Physically, A Token Ring Network Is Wired As A, With 'Hubs' and Arms Out To Each Station and The Loop Going Out-And-Back Through Each.
Physically, A Token Ring Network Is Wired As A, With 'Hubs' and Arms Out To Each Station and The Loop Going Out-And-Back Through Each.
Physically, A Token Ring Network Is Wired As A, With 'Hubs' and Arms Out To Each Station and The Loop Going Out-And-Back Through Each.
a. Modem dial up
b. Token ring
c. Ethernet
d. NWLink
(Physically, a token ring network is wired as a star, with 'hubs' and arms out to each station and
the loop going out-and-back through each.)
3. What of the following file system for file and folder level permission?
4. Choose one of the following steps to resolve the Winsock error
1. Go to Start > Programs > GraphiCode FLEXlm Server > LMTools Server Diagnostics.
2. From the main tab of the LMTools Server Diagnostic dialog, check Configuration Using
3. Click on the Start/Stop/ReRead tab and click on the Stop Server button (“Stopping Server” will be
displayed at the bottom of the dialog; it’s also possible that the message ‘Cannot Stop Server” appears).
Click on the Start Server button (“Server Starting” will be displayed at the bottom of the dialog):
4. Click on the Server Status tab and click the Perform Status Enquiry button. The details should
display that the Vendor Daemon is up and running (gcflexm: UP v7.0) and that a total of
x licenses are available to be checked out:
5. VPN connections provide end – end security and doesn’t provide security between the client and
VPN server – True or False
(A VPN connection protects your information between your applications and the VPN server
itself. It does not provide complete end-to-end security)
6. Exchange server 2003 routing groups can be connected to another.
a. Using cal connectors
b. Using SMTP
c. Using routing groups
d. X.400 connections
7. Domain function level s/p only winNT 4.0 & win 2003 server DC
a. Mixedmode
b. Win 2003
c. Win 2003 interim
8. Which is the correct step for 2000 perform AD restore operation?
a. Copy SYSVOL & NETLOGON to restore folders from CD
b. Open backup utility>advanced mode link
c. Open backup restore > start restore > ok
(During a typical file restore operation, Microsoft Windows Backup operates in nonauthoritative
restore mode. In this mode, Windows Backup restores all files, including Active Directory
objects, with their original Update Sequence Number (USN) or numbers. The Active Directory
replication system uses the USN to detect and replicate changes to Active Directory to all the
domain controllers on the network. All data that is restored nonauthoritatively appears to the
Active Directory replication system as old data. Old data is never replicated to any other domain
controllers. The Active Directory replication system updates the restored data with newer data
from other domain controllers. Performing an authoritative restore resolves this issue.)
9. Domain function level allows addition of win 2000 and win 2003 DC’s
a. Win server 2003 interim
b. Windows 2000 mixed mode
c. Win server native mode
d. Win server 2003
10. How can an exchange be configured as a front end server?
a. POP 3,IMAP 2,HTTP 5
b. POP 3,IMAP 4,HTTP 1
d. POP 3,SMTP,IMAP 1-4
11. What will you do when you get an error message “Invalid media type”
a. Chkdsk
c. Format
d. Diagnostic
You're booting off the Win98 boot floppy & at the A:\> prompt, attempting to format, correct?
A:\>format C:
12. What is the logical component used to link multiple domain trees?
a. Forests
b. Servers
c. Domain Controllers
d. WAN link
13. You are about to install second IPE which has only one adaptor. Your first hard drive will still be
boot drive.
a. As a secondary
b. As a master
c. As a slave
d. As a primary
14. Site – Site VPN connect geographically dispersed sites – True or False
15. Tabs in service properties
a. General
b. Depen(Sorry not sure what’s the option)
c. Logon
d. Recovery
16. Steps to delete existing storage groups?
a. Start Exchange System Manager.
b. Expand Administrative Groups, expand the administrative group that you
want, and then expand Servers.
c. Click the server that you want, and then right-click Recovery Storage
Group in the right pane.
d. Click Delete, and then click Yes.
1. Open ADU&C.
2. Open the user's properties.
3. Make sure that the user is in Domain Admins and Administrators group.
4. Open Exchange Server Manager.
5. Right click <Servername> (Exchange) and click Delegate control.
6. Click Next and click Add.
7. Add the user and grant "Exchange Full Administrator" permission.
8. Logoff the Administrator and logon as the user.
9. You will be able to remove the RSG store now. You can refer to below
steps to delete the RSG.
17. Internet connections firewall can be enabled in Internet connection sharing(ICS) .. False
18. Toplevel domain in http://www.mail.cognizant .com
b. Cognizant
c. www
19. What hardware and software will support plug and play concept?
Personal computers have revolutionized the way people work. Today, PCs are being used in a wide range of
settings and have become the primary business tool. Small and large companies are using PCs to automate
routine tasks through productivity applications, and to solve complex business problems through
customized, vertical market applications. Personal computer networks have enabled companies to work
together and communicate more efficiently, bringing office productivity to new levels. Furthermore, as
hardware technology has advanced, PCs have become both more powerful and less expensive, accelerating
their adoption on a worldwide basis.
The widespread adoption of the Microsoft® Windows™ operating system has gone hand in hand with the
advances in hardware technology. This corresponding advance in the personal computer operating system
has enabled a new class of graphical applications that are easier to use and offer greater benefits to users.
Additionally, new computer peripherals including CD-ROM, sound and full-motion video devices have further
enhanced the potential of PCs, both in the office and in the home.
20. LDAP search filters cant be modified in default recipient policy – True or False
21. Which of the following will connect cable modem to a wireless router
a. Wirelessly
b. Coaxial
c. Ring cable
d. Twisted pair
Everyone has secrets; some have more than others. When it becomes necessary to transmit those
secrets from one point to another, it's important to protect the information while it's in transit.
Cryptography presents various methods for taking legible, readable data, and transforming it into
unreadable data for the purpose of secure transmission, and then using a key to transform it back into
readable data when it reaches its destination.
23. Post error code of 6XX indicates a problem with the ----------Floppy drive
24. Which of the following are new facilities included in Win SP3 that are not included in SP2?
25. Where will you check the exchange server database last successful backup?
26. What is the command to give IP address detail in Win95 operating system?
27. How will you create partition in Win SP2?
28. What is DSL?
DSL (digital subscriber line) technologies, often grouped under the term DSL,
connect a computer to the Internet. DSL uses existing copper pair phone line
wiring in conjunction with special hardware on the switch and user ends of the line.
This special hardware allows for a continuous digital connection over the phone
31. The system shows less memory than actual memory. How to fix it?
Click Start, type System in the Search box, and then click System under Programs.
Click Show more details in the Windows Vista Welcome Center window.
Creating a user accounts is easy: Control Panel, User Accounts, Create a new Account.
Next you are asked to create an Administrator account or an user account with limited
rights. If there is no need for the new user to be an Administrator, it seems wise to create a
user account with limited rights. This can cause many troubles setting up the account,
because of the limited rights, I advise to create an Administrator account. If needed you can
always change this setting later by going back to the user account settings in the Control
33. Sensitive data security is undoubtedly a major issue in VPN – True or False
34. How will you start disk management service?
35. What is the primary function of DNS server?
36. The most basic tasks of DNS is to translate hostnames to IP address – True or False
37. Which of the backup type purge committed transaction logs after successful completion of backup
38. VPN offers inbuilt virus protection – True or False
39. Which layer in the Active directory is present according to the OSI reference model?
40. How to create a child domain?
41. Can FAT 32 be converted to FAT 16?
42. What are the steps to convert FAT 32 to FAT 16?
43. Types of storage limit [Check box question]
a. Exchange
b. 64 authenticate
c. Basic (Authenticate)
d. None
2 At the command prompt, type the following, where drive letter is the drive that you want to convert:
convert drive letter: /fs:ntfs
For example, type the following command to convert drive E to NTFS:
convert e: /fs:ntfs
Note If the operating system is on the drive that you are converting, you will be prompted to
schedule the task when you restart the computer because the conversion cannot be completed while
the operating system is running. When you are prompted, click YES.
3 When you receive the following message at the command prompt, type the volume label of the drive
. that you are converting, and then press ENTER:
The type of the file system is FAT.
Enter the current volume label for drive drive letter
4 When the conversion to NTFS is complete, you receive the following message at the command
. prompt:
Conversion complete
5 Quit the command prompt.
1. The possible reasons for Fan working inside the CPU, when system boots
b. to lower the temperature inside .
c. to recharge CMOS battery
5. You have bought broadband connection from ISP, and connected with network adapters, and
then what will u needs to connect?
a. An access point(I marked)
b. Nothing
c. DSL
6. You are responsible for network security, in order to ensure for current network updates, which
would be the best option?
a. Contact network administrator
b. Contact purchasing manager
c. View manufacturer’s web site users delete
10. Default domain functional level and most appropriate one for adding domain controllers 2003
c. contact list