Nicolas Buttarelli CV
Nicolas Buttarelli CV
Nicolas Buttarelli CV
Nicolás B.
Full Stack Developer
Nicolás completed his Computer Science degree at Buenos Aires University in 2008, and later a Master’s degree at the Vrije
University in Brussels. Since then he has been working in different companies and projects as a software engineer and software
developer in technologies such as Java, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Nicolás is an avid learner and likes to be in
touch with the latest technologies. He is also interested in brewing his own beer.
● Python (Django, Flask) ● CodeIgniter 2.2
● PHP ● PostgresQL
● Ruby on Rails ● Spring
● HTML 5/ CSS 3 ● OracleDB
● JavaScript ● JBoss
● C / C++ ● .NET Framework 3.5
Work Experience
2020 ~ Current Zarego
Senior Full Stack Developer
Started working at Zarego as a Lead Senior developer on projects that use tools such as Python, PHP,
Docker, AWS that have to do with implementing applications that connect whatsApp server to a
customer server. Also giving support in backends written in Python
Riverbed Technology
2015 ~ 2019 Sr. Software Developer
Powerstrip & Java Migration
PHP application that manages the workflow to create, follow and modify orders of Riverbed products.
Migration of core functionality of Powerstrip in order to expose the functionality to newer systems.
2015 ~ 2018 Lyncros
Freelance Technical Consultant and Sr Developer
As a Technical Consultant I have researched and used different frameworks using languages such as
Javascript, Ruby on Rails and PHP. I have also worked with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube APIs as they
are the key in some of the company projects. As a Sr. Developer, besides helping in some e-learning
web apps of Mc Graw Hill, I have developed mainly two web projects: Coolrepublica and The Real
World of Math.
● The Real World of Math -
This is an e-learning app to teach mathematics to thousands of students. It has an environment that
allow teachers to create their courses by developing modules. Each module contains videos, exercises
and guided solutions. After a student takes a module he gets a grade according to his performance
allowing him to continue the course or start again the same module.
This is a web app developed in PHP 5.3 using the MVC framework Codeigniter 2.2. All the app layout is
responsive developed in HTML 5 and using CSS 3. As it is a completely dynamic environment, most of
the students' interactions with the app while they are taking a course is done by using only jQuery 2
and its plugins.
● Coolrepública -
This is a marketing application which allows brand's ambassadors to enhance marketing campaigns
using twitter (and youtube coming soon). This app interacts with the superadmin (owner), marketing
companies (campaigns creators), brands (clients) and ambassadors (twitter and youtube users).
Ambassadors are invited to participate of a brand campaign by posting tweets created by the
marketing companies. At the end of the campaign, ambassadors get paid depending in their tweet
amplifications which are calculated based in twitter statistics.
The app is being developed in PHP 5.5 using Codeigniter 3. All the ambassadors and clients views are
responsive using HTML 5 and CSS3.
● Research and prototype implementation of Club Huggies web site using the Javascript MVC
Framework Angular.js.
2013-2016 Avatar
Freelance Consultant and Developer
I worked mainly for Banco Ciudad project developing tools for their CRM and Institutional Site.
2006-2009 Hexacta
Project Leader, Senior developer, Researcher
- GCBA (Oct 2008 – May 2009)
Project Leader and Software Developer for a CRM application for the Government of the City of Buenos
Aires. Technologies: Javascript, Java, J2EE, Spring, Oracle DB, JBoss.
- Daptiv
Daptiv (formerly eProject) is a software company that sells a Project and Portfolio Management
Solution. Team lead for the Notifications Team, which reengineered the whole notifications module of
the application. Techologies: .NET Framework 3.5, C#, Visual Studio 2005 and 2008, SQL Server.
- Banco Galicia, Argentina, Sales Point Project
Development of web application to sell credit cards at Shopping Centers. Implements the complete
sales cycle. Technology: .NET 2.0, C#, XML, SQL Server, Javascript, WebServices.
- Shell Downstream One Functions Budgeting System
Web application used by Shell’s Management to calculate its annual HR budget. Technologies used:
ASP.NET 1.1, C#, SQL Server 2005.
● Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ingeniería en sistemas· (2001 - 2008)
● Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Master’s degree, Computer Science (2009 - 2010)
● Centro de Cata de Cerveza (2011 - 2012)
Brewing process, brewing styles and bear tasting