Heat Capacity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Linear Macromolecules. VIII. Polyesters and Polyamides
Heat Capacity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Linear Macromolecules. VIII. Polyesters and Polyamides
Heat Capacity and Other Thermodynamic Properties of Linear Macromolecules. VIII. Polyesters and Polyamides
Key words: amorphous; crystal; enthalpy; entropy; fusion; glass transiton; heat capacity; polyester;
polyamide; polypeptide; nylon; thermodynamic properties.
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Table 25. Heat capacity investigations on nylons not Table AS. Heat capacity data for various poly(ethyl-
included in this study.......... .......... .............. 82 ene terephthalate)s between glass transi-
Table 26. Heat capacity measurements of nylon 6 ..... 83 tion and melting
Table 27. Recommended heat capacity data for nylon Table A6. Heat capacity of various molten poly(eth-
6 below the glass transition ...... ................... 84 ylene terephthalate)s
Table 28. Recommended heat capacity data for mol- Table A 7. Heat capacity of various nylon 6 samples
ten nylon 6 .................................................. 84 below the glass transition
Table 29. Heat capacity measurements of nylon 6.6 .. 85 Table A8. Heat capacity of vanous semicrystalline
Table 30. Recommended heat capacity for semicrys- nylon 6 samples above the glass transition
talline nylon 6.6 .......................................... 85 Table A9. Heat canacitv of various molten nylon 6
Table 31. Recommended heatcapaclty chltafor nylon samples
6.6 below the glass transition temperature. 86 Table i}10. Heat capacity of various nylon 6.6 sam-
Table 32. Recommended heat capacity data for mol- ples at low temperature
ten nylon 6.6 ............................................... 86 Table All. Heat capacity of various nylon 6.6 sam-
Table 33. Heat capacity measurements of nylon 6.12 87 ples below the glass transition
Table 34. Recommended heat capacity data for nylon Table A12. Heat capacity of various nylon 6.6 sam-
6.12 below the glass transition .................... 87 ples above the glass transition
Table 35. Recommended heat capacity for molten ny- Table AI3. Heat capacity of molten nylon 6.6
lon 6.12 ....................................................... 88
Table 36. Heat capacity change at the glass transition. 88 List of Figures Page
Figure I. Recommended heat capacity data for poly-
glycolide, polY(E-caprolactone), and poly-
List of Tables Deposited in PAPSa (ethylene terephthalate) ............................... 69
Figure 2. Heat capacity of poly(ethylene terephtha-
T-able--A-I ~--Heat-capacitydata-for-polyglycolide ---- ------------------late) as a fUnction: of-crystalUmty--at vanom.
fable A2. Heat capacity of polY(E-caprolactone) temperatures ............................................... 75
Table A3. Heat capacity data for various poly(ethyl- Figure 3: Heat capacity of polyglycine I, polyglycine
ene terephthalate)s at low temperature II, a-poly(L-alanine), p-poly(L-alanine), and
Table A4. Heat capacity data for various poly(ethyl- poly(L-valine) ............................................... 82
ene terephthalate)s below the glass transi- Figure 4. Recommended heat capacity data for nylon
tion 6, nylon 6.6, and nylon 6.12 ..... ................... 84
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Table l. CrYstal structures and thermal. proEcrties of polyesters
Polvester Crystal syst. Uni t cell No. of "c Crys~<tl TIll(K) l~lIf P Amorph. Tg (K)
space group axes and uni ts. a
Ng 111- 3 ~:~~~~;
(Forllluia Ht.) k.J mole- 1 ~Ig m- 3 packing
Structure of mol. helix anglcs dens'i t}'
rel2ea t uni t
I'0ly(ethylene TRIC 0.448 1. SIS O.7B 553 26.9 1. 336 0.74 342
te reph tha la te) PI O.5B5
[192.16] 12* 1/1 1.075*
-(CllZ)ZO-CO- 99,5
C l!4-CO-0-
6 112.2
polygl)"colide ORTH 0.522 1.700 0.81 506 11. 1 1. 450 0.69 313
[58.04 J Pemn 0.619
-CI12-CO-0- 3*2/1 7.02""
poly l£- ORTIl (). 747 1.195 0.70 337 16.2 1. 096 0.64 209
caprolactone) P2 2 2 0.498
1 1 1
[114.15J 17.05*
- (CHZ)S-CO-O-
group must naturally lead to crystal structures similar to ments have been reported in poly(ethylene sebacate). Its
polyethylene. Poly-c-caprolactone already comes close to crystal structure and related properties are listed in Table 1.
the polyethylene structure. 8 Equilibrium melting param-
etersofpolyglycolide and poly-c-caprolactone have been es- 2.2. Literature Data on Heat Capacity of Polyesters
tablished by Wunderlich. 9 Their crystal structures and relat- Twenty investigations have been reported in the litera-
ed properties are listed in Table 1. ture on the heat capacity of various types of polyesters. Heat
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) is the simplest polyester capacities of over 40 samples have been measured over wide
with a phenylene group within its backbone. Its crystal ranges of temperature.
-struct-ure-is-practically-fully extende<t---The--ester-groups are- All·investigations-were-criticallyevaluated-in-terms "of
tilted about 12° out of the plane of the benzene rings and the sample characterization, experimental technique used, error
CH2-CH2 sequence is rotated about 20° out of the trans- limits. and accuracy of representation of data. It was found
conformation, less than in the aliphatic polyesters of suffi- that only 9 of the 20 investigations met our standards of
ciently long CH2 sequences. Fakirov et al. 10 have recently acceptable data (discussed in Ref. I). These investigations
redetermined the complete unit cell parameters. These are are discussed in the following Sec. 2.3. Heat capacity data on
listed in Table 1. Equilibrium melting parameters, recently 25 samples of four types of polyesters are treated. Eleven
established in our laboratory from calorimetric data on var- investigations which did not contain acceptable data were
ious semicrystalline samples are also listed in Table 1. The not included in further analysis. These are listed in Table 2,
glass transition is reasonably well established at 342 K.ll along with brief commets on the reasonS for exclusion from
The last polyester for which heat capacity measure- this study.
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Table 2. Heat capacity investigations on polyesters
2.3. Recommended Data on Heat Capacity and Publication Service of the American Institute of Ph; 'Q,
Thermodynamic Functions of Polyesters Since only one set of heat capacity data for a sample Wlm
2.3.1. Polyglycolide
crystallinity 0.67 is available, only the recommended data
for the heat capacity of semicrystalline polyglycolide
(W = 0.67) from 0 K to the glass transition temperature (318
Only one investigation23 .24 has been reported in the li- K) and of molten polyglyeolide from 318 to 550 K have been
terature which deals with the heat capacity of polyglycolide. derived.
Details' of this investigation are given in Table 3. The heat To determine the recommended data for semicrystal-
capacity of this samp1e ha.~ been measured over the tempera- line polyglycolide (W = 0.67) from 0 to 250 K. the authors'
ture range from 13 to 550 K. The data are given in Table Al. data were interpolated using the spline function technique to
Table Al has been deposited with the Physics Auxiliary obtain heat capacity values are every 10° interval. These rec-
b Data I,crc intcrpolateu u,;ing tht' ,;"lillt' rUII.:tloll tl'.:lllli.liuc to gh'c heat
capacities at every ten degree interval.
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Table 4. Recommended heat capacity data for Table 5. Recommended heat capacity data for mol ten po1yg1yco1ide a
c a
semicrystalline (w = 0.67) polyg1ycolide .
T(l() C
T(K) Cp P -1 -1
------- (J mol K )
(J m01- 1 K- 1 ) 318. 0 (T ) 226.5
0.0 0.0
320.0 226.6
5.0 0.1990
330.0 227.4
10.0 1. 547 340.0 228.1
15.0 4.36,8 350.0 228.8
20.0 7.973 360.0 229.6
25.0 11:92 370.0 230.3
30.0 16.00 380.0 231. 0
40.0 74.22 390.0 231. 7
50.0 :SZ.07 400.0 232.5
60.0 39.12 410.0 233.2
70.0 45.39 420.0 233.9
210.0 98.78
220.0 101.1 ~he table may contain more significant figures than
230.0 103.5 justified by both source of data and data treatment. The extra
240.0 100. :3 significant figures are included only for the purpose of smooth
representa tion.
250.0 109.5
260.0 111.6
270.0 114.2 The rms deviation was 0.3%. Equation (1) was used to evalu-
273.15 115.0 ate the recommended heat capacity of semicrystalline poly-
280.0 116.7 glycolide from 260 to 318 K. These values are listed in Table
290.0 119.3 4 and plotted in Fig. 1.
298.15 121.4 The recommended data on the heat capacity of molten
300.0 121. !l polyglycolide were determined by curve fitting the data on
310.0 124.4 sample 26 at 501 and 550 K into the equation
Cp = 0.07315 T + 203.2 J mol- 1 K- 1• (2)
~he table may contain more significant figures than
justified by both source of data and data treatment. The extra
si2.nificant fieures are included onl y for. th" 1'"'1'I'OSP of smooth
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Equation {2} was used to evaluate the heat capacity of molten To determine the recommended data for semicrystal-
polyglycolide from 318 to 550 K. These values are listed in line polY(E-caprolactone) (WC = 0.16) from 0 to 200 K, the
Table 5 and plotted in Fig. 1. authors' data were interpolated using the spline function
technique to obtain heat capacity values at every 10° interval.
2.3.2. POIY(E-caprolactone) These recommended data are lisied in Table 7 and are plot-
Only one investigation25 has been reported in the litera- ted in Fig. 1.
ture which deals with the heat capacity of polY(E-caprol~lC The recommended data on the heat capacity of semi-
tone). Details of this investigation are given in Table 6. The crystalline polY(E-caprolactone) at the glass transition tem-
heat capacity o( one sample has been measured over the tem- perature were determined by curve fitting the data on sample
IX'raturc range from 10 to 350 K. The data on this samplc arc 27 froxp. 150 to 200 K irito the equation
given in Table A2. Table A2 has been deposited with the
Physics Auxiliary Publication Service of the American Insti-
-ttiteof Physics. -Since oiilyone se:Cofheafcapacity data of The fillS deviation was 0.1 %. Equation (3) was used to evalu-
polY{E-caprolactone). with crystallinity of 0.16 is available, ate the heat capacity of semicrystalline· polY(E-caprolactone)
only the recommended data for the heat capacity of semi- at 209 K. ThiS value is listed in Table 7.
crystalline poIY(E-caprolactone)(wC = 0.76) from 10 K to The recommended data 'on the heat capacity of molten
the glass tr~sition temperature (209. K) .and of molten polY(E-caprolactone) were determined by curve fitting the
polY(E-caprolactone) from 209 to 350 K have been derived. data on sample 21 at 342 and 350 K into the equation
0.0 0.0
10.0 2.42
20.0 10.72
30.0 20.66
40.0 30.17
50.0 38.36
60.0 45.74
70.0 52.88
80.0 59.61
90.0 65.67
100.0 71.18
110.0 76.14
120_ ° RO_ Q7
130.0 85.43
140.0 89.82
150.0 94.19
160.0 98.62
170.0 103.1
180.0 107.7
190.0 112.2
200.0 116.8
209.0(T g ) 120.9
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poly (E -capro1actone) a
T(K) Cp
(J mo1- 1 K- 1 )
209.0( T
l 181.1
210.0 181. 4
220.0 184.2
230.0 187.1
240.0 190.0
250.0 192.9
260.0 195.7
270; 0 198;6 .
273.15 199.5
280.0 201. 5
290.0 204.4
298.1S 206.7
300.0 207.2
310.0 210.1
320.0 213.0
330.0 215.9
340.0 218.7
350.0 221.6
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Table 9. Heat capacity measurements of poly(ethylene terephthalate)
Investigator Sample no., Temperature Experimental Source of data
characterization range (K) technique
( claimed uncertainty)
wC =0.082
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Table 9. Heat capacity measurements of poly(ethylene terephthalate)--Continueu
wC =0.28
13. Annealed c Transient "Iethod Equati0;z:t 15
533 K, 3 h
p =1.405 Mg m- 3
Mn : 22,100
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Table 9a 0 Source of data
5 g -I - 1
Eq. 13 C 5.39 x 10- T3 J K
g -l -1
Eq. 14 ep = 3.76 x 10- 5 T3 J K
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Table 10. Recommended thermodynamic data for amorphous Table 10. Recommended thermodynamic data for amorphous
poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) a poly(ethylene tereph thaI a tel a - -Continued
390.0 346.9 61775 319.0 FIG. 2. Heat capacity of poly(ethylene terephthalate) as a function of crystal.
linity "l vwiuul) ('CIUIX'l"tUH;l),
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Table 11. Heat capacity vs. crystallinity: Results of curve
T(K} C ~IS
(amorphous) aeviation
(J mo1- 1 K-l) (%)
240 183.6
250 188.5
260 196.5 1.2
270 202.2 1.5
280 209.6 3.0
290 218.3 3.4
300 225.2 3.3
Source of
Wunderlich and 28. Semicry s tall inc 250 - 410 Adiabatic 250-310K:
Dole (1958) p = 1.167 Mg m- 3
(1%) Equation a
[32] 350-4l0K:
llH f 17.4 cal/g Equation b
w 0.54
T(K) 28 a
250 340.2
260 363.7
270 389.0
280 416.4
290 445.7
300 477 .. Z
310 510.0
320 546.7
lIle 1 ti ng
350 467.1
360 472.7
370 478.2
380 483.9
390 489.4
400 494.9
410 500.5
Polyg1ytine J 0.477 1. 30
(57.05) o. ~77
CIlZ-CO-NII- 0.70
Nylon Cr)'sta1 ~yst. Unit cell No. of ,Pc Crys~al Tm(K) Illi f Amorp. T (K)
~~~~)~~~;\:\~~[) ~~~~eh~~'~~P ~~~~ (nm) units (\I~ m- 3
) t~~;~i~~, (k,1 Ino1 1) eM!) m-3) packing g
dens 1 ty
repeat uni t ~l1g1C'''
Nylon 6, ,~ t·10;-) 0 0.956' 1.235 0.75 543 26.0 1.090 0.66 313-360
( 113.16) P2 1. 724
1 O. SOl
7*2/1 B=67.S
Nylon 6.6, C! TRIC 0.49 1. 24 0.75 553 67.9 1.091 0.66 "'323
(226.31) 1'1 O.Sq
(C1I2-)6NIl-CO- 14*1/1 1.P
(CII -) 4CO- Nil 77
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Table 16. Heat capacity measurements of polyglycine
2 el
C = 34.19 + O.177T + 8.927.10- 5r J mo1- l K (authors' curve fitted equation)
Table 17. Heat capacity of polyg1ycine la in J mo1- K- 1
T(K) 11
150 62.11
160 65.34
170 68.52
180 71. 66
190 74.74
200 77.77
210 80.75
220 83.69
230 86.57
240 89.40
250 92.19
260 94.92
270 97.60
280 100.2
290 102.8
300 105.4
310 107.8
320 1l0.3
330 112.6
340 115.0
350 117.3
360 119.5
Description of sample 11 is given ill tahle 16.
3.2. Heat Capacity of Polypeptides measurements meet our standards of acceptable datab (dis-
cussed in Ref. 1).
Since all the measurements were made on polypeptides
of different crystal forms and their mixtures, and only a few
measurements are available, no recommendations are made
for the heat capacity of polypeptides. Acceptable data on
Nine investigations49- 57 have been reported in the liter-
various types of polypeptides are presented in Tables 17, 18,
ature which deal with the heat capacity of various types of
20-22, and 24. The acceptable data are summarized in Fig.
polypeptides. Heat capacity data have been reported for var-
ious crystal forms of polyglycine, poly(L-alanine), and po-
b The data on polyglycine (samples 11 and 12) are associated with large error
ly(L-valine). The heat capacities of 10 samples have been limits (claimed uncertainty 8%). Since there are the only data available for
measured over a wide temperature range.· Details of these polyglycine, these measurements were included in the discussion, but
investigations are given in Tables 16, 19, and 23. All the should be considered preliminary.
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a in J mo1- 1 K- 1
Table 18. Heat caEacitz of Eo1l~lZcine II
T~K) 10 12
1.4 0.002542
1.6 0.003482
1.8 0.004688
2.0 0.006207
3.0 0.02015
4.0 0.04933
5.0 0.09991
6.0 0.1771
7.0 0.2849
8.0 0.4253
9.0 0.599
10 0.B056
12 1. 30B
14 1.907
16 2.570
18 3.265
20 3.959
150 62.75
160 64.80
170 66.86
1BO 68.94
190 71. 04
200 73.16
210 75.30
230 79.62
240 81. 81
250 84.02
260 86.24
270 88.49
280 90.75
290 93.03
300 9S.32
:no 97.04
320 99.97
330 .102.3
340 104.7
350 107.1
360 109.5
370 111.9
in table 16.
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Table 19. Heat capacity measurements of polY(L-alanine)
8. a-sheet; 1.5-20 Heat pulse Equation
Mw = 5,650 (unreported)
6.0 0.4836
7. ° 0.6948
8.0 0.9426
9.0 1. 218
10 1. 521
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Table 21. Heat capacity of alpha poly(L-alanine)a in.J mo1- l K- 1 Table 22. Heat capacity of beta poly (L- alanine) a
T(K) in J mo1- 1 K- 1
40 12.53 30 8.920
50 16.96 40 13.31
60 21.48 so 17.80
70 25.46 6U tl.4tl
80 30.34 70 25.92
90 34.26 80 31.10
300 202.2
aSample numbers correspond to the samples described in
aSample numbers correspond to the samples described
Table 19.
in table 19.
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2.0 0.02.727 Cp
3.0 0.08688 (Jmor' Kt) t------+--------4__
4.0 0.2157
5.0 0.4296
6.0 0.6671
7.0 0.9348
8.0 1.349
9.0 1.680
10 2..082
12 2.875
14 3.965 FIG. 3. Heat capacity of polyglycine I (POI). polyglycine II (POll), a·po-
16 5.254 ly(L-alanine) (PLAA), p-poly(L-alanine) (PLAB), and p-poly(L-va·
18 6.642
line) (PLVB).
20 8.327
30 13.90
40 21. 57
50 32.04
60 37.65
Table 2S. Heat capacity investigations on nylons
70 47.61
not included in this study
80 57.61
Reference Reason(s) for exclusion
90 65.75
Allen (1952) [58] ~ndirectmeasurement of heat capacity
100 78.40
of nylon 6 and nylon 6.6. Data
110 89.46 associated with large error limits.
·~130 -1-1-5-;"2- WiTKOTtiinuDole (1952) Heat capacItydatareporte;rfor
140 131. 0 (59] nylon 6.10. Very limited number of
data points to establish heat capa-
150 145.5
city variation below the glass tran-
160 160.9 sition and in the molten state
170 180.0 (acceptable data).
290 439.1
Jones and Porter (1965) Heat capacity data reported for
300 449.1 [65] nylon 6.6 yarn containing moisture.
as ample number corresponds to the sample described in Reese and Tucker (1905) Nylon, type not reported
table 23.
Yoshimoto and Miyagi Heat capacity data on nylon 6,
(1966) [13] could not be read accurately from
too small graphs.
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3.3. Heat Capacity of Nylons temperature range from 70 to 600 K. The data on these sam-
3.3.1. Literature Data on Heat Capacity of Nylons ples are given in Table A 7 to A9. These tables have been
Nineteen investigations have been reported in the liter- deposited with the Physics Auxiliary Publication Service of
ature on the heat capacity measurements of various types of the American Institute of Physics. The heat capacities of .
nylons. Heat capacities of 26 samples have been measured various nylon 6 samples below and above the glass transition
over wide ranges of temperature. are given in Tables A7 and A8, respectively. The data on
molten nylon 6 are given in Table A9.
All investigations were critically evaluated in terms of
The heat capacity data on various semicrystalline sam-
sample characterization, experimental technique used, error
ples from 180 K to the glass transition show little or no de-
limits, and accuracy of representation of data. It was found
pendence on the crystallinity (Table A 7). Thus crystallinity
that only 7 of the 19 investigations met our standards of
independent data cannot be derived for nylon 6 below the
acceptable data (discussed in Ref. 1). The investigations are
glass transition.
listed in Sec. 3.-3.2 which contains heat capacity data on 10
.The reconlmended data em the heat capacity of nylon 6
samples of three types of nylons. Fourteen investigations
below the transition was determined by curve fitting the data
which did not contain acceptable data were not included in
on samples 1, 2, 3,4, 5, and 13 from 70 to 300 K into the
further analyses. These are listed in Table 25, along with
blit:f (;OIllIllt:lll~ 011 lht: rt:a:suns fur exclusiun for this study.
Cp = exp[0.174083(ln T)3 - 2.56412(ln T)2
+ 13.3387(ln T) - 19.8298] J mol- 1 K- 1• (8)
3.3.2. Recommended Data on Heat Capacity of Nylons
The rms deviation was 1.3%. Equation (8) was used to evalu-
Nylon 6 ate the heat capacity of nylon 6 from 70 to 313 K. These
Four investigations62 ,71-73 have been reported in the li- values are listed in Table 27 and plotted in Fig. 4.
terature which deal with the heat capacity of nylon 6. netaHs. The re.c.ommended data on the heat capacity of molten
of these investigations are given in Table 26. The heat capac- nylon 6 were determined by curve fitting the data on samples
ity of six semicrystalline samples has been measured over the 4, 5, and 13 from 500 to 600 K into the equation and plotted
aEnthalpy measurements
e cp = 1.331 + 2.73'10- 3 J K- 1 g- 1
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Table ::.7. Recommended heat capacity data [or nylon 6 1000
below the glass transition
T(K) l1eat Capacity
(J mOl- 1 K- 1 )
70.0 49.78
80· 0 56.40
90.0 62.45
78.38 200
. ~ -
1- 6
o0----100-- ---200---- - - .--- ---
300 400 500 60d
150.0 92.70
Temperature (K)
160.0 97.35
170.0 102.0
FIG. 4. Recommended heat capacity data for nylon 6, nylon 6.6, and nylon
180.0 106.7 6.12.
190.0 111.4
200.0 116.2
210.0 121.0
220.0 126.0
230 .0 131.0
240.0 136.2 Table 28. Recommended heat capacity data for
250.0 141.4 molter. nylon 6 a
260.0 146.9
T(K) Heat Capacity
270 .0 152.4
(J mol-1K- 1 )
273.15 154.1
430.0 289.6
440 _ 0 201.1
450.0 292.6
460.0 294.1
470,0 295.7
480.0 297.2
490.0 298.7
in Fig. 4: SOO.O 300.2
Cp = 0.1:526 T + 223.95 J mol- 1 K-t. (9) 510.0 301.8
The rms deviation was 2.2%. Equation (9) was used to evalu- 520.0 303.3
530.0 304.8
ate the heat capacity of molten nylon 6 from 313 to 600 K.
5~O.O 306. :;
These values are listed in Table 28 and plotted in Fig. 4.
550.0 307.9
560.0 309.4
Nylon 6.6 570.0 310.9
580.0 312.4
Four investigationss9,73-7S have been reported in the li-
590.0 314.0
terature which deal with the heat capacity of nylon 6.6. De-
600.0 315.5
tails of these investigations are given in Table 29. Heat ca-
pacity of five semicrystalline samples have been measured ~he tables may contain more significant figures than
over the temperature range of 0.3 to 600 K. The data on these justified by both source of data and data treatment. The
samples are given in Tables AlO to A13. These tables have extra sil!nificant fil!ures are included only for the purpose of
been deposited with the Physics Auxiliary Publication Ser- smooth representation.
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vice of the American Institute of Physics. Table AIO con- respect to crystallinity using the two phase model (discussed
tains heat capacity data on nylon 6.6 at low temperatures. in Ref. 2). Since heat capacity data below 5 K are available
Tables All and Al2 contain data on semicrystalline nylon only for two samples (W = 0.36) and these data are in good
6.6 below and above the glass transition, respectively. Heat agreement, the recommended heat capacity below 5 K have
capacity data on molten nylon 6.6 are listed in Table A13. been derived only for semicrystalline nylon 6.6 (W = 0.36). C
At low temperatures (below 5 K) -the heat capacity of The recommended data on the heat capacity of semi-
linear macromolecules shows a large dependence upon crys- crystalline nylon 6.6 (we = 0.36) were determined by clirve
tallinity. It is necessary to extrapolate the heat capacity with fitting the data on samples 9 and 10 from 0.3 to 4~O K into the
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Table 31. ,Recommended heat capacity data for nylon 6.6
below the glass transition
230.0 252.1
240. 0 263.4
.Z50· 0 274.7
260.0 286.0
270.0 297. :3
273.15 300.9
280.0 308.6
29C1.0 320.0
298.1S 329.2
300.0 331. 3
310.0 342.6
32 0 .0 354.0
323.0(T g ) 357.4
a The table may contain more significant figure:; than
justified by both source of data treatment. The extra
significant figure" are included only for the purpo"c of
smooth representation.
330.0 505.7
340.0 S10.4
350.0 <;,.;, n
360.0 519.7
370.0 524.4
380.0 529.1
390.0) 533.8
400.0 538.5
410.0 543.1
420.0 547.8
430.0 552.5
440.0 557.2
450.0 ~(j1. 9
. 460.0 566.5
470.0 571.2
480.0 575.9
490.0 580.6
500. {) 58S.:k
510.0 590.0
520.0 594.6
530.0 5.99. :5
540.0 604.0
550. () bUlj. I
560.0 613.4
570.0 618.1
580.0 622.7
590.0 627.4
600.0 632.1
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equation Ion 6.6 were obtained from authors' curve fitted equation on
Cp = exp[ - 0.1 I0533(ln Tf + 0.297475(ln T)2 sample 14. These data from 323 to 600 K are listed in Table
+ 2.87493(ln T) + 1.37083] mJ mol- 1 K- 1• 32 and are plotted in Fig. 4.
The rms deviation was 3.1%. Equation (10) was used to
evaluate the recommended_ data from 0.3 to 4.0 K. These
values are listed in Table 30. Nylon 6.12
The heat capacity data on various semicrystalline sam-
ples from 230 to the glass transition temperature show little Only one investigation 73 has been reported in the litera-
or no dependence on crystallinity (Table All). Thus, crystal- ture which deals with the heat capacity of nylon 6.12. Details -
linity independent data can be derived for nylon 6.6 below of this investigation are given in Table 33. The heat capacity
the glass transition. of a semicrystalline sample has been measured over the tem-
pera~u~~ range fr~m 230 to 6Q9 K.
The recommended data-on the heat-capacity-ofnyloI
6.6 below the glass transition were determined by curve fit- The heat capacity of nylons shows little or no depen-
ting the data on samples 6, 7, and 14 from 230 to 310 K into dence upon crystallinity from about 100 K to the glass tran-
the equation sition (see preceding sections). Thus, crystallinity indepen-
dent, recommended data can be derived for nylon 6.12 below
Cp = l.I32T - 8.28 J mol- l K- 1 • (11)
the glass transition.
The rms deviation was 1.4%. Equation (11) was used to Recommended data for nylon 6.12 below the glass tran-
evaluate the heat capacity of nylon 6.6 from 230 to 323 K. sition and for molten nylon were obtained from the author's
These values are listed in Table 31 and are plotted in Fig. 4. curve fitted equations for heat capacity of sample 15. These
Recommended data on the heat capacity of molten ny- data are listed in Tables 34 and 35 and plotted in Fig. 4.
230.0 362.4
240.0 378.7
250.0 395.0
260.0 411.2
270.0 427.5
273.15 432.7
280.0 443.8
290.0 460.1
298.15 473.4
300.0 476.3
310.0 492.6
319.0(T ) 507.3
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Table 35. Recommended heat capacity data for Tab Ie 36. Heat capac i ty change a t the gl ass trans i tion
a Polymer lICp
molten nylon 6.lZ
(.1 mol- l K- 1)
T(K) Heat Capacity
(J mol -lK- l ) Polyglycine 318.0 100.0
319.0(T g) 722.1 PolY(E-caprolactone) 209.0 60.2
320.0 723.0 Poly(ethylene terephtha1a.te) 342.0 77.8
330.0 729.1 Nylon 6 313.0 93.6
340.0 735.1 Nylon 6.6 323.0 145.0
350.0 741.1 Nylon 6.12 319.0 214.0
360.0 747.2
370.0 753.2
380.0 759.3
capacity data are availabl~ in their glassy and moiten states
~90:0 -76S;-3-
--are listed-iii Taole1b: These:JCp - fT;rdata areoeing ana-
400.0 771. 3
lyzed, along with L1 Cp (Tg) data for other linear macromole-
410.0 777 .4
cules in terms of the hole theory of the glass transition. 67,75
420.0 783.4
The results of this analysis will also be reported at a later
4JO.O 769.5
440.0 795.5
450.0 801. 5
460.0 807.6
470.0 831. 6
This work has been supported by the National Science
480.0 819.6
Foundation Grant No. DMR 78-15279.
490.0 825.7
500.0 831. 7
510.0 837.8
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