Name: Muhammad Fahriansyah NIM: 061830801141 Class of 5 ID
Name: Muhammad Fahriansyah NIM: 061830801141 Class of 5 ID
Name: Muhammad Fahriansyah NIM: 061830801141 Class of 5 ID
NIM : 061830801141
Class Of 5 ID
2 Match the phrase on the left with the phrases on the right.
1 Does anyone know (f) a to be working
2 The projector doesn’t seem (a) b you’ll see what I mean.
3 It’s interesting to note that (i) c down now?
4 On the next slide (b) d to the second graph.
5 Can I take this slide © e seen that sales have peaked.
6 You will have (e) f how it works?
7 Take a look at this chart and (h) g the previous page.
8 There’s another example (g) h you can see an outline of the main points.
9 I’d like to draw your attention (d) i the number has leveled out.
3 Choose the correct verb from the box below and put it into the sentences. Make sure the
verb agrees with the subject.
EXAMPLE: This graph shows the number of books sold last year.
a I’ll present the slide up while I talk.
b The least popular magazines is the health magazines.
c Only 33 per cent of women of those magazines last year.
d If you look closely at this diagram, you’ll see that there are seven switches.
e You can see the figures on my next slide.
f Let me show the projector so that you can see.
g First, the customer listed the order.
h Then, the salesperson give the order to dispatch.
4 Put the following mini-presentations into the correct order by putting a number in the
space on the left.