27 PNG
27 PNG
27 PNG
This refers to a kind of ad-hoc or arbitrary zoning that allows a small piece of land to
deviate from the district or zone regulations for reasons not found in the officially-approved
(A) flexible zoning
(B) mixed use zoning
(C) Euclidean zoning
(D) spot zoning
(E) optional zoning
247r. A device usually given at the enactment of Zoning Ordinance which grants property owner
relief from certain provisions of ordinance because the application of the same would result in a
particular hardship to the owner.
(A) Exceptionality
(8) Certificate of Non-Conformance
(C) Quasi-judicial relief
(D) Variance
248r. If there are 12 signatures needed to approve construction of a building and 32 signatures
needed to thoroughly develop a parcel of non-agricultural land, whose signature is needed for the
issuance of a development permit?
(A) Planning Consultant
(B) Real Estate Broker
(C) Natural Scientist
(D) Head Local Planner
(E) Legislator-Sponsor
249r. What document makes possible that funds for priority projects enumerated in LDIP are
budgeted and releasedmyearly?
(A) Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)
(B) Notice of Cash Availability (NCA)
(C) Annual Investment Plan
(D) PBBS (E) Memorandum of Undertaking
(F) Program of Work and Expenditure Plan
250r. Land use conversion is limited by reclassification ceilings under various legal issuances.
Under AFMA, only 50% of the SAFDZ areas may be converted to other uses, while RA 7160 Local
Government Code Sec. 20 limits it to
(A) 15% of the agricultural land in highly urbanized and independent chartered cities
(C) 10% of total cultivable land in any city
(B) 20% of total arable land in any LGU
(D) 25% of total alienable and disposable land
251r. Under RA 7160 Local Government Code Section 20, reclassification of agricultural land in
component cities and first to third class municipalities is limited to Lof farm land.
(A) 5%
(B) 10%
(C) 15%
(D) 20%
252r. Of the five correct criteria for conversion of farmland into non-agricultural uses, which
criterion is within the control of the investor or project proponent, in terms of production
activity, design, selection and mobilization of men, money. materials, and machines?
materials, and machines
(A) The reclassification of land use must be consistent with the natural expansion of the
municipality or city, as contained in their approved land use plan;
(B) The area to be reclassified in use is not the only remaining food production area of the
(C) Areas with lower crop productivity will be accorded priority for land use conversion,
(D) The land use reclassification shall not hamper the availability of irrigation or the
productivity of nearby farms;
(E) The proposed project is supportive of agro-industrial development, and will generate
alternative livelihood opportunities for the affected community.
253r. Under the current setup, what government agency has the final authority on the conversion
of agricultural land?
(B) Land Registration Authority
(C) Department of Agriculture
(D) Land Management Bureau
254r. Of the following cases of land conversion, which one needs to prove that the land has
ceased to be "economically feasible and sound for agricultural purposes," to be certified by the
Secretary of Agriculture?
(A) conversion of cropland into irrigation facility
(B) conversion of cropland into national RROW
(D) conversion of cropland into protected area for rare species
(E) conversion of cropland into heritage site and ecotourist spot