Using Vibration Analysis To Identify & Correct An Induced Draft Fan's Foundation Problem of A Pollution Control Device - A Case Study
Using Vibration Analysis To Identify & Correct An Induced Draft Fan's Foundation Problem of A Pollution Control Device - A Case Study
Using Vibration Analysis To Identify & Correct An Induced Draft Fan's Foundation Problem of A Pollution Control Device - A Case Study
© Research India Publications.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University)
Varanasi 221005, Uttar Pradesh, India.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
The blower is coupled to the motor with a flexible coupling as The first step was to analyze the reason for high vibrations in
shown in the Figure:2 . The measuring points for vibration the motor and as William R Finley et al. [2] had observed that
monitoring has been numbered. to solve a vibration problem in an induction motor one must
differentiate between cause and effect and in order to get this
happen one has to first find the root cause of each abnormal
vibration. Glenn H Bate [3] had observed that the vibration
problems of the induction motor can be the combination of
two groups which can be called ‘magnetic’ and
‘mechanical’. Vibrations due to magnetic phenomenon can
also be due to two reasons (a) air gap variation (b) current
variation. In (a) air gap variations typical magnetic vibration
has been listed as (i) static eccentricity (ii) weakness of stator
support (iii) dynamic eccentricity and (iv) loose rotor bars. In
Figure 2. Schematic layout of the blower & motor unit (b) current variation typical magnetic vibration has been listed
showing the Vibration Measuring Points as (i) stator winding faults (ii) broken and cracked rotor bars
(iii) shorted rotor laminations. Glenn H Bate[3] also
described a simple test called ‘power trip test’ wherein in the
After commissioning the blower unit the vibrations, both of test the magnetic components of vibration will disappear
the fan and motor, were found to be quite high and the plant’s immediately once the power is removed. This test was carried
condition monitoring team were asked to monitor and out and it was observed after power switch off the vibrations
diagnose the reason for the high vibrations .The initial remained but gradually minimized with the drop in the motor
vibration readings of the motor & blower drive end & non- speed. It was confirmed that the components of the vibration
drive end bearings at the measuring points are shown in were mechanical in nature so it became evident that the
Table:2 specific components of mechanical vibrations have to be
sorted through vibration signature analysis and
countermeasures to take on specific causes to reduce the
Table 2. Vibration of Motor & Blower after commissioning. overall vibration amplitude to the acceptable limit. Mikhail
(30th August 2014) (Abnormal vibrations marked *). Tsypkin [4] had observed that major vibration sources of
mechanical origin in induction motors are: shaft bow, rotor
Measuring Measuring Axis imbalance, misalignment, discrepancies in bearing operations
Points Horizontal (H) Vertical(V) Axial(A) as well as in the couplings ,sheaves, and other mechanical
(Unit: RMS (Unit: RMS (Unit: RMS rotating elements of the assembly. Mechanical looseness,
value mm/sec) value mm/sec) value foundation problems and/or structural resonances also may
mm/sec) significantly changes vibration signal amplitudes and
Point No:1 11.3* 3.1 2.4
(Motor NDE) Though the ‘power trip test’ indicated the problem of high
Point No:2 9.8* 0.8 2.7 vibration in the motor was mechanical in nature still current
(Motor DE) signature analysis was also carried out to negate any problems
with the rotor bars.(Fig:3)
Point no:3 5.8* 1.8 3.5
(Blower NDE)
Point No:4 4.9* 3.0 4.0 CURRENT SIGNATURE ANALYSIS-1
(Blower DE)
From Figure 3 it is observed that there is no phase unbalance
in the 3 phases and from the spectrum analysis we find there
It was observed that the motor drive end & non-drive end is no rotor initiated problem. With the current signature
vibrations in the horizontal axes were higher than the analysis it was confirmed that though the motor vibration is
accepted vibration level as per ISO -10816-3.[1] as compared high but there is no broken rotor bar related issue of the
to the blower unit horizontal vibrations. The other axes motor.
vibration of the fan and the motor were within the accepted
standard[1]. As the horizontal vibration readings were
comparatively much higher than the vertical & axial readings
in this case study we have considered only the horizontal
readings in all our analysis.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
Figure 3. Current Signature Analysis Report and the Load in the RYB Phases.
Jack D Peters [ 5 ] in his work has described Bump Test as :
Measured response of an impact to an object
The force of the impact is not controlled or
Figure 4. Phase analysis axis & location are being shown
The response of the object is not controlled but
Table 3. Phase Analysis Measuring Results measured.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
Figure 5. Vibration level mapping of the equipment and the base(view from both side).Dimension mm/sec
It is evident from the above vibration mapping that the higher So the next step is to find an alternative method to off-set the
vibration was at the motor side and the same was being resonance.
transmitted to the base.
After the mapping of the equipment and the base the bump
test was conducted and the result is given in Figure:6
Eugene Vogel[6] has expressed a method for solving vibration
problems due structural resonance .Structural resonance refers
to excessive vibrations of non-rotating components usually
machine parts or supporting structures. Even slight vibratory
forces from residual unbalances and misalignment effects of
the machine can excite the resonant base structure resulting in
severe vibration. The Bode Plot (fig:7) shows the operating
speed versus the amplitude.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
The formula for calculating the natural frequency is: From equation (1) and also considering and above basic
vibration principles it is evident that increased stiffness will
raise the natural frequency and increased mass will lower it.
F(hz) = ½π k/m (equation-1) That’s logical since stiffness creates a force that is always
directed against motion , while mass has inertia, which is
Where k is the stiffness of the structure & m is the mass
force always directed with motion. Resonance is what
Core formula is : happens when these two opposing forces are equal and they
cancel each other out increasing vibration. The option was to
k/m ≈ stiffness/mass either increase the concrete base mass or increase the mass of
Barry T Cease[7] of Cease Industrial Consulting also in a the impeller but as because of area constraint it was not
similar case study of resonance in foundation had carried out a feasible to increase the concrete base mass so the sole
modification work on the following basic principles of alternative was to increase the mass of the rotating impeller.
vibration. A third factor which can reduce resonance is damping but as
From Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion :F=m*a where ‘F’is the whole fan structure was a heavy mass weighing about 6
Force ,’m’ is mass & ‘a’ is acceleration. And when we metric tonne it was directly mounted on the concrete base and
rearrange the equation we get the following :a=F/m no shock absorber were used.
Figure 8. Vibration Signature Analysis of the Motor & the Fan Bearings in Horizontal axis
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
In the vibration signature analysis it was observed that the BALANCING OF THE IMPELLER-1ST TIME (25TH
highest amplitude was at 1* running speed(X). MAY 2014)
Troy D Feese & Phillip E Grazier [5] had observed that The first balancing of the impeller was done and the
generally when machinery experiences high vibration at 1 x correction mass that was added is given below:
running speed the first cause can be of unbalance of the
Total 780 grams weight added at 315 0 on the impeller.
impeller and the same to be checked first. As the signature
analysis indicates there is some unbalance in the impeller it After the balancing there was an drastic improvement in the
was decided to check the same first and to correct the fan and the motor vibration.(Table:4)
unbalance as there will be some addition of weights which
may off-set the resonance forces.
Table 4. Vibration Reading Before & After Balancing -1st time
Vibration Reduction Record Before & After Balancing (all units are RMS mm/sec)
Measuring Points Before Balancing After Balancing % Reduction
Motor Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 16.17 4.73 70.7
Motor Drive End Horizontal Axis 16.06 4.25 73.5
Fan Drive End Horizontal Axis 11.09 3.06 72.4
Fan Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 8.09 2.49 69.2
Since horizontal axis vibration were the highest in both the increase in vibration in the 1X in the horizontal axis for both
fan and the motor we have shown its readings only but the motor and the fan.
similarly there reduction in vibration in all the axis.
It is evident that after addition of mass there was a noticeable
Balancing of the Impeller-2nd Time(20th July 2015)
shift in the resonance which resulted in the reduction of
vibration in all the axes. The second balancing of the impeller was done and the total
correction mass added was1500 gms. And after addition of
However after some weeks later again the vibration in all the
extra weights for balancing the vibration dropped
axes increased considerably and signature analysis indicated
Vibration Reduction Record Before & After Balancing (All Units are RMS mm/sec)
Measuring Points Before Balancing After Balancing %Reduction
Motor Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 23 4.9 78.89
Motor Drive End Horizontal Axis 21 4.3 79.52
Fan Drive End Horizontal Axis 14 3.2 77.14
Fan Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 8.9 2.7 69.66
It was observed that after adding mass to the impeller during impeller blades it was found that though the weights added in
balancing resonance has drastically reduced for which overall the previous balancing was intact but there was a considerable
vibration had drastically dropped but after few weeks wearing out of the impeller blades (Fig:9)
vibration increased again . On close observation of the
Figure 9. The tip and the edges of the impeller blades were wearing out very fast
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
The reason of fast wearing out was due to abrasion of sand the pollution control device unit the fan was again put into
materials which were leaking from the partially damaged filter operation after addition of weights as required for balancing.
bags of the pollution control device. In the pollution control
On expected lines again after few weeks the overall vibration
device there are 12 chambers and each chamber has 192
increased and fan was stopped again for inspection.
bags and to locate and replace the damaged from the total
2304 total bags is a time consuming task which needs a long
shut down which the operation cannot afford because of
production schedule. Balancing of the Impeller-3rd time(24th Aug 2015)
On inspection it was found that the wear of the impeller
This abrasion was reducing the overall mass of the impeller
and resonance was occurring for which the overall vibration blades were increasing now at a faster rate. (Fig:10)
was increasing again. As it was not possible then to overhaul
Figure 10. The impeller blades were wearing out at a faster rate
For the third time again the impeller was balanced by adding
weight 1310 gms. and after adding the mass overall vibration
Table 6. Vibration Reading Before & After Balancing -3rd Time
Vibration Reduction Record Before & After Balancing
(All Units are RMS mm/sec)
Measuring Points Before Balancing After Balancing %Reduction
Motor Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 11.41 2.58 77.39
Motor Drive End Horizontal Axis 10.05 2.35 76.62
Fan Drive End Horizontal Axis 7.22 1.78 75.35
Fan Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 5.4 1.74 67.78
Balancing of the Impeller and if the same is not contained the damage of the cast
base will be irreversible. (Fig:11)
It was evident from the above analysis and vibration records
that high vibration of the fan was due to resonance and as the
same could not be avoided by varying the motor speed or
increasing the base stiffness it was achieved by increasing the
impeller mass as extra weights were added to balance the
impeller but the corrective measure was not very effective as
the total effect of the additional weight was getting
counterbalanced as the fan blades were wearing out at an
extremely faster rate due to abrasion as because it was
subjected to constant flow of sand and other particles due to
the damage of some filter bags of the pollution control device
Figure 11. Initiation of Crack Propagation at the Base
unit. The average mean time between failures (MTBF) was as
low as 45 days on the average.
After the third balancing , the impeller had to be Final Diagnosis:
balanced further two times for the same reason but
Till now after each balancing the fan would be operating
during the 5th balancing it was observed that due to
frequent high vibration the fan base was getting damaged within the vibration limits [1] for certain number of days
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
only. The graph(Fig:12) shows that the MTBF of the motor &
the fan drive & non-drive end bearings..
Figure 12. Horizontal vibration of the motor & the fan DE & NDE bearings after each balancing.
From the above graphs it is evident that the mean time given in the general drawing supplied by the overseas original
between failures was as low as 45 days on the average and equipment manufacturer . The fan blade material
this was due to the fast wear rate of the impeller blades due to specification was Q235B whose IS equivalent is IS: 2062
abrasion of the dust effusing from the partially damaged which is a common structural steel material but is not
pollution control unit filter bags. suitable for abrasion resistance.(Table:7)
The reason for fast rate of wear of the impeller blades was
found after checking the impeller blade material grade as
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
2: Coat the impeller blade surface with abrasion resistant Abrasion Resistant Coating of the Impeller Blades:
material to reduce erosion due to abrasion.
Based on the base metal of the blades an abrasion resistant
The 2nd. option was certainly better as to locate the damaged electrode [8]was selected with the following description:
bags from a bundle of 2304 bags is by itself a mammoth task
‘Newly formulated heavy coated high recovery electrode
and even after replacing the damaged bags there is no
designed specially for extreme abrasion resistance at higher
guarantee that other bags in due course of time will not get
temperature to about 600 0 centigrade. Deposits consists of
damaged in phases and start the process of corrosion. Routine
high percentage of primary chromium carbide and secondary
damages of filter bags occur due to aging of the filter bags
vanadium carbides and Borides for optimum results .
and natural deterioration due to common wear and tear.. So it
Hardness 61-66 HRC [8]
was decided to coat the impeller blades with abrasion resistant
material. After coating the impeller blades the total weight of the
electrodes added was 35 kg. After checking the final balance
the fan was commissioned on 16th June 2015. And reading
taken before and after the final balancing is given in Table :7
Table 7. Vibration Reading Before & After Welding the Impeller Blades with Abrasion Resistant Metal & Balancing.
Vibration Reduction Record Before & After Balancing
(All Units are RMS mm/sec)
Measuring Points Before Balancing After Balancing %Reduction
Motor Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 9.12 4.32 52.6
Motor Drive End Horizontal Axis 8.23 3.69 55.1
Fan Drive End Horizontal Axis 6.28 2.96 52.8
Fan Non-Drive End Horizontal Axis 4.68 2.72 41.8
After the coating of the impeller blades fan has run un-
interrupted for more than two years and monitoring done
during schedule maintenance showed that all the vibrations
were well within the acceptable range[1].(Fig:13)
Figure 16. Motor & Fan’s DE & NDE Bearing Horizontal Vibrations after Abrasion Coating Till 2018
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 8 (2018) pp. 5831-5840
© Research India Publications.
From the above discussion we can conclude that in a ID fan
with a fixed speed prime mover if there is an vibration
increase due to resonance and due to economical or space
restriction increasing the concrete base stiffness is not feasible
and if there is unbalance of the fan impeller then the best
option is to balance the impeller .The added mass on the
impeller will lower the fan acceleration level and off-set the
In case the blower unit is connected to a pollution control
device handling abrasive material like sand dust or any other
raw material dust then its feasible to weld a suitable abrasive
resistant material on the impeller blades provided the prime
mover is operating below its rated capacity(full load current)
and there is some provision to load the prime mover further .
Apart from increasing the impeller mass it will also prevent
the wearing out of the impeller blades which not only
weakens the blades but also reduce the weight of the impeller
and re-create resonance and increase vibration. In the above
case study it has been demonstrated that with the corrective
action MTBF could be increased from barely 45days to two
years and more.
[1] ISO-10816-3:2009
[2] William R Finley, Mark H Hodowanec, Warren G
Holter (1999). An Analytical Approach to Solving
Motor Vibration Problems IEEE Paper No.PCIC-99-