Dog Bed: Woodworks: Intermediate Project 2013-2014
Dog Bed: Woodworks: Intermediate Project 2013-2014
Dog Bed: Woodworks: Intermediate Project 2013-2014
Dog Bed
All dogs love a soft and cozy bed, so why not give your beloved pet a great-looking place to call its own! Made mostly of solid wood, it can be
varied to fit the size of any ready-made pad and the dog who’ll use it. It’s a great way for intermediate woodworkers to learn to make table saw
tongue-and-groove joints and recessed panels and to find out about biscuit joinery. And after you build it, you will learn more about applying stain
and using finishes to protect the wood and keep it looking beautiful.
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
2. Using a ripping blade in the table saw, cut the grooves for the 17. Set the height of the bit to 1/8" and chamfer the top edges of
panels. Set the blade to a height of 3/8". Position the table saw fence the legs. Use a back-up board to prevent splintering and to stabilize
so that two passes with each face against the fence produce a groove the leg.
just wide enough to receive the panel material; this ensures that the
grooves will be centered in the edges of the stiles and rails 18. To lay out the headboard (B), draw a line perpendicular from
(see Fig. 2). If a sliver of material remains in the middle, the middle of the top edge and make a mark from the edge so that the
reset the fence to remove it after first making all the grooves. dimension from the mark to the bottom edge is 5-1/2". Make a mark
on each stile (E) 6-1/4" from the bottom end.
Woodworker’s Tip: Use a flat top-grind blade for this process to
get a flat bottomed groove. Make test cuts in scrap that’s exactly 19. Put small clamps at these two marks. Set a thin flexible stick
the same thickness as the project material. Set the height of the between them and then pull the stick back to the mark on the
blade to 3/8”. Use a feather board to hold the material tight to the headboard. Trace the resulting curve on the stiles and the headboard
fence and a push stick to push the stock past the blade. (see Fig. 6).
3. Set up a 1/2" dado head in the table saw. Set the height of the 20. Using the band saw, cut the headboard curve and sand edges.
dado at 1/4" and set the fence so 3/8" of the dado head projects
past the fence. 21. Lay out the biscuit slots, 2 per corner. The centers should be
1-1/2" from the edge (see Fig. 7).
4. Make test cuts in scrap exactly the same thickness as the project
material. Form a tongue by making two passes over the dado blade, 22. Cut the slots for #10 biscuits.
flipping the piece between cuts.
23. Dry assemble the footboard corners. Mark the location of the
5. Adjust the dado height and the fence position until the tongue fits inside corner on the footboard.
perfectly into the groove.
24. Set up a 1/4" round-over bit in a router table. Round over the top
6. When cutting the tongues for A, B, and C, add a sacrificial fence to corners of the side rails completely, from end to end. Round over the
the miter gauge to prevent splintering on the exit side of the cuts outside corner of the footboard completely from end to end. Round
(see Fig. 3). over the inside corner of the footboard by stopping at the pencil lines
indicating the location of the inside corner. Round over both outside
7. Dry assemble the frames and measure for panels G and H. corners of the top of the headboard.
8. Cut panels G and H to size. 25. Sand all parts in direction of the wood grain.
9. Sand the panels and inside edges of frame pieces. Be careful not to 26. Glue and clamp the bed assembly, making sure it’s square and
round over the edges of the frame parts. that the bottom edges are perfectly flush, panel to panel (see Fig. 8).
10. Glue and clamp the frames. Check to make sure each frame is
perfectly square.
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
Woodworker’s Tip: Be sure to wipe off any excess glue Before you stain
immediately. Dried glue will seal the pores of the wood and Carefully sand the parts in the direction of the grain. Start with
prevent it from absorbing your wood stain. Use an absorbent 120-grit paper and finish with 220-grit. Remove all the sanding
cloth soaked in water to remove the excess. Make sure the cloth is dust. Then proceed with the stain and finish of your choice.
soaked (not just damp) with water. The water will dilute the glue,
permitting the fibers of the cloth to absorb the glue with the RECOMMENDED STAIN AND FINISH
excess water. 1. Before applying Minwax® PolyShades®, apply Minwax® Pre-Stain
Wood Conditioner (oil-based), following the directions on the can.
27. Make the inside corners, K. The dimensions given, using a 3/4" Applying a pre-stain conditioner will help to ensure even absorption of
thick mattress board, leave 2-1/2" from the top of the mattress board stain and prevent blotchiness.
to the top of the rails. If you use a different dog pad (of different
thickness) you may need to change the length of the inside corners. 2. Apply Minwax® Polyshades® following the label directions. Use a
good quality, natural-bristle brush suitable for use with polyurethane.
28. Glue and clamp the inside corners, K, into the rail assembly. The Stir the can contents thoroughly before starting and periodically
corners need to project 1” past the bottom edge of the rails. during your work session.
Woodworker’s Tip: Instead of measuring for uniform projection 3. Dip the brush an inch or so into the can, gently tapping it against
of the inside corners, make a 1” spacer and position them with it. the inside to remove any excess. Do not wipe. Apply a very thin, even
If you are making a large dog bed, add additional support for the coat following the direction of the wood grain. Make sure to maintain
mattress board by gluing additional blocks to the inside faces of a “wet edge.” To minimize brush marks and bubbles after staining, tip
the panels. off the surface by holding the brush at a 45-degree angle and lightly
run the bristles over the entire wood surface. Allow the first coat to
29. The footboard still has a square outside corner that needs to be dry at least 6 hours.
rounded to match the other corners. This can easily be done by
hand sanding. 4. For the second coat, sand all surfaces lightly with very fine (000)
steel wool. Remove all dust. Apply a second coat of Polyshades®,
30. Sand the exterior surfaces of the bed. following the directions above. To achieve a deeper color, you may
apply a third coat after 6 hours or longer, repeating the application
31. Glue and clamp the legs to the inside corners (see Fig.9). The directions above.
chamfering done earlier on the top of the legs helps mask any
irregularities between the legs and the panels. ALTERNATE STAIN AND FINISH
Alt 1. Before applying Minwax® Wood Finish™, apply Minwax®
32. Cut plywood or solid wood to make the mattress bottom (L). Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner (oil-based), following the directions
Solid wood should be edge-joined with glue. After finishing, set L in on the can. Applying a pre-stain wood conditioner will help to
place. In order to facilitate cleaning do not fasten the mattress board ensure even absorption of stain and prevent blotchiness.
in place.
Alt 2. Apply the Minwax® Wood Finish™ color you have chosen using
STAINING AND FINISHING a brush or a clean, lint-free cloth following the directions on the can.
Woodworker’s Tip: Though you may be tempted to cut short your A brush will help you get the stain into the inside corners. Allow the
sanding, preparation, and application time, don’t do it. These Wood Finish™ to sit for about 5 to 15 minutes, and then wipe off any
tasks are very important steps in obtaining a high-quality finish. excess. To achieve a deeper color, you may apply a second coat after
Remember, it is the finish, just as much as the fit and smoothness 4 to 6 hours, repeating the application directions for the first coat.
of the parts, that will have an impact on how people judge your Allow the stain to dry for 24 hours before applying the protective
craftsmanship. To ensure an excellent result, follow the steps listed clear finish.
in this section as well as the instructions the finish manufacturer
puts on its products. Woodworker’s Tip: When wiping off stain, make certain that
your last wipe with the cloth goes with the grain of the wood.
• Test the stains and finishes you are planning to use on scraps of Alt 3. Apply Minwax® Fast-Drying Polyurethane following the
wood. On the back of the scrap, mark the stain/finish combination directions on the can. Stir Polyurethane thoroughly. Using a good
and the type of wood. Allow all samples to dry thoroughly before quality, natural-bristle brush, apply a thin coat. Allow the first coat to
making your final finish selection. Save your samples for quick dry for 4 to 6 hours
reference on future projects.
Alt 4. To apply a second coat, sand all surfaces lightly with 220-grit
• All stains and finishes must be allowed to dry thoroughly between sandpaper. Dust off and wipe all surfaces with a cloth lightly
coats. Remember that drying times can vary due to temperature, dampened with mineral spirits. Apply a second coat and set the
humidity and other climatic conditions. piece aside to dry for 4 to 6 hours.
• If you have some leftover stain or finish, wipe the can rim so that
stain or finish in the rim won’t dry out and prevent the lid from Alt 5. If desired, apply a third coat following step Alt 4. Allow the
forming a tight seal. final coat to dry 24 hours before normal use of the piece.
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
For your safety and the safety of those you work with, always read and
follow the safety warnings that manufacturers print on their labels.
DANGER: Rags, steel wool, other waste soaked with oil-based stains
and clear finishes, and sanding residue may spontaneously catch fire
if improperly discarded. Immediately place rags, steel wool, other
waste soaked with oil-based products, and sanding residue in a
sealed, water-filled metal container. Dispose of in accordance with
local fire regulations.
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
FIG 1.
CONTINUED – WOODWORKS: intermediate project 2013-2014 Dog Bed
FIG 2.
Stile or Rail
FIG 3.
A, B, or C
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FIG 4.
FIG 5.
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FIG 6.
FIG 7.
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FIG 8.
FIG 9.