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Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

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Research paper

The classification of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms in male and T

female adolescents
Sophie C. Schneidera, Andrew J. Bailliea,b, Jonathan Mondc,d, Cynthia M. Turnere,

Jennifer L. Hudsona,
Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, Australia
Centre for Rural Health, School of Health Sciences, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Australia
Centre for Health Research, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
School of Psychology, Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia


Keywords: Background: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) was categorised in DSM-5 within the newly created ‘obsessive-
Body dysmorphic disorder compulsive and related disorders’ chapter, however this classification remains subject to debate. Confirmatory
Adolescent factor analysis was used to test competing models of the co-occurrence of symptoms of BDD, obsessive-com-
Comorbidity pulsive disorder, unipolar depression, anxiety, and eating disorders in a community sample of adolescents, and
to explore potential sex differences in these models.
Confirmatory factor analysis
Methods: Self-report questionnaires assessing disorder symptoms were completed by 3149 Australian adoles-
Sex differences
cents. The fit of correlated factor models was calculated separately in males and females, and measurement
invariance testing compared parameters of the best-fitting model between males and females.
Results: All theoretical models of the classification of BDD had poor fit to the data. Good fit was found for a novel
model where BDD symptoms formed a distinct latent factor, correlated with affective disorder and eating dis-
order latent factors. Metric non-invariance was found between males and females, and the majority of factor
loadings differed between males and females. Correlations between some latent factors also differed by sex.
Limitations: Only cross-sectional data were collected, and the study did not assess a broad range of DSM-5 de-
fined eating disorder symptoms or other disorders in the DSM-5 obsessive-compulsive and related disorders
Conclusions: This study is the first to statistically evaluate competing models of BDD classification. The findings
highlight the unique features of BDD and its associations with affective and eating disorders. Future studies
examining the classification of BDD should consider developmental and sex differences in their models.

1. Introduction compulsive disorder (OCD) as part of an ‘obsessive-compulsive spectrum’

of disorders (Phillips et al., 1995). Studies have found that BDD and
The classification of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) has been the OCD share core disorder features, have elevated comorbidity in clinical
subject of increasing research interest in the past two decades. As BDD samples, increased family history, and similarities in treatment re-
is poorly understood and frequently misdiagnosed (Phillips and sponse (Abramowitz and Jacoby, 2015; Bienvenu et al., 2012; Kelly and
Feusner, 2010), its classification may have important academic and Phillips, 2011; Phillips et al., 2010). Accordingly, in DSM-5 (American
practical implications, for example, with regard to screening in the Psychiatric Association, 2013), BDD was included in a new ‘obsessive-
presence of related disorders, improved clinical decision making, de- compulsive and related disorder’ (OCRD) category, alongside OCD,
velopment of interventions, or understanding of aetiological factors hoarding, trichotillomania, excoriation, and several other specified and
(Abramowitz and Jacoby, 2015; First et al., 2004; Phillips and Stein, unspecified OCRD diagnoses.
2015; Phillips et al., 2010). Although classified as a somatoform dis- However, the classification of BDD in DSM-5 has faced criticism. A
order in DSM-III-R and DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, recent review by Frías et al. (2015) highlighted a number of metho-
1987, 1994), BDD has long been conceptualised as related to obsessive- dological limitations of studies linking BDD and OCD, including the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.L. Hudson).
Received 5 May 2017; Received in revised form 10 August 2017; Accepted 20 August 2017
Available online 23 August 2017
0165-0327/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.
S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

lack of control groups in comorbidity studies, reliance on samples re- primarily derived from adult research, it is unclear how well they will
cruited from specialised clinics, and limited information on specific fit in an adolescent sample. The current study will therefore include a
aetiological pathways. Further, the authors concluded that the evidence novel model, where BDD symptoms form their own factor, correlated
reviewed might in fact support a closer association between BDD and with separate affective and eating disorders factors.
social anxiety disorder than between BDD and OCD. Abramowitz and Second, most adolescent studies have involved categorical analyses
Jacoby (2015) argued that BDD and OCD are more meaningfully re- of the diagnostic status of a disorder. This approach relies on the ap-
lated to anxiety disorders than to other OCRDs regarding the function of plication of validated thresholds to determine disorder status
core symptoms, comorbidity, familial disorder patterns, and treatment (Carragher et al., 2016). However, measures assessing BDD have rarely
response. Indeed, BDD is strongly associated with anxiety and unipolar been evaluated in adolescents and thus do not have well-validated cut-
depression across important domains including comorbidity, family points. Further, categorical approaches ignore the potential importance
history, disorder course, and cognitive biases (Abramowitz and Jacoby, of subthreshold disorder presentations (Roberts et al., 2015). The cur-
2015; Fang and Hofmann, 2010; Frías et al., 2015; Kelly et al., 2013; rent study will thus examine the relationships between symptoms, not
Phillips and Stout, 2006). These studies support an alternate con- diagnostic status.
ceptualisation of BDD as part of a broader ‘affective spectrum’ that also Third, sex differences have been observed in child and adolescent
includes anxiety, OCD, and unipolar depression (Phillips et al., 1995). studies in the strength of the association between particular disorders
Other researchers have focused on the relationship between BDD and their latent factor (Lahey et al., 2008), and in overall internalising
and eating disorders, as these disorders are associated in their clinical factor scores (Carragher et al., 2016; Caspi et al., 2014). Hence, while
features, onset and course, and cognitive biases (Cororve and Gleaves, sex differences are not part of the theoretical models of BDD, fitting the
2001; Hartmann et al., 2013; Rosen and Ramirez, 1998). It has thus models separately for males and females may provide sex-specific in-
been proposed that BDD and eating disorders may form a separate ‘body formation about disorder associations.
image spectrum’ of disorders (Cororve and Gleaves, 2001; Phillipou Fourth, previous CFA studies suggest that models of affective dis-
et al., 2017). However, as OCD and eating disorders are also associated orders such as anxiety and depression may show the best fit when
(Phillips and Kaye, 2007), this may instead indicate that BDD, OCD, lower-order fear and distress factors are identified (Beesdo-Baum et al.,
eating disorders, anxiety, and depression all belong to a single overall 2009; Blanco et al., 2015; Kessler et al., 2012; Wittchen et al., 2009).
‘internalising spectrum’. However, as this structure is not always observed (Lahey et al., 2008),
While each of these theories regarding the classification of BDD has the utility of identifying these factors will be assessed prior to fitting the
some empirical support, no prior study has directly compared com- BDD classification models.
peting models of BDD classification. Of the different validators used to Finally, when seeking to model comorbidity between disorders,
guide classification decisions in DSM-5 (American Psychiatric clinical samples will not be representative of the general population
Association, 2013), comorbidity between BDD and associated disorders (Angold et al., 1999). This may be particularly true for BDD, where
has been the most widely examined. Statistical techniques such as access to appropriate mental health services is low (Buhlmann et al.,
confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of disorder co-occurrence have been 2010; Marques et al., 2011; Schneider et al., 2016) and misdiagnosis is
used to directly compare the fit of theorised classification models to common (Grant et al., 2001; Veale et al., 2015). Therefore, the classi-
observed data, and such studies have resulted in significant advances to fication of BDD will be examined in a community sample.
the understanding of the structure of psychopathology. For example, an
influential CFA study by Krueger et al. (1998) identified two stable 1.1. The current study
higher order dimensions (also known as latent factors) across disorders
that corresponded with the internalising and externalizing syndromes The aim of the current study was to use CFA to test competing
identified in youth by Achenbach and Edelbrock (1984). Sustained re- models of the classification of BDD in relation to OCD, anxiety, de-
search efforts have expanded such dimensional models of psycho- pression, and eating disorders among adolescents. Fig. 1 presents the
pathology to include uncommon mental disorders, thought disorders, models that were selected for CFA testing, though for simplicity of
and personality disorders (Forbush and Watson, 2013; Markon, 2010), presentation, correlations among factors and item residual variances
and challenge current models of disorder classification (Kotov et al., are not depicted. In Model 1, BDD is part of a single unidimensional
2017). For an overview of conceptual issues and future directions of internalising factor that also includes OCD, anxiety, depression, and
such research, see Kotov et al. (2017) or Krueger and Markon (2006). eating disorders. In Model 2, BDD is part of an affective spectrum of
Findings from these studies suggest several important issues to consider disorders that includes anxiety, depression, and OCD, with a separate
when using CFA to compare models of BDD classification. correlated eating disorders factor. In Model 3, BDD and eating disorders
First, some studies indicate the potential for developmental differ- form a body image spectrum of disorders that is correlated with an
ences in the structure of psychopathology. Lahey et al. (2008) found affective disorders factor that includes anxiety, depression, and OCD. In
that a dimensional model of psychopathology was appropriate for Model 4, BDD and OCD form an obsessive-compulsive spectrum factor
children and adolescents, but the factors were more highly correlated that is correlated with separate affective and eating disorders factors.
among children. Wittchen et al. (2009) reported that a theoretical Finally, Model 5 tests the novel hypothesis that BDD forms a separate
classification model that fit well in adolescents and young adults did factor that is correlated with affective disorders and eating disorders
not fit adequately in children and older adults. Waszczuk et al. (2014) factors. Initial analyses will evaluate the utility of anxiety and depres-
found differential associations between symptoms of depression and sion symptoms being modelled as a single factor, or as separate fear and
anxiety in children, adolescents, and young adults. Although further distress factors. The study will then test the fit of each model of the
research is needed to establish whether such differences are robust and classification of BDD. As prior adolescent studies have found sex dif-
meaningful, these studies suggest that the structure of psychopathology ferences in models of psychopathology, models will be fit separately for
may differ across developmental groups. As BDD typically begins males and females, and the measurement invariance of model fit
during adolescence (Bjornsson et al., 2013), the current study will focus parameters will be examined in the best fitting model.
on the classification of BDD at this time of peak disorder onset. CFA is
an appropriate tool for modelling comorbidity in adolescents, and has 2. Method
supported the inclusion of OCD, anxiety, depression, and eating dis-
orders in an internalising spectrum of disorders (Beesdo-Baum et al., 2.1. Participants
2009; Blanco et al., 2015; Kessler et al., 2012; Lahey et al., 2008;
Wittchen et al., 2009). However, as current theoretical BDD models are Participants were adolescents recruited from seven high schools in

S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

Fig. 1. Models of the classification of BDD symp-


the Greater Sydney area of New South Wales, Australia. Four boys' of BDD (Schneider et al., 2016a; Schneider et al., 2017a, b; Schneider
schools were involved in a study examining utilisation of an online et al., 2016b).
treatment program for anxiety and depression, whereas three girls' Of the participating students, 2000 were male (63.5%, Mage =
schools were involved in a different study examining the longitudinal 14.71, SD = 1.34) and 1149 were female (36.5%, Mage = 14.36, SD =
development and prevention of anxiety and depression. Questionnaires 1.39). School-level scores on the index of community socio-educational
were administered in batteries developed for each study. A total of advantage (ICSEA; Australian Curriculum and Assessment Reporting
5005 students were enrolled in eligible school grades at the time of Authority, 2013) indicated that participants came from schools with
testing, and 3149 (response rate of 62.9%) consented and provided a above-average socio-educational advantage (ICSEA of all Australian
valid response to the BDD questionnaire. Data from these participants schools; M = 1000.00, SD = 100.00, current study male ICSEA; M =
have been reported in previous studies on the prevalence and correlates 1048.13, SD = 38.01, range = 1002.00–1105.00, female ICSEA; M =

S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

1169.72, SD = 42.86, range = 1092.00–1201.00). Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ; Angold et al., 1995). This 13 item
Additional demographic questions were completed by a subset of measure assesses depressive symptoms (e.g., "I cried a lot") over the
participants (n = 2335, 74.2%). For both males and females, English over the past two weeks such on a 3-point scale, from 0 (not true) to 2
was the main language spoken at home (91.5/90.5%), most lived in a (true). The SMFQ correlates well with diagnostic measures of depression
two-parent home (79.1/80.8%), and the cultural background of their and discriminates between depressed and non-depressed individuals
parents was predominantly Oceanian (mothers = 36.9/42.5%, fathers (Angold et al., 1995). It has strong internal consistency (α = .84–90;
= 37.2/41.8%) or European (mothers = 42.4/34.0%, fathers = 37.2/ Angold et al., 2002; Rhew et al., 2010). In this study, internal con-
41.8%). Parents typically worked as managers or skilled professionals sistency was α = .90 for males and α = .91 for females.
(mothers = 46.9/47.8%, fathers = 47.4/72.0%). The child version of the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT-26;
Maloney et al., 1988) was used to measure disordered eating attitudes
2.2. Procedure and behaviours found in the eating disorders anorexia nervosa and
bulimia nervosa. Key attitudes assessed include fear of being fat and
Assessment sessions took place in class or year groups during school food preoccupation e.g., "I am scared about being overweight", whereas
time, supervised by members of the research team, and teachers where key behaviours assessed include dietary restriction and purging. Con-
available. Responses were collected confidentially using de-identified sistent with the recommendations of Anton et al. (2006), items were
alphanumeric codes and participants were informed that confidentiality scored using a 6-point response scale from 0 (never) to 5 (always) in
would be maintained unless their responses indicated serious risk of order to increase scoring variance and reduce skew. The item 'I enjoy
harm, such as current suicidal ideation or evidence of abuse. The re- trying new rich foods' was reverse scored (Garner et al., 1982). The
search was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of internal consistency of the total scale has been found to be good in
Macquarie University and the governing body of each school. Consent previous population-based studies of adolescents (α = .86–.87; Rojo-
to the current study was provided as part of the larger study of emo- Moreno et al., 2011; Smolak and Levine, 1994). Though alternate factor
tional health conducted at each school. Parents received written in- structures of the ChEAT-26 have been explored in adolescents (Anton
formation and consent forms, and students were informed about the et al., 2006; Rojo-Moreno et al., 2011), the original three-factor struc-
program using presentations to class groups or assemblies. At boys’ ture from the adult version of the questionnaire (Garner et al., 1982)
schools, parents filled in a form to opt out if they did not wish their was found to perform adequately in preliminary analysis and was
child to participate. If parents did not opt out, an online consent form therefore employed in the current study. Internal consistency for males/
was provided to all male students to give active consent. At girls’ females in the current study were α = .79/.80 for bulimia, α = .90/.93
schools, parents provided written consent to opt in to the research. for dieting, and α = .76/.73 for oral control.
Students then had the opportunity to opt out of testing verbally.
2.4. Data analysis
2.3. Measures
CFA was conducted using Mplus version 6.12. Each indicator vari-
Body dysmorphic disorder symptoms were assessed using an adap- able was freely estimated, the mean of each latent factor was set at 0,
tation of the Body Image Questionnaire-Child and Adolescent Version and the factor variance set at 1. As symptom subscale scores were
(BIQ-C; Veale, 2009). A previous study by our research team led to the continuous and not normally distributed, robust maximum likelihood
development of a revised 9-item version of the measure assessing two (MLR) estimation with Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square test of model
factors: ‘interference and avoidance’ and ‘other symptoms’ (Schneider fit (SBχ2) was used (Rhemtulla et al., 2012). Evaluation of model fit
et al., 2016a). This is referred to as the BIQ-C-9 to distinguish it from was based on the criteria of Hu and Bentler (1999) supplemented by
the original measure. An initial screening item establishes the presence Brown (2015): root mean-square error of estimation (RMSEA) ≤ .08
of any appearance concerns. If no concerns were present, the partici- indicated adequate fit (≤ .06 good), comparative fit index (CFI) and
pant did not answer further questions and received a total score of 0. All Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) ≥ .90 indicated adequate fit (≥ .95 good),
other participants described up to five body areas of concern and then and standardised root mean-square residual (SRMR) ≤ .08 indicated
answered 9 items about BDD symptoms. Each item has a tailored re- good fit. The Akaike information criterion and (AIC) and Bayesian in-
sponse format scored from 0 to 8, with higher scores indicating greater formation criterion (BIC) were also considered for each model. When
symptom severity (after reverse-scoring of three items). For example, comparing models, smaller AIC and BIC values are preferred, a change
the item “How much is your feature(s) on your mind? That is, you think in BIC > 10 indicates a very strong support for the model with the
about it a lot and it is hard to stop thinking about it?” is scored from 0 smaller BIC (Raftery, 1995).
(never on my mind) to 8 (always on my mind). In the current study, in- The initial stage of model testing examined the correlations between
ternal consistency for males/females for total BIQ-C-9 scores were the proposed affective disorders factors of distress (depression and
Cronbach's α = .84/.89, interference and avoidance factor α = .71/ generalised anxiety scores) and fear (social anxiety, separation anxiety,
.78, and the other symptoms factor α = .76/.84. specific phobias, and panic/agoraphobia scores). Following Brown
Anxiety symptoms were assessed using the Spence Children's (2015), a correlation between these factors ≥ .85 supported the use of a
Anxiety Scale (SCAS; Spence, 1998). It contains 38 items assessing single underlying factor, providing that the overall model fit was not
symptoms of OCD, generalised anxiety disorder, panic and agor- substantially poorer for the single factor model.
aphobia, social anxiety, separation anxiety, and specific phobias (lim- Competing models of the classification of BDD were then tested. If
ited to physical injury-related fears). Participants rate the frequency of the same model provided the best fit for males and females, multi-group
items such as "I worry about things" from 0 (never) to 3 (always). The confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess measurement in-
scale has strong psychometric properties, with support found for the six variance. This involved placing increasingly restrictive equality con-
factor model, good internal consistency (total scale α = .92, subscale α straints on families of parameters and determining whether the addi-
= .60–.80), convergent and divergent validity, and modest test-retest tion of each constraint resulted in a model with significantly poorer fit
reliability (Spence et al., 2003). In this study, internal consistency for than the previous less constrained model (Brown, 2015). Following the
males/females for obsessive-compulsive symptoms was α = .78/.80, recommendations of Sass et al. (2014) and Chen (2007), measurement
generalised anxiety α = .79/.82, panic-agoraphobia α = .83/.85, so- invariance was indicated by a non-significant chi-square difference test
cial anxiety α = .77/.77, separation anxiety α =.71/.67, and specific (Δχ2), change in CFI (ΔCFI) > −.01, change in RMSEA (ΔRMSEA) <
phobia of physical injury α = .60/.49. .015, change in SRMR (ΔSRMR) < .03 for tests of factor loading in-
Symptoms of depression were measured using the Short Mood and variance, and ΔSRMR < .01 for tests of intercept invariance.

S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

Table 1
Bivariate correlations (Spearman's Rho) between symptom measures for males (above the diagonal) and females (below the diagonal).

BDD-IA BDD-OS Depression GAD Social Separation Specific Panic/Ag OCD ED-BU ED-DI ED-OC

BDD-IA – .92 .37 .33 .37 .24 .20 .28 .27 .22 .26 .22
BDD-OS .87 – .37 .34 .36 .23 .20 .26 .26 .23 .25 .21
Depression .50 .50 – .57 .55 .43 .32 .52 .51 .32 .28 .31
GAD .42 .43 .62 – .65 .55 .41 .58 .58 .28 .24 .30
Social .44 .44 .57 .64 – .50 .42 .50 .51 .25 .23 .31
Separation .27 .25 .39 .58 .50 – .37 .49 .51 .25 .27 .25
Specific .17 .17 .26 .39 .35 .44 – .43 .36 .19 .17 .20
Panic/Ag .35 .34 .57 .69 .53 .52 .44 – .52 .27 .23 .28
OCD .31 .32 .55 .64 .52 .52 .33 .60 – .32 .30 .31
ED-BU .44 .48 .43 .33 .31 .18 .13 .32 .32 – .47 .47
ED-DI .54 .59 .41 .33 .37 .20 .14 .30 .31 .64 – .45
ED-OC .29 .30 .33 .31 .28 .21 .21 .32 .34 .39 .45 –

Note. All correlations were significant, p < .001, BDD = Body dysmorphic disorder, IA = Interference and avoidance, OS = Other BDD symptoms, GAD = Generalised anxiety disorder,
Social = Social anxiety disorder, Separation = Separation anxiety disorder, Specific = Specific phobia relating to physical injury, Panic/Ag = Panic disorder and agoraphobia, OCD =
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, ED = Eating disorder, BU = Bulimia, DI = Dieting factor, OC = Oral control.

3. Results 3.3. Cross-sex measurement invariance of model 5

Bivariate correlations (Spearman's Rho) between study measures, by Measurement invariance testing was conducted to explore the
sex, are given in Table 1. equivalence of Model 5 parameters for males and females. The con-
figural invariance model showed adequate fit (SB χ2 = 813.546, df =
102, p < .0001, CFI = .951, RMSEA = .067 [90% CI = .062, .071],
3.1. Utility of lower-order fear and distress factors SRMR = .044.), indicating that males and females had equivalent
numbers of factors and patterns of indicator-factor loadings. Metric
We first examined whether symptoms of anxiety and depression invariance was then examined; SBχ2 = 1017.16, df = 111, p < .0001,
should be divided into fear (social anxiety, separation anxiety, specific CFI = .938, RMSEA = .072 [90% CI = .068, .076], SRMR = .062. The
phobias, and panic/agoraphobia scores) and distress (depression and chi-square difference test was significant (ΔSBχ2 = 183.369, df = 9,
generalised anxiety) factors. The correlation between the fear and dis- p < .0001) and ΔCFI = −.013, thus constraining the factor loadings to
tress factors was very high (males = .97, females = .98), and model fit equivalence produced a model with significantly poorer fit. Partial
was not poorer when employing a single-factor model (see Table S1). metric models (Byrne et al., 1989) were explored by freeing individual
These findings supported the use of a single underlying latent affective factor loadings with the highest modification indices, but no partial
disorders factor (Brown, 2015), so lower-order fear and distress factors metric model provided adequate fit. Evaluation of the confidence in-
were not identified in subsequent models. tervals of the model parameters (Table 4) indicated that 8/12 factor
loadings and 2/3 factor correlations differed significantly by sex. Fe-
males reported higher factor loadings for generalised anxiety, panic and
3.2. Evaluation of models of the classification of BDD agoraphobia, and eating disorders-dieting, and higher factor correla-
tions between BDD and affective disorders, and between BDD and
Goodness-of-fit parameters for classification models 1–5 (as pre- eating disorders. Males reported higher loadings for BDD-interference
sented in Fig. 1) are presented in Table 2, and factor loadings are and avoidance, separation anxiety, social anxiety, specific phobia, and
presented in Table 3. Theoretically guided models 1–4 did not provide eating disorders-oral control.
good fit to the data. Model 5, where BDD formed its own factor, had
good model fit and all factor loadings were positive and salient. Model 5
thus represented the best fit to the observed data. Standardised factor 4. Discussion
loadings and inter-factor correlations of Model 5 are presented in
Table 4. This is the first study to use CFA to compare different models of the
classification of BDD symptoms, and one of few to consider develop-
mental and sex differences in the structure of psychopathology. Prior to

Table 2
Goodness-of-fit evaluation for BDD classification models 1–5.


1. Internalising spectrum Male 2907.729 54 .163 [.158, .168] .656 .580 .110 122301.20 122502.83
Female 1852.598 54 .170 [.164, .177] .703 .637 .105 76603.97 76785.65
2. Affective spectrum Male 1887.239 53 .132 [.126, .137] .779 .725 .079 120998.90 121206.14
Female 1336.941 53 .145 [.139, .152] .788 .736 .095 75999.84 76186.57
3. Body image spectrum Male 1546.790 53 .119 [.114, .124] .820 .776 .114 120508.49 120715.72
Female 749.977 53 .107 [.100, .144] .885 .857 .067 75265.29 75452.02
4. Obsessive-compulsive spectrum Male 2022.670 51 .139 [.134, .144] .762 .693 .074 120929.37 121147.80
Female 901.613 51 .120 [.114, .127] .860 .818 .109 75458.07 75654.89
5. BDD as a separate factor Male 428.643 51 .061 [.056, .066] .954 .941 .036 118936.70 119155.14
Female 381.932 51 .075 [.068, .082] .945 .929 .056 74832.14 75028.96

Note. Bold text indicated acceptable model fit according to the relevant criteria. SBχ2 = Satorra-Bentler adjusted chi-square, df = Degrees of freedom,
RMSEA = Root mean-square error of approximation, CI = Confidence interval, CFI = Comparative fit index, TLI = Tucker-Lewis index, SRMR =
Standardised root mean-square residual, AIC = Akaike information criterion, BIC = Bayesian information criterion.

S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

Table 3
Standardised factor loadings and factor correlations for models 1–5.

Model 1 2 3 4 5

Sex Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Standardised factor loading

Depression .732 .753 .731 .741 .722 .717 .730 .716 .722 .717
Generalised anxiety disorder .815 .838 .826 .861 .834 .880 .832 .884 .831 .880
Panic disorder and agoraphobia .782 .792 .785 .809 .790 .828 .787 .821 .791 .828
Specific phobia (physical injury) .560 .473 .562 .486 .569 .502 .565 .503 .570 .502
Separation anxiety disorder .727 .630 .728 .651 .737 .672 .729 .662 .739 .672
Social anxiety disorder .752 .724 .759 .731 .758 .724 .764 .731 .756 .723
Obsessive-compulsive disorder .747 .736 .748 .746 .752 .757 .751 .440 .754 .757
BDD-interference/avoidance .488 .618 .479 .583 .918 .861 .550 .881 .921 .877
BDD-other symptoms .493 .625 .484 .588 .911 .889 .553 .907 .918 .926
Eating disorder-bulimia .398 .532 .792 .805 .315 .642 .790 .780 .789 .780
Eating disorder-dieting .394 .543 .740 .854 .369 .723 .746 .889 .746 .890
Eating disorder-oral control .403 .447 .742 .588 .309 .452 .739 .549 .740 .549
Factor correlations
Factor 1 - Factor 2 – – .465 .568 .488 .589 .922 .611 .476 .558
Factor 1 - Factor 3 – – – – – – .436 .496 .446 .498
Factor 2 - Factor 3 – – – – – – .551 .734 .373 .724

Note. Default formatting = loading for factor 1, Bold formatting = loading for factor 2, Italic formatting = loading for factor 3, BDD = body dysmorphic disorder.

fitting models of BDD classification, we examined whether lower-order relationship between the latent factors also varied by sex; the correla-
fear and distress factors should be identified within affective disorders. tion of the BDD latent factor to both the affective and eating disorder
Consistent with Lahey et al. (2008), these factors were so highly cor- latent factors were stronger in females than in males. Most notably,
related that they indicated a single affective factor across symptoms of BDD symptoms were more strongly related to eating disorder symptoms
anxiety and depression. Each of the theoretical models of the classifi- than to affective disorder symptoms in female adolescents, and the
cation of BDD had poor fit to the data. Thus, the data did not support opposite pattern was observed in male adolescents. A sex-specific as-
BDD classification as part of a single internalising spectrum (Model 1), a sociation between BDD and eating disorders has also been observed in a
broad affective spectrum (Model 2), or a narrower obsessive-compul- clinical sample of adults with BDD, where lifetime prevalence of eating
sive spectrum (Model 4) or a body image spectrum (Model 3). The disorders was significantly higher among females than males (42.3 vs.
novel Model 5 did, however, provide acceptable fit to the data. In this 11.1%; Phillips et al., 2006). These findings highlight the need to
model, BDD symptoms formed a separate factor that was correlated consider sex differences as well as developmental differences in the
with affective spectrum symptoms and eating disorder symptoms. structure of psychopathology (Wittchen et al., 2009).
Although sex differences were not part of the theoretical models of Alternatively, the current findings may reflect, in part, the fact that
BDD classification, we compared model parameters between males and study participants had not yet passed through the typical age of onset
females as sex differences have been observed in several previous for depression, eating disorders, OCD, or panic disorder (Hudson et al.,
adolescent and adult CFA studies (Lahey et al., 2008; Mitchell et al., 2007; Kessler et al., 2005). However, associations with earlier-onset
2014; Prenoveau et al., 2010). Measurement invariance testing of the disorders such as social anxiety, separation anxiety, and specific pho-
parameters of Model 5 found metric noninvariance between males and bias were not notably stronger than those for later-onset disorders.
females. That is, whereas the overall model fit was similar in males and Replication of the current findings in samples of both adolescents and
females, the loadings of observed scores onto the latent factors differed adults is needed to determine whether BDD continues to form a unique
significantly by sex for a majority of the symptom measures. The factor later in life. However, findings from adult twin studies of BDD

Table 4
Model 5 standardised factor loadings and factor correlations.

Male Female

Factor Measure Loading 95% CI Loading 95% CI CI overlap

Affective disorders Depression .722 .700, .744 .717 .699, .735 Yes
Generalised anxiety disorder .831 .821, .841 .880 .870, .890 No, F>M
Panic disorder and agoraphobia .791 .774, .808 .828 .816, .840 No, F>M
Specific phobia (physical injury) .570 .543, .597 .502 .475, .529 No, M>F
Separation anxiety disorder .739 .719, .759 .672 .650, .694 No, M>F
Social anxiety disorder .756 .743, .769 .723 .707, .739 No, M>F
Obsessive-compulsive disorder .754 .740, .768 .757 .742, .772 Yes
BDD BDD-interference/avoidance .921 .907, .935 .877 .863, .891 No, M>F
BDD-other symptoms .918 .904, .932 .926 .914, .938 Yes
Eating disorders Eating disorder-bulimia .789 .767, .811 .780 .761, .799 Yes
Eating disorder-dieting .746 .725, .767 .890 .875, .905 No, F>M
Eating disorder-oral control .740 .717, .763 .549 .520, .578 No, M>F
Factor correlations Factor 95% CI Factor. 95% CI
Affective Disorders - BDD .476 .448, .504 .558 .531, .585 No, F > M
Affective Disorders - Eating Disorder .446 .404, .488 .498 .465, .531 Yes
BDD - Eating Disorder .373 .341, .405 .724 .701, .747 No, F > M

Note. CI = Confidence interval, BDD = Body dysmorphic disorder, Factor = Factor correlation, M = Male, F = Female.

S.C. Schneider et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 225 (2018) 429–437

symptoms may support the value of considering both shared and unique may be translated into clinical approaches to enhance existing treat-
disorder features. Although BDD symptoms shared common genetic ments, such as by targeting visual processing abnormalities (Beilharz
liabilities with symptoms of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders et al., 2017), disorder onset experiences (Weingarden et al., 2017) and
(Monzani et al., 2014) and combined anxiety and obsessive-compulsive aesthetic evaluations (Lambrou et al., 2011). Continued investigation
spectrum disorders (López-Solà et al., 2016), BDD was found to have into the classification of BDD is vital in improving understanding of the
the strongest disorder-specific genetic influences of the disorders as- disorder across the public and mental health professionals, as poor
sessed. knowledge about BDD is a barrier to seeking treatment (Marques et al.,
2011) and may contribute to the under-diagnosis of BDD in clinical
4.1. Limitations and future directions practice (Veale et al., 2015).

This study is novel as it constitutes the first attempt to model the 5. Conclusions
associations between symptoms of BDD and comorbid disorders using
CFA. However, limitations of the current research need to be considered In adolescents, symptoms of BDD appear to form a separate factor
when interpreting the findings. The BDD measure used is the first to be that is correlated with symptoms of affective disorders and eating dis-
psychometrically validated in adolescents (citation removed to allow orders. In both male and female adolescents, BDD is moderately asso-
blind review), however for consistency between measures it may be ciated with affective disorders, including OCD, anxiety and depression.
preferable to use questionnaires with a single symptom severity score in The association between BDD and eating disorders is strong for females,
future analyses. Alternately, item-level CFAs may be informative in and weak for males. These findings highlight the need for future studies
further understanding the relationships between disorder symptoms. examining the classification of BDD to consider developmental and sex
The study did not assess other DSM-5 OCRDs such as trichotillomania differences in their models, and to thoroughly assess male presentations
and excoriation, and future studies are needed to explore the classifi- of body image problems. Further research is needed in order to estab-
cation of these disorders. The eating disorder measure was developed to lish both the unique and shared features of BDD, and to inform classi-
assess symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (Maloney fication schemes, clinical practice and aetiological models.
et al., 1988), but BDD may also be associated with other eating dis-
orders (Dingemans et al., 2012), or show associations that are specific Financial support
to certain eating disorders (Hartmann et al., 2013). Therefore, the as-
sociation of BDD to a broad range of DSM-5 eating disorder symptoms This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (J.H.
should be assessed in future studies. This includes assessment of mus- grant numbers LP130100576, FT120100217); beyond blue National
cularity-oriented disordered eating, particularly given current debates Priority Driven Research funding (J.H.); a Sponsored Research Project
regarding the classification of muscle dysmorphia (dos Santos Filho grant from Macquarie University and one participant school (J.H.); and
et al., 2015; Kanayama and Pope, 2011; Murray and Touyz, 2013) and a Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (S.S.) These
challenges in the detection of male eating disorders (Mitchison and funding sources were not involved in the study design, data collection,
Mond, 2015; Murray et al., 2017). analysis, interpretation, or writing of the report. Schools were given a
As highlighted by Angold et al. (1999), longitudinal research studies copy of the completed manuscript prior to submission to check that
are needed in order to understand the sequence of comorbid disorder details of school involvement were accurately reported.
onset, and to determine common versus specific risk factors for dis-
orders. Further, as comorbidity is only one of the validators used to Institutional board review
indicate the relationship between disorders in DSM-5 (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013), future studies of the classification of The research was approved by the Human Research Ethics
BDD should span the full range of available validators. While the re- Committee of Macquarie University and the governing body of each
cruitment of participants from a population-based sample may be school.
considered a strength of the current research (Lahey et al., 2009),
particularly given the reliance on highly specialised samples in much Acknowledgements
previous BDD research, the structure of psychopathology may differ
between clinical and non-clinical samples (Kotov et al., 2015). Key We would like to thank the students and staff of each school, and
questions regarding the classification of BDD should thus be addressed Laura Clark (MSc), Keila Brockveld (PhD) and Danielle Einstein (PhD)
in clinical and non-clinical samples, and involve longitudinal and large- from the Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology,
scale epidemiological studies. Further, although CFA is a valuable Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia for their assistance with data
technique for modelling psychopathology, the classification of BDD collection.
should also be explored using alternative statistical approaches such as
bifactor models (Carragher et al., 2016), network models of co- Appendix A. Supplementary material
morbidity (Eaton, 2015), and the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psycho-
pathology (HiTOP), a new classification of axis 1 and axis 2 disorders Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
(Kotov et al., 2017). online version at
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