Remote and Mobile Working Policy

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Digital Technology Services (DTS)


1. Purpose and Scope
This document forms the University of Reading’s Remote and Mobile Working Policy which
supports the Information Security Policy. Compliance with this policy will ensure that consistent
and appropriate controls are applied to help mitigate the information security risks (detailed
below in section 2) associated with remote and mobile working.
1.1 The policy is intended to support the University’s aim to enable its staff to work from any
location on any appropriate portable device whilst maintaining the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of the University’s information assets. It is also intended to
ensure that third parties working off site apply equivalent protection to the University
information that they are handling.
1.2 This policy applies to all University staff accessing university systems and information
remotely. It applies to information in all formats, including manual records and electronic
1.3 For the purposes of this policy, the terms “mobile” and “remote” are used
interchangeably, and should be taken to cover any scenario where University related
business is carried out off campus (at home, in a café, another institution, on a train etc.)
or outside of the secure University computing environment (this includes working while
connected to University Wi-Fi networks).

2. Associated Risks
2.1 Loss or theft of the device: Mobile devices are highly vulnerable to being lost or stolen,
potentially offering access to sensitive information or systems. They are often used in
open view in locations that cannot offer the same level of physical security as University
campus locations.
2.2 Being overlooked: Some users may work in public open spaces, such as on public
transport, where they are vulnerable to being observed when working. This can
potentially compromise sensitive information or authentication credentials.
2.3 Loss of credentials: If user credentials (such as username/password) are stored with a
device used for remote working or remote access and it is lost or stolen, the attacker
could use those credentials to compromise services or information stored on (or
accessible from) that device.
2.4 Unauthorised access to remote gateways: Credentials that are stolen via other attacks
(such as phishing) may be used by attackers to gain unauthorised access to interfaces
that are exposed to the Internet, such as email or HR systems. This can potentially
compromise any information stored within those systems.

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Digital Technology Services (DTS)

2.5 Tampering: An attacker may attempt to subvert the security controls on the device
through the insertion of malicious software or hardware if the device is left unattended.
This may allow them to monitor all user activity on the device, including authentication

3. Responsibility
3.1 Heads of Schools/Functions/Departments are responsible for ensuring that staff are
aware of the need to adhere to this and other related policies when working remotely or
on the move and that breaches are dealt with appropriately.
3.2 DTS shall ensure that advice and guidance on technical specifications (such as
encryption) is made available to staff.
3.3 Information Asset Owners/Stewards/Custodians:
- Shall ensure that corresponding processes are in place to authorise remote
access and mobile working within their area of responsibility.
- Where third-parties have been permitted to access University systems remotely,
ensure that appropriate contracts are in place to cover such access, and that
said contracts are regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with this and other
information security policies.
3.4 University Staff shall:
- Read, understand and comply with this and other related policies.
- Complete all required information compliance training.
- Report the following to DTS:
- Suspected or actual breaches of this policy.
- Misuse of mobile devices.
- Report any breaches or suspected breaches of Information Security in
accordance with the Information Security Incident Response Policy.

4. Consequences of Non-Compliance
4.1 Failure to comply with this policy may result in:
­ Revocation of access to University systems.
­ Removal of user rights to University issued mobile devices.
­ Cost of replacing equipment charged to relevant department/school.
­ Action taken against members of staff (including third parties) up to and including
dismissal/termination of the engagement.
4.2 The University reserves the right to restrict remote and mobile working if information
risks are not being managed in accordance with this, and other University policies.

5. Requirements
Staff working remotely:

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5.1 Via an unmanaged device (not University owned/issued) shall do so in accordance with
the Bring Your Own Device Policy.
5.2 Via a managed device (University owned/issued) shall do so in accordance with the
Mobile Device Management Policy.
5.3 Should refrain from storing files locally (on the devices own drive or desktop), particularly
if they contain information classified as ‘restricted or ‘highly restricted’ as defined in the
Information Classification Policy. Contact DTS or IMPS for more information.
5.4 Should refrain from working on ‘restricted’ or ‘highly restricted’ information in public
places (unless absolutely necessary to do so).
5.5 Shall never leave papers or equipment containing ‘restricted’ or ‘highly restricted’
information unattended outside of University premises unless they are appropriately
physically secured from theft in line with University information handling procedures.
5.6 Shall take steps to ensure that the environment offers a suitable level of privacy (i.e.
from other individuals in the vicinity being able to view papers or screens being worked
on, or being able to overhear private conversations) before working on any ‘restricted’
or ‘highly restricted’ information outside of University premises.
5.7 Shall ensure that any University information or University information asset equipment
is appropriately disposed of in accordance with the University’s Information
Classification Policy and IT Equipment Disposal Policy.
5.8 Should take precautions when using public or free Wi-Fi services (such as those
commonly found in public libraries and coffee shops) to ensure that any sites they visit
are genuine. Confidential data (including login details and other business-sensitive
information) must not be transmitted or accessed on an unsecured Wi-Fi as it is possible
that the information could be viewed by unauthorised individuals.
5.9 Shall do so in accordance with all applicable legislation and shall ensure that all
University records and information held remotely or on campus facilities can be retrieved
in a reasonable timeframe in the event of an Information Access Request.
5.10 Shall comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (for staff handling
payment card data). For more information:
5.11 Shall only use approved technologies. End user guidance shall be made available for
those engaging in mobile and remote working. This will cover approved technologies
and acceptable use.
5.12 Shall ensure that University Information is handled in accordance with the Encryption
Policy and Information Classification Policy, as applicable to the environment in which
they are working.
5.13 Shall do so securely, responsibly, and in full compliance with the IT User Regulations

6. Health and Safety

6.1 The University has a duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of their employees
and this includes those who regularly work from home. Staff must ensure that their
working environment has suitable facilities to effectively carry out their role and shall

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Digital Technology Services (DTS)

ensure that their working arrangements do not unreasonably impact their health and
6.2 Display screen equipment (DSE) advice and guidance is available online (see the Good
Display Screen Equipment Practice leaflet which covers the core practical needs on
breaks, workstation set-up etc.) alongside training, a self-assessment and information
on how to contact your local DSE assessor:
6.3 If you wish to vary your working arrangements to work from home for any part of the
working week, you can make a formal request for flexible working by following the
procedure found here:
6.4 All incidents that occur on University property, or on University business, that affect staff,
students or property must be reported to Health and Safety Services:

7. Related policies, procedures, guidelines or regulations

7.1 This policy sits beneath the University of Reading’s overarching Information Security
Policy. This and other supporting policies can be found here:
7.2 Guidance on remote working:
7.3 Health and Safety homepage:

8. Policies superseded by this policy

Remote Working Policy v1.0

IMPS means the Information Management and Policy Services
DTS means the Digital Technology Services (IT) department.
Information Asset Owner means the designated owner of risks associated with specified
information assets (IAs), responsible for actioning quality and
security controls.
Data Steward means the designated owner of risks associated with specified
Information Asset systems, responsible for data quality within
the IA system, providing assurance on quality and security to
Information Asset Owners, conducting granular risk
assessments and overseeing the implementation of quality and
security controls.

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Data Custodians Means the person (s) responsible for the technical environment,
for example DTS Support.
Staff Includes:
- Employees (including temporary or short term workers) of the
University or a subsidiary company of the University.
- Volunteers, interns and those undertaking placements or work
- Contractors engaged by the University.
- Students working for and/or on behalf of the University, including
Postgraduate Research students.
- Those with University accounts by virtue of a visiting or courtesy
title conferred by the University.
- Any other individual who is working on behalf of the University if
they are processing University data or information.

Document control

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Policy Group

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