08 - Chapter 3-Demand of Education
08 - Chapter 3-Demand of Education
08 - Chapter 3-Demand of Education
The concept of supply price and demand price are being explained.
this direction.
cost, etc.
Total Costs
Direct Indirect
Costs Costs
Opportunity cost of
Education or real cost of
figure 1
and indirect costs. Direct costs are further subdivided into two
lodging expenses (for the students who are staying outside home).
his work the author has concluded that perhaps cost is one of the
Harnqvist (1978) has found that the direct costs of education and
(1988) has been considered the same point of view in his review
earnings but also their leisure time period. These studies have
private school demand in 1980, but not in the case for 1970 by
Gujarat state, Shah (1968) has shown that the non-tution costs
for analysing the costs of education. But his paper does not
r\ n
Kothari and Panchamukhi (1975) have opined that the indirect cost
to the analysis.
They are :
There are three kinds of private demand for education. These can
unsatisfied demand.
some days or months might have dropped out from the school,
regarding the last unit of money that was spent on education and
.3 . 6. 1
which makes the present value of the costs equal to the present
if his family background does not allow him to do so, then his
by investing their current time and money for future pay. We can
(Ben-Porath, 1967).
that if the person is a boy, parents would educate him well than
(1986) Behrman and Wolfe (1987); have found that the influence of
boy's education.
those families with more number of children. Thus the demand for
standards and the role of child in the economic well being of the
ii) family with parents and eiders who are highly educated.
education at the society level. The social status and demand for
education of individuals.
- medium of instruction,
- school fees,
3 .7 Conclusion j.
References :
2. Long and Toma (1988), have used the population census data
for the years 1970 and 1980. They applied the n-chotomous
probit analysis for the estimation p u r p o s e .School choice has
been treated as a dependent variable.