Dungeon Masters Assistant, Vol. II

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Strategic Simulations, Inc. ('SSI') warrants that the diskette(s) on which the enclosed program is recorded will INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 1
be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase. If within
30 days of purchase the diskette(s) prove defective in any way, you may return the diskette(s) to Strategic GETTING STARTED .............................................................................2
Simulations, Inc., 675 Almanor Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086-2901 and SSI will replace the diskette(s) free of Avoiding Disaster ...........................................................................2
charge. In addition, if the diskette(s) prove defective at any time after the first 30 days, return the diskette(s) to
SSI and SSI will replace the diskette(s) for a charge of $10.00 (each disk) plus $3.00 for shipping and han- Cornrnodore 64 & 128 ..................................................................2
dling. California residents, add applicable sales tax. Apple II Series ...............................................................................2
SSI MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE PRO- Documentation check. ....................................................................2
GRAM RECORDED ON THE DISKETTE OR THE UTILITIES DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL, THEIR QUALITY, USING THE PROGRAM ........................................................................3
SOLD 'AS IS.' THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEIR QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WITH THE BUYER. IN NO Making Menu Choices ....................................................................3
EVENT WILL SSI BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULT- Recovering From Mistakes .............................................................3
DAMAGES. (SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR Saving Your Data ...........................................................................3
LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION Editing Data Files ...........................................................................3
The Editor .....................................................................................3
ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by and used under license Deleting Data Files .........................................................................4
from TSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, WI. USA.
THE MAIN MENU ................ ; ................................................................4
©1989 by Strategic Simulations, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ©1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CHARACTER GENERATION ......................•.........................................5
This user manual, any accompanying printed material, and the computer programs, on Hoppy disks or cassettes,
described herein, are copyrighted and include proprietary information belonging to Strategic Simulations, Inc. and Single-Classed Character................................................................5
TSR, Inc. No one is permitted to give or sell copies of this handbook, any accompanying printed material, and the Multi-Classed Character .................................•...............................6
computer programs, on Hoppy disks or cassettes, or listings of the programs on floppy disks or cassettes to any
person or institution except as provided for by written agreement with Strategic Simulations, Inc. and TSR, Inc. No TREASURE GENERATION ....................................................................7
one may copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, or reduce to machine readable form this handbo.ok or any other Treasure Generator. .......................................................................7
accompanying printed material, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Strategic Simulations, Inc.
and TSR, Inc. Magic Items .......................................................... .; ....................... ?
Any person/persons reproducing any portion of this program for any reason, in any media, shall be guilty of copy- Gemstones ................ ;...................................................................8
right violation and subject to the appropriate civil or criminal legal action at the discretion of the copyright holder(s). Jeweliy..........................................................................................8
KOLLING DICE ...................................................................................9
MAKING A DATA DISK .......................................................................9
Each of our products undergoes extensive testing prior to its release. Through this process we hope to uncov- OTHER OPTIONS............................................................................... 1O
er and correct any errors in programming. However, due to the complex nature of our simulations, some pro-
gram errors may go undetected until after publication . In addition to errors in the program, there are occa- Use Unearthed Arcana .................................................................. 1o
sionally problems with the disk itself. We experience the industry standard of approximately a 3 to 5% failure Printer Slot .................................................................................. 1o
rate of duplicated disks. Before assuming that a disk is defective, make sure to check your disk drive. Up to
95% of the disks returned to us as defective will run fine on our computer systems. Often the problem is with Extra Line Feeds .......................................................................... 1o
a disk drive that needs servicing for alignment, speed, or cleaning. Number of Drives ........................................................................ 10
Should you have a defective disk, please return the disk only (keep all other parts of the game) to our Back.up Disk. ................................................................................ 1O
Customer Support Department, along with a note describing the problem you have encountered. A replace-
ment disk will be provided upon our receipt of the defective disk.

Should you uncover an error in the program, return both your disk and any 'save' disks to our Customer
Support Department. Please enclose a description of what was taking place when the error occurred. Upon APPLE I AND IBM COMPATIBLE COMPUTER INFORMATJON:
correction of the program error, we will return an updated disk to you. Many of our games wtll worl< on Apple II and IBM compallble compulers. Most of our games will worl< on an Apple II GS In
the Apple II emulation mode.
Always make sure to include your name, address, and daytime telephone number with any correspondence. If you own an Apple II GS, Apple compallble or IBM compallble computer we suggest that you call ourTechnlcal Hottlne at
We will do our best to see that any problems are corrected as soon as possible. (408) 737-6810 and speak with a game counselor any worl<day between the hours of 11 am. and 5 p.m., Pacific Time, to see
If an SSI game you're considering purchasing Is compallble with your computer. If we have Insufficient data to determine
compattblllty, you may wish to purchase the game and test for compattblllty yourself. If the game proves to be lncompallble,
you may return It within 14 days with your dated receipt and we will refund your money. Or, If you retum the game within 30
dlfJS, you may exchange the game for another.

DUNGEON MASIBRS AsSISTANT, VOL. II: DM Ass1sT II generates characters Avoiding Disaster by DM ASSIST II. Use the "format a
CHARAcmRS AND TRMsURES, is a set with character classes from the Before you use this program for data disk* option on the main
of utilities designed for use by AD&:D® l'I.AYBR.S lfAJYDBOOK, including anything, you should make a menu to prepare a save disk
players and Dungeon Masters of multi-class characters. The pro- backup copy of your original disk before you begin to seriously use
TSR'S ADVANCBD DUNGEONS&'. gram also generates cavalier and and put the original away in a safe the program.
DRAGONS® role playing game. This Barbarian class characters from place. This way, should anything
program isn't a game in itself. You the AD&D® UNEAR.TlfED ARGVfA book. happen to your copy of the pro- Documentation Check
must have the TSR AD&D® game gram, you will be able to make The disk is not copy protected.
material to take advantage of this DM ASSIST II also generates another one. You may make backup copies of
program. This program is a utility detailed treasure lists and magic the disk for your own personal
designed to enhance the enjoy- items. The program generates Apple II and Commodore 64 users use. However, the program does
gems and jewelry (including size should use a commercial copy require documentation checks
ment of the TSR paper products
and type), magic items of all program to back up their disks. to use.
and not to replace them.
kinds, and treasure lists created
DUNGEON MAsmRS Ass1sTANT, VoL. II from the standard treasure types Commodore 64 & 128 When the documentation check
(DM Ass1sT II) is designed to speed found with an encounter. The pro- Insert the program disk into the appears on screen. locate the indi-
character creation by both the gram can also generate magic disk drive and type WAD"*#,8 cated word in the manual. Type in
player and the Dungeon Master items from UNEAR.11fED ARCANA. and press RETURN. When READY the the indicated word and press
(DM). The program creates both appears, type RUN and press RETURN/EN1ER. The program will
Player Characters (PCs) and Non- Once DM Ass1sT II has created a RETURN. C-128 users must run not run if you fail the documenta-
Player Characters (NPCs). DM character or treasure list, you can this program in C-64 mode. tion check more than once.
Ass1sT II is also designed to speed customize and record the results.
treasure generation by the DM. Both characters and treasure lists Note: You can. save your work to
can be edited, printed out. or any formatted-disk. Use the "for-
By automating the creation of
both characters and treasure, DM saved to disk for later use. mat a data disk* option on the
main menu to prepare a save disk
Ass1sT II is an invaluable aid for
before you begin to seriously use
making spur of the moment
encounters, for populating areas, the program.
and for making detailed NPCs. Apple II Series
Insert the program disk into the
disk_drive and turn the computer
Note: You can only save your work
to disks that have been formatted

1 2

Making Menu Choices Editing Data Files (<,>,<-,->)CURSOR UP. DOWN, The main purpose of DM Ass1sT II
DM Ass1sT II is menu-driven. To Both the character generation sec- LEIT, RIGHT, is to generate characters and trea-
choose a menu item, press the tion and the treasure generation sures. These functions are con-
(CTRL-D) DELETE, (CTRL-P) NEW trolled from the main menu.
letter in the parentheses ( ) at the section have the option to PARAGRAPH,
beginning of the item. "delete" and to "edit". The func- After you boot the program and
tions in both areas operate the (CTRL-Q) QUIT. pass the documentation check,
Recovering From Mistakes same. the main menu is displayed.
The left and right cursor keys
DM AsSIST II is equipped with a Some menu choices may not
Choose the "EDIT CHARACTER" or move the cursor left and right.
powerful undo command. Each appear on all versions of DM
"EDIT TREASURE" option to load a The up and down cursor keys
time you press ESC (RUN/STOP on Ass1sT II. Choose a function from
previously saved file from your move the cursor up and down. If
the C64) you "back up" to your the main menu by pressing the
data disk and use the editor. your computer does not have up
last option. You may use ESC letter in parentheses ( ).
Then, enter the name of the file or and down cursor keys, the shifted
multiple times to back up all the
press "C" and RETURN/ENTER to ","or"<" key moves the cursor MAIN MENU
way to the character menu or
display a catalog of the data files up, while the shifted "." or ">" key
on the disk. moves the cursor down.
For example, you chose to make a To use the editor, cursor to the (T)REASURE GENERATION
character a cleric, but later decide The Editor
data to be changed. Delete any (R)OLL DICE
that you would rather make the DM Ass1sT II generates characters unwanted text by pressing
character a ranger; you need only and treasures as data files and DELETE/BACKSPACE (or CON- (U)SE UNEARTHED ARCANA: N
press ESC until you get back to then displays the data file in the TROL-D) to eliminate the character
the character class menu where editor. Use the editor to customize (F)ORMAT DATA DISK
under the cursor. Type any new
you can choose to make the char- these data files. When you have (S) PRINTER SWT: I
information. The editor will auto-
acter a ranger. finished customizing your file, quit matically insert room for newly (X) EXTRA LINE FEED: N
the editor. Then, save the data file typed text.
Saving Your Data to disk, output the data file to (D) NUMBER OF DRIVES: I 2
To save your data you must use your printer, or just return to the Press RETURN/ENTER to start a
the "format a data disk" option on character or treasure generation new line. Press RETURN/ENTER (B)ACKUP DISK
the main menu to format a blank menu. twice or CONTROL-P to double
floppy disk. As you save your space and create a new paragraph.
data, keep an eye on how much The editor is controlled with the
cursor keys, the RETURN/ENTER Press CONTROL-Q to quit the
room you have left on your data
key, the DELETE/BACKSPACE key, editor.
disk. Format a new disk when
room gets low so that you will not and three control keys ("D" to
delete, "P" for new paragraph, and Deleting Data Files
find yourself suddenly without
"Q" to quit the editor). A list of To delete a data file, choose the
disk space just when you want to
these keys is displayed at the bot- "DELETE CHARACTER" or "DELETE
save something important!
tom of the editor screen. The dis- TREASURE" option, type the name
play may change from computer of the data file to delete, and
to computer, but resembles the press RETURN/ENTER. Press "C#
following: and RETURN/ENTER to get a cata-
log of data files on the data disk.

3 4
Choosing "character generation· Single-Classed Character if there is a slight delay in generat- ability scores. Non-human charac-
creates a detailed AD&:o® Player This option creates single-classed ing the rolls. Some classes are ters with less than maximum
Character (PC), or Non-Player characters based on the character difficult to qualify for and the pro- ability scores can not reach the
Character (NPC). The character classes listed in the AD&:o® PLAYERS gram will keep rolling until it gets highest levels in many classes.
comes equipped with standard llA!'fDBOOK. If the UNBAR11fED ARCANA ability scores that meet the mini-
equipment appropriate to his Next choose the character's
switch on the main menu is set to mum requirements.
alignment from the character
class, including weapons and uy·, cavalier and Barbarian class ·~ There are three (3) different ways alignment menu. Finally, enter the
detailed spell books. characters can also be created. to enter the character's ability character's name. The name can
Character generation is controlled Not all options are available to all J scores: be up to 24 characters long.
from the character generation characters. As a character is
menu. The menu includes the fol- I. Press "A. and the values gener- After you enter the character's
created, the AD&:o® rules place ated by the computer are entered name, a character data file is
lowing options: restrictions on the character's from right to left as shown on created and loaded into the edi-
CHARACTER GENERATION MENU choice of race, sub-class and/or screen. tor. From the editor you can
alignment. For example, a charac- customize and revise the charac-
(S)INGLE-CLASSED CHARACTER ter who is a Monk can only be 2. Enter the values that were gen-
ter data file, save it to disk, print
(M)ULTI-CLASSED CHARACTER human, so no character race erated in any order you wish.
it out, or abandon it. See the sec-
menu is displayed. Likewise, a 3. Press "M. and manually enter tion on Editing Data Files for
(D)ELETE A CHARACTER Monk character can only be of any values you wish into the six details on how to use the editor.
(E)DIT A CHARACTER lawful alignment, so only lawful abilities scores.
alignments will be displayed on M:ulti-Classed Character
(Q)UIT the character alignment menu. All character classes require mini-
This option creates multi-classed,
mum prerequisite ability scores.
To create a character, choose the non-human characters with the
The first method always generates
character's class from the charac- same mechanics used in creating
a valid character. The second and
ter class menu. Next pick the single-class characters. The char-
third methods may generate an
character's race from the charac- acter class menu only includes
invalid character. You will be multi-class combinations, and.you
terrace menu. If necessary, prompted to re-enter the values
choose the character's sub-race. must enter a separate level for
until a valid character is created. each of the character's different
Then, choose the character's sex.
There may be a difference classes.
After choosing the character's between the rolls you enter and
class, race, and sex, place his the character's final ability scores.
ability scores. DM Ass1sT II gener- These differences reflect racial
ates 6 ability score rolls and acljustments.
displays them at the top of the
screen. You may re-roll by Enter the character's level. Level
pressing ESC and choosing the can be between one and the
character's sex again. Don't wony '} highest value for that character's
combination of race, class, and

5 6
Choosing "TREASURE GENERA- Choose "TREASURE GENERATOR.* (C) RINGS ates a brief description of up to
TION* creates a detailed list of Then, type the letters of the trea- I OOO gems, but it only lists the
treasure from the AD&o® DUT'fOEOl'f (D) RODS/STAVES/WANDS
sure types you want and press total value for all the gems.
MASTERS OUIDE and/or Ul'fEAK111BD RETURN/ENTER. Separate multiple (E) MISC. MAGIC
ARCA/YA. Treasure from a specific
After you choose a detailed
treasure types by a comma. For
treasure type can be created, or (F) ARMOR/SHIELDS description. a treasure data file is
example, the treasure types for a
items from any of the standard created and loaded into the
Shambling Mound are B, T, and X : (G) SWORDS
treasure lists can be called up. editor. From the editor you can
type "B,T,x· and press
(H) MISC. WEAPONS customize and revise the treasure
Treasure generation is controlled RETURN/ENTER to generate the
data file, save it to disk, print it
from the treasure generation treasure in a Shambling Mound's Choose the item to be generated, out, or abandon it. See the sec-
menu. The menu includes the fol- lair. and then type the number to be tion on Editing Data Files for
lowing options: After you enter the treasure generated. DM Ass1sT II will gener- details on how to use the editor.
type(s), a treasure data file is cre- ate up to I 00 of most items at a
TREASURE GENERATION MENU time. The program will only gener-
ated and loaded into the editor. Jewelry
(T)REASURE GENERATOR From the editor you can cus- ate up to 25 Scrolls, Swords, or This option generates jewelry
tomize and revise the treasure Misc. Weapons; the descriptions using the same mechanics used
(M)AGIC ITEMS for these items tend to be longer
data file, save it to disk, print it to create gemstones. DM Ass1sT II
(G)EMSTONES out, or abandon it. See the sec- than one line, and there is a limit generates a detailed description of
tion on Editing Data Files for to how large a file the editor can
(J)EWELRY up to I 00 pieces of jewe.lry:
details on how to use the editor. handle. including material, descnption,
(D)ELETE TREASURE After you enter the number of and value of each and lists a total
Some treasure types have a low
magic items to be generated, a value at the bottom. The program
(E)DIT TREASURE chance to generate treasure. If no
treasure data file is created and also generates a brief description
treasure comes up, DM Ass1sT II
(Q)UIT loaded into the editor. From the of up to I OOO pieces of jewelry,
editor you can customize and but it only lists the total value for
Treasure Generator ED*. Press RETURN/ENTER to to
revise the treasure data file, save all the jewelry.
return to the Treasure Generation
Each monster in the AD&o® HOl'fSTER it to disk, print it out, or abandon
Menu. After you choose a detailed
1'1ANUAL I and 1'10l'fSTER l'fAl'fUAL II has it. See the section on Editing Data description, a treasure data file is
one or more listings under trea- Magic Items Files for details on how to use the created and loaded into the
sure type. Each treasure type is editor.
This option generates specific editor. From the editor you can
identified by a letter from A-Z, and
magic items from the standard customize and revise the treasure
each is explained in detail in a Gemstones
Dungeon Masters Ouide or data file, save it to disk, print it
chart in the back of the Hol'fsTER This option generates Gemstones
Unearthed Arcana magic item out, or abandon it. See the sec-
MANUAL. The treasure generator according to the table in the
tables. tion on Editing Data Files for
creates treasures according to this DUT'fQEOl'f MASTERS QUIDE, including
details on how to use the editor.
table. Magic item generation is con- any increase or decrease in value.
trolled from the Magic item menu.
The menu includes the following Choose to generate gemstones
options: and then indicate a "detailed" or
"brief• description. DM AsSIST II
MAGIC ITEM MENU generates a detailed description of
(A) POTIONS up to I 00 individual gemstones,
including size, type. and value of
(B) SCROLLS each and lists a total value at the
bottom. The program also gener-

7 8
This option is an updated version This option creates a data disk for Use UNEARnIED ARCANA Number of Drives
of the dice roller provided with use with DM AssisT II. You need a (!Yot available on some versians)
This option tells OM ASSIST II to
OM AssISTANT VOLUME I. It generates data disk in order to save any of
use data from l1NEAKTl1ED ARCA/YA This option toggles Apple II com-
random die rolls according to your the character or treasure data files
when you generate characters or puters between using 1 disk drive
specifications. the program creates.
treasure. Choose this option to and 2 disk drives. If you set the
To roll dice, type the number of To make a data disk. put a blank, change the letter at the end of the program to use 2 disk drives it will
dice, a "O·, the number of sides non-write-protected disk into the option from a "Y" to an "N. or look for the data disk in drive 2. If
on the die, and press drive displayed on screen and back. This stands for "(Y)es you you are using I drive then the pro-
RETURN/ENTER. For example, in press RETURN/ENTER. All data on want to used UNEAR.TltED ARC\/YA gram will prompt you when to
order to roll and total three six- the disk will be erased forever. rutes• or "(N)o you don'e. If "use swap disks.
sided dice, you would type "306' Make sure that there is nothing unearthed arcana· is set to "N"',
and press RETURN/ENTER. important on the disk before you only material from the l'IAYERS Backup Disk
format it. . lfANDBOOK and DUNGEON MASTERS (!Yot available on some versions)
To roll dice and add a modifier.
aUIDE is used in character and trea- This option creates a backup of
type the number of dice, a "o· ,
sure generation. the OM ASSIST II program disk.
the number of sides on the die, a
"+•,the modifier, and press Using UNEARTHBD ARCANA in charac- Before you use this program for
RETURN/ENTER. For example, in ter generation allows the use of anything. you should make a
order to roll and total three six- the cavaller and Barbarian charac- backup copy of your original disk
sided dice plus four, you would ter classes, changes starting hit and put the original away in a safe
type "306+4' and press points, and includes UNMHTltED
place. This way, should anything
RETURN/ENTER. ARCANA spells in characters' spell
lists. Using UNEAR.TltED ARCA/YA in happen to your copy of the pro-
To roll dice multiple times and gram, you will be able to make
treasure generation uses the
record the individual result and another one.
expanded magic item and spell
the total, type the number of
charts from UNEAR11100 ARCANA.
times to roll, a"* · , the number of To make a backup copy requires a
dice, a "o·. the number of sides Printer Slot blank, non-write-protected disk.
on the die, and press Follow the on screen prompts .
(!Yot available on some versions)
RETURN/ENTER. For example, in When the backup is completed,
order to roll and total three six- This option changes which slot on put the original disk away and use
sided dice ten times, you would an Apple II the program looks for the backup copy.
type "10*306. and press the printer interface. To change
RETURN/ENTER. the slot, choose the option and
The dice roller will only handle type the slot (1-7) that holds your
numbers up to 255 for any of the computer's printer interface.
values. In other words,
255*2550255+255 is as big as Extra Line Feeds
it gets. This option toggles extra line
feeds on and off at the end of
each printed line. If your text is all
printing on the same line, then set
extra line feed to "Y•. If your text
is all double spaced, then set
Extra Line Feed to "N•.

9 10
Al Escudero and James Ward
Original Programming:
David Wong
Graeme Bayless and Robert V. Daly
Al Escudero and George MacDonald
Customized Disk Operating System:
Roland Gustafsson
Cyrus Harris, Cliff Mann, Don McClure,
and Rick White.
Art and Graphic Design:
Louis Saekow Design
Desktop Publishing:
Louis Saekow Design
A~a Printers and Lithographers
675 Almanor Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086-2901

Questions or Problems?
our main business telephone number is (408) 737-6800. Recorded hints and other
recorded product information are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on our
Hotline: (408) 737-6810. To speak with a member of our Technical Staff plea<>e call the
Hotline number between 11 am. and 5 p.m. Pacific Time. Monday through friday.

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