
Insp_mat! Fuel Basic Volumetric Efficiencey table (RPM x MAP)
Iv_min_change! Misc Advanced Step for how much adaption should been adjust.
Iv_min_count! Misc Advanced Idle valve counter
Iv_min_load! Misc Advanced Pressure for which adaption should been adjust.
Iv_min_tab! Fuel Idle Idle valve min table.
Iv_min_tab_ac! Fuel Idle Idle valve min table ac.
Iv_start_pos_offset! Fuel Idle Idle valve after start position offset
Iv_start_rpm_offset! Fuel Idle Idle valve after start rpm offset
Iv_start_time_tab! Fuel Idle Time for higher idle speed after start
Knock_lim_tab! Ignition Advanced Maximum allowed knock offset
Knock_press_tab! Ignition Advanced Pressure limit for knock indication
Knock_ref_matrix! Ignition Advanced Knock reference map
Knock_start! Misc Advanced Knock window start time

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Knock_wind_off_tab! Ignition Advanced Closing angle of knock window from matrix

Knock_wind_on_tab! Ignition Advanced Opening angle of knock window from matrix
Knock_wind_rpm! Ignition Axis Knock_wind table rpm axis
Konst_lean_map! Sensor Lean constant lambdaintegrator, combustions
Konst_rich_map! Sensor Rich constant lambdaintegrator, combustions
Kyltemp_steg! Misc Map to convert coolingwatertemps A/D value to øC,
Kyltemp_tab! Misc Same as Kyltemp_steg, Value in øC +40
Lacc_konst! Fuel Transient Fuel Injection Map, Acceleration, Load Delta.
Lam_laststeg! Sensor Axis Lambda control table load steps
Lam_load_sp! Sensor Axis Lambda load support points
Lam_minlast! Sensor Lambda minimal load
Lam_rpm_sp! Sensor Axis Lambda rpm support points
Lam_rpmsteg! Sensor Axis Lambda control table rpm steps
Lamb_ej! Sensor Lambda no, temperature limit for open throttle
Lamb_idle! Sensor Lambda idle, temperature limit for closed throttle
Lamb_kyl! Sensor Axis Lambda map support points for coolant temperature
Lamb_temp! Sensor Min. Coolingwatertemp to start Lambdacontrol.
Lamb_tid! Sensor Lambda time (number of combustions)
Lambda_cat_lean! Sensor Lambda sensor lean value
Lambda_cat_rich! Sensor Lambda sensor rich value
Lambdamatris_diag! Sensor Lambda sonde diagnostics control factors
Last_reg_ac! Idle Advanced Value for calculation of nominal load. Function of AC.
Last_reg_kon! Idle Advanced Current reg_kon_mat values
Last_temp_st! Idle Axis Nominal load calculation maps support points
Last_varv_st! Idle Axis Nominal load calculation maps support points
Lean_step_map! Sensor Lean step for lambda integrator
Lambda Additive factor to lambda control when leaving idlecontrol This
Leave_shut! Sensor
sensor results in a enrichment when opening throttle
LhomeMapPman! Misc Limp home Limphome map for pressure in manifold (P_manifold)
LhomeXaxisPman! Misc Axis Throttle values for Limphome pressure map
LhomeYaxisPman! Misc Axis RPM values for Limphome pressure map
Limit_high! Misc Advanced Limit for cylinder detection high part
Limit_low! Misc Advanced Limit for cylinder detection low part
Limp_tryck_konst! Boost control Advanced Maximum boost in limp-home mode
Lknock_oref_tab! Ignition Advanced Offset reference table for large knock
Lret_konst! Fuel Transient Fuel Injection Map, Deceleration, Load Delta.
Temperature Map over correction factors on injectiontime as a function of
Luft_kompfak! Misc
calculation airtemp. Map-support points from Lufttemp_steg
Lufttemp_steg! Misc Map-support points used in the most airtemp dependend maps
Temperature Map to convert airtemps A/D value to øC, map-support points in
Lufttemp_tab! Misc
calculation Lufttemp_steg. Value in øC +40.
Max_dead! Idle Advanced Rpm offset for higher integrator limit.
Max_load_gadapt! Fuel Advanced Maximum Load global fuel injection adaption.
Max_ratio_aut! Boost control Below this limit load pressure reduce is active.
Max_regl_sp! Boost control Axis Maximum boost pressure limit maps support points
Max_regl_temp_1! Boost control Advanced Maximum boost pressure to set above temperature limit #1
Max_regl_temp_2! Boost control Advanced Maximum boost pressure to set above temperature limit #2
Max_rpm_gadapt! Fuel Advanced Maximum RPM global fuel injection adaption.
Max_vehicle_speed! Misc Basic Maximum vehicle speed.
Min_dead! Idle Advanced Rpm offset for lower integrator limit.
Min_load_gadapt! Fuel Advanced Minimum Load global fuel injection adaption.
Min_rpm_gadapt! Fuel Advanced Minimum RPM global fuel injection adaption.
Min_tid! Fuel Advanced Lowest possible injectiontime in the system

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Below this cooling water temp limit no misfire are Resolution is

Mis_temp_limit! Diagnostics Misfire
Disables misfire detection during throttle transients + 5
Mis_trans_limit! Diagnostics Misfire cumbustions. if (Trans_trott > Mis_trans_limit) Disable misfire
detection Resolution is 1.
Contains maximum allowed misfire over 2000 cumbustions for
Mis1000_map! Diagnostics Misfire
not causing emission level degradation. Resolution is 1.
Contains maximum allowed misfire over 400 cumbustions for
Mis200_map! Diagnostics Misfire
not causing catalyst overheating. Resolution is 1.
Control's the current working position in misfire map's
Misfire_map_x_axis! Misc Axis
depending on inlet manifold pressure. Resolution is 1.
Control's the current working position in misfire map's
Misfire_map_y_axis! Misc Axis
depending on engine speed. Resolution is 10.
When enginerev is coming under this limit the fuel will come
Open_all_varv! Fuel Advanced
back simultanously for all cylinders
Lambda Load limit where system switches to open loop. Function of
Open_loop! Sensor
sensor rpm.
Open_loop_adapt! Sensor Open loop adaption, not used
Lambda Load limit where system switches to open loop during knocking
Open_loop_knock! Sensor
sensor conditions. Function of rpm.
When enginerev is coming under this limit the fuel will come
Open_varv! Fuel Advanced
back successively for all cylinders
Overs_tab! Boost control Advanced Peek map, pressure peek (Overshoot)
Overs_tab_xaxis! Boost control Axis Overshoot table x axis
Overstid_tab! Boost control Advanced Overboost time
Lambda If Cat_delta_load exceeds this limit, oxygen sensor 1 transition
Ox1DeltaLoadLim! Sensor
sensor test is halted.
When Ox2_activity_time exceeds this limit the oxygen sensor 2
Ox2_activity_time_lim! Misc Advanced
change activity is evaluated.
If Ox2_change is above this limit after Ox2_activity_time the
Ox2_change_lim! Misc Advanced
oxygen sensor 2 activity test is approved.
P_fors! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, P-Gain factor of PID control
P_fors_a! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, P-Gain factor of PID control (automatic)
P_man_korr_tab! Misc Advanced Pressure correction vs. throttle
Pgm_mod! Misc Advanced Program control flags
PMCal_CloseRamp! Misc Advanced Ramp factor during close phase.
Idle position filter coeficient. 1.000 -> Min filtering. 0.000 ->
PMCal_IdlePosFiltCoef! Misc Advanced
Max filtering.
PMCal_IdlePosIntABSLim! Misc Advanced Halt limit for fast idle position changes.
PMCal_IdleRefHaltLim! Misc Advanced Halt limit on idle reference position.
Idle position change limit from reference value for a successful
PMCal_IdleValueLim! Misc Advanced
purge diagnostic test.
PMCal_LambdaAvgHaltLim! Sensor Halt limit on lambda average reference signal.
Lambda Lambda change limit from reference value for a successful
PMCal_LambdaAvgLim! Sensor
sensor purge diagnostic test.
Lambda Number of transitions used for lambda integrator reference
PMCal_LamTransCntLim! Sensor
sensor calculation.
PMCal_OpenPWMTab! Misc Advanced PWM axis for purge monitor open phase.
PMCal_OpenTimeTab! Misc Advanced Time axis for purge monitor open phase.
PMCal_RpmIdleNomRefLim! Misc Idle RPM idle nominal change reference halt limit.
PMCal_StartRamp! Misc Advanced Rampfactor to purge monitor start position (0%).
PMCal_TestCountLim! Misc Advanced Number of tests that trionic will perform before purge test fails.
Press_trans_type! Sensor Basic Saab part no of current pressure transducer.
Pulses_per_rev! Runtime Basic Number of pulses from wheel during 1 rev.
Purge_tab! Fuel Advanced The Purge matrix (0-100%)
Purge_temp! Fuel Advanced The engine temperature above which Purge is alllowed.
Pwm_ind_rpm! Misc Axis Rpm axis for several tables
Pwm_ind_trot! Sensor Advanced Relative throttle value
Radius_of_roll! Runtime Basic Front wheel tyre radius of roll.
Ramp_down_ram! Ignition Advanced Ramp down table
Correcting injectiontime with a faktor in this map at every halv
Ramp_fak! Fuel Cranking
enginerev when ramping during cranking.
Ramp_steg! Sensor Number of steps lambdaintergrator will change while ramping.
Ramp_up_ram! Ignition Advanced Ramp up table

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Advanced Regulation constant (automatic) below a programmable gear-

Reg_kon_fga! Boost control
automatic ratio
Reg_kon_fgm! Boost control Regulation constant for first and reverse gear manual
Reg_kon_mat! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, BCV Constant (manual).
Reg_kon_mat_a! Boost control Boost Regulation Map, BCV Constant (automatic).
Reg_kon_sgm! Boost control Regulation constant for second gear manual
Reg_last! Boost control Advanced Boost regulation load axis values.
Reg_varv! Boost control Advanced Boost regulation RPM axis values.
Regl_tryck_fgaut! Boost control Maximum boost in first gear (automatic)
Regl_tryck_fgm! Boost control Basic manual Maximum boost in first and reverse gear (limiter)
Regl_tryck_sgm! Boost control Basic manual Maximum boost in second gear (limiter)
Restart_corr_hp! Fuel Cranking Restart factor for heatplates
Restart_tab! Fuel Cranking Restart factor (1 - 15, 15 - 30 and 30 - 45 seconds)
Restart_temp! Fuel Cranking Restart temperature
Ret_delta_rpm! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, delta rpm for triggering
Ret_down_rpm! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, lower rpm limit for function
Ret_fuel_step! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, amount of decrement/combustion
Ret_fuel_tab! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, value for enrichment
Ret_fuel_time! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, constant enrichment time (ms)
Ret_up_rpm! Fuel Enrichment RPM drop enrichment, upper rpm limit for function
Retard_konst! Fuel Transient Fuel Injection Map, Deceleration, Throttle Position.
Retard_temp! Fuel Deceleration temperature compensation
Rev_grad_sens_cont! Ignition Advanced Rev. gradient sensitivity continous
Rich_step_map! Sensor Rich step for lambda integrator
Rpm_max! Misc Basic Maximum Revolutions Per Minute (RPM limiter)
Shut_off_time! Misc Advanced Time between engine stop and disactivating main-relay
Sond_heat_tab! Sensor Load limit for lambda sensor heating
Sond_ign_limit! Sensor Test condition for front lambda sensor transition test.
Sond_omsl_limit! Misc Advanced Threshold for transition test.
Start_dead_tab! Fuel Cranking Number of dead injections.
The engine should be this number of halve enginerevs over the
Start_detekt_nr! Misc Advanced Start_detect_rpm to fulfil the second creterion of
Engine speed should be over this limit to fulfil the first creterion
Start_detekt_rpm! Misc Advanced
of "Motorn_startad"
Start_insp! Fuel Cranking Base fuel amount (constant) while cranking
Start_max! Fuel Cranking Number of halv enginerevs when injectiontime is constant
Procentual adjusting of injection time (after Start_max) before
Start_proc! Fuel Cranking
Number of halv enginerevs to stop ramping and stabilize
Start_ramp! Fuel Cranking
Increment of valve position during start. Function of cooling
Start_tab! Idle Advanced
water temperature)
Start_time_rpm_lim! Fuel Cranking Rpm limit used for start time meassuring. Resolution is 1 rpm.
Throttlevalue which is needed to achieve total fuelcut while
Start_trottel! Fuel Cranking
Start_v_vinkel! Fuel Cranking Injection angle while cranking
Enrichmentfactor on Start_insp depending on cooling water
Startvev_fak! Fuel Cranking
Syncronisation counter counting number of succesful sync
Synk_ok_limit! Misc Advanced
Temp_max_regl! Boost control Advanced Boost temperature limits
Temperature Fuel Injection, Temperature compensation reduction map (open
Temp_reduce_mat! Fuel
compensation throttle)
Temperature Fuel Injection, Temperature compensation reduction map
Temp_reduce_mat_2! Fuel
compensation (closed throttle)
Temp_reduce_x_st! Fuel Axis Temperature reduction fuel correction x axis
Temp_reduce_y_st! Fuel Axis Temperature reduction fuel correction y axis
Temperature Map-support points used in the most cooling water dependend
Temp_steg! Misc
calculation maps

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 123

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix I : Symbol list : Flash symbols

Tempkomp_konst! Fuel Temperature compensation
When program goes with constant injection time during idle,
Tid_konst! Fuel Idle
the actual injection time is taken from this adress.
Trans_x_st! Misc Advanced Delta throttle angle
Trans_y_st! Misc Advanced RPM
Tryck_mat! Boost control Basic manual Boost table for manual transmission
Tryck_mat_a! Boost control Boost table for automatic transmission
Tryck_vakt_tab! Boost control Basic Boost limit map (fuel cut)
Turbo_knock_tab! Ignition Advanced Pressure limit for turbo knock regulation
If the program not interpolates delay-angle from
Vinkel_konst! Fuel Advanced crankshaftpulse to injectionstart in the Delay map, the angle
will be taken from this constant.
Wait_count_tab! Ignition Advanced Number of sparks to wait before reducing knock offsets

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 124

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix II : Trionic 5 pinout : 70 pin connector

Appendix II : Trionic 5 pinout

70 pin connector
Pinnumber Color Description Symbol Range In/out
1 Red +30 (power supply) +12 Volt In
2 Blue Boost pressure control valve Out
3 Grey Injector 1 Out
4 Blue Injector 2 Out
5 Yellow Injector 3 Out
6 White Injector 4 Out
8 --- Knock detect (knock indicator) Switches to GND Out
9 Brown/white Trigger 1 Out
10 Green Trigger 2 Out
11 Blue Trigger 3 Out
12 Grey Trigger 4 Out
13 White Engine torque limitation In
14 Orange Drive In
15 White Brake light switch In
17 Yellow Combustion cylinder 1+2 In
18 Brown Combustion cylinder 3+4 In
20 PK MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) signal +5 Volt Out
21 BU M96: EVAP canister purge valve diagnosis 0-5 Volt In
M96.5: Fuel tank pressure sensor
22 Grey MAP sensor input signal P_Manifold 0 – 5 Volt In
23 Green Oxygen sensor 1 (front lambda sonde) AD_sond In
24 Black/white Main ground In
25 Black/white Main ground In
26 Green Boost pressure control valve Out
27 Yellow/red EVAP canister purge valve Out
28 GN EVAP canister close valve Out
29 --- Heat plate activation relay Out
31 Yellow/white Main relay Out
32 White Check engine Out
33 Blue/white Diagnosis (data link under seat, TECHII) In/Out
35 YE/BK Engine load signal out Out
36 BU/WH Cruise control In
38 YE Low fuel signal light In
39 Green Speed signal Bil_hast In
41 Yellow Crankshaft position sensor In
42 WH/BK Throttle position sensor Out
43 Blue/white Pressure sensor Out
44 Orange Knock signal AD_knock In
45 GN/BN Throttle position sensor AD_trot In
46 Black Intake air temperature sensor AD_lufttemp In
47 Black Oxygen sensor, reference ground In
48 Red +30 (power supply) +12 Volt In
49 BU/VT Idle air control valve (IAC) Out
50 Black Oxygen sensor 1, preheating Out
51 BK/WH Oxygen sensor 2 (rear), preheating Out
52 YE/WH Vacuum pump, brake system Out
54 RD/WH A/C out Out
55 Brown Shift up light (to instrument cluster) Switches to GND Out
56 Violet Fuel pump relay Out
57 Yellow Throttle position signal Out
58 Blue Engine speed signal (RPM) Rpm Out
59 Green/white A/C in In
60 Green/white +15 (switched power supply, ignition In
62 Grey CANH (CAN bus high signal) In/Out
63 Red CANL (CAN bus low signal) In/Out
65 Red/white Programming voltage +16 Volt In
66 Black Reference ground for engine coolant 0 Volt In
temp. sensor
67 Black/white Sensor ground 0 Volt Out
68 Yellow Engine coolant temperature sensor AD_kylv In
69 --- Exhaust gas temperature (not mounted) AD_EGR 0-5 volt In
70 --- Oxygen sensor 2 (rear lambda sonde) AD_cat In

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 125

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix III : BDM technical information : General

Appendix III : BDM technical information

BDM stands for Background Debug Mode. This refers to the mode the Motorola microcontroller is
forced into when activating the BDM interface. This mode enables us to hold the processor in the
program exection and read and write data from and to the memory inside the microcontroller and the
memory connected to it. In this way we can download and program the flash contents which gives us
access to the binaries we like so much! The BDM software you need can be downloaded from

Home build 2 chips design schema

An alternative to buying a BDM interface can be building one yourself. This chapter will hand you all
information needed to buy the components needed and the schema to build the interface. The image
below shows the shema for the 2 chip design. There is also a 5 chip design and a GAL based design
but these are more difficult to build at home.

The table below shows the component list that you need to build the interface. Of course a soldering
iron, PCB etc. are things that you also need.

Component Amount Description

74HC76 1 Dual JK Flip-Flop with Set and Reset
74HC132 1 Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt Trigger
Capacitor 0.1 uF 1
Capacitor 0.001 uF 1
Resistor 10 kΩ 1
LPT cable + connector 1 meter Smart is to get PCB type with normal LPT cable.
10 wire flatcable 20 cm
10 pin female header for flatcable 1

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 126

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix III : BDM technical information : Pinout


Pinnumber Pin name Description Remark

Data strobe from target MCU.Not used Not used with Trionic 5
1 DS
in current interface circuitry
Bus error input to target. Allows Not used with Trionic 5
development system to force bus error
when target MCU accesses invalid
3 VSS Ground reference from target Look at image below
Breakpoint input to target in normal Look at image below
mode;development serial clock in
BDM.Must be held low on rising edge
of reset to enable BDM
5 VSS Ground reference from target Look at image below
Freeze signal from target.High level Look at image below
indicates that target is in BDM
Reset signal to/from target.Must be Look at image below
held low to force hardware reset
Used to track instruction pipe in normal Look at image below
8 IFETCH/DSI mode.Serial data input to target MCU
in BDM
+5V supply from target.BDM interface Look at image below
circuit draws power from this supply
and also monitors 'target powered/not
powered' status
Tracks instruction pipe in normal Look at image below
10 IPIPE/DSO mode.Serial data output from target

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 127

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Pinout

Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps

Each turbo has its own characteristics. These are determined by the size of the turbine housing, the
size of the compressor wheel, the size of the turbine blades and many more parameters.
The most important identification of a turbocharger is by its compressor map. This is a graphical
representation of its efficiency. In SAAB Trionic 5 cars there are 2 commonly used turbo chargers: the
Garrett T25 for B204E, B204S, B204L, B234E and B234L engines and the Mistubishi TD04-HL-15G/T
(6cm2) for the B234R engines.

Terms to know:

 Compressor and turbine wheels. The turbine wheel is the vaned wheel that is in the exhaust
gases from the engine. It is propelled by the exhaust gases themselves. The turbine wheel is
connected to the compressor wheel by an axle. So, the compressor wheel will spin together
with the turbine wheel. The compressor wheel also is vaned and these vanes compress the air
and force it into the intercooler.
 Wheel “trim”. Trim is an area ratio used to describe both turbine and compressor wheels.
Trim is calculated using the inducer and exducer diameters. As trim is increased, the wheel
can support more air/gas flow.
 Compressor and turbine housing A/R. A/R describes a geometric property of all compressor
and turbine housings. Increasing compressor A/R optimizes the performance for low boost
applications. Changing turbine A/R has many effects. By going to a larger turbine A/R, the
turbo comes up on boost at a higher engine speed, the flow capacity of the turbine is
increased and less flow is wastegated, there is less engine backpressure, and engine
volumetric efficiency is increased resulting in more overall power.
 Clipping. When an angle is machined on the turbine wheel exducer (outlet side), the wheel is
said to be 'clipped'. Clipping causes a minor increase in the wheel's flow capability, however, it
dramatically lowers the turbo efficiency. This reduction causes the turbo to come up on boost
at a later engine speed (increased turbo lag). High performance applications should never use
a clipped turbine wheel. All Garrett GT turbos use modern unclipped wheels.
 CFM = Cubit feet per minute.
 Lbs/minute = pounds (weight) per minute.
 M3/s = cubic meters per second.
 Corrected Airflow. Represents the corrected mass flow rate of air, taking into account air
density (ambient temperature and pressure)
Air Temperature (Air Temp) - 60F
Barometric Pressure (Baro) - 14.7 psi
Engine air consumption (Actual Flow) = 50 lb/min
Corrected Flow= Actual Flow ([Air Temp+460]/545)
Corrected Flow= 50*([60+460]/545) = 46.3 lb/min
 Pressure Ratio
Ratio of absolute outlet pressure divided by absolute inlet pressure
Intake manifold pressure (Boost) = 12 psi
Pressure drop, intercooler (PIntercooler) = 2 psi
Pressure drop, air filter (PAir Filter) = 0.5 psi
Atmosphere (Atmos) = 14.7 psi at sea level
PR= Boost +PIntercooler+ Atmos
Atmos-PAir Filter

PR= 12+2+14.7 = 2.02


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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : How to read compressor maps

How to read compressor maps

A 2-dimensional pressure map looks like this.

Turbo compressor map

The curved lines indicate the rotation speed (rpm) of the compressor wheel. In the sample map
above these values are 45050, 69750, 84200 up to 125650 rpm. This is how fast a turbine wheel
The elliptical circle means the compressor's efficiency area. It's marked by the percent sign.
The horizontal axis is the amount of air before turbo, (1 m3/s = 2118.88 cfm, 10 lb/min = 144.718

The vertical axis is the pressure ratio, the ratio of air pressure leaving to the turbo to air pressure
entering the turbo.
Pressure Ratio=The pressure at compressor exducer vs the pressure at compressor inducer.
In another word, the ratio of the pressure of the air after compression vs the pressure before
compression. As you can see, the pressure ratio depends on the ambient pressure. For example, at
sea level, a turbo boosts 14.7psi. Ambien pressure is 14.7psi. That's 2 pressure ratio (PR) on the
compressor map. Take that turbo to a higher elevation, the ambient pressure is less than 14.7psi. If
the turbo still boosts 14.7psi, the pressure ratio would be higher. Now on the compressor map, you
will see by moving up along a vertical line (to pump out the same cfm) and turbo efficiency has
decreased as the elevation increases (PR increases). Simply put, turbos lose performance and become
less efficient as elevation gets higher.

Choke area

The area to the right of the outer most elliptical circle is the least efficient area, the choke area.
It means when the compressor reaches certain rpm, the air moved by the compressor wheel in the
diffuser area of the compressor housing is moving at or past the speed of sound. When the air speed
reach sounic speed, the amount of air flow increase is very small as compressor wheel rpm increases.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : How to read compressor maps

In plain words, the compressor has reached its limit. You can try to pump more psi, have the wheel
spin faster, but very little more air is pumped out the turbo compressor. You can see now, the
compressor housing will need to properly match the compressor wheel. If you simply stuff a big wheel
inside a small compressor housing, the diffuse area will be very small. This causes the air inside the
housing to move at higher speed. That's why some of the so-called T28s which use a bigger
compressor wheel inside the stock compressor housing does not produce good hp.

Compressor maximum flow

The max flow of a compressor is shown on the compressor map. On the map, look for the intersection
of maximum compressor wheel speed (rpm) and the least compressor efficiency curve. Find that
intersection. The horizontal coordinate is the max flow.
The area to the right of maximum flow is the 'choke area'.
The vertical coordinate is the pressure ratio at which the compressor reaches that maximum flow.
From this boost level, as the boost increases, very little air flow is increased. For example, if a
compressor reaches its maximum flow at 2 PR or 1 atm pressure or 14.7psi, higher boost does not
pump more air into the motor. But higher boost may be needed to increase the manifold pressure for
the motor to flow more air. A 5 liter motor with this turbo needs 15psi of manifold pressure to flow a
certain CFM. A 3 liter motor with the same turbo will need much higher manifold pressure to flow the
same amount of air although that turbo's compressor does not flow more air past 14.7psi.

Compressor maximum pressure

On the map, find the top-most point on the graph. The vertical coordinate is the max pressure ratio.
For example, 2.8 pressure ratio at sea level is 1.8 times the atmospheric pressure, 1.8x14.7psi=26.46
psi. Compressor max pressure is limited by compressor wheel speed. It's physically impossible to
boost higher than this maximum pressure for one particular turbo. Plus the pressure drop in the
intercooler system, the actual maximum boost reading from a boost gauge that's plugged into the
intake manifolds maybe a few psi lower than this maximum pressure.

What the compressor map reads

Most manufactures rate their turbos at 1 bar (15 psi). That's 2 pressure ratio. On the map, draw a
horizontal line from 2PR. When the line intersects the right-most elliptical circle, the corresponding
number on the x-axis is the maximum cfm the turbo can flow at 1 bar.
Use the TD04-15G's map for example, where the 2 PR line hits the right-most efficiency curve, it
reads 428cfm as its flow rate at 15psi.

Comparing compressor maps

Well, compressor maps are really 3-dimensional maps. Any compressor map looks a hill/peak in 3
dimensions. Our compressor maps look like if you look at the hill directly from above vertically.The
eclliptical lines of elevations are the efficiency curves. Since in theory, we can always boost more and
decrease turbo efficiency to get more cfm, lets set the same Pressure Ratio and compare turbos at the
same efficiency curves.

As a rule of thumb, a large turbo will be better at making a lot of pressure but will spool slower than a
small turbo. A small turbo will build boost fast but is less capable to make big boost pressure.

Understanding information within the compressor map

1. The oblong ovals on the chart or “islands” as they are called represent the efficiency of the
turbo in that range. As you can see on this map, the most efficient operation (73%) is in the
very center of the chart. This is general characteristic of most turbochargers. Without getting
into the thermodynamics of adiabatic heat-pumps, we’ll just say that efficiency is a measure
of how much excess heat the turbo puts into the compressed air coming out of the outlet. So
intuitively, more efficient is better.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Selecting a different turbo charger

2. Wheel rotational speed is simply the rpm at which the compressor wheel is spinning.

3. The choke point, which is usually not indicated on flow maps, is the maximum flow rating the
turbo is capable of regardless of pressure or efficiency.

4. Beyond the surge limit on the left of the plot, compressor surge occurs. In laymen’s terms,
this phenomenon is caused by a back pressure wave entering the exit of the compressor
housing and disrupting flow through the compressor wheel. Surge will kill turbos and is to be
avoided at all costs.

Surge limit

To the left of the surge limit line on the flow map is the surge area where compressor operation can
be unstable. Typically, surge occurs after the throttle plate is closed while the turbocharger is spinning
rapidly and the by-pass valve does not release the sudden increase in pressure due to the backed-up
air. During surge, the back-pressure build-up at the discharge opening of the compressor reduces the
air flow. If the air flow falls below a certain point, the compressor wheel (the impeller) will loose its
"grip" on the air. Consequently, the air in the compressor stops being propelled forward by the
impeller and is simply spinning around with the wheel, which is still being rotated by the exhaust gas
passing through the turbine section. When this happens, the pressure build-up at the discharge
opening forces air back through the impeller causing a reversal of air flow through the compressor. As
the back pressure eventually decreases, the impeller again begins to function properly and air flows
out of the compressor in the correct direction. This sudden air-flow reversal in the compressor can
occur several times and may be heard as a repetitive "Whew Whew whew" noise if the surge is mild
(such as when the by-pass valve is set a little too tight) to a loud banging noise when surge is severe.
Surge should be prevented at all costs because it not only slows the turbocharger wheels so that they
must be spooled back up again but because it can be very damaging to the bushings or bearings and
seals in the center section.

Selecting a different turbo charger

Calculating your engine’s flow requirements

Now that you can read and understand a compressor flow map, its time to figure out how to match a
turbo to your engine, this involves selecting the proper compressor and turbine wheels along with the
right combination of housing A/R. A mismatched turbo could not only result is extreme lag, but also
wasted potential as a turbo can easily outflow an engine. I.e. bigger is not always better.

The only real calculation that needs to be done is to determine how much air you engine is actually
flowing. This depends on a number of things including the RPM, absolute temperature (Rankin, equal
to 460 + Fahrenheit temp), absolute manifold pressure (psi, equal to boost pressure plus atmospheric
pressure), and lastly the engine volumetric flow or EVF in cfm.

First to calculate EVF use the following equation:

engineCID = Engine displacement in cubic inches.

Next we’ll use EVF to calculate the amount of air in lb/min the engine is flowing under boost and at
temperature using this equation:

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 131

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Selecting a different turbo charger

Where N is the airflow in lb/min, P is the absolute pressure in psi, and T is the absolute ambient
temperature in Rankin.

Finally, multiply N by the volumetric efficiency of your engine (VE). This compensates for the fact that
upon every cycle of the engine, not all of the old air/fuel mix in the cylinders is forced out the
exhaust. Thus there is a difference between the actual airflow through and engine and the predicted
airflow. This discrepancy is equated to a VE. There is literally thousands of hours worth of online
reading about volumetric efficiencies for just about every production engine. To get the most
accurate results from this step I would suggest researching your engine and coming up with the most
realistic VE possible as this does have a significant affect on engine flow. If you are just messing
around with compressor flow maps and need a value for VE just to experiment with, 85% efficiency is
a nice conservative number for most modified turbocharged cars at high rpm (6500-7500). Keep in
mind though that on a forced induction setup VE can easily exceed 100% so again it will be very
beneficial to research your engine.
For our SAAB engines these number apply.

EVF / RPM 2.0L engine (122 cubic inch) 2.3L engine (140 cubic inch)
1000 rpm 35.3 40.6
2000 rpm 70.6 81.2
3000 rpm 105.9 121.8
4000 rpm 141.3 162.4
5000 rpm 176.6 203.1
6000 rpm 211.9 243.7
7000 rpm 247.2 284.3

Since the amount of air to be flowed by the turbo is largest when RPM is at its top we will take the
worst case scenario and get EVF @ 7000 RPM. We have to make an assumption on the abient
temperature which we will set at 20˚C. This is 68 Fahrenheit which is (460 + 68) = 528 Rankin.
Now we can calculate the airflow of the engine in lb/min for any given boostlevel.
If we want to draw a line into the compressor map for our engines needs we need to calculate the
needed airflow for several boost levels.

Airflow / 2.0L lb/min 2.0L cfm 2.3L lb/min 2.3L cfm

0.2 bar (2.9 psi) 3.7 53.1 4.2 61
0.4 bar (5.8 psi) 7.3 106.1 8.4 122
0.6 bar (8.7 psi) 11 159.2 12.6 183
0.8 bar (11.6 psi) 14.7 212.2 16.9 244
1.0 bar (14.5 psi) 18.3 265.3 21.1 305
1.2 bar (17.4 psi) 22 318.3 25.3 366
1.4 bar (20.3 psi) 25.7 371.4 29.5 427
1.6 bar (23.2 psi) 29.3 424.4 33.8 488

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 132

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Selecting a different turbo charger

This all results in 2 simple lines in the compressor map which indicate the maximum flow required
from the turbo by our engine.

Now we can clearly see where out engine leaves the compressor map and thus the limit for the
combination of the two (engine and turbo) lies.
We also see that – even for the 2.3 liter engine – the TD04 can sustain a much higher boost pressure
at higher rpms than the T25 can. Even at 1.4 bar boost (pressure ratio = 2.4) the TD04 is within its
limits and would flow approximately 420 cfm. Would we have done the same with the T25 turbo we
would most certainly be in the choke area and the turbo would be unable to get us the airflow that we

Determining the Best Wheel Trim-Housing A/R Combination

With the flow rate you have just calculated, you can look at compressor maps of different turbo
chargers to see which ones give you the air flow you need at the pressures and efficiencies that you
want to run.

When selecting a turbo, it is important to do the above calculations for a number of different RPM’s
and boost pressures because you will not always be at redline under full boost while driving you car.
Checking the turbo performance at various engine speeds and pressures will give the overall picture of
how well the turbo is sized to your vehicle.

Matching a flow map to your engine flow requirements will allow you to pick the compressor wheel
trim for your application. However before you can go out and purchase that new turbo, you still have
to settle on an exhaust wheel and turbine A/R. The real determining factor in this selection is
maintaining compressor wheel speed. Remember the wheel RPM lines on the flow map? Well a
properly sized exhaust wheel/housing combination will keep the compressor wheel operating within
the maximum and minimum wheel speeds on the map as often as possible. Since different “hot side”
combinations can affect your turbo’s performance, (i.e. a little more lag in return for more top end, or
quicker spool up at the cost of overall power) the best thing to do is to contact a turbo manufacturer
or distributor (,, and
they will be able to tell you the exact effects you can expect from all of the various hot side combos
available for your turbo model.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 133

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Garrett T25 specifications

Garrett T25 specifications

Weight: 7,5kg
Compressor diameter: 60mm
Turbine diameter: 65mm and 59mm
Bearing span: 37,8mm
Moment of inertia: 5,4x10-5 kg/m2
Oil flow: 1,7L/min / SAE30 / 90C / 2,75bar
Compressor wheel: 54mm 55 trim, A/R 48
Turbine wheel: 53.8mm 61 trim, A/R 49

As you can see the T25 (trim 55) can flow 18 lbs of air per minute @ pressure ratio = 2 and efficiency
will be ~65%. This 18 lbs/minute converts to about 260 cfm. The maximum efficiency zone (73%)
reaches upto pressure ratio 1.9. This would be ~0.9 bar overpressure.
In terms of usage the T25 can take us upto ~1.1 bar boost pressure and bring upto 250 bhp.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 134

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Mitisubishi TD04-15G specifications

Mitisubishi TD04-15G specifications

The TD04-15G from the 9000 Aero can flow more air than the “little” T25. Looking at the map we can
see that the TD04-15G can flow ~428 cfm @ pressure ratio 2 and efficiency of 60%.
Also, the maximum efficiency zone (76% vs 73% for the T25) reaches upto 1.9 pressure ratio with
would be ~0.9 bar.
In terms of usage the TD04 can take us upto ~1.4 bar boost pressure. The TD04 can bring upto

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 135

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Mitsubishi TD04-19T specifications

Mitsubishi TD04-19T specifications

This TD04-19T compressor map has the air flow axis noted in m3/s. 1 m3 per second means 2118
cfm. So this turbo can flow approximately 0.26 m3/s = 550 cfm @ pressure ratio 2.3.
At the standard ratio of 2 it still flows 510 cfm which is more than a GT28RS. The TD04-19T can bring
upto ~380 bhp.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 136

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Garrett GT28RS (GT2860R) specifications

Garrett GT28RS (GT2860R) specifications

The GT28RS is frequently used in modified cars. It can flow much more air than the TD04 and the
T25. If we look at the compressor map for the GT28RS (black lines) we see that this turbo is capable
of flowing ~33 lbs/minute which is ~477 cfm at pressure ratio 2. The maximum efficiency runs much
higher than that. Upto 1.4 bar boost pressure this turbo will run at 75% efficiency.
In terms of usage the GT28RS can run nicely upto 1.6 bar at an air flowrate of ~37 lbs/min = 535
cfm. This is much more than the TD04-15G of course. The GT28RS can bring upto ~350 bhp.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 137

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Garrett GT30R specifications

Garrett GT30R specifications

The GT30R (GT3071) is given for reference reasons only. It can flow even more air than the GT28RS.
If we look at the compressor map we see that this turbo is capable of flowing ~45 lbs/minute which is
~650 cfm at pressure ratio 2. The maximum efficiency runs upto 1.8 bar boost pressure. In terms of
usage the GT30R can run nicely upto 1.8 bar at an air flowrate of ~52 lbs/min = 750 cfm. Even within
the maximum efficiency zone this turbo will flow 40 lbs/minute which is more than the GT28RS will
flow even at maximum.
The GT30R can bring upto ~500 bhp.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 138

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IV : Turbo compressor maps : Conclusion


Comparing the two compressor maps for TD04 and T25 we can clearly see that the TD04 can flow
more air at a higher pressure ratio and with a higher efficiency. Given the fact that the turbine blades
are larger than in the T25, spoolup will be a bit slower, but high end power will be much better.

Upgrading your turbo will affect more than meets the eye. The VE map in the Trionic would probably
need adjustments because the hardware in the airflow has been changed. This means the volumetric
efficiency also changes and thus the correction table needs changing too.
Also, when boost values rise, the intercoolers capacity for air flow comes into play. You must make
sure that the intercooler is not so restrictive that upgrading the turbo will result in a burst intercooler.
A high capacity cross flow intercooler would be a good option here.
And last but not least, upgrading the turbo charger means – that is the goal here – more air flow to
the cylinders and thus more oxygen to burn. If we upgrade the turbo we need to consider the
injectors too. If the injectors can’t flow the amount of fuel needed to burn the amount of oxygen
pushed into the cylinders we would have gained nothing.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7 : Stage I

Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7

If you want to go beyond the standard stages I – III there’s more to alter than just the “silly” stuff like
ECU, exhaust and catalyst. This chapter will describe what steps are needed for stages 1 upto 7.

Stage I
The target amount of power for stage I is about 235 bhp for FPT versions (T25 turbo) and 260 bhp
for Aero models (TD04-15 turbo)

Component Stock Stage I minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage I
Exhaust 2’’ 2’’
Intake --- ---
Catalyst --- ---
Injectors 345 cc/min 345 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04-15 T25/TD04-15
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- ---
Clutch 450 Nm 450 Nm
Camshafts --- ---
Fuel pump --- ---
Wastegate --- ---
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 2.5 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

Stage II

The target amount of power for stage III is about 250 bhp for T25 models and 270 bhp for TD04

Component Stock Stage II minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage II
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ cat-back
Intake --- ---
Catalyst --- ---
Injectors 345 cc/min 345 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04-15 T25/TD04-15
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- ---
Clutch 450 Nm 450 Nm
Camshafts --- ---
Fuel pump --- ---
Wastegate --- ---
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 2.5 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7 : Stage III

Stage III
The target amount of power for stage III is about 270 bhp for T25 models and 280 bhp for TD-04

Component Stock Stage III minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage III
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ turbo back
Intake --- Open/sport air filter
Catalyst --- Sport (3’’) catalyst
Injectors 345 cc/min 345 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04-15 T25/TD04-15
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- ---
Clutch 450 Nm 450 Nm
Camshafts --- ---
Fuel pump --- ---
Wastegate --- ---
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 2.5 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

Stage IV

The target amount of power for stage IV is about 300 bhp. From stage 4 there’s no longer a
difference between FPT and Aero models because the T25 turbo cannot reach a stage IV level and
has to be replaced from this stage on.

Component Stock Stage IV minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage IV
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ turbo back
Intake --- Open/sport air filter
Catalyst --- Sport (3’’) catalyst
Injectors 345 cc/min 413 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04-15 TD04-15
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- ---
Clutch 450 Nm Sports clutch (600 Nm)
Camshafts --- ---
Fuel pump --- ---
Wastegate --- Reinforced model (Forge)
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 3 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7 : Stage V

Stage V
The target amount of power for stage V is about 350 bhp

Component Stock Stage V minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage V
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ turbo back
Intake --- Open/sport air filter
Catalyst --- Sport (3’’) catalyst
Injectors 345 cc/min 413 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04 TD04-18T/19T
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- Cross flow, high capacity
Clutch 450 Nm Sports clutch (600 Nm)
Camshafts --- ---
Fuel pump --- ---
Wastegate --- Reinforced model (Forge)
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 3 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

Stage VI

The target amount of power for stage VI is about 400 bhp

Component Stock Stage VI minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage VI
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ turbo back
Intake --- Open/sport air filter
Catalyst --- Sport (3’’) catalyst
Injectors 345 cc/min 630 cc/min
Fuel lines --- ---
Turbo T25/TD04 Garrett GTBB30
Exhaust manifold --- ---
Intercooler --- Cross flow, high capacity
Clutch 450 Nm Sports clutch (600 Nm)
Camshafts --- Upgraded model for better
engine breathing
Fuel pump --- Walbro 255 or Bosch 044
Wastegate --- Reinforced model (Forge)
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 3 bar
Air delivery pipe --- ---
Cylinder head --- ---

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix V: Upgrade stages 1-7 : Stage VII

Stage VII

The target amount of power for stage VII is about 500 bhp

Component Stock Stage VII minimum requirement

ECU 200/225 bhp Stage VII
Exhaust 2’’ 3’’ turbo back
Intake --- Open/sport air filter
Catalyst --- Sport (3’’) catalyst
Injectors 345 cc/min 750 cc/min
Fuel lines --- Upgraded piping and rail
Turbo T25/TD04 Garrett GT30R
Exhaust manifold --- Tubular model with all mandrels
of same length
Intercooler --- Cross flow, high capacity
Clutch 450 Nm Sports clutch (700 Nm)
Camshafts --- Upgraded model for better
engine breathing
Fuel pump --- Walbro 255 or Bosch 044
Wastegate --- Reinforced model (Forge)
Mapsensor 2.5 bar 3 bar
Air delivery pipe --- Upgraded model (Abbott)
Cylinder head --- Custom ported

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VI: Check Engine Light (CEL) : CEL Flash codes

Appendix VI: Check Engine Light (CEL)

If the Trionic detects something is wrong it may light the CEL. The CEL flashes its code when you turn
on the ignition and wait for a few seconds. If more than one code it in the fault list, the codes will be
flashed one after another. The sequence is repeated until you turn off the ignition or start the car.

CEL Flash codes

In the table below you will find the known CEL flash codes with their description.

# flashes Description Additional information

2 MAP sensor Pressure sensor out of boundaries or defective
3 Intake air temperature sensor IAT sensor out of boundaries or defective
4 Coolant temperature sensor Coolant water sensor defective
5 Throttle position sensor TPS out of boundaries or defective
6 Oxygen sensor (lambda) Oxygen sensor out of boundaries or defective
7 Air/Fuel mixture (A/F ratio) A/F ratio out of boundaries (outside of adaption range)
8 EVAP value
9 ECU internal failure Flash / SRAM fault or checksum error.

# flashes Description ISAT codes

2 MAP sensor P0105 P0106 P0107 P0108
3 Intake air temperature sensor P0110 P0112 P0113
4 Coolant temperature sensor P0115 P0117 P0118
5 Throttle position sensor P0120 P0121 P0122 P0123
6 Oxygen sensor (lambda) P0130 P0135
7 Air/Fuel mixture (A/F ratio) P0170 P0171 P0172
8 EVAP value P0443 P1443 P1444 P1445
9 ECU internal failure P1651 P1652 (check ground, connectors and

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Ionization current generation

Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection

Trionic detects knocking and misfires by means of the ionization current that flows between the spark
plug gaps. This appendix will explain how this works.

Ionization current generation

In an ideal combustion reaction, hydrocarbon molecules react with oxygen and generate only carbon
dioxide and water, e.g. isooctane gives

In the combustion there are also other reactions present, that include ions, which go through several
steps before they are completed.

These ions, and several others, are generated by the chemical reactions in the flame front. Additional
ions are created when the temperature increases as the pressure rises.

The processes creating the ionization current are complex and are also varying from engine cycle to
engine cycle. Image 25 shows ten (10) consecutive cycles of the cylinder pressure and the ionization
current operating at constant speed and load.

Image 25: Cycle to cycle variations in the combustion

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Ionization current sensing

As can be seen, the cycle-by-cycle variations are significant, which is a given problem in interpreting
these signals.

Ionization current sensing

Image 26: Ionization current in one cylinder

Knock is a pressure oscillation in the cylinder with a frequency determined by the geometry of the
combustion chamber. The oscillation is present in the current measurement and can be extracted
mainly by using a band pass filter in a well chosen time window of the current signal. Knocking can
destroy the engine. When there is a misfire, then there are no resulting ions and hence no current
which is easily detected. Misfires can and will destroy the catalyst.
Ionization current interpretation can be used for both purposes, knock detection and misfire detection.

Image 27: Possible sensor information from ionization current

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Ionization current sensing


To detect the ions, a DC bias is applied to the spark plug, generating an electrical field. The electrical
field makes the ions move and generates an ion current. A schematic illustration is shown in Image
28 (a). The current is measured at the low-voltage side of the ignition coil, and does not require
protection from the high-voltage pulses in the ignition, Image 28 (b).

Image 28: Measuring the ionization current

Measurement of the ionization current. (a) The spark plug-gap is used as a probe. (b) Measurement
on the low voltage side of the ignition coil.

The ionization current is an interesting engine parameter to study. It is a direct measure of the
combustion result that contains a lot of information about the combustion, and several challenges
remain in the interpretation of it. Some of the parameters that affect the ionization current are:
temperature, air/fuel ratio, time since combustion, exhaust gas recycling (EGR), fuel composition,
engine load, and several others.

Ionization Current Terminology

The ionization current typically has three phases: a phase related to ignition, a phase related to ions
from the flame development and propagation, and a phase related to pressure and temperature
development. In Image 29, the three phases of the ionization current are displayed. Each of these
phases has varying characteristics and they also mix together in complicated ways. In the ignition
phase, the ionization current is large, with reversed polarity. Due to the high current in the ignition
the measured signal shown in the figure is limited. What can be seen in the image too is the ringing
phenomenon in the coil after the ignition.

Image 29: Ionization current phases: ignition, flame front, and post flame

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Spark Advance and Cylinder Pressure

In the flame-front phase, the high level of ions associated with the chemical reactions in the flame
produces one or more characteristic peaks. The ions generated by the flame have different
recombination rates. Some ions recombine very quickly to more-stable molecules, while others have
longer residual times. The result is a high peak which after some time decays as the ions recombine.

In the post-flame phase the most stable ions remain, generating a signal that follows the cylinder
pressure due to its effect on the temperature and molecule concentration. Ions are created by the
combination of the measurement voltage and the high temperature of the burned gases, since the
temperature follows the pressure during the compression and expansion of the burned gases, when
the flame propagates outwards and the combustion completes. The ionization current thus depends
on the pressure.

Spark Advance and Cylinder Pressure

The spark advance is used to position pressure development in the cylinder such that the combustion
produces maximum work. Under normal driving conditions the mixture is ignited around 15 – 30 in
crank angle before the piston has reached top dead center (TDC), and the pressure peak comes
around 20 degrees after TDC. In the graph below three different pressure traces, resulting from three
different spark timings, are shown. Earlier spark advance normally gives higher maximum pressures
and maximum temperatures that appear at earlier crank angles.

Image 30: Cylinder pressure vs. Ignition timing

Three different pressure traces resulting from three different spark advances. The different spark
advances are; SA1: spark advance 32.5 before top dead center (TDC), SA2: 22.5 before TDC,
SA3: 12.5 before TDC. The optimal spark advance is close to SA2.

The optimal spark advance for maximum output torque is close to SA2 for the operating point in the
figure, and the resulting peak pressure position lies around 17 after TDC. With too early ignition
timing the pressure rise starts too early and counteracts the piston movement. This can be seen for
the pressure trace with spark advance SA1 where the pressure rise starts already at -20 due to the
combustion. There are also losses due to heat and crevice flow from the gas to the combustion
chamber walls, and with an earlier spark advance the loss mechanisms start earlier reducing the work
produced by the gas. Higher pressures give higher temperatures which also decrease the difference in
internal energy between the reactants and products in the combustion, thus resulting in lower energy-
conversion ratios. The heat loss mechanisms and the lower conversion ratio can be seen in Image 30,
at crank angles over 30 , where the pressure trace from the SA1 spark advance is lower than the

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Peak Pressure Concept

Too late ignition gives a pressure increase that comes too late so that work is lost during the
expansion phase. In Image 30, the pressure increase for spark advance SA3 starts as late as at TDC.
But work is also gained due to the later start of the effects mentioned above, which also can be seen
in the figure. The pressure trace from the spark advance, SA3, is higher than the others at crank
angles over 30 . However, this gain in produced work can not compensate for the losses early in the
expansion phase.

Peak Pressure Concept

Thus, optimal spark advance positions the pressure trace in a way that compromise between the
effects mentioned above. To define the position of the in-cylinder pressure relative to TDC, the peak
pressure position (PPP) is used, Image 31. The PPP is the position in crank angle where the in-cylinder
pressure takes its maximal value. There also exist other ways of describing the positioning of the
combustion relative to crank angle, e.g. based on the mass fraction burned curve.

Image 31: Peak pressure position

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VII: Knock and misfire detection : Engine-tuning for efficiency

Engine-tuning for efficiency

To be able to get the maximum torque from the engine at a given loadpoint we have to invastigate
the torque development in different settings. In Image 32, mean values, over 200 cycles, of the PPP
are plotted together with the mean value of the produced torque at four different operating points
covering a large part of the road load operating range for the engine. Two of the operating points
have an engine speed of 1500 rpm with different throttle angles, and for the two other operating
points the engine speed is doubled to 3000 rpm. The PPP for maximum output torque in the figure
lies around 15˚ATDC (after TDC) for all these operating points, , even though the spark advance
differs a lot.

Image 32: PPP vs. torque in different settings

Note that the load and speed are changed over large intervals, and that the PPP for maximum output
torque at the different operating points does not differ much. The PPP versus torque curve is flat
around the position for the maximum. Therfore a spark schedule that maintains a constant PPP at 15
is close to optimum. Considering only the work produced, this motivates that an optimal spark
schedule maintains almost the same position for the peak pressure. However, the optimal PPP
changes slightly with the operating points. The efficiency can thus be improved a little bit further by
mapping the optimal PPP for each operating point, and provide these values as reference signal to the
spark timing controller. The peak pressure positioning principle can also be used for meeting emission

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : General

Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators

This appendix will list details about the sensors and actuators used in a T5 car.

Sensors are devices used to gather information. In a Trionic 5 car a lot of sensors are used to
determine what actions to take inside the ECU. These sensors are all analogue, which means they
output a signal that has to be converted to digital numbers for the ECU to be able to understand
them. Actuators on the other hand are devices that enable the ECU to interact with the processes in
the car. Actuators are driven (or activated) by the Trionic be it directly or indirectly.


The range of sensors used by Trionic is impressive. This chapter will list all used sensors with their
characteristics ranging from temperature sensors to pressure sensors and crankshaft sensors.

Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor

The intake air temperature sensor is needed to determine the density of the air entering the system.
The density of the air determines the amount of O2 molecules in a cubic inch of air and the amount of
O2 molecules determine how much fuel should be injected into the cylinder to get a stoichiometric
burn. Hence, fuel injection duration depends on IAT. The IAT sensor outputs a analogue signal
between 0 and 5 volts as shown in the table below. The sensor is located on the air intake tube
leading to the throttle body. Through the holes in the sensor head, the intake air flows past the NTC
(negative temperature coefficent) resistor in the sensor. The ECU applies a voltage across the sensor.
The voltage drop across the sensor drops as temperature rises. Based on this temperature and the
MAP input the air mass can be determined continiously by the ECU. Pinnumber 1 of the sensor (Black
wire) connects to ground while pinnumber 2 (white wire), which carries the output voltage connects
to pinnumber 46 on the ECU. The value for actual intake air temperature can be monitored through
CAN bus using symbol Lufttemp.

Celcius Fahrenheit Voltage Resistance Ω

-30 -22 4.5 20-30
-10 +14 3.9 8.3-10.6
+20 +68 3.2 2.3-2.7
+40 +104 1.5 1.0-1.3
+60 +140 0.9 0.56-0.67
+80 +176 0.7 0.30-0.36

Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) sensor

TODO: Insert description for MAT here.

Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor

For continous measurement of the pressure in the intake manifold a pressure sensor is present. It is
mounted on the front of the bulkhead compartment and it is connected to the intake manifold by a
vacuum hose. The MAP sensor is a piezo electrical element which reacts to pressure induced to it. The
element converts the pressure to a linear voltage on its output lead in which low pressure results in a
low voltage and high pressure results in a high voltage. This output voltage ranges from 0 to 5 volts.
The sensor has an internal circuit to compensate for temperature fluctuations. Based on this pressure

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Sensors

and the air temperature in the intake manifold the air mass can be determined continiously by the
ECU. The mapsensor needs a supply voltage, ground and has a output voltage and thus has 3 leads
on it. Pinnumber 1 (black wire) connects to ground, pinnumber 2 (blue/white wire) carries the
pressure voltage signal and is connected to pinnumber 22 on the ECU while pinnumber 3 (grey wire)
connects to pinnumber 43 on the ECU which supplies the sensor with +5 volts. The table below shows
the output voltages for different pressures.

Pressure (bar) Output voltage

-0.75 0.4
-0.50 0.9
0.00 1.8
+0.25 2.3
+0.5 2.8
+0.75 3.3
+1.00 3.8
+1.25 4.3

The MAP sensor is a 2.5 bar type. This would theoretically mean that it can measure upto ~1.5 bar
boostpressure. In practice however the sensor saturates before that. This saturation takes place at
about 1.4 bar which would be ~4.75 volts. If you plan to achieve more boost than 1.4 bar you will
have to use a 3 bar MAP sensor which can measure correctly upto ~1.9 bar. See chaper “Converting
to three bar mapsensor” for more information on this subject. The value for actual pressure in the
manifold can be monitored through CAN bus using symbol P_Manifold or P_Manifold10.

Coolant Temperature sensor

Trionic uses the coolant temperature sensor to determine the engine’s temperature. Engine
temperature indicates whether – for example – warmup ignition map should be used or what
compensation to make for injection (warmup enrichtment) and so on. The coolant temperature sensor
signal is applied to pinnumber 68 on the ECU. The value for actual coolant temperature can be
monitored through CAN bus using symbol Kyl_temp.

Crankshaft position sensor

Trionic T5.2 uses a different crankshaft position sensor than Trionic T5.5.
The early (T5.2) models use a HALL effect sensor while the later models (T5.5) uses a variable
reluctance sensor.

The HALL effect sensor procudes a square wave output while the VR type produces a sinewave output
as shown in the picture below. The VR type output voltage is converted by T5.5 by using the LM1815.
This results in a simular output as the HALL effect sensor. T5 has 62 pulses per engine rotation from
which 2 teeth are missing at 117° BTDC on cylinder 1 to determine TDC. The crankshaft sensor signal
is applied to pinnumber 41 on the ECU. This sensor also supplies the ECU with engine speed
information. The amount of pulses per second indicates how many rpm the engine is making. The
crankshaft signal is applied to pinnumber 41 on the ECU. The RPM signal is applied to pin 58.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Sensors

Battery voltage

Trionic uses the battery voltage as an input to compensate for lag in the opening time of the fuel
injectors. Lower battery voltage means that the injectors will open slower and hence injector open
time needs to be longer to get the same amount of fuel injected into the cylinders. The table below
shows the battery voltage correction table.

Throttle Position sensor (TPS)

The throttle position sensor is used by Trionic to regulate charging pressure, ignition timing and for
supplying a richer mixture during acceleration and a leaner mixture during deceleration. The
maximum charging pressure can only be obtained at wide open throttle (WOT). The sensor is
different for cars with and cars without TCS (traction control system).
Cars without TCS obtain the TPS signal from pin 3 of the throttle position sensor and it is applied to
pin 45 of the ECU. Signal voltages range from 0.2 volt while idling upto 4 volts at wide open throttle.
Cars with TCS obtain the TPS signal from pin 26 of the ETS module (this is a PWM signal) and it is
applied to pin 57 of the ECU. Signal voltages range from 0.2 volt while idling upto 4 volts at wide open
throttle. The average throttle position can be monitored through CAN bus through symbol Medeltrot.

% throttle plate open Output voltage

0 0.20
10 0.40
25 0.95
50 2.10
75 2.85
90 3.40
100 4.00

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Sensors

Lambda sonde (oxygen sensor)

To be able to measure the result of the combustions in terms of it being stoichiometric Trionic gets
input from one or two (depending on makeyear and market) oxygen sensors a.k.a. lambda sensors or
sondes. These sensors output a voltage that indicates the amount of air (O2) left in the exhaust gases.
T5 uses narrowband sensors which means that the output voltage they supply is not very accurate.
The image below shows that the effective zone for a narrowband sensor is from ~14 to 15 AFR. The
Trionic get a signal < 0.1 volt from the sensor the mixture is too lean while a signal > 0.9 volt means
that the mixture is too rich. Normally the output voltage will swing from one side to the other and
thus keeping the average mixture result correct for the catalyst. The front lambda sensors output
voltage is applied to pinnumber 23 on the ECU.

Please note that different fuels need diffent mixtures to obtain lambda 1.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Sensors

Knock sensor

As mentioned in appendix VII, Trionic uses the spark plugs via the direct ignition cassette to sense
knocking and misfires. Please refer to this appendix for more information. The knock signal is applied
to pinnumber 44 on the ECU.

Vehicle speed signal

The ECU needs the vehicle speed signal to determine in which gear we are driving. This signal is a
square wave form which varies in frequency depending on vehicle speed. The signal is applied to
pinnumber 39 on the ECU.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Actuators


Boost control valve

To be able to control the charging pressure in the turbo, Trionic utilizes a pneumatic valve to
pressurize the wastegate actuator. The system actually uses charging pressure from the turbo to
pressurize the actuator so no charging pressure automatically means no control over the wastegate by
Trionic. This is not a problem because if there is no charge pressure no overboost can occur anyway.
The charging pressure is led to the input of the boost control valve and normally – when no
interaction from Trionic occurs – actuates the wastegate so the valve opens. Normally, trionic keeps
the wastegate shut by activating the valve. If Trionic decides it is time to open the wastegate (be it a
little bit or much) it shifts the valve so that part of the charge pressure is applied to the waste
actuator. This is its turn opens the wastegate valve and lets some of the exhaust gases escape the
turbo – to the exhaust – without it spinning the turbine wheel. This way, the amount of air driving the
turbine wheel descreases and of course the compressor wheel spins slower. As a result the charging
pressure descreases as well. The images below show the position of the valve and the internals. The
ECU controls the BPC through pins 2 and 26 on the ECU. The value for output duty cycle on the valve
can be monitored through CAN bus using symbol PWM_ut10.

Wastegate actuator

The wastegate actuator is controlled by the airflow from the BPC (see above) and is the physical
connection to the wastegate valve. More airpressure on the actuator means that the wastegate valve
opens more. The wastegate valve is kept shut by a spring that ensures that the valve closes when the
air pressure is no longer applied. Sometimes overshoot problems with charging pressure are due to a
worn / weak wastegate spring. The pictures below show the wastegate actuator and a diagram
showing the working of the actuator. The higher the duty cycle (DC) on the solenoid valve, the more
air pressure bleeds off to the compressor inlet side. If the turbo is not making pressure - e.g.
compressor is atm - and the solenoid is not being activaed (2% DC) there is no pressure on the
actuator and hence the spring in the actuator is not being pushed back (counter pressured). The
wastegate will remain shut by the pressure of the spring.
If the turbo is making boost - say 1.5 bar over atm - and the DC = 2%, the pressure will also be
pumped into the wastegate actuator and it will counter act the pressure (tension) of the spring. The
gate will open. If there's a high DC (98%) on the valve, the majority of the boost pressure from the
compressor side will be leaked to the compressor inlet side by the valve and nearly no pressure will
arrive in the wastegate actuator. The valve will be kept shut by the spring tension.
An exception on this is when the pressure drop OVER the turbo is higher than the spring tension in
which case the gate will be pushed open from the outside (the exhaust side). In this case back
pressure is too high. Because the gate will be pushed open, boost pressure will drop and the gate will
close again. Boost pressure will rise again and the cycle will start over again resulting in fluctuating

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Actuators


Disconnecting the W-hose results in 'unlimited' boost because the compressor will not be able to
pressurize the actuator and it will therefore keep the gate shut because of the spring tension.

So: low DC means the ECU is not controlling boost pressure OR it tries to lower boost by pressurizing
the wastegate actuator.
high DC means the ECU is trying to raise or maintain a certain boost level.
If you see a maximum DC (98%) and boost pressure still doesn't reach the requested level you'll have
a spring that is too weak or you have too much back pressure pushing the gate open from the outside
(which can also mean a spring that is too weak but also an exhaust that is too restrictive).

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Actuators


The fuel injectors enable the Trionic to inject fuel in neatly dosed amounts into each cylinder. The
injectors are actually small solenoid valves that are controlled by the ECU. The pressure over the
injector is kept stable, normally at three bar. Opening the injector for a certain amount of time will
inject a known amount of fuel into the cylinder. See chapter “Converting T5 to larger injectors” for
more information. The image below shows how a injector is build up. The injectors are triggered by
pinnumbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 on the ECU for - respectively - injector 1, 2, 3, and 4. The value for actual
injection duration can be monitored through CAN bus using symbol Insp_tid10.

Spark plugs

The spark plugs enable the Trionic to ignite the fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber. In a T5
car the sparkplugs are indirectly driven by the ECU which means that the ECU signals the direct
ignition cassette to fire a certain spark plug. See chapter “Ignition” for more information. The image
below shows the internals of a spark plug. The ECU fires the plugs through pins 9, 10, 11 and 12 for
respectively pulg 1, 2, 3 and 4. The value for actual ignition angle can be monitored through CAN bus
using symbol Ign_angle.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Actuators

DI Cartridge

The Direct Ignition cartridge (DI cassette) had the following pinout on its connector.

Pinnumber Description ECU pinnumber

1 Used for monitoring the charge voltage to the capacitor (T7)
2 Trigger signal cylinder 1 9
3 Trigger signal cylinder 2 10
4 Trigger signal cylinder 3 11
5 Trigger signal cylinder 4 12
6 Ground
7 Knock sensor function 44
8 Combustion signal cylinders 1+2 17
9 Combustion signal cylinders 3+4 18
10 Main power from relay

Cylinder number 4 is the one closest to the connector. Pin number 1 is used for monitoring the charge
voltage to the capacitor (1/100 of the charge voltage gives about 0-4V). The voltage on the trigger
pins is 12V and it triggers on the falling flank when grounded (500mA peak). The trigger must at least
be held low for the discharge time of the coil which is about 500µs. There must be a 2.5ms charge
time between triggers to avoid damage to the cassette. The recharge of the capacitor starts directly
when the trigger goes high again and the charge time is 2.5ms at 12V battery voltage. It is important
to minimize voltage drop in the harness as the charge time will rapidly increase with lower voltage
(3ms at 9V). Charge voltage can be monitored the on pin 1.

The misfire signal is a square wave signal 0-12V. There are 2 lines for this, one is for cylinders 1&2
and the other is for cylinders 3&4. SAAB also uses this signal during cranking to find which cylinder is
in the compression stroke and which is in the exhaust stroke. Trionic triggers both partner cylinders
until it can detect a combustion in one of the cylinders. During this time these two coils get half each
of the stored energy in the Cap. You will have a signal some microseconds after a trigger if you have
a combustion. This signal is only for combustion detect and has nothing to do with knock.

The raw ION knock signal is filtered in the DI cassette to a 7kHz +/- 6V sine wave. The amplitude of
the signal reflects the degree of knock. The charge pulse gives a lot of disturbance so the trigger must
be kept low until the knock info is read. Normally most of this information is found between 10-40º
ATDC. If the spark is 30º BTC and the knock info is at 40º ATDC, this means the trigger signal should
be 70º long. Trionic has a "window" for when reading out the knock which varies in time depending
on MAP and RPM. Knock window timing can be found in Knock_wind_on and Knock_wind_off tables.

There are several different DI cassettes, one red and one black for four cylinder engines. They have
been in production since 1987. The black ones have AC spark, giving longer spark duration. This can
improve idle stability and lean condition misfire. There is also a three cylinder cassette, which can be
found in 9000 & 900 models with V6 engine.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix VIII: Sensors and actuators : Actuators

Purge valve (carbon canister solenoid valve)

The carbon canister contains active charcoal or active carbon granules. Most evaporation control
systems reduce the emission of fuel vapour during the time the vehicle is idling in traffic, or parked in
strong sunshine by absorbing the vapour fumes into the carbon canister. Once the engine is at its
normal operating temperature the stored hydrocarbons are released into the inlet manifold where
they become part of the combustible air/fuel mixture. The control for allowing the hydrocarbons to be
released into the inlet manifold through a cut off valve is achieved electrically. The electronic solenoid
is controlled by the Electronic Control Module (ECU) by switching the earth path to ground under
specified conditions. The purge valve is controlled by pinnumber 27 and 28 on the ECU.

Idle Air Control (IAC) valve

The engine idling speed on Trionic 5 cars is controlled by an electrically operated idle air control (IAC)
valve, also referred to as an automatic idle control (IAC) valve on some models. One end of this valve
is connected by a rubber hose to the air filter side of the throttle plate, while the other end is
connected by a rubber hose to the engine side of the plate. By varying the opening of the valve, the
engine management system can vary the amount of air (and fuel) supplied and maintain an
appropriate idle speed regardless of engine load, for example from the air conditioning system. The
picture below shows the IAC valve. The valve is controlled by pin 49 on the ECU.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 160

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IX: Converting to T7 boost control valve : Short description

Appendix IX: Converting to T7 boost control valve

Short description
This appendix describes the steps neccesary to use the Trionic 7 BPC (solenoid valve that controls the
wastegate actuator) on a Trionic 5 car with a Trionic 5 ECU. Normally this is not possible and that is a
shame because the valves for T5 are much more expensive and prone to failure simply because of
their construction. The changes needed for this conversion consist of some software and some
hardware changes.

The T5 valve has two coils that control the position of a metal sheet which in turn controls the flow of
air through the valve. These two coils are driven by the MOSFET’s inside the ECU. The T7 valve on the
other hand has only one coil and the control frequency for the T7 valve is slightly different.

Hardware modifications
Lift up pin 5 from 74HC123 shown in picture below. Chip is a monostable multivibrator which is used
to make two PWM-signals from CPU's original one for that original two coiled valve. Pin 5 is output
and pin 12 is inverted output (which we don't need anymore). Pin 5 needs to be lifted because
otherwise the 74HC14 driving the 74HC123 would be competing with 74HC123's output and either
would fan out. This would result in no drive to FET at all. Alternative is to remove the HC123 from the
board. The 74HC123 is used in T5 to shorten PWM pulses to 2 ms lenght by triggering from PWM
signal edges. This is enough to make the thin disc inside T5 valve to fly to either end of it's movement
range. Longer pulses or plain PWM signal could eventually fry a T5 valve. So actually the T5 valve is
not driven with PWM at all but with a kind of pulse position modulation. If this is fed to a traditional
PWM valve nothing would happen.

Secondly connect the two pads (bridge) between the resistor and the chip with some solder or a small
wire. This is connecting pin 5 and pin 11 which is PWM-signal input from CPU. Now the original PWM-
signal from CPU is used to drive valve coil. CPU's PWM-signal is wide enough to drive T7 valve. (More
resistance > more voltage is needed). This bridge (B01, if you have silk screen printing in your box)
was added by Saab in T5.5 to enable bypassing HC123 as a placement option. With this bybass the
PWM provided by timer unit in 68332 passes directly to one of the FETs.

Wire the valve as shown in the picture. The 3-pin connector is the original harness of 9k, the 2-pin
connector is in the T7 valve.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IX: Converting to T7 boost control valve : Software modifications

Add a diode over the valve connector pins as a fail-safe mechanism. Doubt exsist about the
effectiveness of the internal fly-back diode inside the MOSFETs. This diode will guide reversed
polarized voltages past the MOSFET because the MOSFET would “die” if this was not done. These
reversed voltages do exsist because the load the FET is driving is inductive. This diode must have a
reverse recovery time of 75 ns or less and must be able to withstand more than 3 A.

Software modifications
The changes in the software are limited to changing the APC control frequency for the valve. The
frequency changes at 2500 rpm to prevent resonation in the vacuum hoses so there’s actually to
variables to change. Frek_230! holds the control frequency below 2500 rpm. Frek_250! holds the
control frequency above 2500 rpm. For the T5 valve these values are set to 90 respectivly 70 Hz. For
the T7 valve these should be set to 50 and 32 Hz.

Parameter Trionic 5 valve Trionic 7 valve

Frek_230! 90 Hz 50 Hz
Frek_250! 70 Hz 32 Hz

Proving it is possible

To prove the feasablilty of this conversion we need to measure the transient voltages on the valve
itself. Using an oscilloscoop the transients on both drive wires for the T5 valve are measured and the
result is given in the picture. The upper channel is the leftmost connection on the valve while the
lower channel is the rightmost connection on the valve. Scaling is 20 volts per division (square)
vertically and 2 milliseconds per division horizontally. The car is idling and we can see that the driving
frequency is once per (5.5 * 2) 11 ms = 90 Hz which is exactly what we saw earlier in the software.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix IX: Converting to T7 boost control valve : Proving it is possible

When the hardware conversion is done and we measure on the T7 pin (there is only one, so second
channel is ‘dead’) we see this result. The upper channel shows the T7 valve coil pull (very short
compared to T5 pull). Scaling is the same as the first picture. We see that the fequency has dropped
to (10* 2 ms = 20 ms) 50 Hz due to the software modifications we did on the Trionic (90 to 50 Hz
below 2500 RPM).

We need to zoom in a little to get a better view on the ‘pull spike’ that is on the coil.

The valve pull is much shorter (this is what we do by the hardware conversion described in the
previous paragraph) but the transient response on the coil is practically the same.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix X: How to connect the PD BDM programmer to a T5/T7 ECU : Pinout

Appendix X: How to connect the PD BDM programmer to a T5/T7 ECU


The standard BDM pinout: The PD BDM/Willem pinout:

Please note that pins 1 & 2 on a standard BDM connector are not connected and that the row of pins
are shifted one pin upwards. Pin 1 on the PD BDM/Willem is pin 3 on the standard BDM connector.

Deltawave BDM layout & pinout

Pin Description

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix X: How to connect the PD BDM programmer to a T5/T7 ECU : Pinout

The BDM connector on the T5

On the T5 ECU there are eight pads for soldering the pins for the BDM programmer.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix X: How to connect the PD BDM programmer to a T5/T7 ECU : Pinout

The BDM connector on the T7

Pay attention to that the BDM connectors are mirrored between the T5/T7 ECU. On the T7 ECU the
pads for pin 1 & 2 are present but shall not be used when using a PD BDM or Willem programmer.

The bottom side:

On the other side of the PCB’s there are only the other side of the pins. No bridging or something like
that, just plain soldering.

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 166

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XI: How to flash a T5 ECU : Overview

Appendix XI: How to flash a T5 ECU


This howto describes the procedure for writing a binary file to the flash in a T5 ECU. It also describes
how to dump the flash memory to a binary file.

Important note:

The flash memories in the T5 ECUs are starting to get old and writing to the flash does not
always work. If this should be the case the ECU will be inoperable and the only way to fix
it is to physically replace the flashes. Unfortunatelly there is no way to determine the
status of the flash in advance. Please do not use flashT5 if you only have one ECU and you
need it to drive your car.


 BD32 must be installed and working (see Appendix XII).

 The BDM interface must be connected to the T5 ECU and to the computer.
 The T5 ECU must be powered up and +16 volt should be applied to pinnumber 65.


1. Install FlashT5

 Download FlashT5 from the Downloads section on

 Unpack the files in the same directory as BD32 is installed in.

2. Prepare ECU for flash management

 In BD32 give the command: "do". This will start a script that prepares the
processor in the ECU for flash management. Among several things this script will disable the
watchdog, set up registers to allow writing to flash and tell BD32 where to load the target
resident program.

3. Dump flash memory

This step is not necessary but can be used to verify that the content of the flash really is changed.
Also, it is a good idea to always make a backup of the flash before you start writing to it.

 In BD32 give the command: "dumpT5 filename.bin"

filename.bin should be replaced with a file name of your choice keeping in mind that DOS can only
handle 8.3 filename format (8 characters for filename and 3 for extension). BD32 will now download a
target resident program that reads from flash and sends the information to BD32. You will see a
number of dots appearing in BD32 during the copying.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XI: How to flash a T5 ECU : Steps

4. Flash the ECU

 Read Important note above!

 In BD32 give the command: "flashT5 filename.bin"

filename.bin should be replaced by the name of the binary file that you want to write to flash keeping
in mind that DOS can only handle 8.3 filename format (8 characters for filename and 3 for extension).
This file should be in the same folder as the BD32 software. BD32 will now download a target resident
program called flashT5.d32 to the processor in the ECU and execute it. The target resident program
and BD32 cooperates during the flashing (BD32 takes care of file handling and the target resident
program handles writing to flash). During the flashing you will see a number of dots being printed in
BD32. This will stop when the flashing is completed and the command prompt of BD32 will appear.

5. If you run into a problem

If you run into problem when you are flashing try this:

 Double the delay parameter.

 The bottom field in BD32 should report "MCU: STOPPED" while you are using flashT5. If you
for some reason have given the reset command you need to run the script again in
order to setup the registers and stop the MCU.
 If you get an Erase Error or Program Error message it is likely that your flash cannot be
written to (see Important note above). You can try flashing a couple of more times but it is
likely that the ECU can no longer be used.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Overview

Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface


This Howto describes how to install BD32 (found at with a PD (public
domain) BDM interface. The software will also work with an ICD interface but this is not covered in
this Howto.

1. Install BD32
Download from and unzip it on your hard drive.

2. Connect BDM interface

Connect the BDM interface to the parallel port and to the target device (for example your T5 ECU).
You need to know which port you have connected the interface to (LPT1 or LPT2).

3. Edit BD32.CFG
The BD32.CFG contains settings for BD32.EXE. The first line tells which parallel port the BDM interface
is connected to. The second line sets a delay parameter that adjust the speed of BD32 to the interface
(depends on how fast the computer is). This parameter will be tuned later in this Howto. For now, set
it to 1000. Your BD32.CFG should now look something like this:

In this case the BDM interface is connected to LPT2.

4. Install UserPort
This step is only needed if you are using Windows 2000 or later.

 Download and unzip it on you hard drive.

 Copy the file UserPort.sys to %windows-base%\system32\drivers where %windows-base% is
the installation folder of windows (typically c:\windows). Example
 Start UserPort.exe. You will see something like this:

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Steps

Here you can limit the address range to open up if you know what address your parallel port
hardware has. If you don't know or don't care you can open up the whole range from 0x000 to 0x3ff
like this:

 Now click on Start to activate UserPort.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Steps

5. Start BD32

 If you haven’t already powered up your target device do it now. Then start BD32.EXE. If
everything works you will see something like this:

6. Set the delay parameter

Now it is time to adjust the timing between the BDM interface and your computer (this is not needed
if you use an ICD interface).

 First give the reset command:

 In BD32 give the command: "md 0x0 128". This will print the first 128 bytes of the flash
memory. If the timing is not correct it might look something like this:

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Steps

But it should look like this (if you connect to a T7 ECU):

A T7 ECU always starts with "FFFF EFFC" while a T5 always starts with “FFFF F7FC”. Most important is
that each time you give the command “reset” followed by "md 0x0 128" the result should be the

Now, if what you see does not start with "FFFF EFFC" or “FFFF F7FC” or if you get different result
each time you give the command "md 0x0 128" you need to increase the delay parameter. The initial
value we set to 1000.
 Start by adding a zero to that number by giving the command: "port lptN 10000" (where N is
replaced with the port number). Then give the command "md 0x0 128". For example:

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Steps

In this case a delay of 10000 seems to be enough but if you have a fast computer you may need to
increase this number.

Now it is time to fine tune the delay parameter. Halving the delay parameter and give the command
“reset” and "md 0x0 128". Repeat this until you get an uncertain result and then increase it again.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XII: Howto install BD32 with a PD BDM interface : Steps

Decreasing the delay parameter to 1250 in this example seems to give a very uncertain result so
therefore we set it to 2500. It is possible to fine tune it even further but don’t try to set it close to the
uncertainty level. Better be safe.

Typical delay values for some computers:

Pentium I 90 MHz: 200

Pentium III 800 MHz: 2500

7. Update BD32.CFG
Update the delay parameter in BD32.CFG with the value that you found in 6. This will make sure that
you get the correct setting every time you start BD32.

8. Start using BD32

Now everything is set up for using BD32. Read the document BD32.DOC if you want to know more
about the debugger or start using the flash tools that can be found in the Downloads section of

© Dilemma & J.K. Nilsson 2009 rev 1.20 174

Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XIII: Installing a knock LED : Description

Appendix XIII: Installing a knock LED


This chapter will describe the installation procedure for a knock LED. This LED wil indicate a knocking
detection – by Trionic – to the driver. Trionic has a “service” output that switches to ground in the
event of knocking detection. This signal is available on pin 8 on the ECU 70-pin connector. Since the
output is normally ‘floating’ and switches to ground when the knock detection occurs we can connect
the ground side (cathode) of a LED to the ECU’s output and connect the LED’s “hot” side (anode) via
a resistor (680 Ω - 1 kΩ) to +12V (switched over ignition).

Schematic diagram

The image below shows a schematic diagram for this.

A normal LED (light emitting diode) has a long lead and a short lead. The long lead is the anode which
is the positive side (current flows into the diode here) while the short lead is the cathode which is the
negative side (current flows out of the diode here). The top side of the diode in the schematic
diagram is the anode and the bottom side is the cathode. Note: On 5mm LEDs the cathode side is also
indicated by the housing being flat on the side of this lead.

Do not attempt to hook up a normal lamp to the ECU’s output because the ECU cannot sink so much
current from it.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XIV: A tuned example on the road : Description

Appendix XIV: A tuned example on the road


In this chapter we will see some measured data from a tuned car which will give more insight in how
boostlevels relate to power, torque and acceleration. Please do note that these figures are just give to
illustrate and that the results of tuning will vary for every engine and car.

Here we see the power curves in brake horsepower related to different boostvalues…

and the torque curves in newton meters related to boost…

And last but not lease the acceleration values from 100-150 km/h related to the same boost levels...

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XV: Program mode status bytes : Description

Appendix XV: Program mode status bytes

Byte Bitmask Description
0 0x01 After start enrichment
0 0x02 Wide open throttle enrichment
0 0x04 Interpolation of delay
0 0x08 Temperature compensation
0 0x10 Lambda control
0 0x20 Adaptivity (adaption enabled)
0 0x40 Idle control
0 0x80 Enrichment during start
1 0x01 Constant injection time E51
1 0x02 Lambda control during transients
1 0x04 Fuelcut
1 0x08 Constant injection time during idle
1 0x10 Acceleration enrichment
1 0x20 Deceleration enleanment
1 0x40
1 0x80 Adaptivity with closed throttle
2 0x01 Factor to lambda control when throttle is opening
2 0x02 Use separate injection map during idle
2 0x04 Factor to lambda control when AC is engaged
2 0x08 Throttle Acc ret adjust simultaniously MY1995
2 0x10 Fuel adjust during idle
2 0x20 Purge enable
2 0x40 Adaption of idle control
2 0x80 Lambda control during idle
3 0x01 Heat plates compensation
3 0x02 Automatic transmission
3 0x04 Load control
3 0x08 ETS
3 0x10 APC control
3 0x20 Higher idle during start
3 0x40 Global adaption enable
3 0x80 Temperature compensation with active lambda control
4 0x01 Load buffer during idle
4 0x02 Constant idle ignition angle in gears one and two
4 0x04 No fuel cut in reverse, first and second gear
4 0x08 Airpump control
4 0x10 Normally aspirated engine
4 0x20 Knock regulation disabled
4 0x40 Constant ignition angle
4 0x80 Purge valve MY1994
5 0x01
5 0x02
5 0x04
5 0x08
5 0x10
5 0x20
5 0x40
5 0x80

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation : Description

Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation


This appendix will explain how to do calculations on intercooler flow capacity. A larger than stock
intercooler is needed of you plan to go over 300 bhp with a Trionic 5 engine.

An intercooler is a heat exchanger. That means there are two or more fluids or gases that don't
physically touch each other but a transfer heat or energy takes place between them. At wide open
throttle and full boost the hot compressed air coming from a turbocharger is probably between 250
and 350 ˚F depending on the particular turbo, boost pressure, outside air temperature, etc.. We want
to cool it down, which reduces its volume so we can pack more air molecules into the cylinders and
reduce the engine's likelihood of detonation.

How does an intercooler work? Hot air from the turbo flows through tubes inside the intercooler. The
turbo air transfers heat to the tubes, warming the tubes and cooling the turbo air. Outside air (or
water in a watercooler intercooler) passes over the tubes and between fins that are attached to the
tubes. Heat is transferred from the hot tubes and fins to the cool outside air. This heats the outside
air while cooling the tubes. This is how the turbo air is cooled down. Heat goes from the turbo air to
the tubes to the outside air.

There are some useful equations which will help us understand the factors involved in transfering
heat. After we look at these equations and see what's important and what's not, we can talk about
what all this means.

Equation 1

The first equation describes the overall heat transfer that occurs.
Q = U x A x DTlm

Q is the amount of energy that is transferred.

U is called the heat transfer coefficient. It is a measure of how well the exchanger transfers heat.
The bigger the number, the better the transfer.
A is the heat transfer area, or the surface area of the intercooler tubes and fins that is exposed to the
outside air.
DTlm is called the log mean temperature difference. It is an indication of the "driving force", or the
overall average difference in temperature between the hot and cold fluids. The equation for this is:

DTlm = (DT1-DT2) * F

where DT1 = turbo air temperature in - outside air temperature out

DT2 = turbo air temperature out - outside air temperature in
F = a correction factor, see below


The outside air that passes through the fins on the passenger side of the intercooler comes out hotter
than the air passing through the fins on the drivers side of the intercooler. If you captured the air
passing through all the fins and mixed it up, the temperature of this mix is the "outside air
temperature out".

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation : Description

F is a correction factor that accounts for the fact that the cooling air coming out of the back of the
intercooler is cooler on one side than the other.

To calculate this correction factor, calculate "P" and "R":

P = turbo air temp out - turbo air temp in

outside air temp in - turbo air temp in

R = outside air temp in - outside air temp out

turbo air temp out - turbo air temp in

Find P and R on "Fchart.jpg" (below) and read F off the left hand side.

This overall heat transfer equation shows us how to get better intercooler performance. To get colder
air out of the intercooler we need to transfer more heat, or make Q bigger in other words. To make Q
bigger we have to make U, A, or DTlm bigger, so that when you multiply them all together you get a
bigger number. More on that later.

Equation 2

We also have an equation for checking the amount of heat lost or gained by the gas (or fluid) on one
side of the heat exchanger (ie, just the turbo air or just the outside air):
Q = m x Cp x DT

Q is the energy transferred. It will have the exact same value as the Q in the first equation. If 5000
BTU are transferred from turbo air to outside air, then Q = 5000 for this equation AND the first
m is the mass flowrate (lbs/minute) of fluid, in this case either turbo air or outside air depending on
which side you're looking at.
Cp is the heat capacity of the air. This is a measure of the amount of energy that the fluid will absorb
for every degree of temperature that it goes up. It is about 0.25 for air and 1.0 for water. Air doesn't
do a great job of absorbing heat. If you put 10 BTU into a pound of air the temperature of it goes up
about 40 degrees. If you put 10 BTU into a pound of water, the temperature only goes up about 10
degrees! Water is a great energy absorber. That's why we use water for radiators instead of some
other fluid.
DT is the difference in temperature between the inlet and outlet. If the air is 200 deg going in and
125 deg coming out, then DT = 200 - 125 = 75. Again, on the cooling air side the outlet temperature
is the average "mix" temperature.

If you know 3 of the 4 main variables on one side of the exchanger (the amount of heat transferred,

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation : Description

the inlet and outlet temperatures, and the fluidís flow rate) then this equation is used to figure out the
4th. For example, if you know the amount of heat transferred, the inlet temperature, and the flow
rate you can calculate the outlet temperature. Since you canít measure everything, this equation is
used to figure out what you donít know.

These equations are all for steady state heat transfer, which we probably don't really see too much
under the conditions that we are most interested in – turbocharged engines! Cruising on the highway
you would definitely see steady state.

So, now that we've got these equations, what do they REALLY tell us?

1. Heat transfer goes really well when there is a large temperature difference, or driving force,
between the two gases. This is shown in equation 1 as a large DTlm. It doesn't go as well
when there is a small temperature difference between the two gases (small DTlm). The closer
you get the intercooler outlet temperature to the outside air temperature the smaller DTlm
gets, which makes the heat transfer tougher.

2. The difference between the intercooler outlet temperature and the outside air temperature is
called the approach. If it is 100 degrees outside and your intercooler cools the air going into
the intake manifold down to 140 degrees, then you have an approach of 40 degrees (140 -
100 = 40). To get a better (smaller) approach you have to have more area or a better U, but
there is a problem with diminshing returns. Lets rearrange the first equation to Q/DTlm = U x
A. Every time DTlm goes down (get a better temperature approach) then Q goes up (transfer
more heat, get a colder outlet temperature), and dividing Q by DTlm gets bigger a lot faster
than U x A does. The upshot of that is we have a situation of diminishing returns; for every
degree of a better approach you need more and more U x A to get there. Start with a 30 deg
approach and go to 20 and you have to improve U x A by some amount, to go from 20 to 10
you need to increase U x A by an even bigger amount.

3. I would consider an approach of 20 degrees to be pretty good. In industrial heat exchangers

it starts to get uneconomical to do better somewhere around there, the exchanger starts to
get too big to justify the added expense. The one time I checked my car (stock turbo, stock
IC, ported heads, bigger cam) I had an approach of about 60 deg. The only practical way of
making the DTlm bigger on an existing intercooler is to only drive on cold days; if you buy a
better intercooler you naturally get a better DTlm.

4. You can transfer more heat (and have cooler outlet temps) with more heat transfer area. That
means buying a new intercooler with more tubes, more fins, longer tubes, or all three. This is
what most aftermarket intercoolers strive for. Big front mounts, intercooler and a half, etc...
are all increasing the area.

A practical consideration is the fin count. The area of the fins is included in the heat transfer
area; more fins means more area. If you try to pack too many fins into the intercooler the
heat transfer area does go up, which is good, but the cooling air flow over the fins goes
down, which is bad. Looking at the 2nd equation, Q = m * Cp * DT, when the fin count is too
high then the air flow ("m") drops. For a given Q that you are trying to reach then you have
to have a bigger DT, which means you have to heat up that air more. Then THAT affects the
DTlm in the first equation, making it smaller, and lowering the overall heat transfer. So there
is an optimum to be found. Starting off with bare tubes you add fins and the heat transfer
goes up because you're increasing the area, and you keep adding fins until the it starts to
choke off the cooling air flow and heat transfer starts going back down. At that point you
have to add more tubes or make them longer to get more heat transfer out of the increased

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation : Pressure drop

5. Make U go up. You can increase the U by adding or improving "turbulators" inside the tubes.
These are fins inside the tubes which cause the air to swirl inside the tube and makes it
transfer its heat to the tube more efficiently. Our intercoolers have these, but I understand
that more efficient designs are now available. One of the best ways to increase the U is to
clean the tubes out! Oil film (from a bad turbo seal or from the stock valve cover breather)
inside the tubes acts as an insulator or thermal barrier. It keeps heat from moving from the
air to the tube wall. This is expressed in our equation as a lower U. Lower U means lower Qs
which mean hotter turbo air temperatures coming out of the intercooler.

6. Air-to-water. If we use water as the cooling medium instead of outside air, we can see a big
improvement for several reasons: Water can absorb more energy with a lower temperature
rise. This improves our DTlm, makes it bigger, which makes Q go up and outlet temps go
down. A well designed water cooled exchanger also has a much bigger U, which also helps Q
go up. And since both DTlm and U went up, you can make the area A smaller which makes it
easier to fit the intercooler in the engine compartment. Of course, there are some practical
drawbacks. The need for a water circulation system is one. A big one is cooling the water
down after it is heated (which means another radiator). This leads to another problem: You
heat the water, and cool it down with outside air like the Syclone/Typhoon. You can't get it as
cool as the outside air, but maybe you can get it within 20 degrees of it. Now you are cooling
the turbo air with water that is 20 hotter than the outside air, and you can only get within 15
degrees of that temperature so coming out of the intercooler you have turbo air that is 35
degrees hotter than outside! (turbo air is 15 deg over water temp which is 20 deg over
outside temp). You could have easily done that with an air to air intercooler! But... if you put
ice water in your holding tank and circulate that... Then maybe the air temp coming out of the
intercooler is 15 deg above that or 45 to 50 deg. Hang on! But after the water warms up,
you're back to the hot air again. So, great for racing, not as good for the street.

7. Lower the inlet temperature. The less hard the turbo has to work to compress the air then the
lower the temperature the air coming out of the turbo is. This actually hurts the DTlm, but still
if it's cooler going in it will be cooler coming out. You can work the turbo less hard by running
less boost, by improving the pressure drop between the air filter and the turbo, or by having a
more efficient compressor wheel. You can also reduce the pressure drop in the intercooler,
which allows you to run the same amount of boost in the intake manifold while having a lower
turbo discharge pressure. More on this later. If you can drop the turbo outlet pressure by 2
psi, or raise the turbo inlet pressure by 1 psi, that will drop the turbo discharge temperature
about 16 degrees (depending on the compression efficiency and boost level). If the turbo air
is going into the intercooler 16 degrees colder then it may come out only 10 degrees colder
than before, but that is still better than what it was.

Pressure drop
Another aspect of intercoolers to be considered is pressure drop. The pressure read by a boost gauge
is the pressure in the intake manifold. It is not the same as the pressure that the turbocharger itself
puts out. To get a fluid, such as air, to flow there must be a difference in pressure from one end to
the other. Consider a straw that is sitting on the table. It doesn't having anything moving through it
until you pick it up, stick it in your mouth, and change the pressure at one end (either by blowing or
sucking). In the same way the turbo outlet pressure is higher than the intake manifold pressure, and
will always be higher than the intake pressure, because there must be a pressure difference for the air
to move.

The difference in pressure required for a given amount of air to move from turbo to intake manifold is
an indication of the hydraulic restriction of the intercooler, the up pipe, and the throttle body. Let's
say you are trying to move 255 gram/sec of air through a stock intercooler, up pipe, and throttle body
and there is a 4 psi difference that is pushing it along. If your boost gauge reads 15 psi, that means
the turbo is actually putting up 19 psi. Now we increase the amount of air travelling though to 450
gram/sec of air. At 15 psi boost in the intake manifold the turbo now has to put up 23 psi, because

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVI: Intercooler calculation : Pressure drop

the pressure drop required to get the higher air flow is now 8 psi instead of the 4 that we had before.
More flow with the same equipment means higher pressure drop. So we put on a new front mount
intercooler. It has a lower pressure drop, pressure drop is now 4 psi, so the turbo is putting up 19 psi
again. Now we add the larger throttle body and the pressure drop is now 3 psi. Then we add the 3"
up pipe, and it drops to 2.5 psi. Now to make 15 psi boost the turbo only has to put up 17.5 psi. The
difference in turbo outlet temperature between 23 psi and 17.5 psi is about 40 deg (assuming a
constant efficiency)! So you can see how just by reducing the pressure drop we can lower the
temperatures while still running the same amount of boost.
Pressure drop is important because the higher the turbo charging pressure is, the higher the
temperature of the turbo air. When we drop the turbo charging pressure we also drop the
temperature of the air coming out of the turbo. When we do that we also drop the intercooler outlet
temperature, although not as much, but every little bit helps. This lower pressure drop is part of the
benefit offered by new, bigger front mount intercoolers; by bigger up pipes; and by bigger throttle
bodies. You can also make the turbo work less hard by improving the inlet side to it. K&N air filters,
these all reduce the pressure drop in the turbo inlet system which makes the compressor work less to
produce the same boost which will reduce the turbo charge temperature.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVII: Fuel calculation formulas : Correction factors

Appendix XVII: Fuel calculation formulas

Correction factors

Here are the formulas that trionics injection calculation uses to achieve the final correction coefficient
that shapes the fuel correction in each step of the calculation:

Factor Formula Range Weight

Global fuel adaptation (Adapt_injfaktor+384)/512
Idle fuel correction (Idle_fuel_korr+128)/256
Idle fuel adaptation (Adapt_inj_imat+384)/512
Main fuel correction (Insp_mat+128)/256
Spot fuel adaptation (Adapt_korr+128)/256
Knock fuel correction (Fuel_knock_mat+128)/256
Full load correction (fload_tab+512)/512
Cylinder compensation (Cyl_komp[Cyl_nr]+384)/512
Lambdaint Correction (Lambdaint+384)/512
Load/TPS (Lacc_konst+256)/256
acceleration/deceleration (Accell_konst+256)/256
correction (Lret_konst+256)/256


The corresponding map value is always interpolated from the table and then this scaling calculation is
done to them giving each step a certain weight. For example acceleration enrichment is never under
1,00 which is logical.
Trionic starts off by calculating base injection time (based on IAT and MAP and Inj_konst) and then in
a sequence goes through different corrections depending on the driving conditions etc. For example
the Insp_mat (it's not VE but of course depends on the physical VE characteristics of the engine) and
Knock_fuel_mat are examples of these. These corrections multiply the injection time
(fuel_tmp_cor[cyl_nr]) in each step, so if you have 128 in your Insp_mat, you end up multiplying with
Simplified example Insp_mat + Lacc_konst, base time = a, final fuel = x:
x = ((Insp_mat+128)/256) * x
x = ((Lacc_konst+256)/256) * x

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVIII: You can be too rich : Adding fuel too cool

Appendix XVIII: You can be too rich

Adding fuel too cool
By Klaus Allmendinger, VP of Engineering, Innovate Motorsports

Many people with turbochargers believe that they need to run at very rich mixtures. The theory is that
the excess fuel cools the intake charge and therefore reduces the probability of knock. It does work in
reducing knock, but not because of charge cooling. The following little article shows why.
First let’s look at the science. Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise 1 kg of material
by one degree K (Kelvin, same as Celsius but with 0 point at absolute zero). Different materials have
different specific heats. The energy is measured in kJ or kilojoules:
Air ~ 1 kJ/( kg * deg K)
Gasoline 2.02 kJ/( kg * deg K)
Water 4.18 kJ/( kg * deg K)
Ethanol 2.43 kJ/( kg * deg K)
Methanol 2.51 kJ/( kg * deg K)
Fuel and other liquids also have what's called latent heat. This is the heat energy required to vaporize
1 kg of the liquid. The fuel in an internal combustion engine has to be vaporized and mixed
thoroughly with the incoming air to produce power. Liquid gasoline does not burn. The energy to
vaporize the fuel comes partially from the incoming air, cooling it. The latent heat energy required is
actually much larger than the specific heat. That the energy comes from the incoming air can be
easily seen on older carbureted cars, where frost can actually form on the intake manifold from the
cooling of the charge.
The latent heat values of different liquids are shown here:
Gasoline 350 kJ/kg
Water 2256 kJ/kg
Ethanol 904 kJ/kg
Methanol 1109 kJ/kg
Most engines produce maximum power (with optimized ignition timing) at an air-fuel-ratio between 12
and 13. Let's assume the optimum is in the middle at 12.5. This means that for every kg of air, 0.08
kg of fuel is mixed in and vaporized. The vaporization of the fuel extracts 28 kJ of energy from the air
charge. If the mixture has an air-fuel-ratio of 11 instead, the vaporization extracts 31.8 kJ instead. A
difference of 3.8 kJ. Because air has a specific heat of about 1 kJ/kg*deg K, the air charge is only 3.8
C (or K) degrees cooler for the rich mixture compared to the optimum power mixture. This small
difference has very little effect on knock or power output.
If instead of the richer mixture about 10% (by mass) of water would be injected in the intake charge
(0.008 kg Water/kg air), the high latent heat of the water would cool the charge by 18 degrees, about
4 times the cooling effect of the richer mixture. The added fuel for the rich mixture can't burn because
there is just not enough oxygen available. So it does not matter if fuel or water is added.
So where does the knock suppression of richer mixtures come from?
If the mixture gets ignited by the spark, a flame front spreads out from the spark plug. This burning
mixture increases the pressure and temperature in the cylinder. At some time in the process the
pressures and temperatures peak. The speed of the flame front is dependent on mixture density and
AFR. A richer or leaner AFR than about 12-13 AFR burns slower. A denser mixture burns faster.
So with a turbo under boost the mixture density raises and results in a faster burning mixture. The
closer the peak pressure is to TDC, the higher that peak pressure is, resulting in a high knock
probability. Also there is less leverage on the crankshaft for the pressure to produce torque, and,
therefore, less power.
Richening up the mixture results in a slower burn, moving the pressure peak later where there is more
leverage, hence more torque. Also the pressure peak is lower at a later crank angle and the knock
probability is reduced. The same effect can be achieved with an optimum power mixture and more
ignition retard.
Optimum mix with “later” ignition can produce more power because more energy is released from the
combustion of gasoline. Here’s why: When hydrocarbons like gasoline combust, the burn process
actually happens in multiple stages. First the gasoline molecules are broken up into hydrogen and

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XVIII: You can be too rich : Adding fuel too cool

carbon. The hydrogen combines with oxygen from the air to form H2O (water) and the carbon
molecules form CO. This process happens very fast at the front edge of the flame front. The second
stage converts CO to CO2. This process is relatively slow and requires water molecules (from the first
stage) for completion. If there is no more oxygen available (most of it consumed in the first stage),
the second stage can't happen. But about 2/3 of the energy released from the burning of the carbon
is released in the second stage. Therefore a richer mixture releases less energy, lowering peak
pressures and temperatures, and produces less power. A secondary side effect is of course also a
lowering of knock probability. It's like closing the throttle a little. A typical engine does not knock
when running on part throttle because less energy and therefore lower pressures and temperatures
are in the cylinder.
This is why running overly-rich mixtures can not only increase fuel consumption, but also cost power.

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Analyzing Trionic 5 with T5Suite Appendix XIX: Acronyms : Engine management specifics

Appendix XIX: Acronyms

Engine management specifics

Acronym Description
ABS Antilock Braking System
AMM Air Mass Meter
BDM Background Debug Mode
CANBUS Controller Area Network (Car Area Network)
CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor
DI Direct Ignition
DICE Dashboard Integrated Control Electronics
ECM Engine Control Module
ECU Engine Control Unit
EDU Electonic Display Unit
FPR Fuel Pressure Regulator
FPT Full Pressure Turbo
HOT High Output Turbo
IAT Intake Air Temperature
LPT Light Pressure Turbo / Line Printer Terminal
MAF Mass Air Flow
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
OBD On Board Diagnostics
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
SFI Synchronous Flash Interface (Production test interface)
SID System Information Display
TPS Throtte Position Sensor
TWICE Theft Warning Integrated Central Electronics
VSS Vehicle Security System
WOT Wide Open Throttle

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