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Pearson Edexcel Level 6

Diploma in Construction
Contracting Operations

NVQ/Competence-based qualification
First registration November 2014

Issue 4
Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI qualifications
Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding
body offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and
benchmarked. For further information, please visit our qualifications website at
qualifications.pearson.com. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us using the details on
our contact us page at qualifications.pearson.com/contactus

About Pearson
Pearson is the world's leading learning company, with 35,000 employees in more than
70 countries working to help people of all ages to make measurable progress in their lives
through learning. We put the learner at the centre of everything we do, because wherever
learning flourishes, so do people. Find out more about how we can help you and your
learners at qualifications.pearson.com

This specification is Issue 4. Key changes are listed in the summary table on the next page.
We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the
Pearson website: qualifications.pearson.com

This qualification was previously known as:

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management (QCF)
The QN remains the same.

This qualification is offered as part of a Joint Awarding Body Partnership with construction
industry professional bodies; the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), and the Institution
of Civil Engineers (ICE), for whom the NVQs are steps to professional recognition.

References to third party material made in this specification are made in good faith. Pearson
does not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may
be subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks,
journals, magazines and other publications and websites.)

All information in this specification is correct at time of publication.

ISBN 9781446957844
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Limited 2017
Summary of Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in
Construction Contracting Operations Management
specification Issue 4 changes

Summary of changes made between previous issue and this Section

current issue

All references to QCF have been removed throughout the specification

Definition of TQT added 1
Definition of sizes of qualifications aligned to TQT 1
TQT value added 2
GLH range removed and replaced with lowest GLH value for the 2
shortest route through the qualification
Reference to credit transfer within the QCF removed 8
Guided learning definition updated 11
QCF references removed from unit titles and unit levels in all units 11

Earlier issue(s) show(s) previous changes.

If you need further information on these changes or what they mean, contact us via our website
at: qualifications.pearson.com/en/support/contact-us.html.

Purpose of this specification 1

1 Introducing Pearson Edexcel NVQ/Competence-based
qualifications 2
Sizes of NVQ/Competence-based qualifications Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 Qualification summary and key information 4

3 Qualification rationale 5
Qualification objectives 5
Relationship with previous qualifications 5
Progression opportunities 6
Industry support and recognition 6
Relationship with National Occupational Standards 6

4 Qualification structures 7
Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting
Operations Management 7

5 Programme delivery 17
Learner recruitment, preparation and support 17
Training and assessment delivery 18
Employer engagement 18

6 Centre resource requirements 19

7 Access and recruitment 20
Prior knowledge, skills and understanding 20
Access to qualifications for learners with disabilities or specific needs 20

8 Assessment 21
Centre Guidance to ensure evidence at the appropriate standard is
obtained 21
Language of assessment 21
Internal assessment 22
Assessment requirements/strategy 23

Types of evidence 23
Appeals 24
Dealing with malpractice 24

Reasonable adjustments to assessment 24

Special consideration 25

9 Centre recognition and approval 26

Centre recognition 26
Approvals agreement 26

10 Quality assurance of centres 27

11 Unit format 28
Unit title 28

This is the formal title of the unit that will appear on the learner’s
certificate. 28
Unit reference number 28
Level 28
Credit value 28

Guided learning hours 28

Unit summary 28
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements 28

Learning outcomes 29
Assessment criteria 29
Unit 1: Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 30
Unit 2: Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in Own Area of
Responsibility 41
Unit 3: Chair Meeting and Take Decisions in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 48
Unit 4: Develop and Maintain Working Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction Contracting Operations
Management 55
Unit 5: Plan Measured Surveys in Construction Contracting
Operations Management 69
Unit 6: Establish the Condition of Property in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 83
Unit 7: Identify, Assess and Evaluate Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting Operations Management 96
Unit 8: Develop and Agree Detailed Project Designs in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 106
Unit 9: Specify and Control Production Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 118
Unit 10: Prepare Procurement Schedules and Programmes of Works
in Construction Contracting Operations Management 133
Unit 11: Implement Strategic and Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 141
Unit 12: Obtain Tenders and Appoint Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting Operations Management 152
Unit 13: Evaluate Enquiries and Submit Tenders in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 166
Unit 14: Evaluate Work Methods and Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations Management 175
Unit 15: Analyse, Monitor and Optimise Materials, Plant and Services
in Construction Contracting Operations Management 185
Unit 16: Control Contract Work in Construction Contracting
Operations Management 194
Unit 17: Optimise and Control Contract Progress and Costs in
Construction Contracting Operations Management 203
Unit 18: Prepare and Agree Contract Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting Operations Management 212

12 Further information and useful publications 220

13 Professional development and training 221
14 Contact us 223
Annexe A: Assessment strategy – ConstructionSkills 224
Purpose of this specification

This specification sets out:

● the objectives of the qualification
● any other qualification that a learner must have completed before taking the
● any prior knowledge, skills or understanding which the learner is required to
have before taking the qualification
● the combination of units that a learner must have completed before the
qualification will be awarded and any pathways
● any other requirements that a learner must have satisfied before they will be
assessed or before the qualification will be awarded
● the knowledge, skills and understanding that will be assessed as part of the
● the method of any assessment and any associated requirements relating to it
● the criteria against which a learner’s level of attainment will be measured
(such as assessment criteria)
● assessment requirements and/or evidence requirements required as specified
by the relevant Sector Skills Council/Standards Setting Body
● assessment requirements/strategy as published by the relevant Sector Skills
Council/Standards Setting Body
● the Apprenticeship Framework in which the qualification is included,
where appropriate.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 1

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
1 Introducing Pearson Edexcel
NVQ/Competence-based qualifications

What are NVQ/Competence-based qualifications?

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs)/Competence-based qualifications are

work-based qualifications that give learners the opportunity to develop and
demonstrate their competence in the area of work or job role to which the
qualification relates.
NVQs/Competence-based qualifications are based on recognised occupational
standards for the appropriate sector. Occupational standards define what
employees, or potential employees, must be able to do and know, and how well
they should undertake work tasks and work roles. These standards are written in
broad terms to enable employers and providers to apply them to a wide range of
related occupational areas.
NVQs/Competence-based qualifications are outcomes-based with no fixed learning
programme, therefore allowing flexible delivery to meet the individual learner’s
needs. At Level 2 and above, these qualifications are recognised as approved
training and development courses for employees that have been in the workplace
for some time or as a way of inducting, training and developing new entrants into
the workplace. Qualifications at Level 1 can be used in Traineeships, which enables
progression to entry level employment or to Apprenticeship programmes.
Learners will work towards their qualification in the workplace or in settings that
replicate the working environment as specified in the assessment requirements.
Colleges, training centres and/or employers can offer these qualifications as long as
they have access to appropriate physical and human resources and have the
necessary quality assurance systems in place.

Sizes of NVQ/Competence-based qualifications

For all regulated qualifications, Pearson specify a total number of hours that it is
estimated learners will require to complete and show achievement for the
qualification – this is the Total Qualification Time (TQT). The TQT value indicates
the size of a qualification.

Within the TQT, Pearson identifies the number of Guided Learning Hours (GLH) that
we estimate a centre delivering the qualification might provide. Guided learning
means activities, such as lessons, tutorials, online instruction, supervised study and
giving feedback on performance, that directly involve tutors and assessors in
teaching, supervising and invigilating learners. Guided learning includes the time
required for learners to complete external assessment under examination or
supervised conditions.

In addition to guided learning, other required learning directed by tutors or

assessors will include private study, preparation for assessment and undertaking
assessment when not under supervision, such as preparatory reading, revision and
independent research.

As well as TQT and GLH, qualifications can also have a credit value – equal to one
tenth of TQT, rounded to the nearest whole number.

2 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
TQT and credit values are assigned after consultation with users of the
NVQ/Competence-based qualifications are available in the following sizes:
● Award – a qualification with a TQT value of 120 or less (equivalent to a range of
1–12 credits)
● Certificate – a qualification with a TQT value in the range of 121–369
(equivalent to a range of 13–36 credits)
● Diploma – a qualification with a TQT value of 370 or more
(equivalent to 37 credits and above).

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 3

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
2 Qualification summary and key information

Qualification title Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in

Construction Contracting Operations
Qualification Number (QN) 601/4787/8
Regulation start date 09/10/2014
Operational start date 01/11/2014
Approved age ranges 18+
Please note that sector-specific requirements
or regulations may prevent learners of a
particular age from embarking on this
qualification. Please refer to the assessment
Credit value 81
Assessment Portfolio of Evidence (internal assessment)
Total Qualification Time (TQT) 810
Guided learning hours 195
Grading information The qualification and units are graded
Entry requirements No prior knowledge, understanding, skills or
qualifications are required before learners
register for this qualification. However,
centres must follow the Pearson Access and
Recruitment policy (see Section 7, Access and
Centres must also follow the Pearson Access
and Recruitment policy (see Section 7, Access
and Recruitment).
Funding Qualifications eligible and funded for post-16-
year-olds can be found on the funding Hub.
The Skills Funding Agency also publishes a
funding catalogue that lists the qualifications
available for 19+ funding.

Centres will need to use the Qualification Number (QN) when they seek public
funding for their learners. As well as a QN, each unit within a qualification has a
unit reference number (URN).
The qualification title, unit titles and QN will appear on each learner’s final
certificate. Centres should tell learners this when recruiting them and registering
them with Pearson. There is more information about certification in our UK
Information Manual, available on our website at: qualifications.pearson.com

4 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
3 Qualification rationale

Qualification objectives

The Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations

Management is for learners who work in, or who want to work in the construction
and the built environment sector.
The Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management is designed for technical people working at a senior level in a wide
range of job roles, for example senior estimator, senior quantity surveyor, senior
buyer, senior planner. They will have responsibility for other people in their area of
This qualification is suitable for people who might be site-based and who have
responsibility for functions such as dimensional control, surveys, physical testing
and work planning. The qualification covers all sections of the construction cycle,
including all forms of construction and civil engineering, and includes functions such
as maintenance and demolition, and companies specialising in a single operation
such as roofing, plastering and shop fitting.

Relationship with previous qualifications

This qualification is a direct replacement for the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 NVQ
Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management (QCF) (500/9535/3),
which has expired.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 5

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Progression opportunities

This qualification allows learners to demonstrate competence in construction

contracting operations management at a level required by the construction and the
built environment industry. Learners can progress to the next level and size of the
construction and the built environment competence and knowledge qualifications,
and into other occupational areas such as team leading and management.
There is a progression route from the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 NVQ Diploma in
Construction Contracting Operations. Progression opportunities from this
qualification include progressing to the Pearson Edexcel Level 7 NVQ Diploma in
Construction Senior Management, the Pearson Edexcel Level 7 NVQ Diploma in Built
Environment Design and Consultancy Practice, and other
post-graduate level qualifications.

Industry support and recognition

This qualification is supported by ConstructionSkills, the Sector Skills Council for


Relationship with National Occupational Standards

This qualification is based on the National Occupational Standards (NOS) in

Construction and the Built Environment, which were set and designed by

6 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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4 Qualification structures

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting

Operations Management

To achieve this qualification, learners must complete the required number of

mandatory and/or optional credits from within one of the pathways, below.

Pathway 1 – Estimating
The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before
the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management – Estimating qualification can be awarded.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved 86

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at level 6 or above 81
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 73

Minimum number of optional credits that must be achieved 13

Unit Unit Mandatory units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
1 K/505/8204 Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare 6 10 40
Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations

2 H/600/9674 Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in 4 5 25

Own Area of Responsibility
3 T/505/8206 Chair Meetings and Take Decisions 6 8 20
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
4 H/505/8217 Develop and Maintain Working 6 8 20
Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction
Contracting Operations
7 F/505/8256 Identify, Assess and Evaluate 6 18 50
Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
12 M/505/8298 Obtain Tenders and Appoint 6 12 20
Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
13 M/505/8303 Evaluate Enquiries and Submit 6 12 20
Tenders in Construction Contracting
Operations Management

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 7

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit Unit Optional units Level Credit Guided
reference learning
number hours
5 K/505/8218 Plan Measured Surveys in 6 14 40
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
6 D/505/8250 Establish the Condition of Property 6 14 40
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
8 T/505/8268 Develop and Agree Detailed Project 6 20 60
Designs in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
9 T/505/8271 Specify and Control Production 6 18 50
Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations
10 H/505/8279 Prepare Procurement Schedules 6 16 40
and Programmes of Works in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
11 R/505/8293 Implement Strategic and 6 20 60
Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing
Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations
14 R/505/8309 Evaluate Work Methods and 6 13 30
Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations
15 D/505/8314 Analyse, Monitor and Optimise 6 13 20
Materials, Plant and Services in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
16 A/505/8336 Control Contract Work in 6 13 30
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
17 F/505/8354 Optimise and Control Contract 6 13 30
Progress and Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations
18 D/505/8359 Prepare and Agree Contract 6 14 40
Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

8 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Pathway 2 – Buying
The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before
the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management – Buying qualification can be awarded.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved 94

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 6 or above 89
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 82

Minimum number of optional credits that must be achieved 12

Unit Unit Mandatory units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
1 K/505/8204 Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare 6 10 40
Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations
2 H/600/9674 Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in 4 5 25
Own Area of Responsibility
3 T/505/8206 Chair Meetings and Take Decisions 6 8 20
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
4 H/505/8217 Develop and Maintain Working 6 8 20
Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction
Contracting Operations
7 F/505/8256 Identify, Assess and Evaluate 6 18 50
Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
11 R/505/8293 Implement Strategic and 6 20 60
Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing
Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations
15 D/505/8314 Analyse, Monitor and Optimise 6 13 20
Materials, Plant and Services in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 9

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit Unit Optional units Level Credit Guided
reference learning
number hours
5 K/505/8218 Plan Measured Surveys in 6 14 40
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
6 D/505/8250 Establish the Condition of Property 6 14 40
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
8 T/505/8268 Develop and Agree Detailed Project 6 20 60
Designs in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
9 T/505/8271 Specify and Control Production 6 18 50
Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations
10 H/505/8279 Prepare Procurement Schedules 6 16 40
and Programmes of Works in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
12 M/505/8298 Obtain Tenders and Appoint 6 12 20
Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
13 M/505/8303 Evaluate Enquiries and Submit 6 12 20
Tenders in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
14 R/505/8309 Evaluate Work Methods and 6 13 30
Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations
16 A/505/8336 Control Contract Work in 6 13 30
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
17 F/505/8354 Optimise and Control Contract 6 13 30
Progress and Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations
18 D/505/8359 Prepare and Agree Contract 6 14 40
Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

10 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Pathway 3 – Planning
The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before
the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management – Planning qualification can be awarded.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved 90

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 6 or above 85
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 78

Minimum number of optional credits that must be achieved 12

Unit Unit Mandatory units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
1 K/505/8204 Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare 6 10 40
Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations
2 H/600/9674 Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in 4 5 25
Own Area of Responsibility
3 T/505/8206 Chair Meetings and Take Decisions 6 8 20
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
4 H/505/8217 Develop and Maintain Working 6 8 20
Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction
Contracting Operations
7 F/505/8256 Identify, Assess and Evaluate 6 18 50
Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
10 H/505/8279 Prepare Procurement Schedules 6 16 40
and Programmes of Works in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
14 R/505/8309 Evaluate Work Methods and 6 13 30
Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 11

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit Unit Optional units Level Credit Guided
reference learning
number hours
5 K/505/8218 Plan Measured Surveys in 6 14 40
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
6 D/505/8250 Establish the Condition of Property 6 14 40
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
8 T/505/8268 Develop and Agree Detailed Project 6 20 60
Designs in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
9 T/505/8271 Specify and Control Production 6 18 50
Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations
11 R/505/8293 Implement Strategic and 6 20 60
Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing
Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations
12 M/505/8298 Obtain Tenders and Appoint 6 12 20
Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
13 M/505/8303 Evaluate Enquiries and Submit 6 12 20
Tenders in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
15 D/505/8314 Analyse, Monitor and Optimise 6 13 20
Materials, Plant and Services in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
16 A/505/8336 Control Contract Work in 6 13 30
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
17 F/505/8354 Optimise and Control Contract 6 13 30
Progress and Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations
18 D/505/8359 Prepare and Agree Contract 6 14 40
Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

12 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Pathway 4 – Quantity Surveying
The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before
the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management – Quantity Surveying qualification can be awarded.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved 88

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 6 or above 83
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 76

Minimum number of optional credits that must be achieved 12

Unit Unit Mandatory units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
1 K/505/8204 Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare 6 10 40
Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations
2 H/600/9674 Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in 4 5 25
Own Area of Responsibility
3 T/505/8206 Chair Meetings and Take Decisions 6 8 20
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
4 H/505/8217 Develop and Maintain Working 6 8 20
Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction
Contracting Operations
9 T/505/8271 Specify and Control Production 6 18 50
Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations
17 F/505/8354 Optimise and Control Contract 6 13 30
Progress and Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations
18 D/505/8359 Prepare and Agree Contract 6 14 40
Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 13

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit Unit Optional units Level Credit Guided
reference learning
number hours
5 K/505/8218 Plan Measured Surveys in 6 14 40
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
6 D/505/8250 Establish the Condition of Property 6 14 40
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
7 F/505/8256 Identify, Assess and Evaluate 6 18 50
Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
8 T/505/8268 Develop and Agree Detailed Project 6 20 60
Designs in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
10 H/505/8279 Prepare Procurement Schedules 6 16 40
and Programmes of Works in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
11 R/505/8293 Implement Strategic and 6 20 60
Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing
Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations
12 M/505/8298 Obtain Tenders and Appoint 6 12 20
Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
13 M/505/8303 Evaluate Enquiries and Submit 6 12 20
Tenders in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
14 R/505/8309 Evaluate Work Methods and 6 13 30
Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations
15 D/505/8314 Analyse, Monitor and Optimise 6 13 20
Materials, Plant and Services in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
16 A/505/8336 Control Contract Work in 6 13 30
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

14 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Pathway 4 – General
The learner will need to meet the requirements outlined in the table below before
the Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations
Management – General qualification can be awarded.

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved 81

Minimum number of credits that must be achieved at Level 6 or above 76
Number of mandatory credits that must be achieved 31

Minimum number of optional credits that must be achieved 50

Unit Unit Mandatory units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
1 K/505/8204 Maintain Health, Safety and Welfare 6 10 40
Systems in Construction
Contracting Operations
2 H/600/9674 Plan, Allocate and Monitor Work in 4 5 25
Own Area of Responsibility
3 T/505/8206 Chair Meetings and Take Decisions 6 8 20
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
4 H/505/8217 Develop and Maintain Working 6 8 20
Relationships and Personal
Development in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit Unit Optional units Level Credit Guided

reference learning
number hours
5 K/505/8218 Plan Measured Surveys in 6 14 40
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
6 D/505/8250 Establish the Condition of Property 6 14 40
in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
7 F/505/8256 Identify, Assess and Evaluate 6 18 50
Project Requirements in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 15

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit Unit Optional units (continued) Level Credit Guided
reference learning
number hours
8 T/505/8268 Develop and Agree Detailed Project 6 20 60
Designs in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
9 T/505/8271 Specify and Control Production 6 18 50
Documents in Construction
Contracting Operations
10 H/505/8279 Prepare Procurement Schedules 6 16 40
and Programmes of Works in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
11 R/505/8293 Implement Strategic and 6 20 60
Integrated Supply Chain
Management and Sourcing
Partnerships in Construction
Contracting Operations
12 M/505/8298 Obtain Tenders and Appoint 6 12 20
Successful Contractors in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
13 M/505/8303 Evaluate Enquiries and Submit 6 12 20
Tenders in Construction Contracting
Operations Management
14 R/505/8309 Evaluate Work Methods and 6 13 30
Programme in Construction
Contracting Operations
15 D/505/8314 Analyse, Monitor and Optimise 6 13 20
Materials, Plant and Services in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
16 A/505/8336 Control Contract Work in 6 13 30
Construction Contracting
Operations Management
17 F/505/8354 Optimise and Control Contract 6 13 30
Progress and Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations
18 D/505/8359 Prepare and Agree Contract 6 14 40
Accounts and Entitlement in
Construction Contracting
Operations Management

16 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
5 Programme delivery

Centres are free to offer these qualifications using any mode of delivery (for
example full time, part time, evening only, distance learning) that meets learners’
needs. Learners must be in employment or working with a training provider on a
programme so that they can develop and demonstrate the occupational
competence required.
Whichever mode of delivery is used, centres must make sure that learners have
access to specified resources and to the sector specialists delivering and assessing
the units. Centres must adhere to the Pearson policies that apply to the different
modes of delivery. Our policy on Collaborative arrangements for the delivery of
vocational qualifications can be found on our website at qualifications.pearson.com
There are various approaches to delivering a successful competence-based
qualification. The section below outlines elements of good practice that centres can
adopt in relation to learner recruitment, preparation and support, training and
assessment delivery, and employer engagement.

Learner recruitment, preparation and support

Good practice in relation to learner recruitment, preparation and support includes

the following.
● Providing initial advice and guidance, including work tasters, to potential
learners to give them an insight into the relevant industry and the learning
● Using a range of appropriate and rigorous selection methods to ensure that
learners are matched to the programme best suited to their needs.
● Carrying out a thorough induction for learners to ensure that they completely
understand the programme and what is expected of them. The induction should
include, for example, the requirements of the programme, an initial assessment
of current competency levels, assessment of individual learning styles,
identification of training needs, an individual learning plan, details of training
delivery and the assessment process. It is good practice to involve the employer
in the induction process. This helps employers to understand what will be taking
place during the programme and enables them to start building a relationship
with the centre to support the effective delivery of the programme.
● Keeping in regular contact with the learner to keep them engaged and
motivated, and ensuring that there are open lines of communication between
the learner, the assessor, the employer and teaching staff.

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Training and assessment delivery

Good practice in relation to training and assessment delivery includes the following.
● Offering flexible delivery and assessment to meet the needs of the employer
and learner, through the use of a range of approaches, for example virtual
learning environments (VLEs), online lectures, video, printable online resources,
virtual visits, webcams for distance training, e-portfolios.
● Planning opportunities for the development and practising of skills on the job.
On-the-job training presents an excellent opportunity to develop the learner’s
routine expertise, resourcefulness, craftspersonship and business-like attitude.
It is therefore important that there is intentional structuring of practice and
guidance to supplement the learning and development provided through
engagement in everyday work activities. Learners need to have structured time
to learn and practice their skills separate from their everyday work activities.
Teaching and learning methods, such as coaching, mentoring, shadowing,
reflective practice, collaboration and consultation, could be used in this
structured on-the-job learning.
● Integrating the delivery and assessment of Personal, Learning and Thinking
Skills (PLTS) and Employment Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) if the
programme is being delivered as a part of an Apprenticeship. It is important
that learners understand the relevance of these skills in the workplace and are
aware of when and how they will be developing them. Please see Annexe C for
mapping of PLTS to the units in this specification.
● Developing an holistic approach to assessment by matching evidence to
different assessment criteria, learning outcomes and units as appropriate,
thereby reducing the assessment burden on learners and assessors. It is good
practice to draw up an assessment plan that aligns the units with the learning
process and the acquisition of knowledge and skills, and that indicates how and
when the units will be assessed.
● Discussing and agreeing with the learner and employer suitable times, dates
and work areas where assessment will take place. Learners and employers
should be given regular and relevant feedback on performance and progress.

Employer engagement

Good practice in relation to employer engagement includes the following.

● Communicating with employers at the start of the programme to understand
their business context and requirements so that the programme can be tailored
to meet their needs.
● Working with the employer to ensure that learners are allocated a mentor in the
workplace to assist them in the day-to-day working environment and to act as a
contact for the assessor/tutor.
● Helping the employer to better understand their role in the delivery of the
programme. It is important that employers understand that sufficient and
relevant work must be given to learners in order to provide a culture of learning
and to ensure that they are given every opportunity to participate in aspects of
continuous professional development (CPD).

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6 Centre resource requirements

As part of the approval process, centres must make sure that the resource
requirements below are in place before offering the qualification.
● Centres must have the appropriate physical resources to support delivery and
assessment of the qualification. For example, a workplace in line with industry
standards, or a Realistic Working Environment (RWE), where permitted, as
specified in the assessment requirements/strategy for the sector, equipment,
IT, learning materials, teaching rooms.
● Where RWE is permitted, it must offer the same conditions as the normal, day-
to-day working environment, with a similar range of demands, pressures and
requirements for cost-effective working.
● Centres must meet any specific human and physical resource requirements
outlined in the assessment requirements/strategy in Annexe A. Staff assessing
learners must meet the occupational competence requirements within the
overarching assessment requirements/strategy for the sector.
● There must be systems in place to ensure continuing professional development
for staff delivering the qualification.
● Centres must have appropriate health and safety policies, procedures and
practices in place for the delivery and assessment of the qualification.
● Centres must deliver the qualification in accordance with current equality
legislation. For further details on Pearson’s commitment to the Equality Act
2010, please see Section 7, Access and recruitment. For full details on the
Equality Act 2010, please go to www.legislation.gov.uk.

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7 Access and recruitment

Our policy on access to our qualifications is that:

● they should be available to everyone who is capable of reaching the required
● they should be free from barriers that restrict access and progression
● there should be equal opportunities for all wishing to access the qualifications.
Centres must ensure that their learner recruitment process is conducted with
integrity. This includes ensuring that applicants have appropriate information and
advice about the qualification to ensure that it will meet their needs.
Centres should review applicants’ prior qualifications and/or experience, considering
whether this profile shows that they have the potential to achieve the qualification.

Prior knowledge, skills and understanding

No prior knowledge, understanding, skills or qualifications are required before

learners register for this qualification.

Access to qualifications for learners with disabilities or

specific needs

Equality and fairness are central to our work. Pearson’s Equality Policy requires all
learners to have equal opportunity to access our qualifications and assessments
and that our qualifications are awarded in a way that is fair to every learner.
We are committed to making sure that:
● learners with a protected characteristic (as defined by the Equality Act 2010)
are not, when they are undertaking one of our qualifications, disadvantaged in
comparison to learners who do not share that characteristic
● all learners achieve the recognition they deserve from undertaking a
qualification and that this achievement can be compared fairly to the
achievement of their peers.
For learners with disabilities and specific needs, the assessment of their potential to
achieve the qualification must identify, where appropriate, the support that will be
made available to them during delivery and assessment of the qualification. Please
see the information regarding reasonable adjustments and special consideration in
Section 8, Assessment.

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8 Assessment

To achieve a pass for the full qualification, the learner must achieve all the units
required in the stated qualification structure.

Centre Guidance to ensure evidence at the appropriate

standard is obtained

At level 6, this qualification is only suitable for learners working with significant
levels of responsibility. They may be budget holders, in their respective disciplines,
e.g. as site managers, planners, estimators, buyers - with responsibility and broad
autonomy for managing projects and people, and dealing with complex problems
that arise.
Where knowledge is required, discussions, questioning or other knowledge evidence
should show conceptual understanding that enables the student to devise and
sustain arguments and/or to solve problems, using ideas and techniques, some of
which may be at the forefront of a discipline and from a range of sources
For competence it is expected that the evidence presented is in line with the level
of responsibility they currently exercise, for example learners are likely to be
operating in a range of varied and specific contexts using non routine and/ or
creative activities exercising judgement in planning, selecting or presenting
information which contribute to the management of significant construction
They may show that they are utilising specialized skills across one or more
disciplines, transferring and applying knowledge to solve complex problems and
exercising judgement across a range of situations, determining, refining and
evaluating methodology and their results, accepting accountability for achieving
group and personal outcomes. They are likely to be involved in leading processes
that result in substantial change, taking responsibility for the work and roles of

Language of assessment

Assessment of the internally assessed units may be in English, Welsh or Irish. If

assessment is to be carried out in either Welsh or Irish then centres must inform
Pearson at the point of learner registration.
A learner taking the qualification may be assessed in British or Irish Sign Language
where it is permitted for the purpose of reasonable adjustment.
Further information on the use of language in qualifications is available in our policy
document Use of languages in qualifications policy, available on our website
Further information on access arrangements can be found in the Joint Council for
Qualifications (JCQ) document Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and
Special Consideration for General and Vocational qualifications. Both documents are
on our website at: qualifications.pearson.com

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Internal assessment

The units in this qualification are assessed through an internally and externally
quality assured Portfolio of Evidence made up of evidence gathered during the
course of the learner’s work.
Each unit has specified learning outcomes and assessment criteria. To pass each
unit the learner must:
● achieve all the specified learning outcomes
● satisfy all the assessment criteria by providing sufficient and valid evidence for
each criterion
● prove that the evidence is their own.
The learner must have an assessment record that identifies the assessment criteria
that have been met. The assessment record should be cross-referenced to the
evidence provided. The assessment record should include details of the type of
evidence and the date of assessment. Suitable centre documentation should be
used to form an assessment record.
It is important that the evidence provided to meet the assessment criteria for the
unit and learning outcomes is:
Valid relevant to the standards for which competence is claimed
Authentic produced by the learner
Current sufficiently recent to create confidence that the same skill,
understanding or knowledge persist at the time of the claim
Reliable indicates that the learner can consistently perform at this level
Sufficient fully meets the requirements of the standards.
Learners can provide evidence of occupational competence from:
● current practice – where evidence is generated from a current job role
● a programme of development – where evidence comes from assessment
opportunities built into a learning programme. The evidence provided must
meet the requirements of the Sector Skills Council’s assessment
● the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – where a learner can demonstrate
that they can meet a unit’s assessment criteria through knowledge,
understanding or skills they already possess without undertaking a course of
development. They must submit sufficient, reliable, authentic and valid evidence
for assessment. Evidence submitted that is based on RPL should give the centre
confidence that the same level of skill, understanding and knowledge exists at
the time of claim as existed at the time the evidence was produced. RPL is
acceptable for accrediting a unit, several units, or a whole qualification
Further guidance is available in our policy document Recognition of Prior
Learning Policy and Process, available on our website at:
● a combination of these.

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Assessment requirements/strategy

The assessment requirements/strategy for this qualification is included in Annexe A.

It sets out the overarching assessment principles and the framework for assessing
the units to ensure that the qualification remains valid and reliable. It has been
developed by ConstructionSkills in partnership with employers, training providers,
awarding organisations and the regulatory authorities.

Types of evidence

To achieve a unit, the learner must gather evidence that shows that they have
met the required standard specified in the assessment criteria, Pearson’s quality
assurance arrangements (please see Section 10, Quality assurance of centres) and
the requirements of the assessment requirements/strategy given in Annexe A.
In line with the assessment requirements/strategy, evidence for internally assessed
units can take a variety of forms as indicated below:
● direct observation of the learner’s performance by their assessor (O)
● outcomes from oral or written questioning (Q&A)
● products of the learner’s work (P)
● personal statements and/or reflective accounts (RA)
● outcomes from simulation (S)
● professional discussion (PD)
● authentic statements/witness testimony (WT)
● expert witness testimony (EWT)
● evidence of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Learners can use the abbreviations in their portfolios for cross-referencing
Learners can also use one piece of evidence to prove their knowledge, skills and
understanding across different assessment criteria and/or across different units.
It is not necessary for learners to have each assessment criterion assessed
separately. They should be encouraged to reference evidence to the relevant
assessment criteria. However, the evidence provided for each unit must be clearly
reference the unit being assessed. Evidence must be available to the assessor,
the internal verifier and the Pearson standards verifier.
Any specific evidence requirements for a unit are given in the Assessment section
of the unit.
Further guidance on the requirements for centre quality assurance and internal
verification processes is available on our website qualifications.pearson.com. Please
see Section 12, Further information and useful publications for details.

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Centres must have a policy for dealing with appeals from learners. Appeals may
relate to incorrect assessment decisions or unfairly conducted assessment. The first
step in such a policy is a consideration of the evidence by a Lead Internal Verifier or
other member of the programme team. The assessment plan should allow time for
potential appeals after learners have been given assessment decisions.
Centres must document all learners’ appeals and their resolutions. Further
information on the appeals process can be found in the document Enquiries and
appeals about Pearson vocational qualifications policy, which is available on our
website at: qualifications.pearson.com

Dealing with malpractice

Centres must have a policy for dealing with malpractice by learners. This policy
must follow the Pearson Assessment Malpractice Policy, which is available on our
website at: qualifications.pearson.com. Centres must report malpractice to Pearson,
particularly if any units have been subject to quality assurance or certification.

Reasonable adjustments to assessment

Centres are able to make adjustments to assessments to take account of the needs
of individual learners in line with the guidance given in the document Pearson
Supplementary Guidance for Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration in
Vocational Internally Assessed Units. In most instances, adjustments can be
achieved by following the guidance; for example allowing the use of assistive
technology or adjusting the format of the evidence. We can advise you if you are
uncertain as to whether an adjustment is fair and reasonable. Any reasonable
adjustment must reflect the normal learning or working practice of a learner in a
centre or working within the occupational area.
Further information on access arrangements can be found in the Joint Council for
Qualifications (JCQ) document Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and
Special Consideration for General and Vocational qualifications.
Both documents are on our website at: qualifications.pearson.com

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Special consideration

Centres must operate special consideration in line with the guidance given in the
document Pearson Supplementary Guidance for Reasonable Adjustment and Special
Consideration in Vocational Internally Assessed Units. Special consideration may
not be applicable in instances where:
● assessment requires the demonstration of practical competence
● criteria have to be met fully
● units/qualifications confer licence to practice.
Centres cannot apply their own special consideration; applications for special
consideration must be made to Pearson and can be made only on a case-by-case
basis. A separate application must be made for each learner and certification claims
must not be made until the outcome of the application has been received.
Further information on special consideration can be found in the Joint Council for
Qualifications (JCQ) document Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and
Special Consideration for General and Vocational qualifications.
Both of the documents mentioned above are on our website at:

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9 Centre recognition and approval

Centre recognition

Centres that have not previously offered Pearson vocational qualifications need to
apply for and be granted centre recognition and approval as part of the process for
approval to offer individual qualifications.
Existing centres will be given ‘automatic approval’ for a new qualification if they are
already approved for a qualification that is being replaced by a new qualification
and the conditions for automatic approval are met.
Guidance on seeking approval to deliver Pearson vocational qualifications is
available at qualifications.pearson.com.

Approvals agreement

All centres are required to enter into an approval agreement, which is a formal
commitment by the head or principal of a centre, to meet all the requirements of
the specification and any associated codes, conditions or regulations. Pearson will
act to protect the integrity of the awarding of qualifications. If centres do not
comply with the agreement, this could result in the suspension of certification or
withdrawal of approval.

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10 Quality assurance of centres

Quality assurance is at the heart of vocational qualifications. Centres are required

to declare their commitment to ensuring quality and to giving learners appropriate
opportunities that lead to valid and accurate assessment outcomes.
Centres must follow quality assurance requirements for standardisation of assessors
and internal verifiers and the monitoring and recording of assessment processes.
Pearson uses external quality assurance procedures to check that all centres are
working to national standards. It gives us the opportunity to identify and provide
support to safeguard certification and quality standards. It also allows us to
recognise and support good practice.
Centres offering competence-based qualifications will usually receive two standards
verification visits per year (a total of two days per year). The exact frequency and
duration of standards verifier visits will reflect the centre’s performance, taking
account of the:
● number of assessment sites
● number and throughput of learners
● number and turnover of assessors
● number and turnover of internal verifiers.
For centres offering a full Pearson BTEC Apprenticeship (i.e. all elements of the
Apprenticeship are delivered with Pearson through registration of learners on a
BTEC Apprenticeship framework) a single standards verifier will normally be
allocated to verify all elements of the BTEC Apprenticeship programme. Centres
should make use of our one-click learner registration to access this facility. If a
centre is also offering stand-alone NVQs/Competence-based qualifications in the
same sector as a full BTEC Apprenticeship, the same standards verifier should be
allocated. If a centre is also offering stand-alone BTEC qualifications in the same
sector as a full BTEC Apprenticeship, a different quality assurance model applies.
In order for certification to be released, confirmation is required that the National
Occupational Standards (NOS) for assessment and verification, and for the specific
occupational sector are being met consistently.
For further details, please go to the NVQ Quality Assurance Centre Handbook, the
BTEC Apprenticeships Quality Assurance Handbook and the Pearson Edexcel NVQs,
SVQs and competence-based qualifications – Delivery Requirements and Quality
Assurance Guidance on our website at qualifications.pearson.com

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11 Unit format

Each unit has the following sections.

Unit title

This is the formal title of the unit that will appear on the learner’s certificate.

Unit reference number

Each unit is assigned a unit reference number that appears with the unit title on the
Register of Regulated Qualifications.

All units and qualifications have a level assigned to them. The level assigned is
informed by the level descriptors defined by Ofqual, the qualifications regulator.

Credit value
All units have a credit value. When a learner achieves a unit, they gain the specified
number of credits. The minimum credit value is 1 and credits can be awarded in
whole numbers only.

Guided learning hours

Guided Learning Hours (GLH) is the number of hours that a centre delivering the
qualification needs to provide. Guided learning means activities that directly or
immediately involve tutors and assessors in teaching, supervising, and invigilating
learners, for example lectures, tutorials, online instruction and supervised study.

Unit summary
This summarises the purpose of the unit and the learning the unit offers.

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

The SSC/B set the assessment/evidence requirements. Learners must provide
evidence according to each of the requirements stated in this section.

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Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes set out what a learner will know, understand or be able to
do as the result of a process of learning.

Assessment criteria
Descriptions of the requirements a learner is expected to meet to demonstrate that
a learning outcome has been achieved.

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Unit 1: Maintain Health, Safety
and Welfare Systems in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: K/505/8204

Level: 6
Credit value: 10
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit summary
This unit is about health, safety and welfare policy and how it is implemented in an
organisation. The knowledge gained applies to all workplaces whether a site,
workshop, office or elsewhere.
You will need to promote a culture of health, safety and welfare and ensure that
induction has taken place. You will need to check systems regularly, record/report
information, identify possible improvements, make recommendations and
implement systems.
You will need to identify hazards, obtain and review information relating to them
and assess risks. You will need to apply the protection and prevention principles,
identify any residual risks and pass on information relating to them.
You will need to identify the necessary resources and promote and maintain risk

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.
Learning outcomes 1 and 2:
1. Workplace:
● office
● workshop
● factory
● warehouse
● site.

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2. Induction:
● health and safety responsibilities
● work operations
● health, safety and welfare equipment and resources
● risk control procedures
● first-aid arrangements
● health and safety plans.
3. People:
● workforce
● visitors.
4. Statutory:
● prescribed notices
● certificates
● Certificate of Insurance
● safety signs.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4:

1. Hazards
● falls from height
● slips, trips and falls (same level)
● hit by falling or moving objects
● manual handling
● health issues
● power sources
● hazardous substances
● trapped by something collapsing or overturning
● confined spaces
● fire.
2. Workplace:
● office
● workshop
● factory
● warehouse
● site.

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3. Factors:
● injury to people
● cause of ill health
● damage of property
● adversely affect the built environment
● cost.
4. Assessing:
● likelihood of occurrence
● severity of harm incurred.
5. Risks:
● high
● medium
● low.
6. Principles of prevention and protection:
● eliminate
● control at source
● cumulative protection
● manage
● personal protection equipment.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6:

1. Workplace:
● office
● workshop
● factory
● warehouse
● site.
2. Risks:
● high
● medium
● low.
3. Methods:
● eliminate
● control at source
● cumulative protection
● manage
● personal protection equipment.

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Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Records of inducting and checking the competence of people in the workplace,
including promoting a culture of health, safety and welfare, and recommending
opportunities for improvements (1.1, 1.2) [1.1, 1.2, 1.3].
2. Records of implementing systems that include the meeting of statutory
requirements for the identification and reduction of hazards, the reporting of
accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences, any special workplace
conditions and non-complying situations (1.3, 1.4, 1.5) [1.1, 1.3, 1.4].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item that is considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Identified hazards arising from work products, processes and equipment,
identified residual risks, applied principles of prevention and protection (ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Records of the appropriate health and safety plan which include details of the
risks, and risk reduction methods as planned (5.1, 5.2) [ALL].
2. Records of implemented and maintained risk reduction methods (5.3, 5.4)
[5.2, 5.3].
Process evidence: not applicable.

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This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:
● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to maintain 1.1 Promote a culture of health, safety and welfare in the workplace and
health, safety and identify and recommend opportunities for improvements
welfare in the
1.2 Ensure that induction has taken place and check the competence of
people in the workplace
1.3 Implement systems which meet organisational and statutory
requirements for identifying and reducing hazards and reporting
accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences
1.4 Check health, safety and welfare systems regularly, in accordance
with organisational and statutory requirements, and identify and
record any special workplace conditions and situations which do not
comply and take appropriate action
1.5 Make recommendations for improving the work environment clearly
and promptly to people

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Propose how to promote a culture of health, safety and welfare in the
maintain health, workplace
safety and welfare
2.2 Describe what to identify as opportunities for improvements
in the workplace
2.3 Propose how to recommend opportunities for improving the health,
safety and welfare in the workplace
2.4 Explain how to implement systems which meet organisational and
statutory requirements for identifying and reducing hazards and
reporting accidents and emergencies and preventing recurrences
2.5 Explain how to check health, safety and welfare systems regularly,
in accordance with organisational and statutory requirements
2.6 Describe what to identify as special workplace conditions and
situations which do not comply
2.7 Explain how to record any special workplace conditions and situations
which do not comply
2.8 Explain how to take appropriate action where special workplace
conditions and situations do not comply
2.9 Propose how to make recommendations for improving the work
environment clearly and promptly to people

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to identify 3.1 Identify the hazards in the workplace arising from construction work
hazards and assess products, processes and equipment
risks in the
3.2 Obtain and review information on any factors relating to the hazards
3.3 Identify the significance of the hazards
3.4 Assess the significant risks
3.5 Apply the principles of prevention and protection
3.6 Identify the residual risks
3.7 Check that resulting information on significant residual risks is
provided to the appropriate people

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as the hazards in the workplace arising from
identify hazards construction work products, processes and equipment
and assess risks in
4.2 Explain how to obtain accurate information on any factors relating to
the workplace
the hazards
4.3 Examine how to review accurate information on any factors relating to
the hazards
4.4 Describe what to identify as the significance of the hazards
4.5 Examine how to assess the significant risks
4.6 Explain how to apply the principles of prevention and protection
4.7 Describe what to identify as the residual risks
4.8 Explain how to check that information on significant residual risks is
provided to the appropriate people

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to identify 5.1 Identify the requirements of the appropriate health and safety plan in
and implement the workplace
methods and
5.2 Identify the resources and activities that are necessary to implement
procedures to
the risk reduction methods
reduce risk
5.3 Implement and maintain risk reduction methods and procedures
5.4 Utilise opportunities to promote the implementation of the risk
reduction methods and procedures
5.5 Record the risk reduction methods and procedures in the appropriate
information systems

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Describe how to identify the requirements of the appropriate health
identify and and safety plan in the workplace
6.2 Describe what to identify as the resources and activities that are
methods and
necessary to implement the risk reduction methods
procedures to
reduce risk 6.3 Explain how to implement and maintain risk reduction methods and
6.4 Explain how to utilise opportunities to promote the implementation of
the risk reduction methods and procedures
6.5 Explain how to record the risk reduction methods and procedures in
the appropriate information systems

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

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Unit 2: Plan, Allocate and
Monitor Work in Own
Area of Responsibility

Unit reference number: H/600/9674

Level: 4
Credit value: 5
Guided learning hours: 25

Unit summary
This unit is about allocating work to team members, agreeing objectives with them,
assessing their performance and providing feedback.
You will gain an understanding of how to allocate work to team members, taking
full account of their abilities and recommendations, and ensure that they have
sufficient information and understand their responsibilities. You will gain an
understanding of how to ensure their continuing understanding and agreement of
priorities, and inform them of changes.
You will gain an understanding of how to work with team members to develop their
own objectives and work plans, ensuring that these are consistent with their
abilities, are sufficiently detailed, meet organisational objectives and are realistic
and achievable. You will gain an understanding of how to ensure that team
members understand the plans and are committed to them, and to offer advice
and guidance as necessary and update plans as required.
You will gain an understanding of how to ensure that the team members
understand monitoring and assessment processes and, in conjunction with team
members, carry out meaningful assessments. Take account of their personal
circumstances and organisational requirements.
You will gain an understanding of how to provide team members with feedback that
is clear and constructive, is sensitive to their needs and maintains confidentiality.
You will gain an understanding of how to give them the opportunity to respond and
make recommendations regarding improvement.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 41

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit:

Learning outcome 1
1. Team members:
● people for whom you have line responsibility
● people for whom you have functional responsibility.
2. Objectives and work plans:
● short term
● medium term
● long term.
3. Organisational constraints:
● organisational objectives
● organisational policies
● resources.

Learning outcome 2
1. Allocate work in the contexts of:
● normal working
● emergencies.
2. Information:
● spoken
● written
● graphical.
3. Relevant people:
● team members
● colleagues working at the same level as yourself
● higher-level managers or sponsors
● customers
● suppliers.

42 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes 3 and 4
1. Purpose:
● assuring that objectives have been achieved
● assuring that quality and customer requirements have been met
● appraising team or individual performance
● assessing performance for reward
● recognise competent performance and achievement.
2. Monitor and assessment:
● specific to one activity or objective
● general to overall performance of the team or individual.
3. Information:
● qualitative
● quantitative.
4. Organisational constraints:
● organisational objectives
● organisational policies
● resources.
5. Feedback:
● positive
● negative
● spoken
● written.
6. Situation:
● during normal day-to-day activities
● when required to maintain motivation, morale and effectiveness
● during formal appraisals
● at team meetings and briefings
● during confidential discussions of work.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 43

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
1. You must show evidence that you involve and plan work with at least one type of
team member (ALL).
2. You must show evidence that you agree at least two types of objective and work
plan (ALL).
3. You must also show evidence that you take account of all of the types of
organisational constraint (ALL).
4. You must also convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge,
understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all types of
team member, and objective and work plan (ALL).
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 2
Product evidence
1. You must also show evidence that you reach agreement with at least two types
of relevant person (ALL).
2. You must show evidence that you make allocations covering both contexts (ALL).
3. You must show evidence that you provide at least two types of information
4. You must also convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge,
understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all types of
information and relevant people (ALL).
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
1. You must also show evidence that you take account of all types of organisational
constraint (ALL).
2. You must show evidence that you use at least one type of monitor and
assessment (ALL).
3. You must show evidence that you use both types of information (ALL).
4. You must show evidence that your assessments have at least two types of
purpose (ALL).
5. You must also convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge,
understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all types of
purpose, monitoring and assessment (ALL).
Process evidence: not applicable.

44 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 4
Product evidence
1. You must also show evidence that you give feedback in at least three types of
situation (ALL).
2. You must show evidence that you give both types of feedback (ALL).
3. You must also convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge,
understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in respect of all types of
situation (ALL).
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 45

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to produce 1.1 Explain the context in which work is to be undertaken
a work plan for
1.2 Identify the skills base and the resources available
own area of
responsibility 1.3 Examine priorities and success criteria needed for the team
1.4 Produce a work plan for own area of responsibility
2 Be able to allocate 2.1 Identify team members’ responsibilities for identified work activities
and agree
2.2 Agree responsibilities and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Realistic and Time-bound) objectives with team members
with team
3 Be able to monitor 3.1 Identify ways to monitor progress and quality of work
the progress and
3.2 Monitor and evaluate progress against agreed standards and provide
quality of work in
feedback to team members
own area of
responsibility and
provide feedback

46 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Be able to review 4.1 Review and amend work plan where changes are needed
and amend plans
4.2 Communicate changes to team members
of work for own
area of
responsibility and

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 47

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 3: Chair Meeting and Take
Decisions in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: T/505/8206

Level: 6
Credit value: 8
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit summary
This unit is about chairing meetings and analysing information, making decisions
based on the conclusions from the analysis.
You will gain an understanding of how to circulate appropriate information before
the meeting and ensure that those attending the meeting agree the meeting
objectives. You will gain the ability to allocate time for discussion and keep within
it, ensure that contributions are useful, clearly summarise them at appropriate
times, confirm decisions and recommendations and seek feedback to improve
future meetings.
You will gain the ability to use suitable methods to select and analyse information
based on identified objectives, and then develop clear conclusions. You will need to
present your results and record the work that led to the decisions.

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit:

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Purpose:
● information given
● consultation
● decision making.

48 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
2. Meeting:
● involving people from within your organisation
● involving people outside your organisation.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Analysis:
● formal and planned
● informal and ad hoc.
2. Information:
● qualitative
● quantitative.
3. Decisions:
● affecting operational performance
● affecting organisational policy.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
1. You must also show evidence of leading both types of meeting (1.1, 1.2, 1.4,
1.6, 1.7, 1.10) [1.2].
2. You must prove that you chair meetings to the national standard of competence
(ALL) [ALL].
3. You must show evidence of leading meetings with all types of objective (1.1, 1.2,
1.7) [1.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
1. You must also show evidence that you take at least one type of decision (3.1,
3.2, 3.4) [3.3].
2 You must also show evidence that you use both types of information (3.2, 3.4)
3. You must show evidence that you carry out both types of analysis (3.3, 3.6, 3.7)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 49

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
4. You must also convince your assessor that you have the necessary knowledge,
understanding and skills to be able to perform competently in taking both types of
decision (3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.7) [3.3].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

50 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to chair 1.1 Give people, appropriate to the purpose of the meeting, sufficient
meetings notice and information to allow them to contribute effectively
1.2 Ensure that everyone attending agrees the objective of the meeting at
the start
1.3 Allocate discussion time to topics consistently with their importance,
urgency and complexity
1.4 Manage the meeting in a way which helps attendees to make useful
contributions and discourages digressions
1.5 Present information and provide summaries clearly at appropriate
points during the meeting
1.6 Ensure that meetings achieve their objectives within the allocated
1.7 Ensure that agreed decisions and recommendations fall within the
group’s authority
1.8 Give clear, accurate and concise information about decisions and
recommendations to those who need it
1.9 Seek feedback from those attending and use this to improve the
effectiveness of future meetings

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 51

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Explain how to give people, appropriate to the purpose of the
chair meetings meeting, sufficient notice and information to allow them to contribute
2.2 Explain how to ensure that everyone attending agrees the objective of
the meeting at the start
2.3 Explain how to allocate discussion time to topics consistently with
their importance, urgency and complexity
2.4 Evaluate how to manage the meeting in a way which helps attendees
to make useful contributions and discourages digressions
2.5 Explain how to present information and provide summaries clearly at
appropriate points during the meeting
2.6 Explain how to ensure that meetings achieve their objectives within
the allocated time
2.7 Explain how to ensure that agreed decisions and recommendations fall
within the group’s authority
2.8 Explain how to give clear, accurate and concise information about
decisions and recommendations to those who need it
2.9 Explain how to seek feedback from those attending and use this to
improve the effectiveness of future meetings

52 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to analyse 3.1 Identify objectives for your analysis which are clear and consistent
information for with the decisions you need to make
decision making
3.2 Select information which is accurate, relevant to the objectives, and
sufficient to arrive at reliable decisions
3.3 Use methods of analysis which are suitable to achieve the objectives
3.4 Analyse the information to identify patterns and trends significant to
the decisions you need to take
3.5 Develop clear conclusions which you support with reasoned arguments
and appropriate evidence
3.6 Present the results of your analysis, differentiating clearly between
fact and opinion
3.7 Maintain records of your analysis which are sufficient to show the
assumptions and decisions made at each stage

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 53

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as objectives for your analysis which are
analyse clear and consistent with the decisions you need to make
information for
4.2 Evaluate how to select information which is accurate, relevant to the
decision making
objectives, and sufficient to arrive at reliable decisions
4.3 Explain how to use methods of analysis which are suitable to achieve
the objectives
4.4 Examine how to analyse the information to identify patterns and
trends significant to the decisions you need to take
4.5 Propose how to develop clear conclusions which you support with
reasoned arguments and appropriate evidence
4.6 Explain how to present the results of your analysis, differentiating
clearly between fact and opinion
4.7 Explain how to maintain records of your analysis which are sufficient
to show the assumptions and decisions made at each stage

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

54 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 4: Develop and Maintain
Working Relationships
and Personal
Development in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: H/505/8217

Level: 6
Credit value: 8
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit summary
This unit is about developing, maintaining and enhancing the trust and support of
colleagues, those to whom you report and people who benefit from your work. It is
also about personal development.
You will gain the ability to develop and maintain effective relationships, and offer
timely, relevant information and helpful, sensitive advice. You will gain an
understanding of how to present clear, timely proposals that are appropriately
detailed and acknowledge objections and resolve conflicts sensitively.
You will review own performance, both by self and with line manager, and identify
personal development needs and form them into a development plan. You will gain
an understanding of the need to undertake development activities, record your
progress and re-review your performance.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 55

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit:

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Working relationships:
● formal
● informal.
2. People:
● those commissioning work
● employers
● employees
● clients and customers
● statutory bodies
● users
● professional consultants
● contractors
● consultants
● partners
● general public
● community groups
● suppliers of products and services
● government agencies.
3. Promote goodwill and trust:
● demonstrating a duty of care
● ethical relationships
● professional independence
● honouring promises and undertakings
● honest relationships
● constructive relationships.
4. Instructing, provide guidance, presenting and acknowledge:
● orally
● in writing
● using graphics
● electronically.

56 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
5. Work activities:
● progress
● results
● achievements
● emerging threats
● risks
● opportunities.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Aims and objectives:
● preparation for career development
● intellectual challenge
● need for updating
● need to provide evidence of vocational competence
● compliance with employer and professional requirements
● promotion or job change
● awareness of shortcomings.
2. Personal development:
● maintenance of existing competence
● improvements to existing competence
● development of new competence
● commitment to vocational excellence.
3. Sources of support and guidance:
● national/industry bodies
● professional institutions
● education and training providers
● in house.
4. Benchmarks of competence:
● job descriptions
● professional institution requirements
● industry national occupational standards.
5. Development plan includes:
● priorities
● target dates
● development activities.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 57

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
6. Development activities:
● formal courses
● research
● work experience
● personal study.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6:

● personal responsibility for own decisions and the decisions of others
● ethical behaviour and take appropriate action if unethical behaviour
● responsibility and empowerment
● judgements and advice
● illegal contracts and conflicts of interest
● limits of professional expertise and parametres
● formal and informal contracts
● legal requirements, ethical standards and recognised good practice
● communication that maintains professional independence, goodwill and trust
● working practices
● systems to protect individual and the interests of society
● a culture of honesty and equity with people
● personal responsibility for own decisions and the decisions of others in
● ethical and unethical behaviour
● establish a system of communication to report instances of unethical behaviour
● explain how to implement improvements where areas of weakness have been

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

58 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Instructions given and guidance provided about work activities (1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.6) [ALL].
2. Proposal(s) presented, including clarification and alternatives suggested (1.1,
1.4, 1.5, 1.6) [1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4].
Process evidence
1. Instructions, guidance and presentations (ALL) [ALL].

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Records of personal development aims and objectives that include sources of
support and guidance and selected benchmarks of competence and reviews and
updating (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.8).
2. Profiles of present competence identified against benchmarks of competence
(3.4) [3.4].
3. Development plans which include identified development needs (3.4, 3.5) [3.5].
4. Records of developed progress achievement and evidence of competence
identified against benchmarks of competence (3.6, 3.7) [3.4, 3.6].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 59

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to develop 1.1 Develop and maintain working relationships with people which
and maintain promote goodwill and trust
1.2 Instruct people about work activities in an appropriate level of detail
and with an appropriate degree of urgency
1.3 Provide guidance and help to people about work activities with
sensitivity and encourage questions, requests for clarification and
1.4 Present proposals for action clearly to people at an appropriate time
and with the right level of detail for the degree of change, expenditure
and risk involved
1.5 Acknowledge objections to proposals and suggest alternative
1.6 Resolve conflicts and differences of opinion in ways which minimise
offence and maintain goodwill, trust and respect

60 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Propose how to develop working relationships with people which
develop and promote goodwill and trust
maintain working
2.2 Explain how to maintain working relationships with people which
promote goodwill and trust
2.3 Explain how to instruct people about work activities in an appropriate
level of detail and with an appropriate degree of urgency
2.4 Explain how to provide guidance and help to people about work
activities with sensitivity
2.5 Explain how to encourage questions, requests for clarification and
2.6 Explain how to present proposals for action to people at an
appropriate time and with the right level of detail for the degree of
change, expenditure and risk involved
2.7 Explain how to acknowledge objections to proposals
2.8 Propose how to suggest alternative proposals where objections have
been raised in respect of existing proposals
2.9 Propose how to resolve conflicts and differences of opinion in ways
which minimise offence, and maintain goodwill, trust and respect

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 61

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to 3.1 Define the aims and objectives for undertaking personal development
undertake personal
3.2 Identify and contact sources of support and guidance for undertaking
development in the
personal development
practice area 3.3 Identify and select relevant benchmarks of competence against which
personal development can be measured
3.4 Analyse the current personal level of performance against the
identified benchmarks of competence and record a profile of present
competence and personal development needs
3.5 Prepare a development plan for achieving identified development
3.6 Undertake development activities aimed at achieving identified
development needs, review and record progress and the effectiveness
of the activities
3.7 Measure achievement of identified development needs and record
evidence of competence gained against the identified benchmarks of
3.8 Review the cycle of personal development aims and objectives and
revise and update aims and objectives to suit changing circumstances

62 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Evaluate how to define the aims and objectives for undertaking
undertake personal personal development
development in the
4.2 Describe what to identify as sources of support and guidance for
undertaking personal development
practice area
4.3 Explain how to contact sources of support and guidance for
undertaking personal development
4.4 Describe what to identify as relevant benchmarks of competence
against which personal development can be measured
4.5 Evaluate how to select relevant benchmarks of competence against
which personal development can be measured
4.5 Examine how to analyse the current personal level of performance
against the identified benchmarks of competence
4.6 Explain how to record a profile of present competence and personal
development needs
4.7 Explain how to record a profile of present competence and personal
development needs
4.8 Explain how to prepare a development plan
4.9 Evaluate how to undertake development activities
4.10 Examine how to review progress and the effectiveness of the activities
4.11 Explain how to record progress and the effectiveness of the activities

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 63

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4.12 Explain how to measure achievement of identified development needs
against the identified benchmarks of competence
4.13 Explain how to record evidence of competence gained against the
identified benchmarks of competence
4.14 Examine how to review the cycle of personal development aims and
4.15 Explain how to revise and update personal development aims and
objectives to suit changing circumstances

64 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to practice 5.1 Take clear and unequivocal personal responsibility for your own
in an ethical decisions and the decisions of others in your organisation
5.2 Behave in an ethical manner and take appropriate action if unethical
behaviour is brought to your attention
5.3 Establish a system of communication to report instances of unethical
behaviour which encourages responsibility and empowerment at all
5.4 Offer judgements and advice which recognise the needs of other
5.5 Manage criteria that identify offers and contracts which are illegal and
which may generate conflicts of interest and reject those that fail the
5.6 Define the limits of your professional expertise and set perimeters to
work within them
5.7 Disclose information obtained from clients only to those who have a
legitimate right to receive it
5.8 Check that formal and informal contracts and agreements for advisory
and problem solving services conform to legal requirements, ethical
standards and recognised good practice and that service providers
adhere to relevant conditions
5.9 Communicate with clients in a style and manner which maintains
professional independence and maximises goodwill and trust

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 65

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5.10 Define and agree the working practices and the expectations of the
people involved in the contract
5.11 Manage systems to protect individual and the interests of society and
to indemnify clients where the advice given results in loss or damage
to the client
5.12 Keep all funds, including interest, held on behalf of clients, separate
from personal and organisational funds
5.13 Promote a culture of honesty and equity with people, identify areas of
weakness and recommend or implement improvements

66 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Explain how to take clear and unequivocal personal responsibility for
practice in an your own decisions and the decisions of others in your organisation
ethical manner
6.2 Explain how to behave in an ethical manner and take appropriate
action if unethical behaviour is brought to your attention
6.3 Explain how to establish a system of communication to report
instances of unethical behaviour which encourages responsibility and
empowerment at all levels
6.4 Evaluate how to offer judgements and advice which recognise the
needs of other people
6.5 Evaluate how to manage criteria that identify offers and contracts
which are illegal and which may generate conflicts of interest and
reject those that fail the criteria
6.6 Evaluate how to define the limits of your professional expertise and
set perimeters to work within them
6.7 Explain how to disclose information obtained from clients only to
those who have a legitimate right to receive it
6.8 Explain how to check that formal and informal contracts and
agreements for advisory and problem solving services conform to
legal requirements, ethical standards and recognised good practice
and that service providers adhere to relevant conditions
6.9 Explain how to communicate with clients in a style and manner which
maintains professional independence and maximises goodwill and
6.10 Evaluate how to define the working practices and the expectations of
the people involved in the contract

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 67

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6.11 Evaluate how to agree the working practices and the expectations of
the people involved in the contract
6.12 Evaluate how to manage systems to protect individual and the
interests of society and to indemnify clients where the advice given
results in loss or damage to the client
6.13 Explain how to keep all funds, including interest, held on behalf of
clients, separate from personal and organisational funds
6.14 Propose how to promote a culture of honesty and equity with people
6.15 Describe how to identify areas of weakness and recommend
6.16 Explain how to implement improvements where areas of weakness
have been identified

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

68 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 5: Plan Measured Surveys
in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: K/505/8218

Level: 6
Credit value: 14
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit summary
This unit is about identifying what outputs are required from a survey, choosing
appropriate survey methods and selecting people to carry out the work.
You will need to identify the data needed required from the survey. You must also
analyse and assess existing information and investigate any access problems. You
will also need to choose survey methods and commission people and organisations
to carry out the survey.
You will need to assess any constraints that may affect the planning of the survey,
and obtain permissions from owners of the sites and legal authorities. You must
estimate the costs of the survey, plan and schedule the survey and identify and
implement quality assurance and safety standards.
You will need to identify the factors for investigation, selecting any critical aspects
of the site and surrounding area. You must also summarise priorities and costs in
an investigation brief, and contact people and organisations affected by the
You will need to choose methods and techniques for the investigation. You should
identify, collect, and collate the investigation data and analyse and evaluate it. You
will also need to identify and record the opportunities and constraints and assess
previous solutions to similar problems. You must present the findings and important
factors, and assemble any supporting data that is not included in the report.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 69

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Survey – method:
● visual
● approximate measured
● detailed measurement of all specified features
● graphic
● instrumental.
2. Existing information:
● photographs
● maps
● charts
● drawings
● archive records
● legal documents.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Information:
● photographs
● maps
● charts
● drawings
● archive records
● legal documents.
2. Survey:
● visual
● approximate measured
● detailed measurement of all specified features
● graphic
● instrumental.

70 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes 5 and 6
1. Factors for investigation:
● historical
● conservation
● social
● visual and spatial
● ecological and environmental
● construction.

Learning outcomes 7 and 8

1. Methods and techniques for the investigation:
● documentary and record search
● investigative research
● field research.
2. Data:
● photographs
● maps
● charts
● drawings
● archive records
● legal documents
● surveys.
3. Factors:
● historical
● conservation
● social
● visual and spatial
● ecological and environmental
● construction.
4. Opportunities and constraints:
● project type, purpose, location
● durability
● occupancy
● significance/status
● legal and regulatory constraints
● physical and technical constraints
● health and safety

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● anticipated development timetable
● environmental quality and sustainability.
5. Presenting:
● orally
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of a preliminary investigation which identifies the data requirements
and an assessment of existing information and needs (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) [ALL].
2. Records of survey methods chosen (1.4) [1.2].
3. Records of commissioned surveys (1.5) [1.1, 1.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Plan(s) and schedule(s) for survey(s); assessed constraints; expert advice;
permissions; cost estimates; identified quality assurance and safety standards
(ALL) [ALL].
2. Method statement(s), programme(s) and budget(s) for survey(s) (3.5) [3.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

72 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Investigation brief(s) including significant factors; critical aspects of site and
surroundings; priorities; time and costs (5.1, 5.2, 5.3) [5.1].
2. Record(s) of permissions and insurance (5.4, 5.5).
3. Record(s) of commissioning investigations (5.7) [5.1].
4. Specification(s) for contractor(s) (5.7).
Process evidence
1. Discussion(s) and meeting(s) (5.1) [5.1].

Learning outcome 7
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluation(s) of investigation data (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) [7.1, 7.2, 7.3].
2. Summary(ies) of problems provided to experts (7.4) [7.3, 7.4].
3. Findings from investigations which include: opportunities and constraints for
project development options; previous solutions; factors; supporting data (7.5, 7.6,
7.7, 7.8, 7.9) [7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5].
Process evidence:
1. Presentation(s) of the evaluation report (7.7) [7.3, 7.5].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 73

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to identify 1.1 Identify the factors for investigation that may be significant for the
investigation planned development by examining documents, setting up and
requirements facilitating discussions and meetings
1.2 Select the critical aspects of both the site and the surrounding areas
which require investigation and prioritise them
1.3 Agree the priorities for investigation, an accurate estimate of the time
and costs involved, and summarise both the priorities and estimates
in an investigation brief
1.4 Obtain any permission that will be needed to carry out the
investigation and confirm that they are valid before the investigation
1.5 Contact people and organisations who will be affected by the
investigation, provide them with clear and accurate information and
ask for their cooperation

74 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Describe what to identify as the factors for investigation that may be
identify significant for the planned development by examining documents,
investigation setting up and facilitating discussions and meetings
2.2 Evaluate how to select the critical aspects of both the site and the
surrounding areas which require investigation
2.3 Examine how to prioritise the critical aspects of both the site and the
surrounding areas which require investigation
2.4 Evaluate how to agree the priorities for investigation, an accurate
estimate of the time and costs involved, and summarise both the
priorities and estimates in an investigation brief
2.5 Explain how to obtain any permission that will be needed to carry out
the investigation and confirm that they are valid before the
investigation starts
2.6 Explain how to contact people and organisations that will be affected
by the investigation, provide them with clear and accurate information
and ask for their cooperation

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 75

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to identify 3.1 Identify what survey information is needed, how accurate it needs to
survey be and what information outputs are required from the survey
3.2 Analyse and assess how accurate, up to date and complete the
existing information is, and decide what additional information is
3.3 Make a preliminary investigation to identify any access problems and
equipment which will be needed, and assess the implications for the
3.4 Choose survey methods which are suitable for the type of survey and
the site
3.5 Commission surveys by selecting people and organisations that are
competent to do the work

76 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as the survey information needed, how
identify survey accurate it needs to be and what information outputs are required
requirements from the survey
4.2 Examine how to analyse and assess how accurate, up-to-date and
complete the existing information is
4.3 Evaluate how to decide what additional information is needed
4.4 Examine how to make a preliminary investigation to identify any
access problems and equipment which will be needed, and assess the
implications for the survey
4.5 Evaluate how to choose survey methods which are suitable for the
type of survey and the site
4.6 Evaluate how to commission surveys by selecting people and
organisations who are competent to do the work

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 77

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to select 5.1 Assess any constraints which might affect the planning of the survey
survey processes and limit the processes which are selected
and operations
5.2 Consult with experts for advice where additional, specialist information
is needed
5.3 Ask for and obtain permission to carry out the survey from owners of
sites who will be affected, and from any legal authorities which have
to be notified
5.4 Plan the surveys which will be needed and schedule them to meet the
requirements of the project
5.5 Estimate and justify the cost of the survey
5.6 Develop a clear and concise method statement, a programme and a
budget for the survey, and agree them with the stakeholders
5.7 Identify and implement quality assurance and safety standards which
are suitable for the survey
5.8 Check and confirm that insurance has been taken out to provide full
cover against accidents and negligence

78 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Examine how to assess any constraints which might affect the
select survey planning of the survey and limit the processes which are selected
processes and
6.2 Explain how to consult with experts for advice where additional,
specialist information is needed
6.3 Explain how to ask for and obtain permission to carry out the survey
from owners of sites who will be affected and from any legal
authorities which have to be notified
6.4 Propose how to plan the surveys which will be needed
6.5 Examine how to schedule surveys to meet the requirements of the
6.6 Examine how to estimate the cost of the survey
6.7 Evaluate how to justify the cost of the survey
6.8 Propose how to develop a clear and concise method statement, a
programme and a budget for the survey
6.9 Evaluate how to agree a clear and concise method statement, a
programme and a budget for the survey with stakeholders
6.10 Describe what to identify as quality assurance and safety standards
which are suitable for the survey
6.11 Explain how to implement quality assurance and safety standards
which are suitable for the survey
6.12 Explain how to implement quality assurance and safety standards
which are suitable for the survey

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 79

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
7 Be able to 7.1 Choose methods and techniques for the investigation which are valid,
investigate and reliable, consistent with legal requirements and which recognise
evaluate project concerns raised by the public
7.2 Identify investigation sources and collect and collate relevant
7.3 Analyse and evaluate the investigation information which has been
collected about all of the significant factors affecting the project
7.4 Consult with experts on specific problems which are relevant to the
investigation by providing them with an accurate summary of the
7.5 Identify and record the opportunities and constraints for project
development options
7.6 Identify and assess previous solutions which are similar to the current
circumstances to see whether they are relevant and useful
7.7 Present accurate findings which clearly describe all the important
7.8 State clearly the authority for assumptions and projections used in the
7.9 Assemble any supporting information which is relevant to the study,
but which is not included in the report, store it safely and index it
clearly for future reference
7.10 Evaluate the results of the investigation and decide on an appropriate
course of action

80 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
8 Understand how to 8.1 Evaluate how to choose methods and techniques for the investigation
investigate and which are valid, reliable and consistent with legal requirements and
evaluate project which recognise concerns raised by the public
8.2 Describe what to identify as investigation sources
8.3 Explain how to collect and collate relevant information
8.4 Examine how to analyse the investigation information which has been
collected about all of the significant factors affecting the project
8.5 Explain how to evaluate the investigation information which has been
collected about all of the significant factors affecting the project
8.6 Explain how to consult with experts on specific problems which are
relevant to the investigation by providing them with an accurate
summary of the problems
8.7 Describe what to identify as the opportunities and constraints for
project development options
8.8 Explain how to record the opportunities and constraints for project
development options
8.9 Describe what to identify as previous solutions which are similar to the
current circumstances to see whether they are relevant and useful
8.10 Examine how to assess previous solutions which are similar to the
current circumstances to see whether they are relevant and useful
8.11 Explain how to present accurate findings which clearly describe all the
important factors

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 81

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
8.12 Explain how to state clearly the authority for assumptions and
projections used in the report
8.13 Explain how to assemble any supporting information which is relevant
to the study, but which is not included in the report, store it safely
and index it clearly for future reference
8.14 Explain how to evaluate the results of the investigation and decide on
an appropriate course of action

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

82 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 6: Establish the Condition
of Property in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: D/505/8250

Level: 6
Credit value: 14
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit summary
This unit is about assessing the condition of property and recommending a
condition survey process.
You will gain the ability to select and evaluate relevant information methods and
techniques for the condition survey process. You will also recommend a condition
survey process and present it to the client. You will then assess the opinions of
other people included in the recommendation and agree and confirm the
instructions for the condition survey before the work starts.
You will gain the ability to evaluate data to identify the purpose of the inspection.
You must also check and confirm that people affected by condition inspection have
given their permission. You will then examine actual and potential causes of failure
and identify parts of the property that do not conform to statutory requirements.
You will gain the ability to assemble and collate information on the condition
survey, and select evaluation methods and techniques appropriate to the type of
property. You will then select evidence for the assessment of the property’s
condition, analyse evidence and information, and identify causes of failure and

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 83

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Information and documents – sources:
● land registry
● local search
● statutory notice
● acts of parliament
● local authority.
2. Condition survey:
● letting
● compensation
● insurance
● dilapidation
● tenant right
● condition
● estimate.
3. Relevant information:
● legal
● physical
● previous surveys
● technical
● historical.
4. Significant factors:
● degree of urgency
● gaps in information
● susceptibility to damage
● safety requirements.

84 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes 3 and 4
1. Data – sources:
● the client
● land registry
● local search
● tenants
● occupiers
● local authorities.
2. Condition inspection:
● letting
● compensation
● insurance
● dilapidation
● tenant right
● condition
● estimate.
3. Record:
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.
4. Conventions:
● relevant professional bodies’ guidance
● in house
● health and safety legislation
● industry standards and legislation.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6

1. Information – sources:
● the client
● land registry
● local search
● tenants
● occupiers
● survey data
● local authorities
● industry standards and legislation
● published technical data.

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2. Condition survey:
● letting
● compensation
● insurance
● dilapidation
● tenant right
● condition
● estimate.
3. Evaluation methods and techniques:
● comparison
● quantitative
● qualitative
● risk assessment.
4. Report:
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.
5. Necessary remedial work due to:
● susceptibility to damage
● safety requirements
● need to inhibit deterioration
● minimum legal standards
● in-house standards.
6. Relevant factors:
● costs
● specialist reports.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

86 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluation(s) of information, advice and significant factors which include
objectives and purpose, selected methods and techniques (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
2. Recommendation(s) for condition survey processes which include assessments of
the status and validity of others’ opinions and judgements (1.6, 1.7) [1.2].
3. Instruction(s) and agreement(s) for condition survey(s) (1.8) [1.2].
Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) and agreement(s) for condition survey(s) (1.8) [1.2].

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluation(s) of available and additional data (3.1, 3.4) [3.1].
2. Record(s) of inspection(s) which include equipment, resources and advice
obtained, permissions, observations and measurements, agreed formats and
conventions (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) [3.2, 3.3, 3.4].
3. Record(s) of further investigation(s) to identify the cause of inconsistencies and
actual and potential causes of failure and deterioration (3.5, 3.6) [3.1, 3.2].
4. Record(s) of parts of the property that do not conform to statutory requirements
(3.7) [3.3, 3.4].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Condition survey which includes evaluations of collated information use
appropriate methods and techniques, analysed evidence, identified causes of failure
and deterioration, specified level of condition, recommended remedial work,
qualifications and explanations (ALL) [ALL].
2. Record(s) of responses to client’s questions (5.8) [5.2].
3. Internal record(s) (5.9) [5.1].

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 87

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Process evidence
1. Response(s) and clarification given to clients (5.8) [5.2].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

88 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to 1.1 Collate available information and documents and identify the objectives
recommend and and purpose of the condition survey
agree a condition
1.2 Select valid, accurate and relevant information for the condition survey
survey process
1.3 Identify the levels and types of professional support which will be
needed and brief advisers with clear and accurate summaries of the
information available
1.4 Select methods and techniques for the condition survey process which
meet the requirements of relevant professional codes of practice
1.5 Evaluate relevant information and advice and identify significant factors
which may influence the condition survey
1.6 Recommend a condition survey process which is justified by the
evaluation, present it clearly and explain it to the client in a manner
which promotes goodwill and trust
1.7 Assess the validity of the opinions of other people which are included in
the recommendation
1.8 Agree and confirm the instructions and agreements for the condition
survey before work starts

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 89

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Explain how to collate available information and documents
recommend and
2.2 Describe what to identify as the objectives and purpose of the condition
agree a condition
survey process
2.3 Evaluate how to select valid, accurate and relevant information for the
condition survey process
2.4 Describe what to identify as the levels and types of professional support
which will be needed
2.5 Explain how to brief advisers with clear and accurate summaries of the
information available
2.6 Evaluate how to select methods and techniques for the condition survey
process which meet the requirements of relevant professional codes of
2.7 Explain how to evaluate relevant information and advice
2.8 Describe how to identify significant factors which may influence the
condition survey
2.9 Propose how to recommend a condition survey process
2.10 Explain how to present and explain the condition survey process to the
2.11 Examine how to assess the validity of the opinions of other people
which are included in the recommendation

90 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2.12 Evaluate how to agree the instructions and agreements for the
condition survey before work starts
2.13 Explain how to confirm the instructions and agreements for the
condition survey before work starts
3 Be able to 3.1 Evaluate available information, identify the purpose of the inspection
investigate and obtain the equipment and resources and specialist advice that will
property for be needed
3.2 Check and confirm, before starting the condition inspection, that people
who will be affected have given their permission
3.3 Take accurate observations and measurements which are necessary for
the condition inspection and record them clearly, accurately and
completely using agreed formats and conventions
3.4 Identify gaps in information and obtain additional information needed
about the property and its use
3.5 Make further investigations when observations are inconsistent with
existing information and expected findings, and accurately identify the
cause of inconsistencies
3.6 Examine actual and potential causes of failure, deterioration and decay
3.7 Identify and record parts of the property which do not conform to
statutory requirements and circulate the findings to people who have
an interest

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 91

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Explain how to evaluate available information
4.2 Describe what to identify as the purpose of the inspection
property for
condition 4.3 Explain how to obtain the equipment and resources and specialist
advice that will be needed
4.4 Explain how to check and confirm before starting the condition
inspection, that people who will be affected have given their permission
4.5 Explain how to take and record accurate observations and
measurements which are necessary for the condition inspection, using
agreed formats and conventions
4.6 Describe what to identify as gaps in information
4.7 Explain how to obtain additional information needed about the property
and its use
4.8 Explain how to make further investigations when observations are
inconsistent with existing information and expected findings and
identify the cause of inconsistencies
4.9 Examine how to examine actual and potential causes of failure,
deterioration and decay
4.10 Describe what to identify as parts of the property that do not conform
to statutory requirements
4.11 Explain how to record those parts of the property which do not conform
to statutory requirements and circulate the findings to people who have
an interest

92 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to prepare 5.1 Assemble and collate information on the condition survey
and present
5.2 Select evaluation methods and techniques which are appropriate to the
condition survey
type of property and which meet the requirements of professional
reports and records
standards and codes of practice
5.3 Select evidence for the assessment of condition which is accurate,
complete and relevant to the requirements of the condition survey
5.4 Analyse all relevant evidence and information using appropriate
methods and techniques and make a realistic assessment of condition
to identify causes of failure, deterioration and decay
5.5 Prepare a condition survey report which is accurate, complete, meets
relevant codes of practice and standards, clearly specifies the level of
condition, recommends any necessary remedial work, and is qualified
by any relevant factors
5.6 Explain clearly where and why accurate inspection and measurement
has not been possible
5.7 Answer the client’s questions about the condition survey and give
appropriate clarification
5.8 Maintain records which are clear, accurate and complete and conform
to accepted professional and statutory requirements

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 93

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Explain how to assemble and collate information on the condition
prepare and survey
present condition
6.2 Evaluate how to select evaluation methods and techniques which are
survey reports and
appropriate to the type of property and which meet the requirements of
professional standards and codes of practice
6.3 Evaluate how to select evidence for the assessment of condition which
is accurate, complete and relevant to the requirements of the condition
survey process
6.4 Examine how to analyse all relevant evidence and information using
appropriate methods and techniques and make a realistic assessment
of condition to identify causes of failure, deterioration and decay
6.5 Explain how to prepare a condition survey report
6.6 Explain clearly where and why accurate inspection and measurement
has not been possible
6.7 Explain how to answer the client’s questions about the condition survey
and give appropriate clarification
6.8 Explain how to maintain records which are clear, accurate and complete
and conform to accepted professional and statutory requirements

94 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 95

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 7: Identify, Assess and
Evaluate Project
Requirements in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: F/505/8256

Level: 6
Credit value: 18
Guided learning hours: 50

Unit summary
This unit is about the procurement and use of resources. You will gain the ability to
identify and agree goals and priorities with the project stakeholders. You will also
identify the function and performance requirements for the project. You will need to
clarify, summarise and present the project requirements and stakeholder
preferences, challenge any preferences that are not realistic and decide valid
You will gain the ability to identify where resources will be needed and how to
obtain them. You will then need to analyse the factors that will influence the
procurement and use of resources. You will also check that resources have been
estimated, and that opportunities and constraints have been evaluated and
presented to decision makers. You will also produce a report on the procurement
and use of resources.

96 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Agree:
● direct with a client
● by negotiation and agreement with a partnering team.
2. Project stakeholders:
● the client
● the client’s financial advisers
● design consultants
● potential contractors
● potential subcontractors and suppliers
● potential investors
● funding agencies
● independent client advisers
● user groups.
3. Goals and priorities:
● quantity
● quality
● cost
● time
● development
● improvement
● use
● whole-life costs
● environmental impact and sustainability
● security.

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4. Clarify the project stakeholders’ requirements by:
● reference to standard documentation
● checklists
● client consultation
● questionnaires
● comparative field research
● market research.
5. Constraints and risks
● cost
● time
● health and safety
● the environment.
6. Presenting:
● orally
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Identify by:
● standard lists and procedures
● investigative research.
2. Resources:
● plant
● labour
● materials
● subcontractors.
3. Factors that will influence the procurement of resources:
● forms of contract
● availability
● cost
● insurances
● time and period required
● transport
● delivery dates
● recoverable costs
● discounts

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● service support
● environmental impact and sustainability
● political sensitivities
● legal and regulatory constraints on access and use
● permits
● sustainability.
4. Factors that will influence the use of resources:
● people
● use of materials
● sustainability
● equipment
● construction methods
● contracting methods
● quantity
● quality standards
● climate
● legal and regulatory constraints
● health, safety and welfare
● infrastructure.
5. Presenting:
● orally
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

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Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Summary(ies) of stakeholder goals, priorities and requirements (1.1, 1.2, 1.3,
1.4) [ALL].
2. Options agreed in writing (1.5) [1.2].

Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) of the summary(ies) of requirements and preferences (1.4) [1.2,

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Report(s) on the procurement and use of resources which include: areas of
development where resources will be needed; investigations to quantify the
resources; costs programmes and statements of purpose; influencing factors;
potential opportunities and constraints; impact; checks of estimated resources;
calculations; amendments to reflect feedback (ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this

Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) of evaluation report(s) (3.5) [3.5].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must
use a combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated
Assessment Strategy.
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

100 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to identify, 1.1 Identify and agree with project stakeholders what their goals and
assess and agree priorities are both now and for the future
1.2 Summarise, present and clarify the project stakeholders’
requirements and
requirements, the options available and the constraints and risks
which might apply to the project
1.3 Challenge project requirements and stakeholders’ preferences which
do not appear to be realistic, decide valid options and agree them in
1.4 Investigate economic factors and resources, environmental and
ecological factors, and social views that affect the future asset value
and sustainability of potential development
1.5 Evaluate the best balance between the potential asset value and
sustainability and project design, function, performance and return on
1.6 Decide whether and how to implement the potential sustainable
development approach in order to achieve key requirements

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Describe what to identify as the project stakeholders’ goals and
identify, assess priorities both now and in the future
and agree project
2.2 Evaluate how to agree with the project stakeholders what their goals
requirements and
and priorities are, both now and in the future
preferences 2.3 Explain how to summarise, present and clarify the project
stakeholders’ requirements, the options available and the constraints
and risks which might apply to the project
2.4 Examine how to challenge project requirements and stakeholders’
2.5 Evaluate how to decide which options are valid and agree them in
2.6 Examine how to investigate economic factors and resources,
environmental and ecological factors, and social views that affect the
future asset value and sustainability of potential development
2.7 Explain how to evaluate the best balance between the potential asset
value and sustainability and project design, function, performance and
return on investment
2.8 Evaluate how to decide whether to implement the potential sustainable
development approach in order to achieve key requirements
2.9 Explain how to implement the potential sustainable development
approach in order to achieve key requirements

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to identify, 3.1 Identify the areas of the development where resources will be needed
assess and and plan an investigation to quantify the resources and to decide where
evaluate resource to obtain them
3.2 Agree realistic costs, programmes and clear statements of purpose for
investigation with the stakeholders
3.3 Analyse the factors which will influence the procurement and use of
3.4 Identify potential opportunities and constraints and assess the impact
these might have on the practicability and efficiency of the
development process
3.5 Check that the resources that will be needed have been estimated,
summarise potential opportunities and constraints and evaluate how
these will affect both the financing and the programming of the project
3.6 Present the calculations and evaluation to decision makers, note their
advice and amend the evaluation to reflect the feedback received
3.7 Produce a report on the procurement and use of resources which will
enable a procurement strategy to be implemented

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as the areas of the development where
identify, assess resources will be needed
and evaluate
4.2 Propose how to plan an investigation to quantify the resources
procurement 4.3 Evaluate how to decide where to obtain the resources
4.4 Evaluate how to agree realistic costs, programmes and clear
statements of purpose for investigation with the stakeholders
4.5 Evaluate how to agree realistic costs, programmes and clear
statements of purpose for investigation with the stakeholders

4.6 Examine how to assess the impact which potential opportunities and
constraints might have on the practicability and efficiency of the
development process
4.7 Explain how to check the resources that will be needed have been
4.8 Explain how to summarise potential opportunities and constraints
4.9 Explain how to evaluate how resource needs, potential opportunities
and constraints will affect both the financing and the programming of
the project
4.10 Explain how to present the calculations and evaluation to decision
makers, note their advice and amend the evaluation to reflect the
feedback received
4.11 Explain how to produce a report on the procurement and use of

104 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 105

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 8: Develop and Agree
Detailed Project
Designs in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: T/505/8268

Level: 6
Credit value: 20
Guided learning hours: 60

Unit summary
This unit is about choosing methods for developing detailed designs. It is also about
selecting, investigating and analysing the construction and installation criteria and
selecting products and design solutions to meet the requirements of the brief.
You will need to select and decide the importance of the construction and
installation requirements contained in the brief. You will then investigate and
analyse the construction and installation criteria and select products and processes
that meet them. You should then assess existing design solutions; choose solutions
and evaluate them against the requirements of the project brief.
You will need to identify and analyse factors that will influence the detailed design
solutions, and agree and apply criteria for selecting design solutions. You will
evaluate the effectiveness of design solutions; analyse and test design solutions
against relevant factors; and record data from calculations, investigations and
analyses, and then select preferred designs and present them to stakeholders. You
will recommend, present and justify the benefits of the preferred design solution to
project stakeholders. You will need to confirm the costs and implementation time
for the design solution.
You will need to reach agreement with stakeholders on the detailed design solution.

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Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Parts of the overall project design:
● location
● assembly
● component.
2. Format for presenting the detailed design information:
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.
3. Stakeholders:
● the client
● consultants
● potential contractors
● potential subcontractors and suppliers
● regulatory authorities.
4. Evaluation
● fitness for purpose
● design coherence and consistency
● visual and spatial
● functional performance
● technical performance
● requirements of relevant legislation and codes
● cost
● environmental quality and sustainability
● buildability
● health and safety
● KPIs
● lean construction
● value engineering.

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5. Methods:
● comparison with regulations
● conformance with codes of practice
● relevant previous solutions and feedback
● calculations
● full size working drawings
● investigations
● testing.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Construction and installation requirements contained in the project
● client and user context
● project type
● purpose
● location
● durability
● scale
● occupancy
● legal and regulatory constraints
● programme budget and anticipated development timetable
● surrounding environment
● specified materials and component performance standards
● specified technical performance standards
● available and projected technology
● health and safety
● buildability.
2. Construction and installation criteria which are significant to the overall
● construction processes and quality control
● materials appearance, availability and sustainability
● structural forms
● component life
● heating and cooling
● energy use
● surface type and durability
● occupancy
● health and safety

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● fire protection
● access
● equipment performance
● resource availability
● transportation
● risk assessment.
3. Products:
● raw materials
● manufactured materials
● components
● systems.
4. Standards:
● British Standards and Codes of Practice
● BBA certificates
● EU Standards
● trade advisory guidance publications
● BRE publications
● CIRIA publications.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6

1. Identify:
● standard lists and procedures
● investigative research.
2. Factors:
● physical conditions
● technical (including materials performance and availability, structural forms,
component life, heating and cooling, surface type and durability, occupancy,
health and safety, fire protection, access, equipment performance, plant
availability, human resource availability, transportation)
● environmental (sustainability, energy use, resource availability).
3. Data:
● identified construction criteria
● existing design solutions
● potential conceptual solutions.

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4. Criteria:
● function
● physical
● fit and tolerances
● practicality and buildability
● health and safety
● maintenance
● cost factors
● materials availability and capability
● environmental quality and sustainability
● aesthetics
● technical.
5. Investigations:
● comparison with regulations
● specialist guidance and good practice
● relevant previous solutions and feedback
● calculations
● full-size working drawings.
6. Stakeholders:
● the client
● the client’s financial advisers
● consultants
● potential contractors
● potential subcontractors and suppliers
● regulatory authorities.
7. Presenting and justifying – by use:
● sketches
● scale and full-size drawings
● physical models
● computer generated data
● diagrams
● mock-ups
● written reports
● cost estimates
● programming
● cash analysis
● approvals from regulatory authorities.

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Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Records of identified parts of the overall project which require a detailed design
including a chosen format for presenting the detailed design information (1.1, 1.2,
1.3) [1.1, 1.2, 1.3].
2. Record(s) of chosen methods for developing detailed designs and codes of
practice (1.4) [1.5].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Plan(s) for investigations to select construction and installation requirements and
criteria and potential opportunities and constraints (3.1, 3.2, 3.3) [3.1, 3.2].
2. Record(s) of investigations and analyses of construction and installation criteria
which are significant to the overall design (3.2, 3.3) [3.2].
3. Record(s) of selected products (3.4) [3.2, 3.3, 3.4].
4. Assessment(s) of existing design solutions and evaluations of chosen solutions
(3.5, 3.6) [3.1, 3.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

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Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of agreed criteria for selecting detailed design solutions which include
identified and analysed factors and data (5.1, 5.2, 5.3) [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4].
2. Record(s) of selected, preferred design solutions and those that might be useful
in other projects (5.6, 5.7).
3. Record(s) of data from calculations, investigations and analyses including re-
check (5.4, 5.5) [5.2, 5.5].
Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) of preferred designs (5.6).

Learning outcome 7
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Information provided to project stakeholders (7.1) [7.1].
2. Records of presentation(s) and justification(s) of recommended design solutions
(7.2, 7.3, 7.4) [7.1, 7.2].
3. Agreement(s) to move to the next stage of the project (7.5) [7.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

112 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to identify 1.1 Identify which parts of the overall project require a detailed design
and coordinate the
1.2 Identify and evaluate interfaces between parts of the project design
methods for
preparing initial 1.3 Choose methods for developing detailed designs and associated
designs information and codes of practice
1.4 Agree with stakeholders, the costs, timetables and clear statements of
purpose for the project stage
2 Understand how to 2.1 Describe what to identify as parts of the overall project which require
identify and a detailed design
coordinate the
2.2 Describe what to identify as interfaces between parts of the project
methods for
preparing initial
designs 2.3 Explain how to evaluate interfaces between parts of the project design
2.4 Evaluate how to choose methods for developing detailed designs and
associated information and codes of practice
2.5 Evaluate how to agree with stakeholders, the costs, timetables and
clear statements of purpose for the project stage

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 113

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to select 3.1 Investigate the construction and installation criteria which are significant
materials, to the overall design and what potential opportunities and constraints
components and there might be in meeting them
3.2 Analyse the construction and installation criteria which are significant to
the overall design, both individually and in combination with other
project considerations
3.3 Select products which meet the identified construction and installation
criteria and standards, and which balance cost and quality
3.4 Assess whether existing design solutions which contain similar
construction and installation criteria might be relevant
3.5 Choose the solutions which best meet the significant construction and
installation requirements, evaluate them against the requirements of
the project brief and keep records of them for the project team
3.6 Select and decide the relative importance of construction and
installation requirements which are contained in the project brief

114 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Examine how to investigate the construction and installation criteria
select materials, which are significant to the overall design and what potential
components and opportunities and constraints there might be in meeting them
4.2 Examine how to analyse the construction and installation criteria which
are significant to the overall design, both individually and in
combination with other project considerations
4.3 Evaluate how to select products which meet the identified construction
and installation criteria and standards, and which balance cost and
4.4 Examine how to assess whether existing design solutions which contain
similar construction and installation criteria might be relevant
4.5 Evaluate how to choose the solutions which best meet the significant
construction and installation requirements
4.6 Explain how to evaluate solutions against the requirements of the
project brief and keep records of them for the project team
4.7 Evaluate how to select and decide the relative importance of
construction and installation requirements which are contained in the
project brief

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 115

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to analyse, 5.1 Identify factors which are likely to influence design solutions
select and present
5.2 Analyse and prioritise the factors which will influence the design
detailed design
solution and resolve any conflicts between them
5.3 Agree and apply criteria for selecting solutions
5.4 Analyse and test the design solutions against all relevant factors
5.5 Record investigations and analyses including supporting information
and pass them on for approval by others
5.6 Select the preferred designs and present them appropriately to
5.7 Confirm with stakeholders what the recommended detailed design
solution will cost and how long it will take to implement
5.8 Reach an agreement on the detailed design solution which is acceptable
to the stakeholders and which allows the project to progress to its next

116 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Describe what to identify as factors which are likely to influence design
analyse, select and solutions
present detailed
6.2 Examine how to analyse and prioritise the factors which will influence
design solutions
the design solution and resolve any conflicts between them
6.3 Evaluate how to agree and apply criteria for selecting solutions
6.4 Explain how to apply criteria for selecting solutions
6.5 Examine how to analyse and test the design solutions against all
relevant factors
6.6 Explain how to record investigations and analyses including supporting
information and pass them on for approval by others
6.7 Evaluate how to select the preferred designs
6.8 Explain how to present the preferred designs appropriately to
6.9 Explain how to confirm with stakeholders what the recommended
detailed design solution will cost and how long it will take to implement
6.10 Evaluate how to reach an agreement on the detailed design solution
which is acceptable to the stakeholders and which allows the project to
progress to its next stage

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 117

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Unit 9: Specify and Control
Production Documents
in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: T/505/8271

Level: 6
Credit value: 18
Guided learning hours: 50

Unit summary
This unit is about developing a document production programme. It is also about
preparing a specification document consistent with the current design; the
identification of discrepancies and making recommendations for changes to the
brief; producing progress reports; and issuing documents in line with project

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Controlling requirements:
● type of measurement
● cost
● time
● quality
● methods of production
● liaison requirements
● model documents and standards
● integration of data
● electronic data transfer.

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2. Document:
● forms of contract
● specifications
● scale and full-size working drawings
● operations and maintenance manuals
● bills of quantities
● schedules
● health and safety plans and files
● accounts
● claims.
3. Purpose:
● to obtain consents
● procurement
● contract
● production
● as built drawings.
4. Scope:
● number
● type
● format
● size.
5. Registers and records:
● incoming and outgoing drawing and document registers
● records of document approval and revision.
6. Check:
● format
● presentation
● accuracy
● technical content
● completeness
● referencing
● cross referencing and correlation with associated documents
● status.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 119

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Learning outcomes 3 and 4
1. Purpose:
● to obtain consents
● procurement
● contract
● production.
2. Source information:
● design information
● statutory regulations
● British Standards
● codes of practice
● technical literature.
3. Referenced against:
● Standard phraseology
● Common Arrangement
● CI/SfB.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6

1. Information about project requirements:
● project brief
● design information from earlier stages
● surveys
● reports
● statutory approvals and requirements
● cost estimates
● standards and codes of practice
● technical literature.
2. Documents:
● forms of contract
● specifications
● scale and full size working drawings
● bills of quantities
● schedules
● health and safety plans and files
● accounts
● claims
● operational and maintenance manuals.

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3. Project requirements:
● to obtain consents
● procurement
● contract
● production
● as built drawings.
4. Document production requirements:
● type of measurement
● cost
● time
● quality
● methods of production
● liaison arrangements
● model documents and standards
● integration of data
● electronic data transfers.
5. Criteria:
● format
● presentation
● accuracy
● technical content
● completeness
● referencing
● cross referencing and correlation with associated documents
● status.
6. Registers and records:
● incoming and outgoing drawing and document registers
● records of document approval and revision archives.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 121

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Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Specification(s) of project document control requirements, including purpose and
scope, registers, records and systems for monitor and controlling document
production (1.1, 1.2, 1.5) [1.1, 1.3, 1.4].
2. Document production programme(s), including resources and production
instructions (1.3, 1.4, 1.6) [1.1, 1.2].
3. Record(s) of systems for checking, approving and integrating documents
(1.7, 1.8) [1.2, 1.6].
4. Record(s) of procedures that have been developed to deal with discrepancies and
inconsistencies in information, and delays and revisions to project information (1.8)
[1.1, 1.2].
5. Record(s) of arrangements and contingency plans which have been developed
for reporting progress in meeting the programme requirements and manage
problems in document production (1.9) [1.1, 1.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Specification(s) that includes: purpose; consistency checks; collated sections;
identified source information; technical clauses (ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of information that has been obtained, checked and assessed (5.1,
5.2, 5.3) [5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4].
2. Record(s) of collated and checked documents (5.4) [5.2, 5.6].
3. Record(s) of advice given to people who are producing documents and referrals
of outstanding queries (5.5, 5.6) [5.1, 5.2, 5.3].
4. Recommendation(s) for changes to the brief, design, specification and contract
based on discrepancies that have been identified (5.7) [5.1, 5.2].

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5. Record(s) of collated design information that has been distributed, including
briefings given to the client and the people responsible for producing documents
(5.8) [5.1, 5.2, 5.3].
6. Record(s) showing checks and approvals obtained (5.9) [5.5].
7. Record(s) of information on progress that has been circulated (5.4) [5.4].
8. Registers and records of issued documents (5.11, 5.12) [5.2, 5.36].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 123

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to specify 1.1 Select controlling requirements for the project information and
production document programme which are suitable for the project stages and
document the resources available
1.2 Specify the purpose and scope of information and documents and the
controlling requirements they need to meet and who will produce the
1.3 Develop a production programme, which meets agreed controlling
requirements, to produce all the required information and documents
in a feasible sequence of production
1.4 Specify enough resources and realistic individual targets to complete
the information and document production programme
1.5 Set up registers, records and systems for monitoring and controlling
the production of information and documents which are capable of
maintaining project compliance
1.6 Specify individual production instructions which are accurate, clear
and complete
1.7 Select criteria for the evaluation of the project information and
documents, agree the criteria with decision makers and circulate the
criteria to the production team

124 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
1.8 Develop and agree systems for checking, approving and integrating
information and documents
1.9 Develop and agree procedures, which are appropriate to the
requirements of the project and the contract conditions, for dealing
with discrepancies and inconsistencies in information and documents,
and delays and revisions to project information and documents
1.10 Develop arrangements and contingency plans for reporting progress in
meeting the programme requirements and to manage information and
document production problems
2 Understand how to 2.1 Evaluate how to select controlling requirements for the project
specify production information and document programme which are suitable for the
document project stages and the resources available
2.2 Evaluate how to specify the purpose and scope of information and
documents and the controlling requirements they need to meet and
who will produce the documents
2.3 Propose how to develop a production programme, which meets agreed
controlling requirements, to produce all the required information and
documents in a feasible sequence of production
2.4 Evaluate how to specify enough resources and realistic individual
targets to complete the information and document production
2.5 Propose how to set up registers, records and systems for monitoring
and controlling the production of information and documents which are
capable of maintaining project compliance

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2.6 Evaluate how to specify individual production instructions which are
accurate, clear and complete
2.7 Evaluate how to select criteria for the evaluation of the project
information and documents
2.8 Evaluate how to agree the criteria for the evaluation of the project
information and documents with decision makers
2.9 Explain how to circulate the criteria for the evaluation of the project
information and documents to the production team
2.10 Propose how to develop systems for checking, approving and
integrating information and documents
2.11 Evaluate how to agree systems for checking, approving and integrating
information and documents
2.12 Propose how to develop procedures, which are appropriate to the
requirements of the project and the contract conditions, for dealing
with discrepancies and inconsistencies in information and documents,
and delays and revisions to project information and documents
2.13 Evaluate how to agree procedures, which are appropriate to the
requirements of the project and the contract conditions, for dealing
with discrepancies and inconsistencies in information and documents,
and delays and revisions to project information and documents
2.14 Propose how to develop arrangements and contingency plans for
reporting progress in meeting the programme requirements and to
manage information and document production problems

126 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to prepare 3.1 Select a type of specification document which is suitable for the
prescriptive purpose and the project stage
3.2 Check that the specification is consistent with the designs and related
documents, where separate, and that it does not include duplicate and
contradictory information
3.3 Collate the sections in the specification so that they are based on
elements of a type appropriate to the circumstances and requirements
3.4 Confirm that the current source information is valid and obtain accurate
and valid supplementary information
3.5 Produce a specification which is based on identified, applicable, current
source information
3.6 Select, draft and amend technical clauses from standard sources, which
define the quality, type and standard of the materials, components and
finished work
3.7 Check that the specification is consistent with the current design and
other design documentation, and update it promptly when the design
3.8 Obtain necessary checks and approvals for the content and
presentation of specifications

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Evaluate how to select a type of specification document which is
prepare suitable for the purpose and the project stage
4.2 Explain how to check that the specification is consistent with the
designs and related documents, where separate, and that it does not
include duplicate and contradictory information
4.3 Explain how to collate the sections in the specification so that they are
based on elements of a type appropriate to the circumstances and
4.4 Explain how to confirm that the current source information is valid and
obtain accurate and valid supplementary information
4.5 Explain how to produce a specification which is based on identified,
applicable, current source information
4.6 Evaluate how to select technical clauses from standard sources, which
define the quality, type and standard of the materials, components and
finished work
4.7 Evaluate how to draft technical clauses from standard sources, which
define the quality, type and standard of the materials, components and
finished work
4.8 Explain how to amend technical clauses from standard sources, which
define the quality, type and standard of the materials, components and
finished work
4.9 Explain how to check that the specification is consistent with the
current design and other design documentation

128 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4.10 Explain how to update the specification promptly when the design
4.11 Explain how to obtain necessary checks and approvals for the content
and presentation of specifications
5 Be able to control 5.1 Confirm with the client the information required for decision making
and maintain throughout the project stages
project information
5.2 Identify and confirm protocols, data formats and standards for
information exchange between all relevant project stakeholders
5.3 Obtain information about design parameters which may contribute to
the development of design and preparation of information and
5.4 Evaluate the information on design parameters to see whether it is
adequate to meet the requirements of the stakeholders and
requirements for controlling information and document production
5.5 Assess the status of the information on design parameters and pass it
on to people who need it for project information and document
production, indicating any special considerations and limitations on its
5.6 Ensure that information and documents are collated when they have
been produced and evaluate them against the agreed criteria
5.7 Advise people who are producing information and documents, clarify
information when they do not understand the instructions and refer
outstanding queries to the people who produced the original

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5.8 Identify any discrepancies and inconsistencies in the information and
documents and refer any problems back to the originators for
clarification and resolution
5.9 Resolve differences between project information and documents and
specification and circulate agreed amendments
5.10 Obtain necessary checks and approvals when they are needed
5.11 Produce up-to-date and accurate information on progress and issue it
to the people who need the information to meet project requirements
5.12 Ensure that accurate and complete registers and records are
maintained which can be used for quality auditing
6 Understand how to 6.1 Explain how to confirm with the client the information required for
control and decision making throughout the project stages
maintain project
6.2 Describe what to identify as protocols, data formats and standards for
information exchange between all relevant project stakeholders
6.3 Explain how to confirm protocols, data formats and standards for
information exchange between all relevant project stakeholders
6.4 Explain how to obtain information about design parameters which may
contribute to the development of design and preparation of information
and document
6.5 Explain how to evaluate the information on design parameters to see
whether it is adequate to meet the requirements of the stakeholders
and requirements for controlling information and document production
6.6 Examine how to assess the status of the information on design

130 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6.7 Explain how to pass status of the information on design parameters on
to people who need it for project information and document production
6.8 Explain how to indicate any special considerations and limitations on its
6.9 Explain how to ensure that information and documents are collated
when they have been produced and evaluate them against the agreed
6.10 Propose how to advise people who are producing information and
6.11 Explain how to clarify information when people do not understand the
6.12 Explain how to refer outstanding queries to the people who produced
the original information
6.13 Describe what to identify as any discrepancies and inconsistencies in
the information and documents
6.14 Explain how to refer any problems back to the originators for
clarification and resolution
6.15 Propose how to resolve differences between project information and
documents and specification and circulate agreed amendments
6.16 Explain how to circulate agreed amendments to project information and
documents and specification
6.17 Explain how to obtain necessary checks and approvals when they are

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 131

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6.18 Explain how to produce up-to-date information on progress to meet
project requirements
6.19 Explain how to issue information on progress to the people who need it
to meet project requirements
6.20 Explain how to ensure that accurate and complete registers and
records are maintained which can be used for quality auditing

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

132 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 10: Prepare Procurement
Schedules and
Programmes of Works
in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: H/505/8279

Level: 6
Credit value: 16
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit summary
This unit is about producing a detailed schedule and procurement programme.
You will need to produce a schedule of works that contains the project needs and
range of services needed. You will need to estimate work content and duration, and
plan the schedule. You will need to draft and present the schedule of works to
You will need to develop a detailed procurement programme and identify any
conflicting requirements and agree modifications. You will also integrate the
procurement programme with the requirements of the overall programme, monitor
the programme and identify modifications that would offer cost and time benefits.

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit:

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Project needs:
● time
● cost
● quality objectives.
2. Range of services:
● design (including management services)
● materials

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 133

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● construction
● plant and equipment
● people
● manufacturing.
3. Conflicting requirements
● working arrangements
● staging of payments
● schedule of deliveries
● obligations to third parties
● statutory obligations and approvals.
4. Presenting:
● orally
● in writing
● graphically
● electronically.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Procurement programme for:
● principal contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers
● consultants.
2. Resources:
● information (including documents and drawings)
● labour, plant and equipment, materials
● services
● finance including cash flow.
3. Conflicting requirements and unacceptable variations:
● working arrangements
● staging of payments
● schedule of deliveries
● obligations to third parties
● statutory obligations and approvals.
4. Overall programme:
● clients’ overall timescale and requirements
● tender and contract activities
● key dates for long delivery items.

134 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item that is considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Schedule of works which include project needs and the range of services, work
content, time duration, calculated allowances for contingencies, corrected
conflicting requirements and agreed amendments (ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) of schedule of works (1.6, 1.7) [1.4].

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Procurement programme(s) (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) [ALL].
2. Record(s) of the monitor of the procurement programme(s) (3.5) [3.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.
This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:
● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 135

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to develop 1.1 Produce a detailed schedule of works which contains a complete
a schedule of statement of the project needs and the services which will be required
1.2 Estimate the work content and time duration accurately
1.3 Plan the schedule of works so that it is achievable with the resources
1.4 Calculate appropriate and realistic allowances to meet anticipated
1.5 Draft the schedule of works in a format which is appropriate to the
type and scope of the work
1.6 Present the schedule of works to stakeholders, correct any
inconsistencies and unacceptable variations and agree amendments
1.7 Present information clearly and accurately and reach agreement using
a style and approach which maintains goodwill and trust
1.8 Keep registers and records which are complete, accurate and up-to-
1.9 Obtain necessary checks and approvals for the content and
presentation of schedules
1.10 Use methods for production and record keeping which are consistent
with quality assurance procedures

136 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Explain how to produce a detailed schedule of works which contains a
develop a schedule complete statement of the project needs and the services which will be
of works required
2.2 Examine how to estimate the work content and time duration
2.3 Propose how to plan the schedule of works so that it is achievable with
the resources available
2.4 Explain how to calculate appropriate and realistic allowances to meet
anticipated contingencies
2.5 Evaluate how to draft the schedule of works in a format which is
appropriate to the type and scope of the work
2.6 Explain how to present the schedule of works to stakeholders
2.7 Explain how to correct any inconsistencies and unacceptable variations
2.8 Evaluate how to agree amendments to the schedule of works to
2.9 Explain how to present information clearly and accurately
2.10 Evaluate how to reach agreement using a style and approach which
maintains goodwill and trust
2.11 Explain how to keep registers and records which are complete,
accurate and up-to-date
2.12 Explain how to obtain necessary checks and approvals for the content
and presentation of schedules
2.13 Explain how to use methods for production and record keeping which
are consistent with quality assurance procedures

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 137

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to develop 3.1 Confirm the areas of work for which resources will need to be procured
a Procurement and identify potential sources for obtaining them
3.2 Develop a detailed procurement programme in an appropriate format
3.3 Identify within the procurement programme the lead times for ordering
and receiving essential resources appropriate to the project stage
3.4 Analyse the critical path for procuring and use of resources and build in
sufficient buffers to optimise project programming
3.5 Identify any inconsistencies and unacceptable variations in the
procurement programme, recommend feasible alternatives, and agree
modifications to the programme with stakeholders
3.6 Integrate the procurement programme so that it is consistent with the
requirements of the overall programme, statutory bodies and others
who will be affected
3.7 Monitor the procurement programme and identify modifications which
would suit changed circumstances or which offer cost and time benefits

138 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Explain how to confirm the areas of work for which resources will need
develop a to be procured
4.2 Describe what to identify as potential sources for obtaining resources
4.3 Propose how to develop a detailed procurement programme in an
appropriate format
4.4 Describe what to identify as the lead times for ordering and receiving
essential resources the procurement programme appropriate to the
project stage
4.5 Examine how to analyse the critical path for the procuring and use of
4.6 Propose how to build in sufficient buffers to optimise project
4.7 Describe what to identify as any inconsistencies and unacceptable
variations in the procurement programme
4.8 Propose how to recommend feasible alternatives to the programme
with stakeholders
4.9 Evaluate how to agree modifications to the programme with
4.10 Propose how to integrate the procurement programme so that it is
consistent with the requirements of the overall programme, statutory
bodies and others who will be affected
4.11 Examine how to monitor the procurement programme
4.12 Describe what to identify as modifications which would suit changed
circumstances or which offer cost and time benefits

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 139

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

140 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 11: Implement Strategic
and Integrated Supply
Chain Management and
Sourcing Partnerships
in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: R/505/8293

Level: 6
Credit value: 20
Guided learning hours: 60

Unit summary
This unit is about selecting criteria to evaluate the benefits of strategic sourcing,
specifying and agreeing how the supply chain and management systems will be
aligned and monitoring the performance of the supply chain.
You will need to select criteria to evaluate the effect of strategic sourcing on
competitiveness and the benefits of changing to new suppliers. You will also
recommend changes and negotiate and agree recommendations with decision
makers and suppliers.
You will need to specify and agree with the supply chain how the management
systems will be aligned, and identify and agree with stakeholders any changes
required. You will then develop and implement trials, assessing results and making
modifications prior to implementation.
You will need to review the terms of contract to assess benefits to the supply chain,
and then monitor the performance of the supply chain. You should then inform the
supply chain about variations in performance and advising them about changes

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 141

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Criteria:
● legislation
● codes of practice
● security of supply
● quality of product or service being supplied
● alignment of systems
● cost
● project objectives
● competence of supplier.
2. Strategic sourcing – of:
● principal contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers of goods and materials
● consultants
● clients/end users.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Supply chain:
● principal contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers of goods and materials
● consultants.
2. Management systems:
● clients/end user
● health and safety
● environment
● quality
● certification of workforce.

142 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes 5 and 6
1. Supply chain:
● principal contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers of goods and materials
● consultants
● clients/end users.
2. Monitor – methods:
● internal auditing
● external auditing.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluation(s) of the effect of strategic sourcing, including the benefits of change
(1.1, 1.2, 1.3) [1.1, 1.2].
2. Record(s) of recommendations which have been negotiated (1.4, 1.5) [1.1, 1.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Specification(s) for the alignment of supply chain management systems (3.1,
3.2) [3.1, 3.2].
2. Record(s) of trials, including modifications made (3.3) [3.2].
3. Record(s) of checks made to the aligned management systems (3.4) [3.2].
Process evidence: not applicable.

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Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Review(s) of the supply chain terms of contract (5.1) [5.1].
2. Record(s) of the supply chain performance monitor including variations, advice
and information about changes (5.2, 5.3) [5.1, 5.2].
3. Investigation(s) of persistent variations and major problems (5.4) [5.1].
4. Assessment(s) of existing and alternative sourcing arrangements (5.5) [5.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

144 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to evaluate 1.1 Select relevant criteria to use in making evaluations and decisions
and agree the
1.2 Evaluate the effect of strategic sourcing on competitiveness of supply,
benefits and risks
compare the evaluation with existing arrangements and calculate the
of strategic
advantages and disadvantages
1.3 Evaluate the benefits of changing to new suppliers
1.4 Recommend changes using evidence and identify the strategic
implications for supply
1.5 Negotiate and agree recommendations with decision makers, the
suppliers and other people who have an interest

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 145

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Evaluate how to select relevant criteria to use in making evaluations
evaluate and agree and decisions
the benefits and
2.2 Explain how to evaluate the effect of strategic sourcing on
risks of strategic
competitiveness of supply
2.3 Propose how to compare the evaluation with existing arrangements
2.4 Explain how to calculate the advantages and disadvantages strategic
sourcing on competitiveness of supply
2.5 Explain how to evaluate the benefits of changing to new suppliers
2.6 Propose how to recommend changes to suppliers using evidence
2.7 Describe how to identify the strategic implications for supply
2.8 Propose how to negotiate recommendations with decision makers, the
suppliers and other people who have an interest
2.9 Evaluate how to agree recommendations with decision makers, the
suppliers and other people who have an interest

146 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to agree 3.1 Specify and agree with the supply chain the ways in which systems
and implement will be managed and aligned
alignment of
3.2 Identify and agree, with all stakeholders, the changes to systems
which are necessary to meet technical and quality requirements
3.3 Develop and implement appropriate trials, assess the results and
make appropriate modifications before moving to full implementation
3.4 Check that the alignment of systems conforms to the requirements of
data protection legislation
3.5 Negotiate and agree formal contractual arrangements that set out the
requirements for the implementation and operation of strategic
sourcing partnerships

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 147

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Evaluate how to specify and agree with the supply chain the ways in
agree and which systems will be managed and aligned
4.2 Describe what to identify as the changes to systems with all
alignment of
stakeholders which are necessary to meet technical and quality
4.3 Evaluate how to agree with all stakeholders, the changes to systems
which are necessary to meet technical and quality requirements
4.4 Propose how to develop appropriate trials before moving to full
4.5 Explain how to implement appropriate trials before moving to full
4.6 Examine how to assess the results and make appropriate
modifications before moving to full implementation
4.7 Explain how to check that the alignment of systems conforms to the
requirements of data protection legislation
4.8 Propose how to negotiate a formal contractual arrangements that set
out the requirements for the implementation and operation of
strategic sourcing partnerships
4.9 Evaluate how to agree formal contractual arrangements that set out
the requirements for the implementation and operation of strategic
sourcing partnerships

148 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to monitor 5.1 Review the terms of contract regularly, and assess whether there are
and control supply continued net benefits to the supply chain
5.2 Monitor the performance of the supply chain against agreed standards
and quantify any variations in performance
5.3 Inform the supply chain about variations in performance from
contract terms, and provide them with advice and information about
the changes needed and the time allowed to make the changes
5.4 Investigate persistent variations and major problems, identify likely
causes and inform all the supply chain
5.5 Assess existing sourcing arrangements against alternative supply
options regularly and estimate the relative benefits and advantages

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 149

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Examine how to review the terms of contract and assess whether the
monitor and contract provides continued net benefits to the supply chain
control supply
6.2 Examine how to monitor the performance of the supply chain against
agreed standards
6.3 Examine how to quantify any variations in performance of the supply
6.4 Explain how to inform the supply chain about variations in
performance from contract terms
6.5 Explain how to provide the supply chain with advice and information
about the changes needed and the time allowed to make the changes
6.6 Examine how to investigate persistent variations and major problems
6.7 Describe what to identify as likely causes of persistent variations and
6.8 Explain how to inform all the supply chain about causes of persistent
variations and problems
6.9 Examine how to assess existing sourcing arrangements against
alternative supply options
6.10 Examine how to estimate the relative benefits and advantages from
the analysis of the existing sourcing arrangements and alternative
supply options

150 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 151

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 12: Obtain Tenders and
Appoint Successful
Contractors in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: M/505/8298

Level: 6
Credit value: 12
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit summary
This unit is about shortlisting and selecting appropriate tenderers. It is also about
reviewing and amending tender documents and ensuring that addendums are
You will need to identify suitable bills of quantities, evaluate options against
relevant criteria and select options for bills of quantities. You will then forecast the
prime cost, provisional sums and contingencies, prepare a bill of preliminaries and
check final drafts.
You will need to select an appropriate tender, and review tender documents to
ensure that they are issued and cover the scope of work. You will also investigate
any errors reported by tenderers, amend tender documents and ensure that
addendums are reissued.
You will need to acknowledge and evaluate tenders against the criteria and modify
and repeat tendering processes if necessary, choosing the best tenderers to appoint
formally and notifying unsuccessful tenderers. You will also negotiate and agree any
variations, adjustments and corrections with tenderer(s) subject to contract.

152 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Tenderers:
● contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers
● consultants.
2. Evidence:
● documentary
● references
● interview.
3. Selection criteria:
● quality and delivery record
● perceived added value (including reputation of potential contractors)
● acceptability of known sub-contracting arrangements
● acceptability to client
● financial resources
● references from previous clients and bankers
● health and safety
● competence of people
● resources (human, materials, facilities)
● insurance
● environmental policy and management
● competitiveness.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Bills:
● trade
● elemental
● operational
● approximate
● schedules of rates.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 153

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2. Procurement:
● competitive tender – limited competition
● open competition (including advertising)
● non-competitive – negotiation
● serial award
● partnering.
3. Relevant criteria:
● cost of production
● time in preparation
● suitability to the contract
● form of project procurement
● intended purpose.

Learning outcomes 5 and 6

1. Tender:
● open competitive
● two stage
● two envelope
● selected list
● negotiated.
2. Tender documents
● invitation to tender
● form of tender
● returns procedure
● surveys
● specifications
● drawings
● schedules
● bills of quantities
● health and safety plans
● scope of services
● terms and conditions
● schedules of rates.

154 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
3. Tenderers:
● contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers
● consultant.

Learning outcomes 7 and 8

1. Tenderers:
● contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers
● consultants.
2. Criteria:
● tender compliance
● quality
● technical viability
● timescale
● cost (budgets, rates)
● loading and cash flow
● policies which offer added value
● any variations, adjustments and corrections.
3. Variations, adjustments and corrections:
● price
● quantity
● quality
● standards
● carriage and delivery
● completion
● maintenance
● after sales service
● method of payment
● terms of payment
● contract conditions
● scope of service
● terms and conditions.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 155

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of pre-qualification tender enquiries sent to potential tenderers (1.1,
1.2, 1.3) [1.1, 1.2, 1.3].
2. Evaluation(s) of potential tenderers (1.4, 1.5) [1.1, 1.3].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Bill(s) that include: evaluated and selected options; forecasts of prime cost,
provisional sums and contingencies; bill of preliminaries, checks and approvals
(ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 5
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Tender document(s) (5.1, 5.2, 5.3) [5.1, 5.2].
2. Record(s) of tender documents reviewed and issued including (5.2, 5.3, 5.4)
Process evidence: not applicable.

156 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 7
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Acknowledgements and evaluation(s) of tenders amendments and checks against
the agreed criteria (7.1, 7.3) [7.1, 7.2].
2. Records showing repeated tendering processes (7.2) [7.1].
3. Records of chosen tender (7.4) [7.1].
4. Records of negotiations including any variations, adjustments and corrections
made (7.5) [7.3].
5. Records of notifications to tenderers (7.6) [7.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 157

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to shortlist 1.1 Select an appropriate type of procurement process which aligns with
tenderers legal, statutory and organisational requirements and decide which
potential tenderers could meet the contract conditions
1.2 Decide how many tenderers to invite, taking into account the value
and size of the contract
1.3 Choose selection criteria which are suitable to weight and rate
performance for the type of work described in the tender
1.4 Send tender enquiries to potential tenderers, for them to provide
evidence about their experience, capability and availability to carry
out the work
1.5 Evaluate potential tenderers who respond to the enquiry against the
selection criteria, in order to shortlist tenderers
1.6 Offer advice and information to decision makers about potential
tenderers and the selection criteria and modify the tender list to
reflect any changes which are agreed
1.7 Add more potential tenderers from the evaluation list which meet the
selection criteria if those contacted are not willing or able to tender

158 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Evaluate how to select an appropriate type of procurement process
shortlist tenderers which aligns with legal, statutory and organisational requirements and
decide which potential tenderers could meet the contract conditions
2.2 Evaluate how to decide how many tenderers to invite, taking into
account the value and size of the contract
2.3 Evaluate how to choose selection criteria which are suitable to weight
and rate performance for the type of work described in the tender
2.4 Explain how to send tender enquiries to potential tenderers, for them to
provide evidence about their experience, capability and availability to
carry out the work
2.5 Explain how to evaluate potential tenderers who respond to the enquiry
against the selection criteria, in order to shortlist tenderers
2.6 Propose how to offer advice and information to decision makers about
potential tenderers and the selection criteria
2.7 Explain how to modify the tender list to reflect any changes which are
2.8 Explain how to add more potential tenderers from the evaluation list
which meet the selection criteria if those contacted are not willing or
able to tender

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 159

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to select 3.1 Identify documents which are suitable for the type of procurement and
documents evaluate the options against relevant criteria
3.2 Select valid options for documents, discuss them with the client and
other people who have an interest and agree a form
3.3 Include within the documents and descriptions, changes, clarifications
and corrections arising from the source documents and the brief
3.4 Forecast the prime cost, provisional sums and contingencies so that
they can be included in the documents
3.5 Prepare accurate documents which describe the needs of the contractor
and the client
3.6 Obtain necessary checks and approvals
3.7 Check the final draft documents and approve those which are accurate
for production and issuing

160 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as documents which are suitable for the type
select documents of procurement
4.2 Explain how to evaluate the options for documents against relevant
4.3 Explain how to select valid options for documents
4.4 Explain how to discuss valid options with the client and other people
who have an interest
4.5 Evaluate how to agree a form of options with the client and other
people who have an interest
4.6 Explain how to include within the documents and descriptions, changes,
clarifications and corrections arising from the source documents and the
4.7 Examine how to forecast the prime cost, provisional sums and
contingencies so that they can be included in the documents
4.8 Explain how to prepare accurate documents which describe the needs
of the contractor and the client
4.8 Explain how to obtain necessary checks and approvals
4.9 Explain how to check the final draft documents and approve those
which are accurate for production and issuing

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 161

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
5 Be able to obtain 5.1 Select an appropriate type of tender
5.2 Ensure that all required tender information and documents are issued in
accordance with agreed procedures
5.3 Investigate any queries, errors, omissions and ambiguities which are
reported by tenderers
5.4 Amend the tender information and documents to correct them and
ensure that addendums are re-issued
5.5 Agree and implement action when tenderers withdraw from the process
5.6 Keep records of tender information and documents issued, feedback,
queries and information from tenderers

162 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
6 Understand how to 6.1 Evaluate how to select appropriate types of tender
obtain tenders
6.2 Explain how to ensure that all tender information and documents are
issued in accordance with agreed procedures
6.3 Examine how to investigate any queries, errors, omissions and
ambiguities which are reported by tenderers
6.4 Explain how to amend the tender information and documents to correct
6.5 Explain how to ensure that addendums are re-issued
6.6 Evaluate how to agree action when tenderers withdraw from the
6.7 Explain how to implement action when tenderers withdraw from the
6.7 Explain how to keep records of tender information and documents
issued, feedback, queries and information from tenderers

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 163

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
7 Be able to evaluate 7.1 Acknowledge and evaluate the tenders received against the agreed
tenders and criteria
appoint contractors
7.2 Modify and/or repeat the tendering processes in consultation with the
client if too few tenders are received
7.3 Check with tenderers if any discrepancies, omissions and errors are
found in the tenders, and make any amendments which tenderers
7.4 Choose the tender which best meets the criteria
7.5 Negotiate and agree any variations, adjustments and corrections with
the most appropriate tenderer and confirm them in writing, subject to
7.6 Appoint the successful tenderer formally and notify tenderers who have
been unsuccessful about the result

164 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
8 Understand how to 8.1 Explain how to acknowledge the tenders received
evaluate tenders
8.2 Explain how to evaluate the tenders received against the agreed criteria
and appoint
contractors 8.3 Explain how to modify and/or repeat the tendering processes in
consultation with the client if too few tenders are received
8.4 Explain how to check with tenderers if any discrepancies, omissions and
errors are found in the tenders, and make any amendments which
tenderers authorise
8.5 Evaluate how to choose the tender which best meets the criteria
8.6 Propose how to negotiate any variations, adjustments and corrections
with the most appropriate tenderer
8.7 Evaluate how to agree any variations, adjustments and corrections with
the most appropriate tenderer
8.8 Explain how to confirm in writing any variations, adjustments and
corrections with the most appropriate tenderer subject to contract
8.9 Evaluate how to appoint the successful tenderer formally
8.10 Explain how to notify tenderers who have been unsuccessful about the

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 165

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 13: Evaluate Enquiries and
Submit Tenders in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: M/505/8303

Level: 6
Credit value: 12
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit summary
This unit is about evaluating the organisation’s resources to meet tender
requirements and the submission of tenders.
You will need to evaluate the tender documents against agreed criteria and assess
the organisation’s resources to meet the tender requirements. You will then identify
and resolve points of concern and contractual and legal issues with the tender,
investigate the tender documents within budgets and tender time limits, and draw
objective conclusions on whether to make a bid.
You will need to identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities involved in the
submission of a successful tender. You will then modify costs to take into account
any external factors and recommend a profit margin and payment schedule. You
will also need to check that the tender is complete and accurate, and then present
and support the tender to maximise its acceptability. You will need to collate and
submit tender information in accordance with procurement requirements.

166 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Tender – type:
● contractor
● sub/works/trade contractor
● supply
● consultancy.
2. Tender requirements:
● construction
● installation and maintenance work
● supply of goods and materials
● consultancy services.
3. Legal issues:
● plan
● health and safety
● environmental
● ownership
● common law rights
● European Union requirements
● form of contracts.
4. Points of concern:
● discrepancies within enquiry information
● tender procedure requirements
● quantitative requirements
● qualitative requirements
● contractual requirements.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 167

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
5. Tender documents — type:
● invitation to tender
● form of tender
● returns procedure
● survey reports
● specifications
● drawings
● bills of quantities
● health and safety plans
● scope of services
● terms and conditions
● schedule of rates.
6. Agreed criteria:
● financial
● viability of tendering information
● current workload
● type of work
● competence of people
● timescale
● social policies
● environmental impact
● location
● practical completion.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Risks and opportunities:
● environmental
● financial and market
● political
● technical
● health and safety
● reputation
● competence of people
● time and resources.

168 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
2. Tender
● contracting
● sub/works/trade contracting
● supply
● consultancy.
3. Alternatives and/or qualifications:
● specifications and materials
● methods of construction
● services
● timescales
● supply options
● price offer options.
4. Tender requirements:
● construction
● installation and maintenance work
● supply of goods and materials
● consultancy services.
5. External factors:
● variations over time
● geographic location
● statutory and contractual requirements
● special working conditions and methods
● special resourcing conditions.
6. Presenting:
● orally
● in writing
● graphically
● use computer models.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 169

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluations of tender documents which include points of concern, assessment of
capability to meet the requirements, contractual and legal issues, conclusions (ALL)
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Tender submission(s) (ALL) [ALL].
Simulations are not considered to be acceptable for producing evidence for this
Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) and support of tender(s) which include evaluations of risks and
opportunities, specified alternatives, profit margin, payment schedule (3.1, 3.2,
3.4, 3.6) [3.2, 3.3, 3.6].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

170 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to evaluate 1.1 Identify any points of concern in the tender documents
tender enquiry
1.2 Evaluate the tender documents against the agreed criteria and assess
the organisational capability of meeting the tender requirements
1.3 Identify and assess any contractual and legal issues which might
affect the project
1.4 Keep information about tender enquiries in confidence and only pass
it on to people who have the authority to receive it

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 171

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Describe what to identify as any points of concern in the tender
evaluate tender documents
2.2 Explain how to evaluate the tender documents against the agreed
2.3 Examine how to assess the organisational capability of meeting the
tender requirements
2.4 Describe what to identify as any contractual and legal issues which
might affect the project
2.5 Examine how to assess any contractual and legal issues which might
affect the project
2.6 Explain how to keep information about tender enquiries confidential
and only pass it on to people who have the authority to receive it

172 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to finalise 3.1 Identify and evaluate the risks and opportunities involved in a
and submit a successful tender
3.2 Identify opportunities for any alternatives and/or qualifications to the
original tender requirements to optimise the tender
3.3 Modify the costs to take into account any external factors which may
affect the cost projections
3.4 Identify a profit margin and payment schedule which meets the
objectives and strategy of the organisation and notify decision makers
3.5 Check that the tender is complete and accurate and conforms to house
style and make any necessary modifications
3.6 Collate, arrange and submit tender information in accordance with
procurement requirements and support the tender in a manner which
maximises its acceptability

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 173

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as any risks and opportunities involved in a
finalise and submit successful tender
a tender
4.2 Explain how to evaluate the risks and opportunities involved in a
successful tender
4.3 Describe what to identify as opportunities for any alternatives and/or
qualifications to the original tender requirements to optimise the tender
4.4 Explain how to modify the costs to take into account any external
factors which may affect the cost projections
4.5 Describe what to identify as a profit margin and payment schedule
which meets the objectives and strategy of the organisation
4.6 Explain how to notify decision makers about identified profit margin
and payment schedule
4.7 Explain how to check that the tender is complete and accurate and
conforms to house style and make any necessary modifications
4.8 Explain how to collate, arrange and submit tender information in
accordance with procurement requirements supporting the tender in a
manner which maximises its acceptability

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

174 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 14: Evaluate Work Methods
and Programme in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: R/505/8309

Level: 6
Credit value: 13
Guided learning hours: 30

Unit summary
This unit is about assessing project data and selecting methods that meet technical
project criteria. It is also about analysing the sequential programming of activities,
confirming alterations and developing a monitoring system for the works
You will need to assess project data and obtain more information where required,
and then identify, evaluate and select methods which meet technical and project
criteria and propose them to decision makers.
You will also need to analyse and quantify the selected methods for their activity
content and review method statements to ensure they are accurate and acceptable
to the people involved. You will analyse the sequential programming of activities
against external factors and resources to meet project requirements. You will then
need to ensure that programmes and schedules of activities are consistent with the
complexities of the project. You will need to confirm any alterations made to the
works programme and develop a monitoring system for it.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 175

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Project data:
● conditions of contract
● bills of quantities
● specifications
● detailed drawings
● health and safety plans
● timescales
● contractual risks obligations and scope of works.
2. Alternative sources:
● the client
● the client’s representative
● contractors
● sub-contractors
● suppliers
● regulatory authorities
● technical literature
● trade literature.
3. Identify work methods:
● standard lists and procedures
● investigative research.
4. Technical criteria:
● materials and component performance and availability
● structural forms
● physical environmental factors
● occupancy
● health, safety and welfare
● fire protection
● access
● plant, equipment and people availability
● transportation

176 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
● traffic generation and management
● general environmental factors
● waste and sustainability
● location weather conditions.
5. Project criteria:
● cost benefit
● conformity to statutory requirements
● client and user needs
● contract requirements in terms of time, quantity and quality
● environmental considerations
● third party obligations
● other related programmes
● supply lead times.
6. Analyse – use:
● method study
● work study
● production analysis
● feedback from similar projects.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Analyse – use:
● method study
● work study
● production analysis.
2. Project requirements:
● contract conditions
● contract programme stipulations
● statutory consent
● Building Control notification
● third party obligations
● health and safety requirements.
3. External factors:
● other related programmes
● supply lead times
● contingencies
● special working conditions
● location weather conditions
● statutory limitations.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 177

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
4. Resources:
● people
● plant and equipment
● materials and components
● sub-contractors.
5. Programmes and schedules:
● bar charts
● network analysis
● critical path
● line of balance
● action lists
● method statements.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Evaluation(s) of possible work methods which include assessments of project
data, information from alternative services, identified work methods, technical and
project criteria (1.1, 1.2) [ALL].
2. Record(s) of proposed work methods (1.3) [1.3].
3. Analyse the method statement(s) (1.4, 1.5) [1.3, 1.6].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Analysis of sequential programming of activities against project requirements,
external factors and necessary resources (3.1) [3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4].
2. Programme(s) and schedule(s) of planned activities (3.2) [ALL].

178 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
3. Alterations to works programme(s) with savings calculated and justified (3.3)
4. Records of system(s) developed and implemented for monitor works
programmes which include use the results to improve future production and plan
(3.4) [3.5].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 179

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to 1.1 Assess the available project information accurately and summarise it
evaluate, review to enable decisions on production, installation and work methods to
and select work be made
1.2 Obtain more information from other sources in cases where the
available project information is insufficient
1.3 Identify and evaluate the possible work methods against relevant
technical and project criteria and select those which best meet the
1.4 Analyse the method which has been selected for its activity content
and quantify it accurately
1.5 Propose the selected method to decision makers
1.6 Review method statements to ensure that they are accurate, clear,
concise and acceptable to all the people involved

180 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Examine how to assess the available project information accurately
evaluate, review
2.2 Explain how to summarise project information to enable decisions on
and select work
production, installation and work methods to be made
2.3 Explain how to obtain more information from other sources in cases
where the available project information is insufficient
2.4 Describe what to identify as the possible work methods against
relevant technical and project criteria and select those which best
meet the criteria
2.5 Explain how to evaluate the possible work methods against relevant
technical and project criteria and select those which best meet the
2.6 Examine how to analyse the method which has been selected for its
activity content and quantify it accurately
2.7 Propose the selected method to decision makers
2.8 Examine how to review method statements to ensure that they are
accurate, clear, concise and acceptable to all the people involved

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 181

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to evaluate 3.1 Identify major activities, calculate the resources needed and identify
project programme their sources from the project information available and prepare a
draft work programme
3.2 Evaluate alternative methods, resources and systems, in order to
select the optimum solution to meet project requirements
3.3 Obtain clarification and advice where the resources needed are not
3.4 Analyse the sequential programming of activities against project
requirements and the requirements of significant external factors and
necessary resources
3.5 Ensure that the produced programmes and schedules of planned
activities are consistent with the complexity of the project
3.6 Confirm alterations to the works programme which will meet changed
circumstances or offer cost and time benefits, calculate the savings
accurately and justify them to decision makers
3.7 Develop a system for monitoring and recording the works
programme, implement it and use the results to improve future
production and planning

182 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as major activities from the project
evaluate project information
4.2 Explain how to calculate the resources needed for major activities
4.3 Describe what to identify as the sources of resources from the project
information available
4.4 Explain how to prepare a draft work programme
4.5 Explain how to evaluate alternative methods, resources and systems,
in order to select the optimum solution to meet project requirements
4.6 Explain how to obtain clarification and advice where the resources
needed are not available
4.7 Examine how to analyse the sequential programming of activities
against project requirements and the requirements of significant
external factors and necessary resources
4.8 Explain how to ensure that the produced programmes and schedules
of planned activities are consistent with the complexity of the project

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 183

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4.9 Explain how to confirm alterations to the works programme which
will meet changed circumstances or offer cost and time benefits
4.10 Explain how to calculate the savings accurately from alternations to
the works programmes
4.11 Evaluate how to justify the savings from alterations to the works
programmes to decision makers
4.12 Propose how to develop a system for monitoring and recording the
works programme
4.13 Explain how to implement a system for monitoring and recording the
works programme and use the results to improve future production
and planning
4.14 Explain how to use the results from the system for monitoring and
recording the works programme to improve future production and

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

184 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 15: Analyse, Monitor and
Optimise Materials,
Plant and Services in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: D/505/8314

Level: 6
Credit value: 13
Guided learning hours: 20

Unit summary
This unit is about analysing design information and operational plans. It is also
about evaluating supplier performance and providing resources to help them meet
supply project requirements.
You will need to analyse design information, operational plans, user feedback and
quantities, and then confirm supply requirements.
You will also need to identify the opportunities for economising on usage, cost and
the environmental impact of supplies. You will then confirm and monitor purchase
plans to ensure that supply requirements and changing circumstances are met.
You will need to evaluate supplier performance, and identify, record and pass on
information to suppliers regarding any issues in respect of supply requirements.
You will also identify, discuss and agree changes with suppliers which will improve
performance, advise suppliers and provide resources to help them meet supply and
project requirements.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 185

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Users:
● principal contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● direct labour organisations
● clients.
2. Supplies:
● raw materials
● manufactured materials
● components
● systems
● prefabricated components
● people
● construction plant and equipment.
3. Supply requirements:
● price
● quantity
● availability and lead time
● delivery
● life expectancy
● maintenance and servicing
● storage and handling
● health and safety issues
● environmental issues (including sustainability)
● transportation
● deterioration and damage
● loss and theft
● after-sales service
● payment terms
● cash flow.

186 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
4. Circumstances:
● over and under supply
● changes to project programme
● non-availability
● inadequately and inappropriately specified resources.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Suppliers of:
● raw materials
● manufactured materials
● components
● systems
● prefabricated requirements
● people
● construction plant and equipment.
2. Supply requirements:
● price
● quantity
● quality
● availability and lead time
● delivery
● life expectancy
● maintenance and servicing
● storage and handling
● environmental issues (including sustainability)
● health and safety competence
● transportation
● deterioration and damage
● loss and theft
● after sales-service
● payment terms
● cash flow.
Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 187

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Analyses of design and project information, operational plans, user feedback and
quantities, confirmations of suppliers (1.1) [ALL].
2. Records of monitor of the purchasing plan to ensure that supply requirements
are met and that changing circumstances are accommodated (1.3, 1.4) [1.3, 1.4].
Process evidence: not applicable.

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of evaluation(s) of supplier performance which include identified issues
with supply requirements and identified changes passed on to suppliers (3.1, 3.2,
3.3) [3.1, 3.2].
2. Record(s) of supplier development programmes, advice and resources provided
(3.3, 3.4, 3.5) [3.1, 3.2].
Process evidence
1. Meeting(s) with suppliers (3.5) [3.1].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

● the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
● the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

188 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to analyse 1.1 Analyse design and project information, operational plans, user
and monitor feedback and quantities and confirm what materials supplies will be
requirements for required and calculate schedules for the delivery of supplies and lead
supplies times
1.2 Develop an accurate purchasing plan by analysing design information
and projected supply requirements
1.3 Identify the opportunities for standardising materials supplies to
economise on usage, cost and the environmental impact of supplies
1.4 Develop and introduce systems for monitoring and evaluating the
purchasing plan which will identify significant changes in supply
1.5 Accommodate changing circumstances

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 189

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Examine how to analyse design and project information, operational
analyse and plans, user feedback and quantities
2.2 Explain how to confirm what materials supplies will be required and
requirements for
calculate schedules for the delivery of supplies and lead times
2.3 Propose how to develop an accurate purchasing plan by analysing
design information and projected supply requirements
2.4 Describe what to identify as the opportunities for standardising
materials supplies to economise on usage, cost and the environmental
impact of supplies
2.5 Propose how to develop and introduce systems for monitoring and
evaluating the purchasing plan which will identify significant changes
in supply requirements
2.6 Propose how to introduce systems for monitoring and evaluating the
purchasing plan which will identify significant changes in supply
2.7 Explain how to accommodate changing circumstances

190 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to optimise 3.1 Evaluate regularly the performance of suppliers against the supply
supplier requirements
3.2 Identify any issues with supply requirements, record them, pass the
information on to the supplier and discuss it with them
3.3 Identify changes which will improve supplier performance, discuss and
agree changes with the supplier and incorporate agreed actions in
supplier development programmes
3.4 Advise suppliers and provide them with resources which will help
them to meet supply requirements, overall budgetary limits and
project requirements
3.5 Conduct negotiations and meetings with suppliers in a manner which
maintains their goodwill and trust

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 191

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Explain how to evaluate regularly the performance of suppliers
optimise supplier against the supply requirements
4.2 Describe what to identify as any issues with supply requirements
4.3 Explain how to record any issues with supply requirements and pass
the information on to the supplier
4.4 Explain how to discuss any issues with supply requirements with the
4.5 Describe what to identify as changes which will improve supplier
4.6 Explain how to discuss changes with the supplier
4.7 Evaluate how to agree changes with the supplier
4.8 Explain how to incorporate agreed actions in supplier development
4.9 Propose how to advise suppliers about supply requirements, overall
budgetary limits and project requirements
4.10 Explain how to provide suppliers with resources which will help them
to meet supply requirements, overall budgetary limits and project
4.11 Explain how to conduct negotiations and meetings with suppliers in a
manner which maintains their goodwill and trust

192 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 193

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 16: Control Contract Work
in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: A/505/8336

Level: 6
Credit value: 13
Guided learning hours: 30

Unit summary
This unit is about controlling work activities, ensuring that they comply with quality
standards and legal and statutory requirements.
You will need to research quality standards, implement systems and check for
conformity, implementing corrective action where there is non-conformity.
You will need to identify legal and statutory requirements, implement systems and
identify non-compliance, implementing corrective action where there is non-

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements

The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Quality standards:
● statutory requirements
● project specifications
● British Standards
● International Standards
● codes of practice
● organisation standards
● trade advisory guidance and best practice
● set out information.

194 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
2. People responsible:
● the client
● contractors
● consultants
● sub-contractors
● suppliers
● workforce.
3. Systems:
● visual inspection
● comparison with design requirements
● comparison with standard documentation
● check manufacturers documentation
● check delivery notes
● sampling and mock-ups
● testing
● site inspection reports
● contractors reports
● site meetings
● dimension checks.
4. Work:
● materials and components and their use
● methods of construction
● dimensional control.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Legal and statutory requirements and responsibilities for:
● Building Control
● environmental health
● health, safety and welfare
● environment
● fire
● utilities regulations
● highways
● heritage
● development licences and building permits
● employment practice
● byelaws
● non-statutory guidelines.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 195

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
2. Monitor systems:
● visual inspection
● comparison with design requirements
● comparison with standard documentation
● check manufacturers documentation
● check delivery notes
● sampling
● testing
● site inspection reports
● contractors’ reports
● site meetings.
3. Corrective action:
● instigate contingency action and restore compliance
● agree waiver.
4. People who have an interest:
● the client
● contractors
● consultants
● sub-contractors
● suppliers
● workforce.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of researched quality standards and specified responsibilities (1.1, 1.2)
[1.1, 1.2].
2. Record(s) of systems for inspection and control which include checks, work
failing requirements and corrective action (1.3, 1.4, 1.5) [1.1, 1.3, 1.4].

196 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
3. Record(s) of information referred to others which include(s) correcting
unacceptable quality standards, notifications to decision makers variations in
quality standards, programme and safety implications, specifications which conflict
with statutory and legal requirements, recommended improvements from feedback,
amendments to contract quality requirements and specifications (1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9,
1.10) [1.1].
4. Specifications which conflict with statutory and legal requirements (1.8) [1.1].
Process evidence
1. Records of work that fails to meet the requirements (1.5) [1.1].

Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following item(s) that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of implemented monitor systems which include legal and statutory
requirements identified from collected information, noncomplying situations,
investigations and corrective action, identified and referred new legal and statutory
requirements (3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) [ALL].
2. Record(s) of briefing(s) provided to the workforce (3.2) [3.1].
3. Record(s) of statutory returns which have been completed (3.6) [3.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 197

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to control 1.1 Research quality standards and guidance from available information
contracts against and pass them to people responsible for their implementation before
agreed quality they start work
standards and
1.2 Specify the responsibilities which individuals have for maintaining
quality standards and guidance
1.3 Set up systems for inspecting and controlling the quality of work and
record the outcomes
1.4 Check, regularly, that work conforms to the design requirements and
the specified quality standards and guidance
1.5 Identify work which fails to meet the requirements and specified
quality standards and guidance and implement corrective action
1.6 Inform decision makers regularly about significant variations in quality
standards and guidance programme and safety implications, and
suggest appropriate actions which they need to take
1.7 Identify specifications which conflict with statutory and contractual
requirements and refer them to decision makers for modification
1.8 Identify improvements from feedback received and recommend them
to decision makers
1.9 Agree amendments to the contract quality requirements and
specifications and record them accurately

198 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Examine how to research quality standards and guidance from
control contracts available information
against agreed
2.2 Explain how to pass quality standards and guidance to people
quality standards
responsible for their implementation before they start work
and guidance
2.3 Evaluate how to specify the responsibilities which individuals have for
maintaining quality standards and guidance
2.4 Propose how to set up systems for inspecting and controlling the
quality of work
2.5 Explain how to record the outcomes of setting up systems for
inspecting and controlling the quality of work
2.6 Explain how to check, regularly, that work conforms to the design
requirements and the specified quality standards and guidance
2.7 Describe what to identify as work which fails to meet the
requirements and specified quality standards and guidance
2.8 Explain how to implement corrective action where work fails to meet
the requirements and specified quality standards and guidance
2.9 Explain how to inform decision makers regularly about significant
variations in quality standards and guidance
2.10 Describe what to identify as specifications which conflict with statutory
and contractual requirements
2.11 Explain how to refer specifications which conflict with statutory and
contractual requirements to decision makers for modification
2.12 Describe what to identify as improvements from feedback received

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 199

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2.13 Propose how to recommend improvements from feedback received to
decision makers
2.14 Evaluate how to agree amendments to the contract quality
requirements and specifications
2.15 Explain how to record the agreed amendments to the contract quality
requirements and specifications
3 Be able to maintain 3.1 Identify statutory and contractual requirements from available
contract information and clarify them where there is uncertainty
compliance with
3.2 Brief people about their statutory and contractual requirements before
statutory and
they start work on the contract
requirements 3.3 Develop and implement monitoring systems, collect information
regularly and summarise it accurately
3.4 Identify situations which do not comply with statutory and contractual
requirements, investigate the circumstances thoroughly and take
appropriate corrective action
3.5 Identify any new statutory and contractual requirements which may
have an impact on the project, summarise the important details and
pass this on to people who have an interest

200 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Describe what to identify as statutory and contractual requirements
maintain contract from available information
compliance with
4.2 Explain how to clarify statutory and contractual requirements from
statutory and
available information where there is uncertainty
requirements 4.3 Explain how to brief people about their statutory and contractual
requirements before they start work on the contract
4.4 Propose how to develop monitoring systems
4.5 Explain how to implement monitoring systems, collect information
regularly and summarise it accurately
4.6 Describe what to identify as situations which do not comply with
statutory and contractual requirements
4.7 Examine how to investigate the circumstances thoroughly and take
appropriate corrective action
4.8 Explain how to take appropriate corrective action where situations do
not comply with statutory and contractual requirements
4.9 Describe what to identify as any new statutory and contractual
requirements which may have an impact on the project
4.10 Explain how to summarise the important details and pass this on to
people who have an interest

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 201

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

202 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit 17: Optimise and Control
Contract Progress and
Costs in Construction
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: F/505/8354

Level: 6
Credit value: 13
Guided learning hours: 30

Unit summary
This unit is about developing systems to monitor and record progress, and briefing
decision makers about progress. It is also about managing and implementing
contract cost control systems and implementing corrective action.
You will need to develop systems to monitor and record progress, and review
resources to accommodate changing circumstances in order to optimise resources.
You will also need to confirm and investigate any deviations to implement
corrective action and recommend options that assist the contract progress. You will
also brief decision makers about progress, resources and action that needs taking.
You will then identify improvements and recommend them to decision makers.
You will need to manage and implement contract cost control systems, review and
summarise cost data, identify variations and trends, and identify and quantify
opportunities for cost savings. You will then investigate variations, and agree and
implement corrective action.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 203

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Systems to monitor and record:
● visual inspection
● resource records
● site inspection reports
● contractors’ reports
● certified payments
● written and graphical records of actual work against programmed work
● site meetings
● key performance indicators.
2. Programmes:
● bar charts
● network analysis
● critical path
● action lists
● resource
● design factors
● industrial disputes
● construction errors
● inclement weather
● physical (site) constraints
● legal.
● method statements
● project expenditure forecasts.
3. Resources:
● people
● plant and equipment
● materials and components
● finance
● time
● specialist services

204 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
● utility services
● information.
4. Changing circumstances:
● over and under supply
● changes to project programme
● non-availability
● inadequately and inappropriately specified resources.
5. Deviations:
● resource
● design factors
● industrial disputes
● construction errors
● inclement weather
● physical (site) constraints
● legal.
6. Corrective action:
● restore progress to accord with the agreed programme
● agree new completion dates
● initiate contract claim
● securing additional resources
● altering planned work.
7. Decision makers:
● the client
● contractors
● consultants
● suppliers
● internal management.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Contract cost monitor systems:
● contractual procedures and meetings
● organisational procedures and meetings.
2. Cost data:
● materials and quantities
● plant
● people
● sub-contractors

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 205

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
● dayworks
● periodic valuations
● retention sums
● forecasts of expenditure
● performance information
● contract programme and progress.
3. Opportunities for cost saving:
● waste reduction
● resource management and logistics
● applications of new technology
● energy management
● recyclable materials
● alternative sources and types of materials
● plant and labour which meet project requirements
● variations in quality.
4. Corrective action:
● regulating expenditure to conform with budgets
● agree additional costs
● making a contract claim.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Progress monitor and record system(s) including record(s) (1.1) [1.1, 1.2].
2. Record(s) of resources reviewed which accommodate changes (1.2) [1.3, 1.4].
3. Record(s) of briefings and recommendations passed to decision makers which
include options likely to optimise cost and time, changes, resource needs,
suggested decisions and improvements from feedback (1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6) [1.3, 1.4,
1.5, 1.6, 1.7].
Process evidence: not applicable.

206 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items which are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Reviews and summaries of contract cost monitor system(s) which include
records of cost data (3.1, 3.2) [3.1, 3.2].
2. Record(s) of corrective action which include identified and investigated variations
and trends in cost data (3.3, 3.4) [3.2, 3.4].
Process evidence: not applicable.

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 207

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to optimise 1.1 Develop resource and cost control systems to monitor and record the
contract progress progress of the contract against the agreed programme
1.2 Review and optimise resources to accommodate changing
1.3 Confirm and investigate the circumstances of any deviations
thoroughly and agree and implement appropriate corrective action
1.4 Brief decision makers about progress, changes to the operational
programme, resource needs and suggest action that need to be taken
1.5 Identify improvements from feedback received and recommend them
to decision makers

208 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Propose how to develop resource and cost control systems to monitor
optimise contract and record the progress of the contract against the agreed
progress programme
2.2 Examine how to review and optimise resources to accommodate
changing circumstances
2.3 Explain how to confirm the circumstances of any deviations
2.4 Examine how to investigate the circumstances of any deviations
2.5 Evaluate how to agree corrective action in the circumstances of any
2.6 Explain how to implement corrective action in the circumstances of
any deviations
2.7 Explain how to brief decision makers about progress, changes to the
operational programme and resource needs
2.8 Propose how to suggest the decisions and actions that need to be
2.9 Describe what to identify as improvements from feedback received
2.10 Propose how to recommend improvement to decision makers

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 209

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to control 3.1 Manage and implement appropriate resource and cost control systems
contract costs which are able to provide early warning of problems
3.2 Review and summarise accurate resource and cost data and present it
in a format which will help people to make decisions
3.3 Identify variations and trends in resource and cost data and identify
and quantify commercial opportunities for cost savings
3.4 Investigate any variations and agree and implement appropriate
corrective action

210 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Evaluate how to manage appropriate resource and cost control
control contract systems which are able to provide early warning of problems
4.2 Explain how to implement appropriate resource and cost control
systems which are able to provide early warning of problems
4.3 Examine how to review accurate resource and cost data in a format
which will help people to make decision
4.4 Explain how to summarise and present accurate resource and cost
data in a format which will help people to make decision
4.5 Evaluate present resource and cost data in a format which will help
people to make decisions
4.6 Describe how to identify variations and trends in resource and cost
4.7 Describe what to identify opportunities for cost savings
4.8 Examine how to quantify opportunities for cost savings
4.9 Examine how to investigate any variations
4.10 Evaluate how to agree appropriate corrective action
4.11 Explain how to implement appropriate corrective action

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

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Unit 18: Prepare and Agree
Contract Accounts and
Entitlement in
Contracting Operations

Unit reference number: D/505/8359

Level: 6
Credit value: 14
Guided learning hours: 40

Unit summary
This unit is about valuing work in progress, preparing and submitting accounts,
assessing the basis of claims and progressing valid claims. You will need to value
work in progress, price and reference quantities used in valuations and accounts,
value variations and agree non-standard rates.
You will also need to identify the liability for the cost of re-work and additional
work. You will need to prepare and submit valuations, accounts and clarify any
areas of disagreement. You must also record documents, back-up information and
calculations for audit and reference.
You will need to assess the basis of claims for the recovery of loss and expense
against the contract seek expert opinion where appropriate and progress valid
claims. You will also calculate claims, analyse opposing grounds for the claims, and
negotiate and agree amendments with the people involved. You will then record
documents and back-up information for audit and reference purposes.

212 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements
Please note the information in the () round brackets relates to the performance
criteria in the NOS and the information in the [ ] square brackets relates to the
range items in the NOS.
The following ranges apply to the assessment criteria given in this unit.

Learning outcomes 1 and 2

1. Valuing work in progress:
● verified information sources
● contract valuations
● variations
● adjustments and allowances made
● negotiation
● valuation
● cash flow.
2. Contract – type:
● main contract
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers contract
● consultant agreement.
3. Valuations and accounts:
● interim payment
● final accounts.
4. Variations:
● costs
● quantity
● quality
● progress.

Learning outcomes 3 and 4

1. Claims – resulting from:
● measurement
● valuation of variations
● liability for costs
● loss and expense arising from breaches of contract
● extensions of time
● damages arising from extra-contractual consideration.

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2. Contract – type:
● main contractors
● sub/works/trade contractors
● suppliers contract
● consultant agreement.
3. Expert opinion:
● legal
● technical.
4. Information sources:
● contract provisions
● contract claims for payment
● dimensions and approximations from latest revisions of contract drawings
● records of executed work
● inspections of work in progress
● daywork
● agreed contract quantities
● agreed contract rates of payment
● agreed methods of calculation
● records of meetings.
5. Analyse:
● claimants’ analysis
● respondents’ analysis.

Taken as a whole, the evidence must show that the learner consistently meets all
the assessment criteria, across the ranges for the element.
Performance evidence
There must be workplace evidence against each assessment criterion. Where the
workplace evidence does not cover a whole range, knowledge evidence must be
provided to cover the remaining items of range for each relevant assessment

Learning outcome 1
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Valuation(s), and account(s), which include the value of work in progress, values
of variations, liability for the cost of re-work and additional work and estimates
(1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) [ALL].
2. Back-up information and calculations (1.5, 1.6) [1.1].
Process evidence: not applicable.

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Learning outcome 3
Product evidence
The learner must produce documentary evidence from the workplace covering the
following items that are considered to be common and key to demonstrating
1. Record(s) of progressed and valid claims (3.1) [3.1, 3.2, 3.3].
2. Record(s) of negotiations which include, calculations, analyses of opposing
grounds for claims, agreed amendments (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5) [3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5].
3. Records of documents, back up information, calculations (3.2, 3.6) [3.1, 3.4].
Process evidence
1. Presentation(s) to and negotiations with people involved in the contract (3.3,
3.4, 3.5) [3.1, 3.2, 3.4].

This unit must be assessed in a work environment, in accordance with:

 the Additional Requirements for Qualifications using the title NVQ in QCF
 the ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and
the Built Environment.
Assessors for this unit must have verifiable, current industry experience and a
sufficient depth of relevant occupational expertise and knowledge, and must use a
combination of assessment methods as defined in the Consolidated Assessment
Workplace evidence of skills cannot be simulated.

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Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
To pass this unit, the learner needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria outline
the requirements the learner is expected to meet to achieve the unit.

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date

type reference
1 Be able to prepare 1.1 Value work in progress, and agree the calculations with valuers who
and agree interim are acting for the people involved in the contract
valuations and final
1.2 Price and reference the quantities used in valuations and accounts so
that they meet contract provisions
1.3 Value variations and items which do not have an agreed contract rate
by agreeing justifiable non-standard rates
1.4 Identify the liability for the cost of re-work and additional work, agree
the liability with the people involved in the contract and record the
estimates to meet administrative and contractual requirements
1.5 Prepare and submit accurate valuations and accounts which contain
relevant background information and clarify and justify areas of
potential disagreement
1.6 Record documents, back-up information and calculations accurately,
reference them clearly and store them so that they can be easily
referred to for audit and reference

216 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
2 Understand how to 2.1 Examine how to value work in progress
prepare and agree
2.2 Evaluate how to agree the calculations with valuers who are acting for
interim valuations
the people involved in the contract
and final accounts
2.3 Examine how to price the quantities used in valuations and accounts so
that they meet contract provisions
2.4 Explain how to reference the quantities used in valuations and accounts
so that they meet contract provisions
2.5 Examine how to value variations and items which do not have an
agreed contract rate by agreeing justifiable non-standard rates
2.6 Describe what to identify as the liability for the cost of re-work and
additional work
2.7 Evaluate how to agree the liability with the people involved in the
2.8 Explain how to record the estimates to meet administrative and
contractual requirements
2.9 Explain how to prepare and submit accurate valuations and accounts
which contain relevant background information
2.10 Explain how to clarify areas of potential disagreement
2.11 Evaluate how to justify areas of potential disagreement
2.12 Explain how to record documents, back-up information and calculations
accurately, reference them clearly and store them so that they can be
easily referred to for audit and reference

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Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
3 Be able to prepare 3.1 Assess the basis of entitlement and criteria for recovery against the
and agree contract and relevant expert opinion, and progress valid entitlement
compensation which can be substantiated
events and
3.2 Calculate entitlement accurately from relevant and verified information
entitlement for
reimbursement for
loss and expense 3.3 Analyse the opposing grounds for the entitlement, structure the
entitlement clearly and present them
3.4 Negotiate and agree amendments to the entitlement with the parties
involved in the contract
3.5 Conduct negotiations with the parties involved in the contract in a
manner which maintains their goodwill and trust
3.6 Record documents, back-up information and calculations accurately,
reference them clearly and store them so that they can be easily
referred to for audit and reference

218 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria Evidence Portfolio Date
type reference
4 Understand how to 4.1 Examine how to assess the basis of entitlement and criteria for
prepare and agree recovery against the contract and relevant expert opinion
4.2 Explain how to progress valid entitlement which can be substantiated
events and
entitlement for 4.3 Explain how to calculate entitlement accurately from relevant and
reimbursement for verified information sources
loss and expense
4.4 Examine how to analyse the opposing grounds for the entitlement
4.5 Explain how to structure the entitlement clearly
4.6 Explain how to present the entitlement
4.7 Propose how to negotiate amendments to the entitlement with the
parties involved in the contract
4.8 Evaluate how to agree amendments to the entitlement with the parties
involved in the contract
4.9 Explain how to conduct negotiations with the parties involved in the
contract in a manner which maintains their goodwill and trust
4.10 Explain how to record documents, back-up information and calculations
accurately, reference them clearly and store them so that they can be
easily referred to for audit and reference

Learner name: ________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Learner signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Assessor signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Internal verifier signature: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
(if sampled)

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 219

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12 Further information and useful publications

To get in touch with us visit our ‘Contact us’ pages:

● Edexcel, BTEC and Pearson Work Based Learning contact details:
● books, software and online resources for UK schools and colleges:
Key publications
● Adjustments for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties, Access and
Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments, General and Vocational
qualifications (Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ))
● Supplementary guidance for reasonable adjustments and special consideration
in vocational internally assessed units (Pearson)
● General and Vocational qualifications, Suspected Malpractice in Examination and
Assessments: Policies and Procedures (JCQ)
● Equality Policy (Pearson)
● Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Process (Pearson)
● UK Information Manual (Pearson)
● Pearson Edexcel NVQs, SVQs and competence-based qualifications – Delivery
Requirements and Quality Assurance Guidance (Pearson)
All of these publications are available on our website: qualifications.pearson.com
Further information and publications on the delivery and quality assurance of
NVQ/Competence-based qualifications are available at our website on the
Delivering BTEC pages. Our publications catalogue lists all the material available to
support our qualifications. To access the catalogue and order publications, please
go to the resources page of our website.

220 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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13 Professional development and training

Professional development and training

Pearson supports UK and international customers with training related to our
qualifications. This support is available through a choice of training options offered
on our website: qualifications.pearson.com.
The support we offer focuses on a range of issues, such as:
● planning for the delivery of a new programme
● planning for assessment and grading
● developing effective assignments
● building your team and teamwork skills
● developing learner-centred learning and teaching approaches
● building in effective and efficient quality assurance systems.
The national programme of training we offer is on our website at:
qualifications.pearson.com. You can request centre-based training through the
website or you can contact one of our advisers in the Training from Pearson UK
team via Customer Services to discuss your training needs.

Training and support for the lifetime of the qualifications

Training and networks: our training programme ranges from free introductory
events through sector-specific opportunities to detailed training on all aspects of
delivery, assignments and assessment. We also host some regional network events
to allow you to share your experiences, ideas and best practice with colleagues in
your region.
Regional support: our team of Regional Quality Managers, based around the
country, are responsible for providing quality assurance support and guidance to
anyone managing and delivering NVQs/Competence-based qualifications. The
Regional Quality Managers can support you at all stages of the standard verification
process as well as in finding resolutions of actions and recommendations as
To get in touch with our dedicated support teams please visit our website at:
Online support: find the answers to your questions by browsing over 100 FAQs on
our website or by submitting a query using our Work Based Learning Ask the Expert
Service. You can search the database of commonly asked questions relating to all
aspects of our qualifications in the work-based learning market. If you are unable
to find the information you need, send us your query and our qualification or
administrative experts will get back to you. The Ask the Expert service is available
on our website at: qualifications.pearson.com

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Online forum
Pearson Work Based Learning Communities is an online forum where employers,
further education colleges and workplace training providers can seek advice and
clarification about any aspect of our qualifications and services, and share
knowledge and information with others. The forums are sector specific and cover
business administration, customer service, health and social care, hospitality and
catering and retail. The online forum is available on our website at:

222 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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14 Contact us

We have a dedicated Account Support team, across the UK, to give you more
personalised support and advice. To contact your Account Specialist:
Email: wblcustomerservices@pearson.com
Telephone: 0844 576 0045
If you are new to Pearson and would like to become an approved centre, please
contact us by:
Email: wbl@pearson.com
Telephone: 0844 576 0045

Complaints and feedback

We are working hard to give you excellent service. However, if any element of our
service falls below your expectations, we want to understand why, so that we can
prevent it from happening again. We will do all that we can to put things right.
If you would like to register a complaint with us, please email
We will formally acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receipt
and provide a full response within seven working days.

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 223

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Annexe A: Assessment strategy – ConstructionSkills

This is the Assessment Strategy for ConstructionSkills, the Sector Skills Council
(SSC) for construction and the built environment. The strategy itself contains a
number of appendices, which are also included.
Consolidated Assessment Strategy for Construction and the Built
Environment – Craft, Supervisory, Technical, Managerial and Professional
This assessment strategy provides principles and guidance to awarding
organisations so the assessment of units and qualifications with NVQ in the
Qualifications and Credit Framework title and SVQs is valid, effective and
consistent, and has credibility across the Construction and Built Environment
sector. This is a consolidated ConstructionSkills Assessment Strategy covering
construction and the built environment – craft, supervisory, technical, managerial
and professional NVQ and SVQ units and qualifications. This assessment strategy is
one of the strands of the ConstructionSkills’ Construction Qualification Strategy.
These principles are in addition to the requirements that awarding organisations
must meet for the delivery of NVQ and SVQ units and qualifications as required by
the qualification regulators’ documentation.
This consolidated assessment strategy provides the overarching principles as
systems may vary from one awarding organisation to another. Awarding
organisations must consistently put these principles into practice.
Appendix A provides guidance to help awarding organisations incorporate relevant
parts of these principle requirements in their documentation.
Appendix B provides a list of sub annexes relevant to specific NVQ or SVQ
qualifications and units; these sub appendices contain additional information for
awarding organisations where National Working Groups or Awarding Body Fora
have identified the need for specific clarification. Clarification may be about the
terminology of the content of the unit (ref. section 2.1), or specific occupational
expertise requirements for assessors and verifiers (ref. section 4).
Awarding organisations must make this Strategy and the relevant annexes available
to assessors, verifiers and candidates.

1. External quality control of assessment
1.1 Awarding organisations must use risk management for external quality
control of assessment. They must evaluate all external verification reports
and other data relating to assessment centres. Awarding organisations must
address any risks relating to quality control, considering the sector
assessment strategy requirements for:
● workplace evidence
● the use of simulation
● the occupational competence of assessors and verifiers..

224 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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1.2 The monitoring and standardisation of assessment decisions must be
achieved by robust and strong internal and external verification systems that
meet the requirements of the qualification regulators’ documentation.
1.3 Awarding organisations must be members of the sector’s Built Environment
Awarding Body Forum, of which the qualification regulators are members.
Members will be expected to provide feedback on National Occupational
Standards (NOS), NVQ or SVQ units and qualifications, including aspects
informing incremental change.
1.4 The Forum will, in respect of this strategy:
● build on the good relationships with awarding organisations
● provide opportunities to identify and address particular issues of
external quality control
● contribute to improving quality and consistency
● support awarding organisations to monitor assessment centres’
performance to identify areas and levels of risk
● provide information and statistics about take-up and completion, as
well as trends and developments that can be used by
ConstructionSkills and awarding organisations to identify any problem
areas and agree remedial action
● discuss matters concerning quality assurance, as well as providing
the opportunity to identify issues arising from implementation of NOS
and related vocational qualifications
● inform the continuous improvement of NOS, and awards derived from
● identify and share best practices to build a whole industry approach
to pursue excellence in education and work-based learning and
assessment process to achieve competence.
1.5 Awarding organisations and their partners, assessment centres, verifiers and
assessors must maintain robust and transparent operational arrangements.
They must preserve independence in assessment, certification and quality
assurance processes. Awarding organisations must ensure clear separation
of their NVQ/SVQ assessment responsibilities from their industry, training,
membership, certification, accreditation and commercial interests and
resolve any conflicts of interest.
1.6 Where e-assessment is used, it must meet the requirements of the
qualification regulators’ documentation.

2 Aspects to be assessed through performance in the workplace

2.1 Direct evidence produced through normal performance in the workplace is
the primary source for meeting the requirements. This includes naturally
occurring documentary evidence (hard copy and electronic), direct
observation of activities and witness testimony as relevant.
ConstructionSkills’ National Working Groups will specify any exceptions to
this position (see section 3).

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2.2 Workplace evidence must be supported by the required evidence of
knowledge and understanding. This evidence may be identified by:
● questioning the candidate
● recognised industry education and training programme assessment or
professional interview assessment that has been matched to NOS
● performance evidence.
2.3 A holistic approach towards the collection of evidence should be encouraged.
The focus should be on assessing activities generated by the whole work
experience rather than focusing on specific tasks. This would show how
evidence requirements could be met across the qualification to make the
most efficient use of evidence. Annex A suggests standard evidence notes
for awarding organisations.

3 How simulated working conditions may be used to assess

3.1 Simulations (designed situations for producing artificially generated
evidence) may only be used where candidates are prevented from gathering
direct evidence from the workplace in the normal way because:
● there are hazards
● it is difficult to distinguish individual performance in team situations
● circumstances occur infrequently or long-term results are involved
● confidentiality is important
● there are organisational constraints.
3.2 Any instances where simulation is considered to be acceptable as an
alternative (to direct workplace evidence) means of generating evidence, will
be determined by the relevant ConstructionSkills National Working Group
and stated in the unit. Annex A suggests standard evidence notes for
awarding organisations.
3.3 The ConstructionSkills National Working Group will determine and specify on
the required realistic working environment and context to be adopted. This
could include appropriate:
● tools, equipment and instruments
● materials
● types of contingencies
● standards and quality specifications
● real timescales
● quantities of work
● physical conditions
● relationships with people
● types of interaction
● communication methods and media
● information and data.

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3.4 Where simulated evidence is stated as acceptable in the unit, the
circumstances and requirements for the simulation needs to be confirmed by
discussions between the candidate and the assessor, and which are then
agreed by the internal and external verifiers.
3.5 Where other Standard Setting Bodies’ units are imported into a
ConstructionSkills suite, the evidence requirements of the originating body
will be adopted and specified.

4 Occupational expertise requirements for assessors and verifiers

4.1 Awarding organisations must ensure that assessors:
4.1.1 have sufficient, verifiable, relevant current industry experience, knowledge
and understanding of the occupational working area at, or above, the level
being assessed. This must be of sufficient depth to be effective and reliable
when judging candidates’ competence. Assessors’ experience, knowledge
and understanding could be verified by a combination of:
● curriculum vitae and employer endorsement
● references
● possession of a relevant NVQ/SVQ, or vocationally related
● corporate membership of a relevant professional institution
● interview
(The verification process must be recorded and available for audit)
4.1.2 have sufficient occupational expertise so they have up to date experience,
knowledge and understanding of the particular aspects of work they are
assessing. This could be verified by records of continuing professional
development achievements
4.1.3 only assess in their acknowledged area of occupational competence
4.1.4 have a sound, in-depth knowledge of, and uphold the integrity of, the
sector’s NOS and this Assessment Strategy (this document)
4.1.5 are prepared to participate in training activities for their continued
professional development
4.1.6 hold, or are working towards, a qualification as listed within ‘Assessing and
Assuring Quality of Assessment’, either in the Qualifications and Credit
Framework (QCF), or the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
● Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Vocational Achievement
or hold one of the following
● A1 Assess candidates using a range of methods
● D32/33 Assess candidate performance, using differing sources of

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 227

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Holders of A1 and D32/33 must assess to the reviewed National
Occupational Standards (NOS) for Learning and Development.
In Scotland, approval for exemptions must be obtained from the Scottish
Qualifications Authority.
4.2 Awarding organisations must ensure that internal verifiers:
4.2.1 have sufficient, verifiable, relevant up to date experience, knowledge and
understanding of the occupational working area at, or above, the level being
verified. This must be of sufficient depth to be effective and reliable when
verifying judgements about assessors’ assessment processes and decisions.
Internal verifiers’ experience, knowledge and understanding could be verified
by a combination of:
● curriculum vitae and employer endorsement
● references
● possession of a relevant NVQ/SVQ, or vocationally related
● corporate membership of a relevant professional institution
● interview
(The verification process must be recorded and available for audit)
4.2.2 have expertise so they have up to date experience, knowledge and
understanding of the particular aspects of work they are verifying. This could
be verified by records of continuing professional development achievements
4.2.3 have a sound, in-depth knowledge of, and uphold the integrity of, the NOS
and this Assessment Strategy (this document)
4.2.4 are prepared to participate in training activities for their continued
professional development
4.2.5 hold, or are working towards, a qualification as listed in ‘Assessing and
Assuring Quality of Assessment’, either in the Qualifications and Credit
Framework, or the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF):
● Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment
Process and Practice
● Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of
Assessment Process and Practice
● SVQ(SCQF level) in the Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment
Process and Practice
● SVQ (SCQF level) in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of
Assessment Process and Practice
or hold one of the following
● VI Conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process
● D34 Internal verify the assessment process.
Holders of V1/D34 must quality assure to the reviewed National
Occupational Standards (NOS) for Learning and Development.
It is strongly recommended that within the role of Internal Quality Assurance
one of the following qualifications is held.

228 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
● Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Vocational Achievement
or one of the following
● A1 Assess candidates using a range of methods
● D32/33 Assess candidate performance, using differing sources of
4.3 Awarding organisations must ensure that external verifiers:
4.3.1 have sufficient, verifiable, relevant experience, knowledge and a broad
understanding of the occupational working area at, or above, the level being
verified. This must be of sufficient depth to be effective and reliable when
verifying judgements about internal verification and assessment processes
and decisions. External verifiers’ experience, knowledge and understanding
could be verified by a combination of:
● curriculum vitae and employer endorsement
● references
● possession of a relevant NVQ/SVQ, or vocationally related
● corporate membership of a relevant professional institution
● interview
(The verification process must be recorded and available for audit)
4.3.2 have sufficient expertise so they have an up to date experience, knowledge
and understanding of the particular aspects of work they are verifying. This
could be verified by records of continuing professional development
4.3.3 have a sound, in-depth knowledge of, and uphold the integrity of, the NOS
and this Assessment Strategy (this document)
4.3.4 are prepared to participate in training activities for their continued
professional development
4.3.5 hold, or are working towards, a qualification as listed in ‘Assessing and
Assuring Quality of Assessment’, either in the Qualifications and Credit
Framework (QCF), or the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
● Level 4 Award in the External Quality Assurance of the Assessment
Process and Practice
● Level 4 Certificate in Leading the External Quality Assurance of
● SVQ (SCQF level) in the External Quality Assurance of the
Assessment Process and Practice
● SVQ (SCQF) in Leading the External Quality Assurance of Assessment

Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management – 229

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or hold one of the following
● V2 Conduct external quality assurance of the assessment process
● D35 Externally verify the assessment process.
Holders of V2/D35 must quality assure to the reviewed National
Occupational Standards (NOS) for Learning and Development.
It is strongly recommended that within the role of External Quality
Assurance one of the following qualifications is held at Level 3 and Level 4.
Level 3:
● Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
● SVQ (SCQF level) Assessing Vocational Achievement
or one of the following
● A1 Assess candidates using a range of methods
● D32/33 Assess candidate performance, using differing sources of
Level 4:
● Level 4 Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment
Process and Practice
● Level 4 Certificate in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of
Assessment Process and Practice
● SVQ(SCQF level) in the Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment
Process and Practice
● SVQ (SCQF level) in Leading the Internal Quality Assurance of
Assessment Process and Practice
● VI Conduct internal quality assurance of the assessment process
● D34 Internal verify the assessment process.

4.4 Selection and appointment of assessors and verifiers

All applicants should be advised that they may be interviewed. Applicants’
CVs should be profiled against the activities and range of the NVQ/SVQ(s)
they will assess/verify to check that the applicant has the relevant current
experience, knowledge and understanding of the occupational working area:
● at, or above, the level they will be assessing
● of sufficient depth to credibly verify judgements and assessments
● to uphold the integrity of the NOS and this Consolidated Assessment
All assessors should have experience as well as, not in lieu of, qualifications.
Where there seem to be gaps in a potentially suitable applicant’s experience
and knowledge, the applicant should be interviewed. Successful applicants’
CVs, profiling, reasons for not needing to interview and interview records
should be available for audit.

230 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

Specification – Issue 4 – January 2018 © Pearson Education Limited 2018
Appendix B1
Additional Information to the Consolidated Assessment Strategy from the
National Working Group for Controlling Lifting Operations
Part A: Clarification and guidance notes
This additional information has been produced to ensure consistency in interpreting
the occupational expertise requirements for assessors as described in paragraph
4.1 of the ConstructionSkills’ Consolidated Assessment Strategy. This should help
awarding organisations incorporate relevant parts of the assessment strategy
principles’ requirements in their documentation for the Controlling Lifting
Operations units and qualifications with NVQ in the QCF title and SVQs.

Additional requirements for assessors of planning and supervising lifting

Assessors must be competent and have an up-to-date working knowledge of the
occupation and sector. Assessors must have had active involvement in lifting
operations and on each endorsement for which they wish to assess. The awarding
body must ensure that all assessors are competent on each endorsement for which
they intend to assess.

Supplementary guidance
In order to meet contractual and regulative requirements, many sectors of industry
require lift planners and supervisors to possess certification from recognised
industry approved bodies. The awarding body should ideally encourage all
assessors to hold appropriate registration cards or certificates to support industry
initiatives for a qualified workforce.
Where lifting experience was gained within the armed forces, applicants for
assessor status should ideally gain external work experience within industry, or be
able to demonstrate knowledge of relevant industry working practices outside the
armed forces.

Part B: Clarification on standards (NOS) content terminology

Various sectors of industry, supported by the Health and Safety Executive,

requested national occupational standards for the safety critical occupations of lift
planner and lift supervisor. Standards from the suite of National Occupational
Standards for Construction Site Supervision and Construction Site Management
were identified by the National Working Group (NWG) as conveniently defining the
job roles of planner and supervisor.
Certain standards (NOS), however, use terminology particular to, or make
reference to, the construction sector, limiting the scope of the standards.
Clarification of NOS terminology has been produced (Appendix B1, page ii), by the
NWG, for awarding organisations, which provides interpretation and meaning of
selected words that are used in lifting operations within other industrial sectors.
Provision of this clarification further avoids a proliferation of new standards.
Awarding organisations need to ensure that candidates, employers, assessment
centres, assessors and those involved in the verification process for this
qualification are informed of the clarification of NOS terminology for planning and
supervising lifting operations.

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Clarification of NOS terminology for controlling lifting operations

‘construction operations’ Includes lifting operations within other sectors of

‘decision-makers’ This refers to the client, customer or their
representative, senior/contracts manager, project
team, consultants or in VR 705 the lift planner
‘ensure notice has been given This means as dictated by the lift plan
to all the people who will
be affected’
lines’, ‘levels’, ‘angles’ This includes load levels, ground levels, lines for
placing loads and lifting accessory angles
‘near neighbours’ This can include other structures and a workforce
in a different part of the project
‘organise and control the site’ The lifting activity and the immediate
surrounding area
‘position, align and/or level This refers to items being moved and placed and
the work’ the equipment used to attach and move the
‘produce clear requests for This means those specified by the lift plan
equipment or machinery’
‘place and maintain notices’ This means ensuring that the correct notices (for
the lifting activity) are in place prior to the
commencement of the lifting activity, and
checked throughout the duration of the activity
‘plan how the work will This means as dictated by the lift plan
be undertaken’
‘programmes and schedules’ This refers to either components part of, or the
complete lift plan
‘project’ A lifting operation that is taking place within an
overall contract, project or work activity
‘project plan’ This refers to either components part of, or the
complete lift plan
‘site’ A lifting operation that is taking place within an
overall contract, project or work activity
‘site plan’ This refers to either components part of, or the
complete lift plan
‘vehicular access’ This can comprise of all forms of transport,
including waterborne and airborne craft

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Appendix B2
Additional Information to the Consolidated Assessment Strategy from the
Awarding Body Forum for Plant Operations

Clarification and guidance notes

Aspects to be assessed through performance in the workplace

This additional information has been produced to ensure consistency in aspects to
be assessed through performance in the workplace as described in paragraph 2.1
of the ConstructionSkills’ Consolidated Assessment Strategy. This should help
awarding organisations incorporate the guidance into their assessment
methodology for Plant Operations units and qualifications with NVQ in the
QCF title and SVQ in the SCQF.

Additional requirements for assessment in the workplace

Direct evidence produced through normal performance in the workplace is the
primary source for meeting the requirements. This direct evidence must be met
using a combination of the following methods:
● direct observation by the assessor
● witness testimony by an expert witness related to the occupational area
● professional discussion.
Workplace evidence must be supported by the required evidence of knowledge and
understanding gained from at least three month’s work-based experience.

Occupational expertise requirements for assessors

This additional information has been produced to ensure consistency in interpreting
the occupational expertise requirements for assessors as described in paragraph
4.1 of the ConstructionSkills’ Consolidated Assessment Strategy. This should help
awarding organisations incorporate relevant parts of the assessment strategy
principles’ requirements in their documentation for Plant Operations units and
qualifications with NVQ in the QCF title and SVQs.

Additional requirements for assessors of plant operations

Assessors must be competent and have an up-to-date working knowledge of the
occupation and sector. Assessors must have had active involvement in plant
operations and on each endorsement for which they wish to assess. The awarding
organisation must ensure that all assessors are competent on each endorsement for
which they intend to assess in accordance with requirements of the qualification
regulators’ guidance for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Supplementary guidance
In order to meet contractual and regulative requirements, many sectors of industry
require operators of plant and equipment to possess certification from recognised
industry approved bodies. The awarding organisation should ideally encourage all
assessors to hold appropriate registration cards or certificates to support industry
initiatives for a qualified workforce. Where plant-operating experience was gained
within the armed forces, applicants for assessor status should ideally gain external
work experience within industry, or be able to demonstrate knowledge of relevant
industry working practices outside the armed forces.

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Appendix C
Guidance on the use of simulation


National Occupational Standards (NOS) are developed by Sector Skills Councils

(SSCs) and describe the level of occupational competence required of a particular
job role. NOS are then used to build National and Scottish Vocational Qualifications
(N/SVQs) that are competence based qualifications and demand assessment in a
workplace environment.
Assessment of N/SVQs through simulation is indicated where the achievement of
valid and reliable assessment calls for evidence of performance under workplace
conditions, but where it will be difficult to assess through normal working practice.
This will usually apply as a result of one or more of the following constraints:
● activities which are inherently hazardous and where mistakes made in
carrying them out would pose unacceptable risks to the candidate, other
people, animals or property (e.g. electricity and gas sectors, fire service
● the costs incurred would be unacceptably high if mistakes where made
during an activity and a candidate would therefore be required to ‘prove’
competence before progressing onto the actual work (e.g. handling rare or
precious objects)
● situations where the qualities and outcomes of the candidate’s behaviour are
almost impossible to distinguish from those of their peers or colleagues,
making authenticity uncertain (e.g. in some teamwork contexts)
● activities or situations which are sufficiently rare (e.g. where processes,
such as ‘shut-down’, may only occur on an annual basis)
● when the collection and/or review of evidence of workplace performance
would intrude unacceptably on personal privacy or confidentiality, or would
significantly alter the nature of an interaction or relationship (e.g. in some
healthcare settings)
● a requirement to work with new techniques and/or work practices which
may not be available in all workplaces.
Where permitted, simulation can take one or a combination of the two following
● the candidate is presented with an activity to perform using equipment
and/or in a location which replicates that found in the workplace
● the candidate is presented with a situation to which they must respond;
taking and playing the role they would expect to play in the workplace.

It is a SSC’s responsibility to define the acceptability of evidence from simulation in

the context of National Occupational Standards (NOS) and National and Scottish
Vocational Qualifications (N/SVQs). The ConstructionSkills Consolidated Assessment
Strategy provides this guidance.

234 Pearson Edexcel Level 6 Diploma in Construction Contracting Operations Management –

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January 2018

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