Lahore Grammar School: Farzan Saleem Butt B

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Lahore Grammar School

December Assignment 2020, Class IX

NAME Farzan Saleem Butt

DATE 1 6 - 1 2 - 2 0 SECTION B




Answer all questions.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

Total marks of this paper are 25.

Create a word document to type in your answers.

This document consists of 9 printed pages

Section A

1. Four test tubes, each containing 2cm3 of amylase solution are treated as follows:

1. boiled, then cooled to 1°C

2. boiled, then cooled to 25°C
3. frozen, then warmed to 1°C
4. frozen, then warmed to 25°C

10 cm3of starch solution were then added to each tube and after 5 minutes, 2 drops of iodine
solution were added to each tube. Which row shows the results?

2. Milk produces a red precipitate when heated with Benedict’s solution. A purple colour
develops when the biuret test is used on milk.

Using these results only, which nutrients does milk contain?

A. fat and protein

B. fat and starch

C. reducing sugar and protein

D. reducing sugar and starch

3. Bread contains dietary fibre, fat, protein and starch.

Which substance contributes least to the energy obtained by a person eating the bread?

A. dietary fibre
B. fat
C. protein
D. starch

4. Starch is digested to maltose by the enzyme amylase. According to the ‘lock and key’
hypothesis, which is the ‘key’ and which is the ‘lock’?

5. The table shows the nutrients in different parts of a meal. Which food would be most
useful in preventing constipation?

Section B

6. Digestion in the human alimentary canal is carried out by the action of enzymes. Each food
group is the substrate for a specific enzyme.

(a) Fig. 6.1 shows diagrams that each represent the action of a specific enzyme to break down a
substrate into one or more end products.

Diagram F in Fig. 6.1 has been completed for you.

Complete diagrams G and H in Fig. 6.1.

Amino Acids

Carbohydrate Glucose

lipids Glycerol
Fatty Acids /3

Fig. 6.1

(b) The chimpanzee is an animal whose metabolism is very similar to that of a human,
but one type of chimpanzee lacks the gene responsible for the manufacture of


Suggest how this will affect the diet of this type of chimpanzee.

The Chimpanzee does not have amylase present so it should take a diet with no

starch becasue he cannot digest it so, it has to add other sources of energy in its diet

like fruits,animals and would reply on fats and proteins for energy.

(c) (i) Starch is a carbohydrate. Another type of carbohydrate is required by the body for

healthy digestion of food and movement of food along the gut. Name the


Dietary Fiber
______________________________________________ /1

(ii) State one use of this carbohydrate.

It helps with the egestion of faeces by increasing it in size and softening
making it easier to be excreted and prevents constipation.

7. (a) Starch, glucose and fructose are carbohydrates. Fructose syrup is used as a sweetening
agent as an alternative to sucrose.

The flow chart in Fig. 7.1 shows how fructose is prepared from maize starch.

Fig. 7.1

(i) Name enzyme 1.


(ii) State why it is necessary to adjust the pH before an enzyme is added to the process.
It is_____________________________________________________________________
necessary to adjust the pH because it affects the activity of the enzyme.

pH should be adjusted to the optimum pH as extreme pH could denature the


(b) Maize grains contain protease enzymes. With reference to the processes shown in

Fig. 7.1, suggest why it is important that these enzymes do not contaminate the glucose syrup.

It is important that these enzymes do not contaminate the glucose syrup as the protease
would ______________________________________________________________________________
break down enzyme 2 and the substrate would not fit in the active site.

(c) The formation of fructose syrup from glucose syrup is carried out at a temperature of 60°C.

Suggest an important property of enzyme 2 that allows it to be used at temperatures as high as /1


The enzyme 2 has the ability to withstand high temperatures so it does not

denature at 60 degree.

(d) Enzymes are biological catalysts. Fig. 7.2 shows how the enzyme, sucrase, breaks down a
molecule of sucrose.

Fig. 7.2
Describe how sucrase catalyses the breakdown of sucrose. You should refer to fig. 7.2 in your
answer. /3

The molecules of the substrate (sucrose) and the enzyme (sucrase) move in

a random motion, the sucrose molecules collide with the enzyme’s active site and

make an enzyme substrate complex and the chemical reaction takes place in

the active site breaking the sucrose molecule into glucose and fructose.


Section C

8. Saliva may contain an enzyme, amylase, that acts on the substrate, starch.

(a) Describe how you would carry out a test to show the presence of

(i) the substrate, /2

The substrate is starch so to test the presence of starch add drops of iodine solution to the saliva,

and after heating, if the substrate (starch) is present it will turn blue-black, a positive result.

(ii) the product of the action of amylase on starch

The product of the action of amylase on starch should be heated with the Benedict ’s reagent in a water

bath after some time of the if the colour changes to red / orange / yellow or precipitate forms that means

reducing sugars or glucose (the product) are present.

(b) Suggest what affect the following would have on the action of amylase:

1. Increasing temperate:
At a low temperature amylase will break starch very slow because of less kinetic energy and less collisions
of starch with amylase. As it reaches the optimum temperature the activity of amylase would be maximum

so it would break starch very quickly and at higher temperatures the active site of amylase would be denatured
so it would not break down starch anymore.

2. Decreasing PH:

As the pH decreases from its optimum pH (pH 7) i.e becomes acidic (pH 7-4.5) the activity of amylase

decreases and at pH 4 the active site of amylase is completely denatured and no more enzyme activity

takes place.

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