Expression of Interest (EOI) Document For Shortlisting of Consultants and Consulting Services

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Expression of Interest (EOI)

Document for Shortlisting of

Consultants and Consulting

Procurement of Consulting Services

(For National Consulting Services)

Issued By:
Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL)
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal

October 2017
Expression of Interest

Procurement of Consulting Services

Design, Development, Implementation and Support of Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas
Company Limited (HIDCL) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution

Project Name : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution of HIDCL

EOI : 2074/75-01
Office Name : Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL)
Office Address : Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel : +977-1-4257024/25
Email :
Issued on : 2074-06-23


ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

HIDCL - Hydro Electricity and Development Company Limited
PMIS - Project Management Information System
EOI - Expression of Interest
FMIS - Financial Management Information System
CMIS - Contract Management Information System
PCMIS - Procurement Management Information System
HRMIS - Human Resource Management Information System
QCBS - Quality and Cost Based System
GEA - Government Enterprise Architecture
GIF - Government Interoperability Framework
DRS - Disaster Recovery System
WAN - Wide Area Network
PAN - Permanent Account Number
TOR - Terms of Reference
VAT - Value Added Tax

Request for Expression of Interest……………………………………………………………………………..5
Instructions for submission of Expression of Interest………………………………………………………...6
Scope of Services ……………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Evaluation of Consultant’s EOI Application…………………………………………………………………..11
EOI Forms & Formats…………………………………………………………………………………………..17

A. Request for Expression of Interest

Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL)

Date: 2074/06/23
Name of Project: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution of HIDCL

1. Hydro Electricity and Development Company limited (HIDCL) officially registered as

Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited invites Expression of Interest (EOI)
from eligible national consulting firms (“consultant”) to provide the following consulting
 Development of web enabled integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution
for supporting HIDCL regular operations which include Project Management
Information System (PMIS), Financial Management Information System (FMIS),
Contract Management Information System (CMIS), Procurement Management
Information System (PCMIS) and Admin and Human Resource Management
Information System (HRMIS).
 Establish and maintain a robust Online, Real-time, Web Based, Database Monitoring
System (ORDBMS) that enables to get real time data and statistics available for timely
decision, policy making, monitoring and project implementation for the HIDCL
related activities and service delivery.
 The ERP solution should integrate all independent software modules that are
supporting operation of HIDCL.
2. Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL) has allocated the fund to
install Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution and intends to apply a portion of
this fund to eligible payments under the Contract for which this Expression of Interest is
invited for National consulting service.
3. Interested eligible consultants may obtain further information and EOI document free of
cost at the address Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL),
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal during office hours on or before 2074/07/06 time 5:00
pm or visit the client’s website
4. Consultants may associate with other consultants to enhance their qualifications.
5. Expressions of interest shall be delivered manually to the address Jalvidhyut Lagani
Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL), Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal before
2074/07/06 4:00 pm.
6. In case the last date of obtaining and submission of the EOI documents happens to be a
holiday, the next working day will be deemed as the due date but the time will be the same
as stipulated.
7. EOI will be assessed based on Qualification 30%, Experience 60% and Capacity 10% of
consulting firm and key personnel. Based on evaluation of EOI, only shortlisted firms will
be invited to submit technical and financial proposal through a request for proposal.
8. The firm securing at least 60% in evaluation will be shortlisted and best 3-6 firms will be
selected for RFP.

B. Instructions for submission of Expression of Interest
1. Expression of Interest may be submitted by a sole firm or a joint venture of consulting
2. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to
perform the services (descriptions, organization and employee and of the firm or
company, description of assignments of similar nature completed in the last 7 years and
their location, experience in similar conditions, general qualifications and the key
personnel to be involved in the proposed assignment).
3. This expression of interest is open to all eligible consulting firm/company.
4. The assignment has been scheduled for a period of 15 days date 2074/07/06 5 pm.
Expected date of commencement of the assignment is 15 days after the deadline.
5. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the QCBS procurement method.
6. Expression of Interest should contain following information:
(i) A covering letter addressed to the representative of the client on the official letter
head of company duly signed by authorized signatory.
(ii) Applicants shall provide the following information in the respective formats given in
the EOI document:
 EOI Form: Letter of Application (Form 1)
 EOI Form: Applicant’s Information (Form 2)
 EOI Form: Work Experience Details (Form 3(A), 3(B) & 3(C))
 EOI Form: Capacity Details (Form 4)
 EOI Form: Key Experts List (form 5).

7. Applicants may submit additional information with their application but shortlisting will
be based on the evaluation of information requested and included in the formats
provided in the EOI document.
8. The Expression of Interest (EOI) document must be duly completed and submitted in
sealed envelope and should be clearly marked as “EOI Application for Short-listing for
the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution. The Envelope should also clearly
indicate the name and address of the Applicant.
9. The completed EOI document must be submitted on or before the date and address
mentioned in the “Request for Expression of Interest”. In case the submission falls
on public holiday the submission can be made on the next working day. Any EOI
Document received after the closing time for submission of proposals shall not be
considered for evaluation.

C. Scope of Services
The consultant needs to conduct and carryout the following activities to achieve the objectives
and produce the deliverables and outputs. In this context scope of services of this consulting
service consists (but not limited to) of the following:
C.1. Study the objectives of HIDCL, its activities, Projects, Financing, Donors etc. define
/determine the monitoring and progress performance activities as per the Institutional
functions, Monitoring Indicators and Norms etc.: The consultant need to understand
thoroughly the business process of HIDCL at operational level and its activities inside and
outside, Monitoring Procedures, Data collection formats/form, reporting process, Different
Norms of Regulation etc. Based on the study, the consultant needs to develop and deliver an
ERP system that facilitates online processing of data of projects, finance, donors, monitoring,
and periodic progress of loan and repayments.
C.2. Consultation with the concerned authorities of the HIDCL: The consultant should
consult with the concerned officials/ divisional chief of HIDCL after signing the agreement.
The consultant needs to have consultative meetings with the technical team of HIDCL for the
time schedule, planning and other implementation.

C.3 HIDCL Input: HIDCL will assign a staff as project coordinator of the developing
software project who will communicate with the Consultant for various inputs. Under the
identification of the necessity of the Consulting firm, HIDCL can allocate a certain space and
environment within a HIDCL office for consulting personnel to carry out developing activities
if required. In development of the ERP, consulting firm will get support from the concerned
divisional personnel on required input, clarity and expected result from a particular module
and integration.

C.4. Design and Development of Management Information System: After determining the
appropriate forms, formats and information the consultant needs to design and develop the
(HIDCLMIS) for the required information to cater the needs for monitoring, administration
and reporting of the HIDCL project and related activities. The HIDCLMIS should be able to
produce and maintain the volume, storage and speed for instant online data entry, recording,
retrieving, producing and analyzing the data and its contents. However, the system should
have the following features and must satisfy the system requirements. The HIDCLMIS and its
operation need to have the following features:
 A web-based System: The MIS developed by the consultants should run smoothly in
all web browsers with equal performance. The system should accommodate all the
web-based system features. The users should be able to make entry in the forms or
formats developed for information capture from the concerned offices and institutions
such as HIDCL office and Districts Project unit office well.
 Data Forms, Formats and Related Information: The consultant need to determine
the data contents, forms, formats and other information system after analyzing all the

requirements of the HIDCL with the technical team as well as concerned division
officers. However, as general guideline it may contain the following:
Project Related Information: HIDCL has investment on 11 hydro projects in
Nepal having calculated total capacity of 458.1 MW on completion, which
promised the financing of NRs. 438.6 billion under the company alone. The
ERP should keep track of all project related information and generate the
required result if needed. The projects related information should be filled by
the projects if necessary. Proper mechanism of data entry request and response
should be managed well enough to run the system efficiently. The security,
data verification and approval system is required.

Financial Information: All financial cost of the projects should be monitored

well such as project cost, investment and contribution from various agencies,
donors, community contribution, loan sanctioned and installment released as
well as financial progress of each project. The system should generate various
required financial report like vouchers, balance sheet, reconciliation statement,
trial balance, ledgers and other standard financial reports proposed by HIDCL
during inception period. The system should also track all the office financial
activities too, like travel cost, vehicle hire, staff salaries, tax deduction, etc.
Consultant should consult with finance department of HIDCL for financial
related information.

HIDCL HR and Admin related Information: The ERP should have

modules/functionalities to track HR related information like staff personal
information, qualifications, training related information and more. Consultant
should consult with HIDCL HR division to determine required information,
input format as well as reporting formats.

Project Evaluation and Analysis: The Project Analysis and Evaluation

Module of the proposed system will simplify these activities and assist in
handling all reports and document, correspondence related to the hydropower
projects and the information related to investment decisions. The main activity
of the Project Evaluation and Analysis Department and the Project Analysis
Section within it is to assist in making investment decisions by carrying out
appraisal of projects that have approached the Company for investment. The
ERP should facilitate project evaluation and produce analysis report based on
indicators selected and set during the entire process of project start and end.
 Data Entry or Uploading Functions: The ERP should have both features of data
entry online as well as uploading filled form where necessary which will be identified
during the system analysis phase. It should also ensure the adequate safety/security
mechanism while making entry or uploading the forms, formats or other required

information. This system should also contain the sample forms or formats which can
be downloaded and filled offline and uploaded to the system, populating the concern
database tables.
 Access Control: The ERP system should have different access control features as per
user levels and user privileges or user roles. This access control feature should be
dynamic in nature so that rights of a particular module may be assigned to any user
apart from his/her level.
 Parameterization: The ERP software system should be dynamic to adopt the
parameters as defined in related acts, rules, directives etc. This will facilitate any
update in parameters like interest rates, project types, numbers, training types, and
holidays etc. in future.
 Audit Trail System: The ERP system should have the facility of Audit Trail. The
system should be able to examine the periodic information on real time basis. It should
generate the report required by the authorities to test the accuracy of the data and the
system should able to produce reliable information. The audit trail system should be
inbuilt in the system.
 Maker and Checker System: While making entry or uploading the data entry and
feeding the forms or formats the system should have the facility of maker and checker
as separate authority. The check and balance through the maker and checker system
need to be the integral part of the software.
 GEA/NGIF Compliance: The system should follow Nepal Government Enterprise
Architecture (GEA) and Nepal Government Interoperability Framework (GIF).
Compliance of these features by any government software system will facilitate the
data interchange among different government agencies. System should support Nepali
Unicode as well as English/Nepali dates. System should have Nepali User Interface
where required and can be switched with a single click of a button at any level of its
 Security: The ERP needs to be secured through layers of security system. The
software security system should enable the smooth operation of the system without
hacking or other security lacking. The system should have an integral security system.
The security features should include the following:
o Coding level security- security issue should be taken into account while coding.
o Access level security: various session monitoring/tracking, password
encryption, etc.
o Database level security: access to database and their roles, read/write
permission, access to database, session monitoring, etc.
o Network level security: access of system inside/outside HIDCL, IP and port
filtering, etc.
 Data Storage and Back-up System: The consultant should be able to identify and
recommend to HIDCL for proper data storage mechanism including necessary
hardware change required to support software services efficiently.
 Disaster Recovery System (DRS): The consultant should also suggest the DRS for
the database safety and possible loss from natural disaster as well. It needs to include
the DRS plan and the client needs to take a precautionary and correcting mechanism
under disaster occurrence. It also should contain the alternative solutions for DRS, if
 Data Export System: The database system should be able to export the data to other
application program such as SPSS and STATA, Excel, PDF or other useful application
programs for analysis and generation of analytical report as and when required.
 Data Analysis/Graph generation Program: The database need to be developed
based on the financial and operational fields from the entered data that is necessary to
carry-out any analysis. It should also be able to calculate and analyses the indicators
from the data and indicator content, percentage and cut offs values, average and able to
generate various analysis charts/graphs wherever required.
 System Integration: The designed system should fully integrate or compatible with
other HIDCL existing system for easy data synchronization and auto data update
among the various systems. In addition to this, HIDCL is organizing its operational
data in several distributed and desktop applications which run and support core
business activities independently. Though the MIS software run independently, they
have several linkages with one another for supporting another program/component.
The web based ERP solution will have to integrate all software systems, enhance the
MIS capability and eliminate the existing loopholes by increasing the security system.
 Data Migration and Transfer: HIDCL currently uses few independent software
systems to support operation of the company and Financial and Accounting System for
keeping track of financial related data. The consultant should successfully transfer data
from the old system to the newly designed system using proper migration plan. If the
migration does not succeed, the consultant should produce convincing evidence of data
migration failure and submit a report to HIDCL.
 Network Analysis and Network System Development: The consultant should
analyze available network technology in HIDCL and suggest with appropriate action
to be taken in order to run the system well in intranet, internet and WAN.
 Support and Maintenance: After successful implementation of ERP solution and
Project Completion Report accepted by HIDCL, the system should be kept under
warranty period for three months. On completion of warranty period, the system will
stay under maintenance period for two additional years where a regular support,
maintenance and regular updates should be carried out by the consulting firm. HIDCL
will have to pay the consultant for the annual maintenance of ERP. The support level
depends upon the complexity of the task which should determine the service should
either be remote support, on call support or stationed support.

D. Evaluation of Consultant’s EOI Application
Consultant’s EOI application which meets the eligibility criteria will be ranked on the
basis of the Ranking Criteria.

i) Eligibility & Completeness Test Compliance

Copy of Registration of the company/firm
VAT/PAN Registration (for National consulting firm
Tax Clearance/Tax Return Submission/Letter of
Time Extension for Tax Return Submission [insert
Fiscal year] (for National consulting firm only)
EOI Form 1: Letter of Application
EOI Form 2: Applicant’s Information Form
EOI Form 3: Experience (3(A) and 3(B))
EOI Form 4: Capacity
EOI Form 5: Qualification of Key Experts

ii) EOI Evaluation Insert Minimum Requirement if Score

Criteria Applicable Qualification of Export=30%
Experience of Export=30%
Experience of Firm=30% and
Capacity of firm=10%
A. Qualification
Qualification of Key At least Master’s Degree in the field Marks allocated for minimum
Experts of IT/Software/ IS/ Engineering or qualification of technical person
equivalent is 3 and non-technical person is
2 and additional 1 marks would
be provided for additional
qualification. Marks allocated
for experience of export and
firm is provided as;

A.1. Experience of Team Leader: more than10 years of

Key Experts experience in web based
ERP/MIS/DSS solution
development/implementation and
management. Should have specific
experience as Project Manager
(Team Leader) in at least three 4
project related to
management, etc. within last five
years. Should have the trainings and
certification related to IT/Project
Management. PMP/ITIL training is
Team Leader: 7-10 years of
experience in web based
ERP/MIS/DSS solution
development/implementation and
management. Should have specific
experience as Project Manager
(Team Leader) in at least three 3
project related to
management, etc. within last five
years. Should have the trainings and
certification related to IT/Project
Management. PMP/ITIL training is
Team Leader: 5-7 years of
experience in web based
ERP/MIS/DSS solution
development/implementation and
management. Should have specific
experience as Project Manager
(Team Leader) in at least three
project related to
management, etc. within last five
years. Should have the trainings and
certification related to IT/Project
Management. PMP/ITIL training is
Qualification of At least Master’s degree in
System Analyst IT/Software/IS/Engineering or
System Analysis/ equivalent.
A.2. Experience of More than 7 years of experience in
Qualification of system reengineering/module
System Analyst integration/analysis/designing and
System Analysis/ system development. Should have
Design experience in designing database of
Server, CSPro (Census/Statistics), 4
JAVA/PHP/.Net. Preference will be
given on the basis of experience
gained on web based application
analysis/design and successfully in
operation till the date. Should have
training/certificate on system
5 to 7 years of experience in system
integration/analysis/designing and
system development. Should have
experience in designing database of
Server, CSPro (Census/Statistics),
JAVA/PHP/.Net. Preference will be

given on the basis of experience
gained on web based application
analysis/design and successfully in
operation till the date. Should have
training/certificate on system
Five years of experience in system
integration/analysis/designing and
system development. Should have
experience in designing database of
Server, CSPro (Census/Statistics), 2
JAVA/PHP/.Net. Preference will be
given on the basis of experience
gained on web based application
analysis/design and successfully in
operation till the date. Should have
training/certificate on system
Qualification of At least bachelor's degree in
Programmers/Devel IT/Software/IS/Engineering or
opers equivalent.
A.3. Experience of More than 7 years of experience in
Qualification of computer programming, preferably
Programmers/Devel having experience in development of
opers data management system, MS SQL
Server, CSPro, JAVA, PHP, .Net.
The programmers must have
demonstrated experience of
developing web based applications.
Should have training/certificates on 4
software development. Preference
will be given to the
training/certificate on web-based
programming, database management
and statistical tools.
5-7 years of experience in computer
programming, preferably having
experience in development of data
management system, MS SQL
Server, CSPro, JAVA, PHP, .Net.
The programmers must have
demonstrated experience of
developing web based applications.
Should have training/certificates on 3
software development. Preference
will be given to the
training/certificate on web-based
programming, database management
and statistical tools.

5 years of experience in computer
programming, preferably having
experience in development of data
management system, MS SQL
Server, CSPro, JAVA, PHP, .Net.
The programmers must have
demonstrated experience of
developing web based applications.
Should have training/certificates on 2
software development. Preference
will be given to the
training/certificate on web-based
programming, database management
and statistical tools.
Qualification of At least bachelor's degree in
Database Computer/IT Engineering or
Administrator/Datab related field
ase design
A.4. Experience of More than 7 years of experience in
Database database administration preferably
Administrator/Datab having experience in MS SQL
ase design Server. The Database Administrator
must have demonstrated experience
of design, development, implement
and maintenance of databases
including data recovery, security, 4
scalability and disaster recovery.
Should have training/certification in
database administration.
5-7 years of experience in database
administration preferably having
experience in MS SQL Server. The
Database Administrator must have
demonstrated experience of design,
development, implement and
maintenance of databases including 3
data recovery, security, scalability
and disaster recovery. Should have
training/certification in database
5 years of experience in database
administration preferably having
experience in MS SQL Server. The
Database Administrator must have
demonstrated experience of design,
development, implement and
maintenance of databases including
data recovery, security, scalability 2
and disaster recovery. Should have
training/certification in database

Qualification of At least Master’s degree in
Network Engineer Computer/IT Engineering or
related field
A.5. Experience of More than 7 years of experience in
Network Engineer network designing/development,
preferably having experience in
designing/development of network
system of web based data 4
management systems. Having
network design related certificates
will be added advantages.
5-7 years of experience in network
designing/development, preferably
having experience in
designing/development of network
system of web based data 3
management systems. Having
network design related certificates
will be added advantages.
Minimum 5 years of experience in
network designing/development,
preferably having experience in 2
designing/development of network
system of web based data
management systems. Having
network design related certificates
will be added advantages.
Qualification of At least Master’s degree in Hydro
Hydro Electricity Engineering
A.6. Experience of More than 10 years of experience in
Hydro Electricity Hydro project development. Should
Development have training/certificate related to
Engineer Hydro power development or
directly involved as a trainer on the
field of Hydro Electricity. Should 4
have knowledge and working
experience on Hydro power
investment, planning, designing,
development, implementation and
7-10 years of experience in Hydro
project development. Should have
training/certificate related to Hydro
power development or directly 3
involved as a trainer on the field of
Hydro Electricity. Should have
knowledge and working experience
on Hydro power investment,
planning, designing, development,

implementation and maintenance.
7 years of experience in Hydro
project development. Should have
training/certificate related to Hydro
power development or directly
involved as a trainer on the field of
Hydro Electricity. Should have 2
knowledge and working experience
on Hydro power investment,
planning, designing, development,
implementation and maintenance.
Qualification of At least Master’s degree in
Admin Expert Business Administration or
A.7. Experience of More than 10 years of experience in
Admin Expert handling administration of corporate
business, investment companies,
banks and large scale private
companies. Should have
training/certificate related to 3
administration management and
proven skill of transferring
knowledge into software
7-10 years of experience in handling
administration of corporate business,
investment companies, banks and
large scale private companies.
Should have training/certificate 2
related to administration
management and proven skill of
transferring knowledge into software
7 years of experience in handling
administration of corporate business,
investment companies, banks and
large scale private companies.
Should have training/certificate 1
related to administration
management and proven skill of
transferring knowledge into software
Qualification of At least Master’s degree in
Finance/Account Business Administration/ Finance
Expert or equivalent

A.8. Experience of More than 10 years of experience in
Finance/Account handling Finance and Account of
Expert corporate business, investment
companies, banks and large scale
private companies. Should have 3
training/certificate related to
financial management and proven
skill of transferring knowledge into
software instructions.
7-10 years of experience in handling
Finance and Account of corporate
business, investment companies,
banks and large scale private 2
companies. Should have
training/certificate related to
financial management and proven
skill of transferring knowledge into
software instructions.
7 years of experience in handling
Finance and Account of corporate
business, investment companies, 1
banks and large scale private
companies. Should have
training/certificate related to
financial management and proven
skill of transferring knowledge into
software instructions.

B. Experience
General of More than 12 years of documented
consulting firm experience of system software
design and web based applications
design, development and
implementation of similar projects
types for corporate business,
investment companies, banks,
government, NGOs, INGOs and
similar others.

10-12 years of documented

experience of system software
design and web based applications 15
design, development and
implementation of similar projects
types for corporate business,
investment companies, banks,
government, NGOs, INGOs and
similar others.

At least 10 years of documented

experience of system software
design and web based applications
design, development and
implementation of similar projects
types for corporate business,
investment companies, banks,
government, NGOs, INGOs and
similar others.

Specific experience More than 6-web based

of consulting firm ERP/MIS/DSS projects development 10
within last 10 years. in last 10 years of worth at least 50
In case of person, lacs each.
specific experience 6-web based ERP/MIS/DSS projects
of the person within development in last 10 years of 08
last 4 years. worth at least 50 lacs each.
5-web based ERP/MIS/DSS projects
development in last 10 years of 06
worth at least 50 lacs each.
C. Capacity
C.i. Financial Having documented evidence of
Capacity average financial turnover of more 08
than 120 lacs annually for last three
Having documented evidence of
average financial turnover of 90-120 07
lacs annually for last three years.
Having documented evidence of
average financial turnover of at least 06
90 lacs annually for last three years.
C.i.a. Working More than 10% of total annual
capital turnover should be maintained has 02
working capital.
At least 10% of total annual turnover
should be maintained has working 01

E. EOI Forms & Formats
Form 1. Letter of Application

Form 2. Applicant’s information

Form 3.Experience (General, Specific and Geographical)

Form 4. Capacity

Form 5. Qualification of Key Experts

1. Letter of Application

Date: ……………..
Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company Limited (HIDCL)
Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dear Sirs,
We, the undersigned, offer to provide the procurement of consulting services for “Design,
Development, Implementation and Support of Jalvidhyut Lagani Tatha Bikas Company
Limited (HIDCL) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution” in accordance with
invitation for Expression of Interest dated 2074/6/23 in Gorkhapatra newspaper and we
hereby submit our Expression of Interest.
We are submitting our interest declaring that all the information and statements made in this
EOI are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead our
This application is made in the full understanding that:
 All decisions by HIDCL related to this EOI are final, binding and not subject to review.
 HIDCL shall not be liable for any decisions or actions related to this EOI and shall be
under no obligation to inform the applicant of the reasons for its decisions or actions.
Applicant hereby provides willingness and commitment to abide by all applicable laws,
regulations, and other requirements having the effect of law in the execution of this
study, if selected.

Yours Sincerely,

Authorized signature:
Name and title of signatory/authorized representative:
Name of firm/JV:
Phone No.:
Firm stamp (lead firm):

2. Applicant’s Information Form
(In case of joint venture of two or more firms to be filled separately for each constituent

1. Name of Firm/Company:

2. Type of Constitution (Partnership/ Pvt. Ltd/Public Ltd/ Public Sector/ NGO)

3. Date of Registration / Commencement of Business (Please specify):

4. Country of Registration:

5. Registered Office/Place of Business:

6. Telephone No; Fax No; E-Mail Address

7. Name of Authorized Contact Person / Designation/ Address/Telephone:

8. Name of Authorized Local Agent /Address/Telephone:

9. Consultant’s Organization:

10. Total number of staff:

11. Number of regular professional staff:

Provide Company Profile with description of the background and organization of the
Consultant and, if applicable, for each joint venture partner for this assignment. It is
also requested to submit all the related documents.

3. Experience

3(A). General Work Experience

(Details of assignments undertaken. Each consultant or member of a JV must fill
in this form.)

S. Name of Location Value of Year Client Description of work carried

N. assignment out
Contract Completed








3(B). Specific Experience

Details of similar assignments undertaken in the previous seven years

(In case of joint venture of two or more firms to be filled separately for each
constituent member)

Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current NRs):

Country: Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country:

Name of Client: Total No. of person-months of the assignment:

Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your

firm under the contract (in current NRs):

Start date (month/year): No. of professional person-months provided by

the joint venture partners or the Sub-
Completion date (month/year): Consultants:

Name of joint venture partner or Narrative description of Project:

sub-Consultants, if any:

Description of actual services provided in the assignment:

Note: Provide highlight on similar services provided by the consultant as

required by the EOI assignment.

Firm’s Name:

3(C). Geographic Experience

Experience of working in similar geographic region or country

(In case of joint venture of two or more firms to be filled separately for each
constituent member)

No Location Execution Year

Name of the Project (Country/ Region) and Duration








4. Capacity
4(A). Financial Capacity
(In case of joint venture of two or more firms to be filled separately for each constituent

Annual Turnover

Year Amount Currency

- Average Annual Turnover

Note: Supporting documents, financial statements for Average Turnover should be

submitted for the above.

4(B). Infrastructure/equipment related to the proposed assignment
No Infrastructure/equipment Requirements Description






5. Key Experts (Include details of Key Experts only)

(In case of joint venture of two or more firms to be filled separately for each
constituent member)
Highest Work Experience Work
SN Name Position Nationality
Qualification (in year) Experience
(in year)

(Please insert more rows as necessary)


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