Doctor Appointment Booking System

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Doctor Appointment Booking System

The proposed project is a smart appointment booking system that

provides patients or any user an easy way of booking a doctor’s
appointment online. This is a web based application that overcomes the
issue of managing and booking appointments according to user’s choice or
demands. The task sometimes becomes very tedious for the compounder
or doctor himself in manually allotting appointments for the users as per
their availability. Hence this project offers an effective solution where users
can view various booking slots available and select the preferred date and
time. The already booked space will be marked yellow and will not be
available for anyone else for the specified time. This system also allows
users to cancel their booking anytime. The application uses as a
front-end and sql database as the back-end.


 Admin Login: The system is under supervision of admin who manages the
bookings made.
 User login/registration: Users have to first register themselves to login into
the system.
 Three clinic areas: The system will provide users with three clinic areas of
different locations.
 Appointment availability check: User can click on spaces to view the
 Appointment booking online for date and time: Users can book
appointment for their required date and time.
 Automatic cost calculation: The system calculates the total cost incurred for
parking based on the time that user has asked for booking.
 Booking cancellation: User may even cancel their bookings by login into the
system anytime.
 Email on appointment booking: When user is successful in appointment
confirmation and 'thank you' email regarding the alot booked.
 Feedback: The system has a feedback form, where user can provide
feedback into the system.

User side functionality:

 Book appointment
 Cancellation
 Receipt
 Feedback
 Recharge Account

Admin side functionality:

 Administers booked
 Cancellation
 View User Data
 Feedback view and reply

Software Requirements:

 Windows Xp, Windows 7(ultimate, enterprise)

 Sql 2008
 Visual studio 2010

Hardware Components:

 Processor – i3
 Hard Disk – 5 GB
 Memory – 1GB RAM
 It requires an internet connection.
 It requires large database.

 The project can be implemented in hospitals and clinics
 It can be utilized by companies and organizations (hospitals, schools,
colleges) to automate their parking system.

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