Parent Handbook ST Brendans 2020

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727 Corangamite Lake Road CORAGULAC VICTORIA 3249

Phone: 03 5233 1464
Fax: 03 5233 1579

email: ​

We  welcome  you  and  your  family  to  St  Brendan’s  School  and  hope 
your years spent as part of the St. Brendan’s School community will 
be happy and fulfilling. 
Your  child  is  important  to  you,  and  to  us.  Throughout  your  child’s 
Primary  School  years,  we aim always to work cooperatively with you 
to help your child grow, learn and flourish.  
At St. Brendan’s, the child is at the heart of all that we do and every 
decision  we  make.  We  provide  a  small  school  setting  with  a 
contemporary  education,  meeting  each  child  at  their  point  of  need. 
We  aim  to  develop  the  whole  child  with  the  confidence  and  skills 
necessary to move onto the next stage of his/her learning journey.  
We encourage you to participate in the life of our school community, 
building  positive  relationships  whilst  working  alongside  others  to 
maintain  a  welcoming,  vibrant,  and  nurturing  environment  for  all 
families.  St.  Brendan’s  prides  itself  on  being  a  strong  school  and 
parish community, inclusive of all.  
We  look  forward  to  sharing  the  excitement  of  this  educational 
journey with you. 
Leanne Eastman 


Our vision of Catholic Education at St Brendan’s School is based on the person of Jesus Christ

For you I have a destiny and a hope

Jeremiah 29:11

St Brendan’s Catholic School is founded upon Catholic Values and committed to ensuring children realise
their full potential within a supportive and nurturing community.

St Brendan’s Catholic School is founded on Catholic values.

Our goals are:
● To celebrate Catholic beliefs, values, practices and traditions.
● To provide a comprehensive and relevant Religious Education Programme.
● To involve children, parents and community members in faith and life celebrations.
● To work in partnership with families and the wider community.

St Brendan’s Catholic School is committed to ensuring children realise their full potential.
Our goals are:
● To provide each child with a stimulating curriculum that will develop him/her to reach their full
● To respect the dignity and integrity of each person, promoting self esteem, hope and positive vision
for the future.
● To develop courage, confidence and life skills, enabling each child to become his/her own person.
● To cater for individual learning styles and abilities.

St Brendan’s Catholic School is an active part of a supportive and nurturing community.

Our goals are:
● To provide and maintain support to each child, family and the school and parish communities.
● To encourage the greater school community, present and past to maintain involvement in the life
of the school.


Principal Mrs Leanne Eastman

Class Teachers Miss Kate Parker
Mrs Mandy Sutherland
Miss Tahlia Whytcross
Music/Drama Mrs Liz McGuane
Art Mrs Alice Armistead
L.O.T.E / PE Mrs Jen Bush
Learning Diversity Leader Ms Ellen Lenaghan
Learning Support Officers Ms Diane Armistead
Mrs​ ​Debra Monaco
Ms Melanie Drayton
Administrative Officer Mrs Gracesyn Perrett
Chaplain Ms Clare Jehu
Information Technology Mr. Trin Tranh


8.50am Music
8.55am to 11.0000am Line up Class Time
11.00am to 11.25am Morning Recess
11.25am to 1.30pm Class Time
1.30 pm to 1.40pm Lunch (eating time)
1.40pm to 2.15pm Lunch Recess
2.15pm to 3.15pm Class Time

Monday 8.30am - 3.45pm

Tuesday 8.30am - 3.45pm
Wednesday 8.30am - 3.45pm
Thursday 8.30am - 3.45pm
Friday 8.30am - 3.45pm

Term 1 Wednesday 27​th​ January Thursday, April 1st
Term 2 Tuesday 19​th​ April Friday 25​th​ June
Term 3 Monday 12​th​ July Friday 17​th​ September
Term 4 Monday 4​th​ October Friday 17​th​ December

Absent From School

After School Arrangements
Art Smock
Assessment and Reporting
Book Club
Catholic Schools Network
Cleaning Of School
Curriculum Areas
Curriculum Days (Pupil Free)
Enrolment Procedure
Family Fee Assistance Scheme
First Aid/ Accidents
Health Checks
Home work
Infectious Diseases
Leaving the School Grounds during School Time
Lost Property
Lunch Orders
Maintenance of St Brendan’s School
Parent/Teacher/School Relationships
Policy Statements
Pupil Records
Reading Recovery
Religious Education Programme
Sacramental Programmes
School Advisory Council
Sick Children
Self Discipline and Responsibility
Smoke Free Zone
Special Assistance Programme
Sun Hats
Conveyance Allowances
Children are expected to attend school each day unless there is a reasonable excuse for
non-attendance. The school must be contacted by 10am if your child is absent for any reason.


A note is also required if there are any changes to travel arrangements to and from school (e.g. going
to a friend’s house or going home by car with another person).

If your child is involved in a serious accident at school and we cannot contact you, an ambulance may
be required to transport your child to the doctor/hospital. Schools are not covered by the ambulance
subscription; hence it is advisable for each family to subscribe to a family membership. Teachers are
not permitted to transport seriously injured children.

All children must have an art smock. ​ These are supplied by the school.


Assessment is essential to the process of making informed decisions about the next steps in
learning for all students. The learning and teaching cycle includes pre and post assessments that
allow teachers to plan for targeted teaching and to monitor student growth and progress.

Through formative assessments and frequent monitoring, teachers provide students with
targeted feedback on their learning progress. This enables student engagement and

The Reporting periods are at the end of Semester 1 and at the end of Semester 2. Student
achievement is reported against The Victorian Curriculum standards at each level from
Foundation (prep), at the end of Semesters 1 & 2. Throughout the year, samples of student work
is collated in Learning Portfolios. The portfolios are presented by the students to their parents as
part of the end of year Learning Conversations.

If parents would like to meet with the teacher to discuss their child's learning at times other
than those specified, they are welcome to email the teacher to organise a time.

Learning Conversations which includes the students, are allocated for the end of Semester One
and the end of Semester Two. Student individual records/progress is to be ​continually ​reflected
through rich assessment tasks, anecdotal notes and evidence of learning. These will be used
during Learning Conversations. If parents have any concerns, special requests, issues, etc. these
need to be recorded and brought to the attention of the Principal.

Your child will receive Scholastic Book Club catalogues and order forms throughout the year. These
provide you with an opportunity to purchase quality children’s literature from Scholastic Australia.
There is no obligation to purchase, but if you wish to buy from the catalogues, please return the money
with the order form by the due date in a sealed envelope. Clearly write your child’s name and the
amount of money enclosed on the front of the envelope. You can also order directly on line at


St Brendan’s School belongs to the Colac/Coragulac Catholic School’s Network, which includes the
following schools:
● St Mary’s Colac
● Sacred Heart Colac
● Trinity College Colac


Throughout the course of the school year, students will participate in a range of extra-curricular
activities. Major extra-curricular events include:
Year 5/6 Camp: Children attend a three day outdoor education camp OR a cam at Sovereign Hill. On
alternate years they will participate in an urban camp based in Melbourne. All children are encouraged
to attend these respective camps.
Year 4:​ Overnight outdoor education camp
Year 1/2:​ Afternoon Tea / games (at school)
Year 3:​ Bowling/ dinner in Colac

The school employs a cleaner who works on Tuesdays and Fridays after school to maintain cleanliness
across all areas of the school. At other times children are asked to maintain cleanliness of their learning
areas. Students are rostered on to empty rubbish bins at the end of each school day. From time to
time working bees are also held to help maintain tidiness of the school, internally and externally.

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) has developed a framework of essential
learning for all Victorian Schools.
This framework – The Victorian Curriculum F-10, provides the framework for schools to deliver
teaching and learning programs that support students to develop capacities to confidently manage
themselves and their relationships with others, make sense of the world in which they live and
effectively participate in their world
The school curriculum at St Brendan’s School contains the following key learning areas.
♦ Religion
♦ Arts Dance, Drama, Media, Music, Visual Arts
♦ English Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening
♦ Health and Physical Education
♦ LOTE Indonesian
♦ Mathematics
♦ Science
♦ Studies of Society and Environment
♦ Technology
Special Education Programs: MultiLit, Macqlit,JEMM


The school is granted up to four (4) pupil free days during the year for the development of Curriculum
and Professional Development. Before taking these days, the school must seek the approval of the
Catholic Education Office. The aims and activities of these days must be clearly stated prior to approval
being granted and adequate notice must be given to parents. The dates of curriculum days are
circulated to parents via the school Newsletter. Children do not attend school on these days.

● Prospective parents are required to fill in an “Application for Enrolment” form
● Baptismal Certificate (where applicable), Birth Certificate and Immunization Certificate need to be
● The Principal will notify parents of child’s acceptance
● Children need to be five years of age by April 30.
Non-catholic children are expected to participate in all religious activities.

Prep children do not attend school on Wednesday for the​ first six (6) weeks i​n Term 1

At St Brendan’s School every child will have the opportunity to take part in an Excursion Programme.
Most excursions are covered by funds from a grant we receive. But from time to time a charge may be
levied against parents to meet costs incurred through involvement in the activity. This will take place
with respect to camps.


The Ballarat Diocese will continue this year with the Family Fee Assistance Scheme. This scheme offers
a Tuition Fee concession to families who are eligible. To be eligible you must hold a current Health
Care Card that was valid on ​27​th January 2021 To receive this you must complete a form which is
available at the office.
Families who hold a valid Health Care Card are also entitled to apply for a Camps, Sports and Excursion
To apply for either of the above schemes you must complete the form and present your Health Care
Card at the office no later than 26​th​ February 2021.

The school receives funding from the State and Federal Governments. This funding covers
approximately 75% of the school’s running costs. The school community is expected to raise the
remaining amount through school fees and fund raising. School fees assist in meeting the required
amount for the general running costs of the school.

Student Fees are for the basic requisites that the children need, such as books, paints, paper etc.

The Capital/Building Fee is used to help meet our repayment commitment for the refurbishment of the
school completed in 2013.

Each family is expected to pay School Fees. A detailed account is sent home at the beginning of the
School Year. Reminder statements are sent home each term. This account may be paid:
Annually, per Term, Monthly or Fortnightly.
Annual payment should be made no later than the first week in March. The Student Fees are payable
at the beginning of the year and should be paid by the end of February.

The Catholic Development Fund (CDF) through the school offers a Direct Debit System of payment for
all School Fees.
These Direct Debits can be paid Fortnightly or Monthly. Several families have found this to be a very
convenient way of paying fees. Please ask at the Office for details if you would like to use this payment
St Brendan’s must operate from a sound financial base, however we are also concerned with helping
to alleviate pressure when these needs arise. Should any family experience difficulties in this area
personal contact can be made with the Principal.

♦ If minor they will be treated in the staffroom by a teacher.
♦ If major the parents will be contacted immediately. If they are not able to be contacted, the
emergency number given by the parents at the beginning of the year will be rung and they will take
the appropriate action
♦ If immediate help is required the doctor stated by the parents will be rung.

All major accidents are recorded in the school accident book, and recorded on CECV website.

At times you may have a grievance and/or concern about the school. The Principal and staff need to
know about it so that appropriate action may be taken. The school will only deal with grievances
and/or concerns that have been communicated to the Principal and staff by the concerned party. The
following procedures are set out to ensure that a fair and just system is available for all parties.

1. Inquiries regarding classroom operations are directed to the class teacher in the first instance.
2057753968. All grievances/concerns regarding the school’s teachers, teaching methods, books and
materials, etc. are directed to the principal in the first instance. Where appropriate the principal
will direct the complaint to the teacher concerned.
2057755968. The classroom teacher and the parent (and where appropriate the principal) will meet
to discuss the complaint, where all relevant information is shared. On most occasions the problem
is resolved at this level. Where no suitable agreement is made the following steps are taken.
2057756048. The parent approaches the Parish Administrator who will act as an arbitrator in seeking
a suitable resolution.
2057753408. Where the parent is not satisfied, he/she has the right of appeal to the Catholic
Education Office, where further negotiations will take place.

The children in Prep receive a complete Health check by the visiting School Nurse.
Parents will be notified prior to the School Nurse visiting the school.

As a constant contact between home and school and as a valued aid to acquiring good study habits, a
small task may be set each evening.
Grades Prep/1/2 are encouraged to spend ten minutes daily reading with their parents.
Grades 3/4/5/6 children are also asked to read, memorise tables and spelling and where applicable
complete research assignments.

Disease or condition ​Exclusion from school
Chicken Pox until 5 days from the appearance of spots
Diphtheria until medical certificate of recovery is produced
German Measles until 4 days from the appearance of spots
Head Lice until effectively treated
Impetigo ​(​School Sores​) until sores are being treated and kept covered
Gastro 48 hours after last vomit or bowel motion
Influenza until all symptoms of disease have disappeared
Measles​ until 4 days from the appearance of rash
Meningococcal​ ​Infection until medical certificate of recovery is produced
Mumps Nine (9) days after the onset of swelling
Ringworm until a medical certificate is produced stating that
anti-scabietic treatment has been carried out
Streptococcal Infection until a medical certificate is produced or until 7 days
after the symptoms have subsided (including Scarlet
Whooping Cough until the expiration of 4 weeks from the beginning of
the cough.
Please notify the school should your child contract any of the above diseases. When your child is not
well please keep him/her at home until he/she is sufficiently recovered to return to school.

Our School has an Insurance Policy with Catholic Church Insurance to cover the children in the event of
an injury while involved in a school-based activity.


No child is allowed to leave the school grounds during school time without written permission unless a
teacher or a parent supervises him/her. If you require your child to leave the school grounds and you
are not able to supervise him/her, you must send a written note to your child’s teacher stating where
your child is going, who is to accompany him/her and it must be signed by you. Either yourself or the
accompanying adult, must also sign The Removal of Child from School Register which is in the front

Our Library/Resource Centre have been established to provide an organised central resource where
stimulating, current material is accessible to the whole school community. The primary aim is to offer
quality services and support for all children through effective utilisation of resources and programmes
that ​support staff with the implementation of the School Curriculum. The Library is available for
children to browse, borrow and for research purposes. The Library automation system will be
reviewed early in Term one with the aim to re-establish a computerised borrowing system.
The Mobile Library visits the school on a fortnightly basis.

Please make sure your child’s property is clearly marked with his/her name, especially school jumpers.
All unnamed property is stored in a lost property box for parents and child to recover. At the end of
the year unclaimed items will be sold or given to St. Vincent’s.

On Thursday lunches may be ordered from the Cororooke Milk Bar through the school. A list of
appropriate foods and their prices is sent home at the beginning of the school year. You are required
to hand your lunch orders in on Wednesdays. Please write your child’s order on a brown paper bag
with his/her name, Year Level and the amount enclosed. (For health reasons the money must be
wrapped in either lunch wrap or gladwrap)
The school’s Health Programme aims to educate children about healthy food. Please support this
programme by only ordering items on the list.
(​PLEASE NOTE​: $2 coins may slip out of the top of the bag. Please seal and fold them up.)


Through the School Advisory Council a Maintenance Committee meets regularly to ensure that the
school is properly maintained. Maintenance items are then brought to the School Advisory Council and
a plan of attack is decided. If you notice anything at school that might require attention, please inform
the Principal or make an entry in the Hazard Alert Register at the front office.
Arising from the duty of care that we owe our children and in the interests of the children being able to
continue to attend classes, there will be occasions when the administration of medication is necessary.
Prescription medication to children of St Brendan’s School by staff members will be permitted within
specific guidelines.
No medication will be administered without the written permission of the parents or guardians.
All medicines must be kept in the Staff Room in clearly marked containers.
Where a child needs to be injected a parent or their representative must be present to dispense the
injection under the supervision of a staff member.
Any untoward effects of the drugs must be explained to the school by the parents or responsible adult.

The School Newsletter is produced on Wednesday of each week and emailed home to all families. This
letter informs the parents of any activities that may be coming up involving the school.

The Teachers’ first responsibility is to the children in their care; hence they will not be available for
discussions during class times. If you wish to discuss your child’s progress, or you have a concern
regarding the classroom/school behaviour etc you should make an appointment with the teacher
concerned or the Principal. The staff enjoys a break and a chat so if you are at school for any reason
throughout the school day, we would love to see you but please do not expect to conduct a
parent/teacher interview at this time.

School policies are very important documents because they set the direction of the school. The School
Advisory Council on behalf of the school community develops and approves School Policy. The
Principal is responsible for implementing the policies, and is accountable to the Advisory Council in this
regard. Policies are formulated either by the Advisory Council or the school Staff. Any policies
formulated by the Staff are presented to the Advisory Council for ratification. A copy of policies can be
found on the school website.

Our records require up-to-date sources of information in case of emergency. This information includes
telephone numbers, address, doctor’s name and telephone number and an emergency contact name
and number. You will be asked to complete a new form at the beginning of each year, but it is
essential that if any details change throughout the year that the school office be contacted.


Our Religious Education Programme aims to
● assist the children to recognise the presence of Jesus in their lives, through his message in the
● encourage children to explore and understand the Gospel values; how we can make them real in
today’s world, through our actions, thoughts and words; being people who treat others how we
would like to be people
● lead the children in developing a sense of social justice; developing care, empathy and assistance to
those in need
● encourage the children to experience themselves as part of creation and to recognise all creation as
a sign of God’s goodness;
● provide a climate where the children’s faith can be nurtured in trust and freedom;
● lead the children to know, to understand and to appreciate the spiritual and religious dimensions of
life as expressed in the Catholic faith tradition
● assist the children to appreciate belonging to and celebrating with the local parish community
Children of the Catholic Faith during their Primary School Years are initiated into the Church through
the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. They also receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The
Sacramental Programmes of initiation are family based. They involve home and Parish Community
preparation and are complemented by the school Religious Education Programme. Non Catholic
children at the same grade level provide valuable support and input to the Sacramental preparation of
their classmates.


St Brendan’s School Advisory Council acts as a forum for consultation, discussion and decision-making
concerning education in the Parish School. It aims to contribute to the pastoral role of the school and
assists in developing School Policy and Programmes. Membership is made up of the Principal, a Parish
Council representative and five elected members.
Any parent or member of the Parish Community is eligible to be elected as a member of the School
Advisory Board. Elections are held every November with two members up for nomination one year and
three the next year.
Meetings are generally held at 7.00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month.
Parents who wish any matter to be discussed are encouraged to bring a suggestion to the Principal or
any of the members of the School Advisory Board.

2021 School Advisory Council:

Chairperson: ​Shahna Chant

Secretary:​ Sam Day

Maintenance:​ Jared Walter

Other Advisory Council Members:

Sophie Alliband

Mark Robb

Anne Mccarthy

Mandy Sutherland

Staff and children care for any child, who is not feeling well. A bed is available for children to rest in
the Sick Room. If a child’s sickness is of concern to the teaching staff, parents will be notified. If
parents are unable to be contacted, emergency numbers will be rung.


Pastoral Care at St Brendan’s School is vitally concerned with the fostering of children’s self-discipline.
At the heart of this endeavour, Pastoral Care also contributes to children recognising that their
fundamental freedoms and rights are reciprocated by responsibilities.
The following is an expression by the children of St Brendan’s School of how Pastoral Care is lived in
the everyday reality of their school:
How we keep safe in our school
We need to:
● stay within the school boundaries
● nominate an umpire for competitive games
● tackle bodies fairly
● modify the rules of games to suit all children
● play in designated areas
● play without using violence eg., punching striking
● look out for children who are hurting
● remember to create a safe environment by not throwing missiles
● use all equipment with safety in mind
● look out for others
● walk, instead of running when we are inside, so that no one gets hurt​.

How we speak to each other in our school

We need to:
● listen to the person who is speaking to us
● speak so that we can be heard
● respect all persons in the school, shown by the way we treat them
● speak to each other without put downs
● put our hands up when we need to speak in a big group
● look at the person we are in conversation with
● understand that verbal abuse is not acceptable under any circumstance at our school

How we treat each other at school

We need to:
● give the little kids a fair go
● remember to treat everyone the same
● respect everyone
● watch out for children who are excluded from games
● respect our school buildings and grounds shown by the way we care for them
● respect our school environment, shown by the way we care for it.

What we do when there is a conflict.

We need to:
● try and work out our problem with the person involved
● talk to a teacher if we cannot resolve the conflict on our own
● spend time with the person we are in conflict with rather than walking off and try to be open and
non-defensive in our manner.
● challenge each other to be thinking people who are aware of others

How we learn at our school

We need to:
● be mindful of others around us who are working
● respect the working space of others
● respect the property of others
● be enthusiastic about our own learning
● encourage others in their learning
Our school recognises that all children are unique and that each child will have special needs. To this
end we have implemented programs to support these students. The programs aim to assist those
children who are identified by parents and teachers as possibly requiring some additional assistance so
that they may be taught at their point of need and experience success growth and success in learning.
Programs and instructions are directed by the teachers and
The classroom teacher develops an individual programme to meet the needs of such children and
Learning Support Officers are employed to support the implementation of these programs. This
programme is closely monitored through regular Programme Support Group (PSG) meetings to ensure
that the needs of these children are met.

Our school is involved with the Colac Primary Schools’ Sports Association (CPSSA)
A House Athletics Programme is conducted in Term One. ​Our school also offers a Swimming
Programme twice a year, one week in Term One and one week in Term Four. Senior children
participate in School Sports Australia with a Cross-Country and Lightning Premiership for both football
and netball held annually. Senior grades also participate in Winter Sports with the Colac schools. You
will be notified of the dates and training procedures through the Newsletter.

St Brendan’s is a SunSmart School and as such follow their rules. In ​Term One and T​erm Four, if the
children are playing outside they need to wear their school hat.
During these terms, no child will be allowed to play outside in the sun without a hat. Please ensure
that your child has a sun hat at school. (The regulation school hat with a wide brim.)

To be eligible for this allowance, children must live more than 4.8kms from the school (by the shortest
practicable route) or the nearest designated bus stop. An allowance is available only if you contact the
school and complete the claim forms.

Summer Uniform
School dress
Black leather shoes​or boots
White socks (above the ankle)
Navy blue shorts
Polo top

Navy blue shorts
Blue open neck shirt
Black leather shoes or boots
Blue socks (above the ankle)
School hats must be worn in 1​st​ and 4​th​ Terms. ​Caps are not acceptable.

Winter Uniform
Navy tunic/pinafore.
Blue blouse or skivvy.
Black leather shoes or boots
Navy socks(above the ankle)/navy tights
Long navy pants/Navy Shorts
Blue shirt or skivvy
Black leather shoes or boots
Navy socks (above the ankle)

Sports Uniform – worn on allocated Sports Day and as directed for special activities
Navy skort, shorts or navy netball skirt
Sports shirt
School r Rugby top and navy track pants
Navy socks (above ankle)
Navy shorts
Sports shirt
School Rugby top and navy track pants
Navy socks (above ankle).

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