Cxs - 282e - Sweetened Condensed Milks
Cxs - 282e - Sweetened Condensed Milks
Cxs - 282e - Sweetened Condensed Milks
CXS 282-1971
This Standard applies to sweetened condensed milks, intended for direct consumption or further processing,
in conformity with the description in Section 2 of this Standard.
Sweetened condensed milks are milk products which can be obtained by the partial removal of water from
milk with the addition of sugar, or by any other process which leads to a product of the same composition
and characteristics. The fat and/or protein content of the milk may have been adjusted, only to comply with
the compositional requirements in Section 3 of this Standard, by the addition and/or withdrawal of milk
constituents in such a way as not to alter the whey protein to casein ratio of the milk being adjusted.
3.1 Raw materials
Milk and milk powders1, cream and cream powders1, milkfat products1.
The following milk products are allowed for protein adjustment purposes:
– Milk retentate: Milk retentate is the product obtained by concentrating milk protein by ultrafiltration of
milk, partly skimmed milk, or skimmed milk;
– Milk permeate: Milk permeate is the product obtained by removing milk proteins and milkfat from
milk, partly skimmed milk, or skimmed milk by ultrafiltration; and
– Lactose1.
3.2 Permitted ingredients
– Potable water
– Sugar
– Sodium chloride.
In this product, sugar is generally considered to be sucrose, but a combination of sucrose with other sugars,
consistent with Good Manufacturing Practice, may be used.
3.3 Composition
Sweetened condensed milk
Minimum milkfat 8% m/m
Minimum milk solids(a) 28% m/m
Minimum milk protein in milk solids-not-fat(a) 34% m/m
Only those food additives listed below may be used and only within the limits specified.
Firming agents
Acidity regulators
407 Carrageenan 150 mg/kg
322 Lecithins Limited by GMP
The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels for contaminants that are
specified for the product in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (CXS 193-
The milk used in the manufacture of the products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum
levels for contaminants and toxins specified for milk by the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in
Food and Feed (CXS 193-1995) and with the maximum residue limits for veterinary drug residues and
pesticides established for milk by the CAC.
It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and handled in
accordance with the appropriate sections of the General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969), the Code
of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products (CXC 57-2004) and other relevant Codex texts such as
Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice. The products should comply with any microbiological
criteria established in accordance with the Principles and Guidelines for the Establishment and Application of
Microbiological Criteria Related to Foods (CXG 21-1997).
CXS 282-1971 4
In addition to the provisions of the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CXS 1-1985)
and the General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms (CXS 206-1999), the following specific provisions
7.1 Name of the food
The name of the food shall be:
Sweetened condensed milk
Sweetened condensed skimmed milk According to the composition specified in
Sweetened condensed partly skimmed milk Section 3