Physical Organic Chemistry 3

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Chapter 3.

Stability and Reactivity

ˆ Thermodynamic stability: ΔH; feasibility of reactions

‹ stability of hydrocarbons: 256 Table 3.1 & 257 top

ˆ How to estimate ΔH: ΔH < 0, exothermic

‹ bond dissociation energy (BDE) of the reactants & products
 ΔH = ΔHR - ΔHP ≅ ∑BDE(formed) - ∑BDE(broken); 259 top
‹ BDE(product) from electronegativity (χ): L. Pauling; 259
 stabilization energy (SE): 260 Table 3.3
 CH3-X < pri-C-X < sec-C-X < tert-C-X: 261 top
‹ group equivalent methods: ∑ΔH(componet group); 262 top
‹ computational methods: MM4, ab initio & DFT; relavance
‹ no information on solvation effects & rate of reactions
Carey5ed-Chap3 1
™ Chemical Kinetics

ˆ Quantitative relationship of reactivity & structure

‹ rate: detailed insight into the reaction mechanisms

ˆ Transition-state theory: kr(decomp.) ≅ 6-1012/sec

‹ an activated complex going to product at very fast rate
‹A +B TS → C: rate = kr[A][B], kr ∝ ΔG‡; 271 & 272
 solvent effect for ΔS‡: -6.6 cal/mol·oC for solvolysis of t-butyl
chloride; greater ordering of solvent

ˆ Potential energy changes in reactions

‹ reaction energy profiles: TS vs intermediate with time
 one/two/three-step reactions: rate-determining step; 275

Carey5ed-Chap3 2

Carey5ed-Chap3 3
™ Potential Energy Changes in Reactions

ˆ Principle of microscopic reversibility

‹a reaction follows the lower energy pathway: (de)bromination
 thesame pathway in the forward direction will be followed in the
reverse reaction: the lowest energy barrier for either process

ˆ 2/3-D Reaction energy diagrams

‹ 2-D: change in two bonds; 276 bot. & 277 Fig. 3.3
 Albery-More O’Ferrall-Jencks: energy in 3-D: 278 Fig. 3.4
‹ reaction cube: changes in 3 bonds; 279 Fig. 3.6
 more bonding changes: cubes with cubes

ˆ Computation of energy surfaces: ETS = minimum

‹ evaluation of energy as a function of structural changes
Carey5ed-Chap3 4
™ Microscopic Reversibility: Di(de)bromination

H Br H H H
5 5 5 Br
2 Br2 H Br2 3
H H H H H 3 H H
6 6 2 H H
H H Zn, AcOH 6 1 2
H 1
Br H H H Br

5 H 3 6 H H
H Br Br H
1 H 2
6 2 1 3
Br Br

Carey5ed-Chap3 5
™ Kinetics and Mechanisms

ˆ Rate: detailed insight into the reaction mechanisms

ˆ How to determine the reaction mechanism
1. Postulate all the plausible mechanisms
2. Eliminate those mechanisms from the postulated
mechanisms incompatible with the observed kinetics
 steady-state approximation: reactive intermediates; 282
– the rate of consumption ≅ the rate of formation: 283
 base-catalyzed aldol condensation: 284
‹ information only about the RDS & the preceding steps
‹ composition but no structure about the transition state

Carey5ed-Chap3 6
™ Thermodynamic Stability and Rate (I)

ˆ Kinetic vs thermodynamic control: 286 Fig. 3.8

‹ kinetic enolates: bulky strong base, aprotic solvent; 287
 thermodynamic control: equilibration via an enol form

ˆ Correlations between ΔGo and ΔG‡

‹ Are more exothermic reactions faster? ≡ ΔG‡ ∝ ΔGo ?
‹ Hammond’s postulate: 290 Fig. 3.11
 indirect information about the structure of transition states
– two states occurring consecutively with nearly the same
energy closely resembles each other in structure
– resemblance of TS structures to reactants or products
 electrophilic aromatic substitution: bromination; 290-292

Carey5ed-Chap3 7
™ Kinetic vs Thermodynamic Control: Example

O-M+ O O-M+
Me base Me H base Me

thermodynamic kinetic

Carey5ed-Chap3 8
™ Thermodynamic Stability and Rate (II)

ˆ Correlations between ΔGo and ΔG‡

‹ Bell-Evans-Polyani relationship: Ea ∝ ΔH; 288-9
‹ [Home Study] The Marcus Equation: 293-6

ˆ Curtin-Hammett principle: 296 Fig. 3.17

‹ effect of conformational equilibria on a chemical reaction
 “theproduct ratio is not determined by relative stability of the
products (ΔGc) but primarily by the relative energy of the two
TS (ΔΔG‡)”
 ‘the
ratio of conformers (or tautomers) of reactants can not be
deduced from the product ratio’
‹ example: elimination reactions; antiperiplanar conformation

Carey5ed-Chap3 9
™ An Extreme Case

NaH Ph NaH
Ph Ph Ph
Br Ph
0% 100%

Me H
H Ph H Ph

Ph H Me Ph
Br Br

Carey5ed-Chap3 10
™ Linear Free-Energy Relationships (I)

ˆ Hammett equation: rates & equilibria; 336 Fig. 3.25

‹ hydrolysis of ethyl benzoates & acidity of benzoic acids
‹ logk/ko = mlogK/Ko → Δ(ΔG‡) = mΔ(ΔG); 336-7 (3.42-3)
‹ logK/Ko = σρ, logk/ko = σρ : m = ρ ; 337 (3.44-5)
 σ, substituent constant (m- or p-): ability to donate or withdraw
electron density from a reaction site; 339 Table 3.36
 ρ,reaction constant (1 for PhCO2H in water): sensitivity of a
particular reaction to the substituent effects; 340 Table 3.27
‹ saponification of ArCO2Me: ρ = + 2.38; 339 bottom
 (+): EWG substituents facilitate the reaction
 2.38: more sensitive to substituent effects than those of PhCO2H

Carey5ed-Chap3 11
™ Linear Relationship between Rates & Equilibria

Carey5ed-Chap3 12
™ Linear Free-Energy Relationships (II)

ˆ Correlation with the reaction mechanism:

‹ solvolysis rates of ArCH2Cl: ρ = - 1.31; 340 bottom
 (-): EDG substituents facilitate the reaction
 1.31: a bit more sensitive to substituent effects
‹σ from pKa of the substituted benzoic acid: 339 bottom

ˆ σ: combination of 3 factors; 338 Fig. 3.26

‹ resonance effect: π-electron delocalization
‹ inductive effect: polarization through σ bonds; polar effects
‹ field effect: polarization through space; geometry of molecules

Carey5ed-Chap3 13
™ Field Effect: Through-space Electrostatic

H Cl Cl H
H Cl Cl H


pKa = 6.07 pKa = 5.67

Carey5ed-Chap3 14
™ Linear Free-Energy Relationships (III)

ˆ Modifications of the Hammett equation: σm & σp

‹ correction for the additional resonance contribution
 Hammet values: a mixture of resonance and polar effects
 Taft values: direct resonance; σ+ & σ+, 341 top
 Yukawa-Tsuno equation: 341 eqn. 3.48
 dual-substituent-parameter equation: σ = σI + σR, polar effects
(σI) & resonance effect (σR); 341 eqn. 3.49
 addition of electronegativity & polarizability: 342 eqn. 3.50
‹ classification of substituent groups: 343 Scheme 3.5

Carey5ed-Chap3 15
™ Linear Free-Energy Relationships (IV)

ˆ Application to the reaction mechanisms

‹ basic hydrolysis of aryl esters: ρ = +2.38; 339 bottom
 negatively charged intermediate ≅ TS: RDS; 343 bottom
 the more electrophilic carbonyl of the esters due to EWG
‹ solvolysis of diaryl chlorides in EtOH: ρ = -4.2; 340 bot.
 positively charged intermediate ≅ TS: RDS; 344 top

ˆ Nonlinear Hammett plots

‹ change in the mechanism: TS or RDS; 344 bottom
 semicarbazone: ρ = +3.5 for ERGs & ρ = -0.25 for EWGs
‹ aliphatics: additional steric and conformational factors

Carey5ed-Chap3 16
™ Electronic Substituent Effects (I)

ˆ Substituent effects: classification

‹ electronic, steric and structure-specific effects
‹ electronic: resonance & polar effects (inductive & field)
 unrelated resonance and polar effects: 299 Scheme 3.1

ˆ Carbocations: positive empty orbitals; 300 mid.

‹ (+)-charge in a less electronegative p orbital
‹ CH3+ < CH2+ < CH+ < C+: polar & delocalization; 301 bot.
‹ stabilization of conjugated ions: 302-3 Table 3.9 & 3.10
‹ stabilization by substituents: 305 Table 3.12
 better β-stabilization: Si, Sn, Hg; 307 middle

Carey5ed-Chap3 17
™ Electronic Substituent Effects (II)

ˆ Carbanions: negative filled orbitals; 307 bottom

‹ (-)-charge in a more electronegative orbital: sp3 < sp2 < sp
‹ stability of sp3 carbanions: polarizability; 309 Table 3.14
 much smaller substituent effects than those with carbocations
‹ stabilization by substituents: 309 Table 3.15
 delocalization (BH2, CH=CH2, NO2) & polarizability (Cl to SiH3)

ˆ Radicals: half-filled nonbonding orbital; 311 mid.

‹ planar CH3• (p/sp2) & trigonal =CH• (sp2/sp2)
‹ weak β-C-H: disproportionation of radicals; 311 bottom
‹ stability of hydrocarbon C•: BDE of C-H; 258 Table 3.2

Carey5ed-Chap3 18
™ Electronic Substituent Effects (III)

ˆ Radicals (continued)
‹ stabilized by EWGs or ERGs: 318 Table 3.20
 delocalization of unpaired e-: 313 middle & 314 Fig. 3.19
‹ captodative radicals: very weak C-H; 316 Table 3.18

ˆ Addition to carbonyls: reactivity; 319 middle

‹ reinforcing polar and resonance effects: 319 bottom
- < HN- < O- < H N < RO < F

‹ charge density & bond orders: 321 Fig. 3.20

‹ addition and elimination mechanism: 331 Scheme 3.3

Carey5ed-Chap3 19
™ Kinetic Isotope Effect
ˆ Replacement by an isotope: D(T) vs H; 332 Fig. 3.24
‹ no effect on chemical reactivity but some effects on rate
‹ primary kinetic isotope effect: BEC-D > BEC-H at RDS (> 2)
 maximum effect: H equally bound to at the TS; kH/kD ≅ 7
 minimum effect: very reactant- or product-like TS; kH/kD ≅ 1
‹ information on a reaction mechanism: 334 Scheme 3.4
 position of the TS: high kH/kD → close to the midpoint along the
reaction pathway
‹ secondary kinetic isotope effect: 334 Scheme 3.4
 when the C-H bond is not directly involved in the reaction
 α:kH/kD > 1: normal (sp3 → sp2: C-H loosening); kH/kD < 1: inverse
(sp2 → sp3: C-H tightening); β: 334 bottom (normal)

Carey5ed-Chap3 20
™ Catalysis by Acids & Bases (I)

ˆ Catalysts: not affect the equilibrium but the rate

‹ when the conjugate acid/base is more reactive: 345 bottom

ˆ Quantitative kinetic study

‹ specific acid catalysis: depends on equilibrium of protonation
of the reactant; independent of conc. & identity of acid
 formation of hemiacetal of benzaldehyde in MeOH: 347 top;
rate = k [H+][PhCHO][MeOH]
‹ general acid catalysis: depends on conc. & the nature of acid
 RDS: H+ transfer; 348 Fig. 3.27 (Brönsted catalysis law)
‹ solvent isotope effect: D2O vs H2O (acidity: D3O+ > H3O+)
 inverse kinetic isotope effect: specific acid catalysis
 normal kinetic isotope effect: general acid catalysis
Carey5ed-Chap3 21
™ Catalysis by Acids & Bases (II)

ˆ Acidity functions (Ho): 350 Table 3.28

‹ ‘pH’ of very concentrated acidic solutions: relative H+ activity

ˆ Lewis acids: Li+, Zn2+, BF3, La(OR)3

‹ formation of a donor-acceptor complex: 355
 structure: EtO-CO-CH(Me)-O-CO-CH=CH2 & TiCl4; 355 bottom
 donors become more electronegative: carbonyl – more reactive to
Nu, ether/sulfide – better leaving group, hydroxyl – more acidic
‹ strength of complexation: the HSAB principle
 the better matched, the stronger: 356 Scheme 4.3
‹ relative acidity: steric & stereoelectronic; 356 Table 3.29

Carey5ed-Chap3 22
™ The Hard-Soft Acid-Base Principle: an example

- -

Carey5ed-Chap3 23
™ Solvent Effects

ˆ Classification of solvents: 360 Table 3.33

‹ polar vs nonpolar; protic vs aprotic

ˆ Ionization power: Y values; 362 Table 3.34

‹ polarity & structure: ionization of t-BuCl; 361 Fig. 3.33

ˆ Effect on the charged TS: 360 Scheme 3.7 & Fig. 4.12
‹ polar & protic: effective for the larger charge separation
‹ nonpolar & aprotic: effective for the less charge separation

ˆ Effect on the nucleophilicity of anions

‹ reactivity: more reactive in aprotic solvents
‹ solubility: loose ion pair; crown ethers

Carey5ed-Chap3 24

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