Tanner Humanities Center: Doctoral Student Fellowships For University of Utah Doctoral Students in The Humanities

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The Tanner Humanities Center's mission is to promote humanistic research and education at the University
of Utah, in the state, and in the nation. The Center sponsors an annual competitive program which promotes
research by University of Utah faculty and graduate students and research by independent scholars and
faculty from other institutions. See http://www.thc.utah.edu for more information.

University of Utah students must have successfully passed their Ph.D. or terminal degree qualifying exams, and
completed all course work by the fellowship application deadline (March 1, 2021) to be eligible for a fellowship.

The Tanner Humanities Center will award up to three graduate fellowships for the nine-month academic year 2021-
2022. The fellowships are designed to enable doctoral students of unusual ability and achievement to enhance their
career preparation by engaging in research and writing full time, and by participating in all Center activities. Projects
in the following fields are eligible: anthropology, archaeology, communication, history, philosophy, religious studies,
ethnic /gender/cultural studies, jurisprudence, history/theory/criticism of the arts, languages and linguistics, literature,
creative writing, historical or philosophical issues in the social and natural sciences, or the professions. The Center
encourages projects that are interdisciplinary and that are likely to contribute to substantive intellectual exchange
among a diverse group of scholars.


Doctoral Fellows will receive a stipend of $25,000 and be provided with a private office in the Center.
Doctoral Fellows will be exempt from departmental teaching or instructional duties during the academic year. A
THEIR WAIVER LIMIT FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH (ask your department chair). Determining this is
your responsibility.

Fellowship Activities
We are an intellectual community. We require Fellows to be in residence during the nine-month academic year from
August through April, to continue their program of studies, and to participate fully in Center activities. During their
residence, Fellows will present a work-in-progress talk to faculty, graduate students, and invited guests. We require a
final written fellowship report by June 30, 2022. Brief absences for research-related travel are permitted with notice to
staff. If you have significant travel requirements or plans for 2021-2022, please do not apply for a Center fellowship.

Selection Criteria
The Tanner Humanities Center’s faculty advisory board, comprised of distinguished faculty from a variety of
humanities disciplines, reviews proposals and selects finalists. The Center seeks Fellows whose past and present work
demonstrates excellence and collegiality, and represents a variety of disciplines and methodologies without regard to
race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, or national or ethnic origin. The University of Utah seeks
to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities to people with disabilities.

Application Process

A Graduate Fellowship application consists of four parts:

1) Application materials arranged in the following order: a) the application cover page, b) an abstract
(100 words, single-spaced) of the proposed project, and c) a brief description (double-spaced, not to
exceed 1000 words) of the thesis or dissertation project that follows "description format" guidelines
listed below, and d) a current curriculum vitae.
2) Two (2) letters of recommendation: a) one letter from the chair of the supervisory committee and, b)
one letter from a scholar working in the student's area of study who is familiar with the student’s
proposed research project. REQUEST YOUR LETTERS EARLY.
Please ask your department or program graduate director to submit a letter acknowledging that you
are a graduate student in good standing in the program.
Please ask your department or program to send a dated copy of your qualifying exam sheet signed by
the supervisory committee indicating "pass."
All documents must be sent electronically in either .doc or .pdf format to Beth James, Associate
Director, beth.james@utah.edu
3) A list by year of the graduate (M.A. and Ph.D.) support—in the form of tuition waivers, teaching
assistantships or teaching fellowships, scholarships, grants, and other fellowships, regardless of
source— that you have received. (This will not disqualify you; we merely want to be aware of this

4) A completed FAFSA form (if applying for the Tournquist Fellowship).

5) If you have applied for a fellowship in the recent past, you must request new letters and other
supporting documents anew. The Center does not retain past applications, which would in any event
contain dated information.
Description Format

The review panel is composed of scholars from a wide range of disciplines who may not all possess
specialized knowledge of the candidate's proposed field of study. The project should thus be clearly
explained and justified and free from jargon. We will not consider proposals that exceed the 1000 word
limit. The proposal should address the following points in order. Please label each section, paginate, and
double-space throughout.

a) The specific questions, problems, or ideas you will examine and the
objectives or results you hope to achieve.

b) A detailed but concise description of your methodology, approach,

and/or procedures. You should make clear how your methods will
lead to achieving your project objectives.

c) Justification for your project. What contribution is the project likely

to make, and what is its significance for the humanities?

d) How does the project fit into existing scholarship in the field? What
is its relationship to the work of others in the same area? What is
distinct and original about the proposed project?

e) What is the current state of the project? What is your proposed

schedule or specifically laid-out work plan for the fellowship period?

f) How does the dissertation project fit in with your career objectives?

g) What would you gain from, and contribute to, the Tanner Center’s
intellectual community and activities? This is a key consideration, since
unlike non-residential research fellowships, this is a fellowship in residence
at an active humanities center and in a community of fellows.

If you are interested in receiving comments from the Center’s Director prior to the application deadline, you
may submit a draft of your proposal to Tanner Humanities Center by February 8, 2020.

ON OR BEFORE MARCH 1, 2021 submit the application materials via e-mail to Beth James
(beth.james@utah.edu). The Center will notify applicants by April 30, 2021.


Name: UU ID number


e-mail address:

Telephone: (home) (other)

Department: Field of Specialization:

Year Ph.D. or terminal degree program was begun:

The title of your research project during fellowship year:

Names, address, and telephone numbers of the two persons whom you have asked to send recommendations
directly to the Tanner Humanities Center:



I waive ( ), do not waive ( ), my right to have access to these letters of reference.

Your letters of recommendation and your program’s graduate director's letter verifying that
you are in good standing must be sent directly to the Tanner Humanities Center by March 1,
2021. All materials should be sent to Beth James at beth.james@utah.edu

Instructions for Referees of Doctoral Fellowship Applicants

It would be helpful to the Center's review panel (most of whom will be outside of this field) if you
commented specifically on the applicant's proposed project while keeping in mind the following selection

•the conception and definition of the research or writing project;

•the project's contribution to the field in specific terms of the work’s significance and originality;

•the capability, based on past performance, of this candidate to undertake and complete
this project within or shortly after the period of fellowship residency;

•the applicant’s writing and analytical abilities, work plan and methodology; and

•potential contributions to the University of Utah faculty, students, and community

of this applicant and this project.

The Center strives to create an environment for positive intellectual and humanistic exchange. Please
comment on the candidate's collegiality and ability to work and interact effectively with fellows, faculty,
staff and students, and the likelihood that this candidate will be a full participant in the Tanner Humanities

Please send your letter of reference directly to Beth James, Associate Director (beth.james@utah.edu).

The deadline for RECEIPT of reference letters is March 1, 2021.

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