How To Use The Sexual Frame To Turn Women On
How To Use The Sexual Frame To Turn Women On
How To Use The Sexual Frame To Turn Women On
By Ricardus Domino
Many people believe that it
doesn’t matter much what you
say to a girl when you chat her
up… that 93% of all
communication is nonverbal
anyway, and that the words are
just filler. Thus, any sexual
frame you employ should be
more focused on your body
language and less so on your
words… they just aren’t as
important, goes the thinking.
This is a misunderstanding of
Mehrabian’s study, which
showed that somebody’s body
language and tone of voice
account for 93% of our LIKING for that person… it does not, however, mean that the spoken
word only convey 7% of the meaning of any communication.
“Liking” is also largely irrelevant when it comes to seduction – girls will often sleep with and
even get into relationship with guys that they don’t particularly like… attraction beats liking,
hand over fist, every time.
And if it was true that words only conveyed 7% of what’s being communicated, it should be
perfectly possible to watch a movie in a foreign language and still understand 93% of what is
being said…
Try that some time. :)
If it was true, it should also be possible to tell a girl to bugger off… and get a 93% similar
response as when telling her that she’s pretty.
There is, however, a more subtle reason why words matter… and that reason is frames, and the
implications of what is being said.
So what are frames and frame control now?
Well, let’s look at some examples.
A frame might be defined as the contextual meaning a communication takes on based on how it
is presented.
For example, one person might look at outsourcing as a bad thing because he lost his job to
someone in India. His boss, on the other hand, probably sees outsourcing in quite a different
light, as it saves him a lot of money on wages every week… it may even save his company from
Now let’s twist the frame around a bit more – what if we look at the situation from the
perspective of the Indian worker? He is now working remotely for a company in the West and
makes three times as much as he would in a local job…
Or, we could reframe the Western worker’s situation as a great opportunity. Sure, he lost his job
– but isn’t he now finally free to pursue his true passion, start a business, and even get rich
He might even end up hiring people himself, both in the West and in Asia…
…or, he might decide that his life is over, apply for social security and spend the rest of his days
under a bridge.
I’ve coined a term for that distinction… it is the difference between internal and external
1. External frames are those imposed by society that she doesn't like. Sexual framing
gets around those.
I've had TWO virgins come over to my place, explicitly for nothing but casual sex (!),
because I out-framed the negative ideas their teachers and priests had put into their
minds… these girls WANTED to be naughty.
I once picked up a girl who was on her way to church, bible in-hand, and slept with her
on the first date. She talked about Jesus before we got down to the action, but I was
easily able to out-frame these ideas because she didn't LIKE the limitations her
priest had set her.
The basic idea of sexual framing is FREEING HER from the limitations society has
imposed on her and her sexual expression.
2. Internal frames, on the other hand, are those (in this case negative) beliefs about sex
that a girl actually LIKES.
This one is a tall hurdle. It would take more than a few hours (probably months) to exert
big enough an influence to undo someone’s core beliefs.
I’ve once had a former “friend with benefits” that I hadn't slept with in a year get back in
touch with me, and she plain refused to sleep with me the first time we met again…
"Because it's the 1st date again, and I don't do that... next time."
She knew it would have been okay… after all, we’d had sex before.
But, she didn't WANT to hook up the first night... it was an INTERNAL frame.
There are also girls who consider religion more important than anything else in
life… and if she is truly convinced that she will go to hell if she sleeps with you
before you guys get married, chances are… it won’t happen.
The sexual frame is VERY powerful… and it is THE most important instrument in my tool box.
And, you should always ASSUME that any objections she might have to sexuality are
EXTERNAL frames. Ignore negative frames she might set (don’t even debate them), and instead
free her from society’s limitations with the frames YOU set.
However, if you run into a girl that you can’t get agreement on a sexual frame with, don’t
berate yourself too much either… some people have a very conservative world view and hold
on to it very tightly… you don’t need to beat your head against the wall.
There is another girl around the corner who looks just like her, but who’s a lot more open
UPDATE: Check out my follow-up post to this one, “Sexual Framing: More on Using This to
Get Girls,” for even more tips and technical details on deploying the sexual frame in your
Fast Sex
Posted by Chase Amante on Friday, 12 January 2018
First, read this, for the practical aspect of why you want fast sex, not slow:
Then also these four articles to address your mental model about fast sex:
Is Seduction Wrong?
Why is Mainstream Dating Advice So Ineffective?
Dating Without Sex: Why It Usually Doesn’t Work
The "It's Cruel When Men Don't Stick Around After Sex" Argument