Optimal Placement, Replacement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distorted Distribution Networks by Genetic Algorithms
Optimal Placement, Replacement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distorted Distribution Networks by Genetic Algorithms
Optimal Placement, Replacement and Sizing of Capacitor Banks in Distorted Distribution Networks by Genetic Algorithms
4, OCTOBER 2004
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bounds of rms voltage, , the number/size of installed ca- III. PROBLEM FORMULATION
pacitors and harmonic parallel resonances. In this paper, the following assumptions are made:
• capacitors with fixed values ,
II. SYSTEM MODEL AT HARMONIC FREQUENCIES • presence of linear and nonlinear loads in a balanced three-
For modeling of a distribution system at fundamental and har- phase system.
monic frequencies the formulation and notations of [37], [38]
A. Constraints
are used. System solution is achieved by forcing total (funda-
mental and harmonic) mismatch active and reactive powers as Voltage constraints will be taken into account by specifying
well as mismatch active and reactive fundamental and harmonic upper (e.g., ) and lower (e.g., )
currents to zero using the Newton–Raphson method. bounds of rms voltage ( , ):
Define bus #1 to be the conventional swing bus, buses
#2 through to be the conventional linear (PQ (3)
and PV) buses, and buses #m through #n as nonlinear buses
. We assume that nonlinear load
models—representing the coupling between harmonic volt- The distortion of voltage is considered by specifying for max-
ages and currents—are given either in the frequency domain imum total harmonic distortion of voltages:
(e.g., and characteristics) or in the time domain (e.g.,
v(t) and i(t) characteristics). These models are available for
many nonlinear loads and systems such as power electronic de-
vices [37], nonlinear transformers [38], discharge lighting [39],
EHV and HVDC networks [40], [41]. The Newton–Raphson
method [37] is used to compute the correction terms by forcing
appropriate mismatches to zero (4)
Bounds for (3), (4) are specified by the IEEE-519 standard [42].
(1) Let and denote the maximum number of capaci-
tors allowed at each bus and the entire feeder, respectively. The
For the harmonic power flow analysis, we have number of capacitors on bus i is limited by:
.. .. .. .. .. .. (5B)
. . . . . .
B. Objective Function
The objective function used for capacitor placement is [26],
.. (2A) [30], [33]:
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string is selected is proportional to its fitness relative to Step 1) input system parameters (e.g., system topology, line
the rest of the population. Therefore, strings with higher and load specifications). Input the initial population with
fitness values have a higher probability of contributing chromosomes.
offspring. Step 2) Set initial counter and parameter values (e.g.,
• Crossover—is the process of selecting a random position and ).
in the string and swapping the characters either left or right Step 3) (Fitness Process):
of this point with another similarly partitioned string. This Step 3A: Run harmonic power flow for chromosome
random position is called the crossover point. In this paper and save outputs.
the characters to the right of a crossover point are swapped. Step 3B: Compute proposed penalty functions (Fig. 2)
The probability of parent-chromosomes crossover are as- using outputs of harmonic power flow. Compute fitness
sumed to be between 0.6 and 1.0. functions (8) for chromosome . Set .
• Mutation—is the process of random modification of a Step 3C: If go to Step 3A.
string position by changing “0” to “1” or vice versa, with Step 4) (Reproduction Process):
a small probability. It prevents complete loss of genetic Step 4A: Define total fitness as the sum of all fitness values
material through reproduction and crossover by ensuring for all chromosomes.
that the probability of searching any region in the problem Step 4B: Select a percentage of “roulette wheel” for each
space is never zero. In this paper the probability of muta- chromosome which is equal to the ratio of its fitness value
tion is assumed to be between 0.01 and 0.1. to the total fitness value.
Step 4C: Improve generation by rolling the “roulette
D. Convergence Criterion wheel” times. Select a new combination of chro-
The iterations (regenerations) of the proposed genetic
Step 5) (Crossover Process):
algorithm are continued until all generated chromosomes be-
Step 5A: Select a random number for mating two
come equal or the maximum number of iterations is achieved
parent chromosomes.
. Due to the randomness of GA method, the
Step 5B: If is between 0.6 and 1.0 then combine
solution tends to differ for each run, even with the same initial
the two parents, generate two offspring and go to Step 5D.
population. For this reason, it is suggested to perform multiple
Step 5C: Else, transfer the chromosome with no crossover.
runs and select the “most acceptable” solution (e.g., with most
Step 5D: Repeat steps 5A to 5C for all chromosomes.
benefits, within the permissible region of constraints).
Step 6) (Mutation Process):
Step 6A: Select a random number for mutation
E. Analysis of one chromosome.
The initial conditions for (6) (e.g., the initial compensation Step 6B: If is between 0.01 and 0.1 then apply the
buses) do not usually reside inside the permissible solution re- mutation process at a random position and go to Step 6D.
gion. Therefore, some type of criteria is required to direct the Step 6C: Else, transfer the chromosome with no mutation.
solution toward the permissible region and to select the most Step 6D: Repeat Steps 6A to 6C for all chromosomes.
appropriate buses for capacitor placement. The paper uses a fit- Step 7) (Updating Populations): Replace the old population
ness function (based on combination of F, , U and V) to with the improved population generated by Steps 2 to 6.
improve population and convergence of the solution in consec- Check all chromosomes, if there is any chromosome with
utive generations. , and , set
The inclusion of objective function and power quality con- and save it. Set .
straints will automatically eliminate all solutions generating ex- Step 8) (Convergence): If all chromosomes are the
treme values for voltages and/or currents and prevents funda- same or the maximum number of iterations is achieved
mental and harmonic parallel resonances. , then print the solution and stop, else go to
An important factor in using genetic algorithm is the proba- Step 2.
bility of crossover and mutation. If crossover probability is close
to one, crossover is performed on the whole population and the
search effect is maximized. It is a usual practice to set crossover VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
probability to a large value in the range of 0.7 to 1.0 [34]–[36]. Previous capacitor placement techniques [30]–[33] and the
Mutation operator maintains diversity in the population and proposed genetic algorithm (Fig. 2) are used to simulate two
hence used with a small probability: on the average there is only IEEE distorted networks.
one mutation per string. Thus, mutation probability is usually set
in the range of 0.1/L to 1/L ( [34]–[36]).
A. Simulation of the 6-Bus IEEE Distorted System
The MSS [30], [31], MSS-LV [32], fuzzy set [33] and
genetic algorithms for optimal capacitor sizing and placement
The shunt capacitor placement and sizing problem in the pres- are applied to the 69 kV, 6-bus, distorted distribution system
ence of linear and nonlinear loads is solved using the proposed (Fig. 4(a)). Specifications of this system are given in [43].
genetic algorithm of Fig. 3, as follows: Simulation results are compared in Table II.
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Fig. 3. Proposed iterative genetic algorithm for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks in the presence of harmonics.
The nonlinear load in Fig. 4(a) is a six-pulse rectifier with B. Simulation of the 18-Bus IEEE Distorted System
active and reactive powers of 0.2 pu (2 MW) and 0.25 pu (2.5
MVAr), respectively. Outputs of harmonic power flow show a The MSS [30], [31], MSS-LV [32], fuzzy [33] and the genetic
maximum voltage of 5.27% (column 2 of Table II). algorithm for capacitor placement and sizing are applied to the
After optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks with 23 kV, 18-bus distorted IEEE distribution system (Fig. 4(b)).
the MSS algorithm [31], voltage decreases to 5.007% Specifications of this system are given in [44].
by allocating 0.15 pu capacitor banks and a yearly benefit of The nonlinear load in Fig. 4(b) is a six-pulse rectifier with ac-
$35 968 is achieved (column 3 of Table II). tive and reactive powers of 0.3 pu (3 MW) and 0.226 pu (2.26
Applying the MSS-LV algorithm to the system of Fig. 4(a) MVAr), respectively. Outputs of harmonic power flow show a
shows a yearly benefit of $40 098 and a voltage of 4.97% maximum voltage of 8.486% for this system (column 2
(column 4 of Table II). Optimization of system by the fuzzy of Table III). Application of MSS method [31] to Fig. 4(b) shows
set algorithm [33] indicates voltage THD of 4.99% and yearly that optimal capacitor placement results in considerable yearly
benefit of $33 758 (column 5 of Table II). benefit (e.g., $20 653 per year) but it does not limit voltage
Application of the genetic algorithm (Fig. 3 with to the desired level of 5% (column 3 of Table III). This
) to the system of Fig. 4(a) results in about is expected from the MSS method in rich harmonic configura-
the same voltage (e.g., 4.943%), and annual savings are tions, where capacitor placement is not the primary solution for
increased to $45 778 (column 6 of Table II). harmonic mitigation.
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(FIG. (4b)). PER UNIT VA = 10 MVA, PER UNIT V = 23 kV , SWING BUS voltage = 1:05 pu
Applying the MSS-LV algorithm shows a yearly benefit of 4.88% (column 6 of Table III) and total allocated capacitance
$17 939 and voltage is limited to 4.72% (column 4 of is decreased by 16%.
Table III). Application of the fuzzy algorithm [33] to Fig. 4(b) Compared with the MSS solution, power quality control mit-
results in an acceptable voltage level and benefits igation is achieved at the expense of lower benefits. Compared
(4.899% and $14,732, column 5 of Table III). with the MSS-LV solution, greater yearly benefits are achieved
The genetic algorithm of Fig. 3 was also applied to this system while the power quality conditions are the same. Compared with
for optimal placement and sizing of capacitor banks the fuzzy solution, the same power quality conditions result
. Results show a yearly benefit of $18 949 per year (last (rows 12–15 of Table III), but greater benefits (e.g., 28% greater
row of Table III) and maximum voltage is limited to savings) are achieved. The results of Tables II and III indicate
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Fig. 4. Single-line diagram of (a) the 6-bus [43] and (b) the 18-bus [44] IEEE distorted system used for simulation and analysis.
that the proposed genetic algorithm captures more advantageous Simulation results for the 6 and 18 bus IEEE distorted net-
solutions than the MSS, MSS-LV and fuzzy algorithms. This works are presented and compared with the results generated
is expected because the genetic algorithm has the capability of by the MSS, MSS-LV and fuzzy set algorithms. The main con-
computing the near global solution. clusions are:
• The proposed genetic algorithm is capable of determining
C. Computing Time the near global solution. The dependency of GA solution
Unfortunately, the application of GA’s often looks like a on the initial condition is weaker than previously proposed
never-ending process. In fact, only a compromise between pop- optimization methods. However, it requires more com-
ulation size, mutation rate and so on, can lead to an adequate puting time. This is not of great concern since capacitor
algorithm that finds good solutions in a relatively short time placement is usually a planning problem.
[36]. • Compared with the MSS, MSS-LV and fuzzy set methods,
Capacitor bank placement is usually considered a planning genetic algorithm generates more suitable results (e.g.,
problem and its computing time is not of great concern. How- lower and/or greater annual benefits).
ever, the computational burden associated with the proposed ge- • Proper placement and sizing of capacitor banks results in
netic algorithm is included and compared with those of the MSS, lower system losses, greater yearly benefits, better voltage
MSS-LV and fuzzy methods as shown in row 19 of Tables II and profile and improved power quality.
III. As expected, the computing times of the proposed genetic
algorithm are longer.
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