Medical Education in Review: Prevalence of Depression Amongst Medical Students: A Meta-Analysis
Medical Education in Review: Prevalence of Depression Amongst Medical Students: A Meta-Analysis
Medical Education in Review: Prevalence of Depression Amongst Medical Students: A Meta-Analysis
CONTEXT Medical schools are known to be 28.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 24.2–
stressful environments for students and hence 32.1%). Female, Year 1, postgraduate and Mid-
medical students have been believed to experi- dle Eastern medical students were more likely
ence greater incidences of depression than to be depressed, but the differences were not
others. We evaluated the global prevalence of statistically significant. By year of study, Year 1
depression amongst medical students, as well as students had the highest rates of depression at
epidemiological, psychological, educational 33.5% (95% CI 25.2–43.1%); rates of depres-
and social factors in order to identify high-risk sion then gradually decreased to reach 20.5%
groups that may require targeted interventions. (95% CI 13.2–30.5%) at Year 5. This trend
represented a significant decline (B = 0.324,
METHODS A systematic search was conducted p = 0.005). There was no significant difference
in online databases for cross-sectional studies in prevalences of depression between medical
examining prevalences of depression among and non-medical students. The overall mean
medical students. Studies were included only if frequency of suicide ideation was 5.8% (95%
they had used standardised and validated ques- CI 4.0–8.3%), but the mean proportion of
tionnaires to evaluate the prevalence of depressed medical students who sought treat-
depression in a group of medical students. ment was only 12.9% (95% CI 8.1–19.8%).
Random-effects models were used to calculate
the aggregate prevalence and pooled odds CONCLUSIONS Depression affects almost
ratios (ORs). Meta-regression was carried out one-third of medical students globally but
when heterogeneity was high. treatment rates are relatively low. The current
findings suggest that medical schools and
RESULTS Findings for a total of 62 728 medi- health authorities should offer early detection
cal students and 1845 non-medical students and prevention programmes, and interven-
were pooled across 77 studies and examined. tions for depression amongst medical students
Our analyses demonstrated a global prevalence before graduation.
of depression amongst medical students of
Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Correspondence: Rohan Puthran, Department of Psychological
Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University
Department of General and Forensic Psychiatry, Institute of of Singapore, Singapore 117597, Singapore. Tel: 00 65 9424
Mental Health, Singapore, Singapore 8149; E-mail:
Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
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and medical undergraduate; mood disorder and were further evaluated based on their study design.
undergraduate medical education; affective disorder Articles were screened against the inclusion and
and medical student; affective disorder and medical exclusion criteria, as previously defined, by both of
undergraduate, and affective disorder and under- these authors independently. Any disagreements
graduate medical education. In order to ensure that with regard to the selection of articles were resolved
all relevant articles from the inception of the data- through discussion with the last author (RCH).
bases to date were extracted, no date or language Prior to further statistical analysis, all articles were
limitations were applied in the search strategy. In randomised by the blinding of the title of the arti-
addition to these electronic searches, the references cle, the authors and the name of the publishing
of the final selection of papers were manually journal. Data were extracted. The process involved
searched for further material. in this systematic selection is detailed in Fig. 1. This
procedure was based on that for the meta-analysis of
Inclusion criteria observational studies in epidemiology (MOOSE).21
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Depression and medical students
assumes variance in effect sizes between studies but performed to examine the impact of moderator
leads to a markedly conservative null hypothesis variables on the study effect size when significant
model,23 and takes into consideration subject-speci- heterogeneity was detected, using a random-effects
fic effects.24–27 All studies reported depression as a model. Publication bias was examined by Egger’s
dichotomous variable (presence versus absence). regression method. In the event that publication
Thus, the aggregate prevalence of depression, its bias was detected, the classic fail-safe test was per-
corresponding p-value and 95% confidence interval formed to establish the potential number of missing
(CI), the Cochran’s Q-statistic and the estimated studies.27 Forest plots for the prevalence of depres-
effect size (t2) were reported for the medical stu- sion overall and within subgroups were made to
dent group. For studies comparing medical with represent the overall estimate, as well as individual
non-medical students, to test the hypothesis that the study estimates.
prevalence of depression was higher in the medical
student group, the summary OR was calculated. For Subgroup analyses
these analyses, the summary OR, its corresponding
p-value, 95% CI and Z-value were reported. The Subgroup analyses were performed to examine the
level of significance was set at 5% and the result was effects of gender and year of study on the preva-
regarded as statistically significant if the p-value was lence of depression in the medical student group.
< 0.05. The I2 statistic was used to assess hetero- Subgroup analyses also examined the effect of geo-
geneity among studies. As a reference, I2 values of graphic region by grouping studies based on the
25% are considered low, those of 50% moderate, United Nations standard geographic region classifi-
and those of 75% high.27 Meta-regression was cation.28 Middle Eastern countries were differenti-
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Table 1 Results of random-effects meta-regression of demographic moderators for prevalence of depression amongst medical students
for categorical moderators
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Figure 2 Data from studies (n = 77) assessing prevalences of depression amongst medical students (n = 62 728). 95%
CI = 95% confidence interval
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Figure 3 Data from studies (n = 77) assessing prevalences of depression amongst medical students (n = 62 728) stratified by
region. 95% CI = 95% confidence interval
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Figure 4 Data from studies assessing prevalences of depression in undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. 95%
CI = 95% confidence interval
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Figure 5 Data from studies assessing prevalences of depression amongst medical students stratified by gender. 95%
CI = 95% confidence interval
highest rates of depression (33.5%, 95% CI 25.2– s2 = 0.26, I2 = 91.58) based on the random-effects
43.1%) and rates gradually decreased until Year 5 model, using eight studies. The proportion of
(20.5%, 95% CI 13.2–30.5%) (Fig. 6). This trend depressed medical students who sought treatment
represented a significant decline (B = 0.324, was 12.9% (95% CI 8.1–19.8%; Z = 7.30, d.f. = 5,
p = 0.005). s2 = 0.23, I2 = 72.44), using six studies.
The overall prevalence of suicide ideation amongst Of 13 studies that compared medical students with
all medical students, regardless of depression status, non-medical students, seven used comparison
was 5.8% (95% CI 4.0–8.3%; Z = 14.25, d.f. = 7, groups from only one specific faculty, and hence
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Depression and medical students
Figure 6 Prevalences of depression amongst medical students (n = 62 728) stratified by year group
Figure 7 Data from studies (n = 6) assessing prevalences of depression in medical and non-medical students. 95% CI = 95%
confidence interval
were deemed unsuitable for the comparative analy- Publication bias and quality of studies
sis as comparisons against specific faculties would
not be useful because each study used a different There was no significant publication bias for the
faculty. Odds ratios from the six remaining studies prevalence of depression amongst medical students
are represented in Fig. 7. There was a difference in the 77 studies (intercept = 2.11, 95% CI 6.26
in prevalence between the two groups, with non- to 2.03; t = 1.02; d.f. = 75, p = 0.31). There was no
medical students facing a prevalence of depression significant difference in prevalences of depression
of 30.6% and medical students subject to a preva- between studies that reported the provision of ethi-
lence of 28.7%. However, the pooled OR between cal approval (28.5%, 95% CI 23.9–33.5%) and those
the two groups was found to be insignificant for that did not (27.6%, 95% CI 22.9–32.8%). When
this result (OR 0.965, 95% CI 0.651–1.429; the Newcastle–Ottawa cohort scale for cross-sec-
p = 0.857). tional studies22 was used to critically appraise the
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quality of studies, all of the studies included scored and future career, denial of illness, poor insight,
≥ 7 out of a possible 10 points. lack of time, the stigma associated with using psy-
chiatric health services and fear of unwanted inter-
vention.12,29 Chew-Graham et al.29 also found that
DISCUSSION student knowledge of the existing support services
available to medical students was poor and that
To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis to medical students were reluctant to consult psychi-
investigate the prevalence of depression amongst atric health services.
medical students globally. Our findings suggest that
medical students have a high overall prevalence of In a comparison of medical students with non-medi-
depression of 28.0%. In a study conducted amongst cal students, we found no significant difference in
university students from 23 countries of varying the prevalence of depression between the two
income levels, Steptoe et al.11 found that preva- groups. This finding adds statistical value to the
lences of depressive symptoms were 19% in male qualitative review carried out by Bacchi and Lici-
students and 22% in female students, which are nio,4 who suggested that the similar rates in the two
much lower than the current findings. Chew-Gra- groups may reflect a problem of depression of
ham et al.29 found that the transition of moving broader scope amongst university students, and that
away from home and academic stressors were two further longitudinal studies comparing medical with
main themes that emerged from their interviews non-medical students are required to determine the
with medical students. One factor unique to medi- underlying issues that affect university students in
cal students, which was commonly cited in that general and medical students specifically. Regard-
study,29 was the need to be seen as a competent less, prevalences of depression amongst both medi-
clinician. This extra pressure may come from profes- cal and non-medical students are high and neither
sors, mentors, peers or patients, as well as from group should be discounted.
medical students themselves.
These findings confer significant implications as
Our analysis showed that the prevalence of depres- they aid senior leaders of medical schools, medical
sion is significantly highest in Year 1 medical stu- educators and mental health professionals in shap-
dents, and that this decreases in subsequent years ing the medical curriculum and taking care of stu-
(Fig. 6). This may be attributable to issues of dents’ psychiatric health as it will impact on patient
adjustment when prospective medical students first care in the long run.1 Given the high global preva-
enter medical school, which later improve as stu- lence of depression amongst medical students and
dents learn to cope better, even with the increased the aforementioned reasons for their avoidance of
workload and the transition to the clinical phase. treatment, medical schools should aim to reduce
Longitudinal studies suggest that adjustment issues the associated stigma and should encourage
may be responsible for the high prevalence of depressed students to seek treatment from profes-
depression in Year 1 students by showing that levels sionals outside medical school in order to ensure
of depressive symptoms in batches of medical stu- that students are provided with independent assess-
dents increase significantly from their pre-medical ments. We suggest that such strategies be imple-
school baseline.30,31 This supports the suggestion mented at a Year 1 level, rather than in the final
that medical school itself is a significant stressor for year, because our findings show that depression is
students, especially in the first year of study. significantly highest in the first year of medical
We found the prevalence of suicide ideation in the
overall sample to be high at 5.8%. Although our As medical students have a high prevalence of
finding is much lower than that of Dyrbye et al.,14 depression, medical schools should look into the
it is still considered a high prevalence, and it is provision of structured programmes that are evi-
important because physicians have been found to dence-based. Examples include life skills training
have much higher suicide rates than the general and mindfulness therapy, both of which have been
population.15 Undertreatment is also evident in shown to significantly reduce levels of depression in
our study findings, with only 12.9% of depressed medical student populations.32,33 Social support
medical students seeking treatment. Common rea- should also be given to female students, as well as
sons for not seeking treatment include fear of a graduate students, who face higher levels of stress
negative impact on the student’s academic record and depression in medical school.
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Depression and medical students
This study is strengthened by its finding of minimal which is consistent with the findings of other reviews
publication bias and also by the fact that it is the on medical student depression,4,19,34 as well as the
first meta-analysis to estimate the global prevalence high prevalence of suicide ideation and low treat-
of depression amongst medical students. Nonethe- ment rate, it is clear that the time has come for con-
less, this meta-analysis is not without limitations. certed efforts by senior administrators of medical
Firstly, we were unable to assess many other factors schools, medical educators and mental health profes-
that might predispose a medical student to depres- sionals to develop new systems for the prevention,
sion, such as family history, life stressors and poor screening and treatment of psychiatric health disor-
coping strategies as a result of the variability in fac- ders in our future physicians.
tors reported in multiple studies. Secondly, all of
the studies included in the analysis used standard-
ised screening questionnaires to estimate the preva- Contributors: RP contributed to the acquisition, analysis
lence of depression; however, although screening and interpretation of data, and the drafting of the manu-
questionnaires provide a practical means to assess script. MWBZ contributed to the conception and design
of the work, and to the acquisition, analysis and interpre-
depression in large groups of students, full diag-
tation of data. WWT contributed to the critical revision of
nostic interviews would be a more accurate way to
the analysis and interpretation of data. RCH contributed
assess for the presence of depression. Furthermore, to the conception and design of the work. All authors
different screening instruments were adopted in contributed to the critical revision of the paper and
different studies, and researchers differed in their approved the final manuscript for publication.
choice of cut-off points for depression; however, Acknowledgements: none.
these thresholds were largely in agreement with Funding: none.
internationally accepted norms used to accurately Conflicts of interest: none.
diagnose depression and to screen for major Ethical approval: not applicable.
depressive disorder. Thirdly, the heterogeneity of
the study populations, wide variety of course struc-
tures, varied locations and cultural influences intro- REFERENCES
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