The Darwinian Cosmos
The Darwinian Cosmos
The Darwinian Cosmos
B. D. Sommerville
Copyright © 1998, 2006, 2023 Bruce David Sommerville
Cover photograph courtesy of NASA
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HE discovery of the true essence and form of Nature
continues to elude scientific enquiry. The fact that
present theories of physics and cosmology do not
explain the order of nature is conceded by Stephen Hawking in
his popular work A Brief History of Time (1988), where he
states that the mathematical models constructed by
cosmologists cannot answer the question of why the universe
exists. Of this fundamental question, he writes that “most
scientists have been too occupied with the development of new
theories that describe what the universe is to ask the question
why.” The ‘why’ question Professor Hawking leaves to the
philosophers, albeit in his view they “have not been able to
keep up with the advance of scientific theories.” So before
addressing the ‘why’ question, philosophers, along with the rest
of us, must await the “complete theory” that can be understood
by everyone, a theory which he believes to be imminent.1
Yet the world has long been waiting for that condition
of quiet repose implied by the term “complete theory”. Over
Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time from the Big Bang to Black Holes
(Bantam Books: London, [1988] 1996), pp. 184-85.
the last two thousand five hundred years, cosmologists have
fabricated quite a few theories, including those of Aristotle,
Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Brahe, Newton, Einstein and
their lesser satellites. Each consecutive theory has been
overlaid by a new, sometimes radically different, successor, and
there seems to be no reason why the current relativistic and
quantum theories should be exceptions. The paradigm changes
that accompany scientific activity, analysed by Thomas Kuhn
in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), do not
enthrone unassailable theories founded on simple mathematical
truths. If history is a guide, a complete theory is a distant
prospect, and the claim that one is imminent must be taken cum
grano salis.
In the meantime, who will address the question of
why the universe exists in language that everyone can
understand? If the cosmologist is too busy describing, and if the
philosopher is unable to keep up with the ‘advance’ of these
descriptions, who remains?
This is clearly a job for an amateur, for someone who
passes his days in idle speculation, someone unrestrained by
facts, and without a reputation to lose. And indeed I tremble at
my own temerity as I offer a view that owes more to Darwin
and Wallace than to Newton or Einstein. It appears that the
deeply satisfying explanation of life’s evolution given by the
Darwin-Wallace principle of natural selection far surpasses in
explanatory power any corresponding theory of cosmological
evolution. Let us, then, consider the proposition that in order to
answer the enduring ‘why’ questions, cosmologists and
philosophers should take a leaf from their book, and further
consider the general form that such a theory might take.
As an introduction, it is necessary to contrast the
Darwinian method of explanation to the methods used in the
physical sciences. Then the application of the principle of
natural selection to the origin of life is discussed, followed by
an extension of that principle to the origin and evolution of the
This teleological or goal-directed method of
explanation, in a weaker form, still underpins modern physics
and cosmology. The very concept that cosmological order is
expressible in terms of the ‘laws of physics’, representing
absolute and timeless criteria by which events unfold in a
deterministic manner, is teleological. This is so because the
system of order that the laws of physics describe is assumed to
inhere in the nature of things, and to imbue all matter with
deterministic and predictable behaviour. This implies that the
outcome of any event is determined in advance, its end inhering
in its origin.
Yet we should not suppose that the mere existence of
something requires that it behave in an orderly or predictable
manner. This false association between matter and order, which
presupposes guidance and direction, derives from the (rightly)
teleological view that our own actions are the subject of
guidance and direction by the mind. This mode of theorising in
physics, however, merely projects onto the inanimate universe
the human capacity for acting according to our will, and hence
is both anthropomorphic and teleological. For example, here is
a description by the 20th century physicist Max Planck of the
emission of light from stars:
Out of all the possible paths leading from the star to the eye
of the observer, light will always follow the one which it can
cover in the shortest time, allowance being made for the
differences in its velocity in different atmospheric layers.
Thus, the photons which constitute a ray of light behave like
intelligent beings: out of all the possible curves they always
select the one which will take them most quickly to their
Max Planck, [1949] 1968. Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers.
(Greenwood Press: New York), p. 178.
See Paul Davies, The Mind of God [1992] 2008 (Penguin Books: London).
After a masterful exposition of theories describing the origin of the universe,
Professor Davies descends into the teleological abyss toward the end. He
holds that the laws of physics are "immune from Darwinian attack" (p. 203).
belief little better than a superstition. When embracing faith and
superstition, the scientist shuns reason.
However, there is a system of scientific explanation
that avoids these philosophical problems. Purely descriptive
and teleological methods were rejected by Charles Darwin and
Alfred Russel Wallace in favour of the system of explanation
embodied in their principle of natural selection, which has an
explanatory dimension that the physical sciences lack.
Prior to the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species
in 1859, natural history was a practice in which plants and
animals were described and accorded a place in the Linnæan
system of classification. Deep explanations of creation were
largely the province of religion. Indeed, the theology of the late
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries incorporated this
descriptive natural history into many of its arguments for the
creation of the world by a benevolent God.4
As the nineteenth century progressed, however,
geological and palæontological evidence showed that species
had existed, and had changed, over vast periods of time, and
that large scale destruction of species had occurred in the
distant past. Darwin, and his contemporary Wallace, sought and
James Sully, “Scientific Optimism”, Nineteenth Century, 10 (1881), pp. 573-
found an explanation for this, and for the beauteous order of
nature, in the process of natural selection.
In The Origin of Species (1859), Darwin states that
natural selection involves variation, a struggle for existence,
and inheritance, which are pre-requisites for biological
evolution. Variation provides the differing materials which are
subject to selection, the selective agent being the changing
conditions of existence of organisms, including the struggle for
existence with each other. Inheritance perpetuates the
successful variations:
Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: Or
the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, J. W. Burrow ed.
(Penguin Books: London, [1859] 1985), p. 115.
The role of variation, inheritance, and environment are again
emphasised when the essential elements of natural selection are
restated: “But if variations useful to any organic being do
occur, assuredly individuals thus characterised will have the
best chance of being preserved in the struggle for life; and from
the strong principle of inheritance they will tend to produce
offspring similarly characterised.”6
The phrase “will tend to produce offspring similarly
characterised” can be stated more compactly as ‘reproduce’. An
organism with the useful variation will reproduce more than the
one without it, and thus the useful variation proliferates. The
differential reproduction of the useful variation constitutes
natural selection, which results in adaptation, and the
development of biological order.
Wallace describes the same process of the struggle for
existence in his essay ‘On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart
Indefinitely from the Original Type’:
Darwin, The Origin of Species, pp. 169-70.
conditions will also determine the population of a species.7
Alfred Russel Wallace, ‘On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart
Indefinitely from the Original Type’ in Natural Selection and Tropical
Nature: Essays on Descriptive and Theoretical Biology, (Macmillan: London,
1891), p. 23.
Wallace, Natural Selection and Tropical Nature, p. 171.
changing conditions of existence in space and time. The only
forms that reproduce successfully and proliferate are those that
have an orderly and conformable relationship to their
conditions of existence, while those that do not, fail to endure.
Thus the beautiful adaptations we see in the natural world do
not reflect the will or purpose of an omnipotent creator, but are
the necessary outcome of natural processes. Nature is impelled
to operate in this way, and it is inconceivable that some form of
selection would not operate in the natural world. This is what is
meant by the term ‘necessity’ when used as a synonym for
evolution. The English philosopher and psychologist James
Sully well conveys this aspect of natural selection in an essay
of 1881. “The wondrous correlations and interdependencies of
life,” writes Sully, “its curious and beautiful adaptations, are
now viewed as arising by a process that is as much a matter of
mechanical necessity as the falling of an unsupported body to
the ground.”9
The idea that the order of nature is the manifestation
of a pre-ordained plan, or has any purposive element, is cast off
by the principle of natural selection. Biological evolution
requires no pre-existing plan, no end goal towards which things
Sully, “Scientific Optimism”, p. 575.
tend, no God to initiate or direct the development of life. More
importantly for scientific explanation, however, is the fact that
natural selection requires no pre-existing form of order, force,
or physical law to operate; evolution makes its own order as it
goes along. In contrast to the theories of the physical sciences,
the principle of natural selection is a dysteleological
explanation, and the removal of the need for a belief in an
absolute eternal plan or order in underpin nature is one of the
principle's great strengths. This fact is not fully appreciated in
the physical sciences, which remain in a pre-Darwinian
descriptive stage of development, declining to address the
‘why’ question.
It might be objected that the theory of natural
selection deals only with the macroscopic aspects of life, which
are the result of microscopic phenomena that do obey the laws
of physics: the chemical forces, for example, that determine the
structure of the DNA molecule, the chemical basis of life. The
process of natural selection, so it is said, is simply the large-
scale effect of molecular and atomic forces, and can be reduced
to a physical description.
To adopt this reductive view, however, is to relapse
into a descriptive and teleological way of thinking. While a
purely physical theory might adequately describe natural
selection as a mechanical and material process, any attempt to
reduce it to a wholly physical theory is to miss the essence of
the principle. Its great merit is that it disposes of the need for
law, plan, or purpose in nature on any level. “Being abstract and
outside of time,” writes the philosopher Daniel Dennett, the
process of natural selection “is nothing with an initiation or
origin in need of an explanation.” The blind process of trial and
error gives rise to a “timeless Platonic possibility of order.”10
Thus the principle tells us why order is a constant
accompaniment to nature. This quality of necessity makes
natural selection, as an explanatory first principle, superior to
descriptive physical theories, which must always appeal to
some lower level theory, or some system of ‘law’, for support.
Having seen how well the Darwin-Wallace theory
answers the biological ‘why’ question, let us consider how an
analogous principle might be applied to the inorganic cosmos.
As biological order is so well explained by natural selection,
can it also explain the measure and harmony of the wider
universe?11 The problem is best approached by seeing how the
Daniel C. Dennett, Darwin’s Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings
of Life (Simon & Schuster: New York, 1995), p. 184.
In The Life of the Cosmos (Weidenfeld & Nicolson: London, 1997), Lee
Smolin advances a theory of “cosmological natural selection”, which adopts a
multiple universe hypothesis. The aim of the present essay, however, is to
consider the evolution of time, space, matter, and energy in our own universe.
principle has already been extended to explain the origin of life.
This is the first step in extending it to the inorganic realm.
As first formulated, the principle of natural selection
requires that the organism already have the capacity for
reproduction. The Origin of Species is concerned primarily with
the living species around us, and the fossilised remains of past
life. The origin of life is not discussed, but only species that
have evolved to a high enough level of organisation to be
observed easily or to fossilise readily. Such species have a well-
developed capacity for reproduction.
When considering the origin of life, however, the
capacity for reproduction cannot be adopted as a pre-requisite
for natural selection for the clear reason that prior to the
beginning of life, reproduction, in the strictly biological sense,
did not exist. Nevertheless, there is an elementary selective
principle which accommodates the processes that have given
rise to reproduction.
It is well known that reproduction is an outcome of an
elementary form of selection which operated in the distant past
among the large organic molecules that were the building
blocks of life. The DNA molecule has the capacity to replicate,
to make copies of itself, and it is probable that other organic
macromolecules (RNA, for example) developed this capacity
even earlier. The replication of DNA is the basis of inheritance,
and is the process by which useful variations endure.
The most useful variation in a complex organic
molecule at the primordial stage is the capacity for replication
itself. In the earliest stages of organic evolution, an elementary
form of selection would favour any molecule capable of
replication, because such a molecule would proliferate more
than any other organic molecule that lacked this variation. The
former is the fittest by virtue of its capacity for replication, and
so dominates, in terms of sheer numbers, all other organic
molecules. Thus reproduction, while a pre-requisite for natural
selection, is at the beginning of life an outcome of an
elementary process of selection operating at the first term in the
evolutionary series. Reproduction or replication need not be
pre-requisites for such a process to occur in the inorganic
world; these forms of propagation are the result of selection.
This elementary principle of selection has the
potential to bridge the physical and biological sciences. As John
Olmstead writes:
(random sampling in the absence of a clearly directing
force) with a biological principle (persistence of a form with
a replicative advantage) sufficient from both the scientific
and metaphysical perspectives? Occam’s Razor favors this
rather simple explanation for life’s emergence, but
reductionism shouts against elevating natural selection to a
primary cause.12
John Olmstead III, “Observations on Evolution,” in Entropy, Information,
and Evolution: New Perspectives on Physical and Biological Evolution, Bruce
H. Weber, David J. Depew, and James D. Smith eds. (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology: Cambridge, Mass., 1988), p. 256.
example, the universe seems to have an abundance of space,
time, matter, and energy, and these phenomena must have been
generated and multiplied in some way. Moreover, the
phenomenon of motion is passed, or propagated, from one
particle to another. Linking this broader view of propagation to
a selective principle, it follows that any entity or phenomenon
which through random variation acquires the capacity for
propagation will be selected or preserved, and will proliferate.
It follows that the phenomena or entities that are likely
to proliferate most, and become the most commonplace, are
those with the greatest capacity for propagation. But more than
this, phenomena having a propagative nature are the only kind
that seem to have become sufficiently abundant to constitute
our universe. Space, time, motion, and electromagnetic energy
all seem to be of this kind.
The property of motion is perhaps the clearest
example of a propagative phenomenon that is preserved by
selection. The existence of matter, and its constant motion on
all scales, from the vibration of atoms in a crystal to the
swirling of a galaxy around its centre, is perhaps the most
evident and universal of phenomena. Motion is transferred
from one particle of matter to another through close interaction
(or collision) involving one or more of the so-called forces of
nature. Motion thus has a propagative quality, spreading
throughout any system of interacting particles. Similarly, the
product of velocity and mass, momentum, is a compound
condition of matter that is propagated among interacting
particles. The existence and transfer of motion and momentum,
and the thermodynamic processes so arising, may be
understood as the outcome of selection favouring propagative
The propagative nature of space consists in its
capacity to make more of itself. The observation of distant
galaxies has revealed that on the whole they are receding from
each other, and that the material universe is expanding. This
recession has led cosmologists to conclude that space itself is
expanding, either at its outer limit (in whatever dimensions that
limit exists), or perhaps throughout its whole extent, in which
case space is said to be stretching. The expansion of space
might be considered the result of the preservation of a type of
space that not only has extension, but which continually
multiplies that extension; that is, which propagates.
Since time and space have some similarities, and are
often treated together in the form of space-time, a
corresponding view of time might be posited. The extension of
time may be considered as the propagation of a certain
dimension, which we call the temporal dimension. As both
space and time are propagated, the space-time continuum
expands. We will return to the question of time in a moment.
The propagation of electromagnetic radiation, or light,
is another case in point. Once established, an electromagnetic
wave will persist and continue to travel in space until it
encounters a barrier. The propagative quality of light consists in
the generation and continuous recreation of the wave cycle, as
it radiates away from its source. The mutual relationship of the
electric and magnetic fields, in which one gives rise to the
other, is the kind of generative relationship that a process of
selection would preserve. Considered as a stream of particles,
or photons, the propagative aspect of light may be seen in the
transference of energy to other particles with which the photons
Indeed, the universe seems to be constituted largely of
propagative phenomena; motion, space, time, and light all are
propagative in their own way, by interaction, extension,
duration, and radiation, respectively. Although the manner of
propagation is different in each case, a general capacity for
propagation is something these phenomena all have in
common, and this points to a process of propagational selection
underlying cosmological evolution.
A fundamental assumption of our discussion is that
there is no pre-existing form of order or ‘law’, so the evolution
of these universal phenomena must have begun from some
primordial chaos, or random variations, occurring very early in
the history of the universe. Such a random or chaotic state is
likely to be one in which almost any simple phenomenon might
arise by chance, since no order or system of causality would yet
exist. Any phenomenon randomly gaining the capacity for
propagation would necessarily be preserved, while all others
would come into existence only to pass out of existence again,
or otherwise remain limited and insignificant.
Returning to the difficult question of time, we have
seen how moments have a tendency to multiply. Time,
however, most clearly manifests itself in the persistence of the
material bodies of the universe, or particles of matter. As H. G.
Wells’s Time Traveller so aptly puts it, all real bodies must
have extension in four dimensions: three dimensions of space
and one of time, constituting a kind of space-time.13
Physicists have identified a large number of
fundamental particles with differing lifespans, and it is
H. G. Wells, The Time Machine: An Invention (William Heinemann:
London, 1895), pp. 2-3. Here Wells anticipates the four-dimensional ‘world
line’ and ‘world tube’ developed mathematically by Hermann Minkowski in
1907 in response to Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
commonly observed that those with short lifespans are very
rare in the universe. Assuming that the extension of matter in
time is a form of propagation in a temporal dimension, and that
in the past a variety of different particles with varying lifespans
arose, then the differential preservation of particles with a long
lifespan, or whose lifespan is increased through combination
with other particles, is a process of selection. Any type of
particle having a positive variation in the ability for
propagation in time would be selected, while any variation
decreasing the ability for propagation in time would not be
selected. The material universe persists in time because
particles having the quality of transience are not selected,
leaving a residuum of particles with the greatest capacity for
propagation in time.
This suggests a novel definition of time in regard to
the persistence of matter: The flow of time is constituted by
instances of selection in favour of particles which have, through
natural variation, the greatest capacity for propagating their
initial interval of duration. It is not so much that these instances
of selection require time, but that time is constituted by them.
A possible problem with the above statement, the
reader may have noted, is that the term “variation” implies
change, which requires that time already exist. If propagational
selection requires time as a pre-requisite, how can time result
from it? A similar objection could be raised against the
principle of natural selection: if natural selection requires
reproduction (or inheritance) as a pre-requisite, how could the
reproductive capacity of organisms be the result of natural
selection? The answer to this question has already been given
above: we know that inheritance depends on the replication of
the DNA molecule, and this capacity for replication is the
outcome of an elementary form of selection operating at the
first term in the evolutionary series. By the same token, we may
expect that when the origins of space and time are better
understood, their manner of propagation will be known, and the
elemental form of necessity from which they arose identified.
Propagational selection implies that the physical
characteristics of matter and energy have evolved as a result of
their efficacy in promoting or maximising propagation. Any
chance variation in a propagative phenomenon that improves
its capacity for propagation would be selected. Such variations
might include the advent of, or changes in, such properties as
mass, charge, or the forces particles carry. The process by
which such favourable characteristics are passed on in the
inorganic world to become the norm, and how they effect
propagation in any particular case, are questions for the
physicist. The answers, however, are likely to be found in
existing theories of physics which describe the propagative
interactions known to occur between particles of matter, and
between matter and energy. Here, the guiding question of the
physicist might be: “How does this particular characteristic of a
particle or a form of energy further the survival and
propagation of the particle or energy?”
Moreover, the descriptive cause and effect
explanations so widely employed by physicists can readily be
accommodated within the concept of propagational selection,
for what is an effect if not the propagation of a cause? Any
phenomenon or event that comes into being and that has no
propagative quality must leave no further effect, while any that
has a propagative quality must be preserved as it leads to some
further event or effect. These effects in turn become new causes
if the propagative qualities continue to be conserved. The
condition of the universe at any instant is the residuum of this
selective process. On this view, our cause and effect universe
can be seen not as a whim of Nature, nor a strictly deterministic
outcome of a set of initial conditions, but as a kind of necessity
attendant upon a form of selection.
As with biological variations, those being preserved in
the inorganic world would satisfy two related criteria: they
would enhance the degree of propagation while also having an
orderly relation to the prevailing conditions of existence. That
is, the new variation must maintain or improve the propagative
fitness of the phenomenon with which it is associated, and this
requires that it not cause susceptibility to moderation or
obliteration by any existing phenomenon. The result must be
the emergence of phenomena that can co-exist while
propagating to their maximum extent.
The foregoing discussion seeks to articulate, in a very
general way, the view that the enduring questions concerning
the nature of the cosmos might be addressed using the Darwin-
Wallace method, and to exemplify that method. To recapitulate:
Any phenomenon arising randomly from the chaotic conditions
prevailing at the inception of the universe, and having the
capacity for propagation, must of necessity be preserved, and
by virtue of that propagative capacity become abundant. Thus
the intrinsic phenomena of which the universe consists, namely
matter in motion, space, time, and light are all propagative in
their own way, being characterised by interaction, extension,
duration, and radiation. Such phenomena are the only kind that
can constitute a universe, while the process of cause and effect
is also an outcome of propagational selection. Moreover, any
further variations arising by chance in the propagative
phenomena or material entities of the universe that enhance
propagation, and that have an orderly relation to the prevailing
conditions of existence, are also selected. That is, selection
favours the evolution of characteristics that promote co-
existence and propagation, giving rise to a universe of order
and plenitude.
Certain other metaphysical questions concerning the
economy of nature might be similarly approached. The idea
that nature does nothing in vain has been a metaphysical
assumption of the sciences since antiquity, and finds support in
physics, mathematics, and various principles of least action. In
the biological world, efficiency is promoted by the competition
for resources among the individuals of species. While there is
no exact analogy in the inorganic world to the struggle for
existence, there may be a similar process in cosmological
evolution that determines which variations abound.
The variations in physical properties most likely to be
favoured are those that maintain or improve propagation in the
most efficient way. This fitness merely consists in the rapid
proliferation of the phenomenon compared to those phenomena
having less efficient forms of propagation. By efficient is meant
forms of propagation that have the most parsimonious energy
interactions, that achieve the greatest degree of propagation for
a given amount of energy. Thus the most abundant phenomena
of the universe, which form the subject of our scientific
investigations, must of necessity be those that are most
economical, or energy-efficient. The very pronounced effect of
such a process may be seen in the inflation of space in the very
early universe.
Alan Guth, in The Inflationary Universe (1997), gives
a theoretical account of the history of the very early universe in
which a rapid expansion, known as ‘inflation’, is described.
Guth calculates the comparative expansion rates of two
hypothetical types of space, which he labels type A and type B.
If these two types of space were to arise together such that type
B has a mere 0.001% faster exponential rate of expansion than
type A, then type B will very quickly dominate type A by
becoming vastly larger. Within a second, the type B universe
will render the type A universe insignificant, even if the latter
has a head start by being initially 101000 times larger. “For the
numbers given,” writes Guth, “the volume of type B inflation
will overtake the volume of type A inflation in 3 x 10-29
seconds, and by the end of one second the volume of type B
will be 103 x 1031 times larger than that of type A! . . . The
unbelievably large difference in initial probabilities can be
compensated in less than a second. If multiple forms of inflation
are possible (which is very likely), then the form that will
dominate is the one with the fastest rate of exponential
expansion.”14 (Emphasis added.)
Although he does not characterise it as such, the
theoretical possibility Guth describes is suggestive of a form of
Darwinian necessity analogous to the principle of natural
selection. The inflationary universe having the greater rate of
spatial propagation is preserved, while the other presumably
plays little or no subsequent role in the evolution of the cosmos.
In summary, the capacity for propagation seems to be
a feature common to space, time, matter in motion, and energy.
Their propagative qualities may have arisen randomly, being
preserved by an elementary form of selection, the result of
which is a universe expansive in space and time, and endowed
with matter, motion, and light. This view implies that the
universe has no purpose, meaning, or value, except that with
which we imbue it, since the raison d’être of the universe—the
‘why’ of its existence—is simply its own propagation.
Finally, we must abandon the notion that the evolution
of the cosmos is sustained by some eternal and absolute quality
of order, represented in the so-called laws of nature, and that
Alan H. Guth, The Inflationary Universe: The Quest for a New Theory of
Cosmic Origins (Jonathan Cape: London, 1997), pp. 250-51.
the history of the universe is a deterministic series of events
dancing to the tune of some cosmic score. Rather, the history of
the cosmos should be considered synonymous with the chance
advent of propagative phenomena, their selection, their
efflorescence, and their further evolution. While this history has
a beginning, it must necessarily have no finis—an eternal
dawning of evolutionary possibilities, and worlds without end.
Davies, Paul. 2008 [1992]. The Mind of God: Science and the
Search for Ultimate Meaning, Penguin Books:
Second edition. International Encyclopedia of Unified
Science series. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
Wells, H. G. 1895. The Time Machine: An Invention. William
Heinemann: London.
Entropy, Information, and Evolution. See Weber,
Depew, and Smith, pp. 227-42.
Information, and Evolution. See Weber, Depew, and
Smith, pp. 75-105.
Nissen, Lowell. 1997. Teleological Language in the Life
Sciences. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers: Lanham,
Thomson, William, and Tait, Peter Guthrie. 1890. Treatise on
Natural Philosophy, Part I, new edition, At the
University Press: Cambridge.
Weber, Bruce H., Depew, David J., and Smith, James D. (eds.)
1988. Entropy, Information, and Evolution: New
Perspectives on Physical and Biological Evolution,
The MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.