Musical Theatre Song Chart - Barcelona 4
Musical Theatre Song Chart - Barcelona 4
Musical Theatre Song Chart - Barcelona 4
Action (Tactic)/
Line Paraphrase Particularization Subtext Adjustment Movement Music Beat/Objective
The literal meaning of the line Personalization 1. What you REALLY mean Staging/Choreography i.e., p, mf, ff
Every spoken line, sung lyric & AIR Verb/Adverb
in your own words Character 2. Personal (if different from the lyric) (as needed) music climax
Stay a minute. Stay a little more. I know, but just a little more. Come on… p
I would like to. That would be nice. Yes. I want to stay.
Stay a minute
Stay a minute. Just a little more. Yeah, but. Let me show you… mp
No, I can’t I cannot. No. I wish.
Where you going? Where you’re flying to? What the hell… Fuck this. mp
Barcelona. Barcelona. Go home. First Barcelona.