Pasha Sapronov: Work Experience
Pasha Sapronov: Work Experience
Pasha Sapronov: Work Experience
I have 5 years of System administration experience and 9 years of java development experience. You decide if it
means something to you or not.
Work Experience
openjdk-8, openjdk-11, python 2.7, maven 3, SQL Oracle DB, mybatis(barely touched), Jenkins, SSH, Bash, Intellij
Idea, git
Also, I have implemented a prototype of another webapp for a separate project using openjdk-11,
Spring Boot/MVC and Angular 8 technologies. This project used Dremio's rest API as a source of data for the end-
users. The purpose of this app was to provide internal apple users with a simple and convenient way to request some
special types of reports with quick filter and sort premade options to increase usability.
Also worked on the project. In particular, implemented the web api with spring
controller for the "Registration of new user" page, and a bit for the "ThreadView" controller, also fixed the spring validation
integration. Helped to configure the development environment for my colleagues (for newcomers). Also many other
things. So if you are not happy there with something you know who is partially responsible for that.: )
Environment: openjdk-11, openjdk-8, maven 3, Angular 8, Angular 5, NodeJS, Spring Boot/MVC for web api as
SQL OracleDB, Dremio
oracle-jdk-8, maven 3, servlets, MongoDB, kafka, Tomcat, SSH, Bash, git
oracle-jdk-8, Agular 5, SQL Oracle DB, mongodb, gradle, npm, PostgreSQL, Jenkins, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Spring
MVC, Spring Security, Junit, Mockito, Jasmine, IntellijIDEA, git, SSH, Bash, Pivotal Tracker
oracle-jdk-6, Angular JS, SQL Oracle DB maven, SOPA, Spring, Spring MVC, Tomcat, SSH, Bash, Eclipse, git, Bamboo,
Extensively involved in requirements gathering, analysis and design stages.
Primarily utilized Agile methodology
Involved in development of UI modules using HTML, JSP, Tiles, JavaScript and CSS.
Used various Core Java concepts such as Multi-Threading, Exception Handling, Collections to implement various
features and enhancements.
Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes.
Wrote JavaScript for transparent presentation of both client- and server-side validation.
Designed and developed application based on spring, using MVC design pattern.
Implemented OAUTH 2.0 authentication protocol
Used Hibernate as an object-relational mapping tool thru JPA
Written unit tests
Used Rest-web service to communicate data with third party systems and backend
oracle-jdk-8, REST, SQL MySQL, Spring MVC, JSP, SSH, Bash, GIT, Bamboo, JUnit, Apache Tomcat, Linux, Intellij
oracle-jdk-8, JSF 2, Javascript, JQuery, maven 3, SQL PostgreSQL, SSH, Bash, TeamCity, Eclipse, git
Implementation of pages on client and server sides to satisfy customer requirements.
oracle-jdk-6, JUnit, GWT, Spring MVC, JDBC, SQL Oracle DB, maven, SVN, GIT, SSH, Bash, Jenkins
Another project that I was working on at the same company - was a web-based application whose purpose was to
assign subway tickets for students in Moscow. Worked on both backend and frontend. On this project we used the
same technologies - Java 6 and GWT and Javascript.
The third project was a data-gathering application. It was parsing web site in order to search for people's resumes
and then it was saving results into DB. The idea was to create a DB of specialists by parsing it from the website. We
used java6, httpclient, and Hibernate with oracle db.
oracle-jdk-6, Hibernate, Spring, JUnit, HTML, CSS, maven, GWT, Jenkins, Eclipse
oracle-jdk-6, javascript, maven, JFS 2.1, JBoss Application Server
Software Engineer
Pharmacy Chain
March 2012 to July 2012
As a part of the development team consist of 3 developers, I was working on a desktop application for retail in pharmacy
stores. As planned - each store must have 2 or 3 retail places and one server for storing retail transactions for purpose
of a broken internet connection, since the main transactions server was at the companies remedies (located remotely
from stores and reachable over the internet). The web part of this project was designed to configure the local server
on every retail point through the internet. I was implementing the front end and logic on the client-side with Swing and
java 6. Home website address fo the company:
oracle-jdk-6, Swing, Hibernate, SQL PostgreSQL
oracle-jdk-6, GWT, Swing, xml
System Administrator
Several number of different organizations I was working with
August 2006 to July 2011
During this period I of time, I was working as a System Administrator in several numbers of companies which have user's
computer park that was united within the local network that was hidden behind the Firewall (sometimes it was `Kerio
Control`, sometimes basic `Windows Server Firewall`, sometimes `iptables`, sometimes `ipfw`). Sometimes, in addition
to maintaining and configuring all mentioned above, I had to deal with mail servers configuration and maintenance, for
that, I worked with the `Kerio Mail Server` and `exim4` mail server under FreeBSD. Also, some had Windows AD and
domain configured for them on Windows Server 2003 for internal corporate authentication and authorization so that I
had to maintain the AD corporate servers. Also user's support, printers/LAN network maintenance. I will provide details
on the names of the companies below:
"Золотой Колос Злебозавод №6" | Voronezh City | (URLs were shortified due to Russian UTF8 symbols making them
really long sometimes) |
Windows XP work station, Windows 2003 Server, Kerio Mail Server, Kerio Control, Windows Server Firewall, Linux,
freebsd, iptables, ipfw, smb, exim4
• Java (9 years)
• SQL (9 years)
• Maven (8 years)
• Git (8 years)
• NoSQL (2 years)
• MongoDB
• PostgreSQL
• Oracle DB
• IntelliJ IDEA (3 years)
• APIs
• Jira
• Web Services (6 years)
• Jenkins
• JavaScript
• GitHub
• Unit Testing (8 years)
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Eclipse
• JDBC (8 years)
• JUnit (8 years)
• Tomcat
• Angular (2 years)
• AJAX (8 years)
• SSH (10+ years)
• bash (10+ years)
• Agile
• Software Development
• Multithreading (2 years)
• Java TCP/IP sockets (1 year)
• Russian - Expert
• English - Fluent
Indeed Assessments provides skills tests that are not indicative of a license or certification, or continued development
in any professional field.