S.W Eng.
S.W Eng.
S.W Eng.
Department of CA
Homework Title/No: 1
Course Code: CAP 314
Student’s Sign:
Munish sharma
Q1. Take the example of student information system and introduce the
concept of software engineering in it.
If we follow all these steps properly then we will be able to manage the
student information system properly or we can say in an effective and
efficient way.
2. A developer watches how books are issued and what are the procedures for that he also
notice what happens when the time limit is over how the fine system is working.
Then he decides what are the other features that should be included in the system to make it
to work more effectively and efficiently.
4. After the design is ready the coding phase starts in which we code for the according to the
system design that we have developed. The coding done by the developer should be error free
so that it can solve the purpose for which it is to be developed.
5. The developer must document the system properly so that if after some time when
maintenance will be done then it should be easily understood by a new developer.
6. After these all phases are over the newly coded system is tested with the user given values
to know whether it is functioning properly or not.
At last the newly developed system is handed over to the user for working.
Q3. How will you implement software process model in your software?
Write down the steps f or the same.
Ans:- A software process model starts with the conceptualisation of the software product
and ends when the functioning of the product is over the software life cycle model represents
a descriptive and diagrammatic model of a software product with a series of identifiable
phases through which the software product passes during its lifetime.
Examples :-
• Classical waterfall model
• Iterative waterfall model
• Prototyping model
• Evolutionary model
• Spiral model
• Rapid application development model
• Incremental model
• V model
Let us take the example of the waterfall model and see the various phases through which it
The steps of the Waterfall Model are as follows: -
a. Feasibility Study
b. Requirements Analysis and Specification
c. Design
d. Coding and Unit Testing
e. Integration and System Testing
f. Maintenance
a) Feasibility Study:- The aim of feasibility study is to determine whether the demands
desired by the user are feasible or not the feasibility so a software is checked out on
three basis:-
Operational, technical and financial.
If a project passes these criteria of feasibility then it is considered otherwise the plan
is left or other options are checked.
e) Integration and System Testing: - Integration of modules is done once they have
been coded and unit tested. During this phase, the modules are integrated in a planner
manner. During each integration step, the partially integrated system is tested and a
set of previously planned modules are added to it.
After all these processes the life cycle of the is over and our software is ready.
Ans:- when the software is to be developed is the simple one and not the complex one the
SRS development stage follows after the requirement analysis stage.
However for developing the large system the SRS is developed side by side with the process
of requirement analysis.
SRS help the software developer to develop the software with the minimum errors the system
analyst develops the SRS which consist of the following inherent features
eability,ranking according to importance or stability .
When an order from a vendor arrives, our Purchase Order Number on the vendor’s
invoice will be used to locate the PO and other related documents, such as vendor
proposals, price lists, product specifications.
r order
Control ing
Inventory Control Systems main objective is to keep track of all the parts and finished goods
in the warehouses and all the transactions involving these parts and goods.
An automatic purchase order generation when the stock levels of parts falls below the
minimum has been contemplated but postponed to a future date.
Functions of Inventory Control System the main functions of Inventory Control System are:-
Q5.Explain different document conventions you will use while writing SRS
for your project.
the information in SRS should be organised in to sections and subsections this standard
format of SRS allows the developer to check if all the requirements are specified in the SRS
and easily trace any missing requirements in the SRS .this standard format also makes the
SRS understandable IEEE provides a standard format for SRS the IEEE allow different
format for organising information in different projects the general framework of SRS is
a) Purposes of document
b) scope of document
c) list of definitions, acronyms, abbreviations
d) references
3. Specific requirements
Ans: - Object Oriented Modelling: - Object Oriented Modelling is mainly used in computer
programming. These techniques are used during the analysis, design and implementation of
the system. The Object-Oriented paradigm assists the programmer to address the complexity
of a problem domain by considering the problem not as a set of functions that can be
performed but primarily as a set of related, interacting Objects.
The object-oriented model is based on a collection of objects, like the E-R model.