Finding The Theme

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Finding the Theme

the moral, lesson, or message a summary
the author wants you to learn a message specific only to
a real world connection your story

Directions: Read the passage and answer the following questions.

An Improbable Friend
It was the beginning of the school year and Sasha was not happy that Jake was her reading partner.
School had only been in session for two weeks and Jake had already made fun of her glasses and her blue
shoes. Sascha told Mrs. Nelson, her fourth grade teacher, about these rude interactions in hopes of switching
reading partners. Unfortunately, Mrs. Nelson told Sasha that Jake would remain her partner for the realistic
fiction unit.
Still feeling upset about having to work with Jake, Sasha avoided eye contact with him when he
walked into their room after recess. Until, thud! When Sasha heard this loud noise, she looked up to see that
all of Jake’s books had fallen out of his backpack. Jake’s face turned bright red as he bent down to pick up
the mess. Sasha rushed over to him. Despite Jake’s rude behavior to her during the first two weeks of school,
Sasha helped Jake pick up his books and said, “No worries, Jake, isn’t it hard to have to lug all of these books
That afternoon during their reading partnership, Jake thanked Sasha for her kind gesture. He even
mentioned that the ideas she shared that day helped him to think of literary reflections. Sasha realized she
was learning a lot from Jake, too. As the realistic fiction unit came to a close, Sasha and Jake both realized
that they learned a great deal from each other and had even found a new friend.
1) What problem did Sasha face in this story?


2) How did Sasha solve this problem?



3) What is the theme of this story? Think about the lesson that Sasha learned.


4) Write about how you have noticed this theme in your own life.


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