G P E F: Eneral Erformance Valuation ORM
G P E F: Eneral Erformance Valuation ORM
G P E F: Eneral Erformance Valuation ORM
Employee:___________________________Driver Number:______________________________
Job Title:____________________________Date of Last Evaluation:_______________________
Dedication Reports to work on time.
Uses time constructively.
Performance Good working knowledge of job assignment.
Organizes and performs work in a timely, professional
Cooperation Willingly accepts work assignments.
Willingly accepts changes in assignments not directly
related to job.
Initiative Performs assigned duties with little or no supervision.
Performs assigned duties with little or no supervision,
even under pressure.
Strives to meet deadlines.
Communication Communicates clearly and intelligently in person and
during telephone contacts.
Teamwork Works well with fellow employees without friction.
Character Accepts constructive criticism without unfavorable
Responsiveness Handles stressful situations with tact.
Personality Demonstrates a pleasant, calm personality when dealing
with customers and fellow employees.
Appearance Well groomed. Clean. Neat.
Dresses appropriately for work.
Work Habits Maintains neat and orderly workstation.
Maintains neat and orderly paperwork.
LEGEND: S = Satisfactory A = Adequate NI = Needs Improvement
This performance evaluation has been reviewed with me, and I understand that I may attach my
comments, if desired.
Employee Signature:___________________________________________Date:___________________
Evaluation Performed by: Date: