Osgoui wtc2017
Osgoui wtc2017
Osgoui wtc2017
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1 author:
Reza Osgoui
GEODATA Engineering SPA
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ABSTRACT: One of the main concerns regarding the performance of radial joints in segmental
tunnel lining has not well studied in spite of many researches and experiences. The radial
(longitudinal) joint of segmental lining, i.e. the contact joint between segment to segment in a
segmental ring, is chosen and designed in the form of either flat or curved shape. From technical and
economical points of view, applying design criteria for the most suitable shape of radial joint plays a
major role in dimensioning of segmental tunnel lining. This paper deals with the performance
analysis of different features of the radial joints to be applied for both RC and SFRC segmental
linings. In more details, the design criteria described in this paper mainly focuses on determining
bursting and splitting stresses resulted from radial joint action and on evaluating required traditional
steel or fiber characteristics to meet ULS requirements. Three distinct calculation methods are
suggested to help the design engineer evaluating and choosing the most effective radial joint shape.
All advantages and disadvantages of such radial joint shapes are well addressed in this paper.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Although curved joints reduce eccentricity segment to be easily guided into its position
and improve articulation, flat joints sustain a during the assembly stage and it functions as a
higher load at failure, assuming the flat joints shear pin. Moreover, the radial flat joint can be
are in full contact (Woods 2003). However with even tightened by means of straight spear or
joint rotation the maximum sustainable load for curved steel bolts, even though the latter has not
flat joints reduces rapidly while rotation has recently been used. A scheme of a typical radial
little impact on the capacity of curved joints. flat joint is shown in Figure 3.
The resulting rotation causes a change in The long-term ground and water loads acting
stress concentration at radial joint reducing the on the segmental lining are transmitted into the
joint contact area at radial flat joint (see Figure segments by means of mainly radial joints and
2). Further a joint rotation would cause the partially circumferential joints (JSCE, 2006;
lips/steps at radial joint resulting in a Osgoui & Pescara, 2014). The distribution of
considerable reduction of the joint contact width such a load on radial flat joint is best described
and also influence the centre line of the stress in Figure 4. To calculate the effective and re-
line. On the contrary, the curved joint is to some assigned contact areas of a radial flat joint, it is
extent independent of effect of rotation on essential that the load eccentricities (M/N) be
reducing contact area. known as given in details in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Distribution of load on radial flat joint and the calculation of initially effective and re-assigned contact width
and length, considering load eccentricity and geometrical relations to be used in determining the effective contact area of
the joint (left: radial direction , right: circumferential direction).
0.8 after joint rotation, considerably reducing
0.6 birdsmouthing.
e critical /h However, the lipping due to effect of rotation
is disregarded for the concave-convex pined
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 e/h [-]
joint. This special kind of joint should carefully
be designed due to very high stress
Figure 5 Probabilistic demonstration of the main
concentration at joint.
drawback of the radial flat joint in terms of reduction of The induced compressive stress of the
bearing capacity with increasing joint eccentricity. concrete, the width of stress contact between
either two convex or concave-convex surfaces
are dependent on only elastic properties of the
3.2 Curved joint concrete and the radii of the curves. They are
This solution, on the contrary, should be applied simply calculated through the theory of
when either the project prescription obligates to elasticity (Timoshenko & Goodier, 1970):
use such a joint shape or the design engineer
acknowledges for such a joint shape, having
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Figure 6. Geometry of curved radial joints, contact length (ac), and stress concentration zone deduced (σcmax).
The performance of radial joint, flat and curved, 4.1.1 Bearing compressive stress due to actions
is best analyzed in terms of compressive bearing of radial flat joint
capacity and bursting/splitting stresses induced The criteria to be respected in this verification is
in segment. Irrespective of shape of the radial based on the fact that the compressive force
joint (flat vs curved), three distinct methods are deduced in segment normal to the radial joint
suggested for the design of the radial joint. axis (Nsd) should be lower than that resistant
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
ULS capacity of the concrete under to flat joint design. However, the latter case is
compression action (Frdu) and ultimate load quite unlikely to happen.
capacity of the concrete (Fmax) (EN 1992-1-
1:2004), point 6.7 reference to punctual loads: 4.1.3 Bursting tensile splitting stresses
In order to calculate the bursting-tensile
N sd £ Frdu £ Fmax (4) splitting stresses resulting from the action of
where radial joint, the theory of the concentrated force,
based on elasticity solution, is used.
N sd = N ´ b ´ g f (5) The analytical methods developed by Iyengar
(1962) and Leonharddt (1977) might
Ac1 alternatively be used to determine the peak
Frdu = AC0 ´ f cd ´ (6) transverse tensile stress and the magnitude of
Ac0 the tensile splitting for concentrated forces
acting on a prismatic member. These methods
Fmax = 3.0 ´ f cd ´ Ac 0 (7) are quite quick and precise and are safely
where N is the normal force acting on radial applied in preliminary and detail design stages.
(longitudinal) joint surface calculated by means Nevertheless, thanks to available 2D and 3D
of either analytical or numerical methods, b is structural software that makes it possible to
the width of the segment, and γf is the load calculate the tensile stresses at radial joints more
factor in accordance with the used codes, Ac0 is precisely but rather time-consuming and often
the effective contact area of the radial joint, Ac1 difficult to define boundary conditions
is the re-distributed surface area below radial correctly. However, the results of mentioned
joint face, and fcd is the long-term design method are found to be relatively comparable.
compressive strength of the concrete (EN 1992- In terms of stress, the bursting tensile
1-1:2004). splitting stress “σy” is suggested to be
determined by means of diagrams developed by
4.1.2 Bearing compressive stress due to actions Iyengar (1962) or Leonharddt (1977). The
of radial curved joint former is presented in Figure 7.
The maximum bearing compressive stress Having been calculated the bursting tensile
“σcmax” for radial curved joint is obtained as splitting force “Z” explicitly by integration of
(Figure 6): stress (Equation 11) or implicitly by Equation
12, the quantity of the required reinforcements
Double-convex R1 ¹ R2 for both circumferential and transversal
directions are simply obtained. In this solution,
æN R +R E ö it is assumed not considering any contribution
s c max = çç ´ 1 2
´ ÷
2 ÷
(8) of the concrete in terms of its tensile splitting
è 2p R1 × R2 1 - n ø strength (fctd) and all tensile splitting capacity
should be withstood through tensile splitting
Concave-convex R1 > R2 capacity of the reinforcements. The bursting
tensile splitting force is obtained as:
æN R -R E ö
s c max = çç ´ 1 2
´ ÷
2 ÷
(9) x=d
è 2p R1 × R2 1 - n ø Z= òs y dx (11)
And the criterion for verification is:
s c max £ 2 f ck (10)
æ l ,b ö
which is considered as the first structural Z = 0.25 N sd çç1 - 0 0 ÷÷ (12)
verification for the curved joint. The Equation è l1 , b1 ø
10 is expressed in terms of maximum stress and
it is similar to Equation 7 stated in terms of where l0 and l1 are the effective contact and re-
maximum force. In case of problem in this distributed lengths of the radial joint on
verification, one should increase the class of circumferential (tangential) direction ,
concrete and/or the segment thickness or switch respectively while b0 and b1 are the effective
contact and redistributed widths of the radial
joint in transversal (radial) direction (Figure 4).
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
where αjoint is the reduction factor for
s0 a
s 0 = sd
eccentricity > 0.05h. The criterion for the
d bd
verification of splitting capacity, therefore, is:
N sd a d
N usc1 £ N sd
sy (16)
a d
= 0.3
If such verification is not satisfied the radial
joint needs to be reinforced by means of
traditional steel rebars. In this case the ultimate
splitting capacity is calculated as (Swartz et al.
N ucs 2 = 4.45 × f ctd × h × b + 4 × Fst (17)
provided by clients. In this case, as long as the lsp is the span length
maximum tensile stress exceeds the b is the specimen width
characteristic tensile strength of the concrete hsp is the distance between the notch tip and the
(fctk,0.05), all the transverse splitting forces must top of the specimen (125mm)
be carried by reinforcement (like calculation
method 1), remaining the maximum allowable
stress of 200MPa.
resistance of concrete against bursting force (in lower dosage. Taking into consideration of
compression) for a curved joint is higher than above-mentioned critical comparison and
that for a flat joint. However, splitting tensile technical-economical requirements of a given
stresses in concrete of radial joints are higher in project, a more practical radial joint feature
curved joints; consequently, a more steel ratio is might be chosen.
needed for the curved radial joint configuration. The key conclusions extracted from this
In practice, curved joint may allow for reduced study as regards the critical comparison between
segmental lining thickness, while flat joints, the curved and flat radial joints types are well
generally, requires a lower steel reinforcement. presented in Table 1 that might be used as a
In contrast to curved joint, the flat joint needs practical guideline in defining joint shape.
lower strength parameter of steel fibre and
Table 1. Design comparison between the curved and flat radial joints shapes.
(longitudinal) Advantages Disadvantages
joint shape
§ Simple design shape
§ Risk of joint rotation and resulting plasticization of
§ Best performance in stiff ground with low pos-
sible of ring rotation using of full contact joint
§ Risk of birdsmouthing due to high possibility of
joint rotation
§ Presence of grove and spring offers a good
§ High degree of joint lipping and reducing segment
guidance for the installation and improve the
gasket performance
possibility of the transferring transverse forces
§ Considerable decrease in joint contact area after
§ Lower rate of splitting reinforcement along ra-
joint rotation and occurring eccentricity
Flat joint dial joint
§ Higher bursting stress due to increasing of
§ Recommend application for the ground that
birdsmouthing and load eccentricities
cause minor joint rotation and consequent mi-
§ Risk of insufficient concrete compressive bearing
nor eccentricities in resulting solicitations in
lining as a consequence of internal forces in
§ More risk of segment damage, particularly at cor-
segmental lining
§ Need for lower dosage of steel fibre and lower
§ Need for higher concrete class in presence of ec-
steel fibre strength class of fR3k / fR1k (fib Model
Code 2010 classification)
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