Microcomputer Thermostat Serial 《EW-801AH 》 Directions: Brief on Controlling Procedure
Microcomputer Thermostat Serial 《EW-801AH 》 Directions: Brief on Controlling Procedure
Microcomputer Thermostat Serial 《EW-801AH 》 Directions: Brief on Controlling Procedure
This product is mainly used in solar water heater equipment, the use of controlling temperature. Without pressing any key when finished operating,it
the temperature difference and temperature to control the output. This will automatic save memory setting parameters after six seconds.
2.Parameter setting: Holding and after six seconds to enter Setup,
product has two-ways output control, one way to control the temperature
the corresponding indicator flashes, more than once every press to run the
difference between the two temperature zones, when the temperature
next function indicators, then press or to change the parameters for
difference reaches the set value, automatically run the pump cycle, the each function. Without pressing any key when finish operation, it will
temperature of the two temperature zones to reach equilibrium, another automatic save memory setting parameters after six seconds.
way to control electric heating; when solar heating fails reached (low
Temperature difference between the started
temperature) set temperature, the electric heating system is heated
When two temperature sensor detects a
to a set temperature automatically start and automatic temperature control Ewelly
temperature of two zones, the difference is greater
range values w ithin a temperature difference. than the value of thetemperature difference
between the set start value, the circulation pump
relay ON, temperature difference setting range:
Technical Specifications EW-80 1 temperature of the pump stopped+1 ℃ ~ 50 ℃.
Temperature difference of the pump stopped
1、Operating voltage:AC220V ±10% 50HZ/60HZ
When the temperature difference between the two
2、Output Load:5A/220V/AC Ewelly sensors is less than this value, the circulation pump
stops, Range 1 ℃ ~ started temperature difference-1 ℃。
3、Power Consumption: ≤3W Note: When difference of the pump stops setting “0”,
once the circulation pump relay ON, circulation
4、Working environment:-10℃ ~50℃ RH≤90% E W- 801
pump not stopped.
Check if the power is broken or the Check power supply and change fuse.
No display when power
thermostat failture. 。 Check if the input voltage is right or
is on.
change the thermostat with our distributor.
The setting temperature is lower than the
Reset the necessary controlling temperature.
Displaying but machine present temperature.
Check the reasons for overload and overheating.
doesn't work The heat protector is open circuit because the
pressure is over loads. After the trouble is solved, restart to work.
Displayed temperature is The sensor is interfered; or poor wiring; Separate sensor wiring with power cables
unstable or there exists or Together with other power cord bundle; or change shielded lines or check if the contact
misplay. or line damage. is tight or not.
All sensors should be corrected at their locations.
The installation position of the sensor is not
Measurement error between correct; or the sensor's wiring is too long and Enlarge the cross section of the expanded wires.
current temperature and its resistance is over; or the wiring connected Make sure the wires sealed is good. or Change the
displayed. poor; or the sensor is damaged sensor.
Machine does not stop The sensor is not correctly installed and cannot Check if the sensor has accurately measured
when the temperature measure the correct temperature. Compressor the temperature or not. Change compressor
reaches. contactor fails. contactor.
Return difference value is too small or the Reset and enlarge return difference value. Adjust
Relay work with overload
setting for pressure protection is not correct. setting for pressure protection.
Check to see if the sensor wiring has good contact
“EH” or “EL” is displayed The sensor is opened or shorted circuit.
with coupling end or not.
1. Please read this product instruction carefully and connect If the products including but not limited to, the following is
input/output plugs of power & sensor to the corresponding sockets not the product itself quality problem caused by the damage,
strictly by following connection diagram, otherwise the usage & Install and use under the do not conform to the safe environment;
operations will be affected. Check again to make sure there is no That the load capacity is beyond the scope of product is allowed;
mistake. Tighten all the screw of connection plugs again, and then Products by users to disassemble and change, change the internal
connect it to the power for running. components, etc.,We will not be so and damaged products
provide a replacement and maintenance services, regardless of
2. Keep away this product from moist or corrosive air and high
whether its in the quality assurance period; Meanwhile, we will
magnetic field. Otherwise the normal operation of this product will
not assume so direct or indirect losses caused by the liability to
be affected.
pay compensation.
Product warranty date on the case is important basis of
3. All our products have passed strict quality inspections before
product quality assurance. Appeared including but not limited to
leaving factory. We provide one-year quality guarantee (which is
full filling without permission, to change, to replace lost,
limited to product itself ,and is not responsible for any other joint
damaged, scratched, dirty, and so on, we will not provide a
and several liability) period for this product.
replacement and maintenance services for these products.
If you have any doubt or problem concerning the electronic
Guangzhou Eliweli Autocontrol Tech. Co., Ltd. temperature or humidity controller made by us, please contact
http://www.eliweli.com our distributors and we will provide you high-quality after-
sale services. Thanks!