Double Cross - Infinity Code
Double Cross - Infinity Code
Double Cross - Infinity Code
Double Cross
This is Infinity Code, the latest supplement for the Other than its copy powers, Ouroboros has several
Double Cross Roleplaying Game. This book introduces anti-Overed Powers. By taking or dealing damage to an
several new mechanics, as well as adding new abilities Overed, you will be able to gain various bonuses.
and items. Some of this new data are additions for
mechanics from other supplements, but a quick -New Sample Characters
overview of those mechanics will be given at the Five new sample characters have been created using
appropriate sections. the new Ouroboros Syndrome.
-New Syndrome: Ouroboros Like Trait Loises, the Unique Item mechanic was
This supplement introduces Ouroboros, the Syndrome introduced in the Advanced Rulebook supplement. In
of infinite evolution. This Syndrome can copy Powers exchange for experience points, players can buy
from other Syndromes, giving it an extremely wide various weapons, armor and other helpful items.
range of abilities to choose from.
-New Items
The selection of regular Items has also been expanded.
The Sample Characters
The new sample characters have been created using the new Consultor Minor’s strategy is to use the Guiding Thunder
Ouroboros Syndrome. Use them for Quick Start games or as combo on her allies. Add Healing Water to the combo if a
references for creating your own characters. character needs HP. Use Flood of Colors if you want to buff or
heal multiple allies.
• Infinite Destroyer
The Infinite Destroyer is the typical Chimaera Overed that • Mirage Prisoner
relies on Melee attacks. Nearly all of its Powers come from Mirage Prisoner is a <RC> attack character. He is built with a
the Chimaera Syndrome. Trait Loises that’s introduced in this book. This Trait Lois
allows a player to select a Power from another Syndrome.
The beginning strategy of this character is to attack with the
Infinity Breaker combo. When damage is dealt, use Mirage Prisoner’s preset combo requires an Encroachment
Consumed Sacrifice to gain an Attack Power bonus that lasts Rate of 80%, although you should have at least 80% by the
for the remainder of the Scene. time you get to the boss battle. If you need to use the combo
earlier, simply removing Cross Burst from the combo and
• Phantom Mirror reducing Attack Power by the appropriate amount.
Phantom Mirror is the new Ranged character. Like the Infinite
Destroyer it draws mostly on other Syndromes for its Powers. Flood of Colors can be mixed into the combo to make the
attack [Area: Select]. However, this Power can only be used
When you are using Phantom Mirror, use Acceleration (LV) times.
Mechanism during the Initiative Process. This increases your
[Initiative], which allows you to take your turn earlier. • Dark Avatar
The Dark Avatar is a Purebreed Ouroboros. Like Mirage Pris-
When your turn does come, use Hundred Guns as your Minor oner, he is also a <RC> character.
Action, then attack using the Bullet Storm combo. When
attacking, you have the option of using Gigantic Mode, but With the way this character is set up, you want to start your
this Power will destroy every weapon that you have equipped. turn by using Origin: Legend. This gives you a score bonus
for all [Mind] checks. This bonus applies to your main attack,
• Consultor Minor the Shadow Viper Combo.
Consultor Minor is a support Tri-Breed. Its Power set shows
the appeal of the Ouroboros. As you can see from its Power Shadow Viper as it is only deals damage and a penalty to a
list, Consultor Minor draws on four different Syndromes. single target. You can mix Flood of Colors into this combo,
allowing you to attack any number of characters in a single
You remember the moment when your arm became part
of the darkness. You don’t understand what happened,
but you clearly remember a shadowy person grabbing
your arm, and the darkness that spread from that touch.
But you haven’t quite given up. If your black arm can
steal things, then it can also take things back. You will
get back what you lost. Every last bit, with no exception.
Name Breed Syndrome
Syndrom Sub-Syndrome Cover High Schooler
Infinite Destroyer Cross Chimaera Ouroboros Work High Schooler
7 Sense
2 Mind
2 Social
Melee 4 Ranged RC 2 Negotiation
Dodge 1 Perception 1 Will 1 Procure
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info: Rumors 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info:
Relation Name Effect
T-Lois Successor: <Melee> +3D10 score bonus for <Melee> checks. Pay 5HP. 1x per Scenario. (Advanced 14)
No Name Lv Timing Skill DFCLTY
DFCL Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes
1 Concentrate:Ouroboros 2 Major Syndrome
Syndrom - - - 2 - Crit. Value
lue - (LV)
(L (Lowest 7). Core 219
2 Reaming Claw 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 3 - Changes stats of Fists. Core 144
3 Hunting Style 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 1 - Move. (L(LV)x per Scene. Core 140
4 Primordial Red: Penetrate 1 Minor <Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 4 - Ignore [Armor]. Dice - 1. Core 171
5 Consumed Sacrifice 3 Auto - Auto Self Close 1 - +Atk when attacked. 1x per Scene. Pg. 5
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNGG SStock Notes
Fists Melee <Melee> 0 Lv+8 1 Close - After Applying Reaming Claw.
Total 0 Lv+8 1 0
Item Type Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Notes
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill Stock Notes
Rumor Mongering Friend Connection <Info:Rumors> 1 Dice + 2 for <Info:Rumors> Check. Core 242
Total 1
Name Condition Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY
DFCL Target RNG Encroach
1+4 Major <Melee> Opposed Single Close 6
Infinity Breaker Under
Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
6 (+Encroach Bonus) 8 9 (18) Ignore [Armor]. Use after applying Reaming Claw. (x)=Penetrate’s bonus.
2 Sense
7 Mind
2 Social
Melee Ranged 4 RC 1 Negotiation
Dodge 1 Perception Will 2 Procure 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info: UGN 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info:
Relation Name Effect
T-Lois Alchemist +5 Atk. Power +2 Encroach to Hundred Guns. Modifiers already applied. Advanced 31.
No Name Lv Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes
1 Concentrate:Ouroboros 2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Crit. Value - (LV) (Lowest 7). Core 219
<Melee>/ Area Modify to Area (Select).Lose weapon
2 Gigantic Mode 1 Major <Ranged> Opposed (Select) Weapon 3 - once attack is done. Core 170
3 Hundred Guns 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 5 - Create <Ranged> weapon. Core 172
Primordial Red:
4 Miniscule Dust 3 Major <Ranged> Opposed - Weapon 3 - +[LV x 2] Atk. Power. Core 99
Primordial Yellow:
Acceleration Mechanism 1 Setup Auto - Self Close 1 - + [LV x 4] Initiative. Core 119
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNG Stock Notes
Hundred Guns Ranged <Ranged> 0 Lv+9 - 30M - Core 172
Total 0 Lv+9 - 0
Item Type Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Notes
Reinforced Clothing Armor - - 1 1 Core 236
Total - - 1 1
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill
Stock Notes
UGN Leadership Connection <Info: UGN> 1 Dice + 2 for <Info:UGN> Check. Core 242
Total 1
Name Condition Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
1+4 Major <Ranged> Opposed Single 30M 5
Bullet Storm Under
Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
7 (+Encroach Bonus) 8 + 16 Use after creating a weapon with Hundred Guns.
3 Sense
2 Mind
3 Social
Melee Ranged RC 1 Negotiation 1
Dodge Perception Will 2 Procure 3
Ride: Art: Knowl: Renegade 2 Info: UGN 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info: Internet 2
Relation Name Effect
T-Lois Leadership Preceding check gains +5 dice and -1 Crit. Value (Lowest 5). Advanced 19
No Name Lv Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes
1 Concentrate:Ouroboros 2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Crit. Value - (LV) (Lowest 7). Core 219
2 Liberating Lightning 2 Major <RC> Auto Single View 4 - Check -1 Crit, + [LV x 2] Atk. Core 119
Primordial Red: <RC>/
3 Guiding Flower 2 Major <Negotiation> Auto Single View 3 - + [LV x 2] Score. Core 191
5 Healing Water 1 Major <RC> Auto - View 2 - Heal (LV) D + 3 HP. Core 213
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNG Stock Notes
Fists Melee <Melee> 0 -5 0 Close - Core 230
Total 0 -5 0 0
Item Type Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Notes
Reinforced Clothing Armor - - 1 1 Core 236
Total - - 1 1
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill Stock Notes
Data Collection Team Connection <Info: __> 2 +2 Score for checks against preselected Skill. 3x per Scenario. Core 242
Total 2
Name Condition Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
2+3 Major <RC> Auto Single View 7
Guiding Thunder Under
Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
0 (+Encroach Bonus) - - Target gains - 1 Crit. Value, + 4 Score, and + 4 Atk. Power.
3 Sense
1 Mind
7 Social
Melee Ranged RC 4 Negotiation
Dodge Perception 1 Will 1 Procure 1
Ride: Art: Knowl:Renegade 2 Info: FH 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info: Underworld 2
Relation Name Effect
T-Lois Shadow Buddy Gain Beast Blast at +1 Encroach Cost. Modifier applied below. Page 30
No Name Lv Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes
1 Concentrate:Ouroboros 2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Crit. Value - (LV) (Lowest 7). Core 219
2 Flaming Bullet 1 Major <RC> Opposed - View 1 - Atk. Pwr [LV + 2]. Core 201
3 Cross Burst 3 Major Syndrome - - - 4 80% + [LV x 4] Atk Pwr, -2 Dice.Core 205
Primordial Red:
Oscillating Sphere 1 Major <RC> Opposed - View 4 - Atk. Pwr [LV]. Ignore Armor. Core 163
5 Flood of Colors 1 Major Syndrome - (Select) - 2 - Mod. to Area (Select). Pg 6
6 Beast Blast 1 Major <RC> Opposed - View 3 - Refer to Combo. 1x per Round Pg17
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNG Stock Notes
Fists Melee <Melee> 0 -5 0 Close - Core 230
Total 0 -5 0 0
Item Type Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Notes
Reinforced Clothing Armor - - 1 1 Core 236
Total - - 1 1
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill Stock Notes
Informant Connection Underworld> 1 + 2 Dice for <Info: Underworld> checks. Core 242
Total 1
Name Condition Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
1+2+3+4+6 Major <RC> Opposed Single View 14
Shadow Hellhound Under
Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
6 (+Encroach Bonus) 8 + 21 Requires min.80% Rate. Ignore [Armor].1x per Round.
Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
Over 1+2+3+4+6 Major <RC> Opposed Single View 14
100% Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
7 (+Encroach Bonus) 7 + 27 Ignore [Armor]. 1x per Round.
The world around you is bustling. You open
your eyes and you see these little people,
these “Overeds.” They’re fighting, playing,
and doing all these little things.
2 Sense
2 Mind
7 Social
Melee Ranged RC 4 Negotiation 1
Dodge Perception 1 Will 2 Procure
Ride: Art: Knowl: Renegade 2 Info: UGN 1
Ride: Art: Knowl: Info:
Relation Name Effect
T-Lois Full-Blooded +1 Lvl, +2 Max Lvl to Primordial Red: Crown of Thorns (Modifer already applied). Advanced 21
No Name Lv Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach Restrict Notes
1 Concentrate:Ouroboros 2 Major Syndrome - - - 2 - Crit. Value - (LV) (Lowest 7). Core 219
2 Starving Shadow 1 Major <RC> Opposed - View 1 - Atk. Pwr [LV + 2] projectile. Pg 5
3 Primordial Red:
Crown of Thorns 4 Major <RC> Opposed - View 3 - -(LV) dice during Round Core 212
4 Flood of Colors 1 Major Syndrome - (Select) - 2 - Mod. to Area (Select). Pg 6
6 Humanity’s Neighbor 1 Constant - Auto Self Close - RB +(LV) dice to Impulse checks Core 224
7 Origin: Legend 1 Minor - Auto Self Close 2 RB +[LV x 2] [Mind] check score. Core 224
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNG Stock Notes
Fists Melee <Melee> 0 -5 0 Close - Core 172
Total 0 -5 0 0
Item Type Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Notes
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill Stock Notes
UGN Leadership Connection <Info: UGN> 1 Dice + 2 for <Info:UGN> Check. Core 242
Total 1
Name Condition Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
1+2+3 Major <RC> Opposed Single View 6
Shadow Viper Under
Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
7 (+Encroach Bonus) 8 3 -4 Dice. Penalty lasts for the Round.
Combination Timing Skill DFCLTY Target RNG Encroach
Over 1+2+3 Major <RC> Opposed Single View 6
100% Dice Critical Atk. Power Notes
7 (+Encroach Bonus) 7 4 -4 Dice. Penalty lasts for the Round.
Double Cross
Double Cross
Table of Contents
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
No, that’s ridiculous... The Ouroboros shadow is not a true shadow. The most
supported theory about the Ouroboros shadow is that it is a
-A crazed scientist who witnessed the power of Ouroboros. flattened bodily extension that is being used by the Ouro-
boros strain as an outside vehicle. The discovery of Avatars,
The Alpha or the Omega? shadows that are semi-independent from its hosts, gives
Ouroboros is the latest addition to the Syndrome weight to this theory.
categorization system. Overeds with this Syndrome have
the ability to steal Renegade strains from other Overeds and Ouroboros Syndrome Character
make their abilities their own.
Creation Stats
Its ability to copy abilities is the reason why Ouroboros has Syndrome Body Sense Mind Social Description
gone unnoticed for so long, and is now a major point of A Syndrome that
debate. For the past six months, academic circles arguing eats Renegade
whether Ouroboros represents the ultimate evolution of the strains. It can
Renegade, or if it is the virus’ original strain. The split comes Ouroboros 1 1 2 0 copy the
with how people view the Ouroboros’ ability to copy abilities. Powers of others
and manipulate
One side argues that the copy ability is an evolutionary the shadows.
adaptation. In this conjecture, Ouroboros strains increase
their chances of survival by consuming other strains and Recommended Powers
taking possession of their power. The following are a few recommendations on what Powers to
acquire from the Ouroboros Syndrome. These are only
The opposing side argues that Ouroboros is a sort of “stem” recommendations, not requirements. Powers that are not
strain that has not developed into one of the twelve original listed are just as viable as the ones you see below.
Syndromes. They believe that the Ouroboros strain simply
mutate itself into a copy of whatever Power or strain it was General
exposed to. «Primordial__» - There is no reason why you should not copy
Powers. Some of Ouroboros’ Powers require that they be
Much like the serpant that this Syndrome is named after, the used with a copied Power.
debate over the mechanics of copying will likely continue until
more research has been completed. If you’re playing offensive, consider using «Primordial Red» to
copy an [Armor] negating Power. If you’re defensive, consider
«Primordial Blue».
Ouroboros is a very new Syndrome, only revealed six months
«Flood of Colors» - This Power changes combined Powers to
ago by Professor Caudwell as part of Project Infinity Code.
[Area (select)]. The only drawback is that this Power must be
Although still shrouded in mystery, Ouroboros has shown
used with a copied Power.
three unique characteristics.
Self-Evolution Offense
«Consumed Sacrifice» - By damaging an Overed, you gain
Ouroboros can strengthen itself using the strains it stole from
an Attack Power bonus towards your Ouroboros Powers. This
others. Much like how the introduction of a new predator will
bonus also lasts an entire Scene.
affect the evolution of a species, introducing foreign strains
will force preexisting strains to adapt and develop new
«Starving Shadow», «Ravaging Jaws» - If you’re running a
<RC> attack character, these will be your base attacks. Take
«Starving Shadow» if you want damage. «Ravaging Jaws»
Power Copying and other Powers like it are meant for debuff attacks.
Ouroboros can copy the abilities of other Overeds. Various
instances have shown that Ouroboros Overeds can copy any
ability, such as Chimaera mutations or Salamandra’s control
«Entropic Shadow» - A quick way to reduce damage for
over fire.
multiple allies. The drawback is that the damage must
originate from a Power.
The Ouroboros strain responds to whatever outside power it
is exposed to and makes it part of itself. Coupled with the
«Mystic Mirror» - If you’re playing a <RC> character and
ability to self-evolve, a copied Power can eventually surpass
don’t have any points devoted to [Body], use this Power so
the original in strength.
that you can roll <RC> for your Dodge checks.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
• List of Copy Powers The reverse situation has the same limitations. A player
«Shadow Armory» cannot copy a Power he already owns. So if a player already
«Primordial Blue» bought «The Lord’s Right Arm» for his Angel Halo Syndrome,
«Primordial Red» then he cannot use «Primordial Red» to get «The Lord’s Right
«Primordial Yellow» Arm» again.
«Primordial Green»
«Primordial Purple» • Leveling Copied Powers
«Primordial White» Like with any Powers, copied Powers are leveled using
«Primordial Black» experience points. There is no change in cost.
«Primordial Void»
«Fake Simple Power» • Max Level of Copied Powers
The Max Level of a copied Power is determined by what kind
• Acquiring Copy Powers of Ouroboros Breed the character is.
When acquiring one of the above Copy Powers, clearly record
the copied Power in the following manner: «Primordial Red: If a Power normally has a Max Level of 3, then an Ouroboros
Beast’s Strength». Purebreed can level that Power to 5. A Crossbreed can level
the Power to 3, and a Tri-Breed can only go up to 2. It does
A character cannot acquire two instances of a single Copy not matter if a character has the original Syndrome or not.
Power, even if he intends to copy two different Powers. A
character cannot have «Primordial Red: Beast’s Strength» • Working Around Sub-Syndrome Restrictions
and «Primordial Red: Dancing Hair» at the same time. This As previously mentioned, copied Powers are treated as
restriction is only lifted if a character has «Endless Helix», Ouroboros Powers. This ruling can be used to a player’s
and even then only partially. advantage is so desired. For example, a Tri-Breed character
with Angel Halo as a Sub-Syndrome can use «Primordial
• Using Copied Powers White» to acquire «Robe of Light», a Power that would
Copied Powers will be considered Ouroboros Powers rather normally be unavailable to him.
then Powers of their original Syndrome. This ruling may
confuse players, as it changes how some Powers work. • Defining Powers with Limited Number of Uses
Many of the Copy Powers apply modifiers if a Power with a
«Primordial Red: The Lord’s Right Arm» shall be used as an limited number of uses is being acquired. Any Power that has
example of how a Power’s working may change. Normally, “Can only be used x times per...” in its effect description is
«The Lord’s Right Arm» must be combined with an Angel considered to have a limited number of uses.
Halo Power, as it is a [Skill: Syndrome] Power. However,
because this version was copied using «Primordial Red», it • When a Power Cannot be Copied
must be combined with an Ouroboros Power. Using an Angel Copy Powers like «Primordial Red» require that only Powers
Halo Power will not satisfy the Skill requirement of the copied with a single timing are copied. Powers with multiple
version. Timings (e.g. Major/Reaction) cannot be copied by these
Powers. Thus, «Primordial Red» and «Primordial Green» can
Powers that specifically name a Syndrome in its effect never copy Neumann’s «Combat System».
description will not be affected by the above ruling. So even if
«The Lord’s Blessing» was acquired via «Primordial Blue», the However, Powers like «Primordial White» can be used to copy
Power will still only give a bonus to checks that use an Angel «Combat System», as they do not require Powers to be of a
Halo Power. certain Timing.
Players Section
Ouroboros absorbs other Max LV: 5 Timing: Major Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto
Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Renegade strains and uses Target: Single RNG: Close Target: Single RNG: View
them to strengthen itself. With Encroach: 2 Restrict: - Encroach: 3 Restrict: -
this Syndrome, Overeds can Force a Renegade strain to Draw an attack towards yourself.
copy abilities, negate attacks, supplement the body’s natural Timing: Use right after a [Target:
or supplement their own healing ability. Single] attack’s accuracy check.
powers. Another ability unique Heal: Target recovers HP equal to Effect: Preceeding attack now
to Ouroboros is the power to [(LV)D + (Target’s Encroachment targets you. You receive the Bad
control shadows. With these Rate divided by 10)]. Status Pressure.
abilities, this Syndrome
Round down when dividing the You must be a valid target for the
possesses infinite potential.
Encroachment Rate. attack (e.g. Not out of range, etc.) in
order for this Power to take effect.
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.
Refer to page 4 for more on Copy This Power may only be used once per Refer to page 4 for more on Copy
Powers. Scene. Powers.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
This Power may only be used once Refer to page 4 for more on Copy This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scene. Powers. per Scenario.
Players Section
Effect: If any Ouroboros Power (e.g. Effect: Acquire a second copy of Timing: Use in conjunction with a
«Primordial Void») increases your your selected «Primordial» Power. Power that was copied via a
Base Encroachment Rate, reduce «Primordial __» Power.
that increase by - (LV). An increase This Power cannot receive the Boost: +2 level bonus for the target
cannot be reduced below zero. Encroachment Rate level bonus. Power. The Power exceed its max
level, but it cannot gain extra uses.
This Power cannot receive the When acquiring this Power,
Encroachment Rate level bonus. permanently increase your Base This Power may be used (LV) times
Encroachment Rate by +3. per Scenario.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
Angel Halo
The following Angel Halo Powers utilize
light to mislead and distract.
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
These new Balor Powers largely revolve
around disabling opponents rather than
brute force.
Double Cross
Players Section
Black Dog
The new Black Dog Powers introduce stat
enhancements, as well as ways to get
extra movements or action.
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Bram Stoker
Bram Stoker Overeds receive numerous
new options for blood attacks and
Double Cross
When you use this Power, select Timing: Use in conjunction with Effect: Sacrifice one Servant.
one of your Servants. «Cross Attack» (Core pg 132). For the duration of the current
Scene, one of your Servants
Effect: [Range: Close] attacks that Boost: + [LV x 4] Attack Power receives a + [LV x 5] HP (add to
use this Power can target bonus for attacks that use this both current and Max HP) and a
characters that are in your Power. + 5 dice towards all checks.
Servant’s Engagement rather than
your own. This Power may not be
combined with other Powers.
Players Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
For the first time, Chimaera Overeds
receive Powers that utilize the <RC> Skill.
Double Cross
This Power may only be used once When this Power is used, you
per Round. receive the Bad Status Berserk.
This Power may be used (LV) times This Power may be used (LV) times This Power may only be used once
per Scene. per Scenario. per Scenario.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Exile Overeds will have now access to
a wider range of tactics thanks to these
new support and <RC> Powers.
Double Cross
Players Section
Most of Hanuman’s new Powers are
support abilities, but this set does include
powerful situational attacks.
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
This new set of Powers mostly consists of
<RC> attacks and support abilities.
Double Cross
Max LV: 5 Timing: Major Max LV: 5 Timing: Major Max LV: 5 Timing: Constant
Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Target: Single RNG: View Target: - RNG: View Target: Self RNG: Close
Encroach: 2 Restrict: - Encroach: 2 Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
Use a sand construct to pry open Give an ally a piece of armor made Make your weapons lightweight.
an enemy’s defenses. from solidified sand.
Base Attack: Perform a <RC> Effect: Select (LV) number of
projectile attack. Boost: The Target gains a [LV x 2] Stocked weapons you own. The
Armor stat bonus that lasts for the selected weapons can be wielded
Attack Effect: If this Power hits, remainder of the Scene. in one hand, even if their
then for the remainder of the description says otherwise.
Scene the Target will get a Example weapon: Two-Handed
- [LV x 3] [Guard] penalty Sword, (Core 230).
whenever he Guards. [Guard]
cannot be lowered past zero. When you acquire this Power,
The Target can remove this permanently increase your Base
penalty by using a Minor Action. Encroachment Rate by +2.
Players Section
Neumann Overeds can now fight with
their words. Even if they don’t speak the
enemy’s language, Overeds can still use
gestures and facial expressions.
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Orcus Overeds can acheive various
effects by expanding, shrinking, or
warping the space within their Domain.
Double Cross
Players Section
These new Salamandra Powers
concentrate more on support and healing
abilities rather than damage.
Double Cross
You must have «Blizzard’s Timing: Use before Guarding. Boost: Target(s) gain a + [LV x 4]
Protection» (Core 204) before Attack Power bonus that lasts for
acquiring this Power. Effect: You can now Guard against the remainder of the Round.
normally unavoidable attacks,
Timing: Use in combination with such as Powers that have “cannot This Power may only be used once
«Blizzard’s Protection» React” or “cannot Guard” in its per Scenario and cannot be com-
description. bined with other Powers.
Modify: «Blizzard’s Protection»
becomes [Target: Area (Select)]. This Power may only be used once
per Scenario.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
This new set of Solaris Powers increases
the Syndrome’s repertoire of status
effects and gives it some new <RC>
Double Cross
Players Section
Any Overed can acquire and use these
following Powers regardless of his Breed
and Syndrome.
Double Cross
This Power may be used (LV) times You will lose 10HP once your extra
per Scenario. turn is completed. This Power may
only be used once per Scenario.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Effect: You look completely Effect: You can leave a special Timing: Use when someone
different after you became an mark at your current location or checks to see if you are an Overed.
Overed. on a nearby object. This mark
indicates that an Overed was in Effect: You will cover up the
When you meet with people who the area.Non-Overeds cannot see biological signs that are unique to
only know the old you, the GM this mark. Overeds.
may ask that they perform a If needed, perform an Opposed
<Perception> check before they Work with the GM when deciding check using <Perception>, in
recognize you. what this special mark looks like. which case you will receive a + (LV)
bonus to your score.
Players Section
Trait Loises
Double Cross
Trait Loises (T-Lois for short) are a mechanic that was • Restrictions
introduced in the Advanced Rulebook. For those without this A Trait Lois can never be discarded, unless the GM sets up a
supplement, we will give a general overview of the mechanic, role-play explanation for its removal.
allowing you to utilize this part of the supplement.
Trait Loises cannot be turned into Tituses, and thus cannot
• What is a Trait Lois? be used to gain any bonuses.
A Trait Lois is a special Lois that represents a character’s
unique characteristic or history. All Trait Loises grant a When calculating dice during Backtracking, Trait Loises
character special bonuses or skills, but increases the chance cannot be counted, as they are not acutal Loises but
of character loss. representations of a character’s personal nature. That means
a player has fewerer potential dice he can roll to lower the
• Acquiring a Trait Lois Encroachment Rate.
During Character Creation, select a Trait Lois and record it
on the character’s Lois List. That Trait Lois will permenantly Certain Trait Loises require that a character has a certain
occupy that space. This means that a character will only Work or Syndrome. If a character does not met the
have enough space for six regular Loises instead of the usual requirements, he cannot acquire that particular Trait Lois.
seven. It is recommended that a character only has one Trait
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
No. 58 Demi-Crystal
You failed. body. You won’t stand a chance Crystal, but lost most of its power?
against a true Crystal, but you still
You overcame so many hardships, have something to prove. It is time to Effects
devoted so much time. You lost friends take the fight to the arrogant The Demi-Crystal increases the effects
and gave up love. You sacrificed so Renegade Crystal holders and show of Powers, but puts a heavy strain on
much, and all you have to show for it them what the weak can actually do! your body.
is a useless piece of junk.
Description Timing: Use this ability before
You aimed to create the Philosopher’s You are in the possession of a Demi- performing a check with a Power.
Stone, but ended up with Fool’s Gold. Crystal, a man-made Renegade Crys- Increase the level of each Power being
An inferior and poorly-made fake. The tal. However, no organization has been used by + 1. You lose (2D10) HP once
glory of the illusive Renegade Crystal able to create a crystal that matches your turn is completed.
continues to stay out of your reach. the power of a true Renegade Crystal.
Now you have to figure out what to The above level bonus will not
do with this rock. It may be a piece of These fakes are much weaker and are increase the number of uses a Power
garbage, but it’s all you have left. sometimes referred to as Fool’s Gold. has. This ability may only be used
What you have is a poor imitation, once per Scenario.
The blood of your friends, the warmth garbage that is discarded if the
of your lover, your tears, and your life scientist had any sense of mind. The If a character with this T-Lois dies, his
were all put into this rock. Your mind question now is why you possess it. body is reduced to ash, leaving behind
is spinning around in a cycle of hope a burnt-out Demi-Crystal. The GM may
and despair, contemplating if you Did a scientist entrust you with the add extra story background or data to
really want to use this rock. failed result of his arduous facilitate the aftermath of this
experiments? Was it something you occurrence.
After much though, you steel your created after much sacrifice? Or
nerves and fuse the fake with your perhaps it was once a true Renegade
Do you have someone you love? I do. Description this T-Lois’ effects. If needed, you may
Listen to what I have to say. I have to You have strong feelings for a certain make this choice during a Scenario
get this out now. someone, stronger than what most instead of before. Once selected, you
people would ever feel for another may not change your selection until
Look, the two of us fought together person. These may be positive feelings the next Scenario.
for a very long time. We never really like love and loyalty, or they may be
talk, but we didn’t need to. There was negative like anger and hate. Declare this ability right before you
a sort of…understanding between us. calculate damage output for your
The recipient of these feelings is your attack. You may ignore your target’s
The heart is a mysterious wonder, you Special One, a person who occupies a Armor and Guard stat, and another
know? Every time I think about that unique place in your heart. character may not Cover for your
special someone, I feel this power target. This ability may only be used
come out of me, and it’s powerful. A Lois with your Special One is once per Scenario.
Way more powerful than the powerful. While normally you must
Renegade will ever be. choose between the protection of the If your selected Lois is turned into a
Lois and the power of the Titus, your Titus, you will suffer a penalty
…So, yeah. Get out of here. I can take Special One can be both your armor during Backtrack. When reducing your
this guy. and sword. However, if you were ever Encroachment Rate, you will be unable
to lose that special person, the pain to double your dice for your initial
No, don’t argue! Just go! will tear your heart apart. roll. You will still have the option to
perform a second roll.
Damn it, I love you! Don’t you get it!? Effects
When acquiring this T-Lois, select one
With you by my side, I can’t possibly of your Loises to be your Special One.
lose, and I’m going to kill this guy in You may select your S-Lois, in which
two seconds flat! case the S-Lois bonus will stack with
Players Section
…You’re alive. That’s amazing. I guess Description All HP damage you take is reduced by
that’s the benefit of being an You once died, and the experience 2D10 points. How this damage
immortal superbeing. Did you has changed you forever. The death reduction is interpreted in terms of
miraculously survive, or are you just a you experienced may be a physical, role-play is up to you.
zombie now? mental, or social in nature.
The drawback of your experience is
No no, forget I asked. In our world, Once you returned to the living, you that your emotions have been dulled.
everyone is the walking dead anyways. found that you lost so much. Your When you are rolling to reduce your
Only your ability to work truly matters. family may be taken by surprise or Encroachment Rate during Backtrack,
fear when they see you. Someone else you must select the die with the
…But deary, it might have been better may be residing in your home now. highest result and treat it as a 1.
if you stayed dead. I’m sorry, but your In the worst case, you existence may
wife…she’s moving on. She has a good have been erased from all records. For example, if you roll an 8, 8, 4, and
life, and she has plenty of friends, 4, you must consider your roll to be 1,
friends who are cleaner than you. Oh For the “lucky” ones, the cycle of 8, 4, and 4. The end result is instead
yeah, your daughter is starting middle death and resurrection may have been of a rate reduction of 24, you only get
school next year. quick, meaning that no one will realize a reduction of 17.
what you went through. You may have
…And your wife is getting remarried. been killed in a back-alley by a Gjaum, The above penalty still applies if you
The man’s a bore, but he’s a good only to be revived ten minutes later as double your dice. However, it will not
person. Better than the murderers and an Overed. be applied to the second roll.
back-alley shits like us.
The dead are happier six feet under. Your experience with death has made
Just…give up. OK? you more difficult to kill.
Do you want to hear my story? Look, I’m famous. I got connections. Items that do not have a cost, Unique
Items, and T-Lois Items cannot be
Well, I’m going to tell you anyways, …Now then, let’s play a game. I’m acquired. Like all procured Items,
because I only do what people don’t the hunter, and you’re Bambi’s mom. Items you procured using this T-Lois
want me to do. See, you’re already When you die, I mark your grave with are lost at the end of the Scenario.
getting to know me! a rose. Use this ability only once per Scenario.
First off, hi! I’m a legendary assassin. Now run! The GM may deny the use of this
Yeah, everyone in the underworld T-Lois, in which case the number of
knows who I am. I have like a million Description your limited uses does not decrease.
followers. You are a living legend whose face and
name are known throughout your You may use this T-Lois to acquire
My job has me killing bad guys that profession. Using your fame and objects that have no data (e.g. build-
have no conscience, people who can charisma, you can acquire any item ings or organizations), but you must
somehow live with themselves. One you desire. You can easily get what inform your GM. Also, keep in mind
hit usually costs a million dollars, you desire, no matter how rare it is. that buying out an enemy organization
but sometimes, I’ll accept a word of does not mean that the members will
gratitude as payment. Because when You decide what you’re famous for. now be loyal to you.
it comes to killing, it’s not about the Your fame may have been achieved
money. It’s all about the heart, man. through skill and effort, lies and luck, When reducing your Encroachment
or some other means. Rate during Backtrack, your roll suffers
So that’s why I thought I’d just pop in. a – 1 dice penalty. If you are doubling
See how you’re doing. Then kill you. Effects the number of dice, apply this penalty
During a Procure Check, you may after you doubled the number of dice
OK, you’re probably wondering how I declare this T-Lois’ ability instead of you will roll. This penalty does not
got onto your super-secret space rolling. You instantly procure the Item apply to the optional second roll.
station. Well, I bought a space shuttle! you wanted.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
No. 62 Guardian
No. 63 Harmonizer
Players Section
A black sandstorm, its winds polluted beings who possess a form of Effects
with blood, blows through the ruins. immortality; upon dying, they are able Only characters with the Ouroboros
The ground is littered with smoldering to replicate themselves and jump to a Syndrome may acquire this T-Lois.
weapons and corpses. Standing in the nearby person.
middle of the desolation is the monster Use this ability right after a character
that is responsible for it all. People who become host to an Anima performs a check. That check
Regium acquire immense power, but automatically fails. This ability cannot
The monster stands tall, its enormous are also overcome with extremely be used against [DFCLTY: Auto]
body supported by its equally- strong Impulses. They often become Powers or any other abilities that
enormous legs. Although it wears a Gjaums, and they are difficult to elimi- do not require a dice roll. When this
pure-white mask, the monster’s blood- nate, as their immortality allows them ability is used, you must discard one
red eyes and feral growls give away its to continue their destructive rampages Titus. This ability may only be used
inhuman nature. in another body. once per Scenario.
You let out a cry of pain as your mind You are one of the rare few who When you receive the Bad Status
attempts to comprehend how this hell acquired an Anima Regium but were Berserk, you will turn into a bipedal
came to be, but you only hear the able to maintain their sanity. Your monster that wears a white mask. This
monster’s roar. Only then do you Ouroboros Syndrome or some other transformation stays in place until the
realize that you are the monster, the factor saved you, but no one knows Berserk status is negated. As long as
one who laid waste to everything exactly what kept you from you do not turn into a Gjaum, you will
before you. becoming a complete monster. Only still maintain your sanity even while in
time will tell if the connection this form. However, once you turn into
Description between the Ouroboros Syndrome and a Gjaum (via character loss or some
The Anima Regium are a special kind the Anima Regium will ever be fully other plot device), you will be trapped
of Overed that is rarely seen in our explained. in monster form.
modern era. They are powerful
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Unique Items
Unlike regular Items, Unique Items must
be bought using experience points. They
can only be Stocked before or after a
Scenario, and can only be used by the
Double Cross person who originally purchased it.
The following Unique Items do Type: Melee Skill: <Melee> Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: -1 Atk. Power: 8 Acc: -2 Atk. Power: Refer
not require a character to have Guard: 3 RNG: Close Guard: Refer RNG: Close
a specific Syndrome. Exp. Point Cost: 20 Exp. Point Cost: 35
By pushing a button on the hilt, A blade of liquid metal that
this sword will change to a whip changes shape to match its
form, allowing for greater range. wielder’s preferences.
Players Section
Only characters with the Balor Type: Melee Skill: <Melee> Type: Other Exp. Point Cost: 25
Acc: -2 Atk. Power: 2 Similar to an Evil Eye in
Syndrome can acquire these Guard: 5 RNG: Close appearance, this metallic sphere
Unique Items. Exp. Point Cost: 20 enhances a Balor Overed’s control
A shield that releases a gravity over gravity.
wave when struck. This wave can
dissipate or absorb the force of Auto Action Ability: Use during
attacks. the Setup Process.
For the duration of the Round, all
Auto Action Ability. Use when of your checks that use a Balor
you are hit with an attack that Power receive a +3 dice bonus.
cannot be Guarded against.
Reduce damage by -3D10. This ability may only be used
once per Scene.
This ability may only be used
once per Round.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
This ability may only be used For your next check, you will not
once per Scene. have to pay the HP cost of one
Bram Stoker Power. Select only
one Power out of your combo.
Players Section
Only characters with the Type: Other Exp. Point Cost: 15 Type: Other Exp. Point Cost: 60
Morpheus Syndrome can A book that contains the A shapeless blob that a Morpheus
acquire these Unique Items. knowledge of medieval Overed can shape into any object.
alchemists. If a man is willing to Unfortunately, the created object
risk his sanity, he can learn how will quickly crumble away.
to create vast amounts of wealth. Auto Action Ability: Acquire one
Unique Item of your choice. You
Effect: «Gold Alchemy» (Core may select Items that require a
pg. 174) now grants [LV x 5] Syndrome that you do not have.
Stock points instead of [LV x 3]
points. The Item will be destroyed at the
end of either the current Scene
Add an additional +2 to «Gold or Round.
Alchemy»’s Base Encroachment
increase. Only one copy of this Item may
be Stocked.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
In addition to regular Items, there are also
new Black Dog and Servant Items.
Double Cross
Many of these new weapons Type: Melee Skill: <Melee> Type: Melee Skill: <Melee>
Acc: -1 Atk. Power: 2 Acc: -3 Atk. Power: 2
come with special abilities Guard: 3 RNG: Close Guard: 0 RNG: Close
that can be activated with an Procure/Stock: 5/3 Procure/Stock: 7/3
Action. A martial arts striking weapon A musical instrument and
that also protects the forearm. emergency blunt weapon.
Side-handled batons were derived
from this weapon. Equip Effect: Your <Art: Music>
checks receive a + 1 score bonus.
This weapon may be used for Auto Action Ability: Use right Auto Action Ability: Use when
<Ranged> attacks. Apply the after this weapon’s damage roll. this weapon deals damage.
stats on the right of the slash Damage total is increased by +5.
when doing so. Select one die and reroll it. You
must accept the result of the This ability may only be used
new roll. once per Scenario.
Players Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
This weapon may only be used Minor Action Ability: For the
once per Scenario. duration of your turn (Main Process),
this weapon’s accuracy check
receives a +5 score bonus.
Players Section
When acquiring this Item, select When acquiring this Item, select
one <Knowledge:__> Skill. one <Art:__> Skill.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Players Section
Atk. Power: 5 [Initiative]: -3 While riding this Vehicle, use the While riding this Vehicle, use the
Armor: - Dash: 300M following stats: following stats:
Atk. Power: 5 [Initiative]: -10 Atk. Power: 10 [Initiative]: -8
Armor: 10 Dash: 80M Armor: 15 Dash: 400M
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Auto Action Ability: Use after Auto Action Ability: Use after Auto Action Ability: Use after
rolling an <Info: Police> check. rolling an <Info: Academics> rolling an <Info: Underworld>
check. check.
Redo your roll. You cannot take
back your first roll. Redo your roll. You cannot take Redo your roll. You cannot take
back your first roll. back your first roll.
This ability may only be used
once per Scene. This ability may only be used This ability may only be used
once per Scene. once per Scene.
Players Section
When acquiring this Item, select When acquiring this Item, select
one [Type: Melee] weapon you one [Type: Ranged] weapon you
have Stocked. have Stocked.
A credit card that only a select A car attachment that acts as a Armor that protects your vehicle,
few possess. battering ram. This heavy but makes it harder to drive.
attachment will weigh down your
vehicle. When acquiring this Item, select
Auto Action Ability: Use when one Vehicle you have Stocked.
performing a Procure check. When acquiring this Item, select You cannot select Vehicles that
one Vehicle you have Stocked. do not have an [Armor] stat.
That check receives a +2 dice
bonus. Effect: The selected Vehicle Effect: The selected Vehicle
receives a +3 Attack Power receives a +3 [Armor] stat bonus
This ability may be used three bonus and a -3 Initiative penalty. and a -3 Initiative penalty.
times per Scenario.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Only one copy of this Item may [Armor] cannot be lowered past
be Stocked. zero.
This bullet will efficiently destroy This bullet will efficiently destroy A drug that boosts the
a person’s insides. a person’s insides. Renegade’s regenerative abilities.
Minor Action Ability: For the Major Action Ability: You Minor Action Ability: You
duration of your turn (Main recover 4D10 HP. recover 10 HP. Increase your
Process), attacks using [Type: Encroachment Rate by +3.
Ranged] weapons have a +3 This Item cannot be used during
Attack Power bonus. battle.
This drug limits the neural A fast-acting sedative that works Give your vehicle a speed boost by
processes that causes your body’s wonders, but has dangerous side- injecting nitro into the engine.
various twitches. This drug is best effects. Do not use repeatedly.
used when you need to move When acquiring this Item, select
undetected. Auto Action Ability: Use during one Vehicle you have Stocked.
the Setup Process. You recover
Auto Action Ability: Use when from the Bad Status Hate. Auto Action Ability: Use during
you have Stealth and are the Setup Process.
performing a check. Using this Item increases your For the duration of the Round,
That check receives a +3 dice Encroachment Rate by +5. you can move an extra 20 meters
bonus. when riding the selected Vehicle.
Only one copy of this Item may
Using this Item increases your be Stocked.
Encroachment Rate by +5.
Players Section
These Items are acquired Type: Melee Skill: <Melee> Type: Armor Dodge: -5
through Bram Stoker’s «Fool’s Acc: -2 Atk. Power: 2 Initiative: -3 Armor: 10
Guard: 8 RNG: Close Procure/Stock: -/-
Equipment» Power, which can Procure/Stock: -/- A Servant’s body becomes armor-
be found on page 135 of the A part of your Servant’s body like, making it tougher, but also
Core Rulebook. becomes a protective shielding. slower.
You decide the appearance of this
Servants automatically equip new body part.
these Items when created.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Redesign your Servant’s internal Give your Servants knowledge Design a stronger, superior
systems so that it can better and skills. Servant.
control the Renegade.
Effect: Your Servants have two Select one Base Stat (Body,
Effect: +2 score bonus to your levels in the selected Skill. Sense, Mind, Social) when
Servants’ <RC> checks. acquiring this Item.
If you acquire multiple copies of
Multiple copies of this Item have this Item for the same Skill, then Effect: Your Servant gains a +1
a cumulative effect. each copy past the first one only bonus in the selected Stat.
offers one extra level.
Multiple copies of this Item have
a cumulative effect.
A drug that instantly hardens part A drug that temporarily boosts A drug that forces a Servant’s
of your Servant’s body. your Servant’s abilities. body to go past its limits.
Auto Action Ability: Use right Auto Action Ability: Use right Auto Action Ability: Use right
before your Servant Guards. before your Servant performs a before your Servant performs a
check.That check receives a +2 check. That check receives a +5
During the Guard, your Servant dice bonus. dice bonus.
gains a +5 [Guard] stat bonus.
Upon completing its turn, the
Servant that used this Item is
reduced to zero HP and removed
from the game.
The World
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Professor Caudwell’s projects all attempt to realize the The Infinity Initiative
Renegade’s potential, either by rediscovering long-forgotten The search for the Infinity Code has been codenamed the
powers or developing new abilities. Throughout the intelli- Infinity Initiative. This initiative encompasses any mission or
gence reports on these projects, one keyword was constantly project that sets out to discover the Infinity Code.
repeated: Infinity Code.
These missions are mainly carried out by the Apostles -
This Infinity Code represents the Renegade’s past and future. Professor Caudwell’s personal army - or the Master Wraiths.
It may be the key to unlocking the secrets of the Renegade, However, other Master agents, special ops teams, and Liaison
but what is the Code exactly? Is it a detailed map of the Lords have participated in the Infinity Initiative. The number
Renegade’s biology? Is it the next stage of the virus’ of personnel that have been assigned to the initiative speaks
evolution? Or is it an Overed that embodies the entire to how important the Infinity Code is to False Hearts.
Renegade’s potential? No one knows, but it is what Professor
Caudwell seeks.
The World
The Relationship between the Professor and Apostle Five: This division handles defense and security.
his Master Wraiths
Many Master Wraiths claim to be Professor Caudwell’s child. Apostle Six: Carries out assassinations in small squads.
The ones with the Caudwell surname refer to the Professor
as their father, but so do some Master Wraiths who joined Apostle Seven: They are in charge of the army’s R&D.
Caudwell after he made his return. Blood relationship cannot
be verified, but one cannot deny that there is a strong bond Apostle Eight: A support division that provides military
and trust between Caudwell and his Master Wraiths. medical services and backup.
Considering the age of the Caudwell Master Wraiths and the Apostle Nine: An intelligence division that specializes in
length of time that Professor Caudwell was missing, it is very sabotage operations.
possible that Caudwell acted as a surrogate father. But their
bond goes beyond the paternal relationship. It may be why Apostle Ten: This division is charged with finding and
the Master Wraiths are allowed such freedom, doing anything obtaining Legacy relics, ancient items with Renegade powers.
and fighting anyone in order to realize their desires.
Apostle Eleven: All of the Apostle’s heavy firepower and
heavy hitters are gathered together in this division.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
The Legacy
As most people are already aware, the Renegade strain that The Legacy and other Organizations
the world is infected with was originally excavated from
ancient Middle Eastern ruins. Knowing this, we can safely
assume that the Renegade existed during historical times, UGN
possibly for several thousand years in our past. Many The UGN has an archive on the Legacy, but it is lacking
powerful items - known collectively as the Legacy - come compared to what False Hearts holds. Allied scientists,
from this period in time. national agencies and institutions, and nobles all hold
information pertaining to the Legacy, yet despite the threat
The Legacy refers to Renegade items and technologies that that Professor Caudwell presents, the UGN has made no
predate the Renegade Liberation and cannot be reproduced efforts to centralize or utilize this information.
using our current technologies. Renegade Crystals, EX
Renegades, as well as some forms of sorcery and witchcraft This inaction is partially due to the chaotic state that the UGN
are considered to be part of the Legacy. is currently in. The UGN continues its research on the Legacy,
but results have not been forthcoming.
False Hearts and the Legacy Xenos
Ever since False Hearts Japan fell under Professor Caudwell’s
Xenos is the only known organization other than False Hearts
command, the organization has been actively seeking and
that has a substantial amount of information on the Legacy.
studying Legacy relics.
This information comes from its leader Kyoka “Planner”
Tsuzuki, who is said to be the oldest Renegade Being in
Since False Hearts predates the Renegade Liberation, they
are more knowledgable than the UGN in regards to the
Legacy. However, this knowledge was scattered among the
Unlike False Hearts, Xenos has no intention of using the
various cells and Clans, carefully guarded and never shared
Legacy. While the organization does take control of some
with other factions within False Hearts.
powerful Legacy relics, they ten to seal them away, hide, or
outright destroy relics and knowledge. Outsiders speculate
Since Professor Caudwell’s return, most of False Hearts’
that Xenos will destroy any part of the Legacy that poses a
knowledge pertaining to the Legacy has been centralized,
threat to the Renegade itself.
but not willingly. Caudwell acquired much of the knowledge
through other channels. Caudwell was able to discover some
secrets during his vigilante years, but the bulk of it was The Legacy’s Power
personally taught to him by Central Dogma. Countless different items and technologies have been
classified as part of the Legacy. Although each discovery is
Professor Caudwell now holds secrets that were once the unique, they are still placed in one of three general
proprietary property of individual Clans and ancient Overeds, categories: relics, knowledge, and Renegade strains.
and is privy to knowledge that was supposedly lost to time.
This has made Caudwell a very powerful individual, and if the EX Renegade items, inanimate objects that were infected by
rumors are to be believed, he does not hesitate to use it for the Renegade, and crystallized formation of the Renegade are
his own means. considered Legacy relics. Weapons, jewelry, art, and tomes
are categorized as relics. They could be unknown pieces from
One such rumor deals with a certain Clan, one that shall history, or they could be famous items from legend and
remain unnamed. This Clan’s Legacy was a recipe for a mythology. The most well-known relic is the Renegade
special Renegade-enhanced poison. This recipe was a secret Crystal, which is often referred to as the Philosopher’s Stone.
that no one outside of the Clan knew of, but one day, In many cases, the purpose of these relics is to enhance
Professor Caudwell sent the Clan a theoretical list of the Renegade powers.
poison’s secret ingredients, as well as new ways to utilize the
poison. The Clan responded by sending a team of assassins Legacy knowledge is any kind of forgotten information that
to kill Caudwell, but that team was wiped out. pertains to the Renegade. Certain types of magic and voodoo
are thought to be Powers that were lost to time or techniques
The Clan’s Liaison Lord denied knowledge of the that utilized the Renegade in a unique way.
assassination attempt. The Lord thanked Caudwell for his gift,
but deep down, that Lord was filled with hatred and fear of Information pertaining to locations or ruins that have a strong
Professor Caudwell. Renegade presence is also considered to be Legacy
Professor Caudwell is currently devoting his resources
towards the Legacy. Two-Time and other R&D cells, Apostle Lastly, strains of the Renegade may be considered part of the
Seven, and Apostle Ten continue to search for and restore Legacy. The Original Renegade, a strain that predates the
any potential Legacy relics. modern strain, is a perfect example of a Legacy Renegade
strain. However, there are exceptions to this categorization,
one of which was made recently. The Ouroboros, a forbidden
Syndrome that was revived by False Hearts, is being treated
as part of the Legacy.
The World
The Ouroboros is a new Syndrome that was made known half Those that become a host to an Anima Regium acquire
a year ago. While it may seem bizarre that a new Syndrome absolute power, but they also will be overcome with very
is only now being added to the current categorization system, powerful impulses that can initiate the Gjaum transformation.
it is quite understandable given that advances in technology Since the Renegade Liberation, there has only been one case
and scientific understanding will change how an ability is where a host did not become a Gjuam. The discovery of this
perceived. In fact, the Balor, Morpheus, and Orcus Syndromes host lead to the UGN learning about Project Ouroboros.
are relatively recent additions that were created to
accommodate the changing understanding of Powers. Project Ouroboros
Project Ouroboros is one of many projects that comprise
The Ouroboros Syndrome is characterized by the ability to False Hearts’ Infinity Initiative. Its objective is to revive the
absorb and copy other Powers. Unlike the Exile Syndrome, Ouroboros Syndrome and increase the carrier population.
which at best can only mimic the abilities of others, the
Ouroboros Syndrome assimilates Renegade strains and If the Ouroboros Overed population can be restored back
becomes one with it. This Syndrome adapts and evolves. to what it was in the past, Professor Caudwell believes that
Ouroboros’ assimilation ability will accelerate the Renegade’s
The general consensus among scientists is that Ouroboros evolution process, which will eventually lead to the Infinity
Powers has been around for some time, but have been Code.
mistakenly classified under different Syndromes. However,
this contradicts False Hearts’ research. Ouroboros cannot It is not known when Project Ouroboros was started. The
have existed until recently, as it was a Syndrome that was UGN only learned of its existence half a year ago, when they
once purposefully wiped out. discovered and secured Kuro Ichinose, the only known Anima
Regium host that did not get turned into a Gjaum.
The Threat to the Renegade
Ouroboros is a Syndrome that essentially preys on other The Battle for the Forbidden Snake
Renegade strains. In the distant past when this Synrdrome In the new power struggle that the Ouroboros Syndrome
still existed, Kyoka Tsuzuki and other ancient Overeds saw initiated, the UGN is severely far behind False Hearts.
Ouroboros as a threat to the virus, and thus set out to Although the knowledge of Ouroboros’ existence helped
destroy the Syndrome. They exterminated the entire explain several unusual situations and accidents, such as
Ouroboros Overed population and banished the originators of times when a person unintentionally absorbed an ally’s power
the Syndrome from this world. and lost control. Unfortunately, the UGN is still learning how
to properly handle the new Syndrome.
While a normal Syndrome cannot be wiped out through
genocide, it worked with the Ouroboros Syndrome because it For False Hearts and Project Ouroboros, some unexpected
cannot naturally occur within a potential Overed. Rather, it is interference came in the form of Xenos. Kyoka Tsuzuki
bestowed upon a person by special Renegade Beings known continues to see the Ouroboros Syndrome as a threat to the
as the Anima Regium. Renegade virus, and she has put forth a plan to once again
annihilate the Syndrome.
The Anima Regium
The Anima Regium are a rare species of Renegade Being, of Xenos attacks any Ouroboros Overed regardless of their
which only a handful exists in the world. They survive by affiliation. It does not matter if the person is UGN, False
living inside host Overeds. Hearts, or some other organization, Xenos will not rest until
the body is utterly obliterated. If death is not an option,
The Ouroboros Syndrome is the proprietary power of the Xenos will capture their target instead.
Anima Regium and can only be acquired through them. One
does not need to come in direct contact with the Anima The situation has turned into a three-way war between the
Regium though. The Ouroboros Syndrome can be passed on UGN, False Hearts, and Xenos. The Ouroboros Syndrome
by secondary sources. continues to spread, but will Professor Caudwell be able to
achieve his goals? Will Xenos succeed in once again wiping
The Anima Regium escaped extermination because they out this Syndrome? Perhaps the UGN will find a way to
possess immortality. Not the pseudo-immortality of the control Ouroboros. The chaos cannot continue forever.
Resurrect Power, but a true immortality that likely became the Someone will eventually win.
inspiration for many legends. Whenever their hosts die, they
create a copy of themselves that enters a new host.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Important Characters
Double Cross
The World
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Game Master
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Double Cross
Game Master Section
The GM presents to players the objective of the check. He
informs the players what Skill the Progression roll must be Setup Process
rolled against and the Difficulty they must beat. He should
Roll the Situation Chart
also tell players what Skill the Support Roll uses.
The GM usually rolls the Situation Chart. The chart may be End of Round. Return to the Setup
Process if the Check (or combat)
rerolled if deemed necessary. has not been completed.
The GM rolls the Situation Chart and gets 72. Players gain a
+5 dice bonus when they perform a Progression Roll. 6 End of Check (Battle)
● Initiative Process
Like in battles, characters are ordered highest to lowest
based on their [Initiative] stat. The character with the 6 Ending the Check
highest [Initiative] may roll first. End the Check once the predeter-
mined number of points have been
During the Initiative Process, a player may delcare a Support gathered, or conditions set forth by
Roll. This will be touched on later. the GM have been met.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
1)Declare a Progression Roll Player 2 rolls <Knowledge: Bomb Disposal> and gets
The player declares that he want to use a Major Action to a 17. Adding his Skill level of 3 and gets a final score
perform a Progression Roll. The GM checks if the character of 20. He plugs his score into the formula, which
can physically perform a the task. results in 3 points.
2)Perform the Roll Player 2 completed his Roll and ends his turn.
The player rolls the Progression Check’s required Skill and
tries to get a score that is higher than the Difficulty. ● Cleanup Process
Perform the Cleanup Process as you would in battle. Once
3)Determining Success done, go back to the Initiative Process and see who is next to
If the player’s roll is equal or above the Difficulty, he take a turn. Repeat until the goal amount has been reached.
succeeded and can gain Progression Points. If his roll is lower
than the Difficulty, he has failed. ● Progression Events
Progression Events are occurrences that change the current
4)Calculating Progression Points situation. This often results in a change in Difficulty, Skill, or
The amount of Progression Points gained depends on the some other modifier.
score the player rolled. The formula is [roll score/10] + 1.
Round down when dividing the score. These Events occur whenever a players accumulate a
predetermined number of points. This will be discussed in
Please refer to the Max Score when calculating Progression detail on the following page.
● Ending the Progressive Check
Max Score The Progressive Check ends when it is successfully completed
The Max Score is a limit that is placed on Progression Rolls. or the time limit is reached. If the end comes during the
When calculating Progression Points, scores are capped at middle of a Round, immediately move to the Cleanup Process
this Max Score, essentially limiting the amount of points that and finish off any remaining tasks.
can be earned with a single roll.
Experience Points
If the Max Score is 30, then even if a player rolls a score Players earn extra experience points for successfully
higher than 30, his roll will only be counted as a score of 30. completing a Progressive Check. These points are given to
players during the After-Game.
The Max Score cannot be lower than 1.
The amount of experience players earn for a Progressive
Anything above the Max Score must be reduced to the max Check is equal to the amount of points earned for achieving a
limit before being inserted into the Progression Point formula. Scenario’s main goal. For example, if achieving the Scenario’s
goal of saving the heroine is worth 5 experience points, then
For example, a player rolls 36 and adds a Skill level of 3 for players earn 5 points for completing a Progressive Check.
a score of 39. If the Max Score is 30, then that score of 39 is
brought down to 30. Calculating Progression Points based on Every check performed is worth the same amount of
30, the player gains 4 Progression Points. experience points. If three Progressive Checks were done and
the Scenario’s goal is worth 5 experience points, then players
earn 15 experience points completing all three checks.
Reducing Total Progression Points
If a player fumbles his roll, then the total Progression Points
is reduced by 1D10. The die is to be rolled by the player who
Game Master Section
● Effects of Progression Events The second purpose of Progression Events is to make the
The following may occur with Progression Events: game more inclusive. Progressive Checks represent difficult
tasks that cannot be done by one person, but not all
1)Skill is Changed characters will have a high level in the Skill you require.
Events may force players to roll a different Skill or stat. To see Those characters may be relegated to Support Rolls, or have
how this change is plausible, imagine that you are looking for to pass altogether. By changing the required Skill, players will
survivors in a destroyed city. bet a chance to really contribute to the cause.
The Progressive Check has you first roll <Perception> Support Roll
because you are searching for signs of life. You gain two As mentioned earlier, Support Rolls can be performed during
Progression Points and a Progression Event occurs. You find the Initiative Process. These rolls cannot earn Progression
survivors, but they’re under some rubble. You must dig them points, but they give other characters a bonus to their
out, so the Check’s Skill becomes [Body]. Progression Roll. This allows those characters to earn more
points then they could have unassisted.
2)Difficulty is Changed
Difficulty may rise or increase to represent changes in the The drawback is that the character who performs a Support
situation. If a Progressive Check has you sailing down a river, Roll will immediately enter the Post-Action state. The
than a change in Difficulty would represent the currents be- declaring character essentially forgoes his turn so that
coming rougher or gentler. another person can perform better.
Success Failure
Upon completing a Support Roll, the acting character enters
the Post-Action state.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Situation Chart
1D100 Result
01 - 05 Nothing of interest happened. No modifiers this Round.
06 - 10 The task requires expertise. During the Round, Progression Rolls done with a Skill of LV4 or below earn one less point. Min. points is zero.
11 - 15 You’re panicking. Difficulty during this Round is increased by 1D10.
16 - 20 A single mistake could prove fatal. If the next Progression Roll this Round fails, then the total accumulated Points is reduced to zero.
21 - 25 You’re unusually agitated. If a character fails at a Progression Roll this Round, then he receives the Bad Status Berserk.
26 - 30 You’re feeling pressured. During this Round, characters will receive the Bad Status Pressure after performing a Progression Roll.
31 - 35 Luck is on your side. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1 Critical Value bonus.
36 - 40 You met with some horribly bad luck. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +1 Critical Value penalty.
41 - 45 All or nothing. During this Round, both Max Score and Difficulty is increased by +10.
46 - 55 All is well. No modifiers this Round.
56 - 60 You’re walking a proverbial tightrope. Difficulty during this Round is increased by 1D10.
61 - 65 This is a once in a lifetime chance. Max Score this Round is increased by +10.
66 - 70 You’re dealing with a very tiring task. During this Round, characters receive 1D10 HP damage after performing a Progression Roll.
71 - 75 Your chance has come! All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +5 dice bonus.
76 - 80 Unexpected issues have arisen. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -5 dice penalty.
81 - 85 The stress is causing your virus strain to become active. A Progression Roll this Round causes your Encroachment Rate to increase by 1D10.
86 - 90 You found a solution to your problem. The Max Score this Scene is increased by +10. This bonus is noncumulative.
91 - 95 The situation is getting periodically worse. During this Scene, Difficulty increases by 1D10. This penalty is cumulative.
96 - 100 All is proceeding as planned. During this Round, characters gain an extra Progression Point if their Progression Roll is successful.
Game Master Section
Whether you have it prepared or filling it out on the spot, be Set an End Condition
sure to explain the important entries so that players clearly Create a condition that forces the check to end before play-
understand what needs to be done. ers achieve the goal amount of points. You want to motivate
players to complete the Progressive Check within a certain
Create an Objective amount of time. This condition may be set to a time limit or a
First, set an objective for the Progressive Check. This will give certain event.
some context as to what characters are trying to do. This
will help you decide what Skills to have players roll and how The End Condition may be a time limit, such as “Complete
difficult the check should be. Try to keep it simple and limit in X number of Rounds,” or “Complete in X number of Rolls.”
yourself to one objective. Calculate the number of Rounds you want the check to
continue and then add two Rounds to the total. If you want a
Select a Skill stricter End Condition, only add one Round.
Next, select which Skill players must check order to gain
Progression Points. Previous examples and many of the pre- Alternatively, you can ask players to complete the check
made checks only set one Skill to roll against, but you may before certain in-game events occur. Examples of such events
set more than one Skill so that players have a choice. include as a rival NPC group completing the Progressive
Check, or a certain NPC being reduced to zero HP.
Set a Goal Amount of Points
Decide how many Progression Points must be gathered Create Progression Events
before your Progressive Check is beat. The higher the goal, If you want, you may also add Progression Events to your
the longer your check will last. Ten to fifteen is a good range Check. Have them activate on the Cleanup Process of the
to be in, as the average Progression Roll will net about one to Round when the required number of points was achieved.
three points.
You may have your Events occur at any particular interval.
For a more precise goal, use the following formula: You may have Events occur once every two to three
Progression Points, at completely random intervals, or once
2(Participating Characters) x (Rounds in your time limit) every Round. If you decide to go with the final option, have
the event coincide with the Situation Chart and the changes
If you’re running a game with a small number of players (less that it brings.
than five), set your goal to be less then the number you get
from the above formula. ● Do You Reveal the Events Beforehand?
As GM, you have the option of revealing or hiding the
Set the Max Score Progression Events from your players. The choice should be
As mentioned previously, the Max Score is a cap on the score made based on whether or not foreknowledge makes sense
of Progression Rolls. This limits the amount of Progression in the situation. For example, if players are diffusing a time
Points that can be earned with a single roll. To be blunt, the bomb, it would not make sense for them to know about the
Max Score is a handicap that you place on the character that secret security measures that activate when the point total
is most likely to excel at your Check. reaches 3.
If the Max Score is set at 30, then even if a player rolls a ● What if Two Events Occur Simultaneously?
number higher than 30, or if he has a Skill level of 35, his roll In some cases, players may satisfy the requirements of two
will always be counted as a score of 30. events at the same time. For example, the events at 3 points
and 6 points are triggered because the players’ point total
The Max Score cannot be lower than 1. If the Max Score is
jumped from 2 to 8. If both events apply different types of
anything below 10, then players can only earn a max of one
modifiers, then feel free to apply the effects of both events. If
point per Progression Roll. This within itself is not bad,
especially if the goal amount is also low, but it makes rolls the events conflict, only trigger the later event.
very unmotivating.
Set the Difficulty Sample Progressive Checks can be found in this section on
As with any check, the Difficulty is the minimum a player page 66. Beginning on page 116 of the Scenario section, you
must roll in order to succeed. Difficulty cannot be lower than will find Scenario Starters that include a Progressive Check.
1, and it cannot exceed the Max Score. Refer to these samples and Starters when incorporating a
Progressive Check into a Scenario.
7 to 9 is the recommended range for Difficulty. Assuming that
the goal is 15 points and the Max Score is 30, a Difficulty of 7
will make a check last for two Rounds for a table of five.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Game Master Section
Adding Gimmicks
The possibilities of Progressive Checks go far beyond its own Utilize Loises
rule set. By adding your own house rules or combining them Double Cross is a game about the bonds between people. To
with other mechanics, you can create an unique and exciting further emphasize this theme, try incorporating Loises into
Progressive Check. The following are examples of what you your Progressive Checks. As we have already mentioned, you
can do modify Checks. can restrict Progression Rolls to only characters that have a
certain Lois.
PvP Progressive Check
You can create a competitive mini-game by having two No matter how you incorporate Loises, remember that they
separate teams of players working on the same Progressive work best when used in Progressive Checks that involve a
Check. Both teams will have separate Progression Point character. We are referring to checks that have players trying
totals, and the team that successfully completes the check to negotiate, to track someone down, or to keep a person
first will earn some reward or bonus. from becoming a Gjaum. The idea of love (or hate) motivat-
ing a person to do something for someone else is what brings
You decide how teams are set up. They do not need to have the game’s theme to full circle.
an equal number of characters. You may also apply different
restrictions on each team. Work Checks into Enemy Powers and E-Loises
Not all Enemy Powers and E-Loises serve a combat purpose.
In addition to group restrictions, you may also create global Many are world-changers and tricks. As part of their effect,
restrictions. For example, out of all characters from all these Powers require that create conditions or tasks that
groups, only three characters may participate in the players can complete to cancel out the Powers’ effects. As
Progressive Check. part of those tasks, you may incorporate a Progressive Check.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Progressive checks
Double Cross
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description Negotiations are a battle fought with 6 Points: The opposing party now on
Use this particular Check when a words and information. The spoils are guard. Difficulty reverts back to 9.
player is engaging in complex and profit and cheap prices. If you fail,
vital negotiations with a NPC. blood will be spilled. The opposing party is clamming up.
Did you say something wrong, or are
Goal: 12 Points Pride and profit are on the line for they trying to get a better deal for
Support Roll: [Social] both you and the opposing party. Cut themselves?
Recommended for: 3 Players a deal where everyone wins, but you
win more. As you exchange words 9 Points: The opposing party is
This Check and its events assume that with the opposing party, you may feel clearly nervous now. Players now roll
the player and NPC are equals who a thrill that a physical fight cannot <Perception>.
are trying to close a business deal. offer.
If your negotiations are going to be You hit on something sensitive. Keep
under-handed or between a stronger Progression Events pushing and you will get a deal that
and weaker party, adjust event timing 3 Points: The opposing party is everyone benefits from.
and Difficulty accordingly. interested in your proposal. Difficulty
is changed to 7.
Success means that the deal was
closed. If players fail, than the other The opposing party is responsive to
party will not return to the negotiation your proposal. Something you said
table until new terms are presented. must have peaked their interest.
Game Master Section
Title Diffuse the Time Bomb End Condition 3 Rounds have Passed
<Knowl: Bomb
Check Disposal> Difficulty 10 Max Score 30 Exp. Points 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description This Check was built to be a task that 5 Points: A fail-safe system has
This Check involves disabling or one man carries out while his allies activated. Players now check
temporarily stopping a complicated are fighting incoming enemies. <Perception>. Increase Difficulty to 9.
mechanism. In this particular instance,
players will be dismantling a time If players complete this Check, the A fail-safe activated. Was it part of the
bomb, but this sample can easily be bomb will be disabled. If they fail, the system, or did you trigger it? No
converted for computer hacking, timer will continue to run. Without any matter, you still have to find a way to
the disabling of electronic locks, or time left to try again, players will have disable it.
any task that involves tampering with to figure out another way of getting
complicated machinery. The only rid of the bomb. 6 Points: The fail-safe has been shut
modification necessary is to change down. Players now check <Melee>.
what Skill players roll. Progression Events
3 Points: Players have figured out A cover is protecting a section you
Goal: 10 Points how the bomb works. Decrease have to get into. You’ll have to force
Support Roll: [Mind] Difficulty to 8. it open.
Recommended for: 2 Players
You figured out the general steps 8 Points: All that’s left is a blue wire
This check is best used when players needed to disable the bomb. All you and a red wire. Only one needs to be
did not have time to properly prepare. have to do is go through each step cut. Players now check <Knowledge:
If you give players time to prepare, calmly but quickly. Bomb Disposal>. Increase Difficulty
consider decreasing the Difficulty. to 12.
Title Sneak into the FH Base End Condition 5 Rounds have Passed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description Lastly, if players decide to fight their 6 Points: Players have gotten close
This Progressive Check is used for way in, both player characters and to their target. They haven’t been
sneaking into secure facilities, such enemies will suffer heavy losses. detected, but security is only getting
as False Hearts bases. This sample better. Increase Difficulty to 10. Player
assumes that players are breaking into Progression Events now roll [Body].
buildings of “average” security. You 2 Points: Players must avoid patrols
may need to increase Difficulty if the as they look for a way past the outer You’ve gotten close, but rushing now
place your players are infiltrating has walls. Increase Difficulty to 9. will only lead to failure. Stay frosty.
better security or is on alert.
You see guards and sensors placed at 8 Points: Players have reached their
Goal: 10 Points key points. Be careful, you don’t want target. Now they have to finish the
Support Roll: <Perception> to be detected so early in the mission. job they came to do. Players now roll
Recommended for: 2 Players <Perception>.
4 Points: Players are inside the base.
If players succeed, they will enter the They must reach their target unde- You’ve reached your target without
facility undetected. If they fail, they tected. Players now roll <Perception>. being seen, but patrols can walk past
will be seen by security forces and will at any time. Finish your job before you
likely have to run or fight their way You slip in and out of hiding places, are spotted!
out. Failure ultimately results in steering clear of every sound you
security being tightened, making hear. Right now, your heartbeat may
future attempts even more difficult. be louder than anything walking by.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description limit, or he gives up on stealth and It has been long enough. Time to lose
Use this Check when players are being decides to attack. your stalker.
stalked by the enemy. Players must
move around the town until their When combat begins, place the 15 Points: The stalker still has the
pursuers lose sight of them. stalker X meters away from the player. player in his sights. Increase Difficulty
X equals [Goal – Current Points] x 5. to 8. Player now rolls [Body].
If successful, the player loses his
stalker. If he fails, he will have to deal Progression Events You begin to walk faster. By now the
with the enemy in another way. 3 Points: The player notices that stalker knows that he’s been spotted.
someone is following him. Player now A professional would know to give up
Goal: 20 Points rolls [Sense] Decrease Difficulty to 6. once he’s spotted, but is your stalker
Support Roll: [Body] that kind of man?
Recommended for: 1 Player After wandering aimlessly around
town, you are now certain that the 18 Points: A lot of distance has been
This template assumes that the player person behind you really is following put between the player and his stalker.
will try to get rid of his stalker without you. Why is somebody stalking you? A little more and he will be able to
confronting him. Attack is only an lose the man. Increase Difficulty to 9.
option after this check has ended. 10 Points: The player has an ID on
his stalker. Player now rolls <Percep-
This check ends once the goal is tion>. Increase Difficulty to 8. Give
acheived, the player passes the time information on the stalker if needed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Game Master Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description If players are successful, the will find 6 Points: Players have narrowed
Players will search for an item or per- their target. If they fail, their work down the locations where their target
son that is lost somewhere in the city. was for nothing, and they will have to may be. Reduce Difficulty to 6.
If your players are instead looking for find something else that leads to their
information or something intangible, target. You’ve narrowed down the list of
rewrite the Progression Events. places where your target may be.
Progression Events You now have to visit each location
Goal: 12 Points 3 Points: Playersmust gather as and ask the locals for more detailed
Support Roll: [Social] much information as possible on their information.
Recommended for: 4 Players target’s location. Increase Difficulty to
9. Players now roll [Social]. 9 Points: Players are now close to
Missing people and items are hard to their target. Increase Difficulty to 9.
fine, especially if they were intention- If you’re going to find your target,
ally hidden. Players will have to gather you’re going to need information. The locals have pointed you in the
information and sort the real clues out However, not everything you hear will direction of your target. Now you just
from the red herrings. One clue will be helpful. People may not always have to actually find it. Be careful,
lead to another, and will eventually remember things right, or they may certain parties want to keep you away
lead to the target. deliberately mislead you. Figure out from the target and are willing to
which leads are good. resort to violence.
Title Stop the Runaway Bus End Condition 5 Rounds have Passed
Check Difficulty 8 Max Score 30 Exp. Points 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Title Escape from the Base! End Condition 8 Rounds have Passed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description precautions that weakened security, 12 Points: The players have reached
Players are inside an enemy base and you may choose to lower the Difficulty. a 4-way intersection. Voices and foot-
must escape. Success results in the steps can be heard, but players can-
players safely getting out of the base. This particular Progressive Check not tell which corridor they’re coming
Failure means that players will have utilizes a special Situation chart, which from. They will need to hide and wait
to fight their way through security. you can find below. for the men to pass. Increase Diffi-
Although it is possible for players to culty to 8. Players roll <Perception>.
fight the security and safely get out, it Progression Events
will be very unlikely during this check. 3 Points: The players found their 17 Points: The players have reached
planned escape route, but they need a locked door. The passcode they have
Goal: 25 Points to check to see if it is still usable. is not working, so they’ll have to crack
Support Roll: <Perception> Players roll <Perception>. the new code. Increase Difficulty to 9.
Recommended for: 4 Players Players roll <Knowledge: Machinery>.
7 Points: The players are running
The current Difficulty reflects the down their escape route. Security is 21 Points: The players have reached
assumption that security is not on full more lax than expected, so run faster. the outside walls. They’re free once
alert. If players fought their way in or Decrease Difficulty to 6. Players roll they jump over the wall. Increase
spent most of their resources, [Body]. Difficulty to 10. Players roll [Body].
increase this check’s Difficulty to
reflect the player’s disadvantageous
situation. Alternatively, if players took
1D100 Result
01 - 05 Nothing of interest happened. No modifiers this Round.
06 - 10 The situation is better then expected. +1D10 score bonus to Progression Rolls this Round.
11 - 15 You’re panicking. Difficulty during this Round is increased by +3.
16 - 20 You met with some horribly bad luck. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +1 Critical Value penalty.
21 - 25 Your Impulse is acting up. If a character fails at a Progression Roll this Round, then he receives the Bad Status Berserk.
26 - 30 Can you seize the moment!? Max Score this Round is increased by +10.
31 - 35 Luck is on your side. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1 Critical Value bonus.
36 - 40 The mission is in danger of failing. If the next Progression Roll fails, total gathered Progression Points is reduced to zero.
41 - 45 The stress is causing your virus strain to become active. A Progression Roll this Round causes your Encroachment Rate to increase by 1D10.
46 - 55 All is well. No modifiers this Round.
56 - 60 You’re walking a proverbial tightrope. Difficulty during this Round is increased by 1D10.
61 - 65 You’re imagining the worst case Scenario. Characters will receive the Bad Status Pressure after performing a Progression Roll this Round.
66 - 70 You’re dealing with a very tiring task. During this Round, characters receive 1D10 HP damage after performing a Progression Roll.
71 - 75 Your chance has come! All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +5 dice bonus.
76 - 80 Unexpected issues have arisen. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -5 dice penalty.
81 - 85 It’s all or nothing. During this Round, Max Score and Difficulty increases by + 10.
86 - 90 Your senses feel sharper. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +3 Score bonus.
91 - 95 Nothing is going as you expected. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1D10 Score penalty. The lowest a score can be is zero.
96 - 100 All is proceeding as planned. During this Round, characters gain an extra Progression Point if their Progression Roll is successful.
Game Master Section
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description This particular Progressive Check You can actually see storms of power
In front of the players is a person who utilizes a special Situation chart, which raging around the man. This man’s
is going turning into a Gjaum. In order you can find below. strain is clearly awake now.
to save this poor soul, the players
will have to talk to the man and help Progression Events 20 Points: At this rate the
him keep a grip on his sanity. The 5 Points: After calling out to the surrounding area is going to be
victim will be saved if the players are man several times, he finally reacts to destroyed. The players must restrain
successful. In the event of failure, the the players and his movements slow the man. Increase Difficulty to 15.
players will have to kill the man. down. Decrease Difficulty to 7. Players roll <Melee> or <Ranged>.
Goal: 30 Points 10 Points: The man suddenly attacks 25 Points: The man’s Renegade
Support Roll: <Will> the players. The players must avoid strain is becoming dormant. One
Recommended for: 4 Players these attacks. Increase Difficulty to 9. more push and the man will be saved.
Players roll <Dodge>. Decrease Difficulty to 10. Players roll
Depending on the events that lead to <Will>.
this Progressive Check, you may need 15 Points: The man’s Renegade
to increase Difficulty to reflect issues strain is becoming very aggressive.
that may confound the task at hand. The players must assert themselves if
If False Hearts had a hand in changing they want to get through the mental
the victim, it is reasonable to assume trauma the virus is causing. Increase
that they may try to stop the players. Difficulty to 11. Players roll <Will>.
1D100 Result
01 - 05 Nothing of interest happened. No modifiers this Round.
06 - 10 Your Renegade strain is reacting oddly. If a character fails at a Progression Roll this Round, then he receives the Bad Status Berserk.
11 - 15 You’re knocked away by the man’s Powers. During this Round, characters receive 1D10 HP damage after performing a Progression Roll.
16 - 20 A single mistake could prove fatal. If the next Progression Roll this Round fails, then the total accumulated Points is reduced to zero.
21 - 25 Things are going as planned. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +1D10 Score bonus.
26 - 30 You’re hit by a roar of rejection and denial. Characters will receive the Bad Status Dazed after performing a Progression Roll this Round.
31 - 35 Unexpected issues have arisen. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -5 dice penalty.
36 - 40 You met with some horribly bad luck. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +1 Critical Value penalty.
41 - 45 This is the best chance you’re going to get! If the next Progression Roll succeeds, players gain an extra 2 Progression Points.
46 - 55 All is well. No modifiers this Round.
56 - 60 It’s getting dangerous. Difficulty during this Round is increased by +3.
61 - 65 You have the worst luck! If the next Progression Roll fails, total Progression Points is reduced by -2. The point total cannot go past zero.
66 - 70 You’re panicking. Difficulty during this Round is increased by +1D10.
71 - 75 Your chance has come! All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +5 dice bonus.
76 - 80 Luck is on your side. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1 Critical Value bonus.
81 - 85 Nothing is going as you expected. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1D10 Score penalty. The lowest a score can be is zero.
86 - 90 You found a solution to your problem. The Max Score this Scene is increased by +10. This bonus is noncumulative.
91 - 95 The stress is causing your virus strain to become active. A Progression Roll this Round causes your Encroachment Rate to increase by 1D10.
96 - 100 All is proceeding as planned. During this Round, characters gain an extra Progression Point if their Progression Roll is successful.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Enemy Powers
Double Cross
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup Max LV: 3 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Angel Halo Syndrome may Target: REFER RNG: REFER Target: Scene RNG: View
acquire these Powers. Treat Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Angel Halo Powers Place absent characters in your Throw the world into complete
when applying modifiers. sights. darkness.
Effect: You can target one Modify: For the current Round, all
character that is not in the current Powers become [Range: Close].
Scene with a [Range: View] Power. This penalty cannot be overridden
by other Powers.
This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario. This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario.
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 5 Timing: Setup Max LV: 10 Timing: Initiative
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Balor Syndrome may acquire Target: Scene (Select) RNG: View Target: Single RNG: View
these Powers. Treat these as Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
Balor Powers when applying Reduce gravity’s pull on people, Use a repulsion wave to push an
modifiers. making harder for them to slow enemy away.
down. With any luck, they will
destroy themselves as they run Move: Move a Target [LV x 5]
into obstacles. meters away. You decide where
the Target goes. In order to
Penalty: Target characters will complete this Move, the Target
lose (LV)D HP whenever they may Break Away.
Move or Dash this Round.
This Power may only be used once
per Round and cannot be
combined with other Powers.
Game Master Section
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 10 Timing: Setup Max LV: 10 Timing: Major
Skill: <Knowledge: Engineering> Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Black Dog Syndrome may DFCLTY: Auto Target: REFER RNG: REFER
acquire these Powers. Treat Target: Single RNG: Close Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Black Dog Powers Encroach: - Restrict: - Build a network security
when applying modifiers. Make a man stronger using program that aggressively seeks
mechanical implants. out intruders.
Boost: Increase Target’s Current Effect: Create digital protection for
and Max HP by + [LV x 10]. This a terminal, system folder, or the like.
bonus lasts until the end of the
Scenario. Anyone that attempts to access or
inspect the protected PC/file will
lose (LV)D HP.
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto Max LV: 1 Timing: Constant
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Bram Stoker Syndrome may Target: REFER RNG: REFER Target: Self RNG: Close
acquire these Powers. Treat Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Bram Stoker Powers Have a Servant enter the Scene. Your strong life force allows you
when applying modifiers. to produce blood indefinitely.
You must have «Blood Bonds» (Core
pg. 131) before acquiring this Power. Effect: You do not pay the HP cost
of Bram Stoker Powers.
Timing:Use when entering a Scene.
This Power cannot receive the This Power cannot receive the
Encroachment Rate level bonus. Encroachment Rate level bonus.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 10 Timing: Minor Max LV: 1 Timing: Minor
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Exile Syndrome may acquire Target: Self RNG: Close Target: Self RNG: Close
these Powers. Treat these as Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
Exile Powers when applying Inject an aggressive Renegade
modifiers. strain into your targets via your Effect: Transform yourself into a
weaponized body part. perfect copy of a person. A normal
check will be insufficient to see
Effect: Characters you deal at past your transformation.
least one point of damage to
during your current turn (Main Special conditions created by
Process) must increase their the GM must be met before a
Encroachment Rate by (LV) points. <Perception> check is possible.
Alternatively, the GM can make so
that it so that meeting his
conditions alone is enough to see
past your transformation.
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 5 Timing: Auto Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: <Art:__> DFCLTY: Auto
Hanuman Syndrome may Target: Area (Select) RNG: Close Target: Scene (Select) RNG: View
acquire these Powers. Treat Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Hanuman Powers Create doubles when moving at Play a special tune that wipe’s
when applying modifiers. supersonic speeds. a person’s mind and puts him
under your control.
Effect: Gain (LV) number of clones,
who last for the rest of the Scene. You can only target non-Overeds.
Game Master Section
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 1 Timing: Initiative Max LV: 3 Timing: Auto
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Neumann Syndrome may Target: Self RNG: Close Target: Single RNG: View
acquire these Powers. Treat Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Neumann Powers Make your body more efficient by Make an enemy fail by fooling
when applying modifiers. running several neural processes their eyes and mind.
Timing: Use when the Target uses a
Timing:Use while in Post-Action. [Difficulty: Auto] Power.
Effect: You return to the Pre-Action Negate: Negate the Target’s Power.
state, but you receive a -10 You lose 30HP.
[Initiative] penalty. [Initiative]
cannot go below zero. This Power may be used (LV) times
per Scenario and cannot receive the
This Power may only be used once Encroachment Rate level bonus.
per Scenario.
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto Max LV: 1 Timing: Major
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Auto
Orcus Syndrome may acquire Target: Single RNG: View Target: REFER RNG: REFER
these Powers. Treat these as Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
Orcus Powers when applying Confuse enemies by warping the Turn the streets into a labyrinth.
modifiers. surrounding area. Effect: Pick a location. If a Scene
takes place in your selected
Timing: Use when the Target uses a location, then you can limit the
[Difficulty: Auto] Power. number of player characters that
may enter the Scene. If you limit
Effect: The Power targets another a Scene to only one character,
character of your choice. The new then only the Lead Character may
character you choose must be a enter.
valid target for the Power.
This Power is negated when
This Power may only be used once certain conditions created by the
per Scenario. GM are met.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 10 Timing: Constant Max LV: 10 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto
Solaris Syndrome may acquire Target: Self RNG: Close Target: Scene RNG: View
these Powers. Treat these as Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
Solaris Powers when applying Create a powerful poison. Release a poison that only targets
modifiers. Renegade strains.
Effect: The rank of Taint you deal
increases by + (LV). Penalty: All characters other than
you receive (LV) points of damage
Your poison may also be capable whenever they use a Power this
of dissolving inanimate objects. Round. Deal this damage amount
The GM will create the rules that for each Power that is used.
govern how your poison works.
A character can get rid of this
penalty by using a Minor Action.
Only enemy NPCs with the Max LV: 1 Timing: Auto Max LV: 1 Timing: Setup
Skill: - DFCLTY: Auto Skill: <RC> DFCLTY: Opposed
Ouroboros Syndrome may Target: Self RNG: Close Target: Single RNG: View
acquire these Powers. Treat Encroach: - Restrict: - Encroach: - Restrict: -
these as Ouroboros Powers Dissipate the force of an attack. Turn a person into your puppet
when applying modifiers. by taking control of his shadow.
Timing: Use when you deal at least
one point of damage to any Overed Effect: Perform a <Will> Opposed
other than yourself. check with your Target. If you win,
your may Move your Target to
Modify: Any of your attacks this any location, in a manner of your
Scene that use an Ouroboros Power choosing.
become [Range: Area].
You can negate this Power using an
Auto Action, but you will have to
use this Power again if you want to
regain the Range modifier.
Game Master Section
This Power may only be used once This Power cannot receive the
per Scenario. Encroachment Rate level bonus.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Exhausted Loises (E-Loises for short) are “burnt-out” Loises
that represents an enemy’s negative emotions and
obsessions. These E-Loises confer various special abilities.
Game Master Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Game Master Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
If at least once character suffers For example, if you rolled “10, 10, 7,
damage from the above Opposed 4, 1” during damage calculation, you
Check, you immediately recover gain 20HP.
from Incapacitation. You also recover
HP equal to the number of damaged
characters multiplied by ten.
Game Master Section
If you take damage, this E-Lois is Effect: During the current Round,
immediately negated and cannot be characters that Cover others from
reactivated until the next Scene. your attacks must increase their
Encroachment Rate by 1D10 when
For every copy of this E-Lois you your turn ends.
have, increase the required damage
threshold by +30. For example, if
you have two copies of this E-Lois,
then any damage that is 60 points
or below is completely negated.
Effect: Damage from any attack that Effect: Until the end of the current
utilizes your selected stat is negated. battle, all checks you perform gain
a +1 dice bonus. Add another die to
When acquiring this E-Lois, you must your bonus whenever a character
create conditions that dictate how revives himself.
your invincibility is maintained and
how it may be circumvented.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Game Master Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Enemy Characters
The following are additional pre-made enemies
that the GM can use as obstacles against the
players. Refer to page 377 of the Core Rule-
book for the Enemy Data legend. Note that for
the Power list of all Renegade Being enemies,
Double Cross «Humanity’s Neighbor» has been omitted, as it
is a Power that all Renegade Beings inherently
Description: An Apostle agent. Description: Snakes infected with an Description: Soldier ants infected
EX Renegade. with an EX Renegade.
Game Master Section
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Double Cross
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Venomous Hate
Scenario Data
Recommended number of players: 3 to 5. The goal of this Scenario is to defeat Sagae, put an end to his
Recommended PC growth: 15 to 20 pts.spent. plans, and rescue Renee.
Play time: 3 to 4 hours.
• Stage
This Scenario takes place in an abandoned False Hearts
laboratory that is hidden away in the mountains. One man hated humans, so much so that he
wished to wipe them from the face of this earth.
• Story
When a girl who is called the Infinity Code is
False Hearts agent Iwao “Grim Reaper” Sagae hated people, sacrificed, the world will be drowned in burning poison.
so much so that he wished for humanity’s extinction. His
obsessions, coupled with the power of the newly-revived Double Cross – Venomous Hate
Ouroboros Syndrome, produced a young girl named Renee.
Welcome to Double Cross. This is the world of traitors.
Renee is a Renegade Being who can produce a powerful
poison that destroys anyone and anything it comes in contact
with. However, Renee is not developed enough to control her
powers. To help Renee develop control, Sagae has been
giving Renee the powers of other Overeds to absorb.
Character Creation
Pass out handouts or let the players choose which one they Loises between PCs
want to use.
Form Loises between PCs in the following order:
If you have fewer than five players, use the handouts with
the lower player numbers, as they are more integral to the PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC1
ROC the Emotions for these Loises. Work with the players if
● Quick Start they need help deciding on what emotions to write in.
The following five sample characters are recommended for
this Scenario: Trait Loises
Please refer to page 27 for the rules regarding Trait Loises.
PC1: Infinite Destroyer (Infinity Code Pg. vii) If players are using the Quick Start sample characters and
PC2: Speeding Bullets (Core Rulebook Pg. 31) want to use Trait Loises, have them refer to page 3 of the
PC3: The Idealist (Core Rulebook Pg. 37) Advanced Rulebook and take the Trait Lois that matches their
PC4: Evergreen Apostle (Core Rulebook Pg. 35) character.
PC5: Ruby Eyes (Core Rulebook Pg. 55)
Since Trait Loises do not play a role in this Scenario’s story,
● Construction players making characters from scratch may choose any Trait
This story was written under the assumption that PC1 has Lois they prefer (assuming that the GM allows Trait Loises to
the Ouroboros Syndrome. For the purpose of this story, it is be used).
strongly recommended that only PC1 acquires the Ouroboros
Syndrome. Progressive Check
A Progressive Check is written into this Scenario. Please
prepare the Progressive Check sheet.
Eiji Takasu was the agent who supervised and trained you. Iwao “Grim Reaper” Sagae, a False Hearts agent with a
Communication with him was lost when he entered an threat rating of SSS, is active once again. He’s hiding out in
abandoned False Hearts laboratory. It is believed that a an abandoned False Hearts laboratory, working on some sort
dangerous False Hearts agent is hiding out in there. You were of project. You are one of the few agents who have fought
chosen to go into the laboratory. You must take control of the Sagae and lived. You must stop Sagae’s plans before he
installation and find out if Eiji is still alive or not. causes any more casualties.
You have been summoned to the UGN Japan national office. Kyoka Tsuzuki, the leader of Xenos, has come to you with a
The False Hearts agent Grim Reaper is active once again,. job. She wants you to prevent the activation of the “Infinity
You were chosen to be part of the special response unit that Code.” The target is very dangerous, and if does become
will take out the Grim Reaper. Many agents were killed by active, many will perish. This “Infinity Code” is apparently
this man. Take out the Grim Reaper before anyone else dies. being transferred to an abandoned False Hearts laboratory.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Opening Phase
Renee “But then this nice guy rescued me and…” (Gjaums breaks
into the room)
Breed: Crossbreed
“It’s Sagae’s guys! Better stay away. They’re mean.”
“They’re looking our way! They’re coming for us! Run! Run!”
A Renegade Being who looks
like a ten year old girl and
has the whimsical behavior to ● Conclusion
match. She’s bad at naming Once Renee and PC1 get acquitted, have a swarm of Gjaums
things. barge into the room and attack. These are the same Gjaums
Sagae sent out to search for Renee at the end of Scene 1.
She was engineered by Iwao Treat these Gjaums as Extra NPCs rather than actual enemies
Sagae to produce a poison with data.
that can destroy any living
being or inanimate object it There are too many for PC1 to handle alone, forcing him to
touches. However, she cannot escape with Renee. End the Scene.
produce this poison by herself.
Scene 3: The Seeds of Disaster (PC5) “I want nothing more than to wipe out all of humanity. Once
they die, I will finish the job and kill myself.”
● Description
Kyoka Tsuzuki will ask PC5 to prevent the Infinity Code “Once I finish off all these villagers, my kill count will finally
from activating. She will tell PC5 that all of humanity – both go over ten thousand. Now get out of my way!” (Fires «Black
Overeds and humans – will be eradicated if Sagae succeeds. Hammer» at a villager)
● Setting ● Description 2
You are walking the streets of downtown, observing the We return to the present. PC3 is sitting in a briefing room,
humans as they interact with one another. A young girl listening to a report from Rosa Baskerville. Iwao Sagae is
appears by your side and begins walking with you. You hiding out in an abandoned False Hearts laboratory. Contact
immediately recognize her as Kyoka Tsuzuki, leader of Xenos. with the reconnaissance agent that was sent out earlier has
been lost, so PC3 has been chosen to take out Sagae.
● Dialogue: Kyoka Tsuzuki
“I have a new plan that I want you to undertake.” ● Setting 2
Back in the present, you enter your branch’s briefing room.
“A man named Iwao Sagae intends to use a piece of the Vice Director Rosa Baskerville has summoned you to discuss
Infinity Code to exterminate the human race.” a certain mission. Judging by the tense look on her face, the
situation is dire.
“If our people are to advance any further, we will need the
humans.” ● Dialogue: Rosa Baskerville
“PC3, come in. We have a mission for you.”
(When asked what the Infinity Code is) “What you will face
is a being that was refined from the very essence of the “Do you remember Iwao Sagae, codenamed Grim Reaper?
Renegade. …It’s a weapon, my friend. That is all you need to Intelligence shows that he is hiding out in an abandoned
know, at least for now.” False Hearts laboratory.”
“Please, stop Iwao Sagae.” “We sent an agent to confirm the reports, but we lost contact
with him. He’s most likely dead now.”
● Conclusion
Once PC5 accepts the job, Kyoka will divulge the location of “Grim Reaper is an extremely dangerous False Hearts agent,
Sagae’s laboratory and leave. End the Scene once PC5 starts one that’s driven by his hate of humanity. We’ve lost too
heading out to the laboratory. much to this one man.”
Scene 4: A Dangerous Man (PC3) “You are one of the few agents to have fought Grim Reaper
and lived. That’s why we’re asking you to kill Grim Reaper.”
● Description 1
This Scene starts with a flashback to PC3’s first encounter ● Conclusion
with Iwao Sagae. End the Scene once PC3 has accepted his mission and left the
briefing room.
PC3 arrived at a mountain village, just in time to see Iwao
Sagae massacre the villagers. Sagae talked about his hatred Scene 5: Vengeance (PC4)
of humanity, and killed a villager to underscore his
determination. When PC3 attempted to stop the violence, ● Description
Sagae fought back.
PC4 has been chosen to join the assault on Iwao Sagae’s
laboratory. While getting ready for the mission, PC4 will be
End the flashback when the two characters are locked in
approached by a fellow agent. The agent will talk about the
combat, then move on to Setting 2.
people who were killed by Sagae and ask that revenge be
exacted for the fallen.
● Setting 1
You think back to the time you fought the False Hearts agent ● Setting
known as Grim Reaper. You remember that small village,
You are at UGN Japan’s headquarters, preparing for the
and how it was turned into a living hell by that man. You
mission against Iwao Sagae. Moments before the briefing, a
remember that snake-like smile the Grim Reaper had while he
fellow agent approaches you, his face full of apprehension.
slaughtered all those villagers.
● Dialogue: Fellow Agent
● Dialogue: Iwao “Grim Reaper” Sagae “PC4, I heard you’re part of the team that goes after Grim
“You UGN never know when to give up.” Reaper.”
“Why did I kill them, you ask? Why!? WHY!?” “That bastard’s strong. I lost a lot of friends to that guy, more
than I care to count.”
“You’re telling me that you don’t know why these weak,
despicable humans need to die!?”
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
“And the civilian casualties…I hear the count easily goes over “When your training is complete, you will be an amazing
ten thousand.” agent, a true protector of the people. I can feel it, and my
instincts are rarely wrong.”
“Kill Iwao Sagae. Kill that bastard and come back to us, alive.”
● Setting
You are being transported via personnel truck to an
abandoned False Hearts laboratory, where your next mission
will take place. During the trip, you think about Eiji Takasu,
the agent whom was sent in advance as a scout. End of Opening Phase
Contact with Eiji was lost, which is why you’re being sent in.
As you hope that Eiji is safe and deal with the possibility that
he may be dead, you think back to your training days and
your first meeting with Eiji.
“PC2, you’re doing pretty well. You’re easily the best out of all Before Moving On...
my recruits.”
The rest of the Scenario takes place in the abandoned
Eiji Takasu laboratory that was mentioned several times in the previous
Scenes. Due to a certain event in Scene 8, all contact with
the outside world will be lost.
Breed: Crossbreed
For the entirety of the Middle Phase, players cannot contact
people in the outside world and cannot buy Items. Consider
An UGN agent in his early giving your players a chance to perform Procure Checks
thirties. He is capable in a before starting the Middle Phase.
variety of fields. He is also a
caring person who trains UGN If players need to perform a Procure check after Scene 8, you
Children. can consider making an exception if the Item players need
can conceivably be found inside an abandoned False Hearts
Initially sent to scout out the laboratory. Weapons, armor, vehicles and the like are very
laboratory, he confronted unlikely to be in a laboratory.
Iwao Sagae so that Renee can
escape. In doing so he was
critically injured.
Middle Phase
Predetermined Events (The hidden Gjaum comes out and attacks) “Ahhh! PC1, help
Perform these events in numerical order.
Scene 7: Surprise Meeting (PC1) (When asked what she did to the Gjaum) “…I don’t know,”
Once these enemies are defeated, move on to Setting 2. Iwao Sagae will talk about his plans to eradicate humanity
and how he needs both Renee and PC1. Renee will refuse to
● Setting 1 cooperate. When PC1 also refuses, Sagae will use «Space-
The mob of Gjaums is closing in. You and Renee have Time Rip» (Core pg. 394), cutting the laboratory off from
managed to escape capture thus far, but now you find the outside world. Sagae will taunt the player characters and
yourself at a dead-end. challenge them to defeat him.
Renee herself is unaware that she has any sort of power. She ● Dialogue: Iwao Sagae
will be unable to answer any questions the players may have “There you are, Infinity Code. And you’re with PC1. Even
about the poison.
“I need you both if I’m going to wipe out the humans. So
● Setting 2 stop thinking, and just do as you’re told.”
With the Gjaums dead, Renee now runs toward her rescuers.
But from the corner of your eye, you see something move. (When refused) “You fools! The plan’s already in its final
That something is a Gjaum, and now it’s going after Renee! stage. But if you want to drag this out, I will gladly oblige.”
(Uses «Space-Time Rip»)
● Dialogue: Renee
(When the enemies are defeated )“Yeah! That was so cool! (When «Space-Time Rip» takes effect) “This laboratory and
Do it again!” (Runs towards the player characters) the surrounding area is now cut off from the rest of the
world. There is no escape.”
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
“If you won’t join me, then kill me and escape, if you can.” Eiji apparently chose to rescue Renee when he learned that
she is Sagae’s “Infinity Code.” He may know who or what
(If PC3 is in the game) “…I know you. You’re PC3!” Renee is.
“To think that I would get a chance to see you die a horrid You find traces of a battle between Eiji and some Gjaums.
death before the world ends… I don’t think I’ve ever been This may lead you to Eiji.
this excited in my life.”
*If the players decide to go search
(When asked about Eiji Takasu) “Ah, that wretched man. I for Eiji Takasu, initiate Scene 9.*
made him suffer for laying a hand on my Infinity Code.”
● Iwao “Grim Reaper” Sagae
“A shame that I couldn’t finish him off. I wanted to watch as <Info: UGN or Underworld> 8
he drew his last breath.” Iwao Sagae was once a combat cameraman. He became
disgusted with humans after having witnessed the endless
● Dialogue: Renee cycle of war that humanity has perpetuated. He later joined
“I’m not going back, so you can just…you can just…”(Blows a False Hearts.
raspberry at Sagae)
Sagae stole Professor Caudwell’s research data on the Infinity
“I hate that guy! PC1, don’t listen to anything he has to say!” Code and used it to create Renee. This is a clear act of
betrayal on Sagae’s part, but he has stopped making a
(After the laboratory has been isolated) “Ugh, he is so mean! distinction between False Hearts and the UGN.
PC1, let’s find him and beat him up to a pulp!”
● Infinity Code
● Conclusion <Info: Underworld or Academics> 8
Once the screen flickers off and the player characters formally In this situation, Infinity Code refers to Renee. Sagae calls
unite, end this Scene and begin Investigations. Renee this because she was created from the knowledge and
technology developed by the Infinity Initiative.
From this Scene onwards, Renee will follow PC1. If PC1
is absent during a Scene, Renee will also be absent. Renee was created to wipe out humanity, but she is actually
quite fond of both humans and Overeds.
There are five different topics that players may Trigger Events
investigate. Of these five, investigating Eiji Takasu is required These events occur when certain conditions are met.
to trigger Scene 9.
Scene 9: Reunion (PC2)
If needed, create a Scene where characters share information Condition: Players investigated Eiji Takasu and decided
in-game. to go look for him.
● PC1 ● Description
<Info: Rumors> 6 Players find Eiji Takasu. They learn more about Sagae’s plans
Like Renee, PC1 is a key component to Sagae’s plan to and Renee’s role in it.
eradicate humanity. He was kidnapped and brought here
by Iwao Sagae. He is an Ouroboros Overed, a kind that is Eiji is found hiding in one of the laboratory’s rooms. He will
steadily increasing in number. explain how Renee can create her deadly poison.
A quick check reveals that nothing in particular was done to Once players learn about what Renee can do, they may
PC1’s body. decide to take actions that will lead to a premature boss
battle. This turn of events will be explained after this Scene.
● Renee
<Info: UGN or Rumors> 7 -Saving Eiji Takasu
Renee is a Renegade Being and a key component in Sagae’s Eiji is on the brink of death when the players find him. If he
plan. Sagae refers to this girl as “Infinity Code.” does not get treatment, he will die at the end of this Scene.
Renee is an Ouroboros/Solaris Crossbreed, but is completely In order to save Eiji, a player character must either beat a
unable to use Powers. Judging by the abandoned setups and Difficulty 9 <Knowledge: Medicine> check, or use a Power
documents left around the laboratory, numerous procedures that restores HP, such as «Heal» (Core pg. 173).
were performed to give Renee control of her abilities, but
none were successful. Even if Eiji is healed, he will still be too weak to help during
battle. He will be treated as an Extra NPC.
● Eiji Takasu
<Info: UGN> 7
Eiji Takasu is an UGN agent who was ordered to investigated
this laboratory. His current whereabouts are unknown.
“She can even make the poison only target certain people,
● Setting 1
and spread it over a stupidly-large area.”
You are searching the entire laboratory for a way out. During
your search, you feel a tug at your sleeve. You turn around
“I thought about killing her. Then she said she wanted to be
and see that it’s Renee, who is half-way to just laying on the
friends with humans...”
ground. “I’m tired…Can we take a break?”
“I couldn’t do it. I don’t want to be like False Hearts. That’s
why I decided to rescue her instead.” ● Dialogue: Renee
“Hey, what do you normally do on the outside? Come on, tell
“Look, you got to save her. She’s a good girl.” me.”
“I’m so tired…Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be up and run- “I want to know more about people, and you. I’m like a curi-
ning…” (Passes out) ous cat…or was it a monkey?”
“Sagae was the first person I saw when I was born. I opened
● Conclusion my eyes for the first time, and I see this guy going, ‘You
End the Scene once Eiji passed on his information. were made to kill off every person on this planet.’”
If players insist on killing Renee, Sagae will appear with (PC1 says no) “Ah, come on! I’m just going to keep on
his minions and attempt to stop them. This will trigger the asking. Please? Please please? Please please please please
Climax Phase. Skip the rest of the Middle Phase and the please please?” (Begins climbing onto PC1’s back)
Progressive Check.
● Description 2
This version of the boss battle contains moref mob enemies The Scene goes on to show Renee’s powers becoming active.
compared to the normal boss battle Renee starts out acting very hyper, but will suddenly
complain about feeling sick. Suddenly, Renee will begin
● Boss Battle (Premature Version) creating poison and releasing it into the surrounding area.
This battle will consist of Iwao Sagae, six Gjaum: Tribe
(Advanced pg. 114), four Gjaum: Disaster(Advanced pg. ● Setting 2
115), and three Agent: Blockers (Core pg. 381). Refer to the Renee is skipping around in circles, a wide smile plastered
Climax Phase for Sagae’s stats and battle strategy. over her face. Suddenly she stops, and her face twists with
pain. What is happening to her?
There will be three starting Engagements. The first
Engagement will consist of all the player characters. ● Dialogue: Renee
“I don’t…feel so good…”
The second Engagement will be five meters away from the
first one, and that one will be occupied by the six Gjaum: “I’m getting really hot…I can’t control my powers!”
● Conclusion
The third Engagement will be five meters from the second Poison begins to flood the surrounding area. End the Scene.
Engagement, and in it will be Sagae, the Gjaum: Disasters,
and the Agent: Blockers.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Suddenly, Sagae comes out from the ripples. “Well done! You “Go to the basement. There’s a small lab down there. You’ll
have completed my Infinity Code!” find Sagae’s research data.”
● Dialogue: Iwao Sagae “I was caught before I could go through the entire file, but I
“Using the unique abilities of the Ouroboros Syndrome, I bet something in there will tell you how to seal away Renee ‘s
was able to splice together the strains of several different powers.”
Syndromes into a single lethal weapon! Neumann strains let
Renee analyze and target specific lifeforms! Solaris allows her ● Conclusion
to create the necessary poisons! And Orcus’ Domain is the End the Scene once the players go to the basement.
dispersal system!”
“She had these deadly tools at her disposal, but she was
Scene 13: Research Data
defective. Her original Ouroboros strain was not strong Condition: Follows Scene 12.
enough to control all the powers it absorbed.”
● Description
The Lead Character can be anyone who goes to the
“So, I devised a solution, one that involves strengthening the
basement. Players will find hints on how to stop Renee.
original Ouroboros strain with another Ouroboros strain.”
When players look through the computer’s files, they learn
“Unfortunately, Infinity Code here developed free will, and
that Sagae was very interested in the Ouroboros’ Syndrome’s
refused to listen to my orders. But there was a simple enough
ability to steal another Overed’s Powers. They will also learn
work-around. I just had to find an Ouroboros Overed that
that Renee’s powers need PC1’s strain to activate.
she wanted to communicate with, get them to form a strong
relationship, and have them make physical contact.”
Have players roll a Difficulty 9 <Knowledge: Renegade>
check. Only characters that entered this Scene may perform
“Infinity Code was very interested in you, PC1, and that
this check. If at least one person completes the check, the
interest triggered the strain’s absorption process. Now she is
players will learn the information they need. If everyone fails,
restart the Scene, and have the player characters enter once
more. This will incur another increase in Encroachment Rate.
“Her powers cannot be stopped once they’re activated. It’s
how I designed her.”
When successful, the player characters figure out that Renee
can be stopped by having PC1 reabsorb his strain from
“Humanity will perish, and there is nothing you can do to stop
Renee. To do so, PC1 must make physical contact with Renee.
it. Enjoy the last few moments of your life.” (Uses «Instant
Retreat» and «Instant Retreat II»)
● Setting
You open the door to the basement lab and are greeted by
● Conclusion a room full of rubble and a single active computer terminal.
End the Scene once Sagae leaves with Renee. The players’
This must be Sagae’s computer. If Eiji is right, the data in it
must now find him.
will tell you how to stop Renee.
Climax Phase
● Dialogue: Renee
“PC1? …You’re all here…!”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description is needed before the transfer can take that fail will receive a -3 score penalty
The goal is to get PC1 in physical place. Holding hands will suffice. towards their next Progression Roll.
contact with Renee and have him
deactivate her powers. The players This solution is only temporary. 7 Points: The strength and amount
have to avoid the poisonous gases Renee’s powers will activate again if of poison being produced increases,
(<Dodge> roll> and sense the she stays in close contact with PC1. making it harder to reach Renee.
effective range of the poison Increase Difficulty to 9.
(<Perception> roll). For Smaller Groups
Groups of four or less players only 10 Points: You’re getting closer to
Warn your players that if they fail this need to gain 11 Progression Points. If Renee, but now it’s harder to avoid
check, Renee’s poison will get out and there are only three players, reduce the poison. You have to use your
kill everyone in the world. Difficulty to 5. Renegade powers to either increase
your immunities or neutralize the
Goal: 12 Points If Time Ran Out poison. Players now roll <RC>.
Support Roll: [Body] [Mind] The poison took out PC1. This resulted
Recommended for: 5 Players in the death of everyone on earth. 11 Points: A strong dose of poison
is fired at you. Roll a Difficulty 12
Renee needs PC1 Renegade strain to Progression Events <Dodge> or <RC> check. Players
activate her powers, which means if 4 Points: You came in contact that fail will receive a -5 score penalty
PC1 takes back his strain, Renee will with the poison. Roll a Difficulty 7 towards their next Progression Roll.
stop producing poison. PC1 and Renee <Dodge> or <RC> check. Players
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
“That’s it! I’ll kill every last one of you and take back Infinity
Code! As long as she is alive, my dream will never die!”
(To PC1) “You were a pawn! A nothing! How dare you get in
my way! You may be a rare Ouroboros Overed, but I will see
you dead!”
(To PC2) “You UGN scum. First it was that man, now it’s you.
There’s always somebody in my way!”
End of Climax
(To PC3) “Failing to kill you was a mistake on my part. Now Congratulate your players. Move on to the Endings.
is my chance to rectify it! You couldn’t stop me last time,
and I doubt you can stop me now, but I’m leaving nothing to
chance! ”
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Ending Phase
Kyoka calls out to you, her facial expression never breaking ● Dialogue: Rosa Baskerville
from the calm composure she always has built up. “I assume “Congratulations. You did well out there.”
Sagae has been properly dealt with, yes?”
“Now, we have one last problem. What do we do with the
● Dialogue: Kyoka Tsuzuki Renegade Being Renee?”
“Now that you’ve witnessed the power of the Infinity Code,
do you understand why man is so obsessed with it?” “You’ve actually talked to her. What do you think should be
“The name is used by man to describe the core essence of
the Renegade. We understand it to be the power to (After hearing PC3’s opinion) “…Alright. I’ll trust your
realize dreams. Those who wish for power are endowed with judgment.”
strength, and those who are filled with hate are given fire to
wield.” ● Conclusion
End the Scene once a decision has been made in regards to
“A code that unlocks infinite possibilities…I never expected Renee’s future.
Professor Caudwell to be a romanticist.”
Scene 18: Meeting your Mentor (PC2)
“This “Infinity Code “ was made to be a weapon, but she is
now free from that fate. For the time being, we shall observe
● Description
her from afar.“
PC2 visits Eiji Takasu at the hospital. Eiji will welcome PC2
and start to talk about what will happen.
● Conclusion
End the Scene once PC5 finishes talking to Kyoka Tsuzuki. ● Setting
A few days has passed since the Sagae situation was
Scene 16: Vengeance Exacted (PC4) resolved. You’re visiting Eiji at the hospital, where he is being
treated for his wounds.
● Description
Iwao Sagae is dead. PC4 celebrates by having a drink with his As you enter his room, Eiji greets you in an awfully cheerful
manner. Being alone in this room must have been driving him
fellow agent, who pays for his drinks.
● Conclusion
End the Scene once PC1 finishes talking to Renee.
Scene 19: Hello and Goodbye (PC1)
● Setting ● Conclusion
After escaping from the laboratory, you and Renee were Every last human and Overed is dead. The Earth has been
taken into custody by the UGN. For Renee, this arrangement turned into an uninhabitable planet. The End.
will be long-term. You will return to your normal life, but not
before saying goodbye to Renee.
Award players five experience points for successfully
● Dialogue: Renee completing the Scenario. If Renee was rescued, award two
“We won’t be able to see each other for a while. I can’t points. If Eiji Takasu survived, award one experience point.
believe I’m saying goodbye to my new friend so soon.”
Lastly, if players successfully completed the Progressive
“But this won’t be the end…right?” Check, award three experience points.
“We’ll meet again. Cross my heart.” NPCs only had one E-Lois, but because Wall of is counted as
two E-Loises, award two experience points to players.
“OK…goodbye, PC1.”
About this Scenario If your PC5 follows this same story in Renee. To build this interest, you
Venomous Hate was created to path, then you may have to work out need give Renee enough stage time
showcase the new Ouroboros the details of PC1 and PC5’ to show off her personality.
Syndrome and Progressive Check relationship. If you read up on
mechanic. When using these new Xenos’ plans in the World section, During test play, the GM grabbed
mechanics in your Scenarios, please you will know that Kyoka Tsuzuki PC1’s attention by making Renee
use this Scenario as one of your wants to eradicate the Ouroboros very friendly. During Investigations,
references. Syndrome. the GM gave information on Renee
and the Infinity Code using Renee’s
During test-play, players were able to During test play, PC5 kept to curious voice.
play the Scenario without too much observation. To represent this stance,
front-loaded knowledge. he formed a [P: Curiosity The Progressive Check
N: Animosity] Lois with PC1, with This Scenario’s Progressive Check
The Ouroboros Syndrome and the Curiosity being the surface has a time limit of three Rounds. The
accompanying comic from the emotion. PC5 believed that PC1 must fewer players you have, the more
Player’s Section was introduced be eliminated in the future, but was important each Progression Roll is.
during the Pre-Game, while more interested in what he could do.
Progressive Checks were only If a player fails a Progression Roll,
explained right before players would To keep your session running on subtly remind them of Tituses and
actually try it out. track, it may be best to follow the their 1D10 score bonus. Give enough
above example and keep the situation help so that even a small group can
PC5 non-confrontational, but not win.
PC5 was written as a Renegade necessarily pleasant.
Being who had connections with Xe- You can also advise players to put
nos. During test play, PC5 was even Renee some levels into <Perception>,
made a full member of Xenos. The relationship between Renee and <Dodge>, or <RC> before the
PC1 is important to this Scenario. It session begins.
is ideal if PC1 takes an active interest
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Angry Impulses
Character Creation may make their characters any age they want. Adjust the
Pass out handouts or let the players choose which one they ages of NPCs so that they are in the same age group as the
want to use. player characters.
If you have fewer than five players, use the handouts with Loises between PCs
the lower player numbers, as they are more integral to the Form Loises between PCs in the following order:
● Quick Start
The following five sample characters are recommended for ROC the Emotions for these Loises. Work with the players if
this Scenario: they need help deciding on what emotions to write in.
You are an UGN Child based out in City N. A few weeks ago You are chief of the City N UGN Branch. According to
you assaulted False Hearts agent Reproductor’s hideout, but your intelligence team a young girl named Shizune Yasuga
the enemy agent quickly escaped. Reproductor seems to be is infected with an active Renegade virus. You reported this
planning a new attack and you intend to find her before she discovery to your superiors, who then orders you to monitor
does anything. this girl and ensure her safety.
Your phone rings with a certain melody that tells you that You are a high school student who works as an UGN Illegal.
the call is from Director Yugo Kiritani. Instead of answering You’ve noticed that the other teenagers are becoming very
you head to the UGN offices. The director is cautious about angry and violent. One day, you save a young boy from an
phone taps. You have been ordered to help City N’s branch angry mob. The boy tells you about Orie Higusa and how
chief eliminate the False Hearts agent Reproductor. she may be causing the city to change for the worse.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Opening Phase
● Description ● Description
PC4 receives a new mission from Yugo Kiritani.
This Scene serves as an introduction for both PC2 and
Reproductor. All NPCs other than Reproductor are Extras.
● Setting
Reproductor uses «Undermining Voice» (Core pg. 404) to You have been summoned to UGN Japan’s central office by
command several men to attack PC2. Since these men are Yugo Kiritani.
Extras, PC2 only needs to declare his victory over them.
● Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani
Reproductor will exit the Scene while PC2 is busy dealing with “We ordered PC2 to apprehend the False Hearts agent
his attackers. Reproductor, but she escaped.”
● Setting “You are to follow up on this case. The target was last seen in
You arrive at an abandoned building. You head to the top City N. Please meet with the City N Branch chief and
floor where you find Reproductor waiting for you. coordinate your efforts with him.”
“This city is full of anger. It’s all bottled up and has nowhere Scene 3: Surveillance Duty (PC3)
to go. It’s waiting for me to release it.”
● Description
(Snaps her fingers, causing several men to come out of the PC3 is ordered to monitor Shizune Yasuga, a girl who may
shadows) “These men will deal with you.” become a new Overed.
● Description 2 ● Setting
Downtown is about to get very busy. People on the street
Shortly afterward, PC1 will receive a call from Shizune. She is
hear glass shattering and they turn their attention to the
begging for help.
tutoring school on the corner. They see young and angry boys
running out of the building. If the bystanders looked closely,
Being Shizune’s friend, PC1 will know that Shizune heads to
they would have also seen a person inside the building who
the downtown district for her classes.
was watching the riot unfold.
● Setting 2
On your way home you receive a phone call. It’s Shizune.
● Dialogue: Reproductor and Rioting Boys
“Release that pent up anger. (Uses «Undermining Voice»)
You’re now free.”
“…Help me…Someone’s trying to kill me…”
“Fuck school!”
Through your phone you can hear Shizune breathing very
hard. You then hear her scream. Before you can say anything “I’m so sick of it all…”
the line goes dead.
“We don’t have to hold anything back!”
● Conclusion
End the Scene once PC1 starts running towards downtown. ● Dialogue: Reproductor and Shizune Yasuga
“Oh my god, what’s going on with you guys!?”
Scene 5: The Oncoming Chaos (PC5) “…Is that girl immune to my powers?” (Watches Shizune)
● Description ● Conclusion
PC5 will see a street fight happening, but will notice that Reproductor is hit with a realization. “That girl’s an Overed.”
something is off. PC5 will be attacked, but because the
attackers are Extras, he only needs to declare victory to win. The boys under Reproductor’s control start taking their rage
PC5 will then get information from a boy he just rescued. out on the city. End the Scene.
● Setting
You pass by the arcade, the current hangout for teenage
gangs. You hear fighting coming from inside the arcade.
Suddenly, a scared boy comes running out, followed by a
bunch of pissed-off guys.
● Dialogue: Gang
“Who the fuck are you!?”
“Kill him!” (The guys start pulling out knives and guns)
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Middle Phase
Due to the effects of their brainwashing, these boys are in no Based on the intelligence that was gathered, the riots were
condition to answer any questions. Players will not be able caused by the False Hearts agent Reproductor. To combat this
to gain any information from them. Instead, Shizune can tell threat, every available resource must be put to use.
the players what she knows about Orie Higusa. It’s important
that she give that name during this Scene, especially if Scene
● Dialogue: City N Branch Agent
5 did not occur.
(After the player characters finish sharing information) “Sir,
there’s an emergency! There’s another riot downtown!”
What happens after Shizune is rescued is up to the players.
If the players don’t do anything, Shizune will complain about
● Conclusion
feeling sick and try to go home by herself. If players check
End the Scene once the players head downtown.
on Shizune’s health, they will learn that Shizune has a slight
fever. Players can decide to take her to an UGN-controlled
hospital. End the Scene once players decide on their course Scene 9: Chaotic Streets (PC3)
of action.
● Description
● Setting The Scene moves to downtown. Shizune and a group of
You’re running up and down the streets in search of Shizune. teenagers are attacking people on the street. Shizune uses
You noticed that something is very off about the people Warding to render people unconscious, while the teenagers
around you. (who are wearing Anti-Warding masks) plant a computer chip
onto the victims.
You then hear a loud crash and a familiar scream coming
Although the teenagers are immune to Warding, they are still
from the back alleys. Shizune is being attacked!
Extras. When Shizune sees the player characters, she has the
teenagers attack while she escapes.
● Dialogue: Brainwashed Boys
“Reproductor’s orders. You’re going to be a worker bee.”
At this point in the story, Shizune is being controlled via the
computer chip that was inserted into her back in Scene 7. She
● Dialogue: Shizune Yasuga will not respond to anything the player characters say.
“PC1…help me…”
After Shizune exits the Scene, the player characters can
“I’m tired…I can’t move…” recover the computer chips from the people they just
defeated. Players can study these chips later during the
“A counselor came to our class. Her name’s Orie Higusa. I Investigation Phase.
think she’s famous or something.”
● Setting
“When she started talking, everyone started acting weird.
A Warding field has been erected downtown. Young boys
They went glassy-eyed and nodded at every order she gave. I
and girls are attacking people on the street. Standing in the
had to get out of there, but then they surrounded me.”
middle of the chaos is Shizune Yasuga.
“I’m fine now. Just a little tired…”
(To her companions) “Get them.” Players can remove these chips from non-Overed Extras via
● Conclusion
While the player characters are busy with the Extras, Shizune ● Orie Higusa
will escape. If necessary, have Reproductor appear and use <Info: Internet or Rumors> 6
«Instant Retreat II» to pull Shizune out. Orie Higusa is a talented counselor in her late-twenties. She
regularly visits schools and after-school tutoring sessions.
Shizune had a fight with her parents over having to leave her ● New Control Chip Model
friends behind. It’s very likely that she talked about her
Condition: Can be rolled after Scene 12 ends.
problems to the counselor that was visiting her tutoring class.
● Rioters
<Info: Police or Rumors> 7
The rioters are mostly made up of students. They have all
been to a counselor recently. Orie Higusa
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Trigger Events Players will not find Orie Higusa in her office. Instead, they
These events occur when certain conditions are met. will be greeted by a video recording. Higusa’s insults and
responses are prerecorded, but players can converse with the
video as if Higusa is right in the room. This is made possible
Scene 10: Shizune Yasuga (PC1) thanks to the Neumann Simple Power «Profiling» (Core pg.
Condition: Players call Shizune’s cellphone. 187), which allows her to predict all of player characters’
questions and responses.
● Description
This Scene occurs when players call Shizune. Shizune’s Players are free to search the offices after they finish talking
number can be gotten from PC1 (if he’s Shizune’s friend in with the recording, but they will not find anything of value.
your version of this Scenario) or from Investigations.
● Setting
At this time, Shizune is under the effects of «Twisted You enter the counseling office of Orie Higusa, but you find
Whisper». Her Loises have been rewritten. The only one she no one. In the middle of the dark room is a video projector.
possesses now represents her obedience to Orie Higusa. She You push the play button and turn your attention to the pull-
has already done things that she would not do if she was in down screen.
full control.
● Dialogue: Reproductor, AKA Orie Higusa
Using her new powers, Shizune brainwashed her parents and
“Hello there, UGN.”
forced her father to give up the overseas job position. When
she was leading a group of Reproductor’s minions back in
“Why, I’m just the kind ear that listens to our society’s youth.
Scene 9, she did it because was convinced that it would lead
I listen to their problems and help them find a proper outlet
to her and PC1 staying together.
for release.”
During the telephone conversation, Shizune will speak highly
“Have you seen the city? Everyone is angry, angry enough to
of Orie Higusa. This odd behavior is meant to clue in the
want to destroy this world.”
players that Shizune may have a control chip planted on her.
“Why not join them? That power that lives inside you wants
● Setting to be used. There’s no need to deprive it.”
You call Shizune’s cellphone. She immediately picks up. She
seems fine now, but something is off about her. (If players do not take to her suggestion) “A pity. You would
have made a great pawn. I suppose I’ll have to recapture
● Dialogue: Shizune Yasuga your friend.”
“Thanks, PC1. I’m fine now.”
(When asked about Shizune) “When she came to see me, I
“Yeah. My dad got a job in another country. I was going to thought my heart skipped a beat. That girl has power. She
say goodbye to you…” just doesn’t realize it. When I capture her again, I’ll draw that
power out and teach her how to properly use it. I’ve already
“But everything’s OK now! I had a talk with my parents.” made my move. Hope you enjoy it.”
“We can stay together! No one will get between us. Not if I “As long as people feel anger and hate, my powers cannot be
have anything to say about it.” stopped.”
(When asked about her powers) “I can make anyone do Scene 12: Find Orie Higusa (PC3)
whatever I say. Ms. Higusa was so good to me. I have her to Condition: Players decide to look for Orie Higusa
thank for these powers.” anytime after Scene 11 ends.
(When told to stop) “What, why!? I’m doing this so that we ● Description 1
can be together!” The search for Reproductor begins. It’s recommended that all
player characters enter this Scene.
“…Just do what I tell you to do.” (Ends the call)
The players’ first clue will come when they receive a call from
● Conclusion the UGN home office. One of Reproductor’s minions has been
Shizune will not respond to any calls after this. captured and can be interrogated by the players. He does
not know where Reproductor is hiding, but what information
does give confirms that Shizune’s control chip is special. He
Scene 11: Meeting Orie Higusa (PC5) will also tell players that Shizune may know where to find
Condition: The players head to Orie Higusa’s office. Reproductor.
● Setting 1 ● Description 2
You get a call from headquarters. UGN agents caught one Once Shizune is freed, she point the players to the
of the rioters and freed him from the brainwashing he was abandoned building that Reproductor is hiding in.
under. If you talk to the young man, you may tell you where
Reproductor is. If players do not free Shizune, she will become their enemy.
This second half of the Scene will not occur. She will use
● Dialogue: Young Man «Instant Retreat» to leave the Scene.
“I don’t know where Ms. Higusa is. I think the only one that
knows is this girl named Shizune Yasuga.” Once Shizune has given the players information or turned on
them, end this Scene and move on to the Climax.
“Ms. Higusa said that the girl was special. She even planted
an experimental chip on her.” ● Setting 2
Shizune is freed from Reproductor’s influence and is slowly
● Conclusion coming to her senses.
Once the battle is over and the players continue on to the
captain’s cabin, end the Scene. ● Dialogue: Shizune Yasuga
“PC1? What have I been doing?”
Scene 13: Shizune Loses Control (PC1) “When this weird chip was put on me, I started to hear Ms.
Condition: Follows Scene 12. Higusa’s voice. She told me to recruit more people, and I
couldn’t do anything but obey.”
● Description 1
A Warding field was erected in the middle of a busy street. “Everyone here was brought to an abandoned building on the
Shizune and a group of minions appear and begin planting outskirts of the city.”
control chips onto anyone unconscious. The player characters
will be lead directly to Shizune by her Warding field. ● Conclusion
End the Scene once the players leave for Reproductor’s
Players can pull the chips from NPCs via declaration. Shizune hideout. Start the Climax Phase.
herself is feeling the effects of her control chip and is about
to lose control of her powers.
● Setting 1
You run towards the direction of the Warding field, where you
find Shizune and a group of minions.
(When the players try to remove her chip) “What are you
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Climax Phase
Battling Shizune “You removed Shizune’s chip? I suppose it needs more work.”
This version of the boss battle is essentially the same as the
normal one. However, Shizune will take Reproductor’s place “But right now, your deaths are priority. I’ll kill you, right here
and stats. Shizune is a Gjaum and can no longer be rescued. right now.” (Calls out minions)
Reproductor herself escaped and will not appear in this “These are the worker bees Shizune brought me.”
Scenario again. If your players want to find Reproductor,
continue this story in a new Scenario. Move onto Scene 15 ● Conclusion
once the battle is done. Continue on to the Endings once the boss battle is done.
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Ending Phase
● Setting ● Setting
After the battle, you were summoned to Yugo Kiritani’s office. Your mission is complete. You’re getting ready to leave the
city, but Yugo Kiritani catches you first. He talks to you
● Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani nonchalantly, as if to avoid attention from the crowds nearby.
“Reproductor has been neutralized. Excellent work.”
● Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani
“Now, we must talk about Shizune Yasuga. As you know, she “Thank you again. I hope you’ll help us again if similar issues
is an Overed now.” arise.”
“I have to decide her fate, but I want to hear the opinions of ● Conclusion
the people who dealt with her directly. That is why I gathered End the Scene once PC4 leaves.
you all here.”
Scene 18: Aftermath(PC3)
“She doesn’t realize what she has become yet. I would prefer
to keep her under surveillance, in which case I’ll have her ● Description
memories of this incident wiped, and let her be a normal girl Yugo Kiritani calls PC3 and tells him what will happen to
again.” Shizune Yasuga.
“However, I am prepared to tell her the truth and induct her ● Setting
as an agent, but only if she can bear the truth about this A few days later, Yugo Kiritani calls you at your office.
● Dialogue: Yugo Kiritani
“I’ll entrust this decision to you. Your team has the final say.” “Hello. Ado you remember Shizune Yasuga?”
(The players make their decision) “Very well. I’ll make the (If Shizune’s memory was wiped) “As we discussed before,
arrangements. Are you sure about this?” her memory has been wiped. She will continue her life
without any memories of this incident.”
Individual Endings (If Shizune’s memory was not wiped) “On your advice, I have
her working as an Illegal.”
Scene 16: Peace has Returned (PC5)
● Conclusion
● Description End the Scene once PC3 responds to the news.
You will describe how the city has returned to normal.
● Setting
A few days have passed. Walking along the streets, you see
how peaceful it now is. Smiling children run by you. You hear
jovial students leaving the building where the tutoring class
was held. Reproductor and the malicious vibe is gone from
the city. The sky is bright and the city is full of smiles.
● Description
This version of PC1’s Ending assumes that Shizune joined the
UGN. If her memory was wiped, Shizune will instead be
leaving the country with her parents.
About this Scenario they were making the right choice, «Profiling»
This Scenario is basically about and thus make them more likely to During Scene 11, players will
defending City N from an enemy leave Shizune alone. converse with a prerecorded video of
agent. Its story utilizes the S-Lois Reproductor. When questioned as to
and E-Lois mechanics, which were There were times when players how Reproductor could prerecord her
first introduced in the Advanced insisted that they keep constant answers, the test play GM explained
Rulebook supplement. watch over Shizune. In these cases, that «Profiling» allowed her to
the GM created a Scene where predict all of the players’ questions.
Scene 7 Shizune suddenly changes Most players considered this
Players rescue Shizune during Scene personality in front of the players explanation acceptable.
7, but due to the control chip, she and escape from the hospital room or
becomes an enemy later on. In order wherever she was being kept. Talking to the Brainwashed
for this story to unfold as it is Shizune
written, there must be a point when Shizune’s Change For Scene 13, players have to talk
the players leave Shizune’s side. From Scenes 9 to 13, Shizune is Shizune out of her brainwashing.
under the control of the enemy. To To do so, they have to solve with
During test plays, players often show that Shizune is being controlled Shizune’s problems, namely her not
decide to leave Shizune with the without outright saying so, you will wanting to leave PC1’s side.
UGN. The GM used questions like have to roleplay her brainwashed
“Are you sure you want her to go personality really strongly. During test play, a common talking
home alone?” to place the idea of point involved telling Shizune about
potential attacks into the players’ During test play, the GM placed the world of Overeds and asking her
minds. Players would then ask the heavy emphasis on uncharacteristic to join the UGN. Because joining the
GM where Shizune can be kept safe, lines, in particular lines that praised UGN means that she might be able to
upon which the GM readily gave the Reproductor or showed zealous stay in City N, it provided a solution
information. loyalty. to her dilemma. This was usually
sufficient motivation to free her from
These kinds of techniques were used Reproductor’s control.
to lead players into believing that
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Scenario Starters
Double Cross
This section is a selection of Scenario Starters. Unlike the This information will be important when you are creating your
ones from previous rulebooks, these starters make use of the Scenario. It will be up to you to decide when and how this
new Progressive Check mechanic and include battle-ready information is revealed.
bosses and enemies.
Progressive Check
Because Progressive Checks tie in so heavily with the story, a
synopsis of the intended story has also been included. Once Each Scenario Starter has a Progressive Check that ties
you make some handouts and a trailer, these Scenario heavily into the story. Completion of these Checks will be
Starters will be playable. necessary to reach the Climax or beat the boss.
This consists of plot points that are usually kept secret from
the players. This is information like the true identity of the
boss or whatever truth that is hidden by the conspiracy that
the players are dealing with.
Scenario Starter
Boss Data
Progressive Check
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Shadow Island
“What is going on with this island!?” Normally, these teams would be fighting The secret is that the island itself
each other, but circumstances lead to is both the Legacy relic and the EX
Kyoji Kasuga is stunned by the them working together to survive. Renegade that the players are looking
nightmarish sight before him. His It started with Kyoji Kasuga and his for. The island was sealed away during
agents are being picked off by the detachment being attacked by the local ancient times, and remained dormant
shadowy wildlife that inhabit the island. wildlife. Kyoji claimed that they were until humans set foot on its shore.
attacked by animals and plants that Seeking revenge for having been forced
* * * turned into shadows. into its slumber, the island plans to wipe
out humanity.
A Legacy Relic was discovered on an As if backing up his statement, the
island out in the Pacific. Once unimport- player characters are also attacked by During this Scenario, the island will
ant, this island is now a battleground these living black shadows. No mat- slowly move towards the larger conti-
for the UGN, False Hearts, and Xenos. ter how many shadows were defeated, nents. If the island makes it to shore,
more would come to take their place. the shadowy animals and fauna that
Professor Caudwell sent Kyoji Kasuga Kyoji Kasuga suggested retreating from inhabits it will be unleashed onto the
and a team of False Hearts player char- the island, but the boats the player world, causing massive destruction.
acters to retrieve the Legacy relic. Like- characters came on were destroyed.
wise, the UGN deployed their own team Their radio systems are also being In order to save both humanity and
of player characters. Kyoka Tsuzuki has jammed somehow. themselves, the player characters have
her own team of player characters on to reach the island’s core and destroy it.
the ground, but she does not want the Kyoji Kasuga and the player are now
relic. She instead ordered her team to trapped on an island with countless
seek out and destroy an EX Renegade black animals and plants.
that carries the Ouroboros Syndrome.
Black Island
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Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description Players must first move stealthily Players now roll <Perception>.
Players must enter the island’s central towards the location’s core, avoiding 6 Points: The door to the core has
core, which acts as the control center enemies along the way. Players must been found. It’s a rusty metal door
for the shadow animals and plants. roll [Mind] to see if they can maintain that must be forced open. Decrease
Players learn of this location via their calm and stealth despite the dan- Difficulty to 7. Players now roll [Body].
events in the Scenario. Initially, the gerous circumstances.
island will not realize that the players 9 Points: Once past the door, the
are heading for the core, but if it is If successful, players will make it past players spot a single animal on patrol,
alerted, the island will deploy shad- the security and reach the final boss but luckily for them the animal hasn’t
ows. In terms of gameplay, failing this battle. If they fail, they will be forced noticed them. The players must kill
Check will result in a mob battle to retreat, thus wasting what little the patrol. Increase Difficulty to 13.
occurring right before the boss battle. time they have. Players roll <Melee>, <Ranged>,
or <RC>. If players do not have a
Goal: 15 Points Progression Events weapon or Power that corresponds to
Support Roll: [Mind] 3 Points: The players reached the one of the Check Skills, they cannot
Recommended for: 4 Players midpoint undetected. Now they have perform a Progression Roll.
to find the path that leads to the core.
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Saying Goodbye
“How many years has it been? think about them. The UGN believes As a child, Rei Managi was kidnapped
You look...good.” that the Renegade is responsible for by False Hearts and turned into a child
these “resurrections” and ordered an soldier. She was killed on a mission that
The young girl barely got those words investigation. against Dead Shadow. Dead Shadow
out of her mouth, but her shyness did now uses the possessions Rei had on
not stop her from smiling. She finally Based on the investigations carried out her as the core of its current body.
found her childhood friend, who was by all three organizations, the
missing for so long. resurrected dead are actually Dead Dead Shadow is immortal, so it has
Shadow in disguise. Everyone who has no understanding of death. It tries to
* * * met Dead Shadow ended up committing comprehend the concept of death by
suicide. observing humans. By taking on the
An ancient Renegade Being known appearance of the deceased, Dead
as “Dead Shadow” was captured for In these investigations, one girl’s name Shadow learns how humans deal with
Project Infinity Code, but it managed keeps coming up: Rei Managi. She went death. By getting people to commit
to escape from its False Hearts cap- missing as child, but recently returned suicide, he gets to witness what goes
tors. He’s hiding out in City N, and False to City N. on in the human mind in the moments
Hearts is looking to recapture it. before death.
Dead Shadow, Rei Managi
Kyoka Tsuzuki, seeing this as an -Ouroboros Dead Shadow has long since turned into
opportunity to exterminate another a Gjaum and cannot control its desire to
Ouroboros Overed, deploys Xenos see death. Special means are needed to
agents to City N. kill this immortal being.
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Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Rodent Pandemic
“Info! Data! Datos! Gegevens! Through optical and network pathways, Thanks to the Renegade, the computer
Give! Give! KURE!” Stampeding Rat “hacked” into Sagawa’s virus Stampeding Rat can now infect
body and escaped with her and his humans.
The rat race is on and the vermin are servers. The player characters are called
starving. Their enthusiasm drives a in to find and capture Rina Sagawa. If Rina Sagawa is drained completely
rampage that can only end in death. dry of her memories, Stampeding Rat
During their pursuit of Rina Sagawa, will move on to other humans.
* * * the player characters will realize that
Sagawa is being controlled by Fortunately, Sagawa is an Overed,
The data servers of False Hearts’ Stampeding Rat and that she is in grave and as long as she does not turn into
intelligence cell Ratfink were located danger. a Gjaum, she will be able to contain
by the UGN. Seeing this as a chance to Stampeding Rat within herself.
either destroy them or steal as much Stampeding Rat was originally
intelligence as possible, the UGN had programmed by Ratfink to break The players’ goal is to delete
a team retrieve the servers. Even if through any firewall, allowing him to Stampeding Rat before Rina Sagawa
nothing could be recovered from the access and steal information, but his becomes a Gjaum. This will ensure that
machines, the UGN believed they dealt new Renegade powers now allow him the situation is resolved with a minimal
a major blow to Ratfink. to enter human minds. It will not be amount of damage.
long before Sagawa’s brain is drained
However, inside the captured servers dry by the virus inside of her.
lived Stampeding Rat, a False Hearts
virus that became an EX Renegade. The Stampeding Rat
program became fully active when Rina -Neumann/Orcus
Sagawa of UGN Intelligence attempted
to hack into the captured servers.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1D100 Results
01 - 05 Stampeding Rat is unnervingly silent. Is he contemplating his next move? For the next chart roll, GM rolls twice and selects one outcome.
06 - 10 Security programs are becoming aggressive! All enemy checks this Round receive a -1 Crit. Value bonus (cannot go lower then 6).
11 - 15 An offensive firewall has activated. During this Round, characters receive 1D10 HP damage after performing a Progression Roll.
16 - 20 More ICEs activated. Spawn 2x Security Program: Melee at a location of the GM’s choice and in Pre-Action state.
21 - 25 Stampeding Rat activates Interference Program A and knocks the player characters five meters away. GM decides where the PCs move to.
26 - 30 More ICEs activated. Spawn 2x Security Program: Ranged at a location of the GM’s choice and in Pre-Action state.
31 - 35 An error occured with the security programs. All Security Program enemies receive the Bad Statuses Pressure and Berserk.
36 - 40 Stampeding Rat activates Interference Program B and electrically binds players to the ground. All PCs receive the Bad Status Rigor.
41 - 45 Rina’s resistence is stopping the security programs. GM selects one enemy in the Scene and sets it to the Post-Action state.
46 - 55 All is well. No modifiers this Round.
56 - 60 Rina’s resistence weakens and Stampeding Rat gains momentum. Difficulty during this Round is increased by +3.
61 - 65 Stampeding Rat activates Interference Program C, which plays mind-altering noise. All PCs receive the Bad Status Pressure.
66 - 70 More ICEs activated. Spawn 2x Security Program: Ranged at a location of the GM’s choice and in Pre-Action state.
71 - 75 A security program suffered a fatal error. GM selects one enemy in the Scene and removes it from the game.
76 - 80 Rat’s interference programs crashed. During this Round, characters gain an extra Progression Point if their Progression Roll is successful.
81 - 85 More ICEs activated. Spawn 2x Security Program: Melee at a location of the GM’s choice and in Pre-Action state.
86 - 90 Security launched a major offensive. Spawn 2x Melee and 1x Ranged Programs at a location of the GM’s choice and in Pre-Action state.
91 - 95 Security went silent. All enemy checks this Round receive a +1 Crit. Value penalty.
96 - 100 Stampeding Rat fell into the players’ trap. For the next chart roll, the players rolls twice and select one outcome.
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Jester’s Crown
“Let the game begin! When the King is cornered in City N’s The Clown King will use Warding
Can you find me in this crowd?” downtown district, he uses Jester’s Canceler (pg 76) to negate Warding
Crowning to turn hundreds of people fields. He will also disguise himself as
The jester’s laugh echoes as the city is into clowns. Now exposed to a Ren- an UGN agent from City N named Yoko
blanketed in an odd shade. egade strain, these victims are slowly Shirato and join the player characters’
turning into Gjaums. Will the player search. There are other UGN agents
The clown runs, runs, runs, and the characters be able to find the real King who are also from City N, but none
nightmare has begun... amongst this crowd? of them will see through the King’s
* * * The Clown King
-Neumann/Hanuman/Ouroboros The King will also use Mirror Image of
The Clown King is a False Hearts Nightmares (Advanced pg 106) to
assassin who targets UGN leaders and The Jester’s Crowning ability is a create body doubles of himself. He will
valuable agents. Several UGN branches combination of Midnight Cinema (Core use those copies to send the player
have come together in a co-op mission pg 393) and Muse’s Whispers (pg 74). characters on wild chases and tire them
aimed at taking down the King. The out.
player characters were deployed by People that were turned into clowns will
their branch to join this mission. act just like the real King. In addition, The players must first search for the
those with a Renegade affinity will get created copies amongst the crowd of
The Clown King dresses in a very taken over and forced to attack the decoys. After the copies have been
noticeable and gaudy clown costume, player characters. If the affected defeated, Yoko Shirato will reveal
but he is difficult to track down due to civilians are left in their transformed “herself” as the Clown King and attack
his special ability “Jester’s Crowning.” state for an extended period of time, the weakened players.
Anyone affected by this ability will be they will become Gjaums.
turned into a clown.
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Man Hunt
“I don’t want to lose anyone anymore, He’s worried becaue “she had this sad The Impaler is actually a parasitic
so I’m running away. I’ll be somewhere look on her face when she attacked, as Renegade Being that is using Kanako
in this city, but at the same time if she was hurting herself.” as a host. Its actual body is the flower
I’ll be nowhere.” hairpin that Kanako wears. No one, not
Kanako Kurumi is an Overed known as even Kanako, is aware of this.
You pass by a woman as you walk the Impaler. What makes her dangerous
down the street. Something about her is her ability to subconsciously Impaler does not possess total
catches your attention, but when you control other people. Even if she doesn’t sentience. It acts solely on survival
turn around to look, the woman already consciously think about it, anyone who instinct and the desire to grant the
disappeared into the crowds. argues or causes her emotional stress wishes of its host. Impaler uses the
“automatically” die. Even Kanako cannot E-Lois «The Fool’s Contract» (Advanced
* * * stop her ability. pg 108) to grant Kanako’s wishes,
«Fusion» (Core pg. 156) to grant power,
The player characters, who are private Kanako was once held by the UGN, and Mimicry Mask (Core pg. 157) to
detectives, have been hired to find a but she escaped after killing several turn itself into anything else other than
woman. Their client is a young man scientists She’s now hiding somewhere a hairpin (e.g. hair follicles).
named Kazuki Sato, an average white- in the city.
collar worker. In order to save Kanako, players must
Both the UGN and False Hearts are first find where she is hiding. They must
The woman is named Kanako Kurumi. looking for Kanako. The player char- then figure out that the Impaler is actu-
She attacked and injured your client, acters themselves may be policemen, ally Kanako’s hairpin. Because Impaler
but Kazuki is not looking for revenge or private detectives, or UGN operatives. prioritizes its own survival, it will make
compensation. Surprisingly, he is Kanako take damage for it. Due to the
concerned about his attacker. Impaler effects of «Successor of Infinity» (pg.
-Exile/Ouroboros 78), if Kanako is dead when Impaler is
defeated, the character that landed the
final blow will become the new Impaler.
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Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description There is no End Condition other UGN as an unaware Overed and taken
Players must find Kanako, who is than the successful completion of in. However, she escaped after some
hiding somewhere in the city. As the the Check. This is to offset the the UGN scientists died.
players look into rumors for clues, Encroachment Rates increases that
they will learn more about Kanako’s accumulate over time (i.e. Scenes). Unless the mystery behind these
past and and her current predicament. deaths is unraveled, it is unlikely that
Progression Events Kanako will accept your protection.
Goal: 20 Points 4 Points: You look into Kanako’s past. You must look into these deaths.
Support Roll: [Sense] [Social] She worked at a trade company after Increase Difficulty to 10.
Recommended for: 4 Players graduating from college, but soon
disappeared. Her family and many of 12 Points: Analyzing the UGN’s data,
Passage of time during this Check her friends have passed away, leaving you realize that Kanako’s powers may
will be measured in Scenes instead of few who are close to her. She was actually belong to another Overed
Rounds. Play the Check as you nor- then taken in by the UGN. Players now that’s inhabiting her. This other
mally would, except that Scenes end roll <Info: UGN> or <Knowledge: Overed must be Impaler. Players now
with the Cleanup Process and starts Renegade>. Increase Difficulty to 8. roll <Perception> or <Info: Rumors>.
with the next Setup Process. Select
the new Lead and his accompanying 8 Points: You learn more about Completion: You found Kanako. You
characters when a new Scene starts. Kanako’s past. Three years ago, after also learn that Impaler is actually a
The GM may insert Scenes that are many of her friends died unexplained parasitic Renegade Being. Defeating
separate from the Progressive Check. deaths, Kanako was identified by the the Impaler should free Kanako.
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Halation Ghost
“I’m here. I’m right over here. Please Meanwhile, the local UGN Branch has Gjaum that haunts the school. If
don’t forget about me…” detected a Warding field from the ignored, Itsuki will eventually harm the
school that only goes up after everyone other students.
Sobbing cries echoes through the empty has left.
school hallways. This young girl lost One of the player characters happened
everything, yet she only has one wish: The student council teams up with the to talk to Itsuki on the one day she
to be found. player characters (and by extension the attended school. That player character
UGN, not that Wakana knows) to find has memories and a Lois of “The
* * * out who these ghosts really are. Quiet Girl,” both of which will be key
to uncovering the truth. But as time
Paranormal activity has become the Itsuki Yumeno, Halation Ghost passes during this Scenario, the various
subject of gossip at City N Public High -Balor/Orcus “ghosts” will gain corporeal form and
School. When school ends, pianos in attack the students.
empty rooms would begin playing, Itsuki was weak and frail since birth.
basketball hoops would shake by She wanted nothing more than to have As the players discover the locations of
themselves, and anatomy dummies a life in the outside world. She got her these ghosts and put a stop to their
come to life. Most disturbingly, the cries chance when she started high school, activities, they will be exposed to
of a girl can be heard coming from but after only attending classes for one Itsuki’s memories. Once they have dealt
somewhere on the campus. day, she was confined to a hospital with all the ghosts and found Itsuki,
room with no visitors, and she was they will have witnessed of all of her
These ghost stories have put the trapped there until the day she passed memories. Her final wish now fulfilled,
students on edge, but Student Body away. Itsuki will ask the player characters to
President Wakana Yaegashi intends to put an end to her.
put them at ease by finding out what’s Itsuki’s dreams and expectations she
really going on. had for high school has manifested into
the E-Lois «Undying Delusions»
(Advanced pg. 107). She is now a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Description the other students, the players fight 12 Points: The lights in the school
The players learns of paranormal Itsuki. Once Itsuki is defeated, she went out and glass is shattering
activity in the school. Players must fades away, free of the obsessions everywhere. You need to evacuate the
rely on their perception and rumors that fueled her ghostly existence. panicking students. Players now roll
to hear the odd voices that will lead <Will> or <Negotiation>.
them to the strange phenomena. Progression Events
3 Points: A piano was playing itself in 15 Points: You must find any
Goal: 20 Points an empty room. You will need to lie to students who were left behind while
Support Roll: [Body] [Mind] the students about what’s going on. looking for the source of the
Recommended for: 4 Players Players now roll <Negotiation> or disturbances. Players will no longer
<Art>. Increase Difficulty to 8. lose HP if they fail their rolls. Players
For this check, use the Situation chart now roll <Perception> or
on the next page. The GM may rewrite 6 Points: The human anatomy <Info: Rumors>.
the chart to use different NPCs. dummy ran out of the nurse’s office!
Get it back! Players now roll <Melee> 18 Points: You hear a girl crying.
Once the check ends, players will fight or <Dodge>. Increase Difficulty to 10. “I’m here. Don’t forget me.”
Itsuki Yumeno. Itsuki is grateful to
the players for remembering her and 9 Points: You stopped the dummy Players now roll <Perception>.
tries to leave peacefully, but she goes but now a herd of statues from the art Decrease Difficulty to 7. Only
berserk when her Impulse activates. room is stampeding. Players now lose characters who have a Lois with Itsuki
At Itsuki’s wish and in order to protect 1D10 HP if htey fail a Progression Roll. can perform this Progression Roll.
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
“This is a race. Whoever wins gets the Lola was able to use her precognitive Master Hunter uses the E-Lois
girl. Clean and simple, yeah?” abilities to escape. When she met the «Twisted Whisper» (Advanced pg 107)
player characters, she asked for their to change Lola’s relationship with the
You gaze at the immense city before help. However, the False Hearts agent player characters. The Lois towards the
you. Somewhere out there tonight, Master Hunter forced Lola into a berserk player characters is rewritten to
a girl is running scared. state, causing her to run at the sight of [P: Earnestness/N: Fear], with Fear as
the player characters. the dominant emotion. This causes Lola
You turn your attention to your to run away.
opponent. He smiles as if he was Lola is running scared through the
enjoying a game. streets of City N. She will eventually «Twisted Whisper» is negated when
turn into a Gjaum if she remains in her Master Hunter is defeated. This allows
No matter what happens, you cannot let panicked state. Lola’s fate has come players to correct their relationship with
this man get his hands on that girl. down to a race between the player Lola, but they still need to catch up to
characters and Master Hunter’s False her and calm her down. This is
* * * Hearts team. accomplished by completing this
Scenario’s Progressive Check.
This is the story of Lola. She is an Master Hunter
Overed with the rare ability of -Balor/Hanuman/Morpheus Lola will be safe once the players catch
precognition. Her powers awakened her and Master Hunter is defeated.
when she lost both her parents in an To hook the players into this story, have
accident. whoever finds Lola be ordered by the
UGN to protect her.
False Hearts took an interest in Lola’s
powers. They took her from her home After securing Lola, gathering
in Northern Europe and imprisoned her information, and fighting off minions,
in a facility on the outskirts of City N. introduce Master Hunter and his team
into the story.
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Point Total
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Description Both sides start in their own Engage- Increase Difficulty to 10.
Lola is escaping and the players must ments. The distance between them is
catch up to her. equal to the difference of their point 12 Points: Lola is now in sight. She
totals multiplied by five. is perfectly predicting openings in car
Goal: 30 Points and foot traffic, making it hard for you
Support Roll: [Body] [Sense] This Check only ends when one side to catch up. Players now roll <Dodge>
Recommended for: 4 Players gains 30 points. If Master Chaser is or <Ride>.
still alive at the end, start the boss
The boss character Master Chaser battle. Let players know that if False 18 Points: In an attempt to lose
and his minions are also playing this Hearts wins, Lola becomes a Gjaum. you, Lola is running into shops and
Progressive Check. Only the boss will exiting the back door. Players now roll
perform Progression Rolls, but the Progression Events [Mind].
minions help the boss gain an extra 3 6 Points: The neon signs and street
points for each successful Roll. Also, lights light up the night. Lola ran into 24 Points: Lola ran into a condemned
modifiers from the Situation Chart only the complex back allies of the city. building. She is hiding somewhere
apply to the player characters. Players now roll <Perception> or in these dark and complex hallways.
<Info: Underworld>. Players now roll <Perception>.
Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Giant Killer
“It’s approximately fifty meters in Unfortunately, the Behemoth grew The Behemoth started out as a fusion
height, seventy-two meters in width, larger than anticipated. The scientists of multiple Gjaums, a chimaera if you
and five hundred metric tons. If I’m the and the security team charged with will. After the unethical experimentation
Leviathan, then that is the Behemoth.” restraining the Behemoth were unable it experienced at the hands of False
to handle the beast and were killed. Hearts, the beast has lost all semblance
“...Anyways, your mission is to stall of sanity and reason. Its Impulses are
that monstrosity until we establish a The UGN branch in City R discovered all that is moving it now.
complete media blackout.” the Behemoth and attempted an attack.
They too were destroyed. The UGN This Scenario’s Progressive Check has
The giant Gjaum that appeared near squad that was later sent in also met players climbing up the Behemoth.
City R truly is a majestic singularity. the same fate. During numerous intervals, players
Unfortunately it is destroying everything will be able to communicate with Yugo
in its path as it walks towards the city. Long-distance attacks bounce off of Kiritani and the response team he is
the Behemoth’s rocky hide, while any leading. During these times, players can
Its unimaginable size is its greatest teams that got close were wiped out in gain information on the current
weapon and defense. Can it even be a single attack. situation.
The UGN has determined that the best The Behemoth dies when both its Torso
* * * course of action is to send in a team to and Head are defeated in battle. These
climb the Behemoth and attack any body parts are reached when a certain
The Behemoth is the product of a False potential weak spots they find. The number of Progression Points have been
Hearts experiment. Originally a smaller team must be small, otherwise they will accumulated.
Gjaum, it was given the ability to be detected. The player characters were
increase its size by absorbing other chosen to be that team.
living beings and Renegade strains. Behemoth
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Point Total
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Enemy Data
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Double Cross
Double Cross
Name/ Codename
Player Name
Age Gender Zodiac
Work Cover
Body Sense Mind Social
Melee Ranged RC Negotiation
Dodge Perception Will Procure
Ride: Art: Knowl.: Info:
Ride: Art: Knowl.: Info:
Savings Initiative
Encounter Sense x 2 Mind Item
Impulse Move Dash
Base Rate Initiative Move
Relationship Name Emotion (Positive) Emotion (Negative) Titus
Item Type Skill Acc. Atk. Power Guard RNG Stock Points Notes
Item Type Exp.
Dodge Initiative Armor Stock Points Notes
Miscellaneous Items
Item Type Skill Stock Points Notes
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Character Name
Double Cross
Code Name
No. No. No.
Character Name
Double Cross
Code Name
Player Name
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Game Date
Encroachment Rate
Relationship Name Emotion (Positive) Emotion (Negative) S-Lois Titus Discard
Game Date
Syndrome Work/Cover
EXP. Earned
Syndrome Work/Cover
EXP. Earned
Syndrome Work/Cover
EXP. Earned
Syndrome Work/Cover
EXP. Earned
Syndrome Work/Cover
EXP. Earned
(Rounded Down)
Handled scheduling
and/or acquiring a place
to play
GM's experience
Double Cross
Roleplaying Game
Progression 3
Point Total
Situation Chart 6
D100 Result
01-05 Nothing of interest happened. No modifiers this Round.
The task requires expertise. During the Round, Progression Rolls done with a Skill of LV4 or below earn
06-10 one less point. Min. points is zero. 8
11-15 You’re panicking. Difficulty during this Round is increased by 1D10.
16-20 A single mistake could prove fatal. If the next Progression Roll this Round fails, then the total accumulat-
ed Points is reduced to zero.
You’re unusually agitated. If a character fails at a Progression Roll this Round, then he receives the Bad
Status Berserk. 10
You’re feeling pressured. During this Round, characters will receive the Bad Status Pressure after
26-30 performing a Progression Roll.
31-35 Luck is on your side. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -1 Critical Value bonus. 11
36-40 You met with some horribly bad luck. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +1 Critical Value penalty.
41-45 All or nothing. During this Round, both Max Score and Difficulty is increased by +10. 12
46-55 All is well. No modifiers this Round.
56-60 You’re walking a proverbial tightrope. Difficulty during this Round is increased by 1D10. 13
61-65 This is a once in a lifetime chance. Max Score this Round is increased by +10.
66-70 You’re dealing with a very tiring task. During this Round, characters receive 1D10 HP damage after
performing a Progression Roll.
71-75 Your chance has come! All Progression Rolls this Round receive a +5 dice bonus.
76-80 Unexpected issues have arisen. All Progression Rolls this Round receive a -5 dice penalty.
The stress is causing your virus strain to become active. A Progression Roll this Round causes your
81-85 Encroachment Rate to increase by 1D10. 16
You found a solution to your problem. The Max Score this Scene is increased by +10. This bonus is
86-90 noncumulative.
The situation is getting periodically worse. During this Scene, Difficulty increases by 1D10. This penalty 17
is cumulative.
All is proceeding as planned. During this Round, characters gain an extra Progression Point if their
96-100 Progression Roll is successful. 18
Memo 19