Micro Controller
Micro Controller
Micro Controller
1 Remote monotoring Systems using Telephone line.
2. Micro controller based Process-alarms Annunciator.
3. Micro controller based signal channel counter timer.
4. Design and implementation of data acquisition card.
5. Micro controller based access control logic.
6. Micro controller based Programmable tune notch filter.
7. Micro controller based time synchronization of electronic machines.
8. JPEG encoder and decoder.
9. Micro controller based Infrared proximity detector –2
10. SMS based device controller.
11. Date logger.
12. PWM D.C motor controller.
13. Simulator of lift by using micro controller
14. 87C51 based communication Control for RX – Exciter using RS-232
15. Digital Security Systems – 3
16. AT89C51 sensor and Interfacing.
17. Temperature controller with real time clock.
18. Integrated testing of serial communication
19. Design and testing of micro controller based Infrared remote controller.
20. Design of SMTP using 1K Protocol based real rime clock Implementation.
21. Barrier gate control based on micro controller.
22. Date Acquisition system using rabbit 2000.
23. Transformer Protection.
24. Intelligent lets controller.
25. Remote Industrial automation using telephone line.
26. Temperature transmitter using thermocouple.
27. Description of controlled robot using electromagnetic sensors.
28. Stepper motor controller system – 2.
29. wireless communication using RF.
30. Handheld billing gadget.
31. Embedded PC based token access system for banking.
32. Design and Integrated of data acquisition card.
33. Simple network time Protocol.
34. Access control logic systems
35. Digital micro voltmeter
36. Simulator and porting of real time Operating system on to a target system- 3
37. Robot control system.
38. Hybrid process Integrator.
39. Design of EEPROMS Emulator.
40. Smart process indicator
41. Battery charger
42. Smart assest management system.
43. Access control login
44. RF wireless tacometer-2
CDMA network for wireless local loop.
46. Remote communication.
47. Internal 1C bus using VHDL.
48. Temperature measurement and monitoring using real time clock.
49. RS455 Protocol Implementation.
50. Innovative state of art meeting using ASICS.
51. ATMEL flash micro programmer Smart light saver – 2
52. An Integrated solid state led Luminaire for general lighting.
53. Multi-environmental Interfacing .
54. Playback record act of ACTEL 1020A.
55. Incoming call
56. Design and control robotic and using stepper colour controller.
57. System – 2
58. Temperature monitoring using data acquisition system.
59. Temperature Indicator using TRD.
60. Wireless communication between two Places.
61. GSM Vehicle Trailing system.
62. Temperature monitoring based on micro controller.
63. Frequency converter.
64. Intelligent lift controller - 2
65. Digital Parcel meter.
66. Micro controller based Digital codes lock.
67. Ethernet Interface
68. Home Automation
69. Electronic control of PV application
70. PC Based Programmer logic.
71. Speaker Identifier Neural network.
72. Propormate Integral derivative control.