Fema 172
Fema 172
Fema 172
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to have sponsored the
preparation of this publication on seismic strengthening of existing buildings. The
publication is one of a series that FEMA is sponsoring to encourage local decision
makers, design professionals, and other interested groups to undertake a program of
mitigating the risks posed by existing hazardous buildings in the event of an
Publications in this series are being prepared under the National Earthquake
Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and examine both the engineering/architectural
aspects and societal impacts of seismic rehabilitation.
FEMA's existing buildings activities are structured to result in a coherent,
cohesive, carefully selected and planned reinforcing set of documents designed for
national applicability. The resulting publications (descriptive reports, handbooks,
and supporting documentation) provide guidance primarily to local elected and
appointed officials and design professionals on how to deal not only with
earthquake engineering problems but also with the public policy issues and societal
dislocations associated with major seismic events. It is a truly interdisciplinary
set of documents that includes this handbook of techniques as Well as a companion
volume presenting a methodology for conducting an evaluation of the seismic safety
of existing buildings.
With respect to this handbook, FEMA gratefully acknowledges the expertise and
efforts of the Building Seismic Safety Council's Retrofit of Existing Buildings
Committee, Board of Direction, member organizations, and staff and of the members
of the Technical Advisory Panel and URS/John A. Blume and Associates management and
Federal Emergency Management Agency iii
This handbook of techniques for solving a variety of seismic rehabilitation
problems and its companion publication on the seismic evaluation of existing
buildings reflect basic input provided by two organizations recognized for their
retrofit evaluation and design experience as well as the results of a consensus
development activity carried out by the Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC). The
preliminary version of this document, the NEHRP Handbook of Techniques for the
Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings, was developed for FEMA by URS/John A.
Blume and Associates, Engineers (URS/Blume). A companion volume, the NEHRP Handbook
for the Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, for which a preliminary version
was developed for FEMA by the Applied Technology Council (ATC), provides a method
for evaluating existing buildings to identify those that are likely to be
seismically hazardous. The BSSC project, initiated at the request of FEMA in
October 1988, has focused on identification and resolution of technical issues in
and appropriate revision of the two handbooks by a 22-member Retrofit of Existing
Buildings (REB) Committee composed of individuals possessing expertise in the
various subjects needed to address seismic rehabilitation.
The balloting of the two handbooks was conducted on a chapter-by-chapter basis in
September and October 1991. Although all parts of both handbooks passed the ballot
by the required two-thirds majority, the Board, after reviewing the ballot results
in November 1991, concluded that many of the comments were sufficiently serious to
warrant further consideration and that the REB Committee should have the
opportunity to review the ballot comments and propose changes for reballoting in
response to those considered persuasive.
The REB Committee members then were asked to review the ballot comments and forward
the results of their review to a member of the REB Executive Committee. In turn,
the Executive Committee met in early January 1992 to consider committee member
suggestions and prepare responses to the ballot comments and proposals for revision
of the handbooks. The Executive Committee recommendations for reballoting were
presented to and accepted by the BSSC Board. The reballot proposals were developed
and submitted to the BSSC member organizations for balloting in late January 1992.
All the reballot proposals passed but several issues raised in comments were
considered and resolved at a special meeting of the Council in February 1992.
The BSSC REB Committee and Board of Direction believe that these two handbooks will
prove to be beneficial to those who are involved in or who need to begin exploring
the seismic evaluation and rehabilitation of existing buildings, a topic of growing
importance especially in the eastern and Midwestern parts of the nation where
little such work has been done. It is hoped that experience with the application of
these handbooks will generate feedback that can serve as the foundation for the
enhancement of future documents dealing with the seismic rehabilitation of existing
buildings. To this end, a User Comment Form is included in the handbooks to
stimulate those who work with the handbooks to report their experiences. In
addition, since some of the issues raised by BSSC member organizations during the
balloting of the handbooks bear on the need for future enhancement of the
information presented, a summary of the results of the BSSC balloting including all
comments received and committee decisions/responses to those comments is available
to interested readers upon request to the BSSC.
The Board wishes to emphasize that these documents are intended to serve as
informational "points of departure" for the professional involved in seismic
evaluation and rehabilitation. They cannot yet be considered all inclusive nor are
they intended to serve as the basis for regulation. Rather, it is hoped that both
will prove to be of sufficient value to warrant expansion and refinement.
Considerable effort has gone into the development of this handbook. On behalf of
the BSSC Board, I wish to acknowledge the organizations and individuals who have
participated. The Board is particularly grateful for the extensive contribution of
time and expertise from those serving on its Retrofit of Existing Buildings
Committee of volunteer experts: Daniel Shapiro, SOH and Associates, San Francisco,
California (Committee Chairman) M. Agbabian, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, California Christopher Arnold, Building Systems Development, San Mateo,
California Mohammad Ayub, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.
John R. Battles, Southern Building Code Congress, International, Birmingham,
Alabama v Pamalee Brady, U.S. Army Construction Engineering, Champaign, Illinois
Vincent R. Bush, Consulting Structural Engineer, Walnut, California John Canestro,
City of Orinda, Pleasanton, California Arnaldo T. Derecho, Wiss, Janney, Elstner
Associates, Incorporated, Northbrook, Illinois Edward Diekmann, GFDS Structural
Engineers, San Francisco, California Ronald P. Gallagher, R. P. Gallagher
Associates, Incorporated, San Francisco, California James R. Harris, J. R. Harris
and Company, Denver, Colorado John Kariotis, Kariotis and Associates, South
Pasadena, California Franklin Lew, Contra Costa County, Martinez, California Frank
E. McClure, Consulting Structural Engineer, Orinda, California Allan R. Porush,
Dames and Moore, Los Angeles, California Norton S. Remmer, Consulting Engineer,
Worcester, Massachusetts Ralph Rowland, Architectural Research, Cheshire,
Connecticut Earl Schwartz, Los Angeles City Department of Building and Safety, Los
Angeles, California William W. Stewart, William Stewart and Associates, Clayton,
Missouri Robert Voelz, Bentley Engineering Company, San Francisco, California
Loring A. Wyllie, H. J. Degenkolb Associates, San Francisco, California Needless to
say, the Council's project would not have been successful without the developmental
work and cooperation of the URS/Blume project staff: R. Martin Czarnecki,
Principal-in-Charge; John F. Silva, Project Manager; David M. Bergman, Project
Engineer; Joseph P. Nicoletti, Consultant; Walter N. Mestrovich; and Kit Wong.
Further, the BSSC Board wishes to acknowledge the contribution of URS/Blume's
Technical Advisory Panel: Vitelmo V. Bertero, Robert D. Hanson, James 0 Jirsa,
James M. Kelley, Stephen A. Mahin, Roger E. Scholl, and James K. Wight.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the effort of the BSSC staff:
James R. Smith, Executive Director; 0. Allen Israelsen, Professional Engineer and
Project Manager; Claret M. Heider, Technical Writer-
Editor; and Karen E, Smith, Administrative Assistant.
Gerald Jones Chairman, BSSC Board of Direction *Corresponding member.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Development of This Handbook 2
1.3 Purpose of This Handbook 2
1.4 Scope and Limitations 3
1.5 Organization of This Handbook 3
2.1 General Attributes of Structures 5
2.1.1 Strength 5
2.1.2 Stiffness 5
2.1.3 Ductility 6
2.1.4 Damping 6
2.2 Adverse Design and Construction Features 6
2.2.1 Lack of Direct Load Path 6
2.2.2 Irregularities 7
2.2.3 Lack of Redundancy 13. 2.2.4 Lack of Toughness 13
2.2.5 Adjacent Buildings 14
23 Deteriorated Condition of Structural Materials 14
3.0 Introduction 17
3.0.1 Cost Considerations 17
3.0.2 Functional Considerations 17
3.0.3 Aesthetic Considerations 18
3.0.4 Seismic Zonation 18
3.1 Vertical-resisting Elements--Moment Resisting Systems 18
3.1.1 Steel Moment Frames 18
3.1.2 Concrete Moment Frames 22
3.1.3 Moment Frames with Infills 26
3.1.4 Precast Concrete Moment Frames 28
3.2 Vertical-resisting Elements--Shear Walls 28
3.2.1 Reinforced Concrete or Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls 28
3.2.2 Precast Concrete Shear Walls 34
3.2.3 Unreinforced Masonry Shear Walls 34
3.2.4 Shear Walls in Wood Frame Buildings 37
3.3 Vertical-resisting Elements--Braced Frames 38
3.3.1 Steel Concentric Braced Frames 38
3.3.2 Rod or Other Tension Bracing 41
3.3.3 Eccentric Bracing 42
3.4 Vertical-resisting Elements--Adding Supplemental Members 43
3.4.1 Relative Compatibility 44
3.4.2 Exterior Supplemental Elements 45
3.4.3 Interior Supplemental Elements 45
3.5 Diaphragms 46
3.5.1 Timber Diaphragms 47
3.5.2 Concrete Diaphragms 51
3.5.3 Poured Gypsum Diaphragms 56
3.5.4 Precast Concrete Diaphragms 56
3.5.5 Steel Deck Diaphragms 59
3.5.6 Horizontal Steel Bracing 64
3.6 Foundations 65
3.6.1 Continuous or Strip Wall Footings 66
3.6.2 Individual Pier or Column Footings 68
3.6.3 Piles or Drilled Piers 70
3.6.4 Mat Foundations 72
3.7 Diaphragm to Vertical Element Connections 72
3.7.1 Connections of Timber Diaphragms 72
3.7.2 Connections of Concrete Diaphragms 84
3.7.3 Connections of Poured Gypsum Diaphragms 86
3.7.4 Connections of Precast Concrete Diaphragms 86
3.7.5 Connections of Steel Deck Diaphragms Without Concrete Fill 87
3.7.6 Connections of Steel Deck Diaphragms with Concrete Fill 89
3.7.7 Connections of Horizontal Steel Bracing 90
3.8 Vertical Element to Foundation Connections 91
3.8.1 Connections of Wood Stud Shear Walls 91
3.8.2 Connections of Metal Stud Shear Walls 95
3.8.3 Connections of Precast Concrete Shear Walls 95
3.8.4 Connections of Braced Frames 97
3.8.5 Connections of Steel Moment Frames 98
3.9 Adding a New Supplemental System 98
3.9.1 Supplemental Braced Frame System 99
3.9.2 New Shear Wall System 99
3.9.3 Structural Additions 101
4.0 Introduction 103
4.1 Reducing the Weight of the Building 103
4.2 Increasing the Fundamental Period and the Energy Dissipating Capacity of the
Structural System 104
4.3 Alternate Procedures 105
4.3.1 Seismic Isolation 105
4.3.2 Supplemental Damping 105
5.0 Introduction 107
5.1 Exterior Curtain Walls 107
5.2 Appendages 108
5.3 Veneers 109
5.4 Partitions 109
5.5 Ceilings 113
5.6 Lighting Fixtures 113
5.7 Glass Doors and Windows 114
5.8 Raised Computer Access Floors 115
6.0 Introduction 117 6,1 Mechanicai and Electrical Equipment 117 t Ductwork and
Piping 126
6.3 Elevators 133
6.4 Emergency Power Systems 133
6.5 Hazardous Material Storage Systems 135
6.6 Communication Systems 137
6.7 Computer Equipment 137
A Seismic-Force-Resisting Elements in Buildings 149
B Summary of Strengthening Techniques 165
C Rehabilitation Examples 185
LEGEND FOR FIGURES: (E) = Existing,(L) = Left, (N) = New. (R) -Right Vertical irregularities--examples of in-plane and out-of-plane
discontinuities 8 Horizontal and plan irregularities--rehabilitating a structure to reduce
torsional loads 10 Horizontal and plan irregularities--examples of rehabilitating buildings
with re-entrant corners 11 Horizontal and plan irregularities--example of strengthening a split level
diaphragm 12 Horizontal and plan irregularities--example of rehabilitating building
with nonparallel systems 12 Modification of an existing simple beam to a moment connection 19 Strengthening an existing column 20 Strengthening an existing beam 21 Encasing an existing beam in concrete 23 Strengthening an existing concrete column 24-25 Strengthening an existing concrete frame building with a reinforced
concrete shear wall 26 Strengthening an existing shear wall by filling in existing openings 29 Example of details for enclosing. an existing opening in a reinforced
concrete or masonry wall 30 Strengthening an existing reinforced concrete or masonry wall ,31 Example of strengthening an existing coupling beam at an exterior wall 32 Example of center coring technique 35
3.3 Bracing types 38 Addition to or replacement of an existing X-brace 39
3.4 Examples of supplementary strengthening 44
3.4.2 Example of supplemental in-plane strengthening by the addition of an external
buttress 45
3.4.3 Connection of a supplemental interior shear wall 46 0 : xi Exterior sheathing and top plate chord in a wood frame building 49 Reinforcement of an opening in an existing timber diaphragm 50 New drag strut in an existing wood diaphragm 51 Strengthening an existing concrete diaphragm with a new topping slab and
chord 52 Adding a new chord member to an existing concrete diaphragm (not
recommended for precast elements) 53 Reinforcement of an opening in an existing concrete diaphragm 54 Strengthening openings in overlaid diaphragms 55 Strengthening an existing precast concrete diaphragm with a concrete
overlay 57 Adding a new steel member to an existing precast concrete diaphragm 58 Strengthening an existing steel deck diaphragm 60 Strengthening an existing steel deck diaphragm 61 Strengthening an existing building with steel decking and concrete or
masonry walls 62 Strengthening an existing building with steel decking and concrete or
masonry walls 63 Underpinning an existing footing 66 Strengthening an existing wall footing by the addition of drilled piers 67 Upgrading an existing pile foundation 71 Strengthening the connection of a diaphragm to an interior shear wall
(wall parallel to floor joist) 73 Strengthening the connection of a diaphragm to an interior shear wall
(wall perpendicular to floor joist) 74 Strengthening an existing wood stud shear wall with a large opening 76 Strengthening out-of-plane connections of a wood diaphragm 77 Strengthening out-of-plane connections of a wood diaphragm 78 Strengthening out-of-plane connections of a wood diaphragm 79 Strengthening out-of-plane connections of a wood diaphragm 80 Strengthening tensile capacity of an existing glulam beam connection 80 Strengthening the connection between shear walls using a metal strap 81 Strengthening the connection between shear walls using a hold-down 82 Strengthening shear wall uplift capacity at a discontinuity 83 Use of a collector member to improve shear transfer from a concrete
diaphragm 85 Strengthening the connection of steel deck diaphragm to a concrete or
masonry wall 88 Providing wall to foundation anchors 92 Alternate detail for providing wall to foundation anchors 93 Strengthening a cripple stud wall 94 Strengthening the uplift capacity of a wall to foundation connection 95 Strengthening a precast concrete wall to foundation connection 96
3.9.1 Strengthening using a supplemental braced frame system 99
3.9.2 Strengthening by providing a new shear wall system 100
3.9.3 Strengthening with a new building addition 101
5.1a Flexible connection for precast concrete cladding 107
5.1b Detail for flexible connection for precast concrete cladding 108
5.2a Strengthening a masonry parapet with a new concrete overlay 109
5.2b Strengthening a masonry parapet with steel braces 109
5.4a Bracing an interior masonry partition 111
5.4b Bracing an interior masonry partition 112
5.5 Lateral bracing of a suspended ceiling 113
5.6 Providing safety wires for suspended lighting fixtures 114
5.8a Access floor pedestals 115
5.8b Strengthening of access floor pedestals 116
6.1c Typical detail of equipment anchorage Alternate details for anchoring
equipment Prefabricated vibration isolation assembly with lateral seismic stops 118
119-120 121
6.1e Seismic restraints added to existing equipment with vibration isolation
Multidirectional seismic restraint 122 123
6.2b 6 2c
6.5a Typical bracing for suspended equipment Strapping of domestic water heater
Lateral and longitudinal braces for large diameter ducting Lateral and longitudinal
braces for small diameter ducting Lateral and longitudinal braces for rectangular
ducting Lateral braces for piping Longitudinal pipe brace Lateral brace for
multiple pipes Longitudinal brace for multiple pipes Bracing of existing battery
racks Bracing of horizontal tank Protective measures for hazardous materials 124
125 127 128 129 130 131 132 132 133 134 135
6.7d Anchorage detail for pressurized tanks Rigid anchorage of computer equipment
Flexible anchorage of computer equipment Tether and opening guards for protection
of computer equipment Strapping of electronic data processing units 136 138 139 140
141 xdii
BOUNDARY ELEMENT: An element at the edge of an opening or at the perimeter of a
shear wall or diaphragm.
BRACED FRAME: An essentially vertical truss, or its equivalent, of the concentric
or eccentric type that is provided in a building frame or dual system to resist
lateral forces.
CHEVRON BRACING: Bracing where a pair of braces, located either both above or both
below a beam, terminates at a single point within the clear beam span.
COLLECTOR: A member or element provided to transfer lateral forces from a portion
of a structure to vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system (also
called a drag strut).
CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (CBF): A braced frame in which the members are
subjected primarily to axial forces.
CONTINUITY TIES: Structural members and connections that provide a load path
between diaphragm chords to distribute out-of-plane wall loads.
COUPLING BEAM: A structural element connecting adjacent shear walls.
DAMPING: The internal energy absorption characteristic of a structural system that
acts to attenuate induced free vibration.
DEMAND: The prescribed design forces required to be resisted by a structural
element, subsystem, or system.
DIAPHRAGM: A horizontal, or nearly horizontal, system designed to transmit lateral
forces to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-resisting system. The term
"diaphragm" includes horizontal bracing systems.
DIAPHRAGM CHORD: The boundary element of a diaphragm or shear wall that is assumed
to take axial tension or compression.
DIAPHRAGM STRUT: The element of a diaphragm parallel to the applied load that
collects and transfers diaphragm shear to vertical-resisting elements or
distributes loads within the diaphragm. Such members may take axial tension or
compression. Also refers to drag strut, tie, collector.
DUCTILITY: The ability of a structure or element to dissipate energy inelastically
when displaced beyond its elastic limit without a significant loss in load carrying
ECCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAME (EBF): A diagonal braced frame in which at least one end
of each brace frames into a beam a short distance from a beam-column joint or from
another diagonal brace.
FUNDAMENTAL PERIOD OF VIBRATION: The time it takes the predominant mode of a
structure to move back and forth when vibrating freely.
HOLD-DOWN: A prefabricated steel element consisting of a tension rod, end brackets
and bolts or lags used to transfer tension across wood connections.
HORIZONTAL BRACING SYSTEM: A horizontal truss system that serves the same function
as a diaphragm.
K-BRACING: Bracing where a pair of braces located on one side of a column
terminates at a single point within the clear column height.
LATERAL-FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM: That part of the structural system assigned to
resist lateral forces.
LINK BEAM: That part or segment of a beam in an eccentrically braced frame that is
designed to yield in shear and/or bending so that buckling or tension failure of
the diagonal brace is prevented.
MOMENT RESISTING SPACE FRAME: A structural system with an essentially complete
space frame providing support for vertical loads.
REDUNDANCY: A measure of the number of alternate load paths that exist for primary
structural elements and/or connections such that if one element or connection
fails, the capacity of alternate elements or connections are available to
satisfactorily resist the demand loads.
RE-ENTRANT CORNER: A corner on the exterior of a building that is directed inward
such as the inside corner of an L-shaped building.
SHEAR WALL: A wall, bearing or nonbearing, designed to resist lateral forces acting
in the plane of the wall.
SHOTCRETE: Concrete that is pneumatically placed on vertical or near vertical
surfaces typically with a minimum use of forms.
SOFT STORY: A story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 percent of the
stiffness of the story above.
SOIL-STRUCTURE RESONANCE: The coincidence of the natural period of a structure with
a dominant frequency in the ground motion.
STORY DRIFT: The displacement of one level relative to the level above or below.
STRUCTURE: An assemblage of framing members designed to support gravity loads and
resist lateral forces.
Structures may be categorized as building structures or nonbuilding structures.
SUBSYSTEMS: One of the following three principle lateral-force-resisting systems in
a building: vertical-
resisting elements, diaphragms, and foundations.
SUPPLEMENTAL ELEMENT: A new member added to an existing lateral-force-resisting
subsystem that shares in resisting lateral loads with existing members of that
V-BRACING: Chevron bracing that intersects a beam from above. Inverted V-bracing is
that form of chevron bracing that intersects a beam from below.
VERTICAL-RESISTING ELEMENTS: That part of the structural system located in a
vertical or near vertical plane that resists lateral loads (typically a moment
frame, shear wall, or braced frame).
WEAK STORY: A story in which the lateral strength is less than 80 percent of that
in the story above.
X-BRACING: Bracing where a pair of diagonal braces crosses near mid-length of the
bracing members.
The risks posed by buildings not designed for earthquake loads or by nonengineered
buildings have been recognized for nearly a century. Advances in earthquake-related
science and technology during the past few decades have led to a realization that
earthquakes and the resulting risk to life are a national problem. Indeed, damaging
earthquakes in the eastern United States, although occurring less frequently than
in California, may pose an equal, if not greater, threat to the national economy
and social fabric.
The benefits of applying earthquake-resistant design to reduce the hazards of new
buildings were acknowledged in California following the 1906 San Francisco
earthquake but appropriate design practices were not implemented to any degree
until after the disastrous 1933 earthquake in Long Beach, California. Today,
earthquake-resistant design in new construction is accepted practice in California
but has been only recently achieved a significant degree of acceptance in other
parts of the United States. Thus, a very large number of existing buildings in the
country can be presumed to have inadequate earthquake resistance and to pose a
serious risk.
Detailed post-earthquake investigations of building failures have provided
engineers with considerable information concerning the details of building design
and construction that enhance earthquake resistance. The 1971 earthquake in San
Fernando, California, was particularly revealing in this regard and engendered a
new wave of concern for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. Notable among
the earthquake rehabilitation projects begun in the 1970s was the systematic
seismic vulnerability evaluation, and strengthening as needed, of all Veterans
Administration (VA) hospitals in the United States. Concurrently, other federal
agencies such as the Department of Defense (DOD) and the General Services
Administration (GSA) initiated programs to identify and mitigate seismic hazards in
public buildings under their authority. These and similar projects have generated a
substantial body of knowledge regarding earthquake rehabilitation of buildings. The
Loma Prieta earthquake seems to have added impetus to seismic rehabilitation in the
private sector. (Note that the greatest experience in seismic rehabilitation has
been gained in high seismic zones; see Sec. 3.0.4 for guidance concerning the
application of seismic rehabilitation techniques in areas of lower seismicity.) 1.1
BACKGROUND One of the objectives of the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977
(P.L. 95-124 as amended) is . . . the development of methods for . . .
rehabilitation and utilization of man-made works so as to effectively resist the
hazards imposed by earthquakes... ." The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction
Program submitted to the Congress by the President on June 22, 1978, stresses that
absent a reliable capability to predict earthquakes, "it is important that hazards
be reduced from those (substandard) structures presenting the greatest risks in
terms of occupancy and potential secondary impact." In Fiscal Year 1984, FEMA
started an extensive program to encourage the reduction of seismic hazards posed by
existing buildings throughout the country. The first project in the program was the
formulation of a comprehensive 5-year plan on what needed to be done and what the
required resources would be. The plan was completed in Fiscal Year 1985. As
resources have become available since that time, FEMA has used this plan as a basis
for developing a multi-volume, self-reinforcing, cohesive, coherent set of
nationally applicable publications on engineering measures and societal problems
related to the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. These publications
include reports presenting a method for rapid visual screening of buildings, an
engineering methodology for a seismic safety evaluation of different types of
buildings that is a companion to this document, seismic strengthening techniques
for various types of buildings (this handbook), typical costs of seismic
rehabilitation of existing buildings, an approach to establishing programs and
priorities for seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, potential financial
incentives for establishing such programs and instructions 1
on the conduct of workshops to encourage local initiatives in this field and
conclusions from a number of applications workshops held in various states, and a
model to derive direct economic costs and benefits to owners and occupants of
buildings in the private sector. Further, the preparation of a comprehensive set of
guidelines for seismic rehabilitation (with commentary) has been initiated.
1.2 DEVELOPMENT OF THIS HANDBOOK Recognizing that a large number of techniques
currently are being utilized to mitigate seismic hazards in existing vulnerable
buildings, the FEMA contracted with URS/John A. Blume and Associates, Engineers,
(referred to herein as URS/Blume) in 1987 to identify and describe generally
accepted rehabilitation techniques. This URS/Blume effort resulted in the
preliminary version of this handbook published by FEMA in March 1989.
It was based primarily on a review of existing literature and input from a panel of
project consultants. The primary source documents and sources reviewed included The
Abstract Journal of Earthquake Engineering, the Earthquake Engineering Research
Center Library at the University of California at Berkeley, the proceedings of the
World, U.S. National, and European Conferences on Earthquake Engineering, the
U.S./Japan Seminars on Repair and Retrofit of Structures, the Dialogue Compendex,
and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) project, initiated at the request of
FEMA in October 1988, was structured to focus on identification and resolution of
technical issues in the preliminary version of the handbook (as well as in a
companion publication presenting a methodology for conducting an evaluation of the
seismic safety of existing buildings) and appropriate revision by a 22-member
Retrofit of Existing Buildings (REB) Committee composed of individuals possessing
expertise in the various subjects needed to address seismic rehabilitation. Conduct
of the BSSC project is discussed in the Preface (see page v).
1.3 PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK There is a variety of approaches to seismic
rehabilitation, each with specific merits and limitations. The rehabilitation
technique most appropriate for use with a particular building will depend on the
unique characteristics of the building. Thus, this handbook is to provide those
interested or involved in seismic rehabilitation with: A general understanding of
the common deficiencies in the structural and nonstructural components of existing
buildings that cause seismic performance problems, * Descriptions of some of the
techniques that might be used to correct deficiencies for various construction
types, and * Information on the relative merits of alternative techniques.
In short, this handbook is intended to stimulate understanding such that, when
assessing the rehabilitation alternatives available, building owners and design
professionals can make an informed decision concerning the best solution for a
specific building, location, and occupancy.
This handbook is designed to be compatible with the NEHRP Handbook for the Seismic
Evaluation of Existing Building (referred to herein as the NEHRP Evaluation
Handbook), which provides a standard methodology for evaluating buildings of
different types and occupancies in areas of different seismicity throughout the
United States. Seismic deficiencies of buildings identified using the NEHRP
Evaluation Handbook methodology can be further analyzed to determine the seismic
resistance. The deficiencies identified then can be mitigated using accepted
rehabilitation techniques described in this handbook or other sources of
rehabilitation information.
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The rehabilitation techniques identified and described in
this handbook are intended to be consistent with the requirements for new
construction prescribed in the 1988 Edition of the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for
the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Buildings (FEMA Publications 95, 96,
and maps). The intent of the rehabilitation is to provide life safety but not
necessarily to upgrade the structure to meet modern standards of life safety and
property protection.
Given the great number of potential seismic strength problems and, solutions, it is
not now possible to prepare a compendium of all available techniques for all
existing building types in all areas of the nation at risk from earthquakes. In
recognition of the broad variation in the details of design and construction used
over the years, the design professional will need to consider a wide array of
possible techniques for rehabilitation, and this handbook is intended to serve as
an informational "point of departure." This handbook is organized to permit a
component-by-component consideration of deficiencies and rehabilitation techniques.
The reader, however, is cautioned against selecting specific rehabilitation
techniques without first identifying the overall deficiencies of the building and
determining whether deficiencies are due to a combination of component
deficiencies, inherent adverse design and construction features, or a weak link.
Furthermore, a building's design and construction characteristics as well as the
condition of materials of its construction 'affect seismic performance. Therefore,
in order to make an informed decision concerning appropriate cost-effective
techniques for seismic strengthening of an existing building, the engineer must
understand the structural system or combination of systems that resist the lateral
loads; the advantages and disadvantages associated with the physical attributes of
the systems; and any constraints on the optimum performance of the system due to
adverse design or construction features or deteriorated materials.
It is hoped that experience with the application of this handbook and its companion
document will generate feedback that can serve as the foundation for the
enhancement of future documents dealing with seismic rehabilitation.
1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THIS HANDBOOK Chapter 2 describes the physical attributes that
affect the seismic performance of all structures. The general characteristics of
all structural materials and-systems (i.e., strength, stiffness, ductility, and
damping) are addressed as are design and construction features that may impair a
building's seismic performance. Techniques for strengthening vertical elements,
diaphragms, foundations, and connections are addressed in Chapter 3.
Techniques for decreasing the demand on existing structures are addressed in
Chapter 4. Chapters 5 and 6 present techniques to mitigate damage to nonstructural
architectural and mechanical and electrical components, respectively. Appendices
include a listing of the seismic-force-resisting elements commonly found in 15
common building types, a matrix summary of rehabilitation techniques, and examples
of rehabilitation.
As indicated above, this handbook is structured to be used with the NEHRP
Evaluation Handbook. Both of these handbooks are organized to address the following
building systems and components: vertical elements resisting horizontal loads
(i.e., moment-resisting frames, shear walls, and braced frames); horizontal
elements resisting lateral loads (i.e., diaphragms); foundations; and connections
between subsystems. Table 1.5 shows the relationship between the handbooks.
The American Iron and Steel Institute has written a minority opinion concerning
this statement; see page 193.
TABLE 1i5 Correlation of Contents Between the Evaluation and Techniques Handbooks
NEHRP Handbook of Techniques for the Seismic Rehabilitation NEHRP Handbook for the
Seismic Evaluation of of Existing Buildings Ewisng Buildngs Chapter 2, Seismic
Vulnerability of Buildings Chapter 3, Building Systems Section 3.9, Adding a New
Supplemental System Chapter 4, Decreasing Demand on Existing System Section 3.1,
Moment Resisting Systems Chapter 4, Moment Resisting Systems Section 3.2, Shear
Walls Chapter 5, Shear Walls Section 3.3, Braced Frames Chapter 6, Braced Frames
Section 3.5, Diaphragms Chapter 7, Diaphragms Section 3.7, Diaphragm to Vertical
Element Connections Chapter 8, Connections.
Section 3.8, Vertical Element to Foundation Connections Section 3.6, Foundations
Chapter 9, Foundations and Geologic Site Hazards Chapter 5, Rehabilitation of
Nonstructural Architectural Com-Chapter 10, Elements Not a Part of the ponents
Lateral-Force-Resisting System Chapter 6, Rehabilitation of Nonstructural
Mechanical and Electrical Components 4
The life-safety hazard posed a building found to be vulnerable to earthquake ground
motion can be mitigated in several ways: the building can be condemned and
demolished or strengthened or otherwise modified to increase its capacity or the
seismic demand on the building can be reduced. Structural rehabilitation or
strengthening of a building can be accomplished in a variety of ways, each with
specific merits and limitations related to the unique characteristics of the
This chapter focuses on the structural considerations of seismic strengthening or
upgrading; however, it must be remembered that other factors may influence or even
dictate which technique is most appropriate for an individual building.
Recommendations for enhancing the seismic resistance of existing structures by
eliminating or reducing the adverse effects of design or construction features were
presented in Chapter 2. Cost, function, aesthetic, and seismic zone considerations
that also influence the selection of a strengthening technique are reviewed briefly
below and are elaborated on in the remaining sections if this chapter. It should be
noted, however, that seismic strengthening may trigger application of other
building rehabilitation requirements such as those related to handicap access,
asbestos, fire sprinklers, fire resistance, and egress.
Cost is very important and often may be the only criterion applied when choosing
among equivalent strengthening options. When using relative costs to evaluate two
or more feasible strengthening or rehabilitation alternatives, it is important to
consider all applicable costs. For example, an existing steel frame building, with
steel floor and roof decking and vertical bracing in the exterior walls may have
inadequate seismic shear capacity in the diaphragms and vertical bracing. Although
it may be feasible to increase the capacity of the existing diaphragms and the
bracing, it may be more cost-effective to add bracing to the interior frames to
reduce the diaphragm shears to an allowable level. If additional bracing can be
installed without additional foundations and without adverse effects on the
functional use of the building, it may be significantly more economical than any of
the diaphragm strengthening techniques.
Most buildings are intended to serve one or more functional purposes (e.g., to
provide housing or to enclose a commercial or industrial activity). Since the
functional requirements are essential to the effective use of the building, extreme
care must be exercised in the planning and design of structural modifications, to
ensure that the modifications will not seriously impair the functional use. For
example, if new shear walls or vertical concentrically braced frames are required,
they must be located to minimize any adverse effect on access, egress, or
functional circulation within the building. When considering alternative structural
modifications for an existing building with an ongoing function, the degree to
which construction of the proposed alternative will disrupt that function also must
be considered in assessing cost-effectiveness.
In some cases, the preservation of aesthetic features can significantly influence
the selection of a strengthening technique. Historical buildings, for example, may
require inconspicuous strengthening designed to preserve historical structural or
nonstructural features. Other buildings may have attractive or architecturally
significant facades, entrances, fenestration, or ornamentation that require
A decrease in natural light caused by the filling in of window or skylight openings
or the installation of bracing in front of these openings may have an adverse
effect on the occupants of the building. Also, the need for preservation of
existing architectural features may dictate the location and configuration of the
new bracing system. In many such cases, the engineer may not be able to assign an
appropriate value to these subjective considerations; however, any additional costs
involved in preserving aesthetic features can be identified so that the building
owner can make an informed decision.
The NEHRP Recommended Provisions contains seismic zonation maps that divide the
United States into seven seismic zones ranging from effective seismic accelerations
of 0.05g to 0.40g. Seismic strengthening may be required for older structures built
before the advent of seismic codes or built under less stringent requirements
(i.e., seismic force levels in most codes have escalated and the seismic zoning in
many areas has been revised upward). However, since these structures were designed
for and have been tested over time by vertical loads and wind forces, it is safe to
assume that they have some inherent capacity for resisting seismic forces.*
Obviously, older existing structures located in a lower seismic zone have a higher
probability of requiring little or no strengthening than do similar structures in a
higher zone. Further, some strengthening techniques for existing structures with
moderate seismic deficiencies in the lower seismic zones are not appropriate for
use in higher zones.
In lower seismic zones it sometimes can be demonstrated that a building does not
require seismic strengthening because it can resist wind loads in excess of the
code-prescribed seismic forces. For other buildings in low seismicity zones, more
detailed structural evaluations may be warranted if there is a probability that the
seismic adequacy of the structure can be demonstrated.
Moment resisting systems are vertical elements that resist lateral loads primarily
through flexure. There are four principal types of moment resisting systems: steel
moment frames, concrete moment frames, precast concrete moment frames; and moment
frames with infill walls.
3.1.1 STEEL MOMENT FRAMES Deficiencies
The principal seismic deficiencies in steel moment frames are:
* Inadequate moment/shear capacity of beams, columns, or their connections;
* Inadequate beam/column panel zone capacity; and
* Excessive drift.
The American Iron and Steel Institute has written a minority opinion concerning the
footnoted sentence in Sec. 3.0.4 and the organization of Sec. 3.1 and the American
Institute of Steel Construction has written a minority opinion concerning the first
sentence in Sec.; see page 193.
3.1.1 2 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Moment/Shear Capacity of Beams,
Columns, or Their Connections Techniques. Deficient moment/shear capacity of the
beams, columns, or the connections of steel moment frames can be improved by:
1. Increasing the moment capacity of the members and connections by adding cover
plates or other steel sections to the flanges (Figure or by boxing
members (Figure
2. Increasing the moment/shear capacity of the members and connections by providing
steel gusset plates or knee braces.
3. Reducing the stresses in the existing frames by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements (i.e., additional moment frames, braces, or shear walls) as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
4. Providing lateral bracing of unsupported flanges to increase capacity limited by
tendency for lateral/torsional buckling.
5. Encasing the columns in concrete.
Relative Merits. If the existing steel frame members are inaccessible (e.g., they
are covered with architectural cladding), Techniques 1 and 2 usually are not cost-
effective. The majority of the columns, beams, and connections would need to be
exposed; significant reinforcement of the connections and members would be
required, and the architectural cladding would have to be repaired. Reducing the
moment stresses by providing supplemental resisting elements (Technique 3) usually
will be the most cost-effective approach.
Providing additional moment frames (e.g., in a building with moment frames // only
at the perimeter, selected interior frames can be modified to become moment frames
as indicated in Figure reduces stresses on the existing moment frames.
Providing supplemental bracing or shear walls also can reduce frame stresses.
Concentric frames and bracing may pose relative rigidity problems where a rigid
diaphragm is present. Shear (E) bolted walls have the additional disad-connection
vantage of requiring additions \ \l\ N to or modifications of the exis- cover plate
ting foundations. The addition \ N of eccentric bracing may be an efficient and
cost-effective tech- (N) stiffener plate nique to increase the lateral load
capacity of the deficient frame provided existing beam sizes are appropriate. In
addition to being compatible with
FIGURE Modification of an existing simple beam to a moment the rigidity of
the moment connection.
frames, eccentric bracing has the advantage of being more adaptable than concentric
bracing or shear walls in avoiding the obstruction of existing door and window
If architectural cladding is not a concern, reinforcement of existing members
(Technique 1) may be practical.
The addition of cover plates to beam flanges (Figure can increase the
moment capacity of the existing connection, and the capacity of columns can be
increased by boxing (Figure Since the capacity of a column is determined
by the interaction of axial plus bending stresses, the addition of box plates
increases the axial capacity, thus permitting the column a greater bending
capacity. Cover or box plates also may increase the moment capacity of the columns
at the base and thereby require that the foundation capacity also be increased.
Increasing the moment capacity of columns with cover plates at the beam/column
connection usually is not feasible because of the interference of the connecting
beams. The addition of flanged gussets to form haunches below and/or above the beam
or the use of knee braces (Technique 2) may be effective for increasing the moment
(N) weld capacity of a deficient moment frame. The effects of the
(N) cover plate or knee braces will require a re-analysis of the frame and (E)
column the designer must investigate stresses and the need for lateral bracing at
the interface between the gusset or brace and the beam or column.
In many cases, it may not be feasible to increase the capacity of existing beams by
providing cover plates on the top flange because of interference with the floor
beams, slabs, or metal decking. (Note that for a bare steel beam, a cover plate on
only the lower flange may not significantly reduce the stress in the upper flange.)
However, if an existing concrete slab is adequately reinforced and detailed for
FIGURE Strengthening an existing column. composite action at the end of
the beam, it may be economically feasible to increase the moment capacity by
providing cover plates on the lower flanges at each end of the beam. Cover plates
should be tapered as shown in Figure to avoid an abrupt change in section
modulus beyond the point where the additional section modulus is required. Where
composite action is not an alternative, increasing the top flange thickness can be
achieved by adding tapered plates to the sides of the top flange and butt-welding
these plates to the beam and column flanges.
In some cases the capacity of steel beams in rigid frames may be governed by
lateral stability considerations.
Although the upper flange may be supported for positive moments by the floor or
roof system, the lower flange must be checked for compression stability in regions
of negative moments. If required, the necessary lateral support may be provided by
diagonal braces to the floor system.
Encasing the columns in concrete (Technique 5) can increase column shear capacity
in addition to increasing stiffness. This alternative may be cost-effective when
both excessive drift and inadequate column shear capacity need to be addressed.
(E) continuous steel reinforcement across column -
(N) cover plate, welded to existing beam above FIGURE Strengthening an
existing beam. Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Panel Zone Capacity Techniques.
Beam/column panel zones can be overstressed due to seismic forces if the tensile
capacity in the column web opposite the beam flange connection is inadequate (i.e.,
tearing of the column web), if the stiffness of the column flange where beam flange
or moment plate weld occurs is inadequate (i.e., lateral bowing of the column
flange), if the capacity for compressive forces in the column web is inadequate
(i.e., web crippling or buckling of the column web opposite the compression flange
of the connecting beam), or if there is inadequate shear capacity in the column
flange (i.e., shear yielding or buckling of the column web). Deficient panel zones
can be improved by.
1. Providing welded continuity plates between the column flanges.
2. Providing stiffener plates welded to the column flanges and web.
3. Providing web doubler plates at the column web.
4. Reducing the stresses in the panel zone by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements (i.e., additional moment frames, braces, or shear walls) as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative. Technique 2 (i.e., adding stiffener plates to the panel zone) usually is
the most cost-effective alternative. It should be noted that this technique
corrects three of the four deficiencies identified above. Also, by confining the
column web in the panel zone, shear buckling is precluded and shear yielding in the
confined zone may be beneficial by providing supplemental damping. The cost for
removal and replacement of existing architectural cladding and fireproofing
associated with these alternatives needs to be considered in assessing cost-
effectiveness. Techniques for Reducing Drift Techniques. Drift of steel moment frames can
be reduced by1.
Increasing the capacity and, hence, the stiffness of the existing moment frame by
cover plates or boxing.
2. Increasing the stiffness of the beams and columns at their connections by
providing steel gusset plates to form haunches.
3. Reducing the drift by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
additional moment frames, braces, or shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
4. Increasing the stiffness by encasing columns in reinforced concrete.
5. Reducing the drift by adding supplemental damping as discussed in Sec. 4.
Relative Merits. Excessive drift generally is a concern in the control of seismic
damage; however, for steel frames, there also may be cause for concern regarding
overall frame stability. If the concern is excessive drift and not frame capacity,
the most cost-effective alternative typically is increasing the rigidity of the
frame by the addition of bracing or shear walls. However, increasing the rigidity
of the frame also may increase the demand load by lowering the fundamental period
of vibration of the structure, and this potential adverse effect must be assessed.
Providing steel gusset plates (Technique 2) to increase stiffness and reduce drift
may be cost-effective in some cases. This technique however, must be used with
caution since new members may increase column bending stresses and increase the
chance for a nonductile failure. Thus, column and beam stresses must be checked
where beams and columns interface with gussets and column stability under a lateral
displacement associated with the design earthquake should be verified.
Increasing the stiffness of steel columns by encasement in concrete (Technique 4)
may be an alternative for reducing drift in certain cases. The principal
contributing element to excessive story drift typically is beam flexibility, hence,
column concrete encasement will be only partially effective and is therefore only
cost-effective when a building has relatively stiff beams and flexible columns.
Reducing drift by adding supplemental damping is an alternative that is now being
considered in some seismic rehabilitation projects. Typically, bracing elements
need to be installed in the moment frame so that discrete dampers can be located
between the flexible moment frame elements and the stiff bracing elements.
This alternative is further discussed in Sec. 4.3.2.
3.1.2 CONCRETE MOMENT FRAMES Deficiency The principal deficiency in
concrete moment frames is inadequate ductile bending or shear capacity in the beams
or columns and lack of confinement, frequently in the joints.
22 Strengthening Techniques for Deficiency in Concrete Moment Frames
Techniques. Deficient bending and shear capacity of concrete moment frames can be
improved by.
1. Increasing the ductility and capacity by jacketing the beam and column joints or
increasing the beam or column capacities (Figures and
2. Reducing the seismic stresses in the existing frames by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional moment frames, braces, or shear
walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
3. Changing the system to a shear wall system by infilling the reinforced concrete
frames with reinforced concrete (Figure
Relative Merits. Improving the ductility and strength of con-(N) reinforcement
frames by jacketing and concrete (Technique 1) generally is not cost-effective
because of the difficulty associated with providing the necessary confinement and
shear reinforcement in the beams, columns, and beam-column connection zones. When
deficiencies are identified in these frames, it will probably be more cost-
effective to consider adding reinforced concrete shear walls (Technique 2) or
filling in the frames with reinforced concrete (Technique 3).
Either of these alternatives will tend to make the frames ineffective for lateral
loads. This is because the greater rigidity of the walls will increase the
percentage of the lateral load to be (E) concrete beam resisted by the walls,
(i.e., later- . longitudinal al forces will be attracted away (Nfore nt.
from the relatively flexible reinforcement moment frames and into the (N) tie more
rigid walls). This is reinforcement true for buildings with / rigid diaphragms.
These alter- (N) concrete natives also typically will re-(E) concrete slab quire
upgrading of the foundations, which may be costly. The FIGURE 3-122a Encasing an
existing beam in concrete.
decision regarding whether the new walls should be in the interior of the building
or at its perimeter or exterior buttresses usually will depend on nonstructural
considerations such as aesthetics and disruption or obstruction of the functional
use of the building.
(N) concrete (N) ties (E) concrete cover removed (E) column (N) longitudinal
reinforcements Figure 3.12.2b Strengthening an existing concrete column.
FIGURE 3.1.22b continued.
(N) footing tied to I 11 -F! existing footings -1 H 1 FIGURE Strengthening
an existing concrete frame building with a reinforced concrete shear wall.
3.13.1 Deficiencies
When reinforced concrete or steel moment frames are completely infilled, the frame
action may be inhibited by the rigidity of the infill wall. Rigid infill walls
(e.g., reinforced concrete, reinforced masonry, or clay tile) will resist lateral
forces predominantly as shear walls and the frames will be relatively ineffective.
Reinforced concrete or steel frames completely infilled with less rigid walls
(e.g., unreinforced masonry) will tend to resist lateral forces as braced frames
with a diagonal compression "strut" forming in the infill. The principal
deficiencies in moment frames with infill walls are:
* Crushing of the infill at the upper and lower corners due to the diagonal
compression strut type action of the infill wall,
* Shear failure of the beam/column connection in the steel frames or direct shear
transfer failure of the beam or column in concrete frames, 26
* Tensile failure of the columns or their connections due to the uplift forces
resulting from the braced frame action induced by the infill,
* Splitting of the infill due to the orthogonal tensile stresses developed in the
diagonal compressive strut, and
* Loss of infill by out-of-plane forces due to loss of anchorage or excessive
slenderness of the infill wall.
If the infill walls have inadequate capacity to resist the prescribed forces, the
deficiencies may be corrected as described below for shear walls.
Partial height infills or infills with door or window openings also will tend to
brace concrete or steel frames, but the system will resist lateral forces in a
manner similar to that of a knee-braced frame. The lateral stiffness of the
shortened columns is increased so that, for a given lateral displacement, a larger
shear force is developed in the shortened column compared to that in a full height
column. If the column is not designed for this condition, shear or flexural failure
of the column could occur in addition to the other potential deficiencies indicated
above for completely infilled frames.
Falling debris resulting from the failure of an existing infill wall also poses a
life-safety hazard. Frames may be infilled with concrete or various types of
masonry such as solid masonry, hollow clay tile, or gypsum masonry.
These infills may be reinforced, partially reinforced, or unreinforced. Infills
(particularly brittle unreinforced infills such as hollow clay tile or gypsum
masonry) often become dislodged upon failure of the wall in shear.
Once dislodged, the broken infill may fall and become a life-safety hazard.
Mitigation of this hazard can be accomplished by removing the infill and replacing
it with a nonstructural wall as described above. The infill can also be "basketed"
by adding a constraining member such as a wire mesh. Basketing will not prevent the
infill from failing but will prevent debris from falling.
In some cases, the exterior face of the infill may extend beyond the edge of the
concrete or steel frame columns or beams. For example, an unreinforced brick infill
in a steel frame may have one wythe of brick beyond the edge of the column or beam
flange to form a uniform exterior surface. This exterior wythe is particularly
vulnerable to delamination or splitting at the collar joint (i.e., the vertical
mortar joint between the wythes of brick) as the infilled frame deforms in response
to lateral loads. Because the in-plane deformation of completely infilled frames is
very small, the potential for delamination, is greater for partial infills or those
with significant openings. The potential life-safety hazard for this condition
should be evaluated and may be mitigated as described in the preceding paragraph.
3.13.2 Rehabilitation Techniques for the Infill Walls of Moment Frames Techniques.
Inadequate shear transfer of the infill walls of moment frames can be improved by:
Eliminating the hazardous effects of the infill by providing a gap between the
infill and the frame and providing out-of-plane support.
2. Treating the infill frame as a shear wall and correcting the deficiencies as
described in Sec. 3.2.
Relative Merits. If the frame, without the infill wall, has adequate capacity for
the prescribed forces, the most expedient correction is to provide a resilient
joint between the column, upper beam, and wall to allow the elastic deformation of
the column to take place without restraint (Technique 1). This may be accomplished
by cutting a gap between the wall and the column and the upper beam and filling it
with resilient material (out-of-plane restraint of the infill still must be
provided) or by removing the infill wall and replacing it with a nonstructural wall
that will not restrain the column.
If the frame has insufficient capacity for the prescribed forces without the
infill, then proper connection of the infill to the frame may result in an adequate
shear wall. The relative rigidities of the shear wall and moment frames in other
bays must be considered when distributing the lateral loads and evaluating the wall
and frame stresses.
The principal deficiency of precast concrete moment frames is inadequate capacity
and/or ductility of the joints between the precast units. Strengthening Techniques for the Precast Concrete Moment Frames Techniques.
Deficient capacity and ductility of the precast concrete moment frame connections
can be improved by: 1. Removing existing concrete in the precast elements to expose
the existing reinforcing steel, providing additional reinforcing steel welded to
the existing steel (or drilled and grouted), and replacing the removed concrete
with cast-in-place concrete.
2. Reducing the forces on the connections by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements (i.e., additional moment frames, braces, or shear walls) as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. Reinforcing the existing connections as indicated in Technique 1
generally is not cost-effective because of the difficulty associated with providing
the necessary confinement and shear reinforcement in the connections. Providing
supplemental frames or shear walls (Technique 2) generally is more cost-effective;
however, the two alternatives may be utilized in combination.
3.2 VERTICAL-RESISTING ELEMENTS--SHEAR WALLS Shear walls are structural walls
designed to resist lateral forces parallel to the plane of the wall. There are four
principal types of shear walls: cast-in-place reinforced concrete or masonry shear
walls; precast concrete shear walls; unreinforced masonry shear walls; and shear
walls in wood frame buildings.
The principal deficiencies of reinforced concrete or masonry shear walls are: �
Inadequate shear capacity, � Inadequate flexural capacity, and o Inadequate shear
or flexural capacity in the coupling beams between shear walls or piers.
32.12 Strengthening Techniques for Shear Capacity Techniques. Deficient shear
capacity of existing reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry shear walls can be
improved by: 1. Increasing the effectiveness of the existing walls by filling in
door or window openings with reinforced concrete or masonry (Figures and
2. Providing additional thickness to the existing walls with a poured-in-place or
pneumatically applied (i.e., shotcrete) reinforced concrete overlay anchored to the
inside or outside face of the existing walls (Figure
3. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the existing walls by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, bracing, or external
buttresses) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. Techniques 1 and 2 generally will be more economical than
Technique 3, particularly if they can be accomplished without increasing existing
foundations. If adequate additional capacity can be obtained by filling in selected
window or door openings without impairing the functional or aesthetic aspects of
the building, this alternative probably will the most economical. If this is not
feasible, Technique 3 should be considered.
The optimum application of this alternative would be close existing when adequate
additional ca-opening with could be obtained by a reinforced concrete or reinforced
concrete overlay on reinforced masonry a selected portion of the outside face of
the perimeter walls without unduly impairing the functional or aesthetic qualities
of the building and without the need to increase the footing. In some cases,
restrictions may preclude any change in the exterior appearance of the building
(e.g., a building with historical significance). In these cases, it will be
necessary to consider overlays to the inside face of the exterior shear walls or to
either face of interior shear walls. Obviously this is more disruptive and, thus, \
s wall more costly than restricting the (N) shearwall work to the exterior of the
foundation to be building. However, if the strengthened as activities within the
build- required are to be temporarily relocated because of other interior
alterations, the cost difference between the concrete overlay to (E) reinforced the
inside face and the outside face of the building walls is concrete or reduced. In
some cases, for reinforced example, when deficiencies exist masonry wall in the
capacity of the diaphragm chords or in the shear FIGURE Strengthening an
existing shear wall by filling in existing from the diaphragm to the openings.
shear walls, there may be compelling reasons to place the overlay on the inside
face and concurrently solve other problems.
Technique 3 (i.e., providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements) usually
involves construction of additional interior shear walls or exterior buttresses.
This alternative generally is more expensive than the other two because of the need
for new foundations and for new drag struts or other connections to collect the
diaphragm shears for transfer to the new shear walls or buttresses. The foundation
required to resist overturning forces 29
for an exterior buttress usually is significant because the dead weight of the
building cannot be mobilized to resist the overturning forces. Piles or drilled
piers may be required to provide tensile hold-down capacity for the footings.
Buttresses located on both ends of the wall can be designed to take compression
only, minimizing the foundation problems. Buttresses frequently are not feasible
due to adjacent buildings or property lines. The advantages of the buttress over a
new interior shear wall is that the work can be accomplished with minimal
interference to ongoing building functions.
(N) dowel, epoxy SECTION grouted in drilled holes if steel lintel exist, weld (N)
dowels to lintel 41 ELEVATION FIGURE 3.2.112b Example of details for enclosing an
existing opening in a reinforced concrete or masonry wall.
FIGURE 3.2.m2c Strengthening an existing concrete or masonry wall. Strengthening Technique For Flexural Capacity Deficient flexural capacity
of existing reinforced concrete or masonry shear walls can be improved using the
same techniques identified to improve shear capacity, ensuring that flexural steel
has adequate connection capacities into existing walls and foundations. Shear walls
that yield in flexure are more ductile than those that yield in shear. Shear walls
that are heavily reinforced (i.e., with a reinforcement ratio greater than about
0.005) also are more susceptible to brittle failure; therefore, care must be taken
not to overdesign the flexural capacity of rehabilitated shear walls. Rehabilitation Technique for Coupling Beams Deficient shear or flexural
capacity in coupling beams of reinforced concrete or reinforced masonry shear walls
can be improved by: 1.
Eliminating the coupling beams by filling in openings with reinforced concrete
2. Removing the existing beams and replacing with new stronger reinforced beams
3. Adding reinforced concrete to one or both faces of the wall and providing an
additional thickness to the existing wall (Figure
4. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the connecting beams by providing
additional vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, bracing, or external
buttresses) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. If the deficiency is in both the piers and the connecting beams,
the most economical solution is likely to be the Technique 3 (i.e., adding
reinforced concrete on one or both sides of the existing wall).
Shallow, highly stressed connecting beams may have to be replaced with properly
reinforced concrete as part of 31
the additional wall section. The new concrete may be formed and poured in place or
may be placed by the pneumatic method.
If the identified deficiency exists only in the connecting concrete floor beams,
consideration should be given to acceptance of some (E) minor damage in the form of
stirrup ties cracking or spalling by repeating the structural evaluation reinforced
with the deficient beams mod-I, concrete coupling
as pin-ended links between the piers. If this condition is SECTION j, tied to
existing and wall unacceptable, Technique 2 may be the most economical and the I
beams should be removed and replaced with properly designed (E) concrete wall FEN
reinforced concrete.
Depending on functional (E) opening and architectural as well as structural
considerations, Tech-(E) concrete slab 1 (i.e., filling in selected beyond )
openings) may be practical. If Techniques 1 through 3 are not feasible or adequate
to ensure the proper performance of the wall, reducing the stresses by adding
supplemental new structural elements (Technique 4) should be considered. This
alternative is likely to be the most costly because of the need for new
foundations, vertical members, and collectors.
ELEVATION 3.2.2 PRECAST CONCRETE FIGURE Example of strengthening an
existing coupling beam at an SHEAR WALLS exterior wall.
322.1 Deficiencies The principal deficiencies of precast concrete shear walls are:
* Inadequate shear or flexural capacity in the wall panels,
* Inadequate interpanel shear or flexural capacity, o Inadequate out-of-plane
flexural capacity, and
* Inadequate shear or flexural capacity in coupling beams.
3.2.22 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Shear or Flexural Capacity
Techniques. Deficient in-plane shear or flexural capacity of precast concrete panel
walls can be improved by: 1.
Increasing the shear and flexural capacity of walls with significant openings for
doors or windows by infilling the existing openings with reinforced concrete.
2. Increasing the shear or flexural capacity by adding reinforced concrete (poured-
in-place or shotcrete) at the inside or outside face of the existing walls.
3. Adding interior shear walls to reduce the flexural or shear stress in the
existing precast panels.
Relative Merits. Precast concrete shear walls generally only have high in-plane
shear or flexure stress when there are large openings in the wall and the entire
shear force tributary to the wall is carried by a few panels. The most cost-
effective solution generally is to infill some of the openings with reinforced
concrete (Technique 1).
In the case of inadequate interpanel shear capacity, the panels will act
independently and can have inadequate flexural capacity. Improving the connection
capacity between panels can improve the overall wall capacity.
Techniques 2 and 3 generally not cost-effective unless a significant overstress
condition exists. Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Interpanel Capacity Techniques.
Deficient interpanel shear connection capacity of precast concrete wall panels can
be improved by: 1.
Making each panel act as a cantilever to resist in-plane forces (this may be
accomplished by adding or strengthening tie-downs, edge reinforcement, footings,
Providing a continuous wall by exposing the reinforcing steel in the edges of
adjacent units, adding ties, and repairing with concrete.
Relative Merits. The two techniques can be equally effective. Where operational and
aesthetic requirements for the space can accommodate the installation of tie-downs
and possibly surface-mounted wall edge reinforcement that will make each panel act
as a cantilever is a cost-effective way to compensate for inadequate interpanel
capacity. Where this is not acceptable, creating a continuous wall by exposing
horizontal reinforcing steel and weld-splicing them across panel joints is a
viable, although more costly, option. A commonly used technique to increase
interpanel capacity is to bolt steel plates across panel joints; however,
observations of earthquake damage indicate this technique may not perform
acceptably due to insufficient ductility and its use is not recommended. Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Out-of-Plane Flexural Capacity
Techniques. Deficient out-of-plane flexural capacity of precast concrete shear
walls can be by:
1. Providing pilasters at and/or in-between the interpanel joints.
2. Adding horizontal beams between the columns or pilasters at mid-height of the
Relative Merits. The reinforcing in some precast concrete wall panels may be placed
to handle lifting stresses without concern for seismic out-of-plane flexural
stresses. A single layer of reinforcing steel, for example, may be placed adjacent
to one face of the wall. If this condition exists, new and/or additional pilasters
can be provided between the diaphragm and the foundation at a spacing such that the
wall will adequately span horizontally between pilasters. Also, horizontal beams
can be provided between the pilasters at a vertical spacing such that the wall
spans vertically between the diaphragm and the horizontal beam or between the
horizontal 33
beam and the foundation. It should be noted that the problem of inadequate out-of-
plane flexural capacity often is caused by wind design, particularly in the lower
seismic zones.
32.2.S Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Shear or Flexural Capacity in
Coupling Beams Techniques. Deficient shear or flexural capacity in coupling beams
in precast concrete walls can be improved using the techniques identified for
correcting the same condition in concrete shear walls.
Relative Merits. The relative merits of the alternatives for improving the shear or
flexural capacity of connecting beams in precast concrete coupling beams are
similar to those discussed in Sec. for concrete shear walls.
3.2.3 UNREINFORCED MASONRY SHEAR WALLS Deficiencies Masonry walls include
those constructed of solid or hollow units of brick or concrete. Hollow clay tile
also is typically classified as masonry. The use of hollow tile generally has been
limited to nonstructural partitions and is discussed in Sec. 5.4. Unreinforced
concrete, although not classified as masonry, may be strengthened by techniques
similar to those described below for masonry.
The principal deficiencies of unreinforced masonry shear walls are: o Inadequate
in-plane shear and
* Inadequate out-of-plane flexural capacity of the walls.
A secondary deficiency is inadequate shear or flexural capacity of the coupling
3.23.2 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate In-plane Shear and Out-of-Plane
Flexural Capacity of the Walls Techniques. Deficient in-plane shear and out-of-
plane flexural capacity of unreinforced masonry walls can be improved by: 1.
Providing additional shear capacity by placing reinforcing steel on the inside or
outside face of the wall and applying new reinforced concrete (Figure
2. Providing additional capacity for only out-of-plane lateral forces by adding
reinforcing steel to the wall utilizing the center coring technique (Figure
3. Providing additional capacity for out-of-plane lateral forces by adding thin
surface treatments (e.g., plaster with wire mesh and portland cement mortar) at the
inside and outside face of existing walls.
4. Filling in existing window or door openings with reinforced concrete or masonry
(Figures and
5. Providing additional shear walls at the interior or perimeter of the building or
providing external buttresses.
Relative Merits. Strengthening techniques for inadequate in-plane shear capacity
are similar to those discussed above for reinforced concrete or masonry walls, but
there is an important difference because of the very low allowable stresses
normally permitted for unreinforced masonry. These stresses generally are based on
the 34
ultimate strength of the masonry determined from core tests or in-situ testing. A
very large safety factor commonly is used in establishing allowable shear stress
because of the potential variation in workmanship and materials, particularly in
masonry joints.
Research indicates that it is difficult to maintain strain compatibility between
uncracked masonry and cracked reinforced concrete. As a result, when (E)
unreinforced there is a significant deficiency masonry wall in the in-plane shear
capacity of ( unreinforced masonry walls, / (N) 4 inch (�) diameter some structural
engineers core drilled and grouted prefer to ignore the with a polyester-sand of
the existing masonry, to mixture with steel
provide out-of-plane support reinforcement for the masonry, and to design / the
concrete overlay to resist / the total in-plane shear. / However, reinforced
concrete ,\ shear walls may be provided in / 4 to 5 ft. core an existing building
to reduce spacing the in-plane shear stresses in the unreinforced masonry walls by
redistributing the seismic forces by relative rigidities. It should be noted that
this is most effective when the walls are in the same line of force and connected
by a competent spandrel beam or drag strut. When the new concrete walls are not in
the same line of force and when the diaphragm is relatively FIGURE 323.2 Example of
center coring technique.
flexible with respect to the wall, the redistribution may be by tributary area
rather than by relative rigidity and the benefit of the additional shear wall may
not be entirely realized. Since new concrete shear walls can delaminate from the
masonry substrate, such walls should have adequate height to thickness ratios (h/t)
independent of the masonry wall. Unreinforced masonry buildings often lack adequate
wall anchorage and diaphragm chords. To correct these deficiencies as well as
inadequate in-plane shear capacity, it may be desirable to place the concrete
overlay on the inside face of the exterior walls (Figure Foundations,
however, may be inadequate to carry the additional weight of the concrete overlay;
see the NEHRP Evaluation Handbook for further discussion of this subject.
Because unreinforced masonry has minimal tensile strength, these walls are very
susceptible to flexural failure caused by out-of-plane forces. A common
strengthening technique for this deficiency is to construct reinforced concrete
pilasters or steel columns anchored to the masonry wall and spanning between the
floor diaphragms. The spacing of the pilasters or columns is such that the masonry
wall can resist the seismic inertia forces by spanning as a horizontal beam between
the pilasters or columns.
A recent innovation that has been used on several California projects is the
seismic strengthening of unreinforced masonry walls by the center coring technique
(Technique 2). This technique consists of removing 4 inch (�) diameter vertical
cores from the center of the wall at regular intervals (about 3 to 5 feet apart)
and placing reinforcing steel and grout in the cored holes. Polymer cement grout
has been used because of its workability, low shrinkage, and penetrating
characteristics. The reinforcement has been used with and without post-tensioning.
This technique provides a reinforced vertical beam to resist flexural stresses, and
the infusion 35
of the polymer grout strengthens the mortar joint in the existing masonry,
particularly in the vertical collar joints that generally have been found to be
inadequate. This method is a developing technology and designers contemplating its
use should obtain the most current information on materials and installation
Technique 3 for strengthening the out-of-plane capacity of existing walls is to
apply thin surface treatments of plaster or portland cement over welded wire mesh.
These treatments should be applied on both faces of existing walls.
Filling in existing window and/or door openings (Technique 4) can be a cost-
effective means of increasing in-plane shear capacity if the architectural and
functional aspects of the building can be accommodated. To maintain strain
compatibility around the perimeter of the opening, it is desirable. that the infill
material have physical properties similar to those of the masonry wall. Alternative Methodology for Evaluation and Design of Unreinforced Masonry
Bearing Wall Buildings An alternative methodology has been developed for the
evaluation and design of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings with flexible
wood diaphragms. Initially designated as the "ABK Methodology," it is based on
research funded by the National Science Foundation and performed by Agbabian
Associates, S. B. Barnes and Associates, and Kariotis and Associates. The ABK
methodology was the basis for the City of Los Angeles' Rule of General Application
(RGA) that was developed in cooperation with the Hazardous Buildings Committee of
the Structural Engineers Association of Southern California and approved in 1987 as
an alternate to the conventional design method in Division 88 of the Los Angeles
City Building Code. Code provisions for the "ABK Methodology" now have been
developed jointly by the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and
the California Building Officials (CALBO) and are published in the 1991 Edition of
the Uniform Code for Building Conservation (available from the International
Conference of Building Officials). The procedure for evaluation of unreinforced
masonry (URM) bearing wall buildings presented in Appendix C of the NEHRP
Evaluation Handbook is based on this methodology.
Some of the principal differences between the new methodology and conventional code
provisions are as follows: 1. The in-plane masonry walls are assumed to be rigid
(i.e., there is no dynamic amplification of the ground motion in walls above ground
2. The diaphragms and the tributary masses of the out-of-plane walls respond to
ground motion through their attachments to the in-plane walls.
3. The maximum seismic force transmitted to the in-plane walls by the diaphragm is
limited by the shear strength of the diaphragms.
4. The diaphragm response is controlled within prescribed limits by cross walls
(i.e., existing or new wood sheathed stud walls) or shear walls.
5. Maximum height to thickness (hit) ratios are specified in lieu of flexural
calculations for the out-of-plane response of the walls.
The ABK Methodology and the more conventional evaluation and design methods,
prescribed in building codes such as the City of Los Angeles' Division 88 for
unreinforced masonry have been prescribed in California with the objective of
preservation of life safety rather than prevention of damage. Several moderate
earthquakes in Southern California have provided limited testing of the methodology
and, although the results are not conclusive, very few of the retrofitted buildings
suffered total or partial collapse and the degree of structural damage was less
than occurred in nonretrofitted buildings.
3.2.4 SHEAR WALLS IN WOOD FRAME BUILDINGS Deficiencies The principal
deficiencies of wood or metal stud shear wall buildings are:
* Inadequate shear capacity of the wall and
* Inadequate uplift or hold-down capacity of the wall.
3.2.42 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Shear Capacity Techniques. Deficient
shear capacity of the wood or metal stud walls can be improved by: 1.
Increasing the shear capacity by providing additional nailing to the existing
finish material.
2. Increasing the shear capacity by adding plywood sheathing to one or both sides
of the wall.
3. Reducing the loads on the wall by providing supplemental shear walls to the
interior or perimeter of the building.
Relative Merits. Seismic forces in existing wood frame buildings generally are
moderate and, in many cases, the existing walls may be adequate. Tabulated
allowable shear values are available for existing finishes such as lath and plaster
and gypsum wallboard. In the latter case, existing nailing may dictate the
allowable shear value and higher allowable values may be obtained by additional
nailing. Similarly, the allowable shear value for walls with existing plywood
sheathing may be increased within limits by additional nailing. New plywood
sheathing may be nailed onto existing gypsum wallboard. Longer nails are required
and the allowable shear values are comparable to plywood nailed directly to the
studs, but the existing finish need not be removed.
Existing metal stud shear walls may be evaluated like wood stud walls. The
fasteners generally are self-
threading sheet metal screws and corresponding allowable shear values are available
for the finishes discussed in the preceding paragraph.
Where the shear capacity of an existing wall is increased, the shear transfer
capacity at the foundation and the capacity of the foundation connection to resist
overturning forces must be checked. Techniques for increasing the foundation shear
connection and overturning capacities are discussed in Sec. 3.8.1.
As with other shear wall strengthening techniques, the most economical scheme will
be the one that minimizes the total cost, including removal and replacement of
finishes and other nonstructural items, disruption of the functional use of the
building, and any necessary strengthening of foundations or other structural
Under normal circumstances, sheathing the exterior face of the perimeter walls
should have the lowest cost, but in some circumstances (e.g., if extensive interior
alterations are planned) strengthening existing interior shear walls or adding new
interior shear walls will be more economical.
If the loads are so large that the above alternatives are not practical, it may be
possible to reduce the forces on the wall by strengthening other existing shear
walls or by adding supplemental walls (Technique 3).
3.2.43 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Uplift or Hold-Down Capacity
Techniques. Strengthening techniques for inadequate uplift or hold-down capacity
are discussed in Sec. and are illustrated in Figures (a, b, c, and
3.3 VERTICAL-RESISTING ELEMENTS--BRACED FRAMES Braced frames are vertical elements
that resist lateral loads through tension and/or compression braces. There
concentric bracing consisting of diagonals, chevrons, K-bracing, or
are two principal types of braced frames: tension rods and eccentric bracing
(Figure 3.3).
K-bracing has undesirable performance characteristics for seismic loads diagonal in
that buckling of the compression bracing brace results in an unbalanced horizontal
force on the column from the remaining tension brace. Some building codes permit K-
bracing only in low seismic zones where there is only a small probability of
exceedance for the design seismic forces. In the higher chevron seismic zones,
these braces should be D\ D removed and the system modified to one
bracing of the other bracing configurations; ___________ -_further, this should be
done in all other seismic zones if at all possible. Chevron bracing has similar
characteristics in that buckling of one brace in compression results in an
unbalanced tensile force K-bracing from remaining brace. With chevron bracing, the
unbalanced force occurs on the beam rather than the column.
Nonetheless. the unbalanced tensile Concentric Bracing brace reaction Should be
considered in link beam the. particularly in the case of the inverted V
configuration in which the unbalanced force is additive to the gravity loads by the
Braced frames are typically of steel construction, however, concrete braced frames
are occasionally constricted.
Eccentric Bracing FIGURE 33 Bracing types.
3.3.1 STEEL CONCENTRICALLY BRACED FRAMES Deficiencies The principal
deficiencies of steel concentrically braced frames are:
* Inadequate lateral force capacity of the bracing system governed by buckling of
the compression brace,
* Inadequate capacity of the brace connection, *The American Institute of Steel
Construction has written a minority opinion regarding this sentence; see page 193.
o Inadequate axial load capacity in the columns or beams of the bracing system, and
* Brace configuration that results in unbalanced tensile forces, causing bending in
the beam or column when the compression brace buckles.
33.12 Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Brace Capacity Techniques. Deficient
brace compression capacity can be improved by: 1.
Increasing the capacity of the braces by adding new members thus increasing the
area and reducing the radius of gyration of the braces.
2. Increasing the capacity of the member by reducing the unbraced length of the
existing member by providing secondary bracing.
3. Providing greater capacity by removing and replacing the existing members with
new members of greater capacity (Figure
4. Reducing the loads on the braces by providing supplemental vertical-resisting
elements (i.e., shear walls, bracing, or eccentric bracing) as discussed in Sec.
(N) weld A (N) connection plate,-
b' FIGURE 33.12 Addition to or replacement of an existing X-brace.
Relative Merits. A brace member is designed to resist both tension and compression
forces, but its capacity for compression stresses is limited by potential buckling
and is therefore less than the capacity for tensile stresses.
Since the design of the system generally is based on the compression capacity of
the brace, some additional capacity may be obtained by simply reducing the
unsupported length of the brace by means of secondary bracing (Technique 3)
provided the connections have adequate reserve capacity or can be strengthened for
the additional loads.
If significant additional bracing capacity is required, it will be necessary to
consider strengthening (Technique 1) or replacement (Technique 3) of the brace.
Single-angle bracing can be doubled; double-angle bracing can be "starred";
channels can be doubled; and other rolled sections can be cover plated. New
sections should be designed to be compact if possible since they will perform with
significantly more ductility than noncompact sections. These modifications probably
will require strengthening or redesign of the connections. The other members of the
bracing system (i.e., columns and beams) must be checked for adequacy with the new
bracing loads. Strengthening of existing K- or chevron bracing should be undertaken
only after careful evaluation of the additional bending forces following the
buckling of the compression bracing. Where the existing bracing in these systems is
found to have inadequate capacity, the preferred solution is to replace it with a
diagonal or cross-bracing configuration.
It usually is a good idea to limit the strengthening of the existing bracing to the
capacity of the other members of the bracing system and the foundations and to
provide additional bracing if required. An alternative would be to provide new
shear walls or eccentric bracing. Construction of supplemental shear walls may be
disruptive and probably will require new foundations. The greater rigidity of the
shear walls as compared with that of the bracing also may tend to make the existing
bracing relatively ineffective. The rigidity of eccentric bracing, however, can be
"tuned" to be compatible with that of the existing concentric bracing, but the
advantages of the eccentric bracing may be offset by its greater construction cost.
Thus, strengthening the existing bracing or providing additional concentric bracing
are considered to be the most cost-effective alternatives. Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Capacity of the Brace Connection
Techniques. Deficient brace connection capacity can be improved by: 1.
Increasing the capacity of the connections by additional bolting or welding.
2. Increasing the capacity of the connections by removing and replacing the
connection with members of greater capacity.
3. Reducing the loads on the braces and their connections by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, bracing, or eccentric bracing) as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. Adequate capacity of brace connections is essential to the proper
performance of the brace.
The capacity of the brace is limited by its compression capacity and the connection
may have been designed for this load. When the brace is loaded in tension, however,
the brace may transmit significantly higher forces to the connection. If the
existing connection members (e.g., gusset plates) have sufficient capacity, the
most economical alternative may be to increase the existing connection capacity by
providing additional welding or bolts. If the existing gusset plates have
inadequate capacity, the existing configuration and accessibility need to be
assessed to determine whether adding supplemental connecting members or replacing
the existing connecting members with members of greater capacity (Technique 3) is
more economical. If the existing brace members require strengthening or replacement
with members of greater capacity, it is probable that new connections would be the
most cost-effective alternative.
Whether Technique 1 (reducing loads by adding supplemental members) is a cost-
effective alternative is most likely to be a consideration when assessing the
capacities of the braces, not the brace connections. The merits of this alternative
are discussed above.
33.1A Strengthening Techniques for Inadequate Axial Load Capacity In the Columns or
Beams of the Bracing System Techniques. Deficient axial load capacity of existing
bracing system columns and beams can be improved by.
1. Providing additional axial load capacity by adding cover plates to the member
flanges or by boxing the flanges.
2. Providing additional axial load capacity by jacketing the existing members with
reinforced concrete.
3. Reducing the loads on the beams and columns by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, bracing, or eccentric bracing) as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. The most cost-effective alternative for increasing the capacity of
the existing beams and columns in a concentrically braced frame system is to add
cover plates to or box the flanges (Technique 1). The effort involved in adding
cover and box plates includes removing the existing fireproofing and nonstructural
Jacketing of existing members with reinforced concrete (Technique 2) would seldom
be cost-effective due to the significant forming effort required. The relative
merits of reducing the loads by providing supplemental members is discussed in Sec.
33.2 ROD OR OTHER TENSION BRACING 33.2.1 Deficiencies The principal deficiencies of
rod or other tension bracing systems are:
* Inadequate tension capacity of the rod, tensile member, or its connection and
* Inadequate axial capacity of the beams or columns in the bracing system.
33.2.2 Strengthening Techniques for Tension Capacity Techniques. Deficient tension
capacity of the rod or other tension member and its connection can be improved by.
1. Increasing the capacity by strengthening the existing tension members.
2. Increasing the capacity by removing the existing tension members and replacing
with new members of greater capacity.
3. Increasing the capacity by removing the existing tension member and replacing it
with diagonal or X-bracing capable of resisting compression as well as tension
4. Reducing the forces on the existing tension members by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional tension rods) as discussed in Sec.
Relative Merits. Tension bracing is commonly found in light industrial steel frame
buildings including some designed for prefabrication. The most common deficiency is
inadequate tensile capacity in the tension rods.
These rods generally are furnished with upset ends so that the effective area is in
the body of the rod rather than at the root of the threads in the connection. It
therefore is rarely feasible to strengthen a deficient rod (Technique 1); hence,
correction of the deficiency likely will require removal and replacement with
larger rods (Technique 2), removal of existing tension bracing and replacement with
new bracing capable of resisting tension 41
and compression (Technique 3), or installation of additional bracing (Technique 4).
When replacing existing tension braces with new braces capable of resisting tension
and compression it is good practice to balance the members (i.e., design the system
such that approximately the same number of members act in tension as in
compression). Increasing the size of the bracing probably will require
strengthening of the existing connection details and also will be limited by the
capacity of the other members of the bracing system or the foundations as discussed
above for ordinary concentric bracing. The effectiveness of replacing the tension
bracing with members capable of resisting compression forces depends on the length
of the members and the need for secondary members to reduce the unbraced lengths.
Secondary members may interfere with existing window or door openings. The most
cost-effective technique for correction of the deficiency probably will be to
provide additional bracing (Technique 4) unless functional or other nonstructural
considerations (e.g., obstruction of existing window or door openings) preclude the
addition of new bracing. Strengthening Techniques for Beam or Column Capacity Techniques. Deficient
axial capacity of the beams or columns of the bracing systems can be improved by:
Increasing the axial capacity by adding cover plates to or by boxing the existing
2. Reducing the forces on the existing columns or beams by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., braced frames or shear walls) as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. Reinforcing the existing beams or columns with cover plates or
boxing the flanges generally is the most cost-effective alternative. If
supplemental braces or shear walls are required to reduce stresses in other
structural components such as the tension rods or the diaphragm, the addition of
supplemental vertical-resisting elements may be a viable alternative.
3.33 ECCENTRIC BRACING 333.1 Deficiency The primary deficiency of an eccentrically
braced frame system is likely to be nonconformance with current design standards
because design standards for such elements did not exist earlier than about 1980.
Eccentric bracing in older buildings may not have the desired degree of ductility.
33.3.2 Strengthening Techniques for Eccentric Braced Frames Techniques. An existing
eccentrically braced frame system can be brought into conformance with current
design standards by ensuring that the system is balanced (i.e., there is a link
beam at one end of each brace), the brace and the connections are designed to
develop shear or flexural yielding in the link, the connection is a full moment
connection where the link beam has an end at a column, and lateral bracing is
provided to prevent out-of-plane beam displacements that would compromise the
intended action. Alternatively, the loads on the existing eccentrically braced
frame can be reduced by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements such as
additional eccentrically braced frames.
Relative Merits. The use of engineered eccentric bracing is a relatively recent
innovation (within about 10 years) that can provide the rigidity associated with
concentric bracing as well as the ductility associated with moment frames. The
recommended design of these frames precludes compressive buckling of the brace
members by shear yielding of a short portion of the horizontal beam (the link
beam). If the brace is in a diagonal configuration, the yielding occurs in the
horizontal beam between the brace connection and the adjacent column; if it is in a
chevron configuration, the yielding occurs in the beam between the two brace
Because this system is relatively new, a deficiency in the lateral load capacity
reflects either improper design or upgraded design criteria. A properly designed
eccentric bracing system balances the yield capacity of the horizontal link beam
against the buckling capacity of the brace beam. It usually is not cost-effective
to strengthen the members of this bracing system unless it is necessary to correct
a design defect (e.g, if the brace has been over designed, the shear capacity of
the horizontal beam can be increased by adding doubler plates to the beam web
provided other members of the system have adequate additional capacity). Usually it
will be necessary to add additional bracing. It should be noted, however, that
although eccentric bracing is a desirable supplement to an existing concentric
bracing system, concentric bracing is not desirable as a supplement to an existing
eccentric bracing system. The proper functioning of an eccentric bracing system
requires inelastic deformations that are not compatible with concentric bracing;
the introduction of a ductile element (eccentric bracing) into an existing
"brittle" system (concentric bracing) is beneficial, but the reverse procedure is
not the case. The addition of shear walls to an existing eccentric bracing system
also is usually not effective because of their greater rigidity. Thus, the most
cost-effective procedure for increasing the capacity of an existing eccentric
bracing system probably will be to provide additional eccentric bracing.
inertial forces of an existing building are transferred from the floors and roofs
through the vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, braced frames and
moment frames) to the foundations and into the ground. The forces in the individual
shear walls, braced frames, and moment frames are a function of the weight and
height of the building plus the number, size, and location of the elements. By
adding new vertical elements to resist lateral forces, the forces in the existing
elements will be modified and generally will be reduced. Thus, the addition of
supplemental vertical elements that will resist lateral loads can be a means to
correct existing elements that are overstressed. The purpose of this section is to
discuss the benefits and the problems associated with adding supplemental vertical-
resisting elements to an existing building so that comparisons with other
rehabilitation techniques such as strengthening overstressed members or reducing
demand can be placed in perspective. The two general categories of supplemental
vertical-resisting elements are in-plane supplemental elements and new bay
supplemental elements. The two categories are schematically portrayed in Figure
The introduction of new in-plane supplemental elements into a building will
primarily reduce the forces on the existing vertical elements in the plane where
the new element is added. Forces on other vertical-resisting elements, diaphragms,
and the connections between them will be modified to a lesser degree depending on
the relative rigidities of the vertical elements and the diaphragms. All wood and
some steel deck diaphragms may be considered "flexible" when used with masonry or
concrete shear walls. Straight laid sheathing may be "flexible" with any type of
construction, but plywood sheathed diaphragms may be considered rigid with wood
frame walls or light steel frame construction. Where diaphragms are flexible, the
addition of a supplemental vertical element in the plane of existing vertical
elements will have essentially no effect on the forces in vertical elements located
in other bays or on the diaphragms or the connections between the diaphragms and
the vertical-resisting elements.
On the other hand, the introduction of new vertical bay supplemental elements, will
reduce the forces on all the elements--existing vertical elements, diaphragms,
foundations, and the connections between them. The reduction in forces will be
proportional to the relative rigidity of the vertical elements when the building
has a rigid diaphragm and will be proportional to the tributary areas associated
with the vertical-resisting elements when the building has a flexible diaphragm.
The effect of adding in-plane supplemental elements or new bay supplemental
elements on the lateral-force distribution of an existing building needs to be
evaluated when considering whether to add new vertical elements or to strengthen
existing members to reduce demand on bracing elements.
in-plane supplemental strengthening (N) diagonal braces (E) diagonal braces
supplemental strengthening of new bay FIGURE 3.4 Examples of supplementary
3.4.1 RELATIVE COMPATIBILITY The effectiveness of supplemental vertical-resisting
elements in reducing forces on overstressed components is dependent on the
stiffness, strength, and ductility compatibility of the existing vertical-resisting
elements relative to the new vertical elements.
Stiffness compatibility is particularly important. A moment frame, for example, is
relatively flexible in the lateral direction. New supplemental moment frames, shear
walls, or braced frames can be added to an existing moment frame structure. The
loads that will be transferred to the supplemental elements will be in proportion
to their relative stiffness (for a rigid diaphragm) and, therefore, a shear wall or
braced frame added to a moment frame structure will resist a significant portion of
the lateral load. If the existing vertical-resisting elements are concrete shear
walls, supplemental moment frames generally would be ineffective because of the
large degree of wall stiffness.
Structures responding to large earthquakes will behave inelastically, hence the
sequence in which different elements yield and the ability of the elements to
continue to function in the post yield condition (i.e., their ductility) will
affect the dynamic response of the structure. Weaker elements that yield become
more flexible resulting in a redistribution of forces. Ductile elements will
continue to participate in absorbing energy and resisting forces after yielding.
Structures with elements having compatible strengths and ductility will behave
better and more predictably than structures with elements of different strength and
Relative Merits. Deficient hold-down capacity of precast units usually will occur
when one unit or a part of one unit is required to resist a significant share of
the seismic load. If the wall has sufficient bending and shear capacity, then
increasing the hold-down capacity using Technique 1 is usually the most cost-
effective. When a wall is comprised of a number of solid (i.e., and significant
openings) precast panels, the overturning forces generally will be minimal provided
there is adequate vertical shear capacity in the connection between the edges of
adjacent panels. In this case, the connections must be checked and, if necessary,
strengthened as described in Sec. 3.2.2. Technique 2 usually is a viable approach
only if it is being considered to correct other component deficiencies. When
excessive uplift forces are due to inadequate vertical shear capacity in the
vertical connections between adjacent precast units, strengthening of those
connections (see Sec. 3.2.2) will reduce the uplift forces.
3.8A.1 Deficiencies
The principal deficiencies of the connections of steel braced frames to the
foundation are:
* Inadequate shear capacity and
* Inadequate uplift resistance.
3.8A.2 Strengthening Techniques for Shear Capacity Techniques. Deficient shear
capacity of the connections of steel braced frames to the foundations can be
improved by:
1. Increasing the capacity by providing new steel members welded to the braced
frame base plates and anchored to the slab or foundation with drilled and grouted
anchor bolts.
2. Reducing the shear loads by providing supplemental steel braced frames as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. The first alternative generally will be the most cost-effective
provided the existing slab or foundation can adequately resist the prescribed
shear. Steel collectors welded to the existing steel base plates may be necessary
to distribute the shear forces into the slab or foundation. If the existing
foundation requires strengthening to provide adequate shear capacity, determining
the most cost-effective alternative requires comparing the effort necessary to
construct a reinforced concrete foundation to the effort and disruption of
functional space required to install supplementary shear walls and their associated
foundations and collectors.
3.8.43 Strengthening Techniques for Uplift Resistance Techniques. Deficient uplift
resistance capacity of the connections of steel braced frames to the foundations
can be improved by:
1. Increasing the capacity by providing new steel members welded to the base plate
and anchored to the existing foundation.
2. Reducing the uplift loads by providing supplemental steel braced frames as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Relative Merits. Inadequate uplift resistance capacity of a steel braced frame
seldom results just because of deficient connection to the foundation but is
typically a concern reflecting the uplift capacity of the foundation itself. If the
foundation is the concern, the techniques discussed in Sec. 3.6 can be considered
to correct the 97 problem. If, in fact, the deficiency is the connection, Technique
1 (providing new connecting members) will be the most economical.
The principal deficiencies of the connection of a moment frame column to the
foundation are:
* Inadequate shear capacity,
* Inadequate flexural capacity, and
* Inadequate uplift capacity. Strengthening Techniques for Shear, Flexural, and Uplift Capacity
Techniques. The techniques for strengthening steel moment frame column base
connections to improve shear and flexural capacity also will likely improve the
uplift capacity. For this reason a combination of the following alternatives may be
utilized to correct a deficient column base connection:
1. Increasing the shear capacity by providing steel shear lugs welded to the base
plate and embedded in the foundation.
2. Increasing the shear and tensile capacity by installing additional anchor bolts
into the foundation.
3. Increasing the shear capacity by embedding the column in a reinforced concrete
pedestal that is bonded or embedded into the existing slab or foundation.
Relative Merits. While it may be possible to strengthen the column and to stiffen
the base plate against local bending, it usually is not practical to increase the
size of the base plate or the number of anchor bolts without removal and
replacement of the base plate. The horizontal column shears may be transferred to
the column footing by shear lugs between the base plate and the footing and/or
shear in the anchor bolts (Technique 1) and to the ground by passive pressure
against the side of the footing. If the column base connection is embedded in a
monolithic concrete slab, the slab may be considered for distribution of the shear
to the ground by means of any additional existing footings that are connected to
the slab. If the column is not embedded in the slab, the same affect can be
achieved by adding a concrete pedestal (Technique 3). The interference of this
pedestal with the function and operations of the area is an obvious drawback.
Consideration of a new lateral-force-resisting system may be a cost-effective
alternative for some seismically deficient structures. The extent of overstress of
an existing structure may be such that strengthening the existing elements is very
costly and adding supplemental vertical-resisting elements (as discussed in Sec.
3.4) becomes so extensive that an entirely new supplemental lateral-force-resisting
system is the best way to resist the prescribed forces.
Adding a new supplemental lateral-force-resisting system also may be the most cost-
effective alternative when preservation of architectural features is of utmost
importance, (e.g., in a historical monument).
Moment frame buildings that have insufficient lateral resistance can be converted
to a braced frame system. This retrofit can add substantial lateral capacity with a
minimum of additional weight. Changing a moment frame to a braced frame also will
significantly reduce drifts and, hence, architectural damage. Buildings with weak
shear walls (either wood or unreinforced masonry) also have been strengthened using
steel braced frames.
Figure 3.9.1 shows the central storeroom at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in
Berkeley, California, in which an X-braced steel frame was used to strengthen the
structure. The principal disadvantages of adding braced frames are the potential
change in the architectural character and the potential obstruction of accessways
and window views. Additionally, the conversion of moment frames to braced frames
may increase demand on and consequently necessitate an upgrade of the existing
FIGURE 3.9.1
Seismic strengthening using a supplemental braced frame system.
The addition of a new reinforced concrete shear wall system to an unreinforced
masonry structure can meet the requirements for a seismic upgrade in certain cases.
Margaret Jacks Hall on the Stanford University campus (Figure 3.923) is an example
of a building for which preservation of the architectural character was a prime
consideration. The existing unreinforced masonry was determined through testing to
provide little lateral capacity. The exterior sandstone masonry was retained, and
the interior was gutted. New concrete walls were pneumatically applied to the old
masonry, and new floors, columns, and a roof were constructed. Another example of
the need to preserve the historically significant architectural character of a
building is the California State Capitol (Figure 3.9.2b). In essence, the existing
stone facade was retained while new lateral- and (in large part) vertical-force-
resisting systems were constructed.
The design seismic forces (or demand forces) prescribed by most building codes
generally are proportional to building weight and inversely proportional to the
two-thirds power of the fundamental period of vibration of the building and to a
response reduction factor that represents the capability of the structural system
to absorb energy in the inelastic range of the building response. Within this
context, the earthquake demand of a building may be reduced by reducing the weight
of the building, increasing the fundamental period and the energy dissipating
capacity of the structural system, or using alternate procedures.
In relatively low buildings (i.e., below 3 to 5 stories), reducing the weight of
the building will result in a reduction of the seismic forces on the structural
elements. Although a reduction in weight will decrease the fundamental period of
vibration, the code-prescribed seismic force coefficient remains constant (i.e., is
not affected by a change in fundamental period) for these buildings, so the
reduction in the seismic forces is directly proportional to the weight reduction.
For taller buildings (i.e., 6 to 10 stories), the reduction in the fundamental
period resulting from a reduction in weight (i.e., the period is proportional to
the square root of the weight) also will result in an increase in the seismic force
coefficient. This increase will tend to offset the decrease associated with the
reduction in weight.
For very tall buildings (i.e., 20 stories or more), the effect of the fundamental
period is minimal and the seismic forces are essentially proportional to the
reduced weight.
Techniques. Techniques that have been utilized to reduce weight include: 1.
Removing the upper stories of a building.
2. Changing the use of the building (e.g., converting from heavy warehouse loading
to office or residential use).
3. Removing a heavy roof system and replacing it with a lighter assembly.
4. Removing heavy appurtenances (i.e., parapets, balconies, water towers, or
Relative Merits. Removal of the upper stories is an effective technique for
decreasing the earthquake demand on a building. As indicated above, this technique
may be less effective for buildings of moderate height than it is for low or very
tall buildings. An additional benefit associated with this technique is the
reduction in gravity loads. Use of this technique will result in reduced forces on
the existing vertical-load-resisting elements in the remaining stories and
foundations thereby providing additional capacity for seismic forces. The primary
disadvantage of this technique is the loss of usable space and the associated loss
of rental income and resale value.
The American Iron and Steel Institute has written a minority opinion concerning
this section; see page 193. 103
Changing the use of the building in order to eliminate heavy floor loads that
contribute to the seismic force also is an effective technique to reduce the
seismic demand. Since the ground floor and its tributary loads do not contribute to
the building seismic forces, reducing the floor loads in the upper floors of a
multi story building is most effective. This technique also reduces the forces on
the vertical-load-resisting elements and, thus, increases the capacity of these
elements for seismic forces. The elimination of heavy floor loads that are regarded
as dead loads in seismic provisions will affect the fundamental period of the
building in a manner similar to that discussed above for the removal of upper
stories. Also as discussed above, the advantage of weight reduction may be partly
offset for moderate height buildings by an increase in the seismic force level due
to the period changes. An additional factor to be considered for this technique is
whether the change in use or occupancy will trigger other building code
requirements (e.g., fire protection, egress) that may be costly to meet.
Removal and replacement of a heavy roof system is particularly effective in
reducing the seismic demands on an existing one-story building. As the number of
stories is increased, this technique becomes less effective and it is also subject
to the limitations for moderate height buildings discussed above.
Removal of heavy appurtenances has the same effects on seismic demand as discussed
above for the removal of stories or the elimination of heavy floor loads.
STRUCTURAL SYSTEM By increasing the fundamental period of vibration of some
structures, the seismic demand can be decreased.
The most effective method for increasing the fundamental period of the building
system without modification of the structural system of the building is by
introduction of seismic isolators at the base of the building. The seismic
isolators can increase the effective fundamental period of the system, thus
reducing the base shear of the structural system of the building; energy
dissipation also can be included within the isolator system.
In addition to seismic isolation, energy dissipation devices may be added to the
structural system. The energy dissipation system increases the system damping and
modifies the building response and provides the equivalent of increasing the value
of the response modification factor, R.
Techniques. The response reduction factor (i.e., energy dissipating capacity)
applicable to an existing building can be increased by:
1. Modifying the existing structural systems,
2. Supplementing the existing structural systems, or
3. Replacing the existing structural systems.
Relative Merits. Modification of an existing structural system to improve its
energy absorbing capacity is seldom feasible except in the case of an ordinary
steel moment frame. In this case, it may be possible to upgrade the frame to a
special moment frame or to the minimum frame requirements for a dual system in
conjunction with existing shear walls. Similarly, removal and replacement of an
existing structural system seldom will be economically feasible unless dictated by
other than engineering considerations (e.g., complete architectural retrofit of the
exterior of the building). A possible exception to this statement could occur in
existing steel frame buildings with concentric steel bracing or unreinforced
masonry infill walls. In these cases, it may be feasible to remove the bracing or
the infill walls and install eccentric bracing or reinforced concrete shear walls.
Supplementing the existing structural system is, by far, the most common technique
for seismic strengthening and, in many cases, it is possible to reduce the seismic
demand by improving the energy absorption characteristics of the combined system.
4.3 ALTERNATE PROCEDURES The NEHRP Recommended Provisions as well as model building
codes provide for approval of alternative procedures that can be demonstrated to be
equivalent to code-prescribed procedures concerning strength, durability, and
seismic resistance. In recent years, several innovative alternative procedures for
the reduction of seismic demand have been subjected to analytical and experimental
research and have seen limited application in both new and existing buildings.
These procedures include:
* Seismic isolation techniques and
* Supplemental damping techniques.
43.1 SEISMIC ISOLATION Techniques. Base isolation is a generic term for procedures
whereby the response characteristics of a building are altered by the introduction
of devices or special construction at the base of the building. The discussion here
is confined to the use of base isolation to reduce seismic demand by lengthening
the fundamental period of vibration of an existing building.
Relative Merits. Most base isolation devices are capable of developing a
fundamental period of about 2 seconds.
This can effectively reduce the seismic demand for buildings founded on rock or
firm soils that have a natural fundamental period of about 1 second or less ( i.e.,
buildings less than about 10 stories). Base isolation may be detrimental to
buildings founded on very soft soils where a 2 second period base-isolated building
may be in resonance with similar periods in the ground motion transmitted by the
soft soils.
Implementation of base isolation for existing buildings usually will require that
the building be underpinned for the installation of base isolation pads. A
competent diaphragm also is required above the isolation pads to distribute the
lateral forces and, for existing buildings, a new concrete slab generally has been
provided to serve this purpose. Finally, provision must be made to accommodate the
large displacement of the isolation pad; this usually is done by providing both
adequate clearance around the building to accommodate this displacement and sliding
or flexible connections for all utilities and services to the building.
43.2 SUPPLEMENTAL DAMPING Techniques. Structural damping may be defined as an
internal energy absorption characteristic of a structural system that acts to
attenuate induced free vibration. Damping is commonly expressed as a percentage of
critical damping. A zero damped elastic system, when displaced, theoretically would
vibrate continuously at its natural period and at the same amplitude. A critically
damped structure when displaced would return to its original position without
vibration. Damping also tends to reduce the dynamic amplification of vibration
particularly when the period of the building is in resonance with the ground
motion. The seismic provisions in most building codes are based on 5 percent of
critical damping as being representative of most building structures. The upper
limit of the required seismic forces, before division by the response reduction
factor, assumes dynamic amplification of the ground motion by a factor of 2 to 2.5
depending on the soil conditions. If the structure can develop 20 percent damping,
the above amplification (and the displacements) would be reduced by one-half.
The various concepts that have been proposed for providing supplementary damping
* Viscous damping,
* Friction damping, and
* Natural yield damping.
Viscous damping involves taking advantage of the high flow resistance of viscous
fluids. A simple shock absorber like that on an automobile is one example. Other
devices such as a pair of flat plates with viscous fluid between them have been
proposed. Shock absorbers have been implemented in connection with nuclear power
plant piping systems but they have proved to be very high maintenance cost items.
Friction between dry surfaces produces a constant force, always opposed to the
direction of motion, that is proportional to the contact force between the surfaces
and the coefficient of friction of the materials. A number of friction damping
devices usually associated with diagonal bracing in buildings, have been proposed.
Major concerns with friction dampers in connection with the long-term periods
between earthquakes are ensuring that the contact forces between the sliding
surfaces do not change and ensuring that the coefficient of friction does not
Natural yield damping of structural elements in buildings (e.g., beams) has long
been recognized as providing added damping to structures. Material yielding is very
commonly used in earthquake engineering in conjunction with the ductility, seismic
isolation, and supplemental damping concepts of design. In recent years, a variety
of mechanical devices that incorporate the yielding deformation of mild steel to
provide supplemental damping have been implemented in earthquake-resistant designs
of buildings and other structures. Mild steel bars in torsion Similarly, lead and
cantilevers in flexure have been developed, tested, and installed in buildings and
bridges shear and lead extrusion devices also have been developed.
Relative Merits. The application of supplemental damping in the seismic
rehabilitation of existing buildings is in its infancy; hence, the benefits and
problems of the various alternatives have not been thoroughly investigated.
In general, devices that involve material yielding as the means for increasing
energy dissipation or damping can be regarded as being very reliable. Mild steel
and lead are very stable materials with predictable yield deformation
Irrespective of the type of damping involved, the installation in buildings of
devices commonly proposed thus far in connection with supplemental damping involves
distributing the devices throughout a structure. The seismic response of a damped
building would be similar to that of a conventional building. This is in contrast
to the seismic isolation concept where virtually all of the relative displacement
occurs at the isolation level.
Change in period of vibration and stiffness associated with material yield damping
can be significant Practical supplemental depending on the ground motion demand and
the elastic strength of the damper damping devices that involve material yielding
generally result in a reduction of stiffness during earthquake -response and, thus,
periods lengthen. Although the change in period may be of little importance, the
change may result in decreased demand forces. The seismic analysis of buildings
using supplemental dampers requires sophisticated nonlinear time-history analytical
tools because of the yielding (i.e., inelastic) response requirements.
Nonstructural architectural elements can be damaged in an earthquake, and some of
this damage may result in life-threatening hazards. The two principal causes of
architectural damage are differential motion and lack of component capacity: For
example, the differential seismic displacement between stories (i.e., drift) can
cause window breakage. Architectural cladding, such as a granite veneer, with
insufficient anchorage capacity is an example of a component with a lack of
Rigid nonductile curtain wall panels, (e.g., those constructed of precast concrete)
attached to the exterior of a flexible structure (e.g., a steel moment frame) may
have insufficient flexibility in their connections to the frame and insufficient
spacing between panels to prevent damage due to racking. The connection details
therefore may have to be modified to allow flexibility, and Figure 5.1a shows a
typical connection detail that precast panel provides ductility and rotational :
capacity. The panel is rigidly attached at the base and held ; beam with a flexible
rod at the top usually is desirable to provide a Insert rigid support at one end of
each panel and to allow the other end to translate to accommodate the interstory
deflection of the frame without racking of the panels.
Another common deficiency gap weld (t p) is that the existing connections may not
provide adequate freedom for accommodating the calculated horizontal and vertical
story distortions. A feasible remedy may be to remove the existing connections at
one end .r of the panels and replace them with flexible rods (as indicated in
Figure 5.1b) or with other connecting devices provided with adequate oversized and
slotted FIGURE 5.1a Flexible connection for precast concrete cladding holes. In
implementing these techniques, the capacity of the modified connection for gravity
loads and for out-of-plane seismic loads must be checked and strengthened if
Inserts or attachments secured to panel reinforcing,
FIGURE 5.1b Detail for flexible connection for precast concrete cladding.
5.2 APPENDAGES Cornices, parapets, spandrels, and other architectural appendages
that have insufficient anchorage capacity must Cornice anchorages can be
strengthened be retrofitted to prevent damage and, most important, falling debris
by removing the cornice material, adding anchorages, and reinstalling the material.
A technique that has been used in rehabilitating heavy and ornate cornice work is
to remove the cornice and reconstruct it with adequate anchorage and new lighter
material such as lightweight concrete or plaster. Parapets can be reduced in height
so that the parapet dead load will resist uplift from out-of-plane seismic forces
or they can be strengthened with shotcrete (Figure 5.2a) or braced back to roof
framing (Figure 5.2b). All elements must be checked for their ability to sustain
new forces imposed by the corrective measures.
(E) masonry (N) shotcrete (E) concrete floor FIGURE 5.2a Strengthening a masonry
parapet with a new concrete overlay.
(N) drilled and grouted bolt (E) masonry parapet (N) channel (N) brace (E) roof
FIGURE 5.2b Strengthening a masonry parapet with steel braces.
5.3 VENEERS Stone and masonry veneers with inadequate anchorage should be
strengthened by adding new anchors. Veneers Typical details for approved anchorage
of masonry typically must be removed and replaced for this process veneers are
published by the Brick Institute of America.
Heavy partitions such as those of concrete block may fail from excessive flexural
stresses or excessive in-plane shear stress caused by interstory drifts. Such
partitions should be retrofitted with connections like those shown in Figure 5.4a
that restrain out-of-plane displacement and allow in-plane displacement.
Alternatively, unreinforced masonry partitions can be removed and replaced with
drywall partitions. Partitions that cross seismic joints should be reconstructed to
allow for longitudinal and transverse movement at joints. Plaster or drywall
partitions in office buildings generally need lateral support from ceilings or from
the floor or roof framing above the partition. Steel channels are sometimes
provided at the top of the partitions. The channels are attached to the ceiling or
floor framing, they provide lateral support to the partition but allow vertical and
Partitions that do longitudinal displacement of the floor or ceiling without
imposing any loads to the partition.
not extend to the floor or roof framing and are not laterally supported by a braced
ceiling should be braced to the framing above (as indicated in Figure 5.4b) at a
maximum of 12 foot spacing between braces.
Hollow clay tile partitions occur in many existing buildings as corridor walls or
as nonstructural enclosures for elevator shafts or stairwells. Hollow clay tile is
a very strong but brittle material and it is very susceptible to shattering into
fragments that could be hazardous to building occupants. In many cases it is not
possible to isolate these partitions from the lateral displacements of the
structural framing and, in those cases, it is advisable to consider either removal
of these partitions and replacement with drywall construction or "basketing" of the
potential clay tile fragments with wire mesh.
FIGURE 5.4a Bracing an Interior masonry partition.
Bracing an interior masonry partition.
5.5 CEILINGS Unbraced suspended ceilings can swing independently of the supporting
floor and cause damage to the ceilings, particularly at the perimeters. Providing
four-way (12-gage wire) diagonals and a compression strut between the ceiling grid
and the supporting floor at no more than 12 feet on center and within 6 feet of
partition walls will significantly improve the seismic performance of the suspended
ceiling. Figure 5.5 shows a typical detail of the four-way diagonals and the
compression strut. In addition to the braces, the connections between the main
runners and cross runners should be capable of transferring tension loads. Lay-in
ceilings are particularly vulnerable to the relative displacement of the supporting
grid members. Splices and connections of the T-bar sections that comprise the grid
may have to be stiffened or strengthened with new metal clips and self-threading
(N) 12 gage wires (N) adjustable compression struts to prevent vertical movement
(E) main runner FIGURE 5.5 Lateral bracing of a suspended ceiling.
5.6 LIGHTING FIXTURES Suspended fluorescent fixtures are susceptible to several
types of seismic damage. Fixtures that are supported by suspended ceiling grids can
lose their vertical support when the suspended ceiling sways and distorts under
seismic shaking. Independent wire ties connected directly from each of the fixture
corners (or at least diagonally opposite corners) to the structural floor above can
be added to prevent the fixture from falling (Figure 5.6).
Pendant-mounted fixtures often are supported by electrical wires. Wire splices can
pull apart and allow the fixtures to fall. The fixtures also may swing and impact
adjacent objects resulting in breakage and fallen fixtures.
Safety wires can be installed to prevent the fixtures from falling and diagonal
wires can prevent them from swaying. Some fixture manufacturers also provide
threaded metal conduit to protect the wiring and to support the fixture as well as
wire straps or cages that can be added to prevent the fluorescent tubes from
falling away from the fixture if they become dislodged.
Seismic rehabilitation of glass windows and doors to prevent breakage may be a
significant effort.
edge clearances around the glass to allow the building and, hence, the window frame
to rack in an earthquake without bearing on the glass is the principal cause of
breakage. Redesign (along with close installation inspection) of the frame and/or
glazing to provide sufficient clearance is necessary to prevent seismic breakage.
A technique suggested by Reiterman (1985) to reduce life-safety hazards from
falling glass is to apply adhesive solar film to the windows. The film will hold
together the glass fragments while also reducing heat and glare.
The application of solar film to insulating glass may cause heat build-up inside
the glass and the possible adverse effects of this build-up need to be considered
since damage can result.
5.8 RAISED COMPUTER ACCESS FLOORS Access floors typically are constructed of 2-foot
by 2-foot wood, aluminum, or steel panels supported on adjustable column pedestals.
The column pedestals frequently are fastened to the subfloors with mastic. Some
assemblies have stringers that connect the top of the pedestals (Figure 5.8a) and
others have lateral braces.
When subjected to lateral loads, access floors typically are very flexible unless
they are specifically designed to be rigid. This flexibility may amplify the ground
motions such that equipment supported on the floor may experience significantly
high displacements and forces. The high displacements also may cause connection
failures that could precipitate a significant collapse of the floor. Existing
floors can be rehabilitated by securing the pedestals to the subfloor with
expansion anchors or by adding diagonal bracing to pedestals in a regular pattern
(Figure 5.8b). Rehabilitated floors should be designed and tested to meet both a
stiffness and a strength criterion.
FIGURE 5.8b Strengthening of access floor 116
6.0 INTRODUCTION Nonstructural mechanical and electrical components are often
vulnerable to seismic damage in moderate to large earthquakes. Damage to mechanical
and electrical components can impair building functions that may be essential to
life safety. This chapter presents common techniques for mitigating seismic damage
of the following typical mechanical and electrical components:
* Mechanical and electrical equipment
* Ductwork and piping
* Elevators
* Emergency power systems
* Hazardous material storage systems
* Communication systems
* Computer equipment
6.1 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Large equipment that is unanchored or
inadequately anchored can slide during an earthquake and damage utility
connections. Tall, narrow units may also be vulnerable to overturning. Positive
mechanical anchorages (Figure 6.1a) will prevent seismic damage.
Electrical equipment frequently is tall and narrow and may overturn and slide,
causing damage to internal instruments and utility connections. This type of
equipment can be secured against sliding or rocking in many ways depending on the
location of the units relative to adjacent walls, ceilings, and floors (Figure
6.1b). In all cases, the capacity of the wall to resist the seismic loads imposed
by the connected equipment must be verified.
Mechanical or electrical equipment located on vibration isolators may be
particularly vulnerable to being shaken off the isolator supports. Rehabilitation
to mitigate the potential for damage involves either replacing the vibration
isolation units or installing rigid stops. Vibration isolation units that also
provide lateral seismic resistance are available from isolator manufacturers and
these units (Figure 6.1c) can be installed in place of the existing isolators.
Alternatively, rigid stops designed to prevent excessive lateral movement of the
equipment can be installed on the existing foundation (Figure 6.1d and e). A
sufficient gap needs to be provided between the stop and the equipment to prevent
the transmission of vibrations through the stops. Where equipment is tall relative
to its width, stops in the vertical direction are required to prevent overturning.
The equipment itself, its attachments to the isolators or support rails, and the
rails themselves can be points of weakness that need to be assessed and
strengthened where required.
typical angle clips (N) weld (E) transformer FIGURE 6.1a Typical detail of
equipment anchorage.
Q FIGURE 6.Ib Alternate details for anchoring equipment.
FIGURE 6.1b continued.
FIGURE 6.1c Prefabricated vibration isolation assembly with lateral seismic stops.
(N) provide gap as required (E) vibration isolation assembly (N) angles with
resilient pads (N) anchor bolt FIGURE 6.1d Seismic restraints added to existing
equipment with vibration Isolation.
(E) vibration isolation assembly (N) bar stock (N) channel with resilient pads f a
(N) weld
<1 FIGURE 6.1e Multidirectional seismic restraint.
Suspended mechanical or electrical equipment may sway during an earthquake,
damaging utility connections and the vertical support components. This equipment
should be braced to prevent swaying (Figure 6.10.
(N) diagonal bracing (E) vertical support FIGURE 6.1f Typical bracing for suspended
Water heaters are tall, heavy, narrow components that, if unanchored, are
vulnerable to damage in an earthquake. Sliding or overturning of water heaters may
result in broken water and gas lines. Water heaters should be anchored as shown in
Figure 6.1g, and flexible gas lines should be installed with a sufficient loop to
allow the heater some movement without stressing the gas lines of domestic water
Seismic retrofit of ductwork and piping primarily consists of providing lateral
sway braces. The Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors National Association
(SMACNA) has published guidelines for the design of seismic restraints of new
mechanical systems and plumbing piping systems (September 1982) that can also be
used for rehabilitation of existing systems. These guidelines were developed for
use in areas of relatively high seismicity and engineering judgment should be
utilized in their application elsewhere. The SMACNA guidelines for seismic bracing
of ductwork recommend that: 1. All rectangular ducts 6 square feet in area and
greater and round ducts 28 inches in diameter and larger should be seismically
2. Transverse braces should be installed at a maximum of 30 feet on center, at each
duct turn, and at each end of a duct run.
3. Longitudinal braces should be installed at a maximum of 60 feet on center.
4. No bracing is required if the top of a duct is suspended 12 inches or less from
the supporting structural member and the suspension straps are attached to the top
of the duct.
The SMACNA guidelines for seismic bracing of piping recommend that: 1. Braces for
all pipes 2-1/2 inches in diameter and larger (and also for smaller piping used for
fuel gas, oil, medical gas, and compressed air and smaller piping located in boiler
rooms, mechanical equipment rooms, and refrigeration machinery rooms).
2. Transverse braces should be installed at a maximum of 40 feet on center.
3. Longitudinal braces should be installed at a maximum of 80 feet on center.
4. Thermal expansion and contraction forces, where present, must be considered in
the layout of transverse and longitudinal braces.
5. Flexibility should be provided where pipes pass through seismic or expansion
Figures 6.2a through 6.2c show typical seismic brace details for ducting. Duct
diffusers also should be positively attached with mechanical anchors to rigid ducts
or secured with wires to the floor above when connected to flexible ducts. Figures
6.2d through 6.2g show typical details for installing seismic braces for piping.
I I (N) angle brace
.0(N) strap around duct FIGURE 6.2a Lateral and longitudinal braces for large-
diameter ducting.
FIGURE 62b Lateral and longitudinal braces for small-diameter ducting.
(N) angle brace (E) duct FIGURE 6.2c Lateral and longitudinal braces for
rectangular ducting.
(N) pipe clamp (N) channel (N) strap around pipe FIGURE 6.2d Lateral braces for
(N) angle brace (E) pipe (N) pipe clamp
(N) angle brace (E) pipe FIGURE 6.2e Longitudinal pipe brace.
(N) angle brace (E) pipe (N) strap around pipe FIGURE 6.2f Lateral brace for
multiple pipes.
(N) angle brace (E) pipe (N) strap around pipe FIGURE 6.2g Longitudinal brace for
multiple pipes.
6.3 ELEVATORS Elevator machinery and controller units should be anchored like other
mechanical and electrical equipment to prevent the units from sliding or toppling.
Rope retainer guards should be provided on sheaves to inhibit displacement of wire
ropes. Snag points created by rail brackets should be provided with guards so that
compensating ropes or chains, governor ropes, suspension ropes, and traveling
cables will not snag. Retainer plates should be added to the top and bottom of the
cars and counterweights to prevent them from becoming dislodged from the rails.
Seismic switches should be installed to provide an electrical alert or command for
the safe automatic emergency operation of the elevator system and to detect lateral
motion of the counterweight.
For more information on the requirements for elevator seismic safety refer to ANSI
17.1, Safety Codes for Elevators and Escalators.
6.4 EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEMS Although emergency power systems typically containing
batteries, motor generators, fuel tanks, transformers, switchgear, and control
panels are designed to be activated in the event of an emergency, many are
inadequately protected from earthquake forces.
Batteries are frequently stored in racks as shown in Figure 6.4a, and structural
members should be installed to restrain the batteries to the racks, the racks
should be (N) foam ( foam spacers e A d G braced, and adequate anchorages should be
provided to carry (N) restraining the lateral loads. Foam spacers members also
should be fitted snugly between the batteries to prevent them from impacting each
Motor generators typically are mounted on vibration isolators, and these units
should have seismic stops installed as shown in Figures 6.1d or 6.1e.
Fuel tanks frequently are mounted on legs to facilitate gravity feed of the fuel,
and these tanks should be braced as shown in Figure 6.4b and provided with adequate
Flexible fuel piping with adequate loops also should be installed both at the fuel
tank and at the motor generator (transformers, switchgear, and control panels
should be anchored as shown in Figure 6.1b.
FIGURE 6Aa Bracing of existing battery racks.
(N) brace (E) leg (N) anchor bolt FIGURE 6Ab Bracing of horizontal tank.
6.5 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE SYSTEMS Seismic-activated shutoff valves should be
installed on hazardous materials supply lines. These lines also should be
adequately braced as shown in Figures 6.2e and 6.2f and should be provided with
flexible connections at storage tanks. Bottles of laboratory chemicals should be
prevented from falling by using elastic straps or shelf lips as shown in Figure
6.5a. Liquid oxygen and similar pressurized tanks also should be restrained as
indicated in Figure 6.5b.
FIGURE 6.5a Protective measures for hazardous materials.
(E) gas cylinder (N) chain restraint FIGURE 6.5b Anchorage detail for pressurized
6.6 COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS The operation of communication systems following an
earthquake is of vital importance to individuals, communities, federal agencies,
and private businesses that depend on them to aid in assessing damage and
responding to problems.
Telephone communications equipment consists of input and output data processing
units, disk drives, central computers, and remote regional and central switching
units, much of which is located on raised access floors; this computer type
equipment is discussed in Sec. 6.7. Remote switching units not located on raised
floors should be secured like other mechanical and electrical equipment as
discussed in Sec. 6.1.
Essential facilities such as hospitals and fire and police stations that must have
communication capabilities in the event of an earthquake should have backup
external and internal communication systems. Radio equipment should be secured to
prevent sliding or toppling. Desk top equipment also should be secured or tethered
to prevent falling.
Computer equipment vulnerable to seismic damage includes electronic data processing
equipment such as mainframes, peripherals, telecommunications cabinets, and tape
and disk storage units. Seismic rehabilitation to protect computer equipment is
different from that required for other mechanical and electrical equipment for
several reasons: (1) computer equipment typically is located on raised access
floors that complicate traditional anchorage techniques and may amplify seismic
loads, (2) computer equipment design is rapidly evolving and advancing, units
frequently are replaced or rearranged, and (3) some computer equipment may be
sensitive to high-frequency vibrations such as those that may be caused by ground
The remainder of this section briefly identifies rehabilitation techniques for data
processing equipment and tape and disk storage racks. For more information on the
subject, refer to Data Processing Facilities: Guidelines for Earthquake Hazard
Mitigation (Olson, 1987), which provides detailed seismic design recommendations
for new computer facilities and the rehabilitation of existing facilities.
Electronic data processing (EDP) equipment typically is located on raised access
floors; hence, the traditional techniques of anchoring electrical equipment to the
floor are complicated by the fact that the anchorage needs to pass through the
access floor to the subfloor. This reduces the access to the space beneath the
raised floor and greatly reduces the flexibility to rearrange and replace
equipment. Some dynamic tests of EDP equipment also have shown that certain
vibration-sensitive equipment may be more prone to seismic damage if it is rigidly
anchored to the building and is subjected to high-frequency seismic ground motions
than if the equipment is free to slide on the access floor. However, if EDP units
are unrestrained, they may slide into structural walls or adjacent equipment or
their support feet may slide into an access floor penetration, and the unit will
Two general solutions may be used to reduce the potential for seismic damage of EDP
equipment: rigidly restraining the equipment or allowing the equipment to slide.
Rigid restraints (Figure 6.7a) may be appropriate for equipment that is not
vibration-sensitive, is not likely to be relocated, or is tall and narrow (and,
hence, susceptible to toppling). Air-handling units, modem cabinets, and power
distribution units fall into this category.
Tall, flexible equipment such as modem cabinets may require stiffening or bracing
near the top. If anchored only at the base, the seismic motions at the top of the
units may be significantly amplified and may result in equipment damage. Figure
6.7b shows a detail that will prevent toppling but does not transmit high-frequency
ground shaking to the unit.
Equipment that is vibration sensitive or is likely to require frequent relocation
can be isolated to reduce the potential for seismic damage. Some of the
considerations necessary for isolating equipment include protecting the equipment
from sliding to prevent a supporting foot or caster from falling into an opening in
the access floor (provided for cable penetrations). This can be prevented by
tethering the equipment to the subfloor (Figure 6.7c) so that the equipment cannot
slide far enough to impact other equipment or walls or to fall into a penetration.
Precautions should be considered for tall equipment restrained with a tether to
prevent the equipment from reaching the end of the tether, which may cause the
equipment to overturn. Floor penetrations also can be provided with guards (Figure
6.7c) that will prevent the equipment feet from entering. Adjacent 137
equipment either should be separated by about 1 foot to prevent potential pounding
or should be strapped together (Figure 6.7d) so that the separate pieces move as a
FIGURE 6.7a Rigid anchorage of computer equipment.
(E) computer equipment (E) leveling pads (N) tension rods (N) turnbuckle (N)
expansion anchor FIGURE 6.7b Flexible anchorage of computer equipment.
FIGURE 6.7c Tether and equipment.
FIGURE 6.7d Strapping of electronic data processing units.
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This handbook discusses techniques for rehabilitating the seismic resistance of the
following 15 common building types:
Wood Light Frame
Wood, Commercial and Industrial
Steel Moment Frame
Steel Braced Frame
Steel Light Frame
Steel Frame with Concrete Shear Walls
Steel with Infill Masonry Shear Walls
Concrete Moment Frame
Concrete Shear Walls
Concrete Frame with Infill Walls
Precast/Tilt-Up Concrete Walls with Lightweight Flexible Diaphragm
Precast Concrete Frames with Concrete Shear Walls
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood/Metal Deck Diaphragms 14.
Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms 15.
Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Wall Buildings The lateral-force-resisting elements of
buildings can be categorized into the following subsystems: vertical elements
resisting lateral forces, diaphragms, foundations, and the connections between the
subsystems. The 15 common building types considered in this report can be composed
of various subsystem types. The construction of each subsystem can vary. For
example, diaphragms can be constructed of timber, steel or concrete. The technique
to rehabilitate a deficient subsystem and hence a deficient building depends upon
the type of construction of that subsystem. The following tables present common
construction of the lateral-force-resisting subsystems for the 15 common building
types. These tables are provided to aid the reader in determining the types of
subsystems likely to be present in a building of a given type. With an
understanding of the subsystem construction and the subsystem deficiencies, the
techniques presented in Chapter 3 can be investigated to determine effective ways
to rehabilitate the seismic resistance of a given existing building.
Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections Timber framing
with Wood stud walls with Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut plywood,
straight-laid, let-in or cut-in timber or drilled piers. bracing of ceilings from
or diagonal sheathing. bracing or plywood, floor roof diaphragms.
straight-laid, or diagonal sheathing. Bracing or lateral support of walls and
partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Nailing and blocking for direct shear transfer from horizontal diaphragms to shear
walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Bolting of shear walls and vertical bracing to concrete slabs or foundation walls.
Tension ties or hold-downs for shear walls and vertical bracing.
Nailing or bolting of vertical bracing.
INDUSTRIAL Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections
Timber framing with Wood stud walls with Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or
strut, straight-laid, let-in or cut-in timber or drilled piers. of ceilings from
floor diagonal sheathing. bracing or plywood, roof diaphragms.
(Floor roof deck- straight-laid, or may be 2-inch sheathing. Bracing or lateral
support of material). walls and partitions from Knee bracing or ceilings or
bracing of timber columns. Nailing and blocking for direct shear transfer from
horizontal diaphragms to shear walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Bolting of shear walls and vertical bracing to concrete slabs or foundation walls.
Tension ties or hold-downs for shear walls and vertical bracing.
Nailing or bolting of vertical bracing.
Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections Timber framing
with Moment resisting
* Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut, straight-laid, structural steel
frames. or drilled piers of ceilings from floor diagonal sheathing. roof
Reinforced concrete Bracing or lateral support of slab supported on walls and
partitions from structural steel floor ceilings or diaphragms.
framing members.
Nailing and blocking for
Steel decking with or shear transfer from without concrete fill. horizontal
diaphragms to shear walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Shear studs or other connections of concrete diaphragm to steel chord members.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Splice detail of steel chord members.
Beam/column connections.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column splice details.
Column base details.
Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections Timber framing
with Concentric steel Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut, straight-
laid, in diagonal, X, K, or drilled piers of ceilings from floor diagonal
sheathing. or chevron diaphragms.
Reinforced concrete Bracing or lateral support of slab supported on May also have
moment walls and partitions from structural steel floor resisting structural
ceilings or diaphragms.
framing members. steel frames.
Nailing and blocking for Steel decking with or shear transfer from without concrete
fill. horizontal diaphragms to shear walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Shear studs or other connections of concrete diaphragm to steel chord members.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Splice detail of steel chord members.
Beam/column connections.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column splice details.
Column base details.
Bolted or welded bracing connections.
Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Timber framing with I Elements Moment resisting
Foundations Spread footings, piles, Connections Diagonal wire or strut
1 plywood, straight-laid, structural steel frames. or drilled piers of ceilings
from floor diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Concentric light steel Reinforced concrete bracing in diagonal or Bracing or
lateral support of slab supported on X configuration. walls and partitions from
structural steel floor ceilings or diaphragms.
framing members.
Nailing and blocking for Steel decking with or shear transfer from without concrete
fill. horizontal diaphragms to shear walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Shear studs or other connections of concrete diaphragm to steel chord members.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Splice detail of steel chord members.
Beam/column connections.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column splice details.
Column base details.
Bolted or welded bracing connections.
SHEAR WALLS Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations
Reinforced concrete Non-moment-resisting Spread footings, piles, slab supported on
steel frames. or drilled piers.
structural steel floor framing members. Reinforced concrete shear walls.
Steel decking with or without concrete fill. May also have moment resisting
structural steel frames.
Connections Diagonal wire or strut bracing of ceilings from floor roof diaphragms.
Bracing or lateral support of walls and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Shear studs or other connections of concrete diaphragm to steel chord members.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Splice detail of steel chord members.
Beam/column connections.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column splice details.
Column base details.
Connection of concrete shear walls to floor roof diaphragms.
Development of boundary members for concrete shear walls.
SHEAR WALLS Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting 1 Diaphragm Elements Foundations
Connections Timber framing with Nonmoment-resisting Spread footings, piles,
Diagonal wire or strut bracing plywood, straight-laid, steel frames. or drilled
piers of ceilings from floor diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Unreinforced masonry Reinforced concrete walls. Bracing or lateral support of slab
supported on walls and partitions from structural steel floor May also have moment
ceilings or diaphragms.
framing members. resisting structural steel frames. Nailing and blocking for
Steel decking with or direct shear transfer from without concrete fill. horizontal
diaphragms to shear walls or vertical bracing.
Drag struts to collect shear from horizontal diaphragms for transfer to shear walls
or vertical bracing.
Shear studs or other connections of concrete diaphragm to steel chord members.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Splice detail of steel chord members.
Beam/column connections.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column splice details.
Column base details.
Connection of masonry walls to steel framing.
Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections Reinforced
concrete Reinforced concrete Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut bracing
monolithic with frames. or drilled piers. of ceilings from floor reinforced
concrete roof diaphragms.
beams and girders.
Bracing or lateral support of walls and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Beam/column panel joint details.
Column shear reinforcement and confinement.
Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations Connections Reinforced
concrete Reinforced concrete Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut bracing
slab monolithic with shear walls. or drilled piers. of ceilings from floor
reinforced concrete roof diaphragms.
beams and girders.
Bracing or lateral support of walls and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Connection of concrete shear walls to floor roof diaphragms.
Development of boundary members for concrete shear walls.
Concrete diaphragm chord details.
INFILL WALLS Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations
Connections Timber framing with Reinforced concrete Spread footings, piles,
Diagonal wire or strut plywood, straight-laid, frames. or drilled piers. bracing of
ceilings from floor diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Unreinforced masonry Reinforced concrete walls. Bracing or lateral support of slab
monolithic with walls and partitions from reinforced concrete ceilings or
diaphragms beams and girders.
Connection of timber floor roof diaphragms to concrete frames.
Connection of concrete floor roof diaphragms to concrete frames.
Connection of masonry walls to concrete frames.
Beam/column joint details.
Column shear reinforcement and confinement.
Elements Foundations Connections ] Timber framing with Precast concrete walls.
Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or strut plywood, straight-laid, or drilled
piers. bracing of ceilings from floor diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Reinforced concrete Bracing or lateral. support of slab monolithic with walls and
partitions from reinforced concrete ceilings or diaphragms.
beams and girders.
Welding, shear studs, or Steel decking with or other connections of steel without
concrete fill. deck diaphragms to structural steel framing.
Connection of timber floor roof diaphragms and precast walls.
Connection of concrete floor roof diaphragms to precast walls.
Connection of steel deck floor roof diaphragms to precast walls.
Vertical precast panel connections.
Tension ties or hold-down connections for precast panels.
Diaphragm chord details for timber, steel decking, and concrete diaphragm.
Base detail for precast panels.
WITH CONCRETE SHEAR WALLS Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements
Foundations Connections Reinforced concrete Precast concrete Spread footings,
piles, Diagonal wire or strut slab monolithic with frames. or drilled piers.
bracing of ceilings from floor reinforced concrete roof diaphragms.
beams and girders. Reinforced concrete shear walls. Bracing or lateral support of
walls and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Connection of concrete floor roof diaphragms to precast frames or shear walls.
Development of boundary members for concrete shear walls.
Beam/column joint details.
Column shear reinforcement and confinement.
Concrete frame splice details.
WITH WOOD/METAL DECK Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations
Connections Timber framing with Unreinforced masonry Spread footings, piles,
Diagonal wire or strut plywood, straight-laid, bearing walls. or drilled piers.
bracing of ceilings from floor or diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Steel decking with or Bracing or lateral support of without concrete fill. walls
and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Welding, shear studs, or other connections of steel deck diaphragms to structural
steel framing.
Connection of timber or steel decking floor roof diaphragms to masonry walls.
Tension ties or hold-downs for masonry walls.
WITH PRECAST CONCRETE DECK Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements
Foundations Connections Precast concrete units Reinforced masonry Spread footings,
piles, Diagonal wire or strut bracing
(planks, cored slabs, walls. or drilled piers. bracing of ceilings from floor tees,
etc.) roof diaphragms.
Bracing or lateral support of
walls and partitions from ceilings or diaphragms.
Connection of precast floor roof units to shear walls.
Connections between adjacent precast floor roof units.
Tension ties or hold-downs for masonry walls.
BEARING WALLS Floor Roof Vertical-Resisting Diaphragm Elements Foundations
Timber framing with Unreinforced masonry Spread footings, piles, Diagonal wire or
strut plywood, straight-laid, walls. or drilled piers. bracing of ceilings from
floor or diagonal sheathing. roof diaphragms.
Reinforced concrete Bracing or lateral support of slab supported on walls and
partitions from structural steel floor ceilings or diaphragms.
framing members.
Connection of timber or Reinforced concrete floor roof slab monolithic with
diaphragms to masonry walls.
reinforced concrete beams and girders. Development of diaphragm chords in timber or
concrete floor roof diaphragms.
Tension ties or hold-downs for masonry walls.
The deficiencies and alternative strengthening techniques discussed in Chapter 3
are summarized here as follows:
Table Bi Moment Resisting Systems
Steel Moment Frames
Concrete Moment Frames
Moment Frames with Infill Walls
Precast Concrete Moment Frames
Table B2 Shear Walls
Reinforced Concrete or Reinforced Masonry
Precast Concrete
Unreinforced Masonry
Shear Walls in Wood Frame Buildings
Table B3 Braced Frames
Table B4 Diaphragms
Table B5 Foundations
Table B6 Diaphragm to Vertical Element Connections
Table B7 Vertical Element to Foundation Connections
Inadequate moment/shear capacity
of beams, columns, or their connections
Inadequate beam/column panel zone
Excessive drift
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the moment capacity of the members and connections
by adding cover plates or other steel sections to the
flanges Or by boxing members.
2. Increasing the moment and shear capacity of the members
and connections by providing steel gusset plates or knee
3. Reducing the stresses in the existing frames by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional moment
frames, braces, or shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
4. Providing lateral bracing of unsupported flanges to increase
capacity limited by tendency for lateral/torsional buckling.
5. Encasing the columns in concrete.
1. Providing welded continuity plates between the column flanges.
2. Providing stiffener plates welded to the column flanges and
3. Providing web doubler plates at the column web.
4. Reducing the stresses in the panel zone by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional moment
frames, braces, or shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the capacity and, hence, the stiffness of the existing
moment frame by cover plates or boxing.
2. Increasing the stiffness of the beams and columns at their
connections by providing steel gusset plates to form haunches.
3. Reducing the drift by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
additional moment frames, braces, or
shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
4. Increasing the stiffness by encasing columns in reinforced
5. Reducing the drift by adding supplemental damping as discussed
in Sec. 4.
Inadequate ductile bending or shear
capacity in the beams or columns
and lack of confinement, frequently
in the joints
1. Increasing the ductility and capacity by jacketing the beam
and column joints or increasing the beam or column capacities.
2. Reducing the seismic stresses in the existing frames by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional
moment frames, braces, or shear walls) as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.
3. Changing the system to a shear wall system by infilling the
reinforced concrete frames with reinforced concrete.
TABLE Bl--continued
Crushing of the infill at the upper 1. Eliminating the hazardous effects of the
infill by providing a
and lower corners due to the gap between the infill and the frame and providing
out-of- diagonal compression strut type action plane support.
of the infill wall 2. * Treating the frame as a shear wall and correcting the
deficiencies as described in Sec. 3.2.
Shear failure of the beam/column
connection in the steel frames or
direct shear transfer failure of the
beam or column in concrete frames
Tensile failure of the columns or
their connections due to the uplift
forces resulting from the braced
frame action induced by the infill
Splitting of the infill due to the orthogonal
tensile stresses developed in
the diagonal compressive strut
Loss of infill by out-of-plane forces
due to loss of anchorage or excessive
slenderness of the infill wall
Inadequate capacity and/or ductility
1. Removing existing concrete in the precast elements to expose
of the joints between the precast the existing reinforcing steel, providing
additional reinforcing
units steel welded to the existing steel (or drilled and grouted),
and replacing the removed concrete with cast-in-place concrete.
2. Reducing the forces on the connections by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional moment
frames, braces, or shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate shear capacity
Inadequate flexural capacity
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the effectiveness of the existing walls by filling in
door or window openings with reinforced concrete or masonry.
2. Providing additional thickness to the existing walls with a
poured-in-place or pneumatically applied (i.e., shotcrete)
reinforced concrete overlay anchored to the inside or outside
face of the existing walls.
3. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the existing walls
by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
shear walls, braces, or external buttresses) as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the effectiveness of the existing walls by filling in
door or window openings with reinforced concrete or masonry.
2. Providing additional thickness to the existing walls with a
poured-in-place or pneumatically applied (i.e., shotcrete)
reinforced concrete overlay anchored to the inside or outside
face of the existing walls.
3. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the existing walls
by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
shear walls, braces, or external buttresses). as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate shear or flexural capacity 1. Eliminating the coupling beams by filling
in openings with
in the coupling beams between shear reinforced concrete.
walls or piers
Inadequate shear
in the wall panels
2. Removing the existing beams and replacing with new stronger
reinforced beams.
3. Adding reinforced concrete to one or both faces of the wall
and providing an additional thickness to the existing wall.
4. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the connecting
beams by providing additional vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
shear walls, braces, or external buttresses) as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.
or flexural capacity
1. Increasing the shear and flexural capacity of walls with significant
openings for doors or windows by infilling the existing
openings with reinforced concrete.
2. Increasing the shear or flexural capacity by adding reinforced
concrete (poured-in-place or shotcrete) at the inside or outside
face of the existing walls.
3. Adding interior shear walls to reduce the flexural or shear
stress in the existing precast panels.
TABLE B2--continued
Inadequate interpanel shear or flex-1. Making each panel act as a cantilever to
resist in-plane capacity forces (by adding or strengthening tie-downs, edge
reinforcement, footings).
2. Providing a continuous wall by exposing the reinforcing steel
in the edges of adjacent units, adding ties, and repairing with
Inadequate out-of-plane flexural
1. Providing pilasters at and/or between the interpanel joints.
2. Adding horizontal beams between the columns or pilasters at
mid-height of the wall.
Inadequate shear or flexural capacity
1. Eliminating the coupling beams by filling in openings with
in coupling beams reinforced concrete.
2. Removing the existing beams and replacing with new stronger
reinforced beams.
3. Adding reinforced concrete to one or both faces of the wall
and providing an additional thickness to the existing wall.
4. Reducing the shear or flexural stresses in the connecting
beams by providing additional vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
shear walls, braces, or external buttresses) as discussed in
Sec. 3.4.2
Inadequate in-plane shear and out-
1. Providing additional shear capacity by placing reinforcing
of-plane flexural capacity of the walls steel on the inside or outside face of the
wall and applying
new reinforced concrete.
2. Providing additional capacity for out-of-plane lateral forces
by adding reinforcing steel to the wall utilizing the center
coring technique.
3. Providing additional capacity for out-of-plane lateral forces
by adding thin surface treatments (e.g., plaster with wire
mesh and portland cement mortar) at the inside and outside
faces of existing walls.
4. Filling in existing window or door openings with reinforced
5. Providing additional shear walls at the interior or perimeter
of the building or providing external buttresses.
Inadequate shear capacity of the
1. Filling in openings with reinforced concrete.
coupling beam
2. Removing existing connecting beams and replacing them
with properly designed new reinforced concrete beams.
3. Providing additional shear walls at interior or perimeter of
building or external buttresses.
TABLE B2--continued
Inadequate shear capacity of the wall
1. Increasing the shear capacity by providing additional nailing
to the existing finish material.
2. Increasing the shear capacity by adding plywood sheathing to
* one or both sides of the wall.
3. Reducing the loads on the wall by providing supplemental
shear walls to the interior or perimeter of the building.
Inadequate uplift or hold-down ca-1. Increasing the tensile capacity of the
connections at the edge
of the shear walls by providing metal connectors.
pacity of the wall
2. Reducing the overturning moments by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
(including chevron or K-bracing)
Deficiency Strengthening Techniques
Inadequate lateral force capacity of
1. Increasing the capacity of the braces by adding new members
the bracing system governed by buck- thus increasing the area and reducing the
radius of gyration
ling of the compression brace of the braces.
2. Increasing the capacity of the member by reducing the unbraced
length of the existing member by providing secondary
3. Providing greater capacity by removing and replacing the
existing members with new members of greater capacity.
4. Reducing the loads on the braces by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, braces, or eccentric
bracing) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate capacity of the brace
1. Increasing the capacity of the connections by additional bolt-
connection ing or welding.
2. Increasing the capacity of the connections by removing and
replacing the connection with members of greater capacity.
3. Reducing the loads on the braces and their connections by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls, braces, or eccentric bracing) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate axial load capacity in the
1. Providing additional axial load capacity by adding cover
columns or beams of the bracing plates to the member flanges or by boxing the
2. Providing additional axial load capacity by jacketing the existing
members with reinforced concrete.
3. Reducing the loads on the beams and columns by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls,
braces, or eccentric bracing) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
TABLE B3-continued
Inadequate tension capacity of the
1. Increasing the capacity by strengthening the existing tension
rod, tensile member, or its members.
2. Increasing the capacity by removing the existing tension
members and replacing with new members of greater capacity.
3. Increasing the capacity by removing the existing tension
member and replacing it with diagonal or X-bracing capable
of resisting compression as well as tension forces.
4. Reducing the forces on the existing tension members by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., additional
tension rods) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate axial capacity of the
1. Increasing the axial capacity by adding cover plates to the
beams or columns in the bracing existing flanges or by boxing the existing flanges.
2. Reducing the forces on the existing columns or beams by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
braced frames or shear walls) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Nonconformance with current design
1. Ensuring that the system is balanced (i.e., there is a link
standards beam at one end of each brace), the brace and the connections
are designed to develop shear or flexural yielding in the
link, the connection is a full moment connection, where the
link beam has an end at a column, and lateral bracing is
provided to prevent out-of-plane beam displacements that
would compromise the intended action.
2. Providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements such as
additional eccentric braced frames.
Inadequate shear capacity of the
Inadequate chord capacity of the
Excessive shear stresses at diaphragm openings or at plan irregularities
Inadequate stiffness of the diaphragm resulting in excessive diaphragm
the concrete diaphragm
(straight-laid or diagonal sheathing or plywood)
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the capacity of the existing timber diaphragm by
providing additional nails or staples with due regard for
wood splitting problems.
2. Increasing the capacity of the existing timber diaphragm by
means of a new plywood overlay.
3. Reducing the diaphragm span through the addition of supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear wall or
braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Providing adequate nailed or bolted continuity splices along
joists or fascia parallel to the chord.
2. Providing a new continuous steel chord member along the
top of the diaphragm.
3. Reducing the stresses on the existing chords by reducing the
diaphragms, span through the addition of new shear walls or
braced frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Reducing the local stresses by distributing the forces along
the diaphragm by means of drag struts.
2. Increasing the capacity of the diaphragm by overlaying the
existing diaphragm with plywood and nailing the plywood
through the sheathing at the perimeter of the sheets adjacent
to the opening or irregularity.
3. Reducing the diaphragm stresses by reducing the diaphragm
spans through the addition of supplemental shear walls or
braced frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the stiffness of the diaphragm by the addition of a
new plywood overlay.
2. Reducing the diaphragm span and hence reducing the displacements
by providing new supplemental vertical-resisting
elements such as shear walls or braced frames as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
(monolithic concrete diaphragms--i.e., reinforced concrete or post-tensioned
in-plane shear capacity of
1. Increasing the shear capacity by overlaying the existing concrete
diaphragm with a new reinforced concrete topping slab.
2. Reducing the shear in the existing concrete diaphragm by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
TABLE B4--continued
Inadequate diaphragm chord capacity
Excessive shear stresses at the diaphragm openings or plan irregularities
1. Increasing the flexural capacity by removing the edge of the
diaphragm slab and casting a new chord member integral
with the slab.
2. Adding a new chord member by providing a new reinforced
concrete or steel member above or below the slab and connecting
the new member to the existing slab with drilled and
grouted dowels or bolts as discussed in Sec.
3. Reducing the existing flexural stresses by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced
frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Reducing the local stresses by distributing the forces along
the diaphragm by means of structural steel or reinforced
concrete elements cast beneath the slab and made integral
through the use of drilled and grouted dowels.
2. Increasing the capacity of the concrete by providing a new
concrete topping slab in the vicinity of the opening and reinforcing
with trim bars.
3. Removing the stress concentration by filling in the diaphragm
opening with reinforced concrete.
4. Reducing the shear stresses at the location of the openings
by adding supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
TABLE B4--continued
Inadequate in-plane shear capacity of
the concrete diaphragm
Inadequate diaphragm chord capacity
Excessive shear stresses at the diaphragm
openings or plan irregularities
1. Increasing the shear capacity by overlaying the existing concrete
diaphragm with a new reinforced concrete topping slab.
2. Reducing the shear in the existing concrete diaphragm by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
3. Increasing the flexural capacity by removing the edge of the
diaphragm slab and casting a new chord member integral
with the slab.
4. Adding a new chord member by providing a new reinforced
concrete or steel member above or below the slab and connecting
the new member to the existing slab with drilled and
grouted dowels or bolts as discussed in Sec.
5. Reducing the existing flexural stresses by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced
frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
6. Reducing the local stresses by distributing the forces along
the diaphragm by means of structural steel or reinforced
concrete elements cast beneath the slab and made integral
through the use of drilled and grouted dowels.
7. Increasing the capacity of the concrete by providing a new
concrete topping slab in the vicinity of the opening and reinforcing
with trim bars.
8. Removing the stress concentration by filling in the diaphragm
opening with reinforced concrete.
9. Reducing the shear stresses at the location of the openings
by adding supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
10. Adding a new horizontal bracing system may be the most
effective strengthening alternative.
(precast or post-tensioned concrete planks, tees, or cored slabs)
Inadequate in-plane shear capacity of
the connections between the adjacent
Replacing and increasing the capacity of the existing connections
by overlaying the existing diaphragm with a new reinforced
concrete topping slab.
Reducing the shear forces on the diaphragm by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or
braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate diaphragm chord capacity 1. Providing a new continuous steel member
above or below
the steel slab and connecting the new member to the existing
slab with bolts.
Removing the edge of the diaphragm and casting a new
chord member integral with the slab.
Reducing the diaphragm chord forces by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced
frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
diaphragm openings or plan irregularities
Inadequate in-plane shear capacity
TABLE B4--continued
Excessive in-plane shear stresses at 1. Reducing the local stresses by distributing
the forces along
the diaphragm by means of concrete drag struts cast beneath
the slab and made integral with the existing slab with drilled
and grouted dowels.
2. Increasing the capacity by overlaying the existing slab with a
new reinforced concrete topping slab with reinforcing trim
bars in the vicinity of the opening.
3. Removing the stress concentration by filling in the diaphragm
opening with reinforced concrete.
4. Reducing the shear stresses at the location of the openings
by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e.,
shear walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
(steel decking on steel framing)
which may be governed by the capacity of the welding to the supports or
the capacity of the seam welds between the deck units
Inadequate diaphragm chord capacity
Excessive in-plane shear stresses at
diaphragm openings or plan irregularities
1. Increasing the steel deck shear capacity by providing additional
2. Increasing the deck shear capacity of unfilled steel decks by
adding a reinforced concrete fill or overlaying with concrete
filled steel decks a new topping slab.
3. Increasing the diaphragm shear capacity by providing a new
horizontal steel bracing system under the existing diaphragm.
4. Reducing the diaphragm shear stresses by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements to reduce the diaphragm
span as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the chord capacity by providing welded or bolted
continuity splices in the perimeter chord steel framing members.
2. Increasing the chord capacity by providing a new continuous
steel member on top or bottom of the diaphragm.
3. Reducing the diaphragm chord stresses by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced
frames) such that the diaphragm span is reduced as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
1. Reducing the local stress concentrations by distributing the
forces into the diaphragm by means of steel drag struts.
2. Increasing the capacity of the diaphragm by reinforcing the
edge of the opening with a steel angle frame welded to the
3. Reducing the diaphragm stresses by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls, braced frames or
new moment frames) such that the diaphragm span is reduced
as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
TABLE B4-continued
*1 Inadequate force capacity of the
1. Increasing the capacity of the existing bracing members or
members (i.e., bracing and floor or removing and replacing them with new members
and roof beams) and/or the connections connections of greater capacity.
2. Increasing the capacity of the existing members by reducing
unbraced lengths.
3. Increasing the capacity of the bracing system by adding new
horizontal bracing members to previously unbraced panels (if
4. Increasing the capacity of the bracing system by adding a
steel deck diaphragm to the floor system above the steel
5. Reducing the stresses in the horizontal bracing system by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear
walls or braced frames) as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Excessive soil bearing pressure due
to overturning forces
Excessive uplift conditions due to
overturning forces
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the bearing capacity of the footing by underpinning
the footing ends and providing additional footing area.
2. Increasing the vertical capacity of the footing by adding new
drilled piers adjacent and connected to the existing footing.
3. Increasing the soil bearing capacity by modifying the existing
soil properties.
4. Reducing the overturning forces by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced frames)
as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the uplift capacity of the existing footing by adding
drilled piers or soil anchors.
2. Increasing the size of the existing footing by underpinning to
mobilize additional foundation and reduce soil pressures.
3. Reducing the uplift forces by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements
(i.e., shear walls or braced frames) as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Excessive soil bearing pressure due
to overturning forces
Excessive uplift conditions due to
overturning forces
1. Increasing the bearing capacity of the footing by underpinning
the footing ends and providing additional footing area.
2. Increasing the vertical capacity of the footing by adding new
drilled piers adjacent and connected to the existing footing.
3. Reducing the bearing pressure on the existing footings by
connecting adjacent footings with deep reinforced concrete
tie beams.
4. Increasing the soil bearing capacity by modifying the existing
soil properties.
5. Reducing the overturning forces by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., shear walls or braced
1. Increasing the uplift capacity of the existing footing by adding
drilled piers or soil anchors.
2. Increasing the size of the existing footing by underpinning to
mobilize additional foundation and soil weight.
3. Increasing the uplift capacity by providing a new deep reinforced
concrete beam to mobilize the dead load on an adjacent
4. Reducing the uplift forces by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements
(i.e., shear walls or braced frames).
TABLE BS--continued
Inadequate passive soil pressure to 1. Providing an increase in bearing area by
underpinning and
resist lateral loads
Excessive tensile or compressive
loads on the piles or piers due to the
seismic forces combined with the
gravity loads
Inadequate lateral force capacity to
transfer the seismic shears from the
pile caps and the piles to the soil
Inadequate moment capacity to resist
combined gravity plus seismic over-
turning forces
Inadequate passive soil pressure to
resist sliding
enlarging the footing.
2. Providing an increase in bearing area by adding new tie
beams between existing footings.
3. Improving the existing soil conditions adjacent to the footing
to increase the allowable passive pressure.
4. Reducing the bearing pressure at overstressed locations by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements such as
shear walls or braced frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the capacity of the foundation by removing the
existing pile cap, driving additional piles and providing new
pile caps of larger size.
2. Reducing the loads on overstressed pile caps by adding tie
beams to adjacent pile caps and distributing the loads.
1. Reducing the loads on overstressed pile caps by adding tie
beams to adjacent pile caps and distributing the loads.
2. Increasing the allowable passive pressure of the soil by improving
the soil adjacent to the pile cap.
3. Increasing the capacity of the foundation by removing the
existing pile cap, driving additional piles, and providing new
pile caps of larger size.
4. Reducing loads on the piles or piers by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements (i.e., braced frames or shear
walls) and transferring forces to other foundation members
with reserve capacity as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the mat capacity locally by providing additional
reinforced concrete (i.e., an inverted column capital) doweled
and bonded to the existing mat to act as a monolithic section.
2. Providing new shear walls above the mat to distribute the
overturning loads and also to locally increase the section
modulus of the mat.
1. Constructing properly spaced shear keys at the mat perimeter.
Inadequate capacity to transfer
in-plane shear at the connection of
the diaphragm to interior shear walls
or vertical bracing
Inadequate capacity to transfer
in-plane shear at the connection of
the diaphragm to exterior shear walls
or vertical bracing
Inadequate out-of-plane anchorage at
the connection of the diaphragm to
exterior concrete or masonry walls
Inadequate tensile capacity between
floors due to overturning moments
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the shear transfer capacity of the diaphragm local
to the connection by providing additional nailing to existing
or new blocking.
2. Reducing the local shear transfer stresses by distributing the
forces from the diaphragm by providing a collector member
to transfer the diaphragm forces to the shear wall.
3. Reducing the shear transfer stress in the existing connection
by providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the capacity of existing connections by providing
additional nailing and/or bolting.
2. Reducing the local shear transfer stresses by distributing the
forces from the diaphragm by providing chords or collector
members to collect and distribute shear from the diaphragm
to the shear wall or bracing.
3. Reducing the shear stress in the existing connection by providing
supplemental vertical-resisting elements as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
1. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing steel
straps connected to the wall (using drilled and grouted bolts
or through bolts for masonry walls) and bolted or lagged to
the diaphragm or roof or floor joists.
2. Increasing the capacity of the connections by providing a
steel anchor to connect the roof or floor joists to the walls.
3. Increasing the redundancy of the connection by providing
continuity ties into the diaphragm.
1. Increasing the tensile capacity of the connections at the edge
of the shear walls by providing metal connectors.
2. Reducing the overturning moments by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements as discussed in Sec. 3A.
TABLE B6--continued
Inadequate in-plane shear transfer 1. Reducing the local stresses at the diaphragm-
to-wall inter-
capacity face by providing collector members or drag struts under the
diaphragm and connecting them to the diaphragm and the
2. Increasing the capacity of the existing diaphragm-to-wall
connection by providing additional dowels grouted into
drilled holes.
3. Reducing the shear stresses in the existing connection by
providing supplemental vertical-resisting elements as discussed
in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate anchorage capacity for
1. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing out-of-plane forces in
the connecting additional dowels grouted into drilled holes. walls
2. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing a new
member above or below the slab connected to the slab with
drilled and grouted bolts similar to that for providing a new
diaphragm chord.
Inadequate in-plane shear transfer 1. Providing new dowels from the diaphragm into
the shear
2. Removing the gypsum diaphragm and replacing it with steel
Inadequate anchorage capacity for
3. Adding a new horizontal bracing system designed to resist all
out-of-plane forces in the connecting of the seismic forces.
Inadequate in-plane shear transfer 1. Increasing the capacity of the connection by
providing capacity additional welded inserts or dowels placed in drilled or grouted
2. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing a
reinforced concrete overlay that is bonded to the precast
Inadequate anchorage capacity at the units and anchored to the wall with additional
dowels placed
exterior walls for out-of-plane forces in drilled and grouted holes.
3. Reducing the forces at the connection by providing supplemental
vertical-resisting elements as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
TABLE B6--continued
Inadequate in-plane shear capacity or 1. Increasing the capacity of the connection
by providing anchorage
capacity for out-of-plane additional welding at the vertical element.
forces in walls 2. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing
anchor bolts.
3. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing concrete
fill over the deck with dowels grouted into holes drilled
into the wall.
4. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing new
steel members to effect a direct transfer of diaphragm shears
to a shear wall.
5. Reducing the local stresses by providing additional vertical-
resisting elements such as shear walls, braced frames, or
moment frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate in-plane shear capacity or 1. Increasing the shear capacity by drilling
holes through the
anchorage capacity for out-of-plane concrete fill, and providing additional shear
studs welded to
forces in walls the vertical elements through the decking.
2. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing additional
anchor bolts (drilled and grouted) connecting the steel
support to the wall.
3. Increasing the capacity of the connection by placing dowels
between the existing wall and diaphragm slab.
4. Reducing the local stresses by providing additional vertical-
resisting elements such as shear walls, braced frames, or
moment frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate in-plane shear transfer
1. Increasing the capacity by providing larger or more bolts or
capacity by welding.
2. Reducing the stresses by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements such as shear walls or braced frames as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate anchorage capacity when
1. Increasing the capacity of the connection by providing supporting
concrete or masonry walls additional anchor bolts grouted in drilled holes and by
for out-of-plane forces more bolts or welding to the bracing members.
stud walls
stud walls
shear capacity of the
shear capacity of cripple
uplift capacity
Strengthening Techniques
1. Increasing the shear capacity by providing new or additional
anchor bolts between the sill plate and the foundation.
2. Increasing the shear capacity by providing steel angles or
plates with anchor bolts connecting them to the foundation
and bolts or lag screws connecting them to the sill plate or
1. Adding plywood sheathing over the cripple studs (usually on
the inside) by nailing into the floor framing and the sill plate.
Anchorage of the sill plate to the foundation also must be
1. Increasing the capacity by providing steel hold-downs bolted
to the wall and anchored to the concrete.
2. Reducing the uplift requirement by providing supplemental
shear walls as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
shear capacity of the
shear capacity of cripple
uplift capacity
1. Provide anchor bolts, grouted in drilled holes, through sill
plate of wall.
2. Provide steel angles with anchor bolts to concrete and bolts
or screws to wall.
1. Provide plywood sheathing, nailing into cripple studs, sill
plate, and first floor framing; anchor sill plate to foundation.
1. Provide steel hold-down with bolts or screws to wall and
anchor bolts to concrete at ends of shear wall.
2. Provide additional shear walls or vertical bracing.
capacity to resist in-plane 1. Increasing the capacity of the connection by
providing a new
or out-of-plane shear forces steel member connecting the wall to the foundation or
ground floor slab.
2. Increasing the capacity of the connection by adding a new
thickness of concrete (either cast-in-place or shotcrete)
placed against the precast wall doweling into the existing
foundation or ground floor slab.
TABLE B7-continued
Inadequate hold-down capacity to
1. Increase the hold-down capacity by removing concrete at the
resist seismic overturning forces edge of the precast unit to expose the
reinforcement provide,
new drilled and grouted dowels into the foundation, and
pour a new concrete pilaster.
2. Reduce the uplift forces by providing supplemental vertical-
resisting elements such as shear walls or braced frames as
discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate shear capacity
1. Increasing the capacity by providing new steel members
welded to the braced frame base plates and anchored to the
slab or foundation with drilled and grouted anchor bolts.
2. Reducing the shear loads by providing supplemental steel
braced frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate uplift resistance
1. Increasing the capacity by providing new steel members
welded to the base plate and anchored to the existing foundation.
2. Reducing the uplift loads by providing supplemental steel
braced frames as discussed in Sec. 3.4.
Inadequate shear capacity
1. Increasing the shear capacity by providing steel shear lugs
welded to the base plate and embedded in the foundation.
2. Increasing the shear and tensile capacity by installing
Inadequate flexural capacity additional anchor bolts into the foundation.
3. Increasing the shear capacity by embedding the column in a
Inadequate uplift capacity reinforced concrete pedestal that is bonded or embedded
into the existing slab or foundation.
Two examples are included in this appendix to demonstrate the process of selecting
appropriate seismic rehabilitation techniques: a two-story steel frame building and
a two story unreinforced masonry building. Both buildings were evaluated to
determine their seismic deficiencies in accordance with the NEHRP Handbook for the
Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings (which includes the evaluations as
Examples D1 and D6 in Appendix D). STORY STEEL FRAME BUILDING EXAMPLE C1.1
DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING The building is 200 ft by 340 ft in plan with 20 ft by 20
ft bays. The girders in the transverse direction are connected to the column
flanges with top and bottom clip angles. The beams in the longitudinal direction
are connected to the column webs with beam web connections. The floor and roof
diaphragms consists of steel decking with concrete fill.
C12 DEFICIENCIES Inadequate moment capacity in both directions.
C13 STRENGTHENING ALTERNATIVES This building could be strengthened by providing
adequate moment capacity to the existing frames, by providing new diagonal bracing,
and/or by providing new shear walls C13.1 Providing Adequate Moment Capacity
Assuming that the first story shear of 2,970 kips can be equally distributed to all
columns, it is calculated that there is excess capacity for the columns in the
transverse direction (i.e., the strong axis of the columns) but grossly inadequate
capacity for the columns in the longitudinal direction (i.e., the weak axis of the
This indicates that it is not feasible to develop adequate frame action to resist
the seismic forces in the longitudinal direction, but it is feasible in the
transverse direction. The structural modifications (Figure C1.3.1) required to
develop moment frame action will involve:
1. Removal of the concrete fill and steel decking over the ends of the transverse
girders at the columns. (It is assumed that the steel decking is supported on
secondary floor beams that frame into the transverse frame girders so that there
are no adverse effects associated with removal of the decking over top flanges of
these girders adjacent to the columns.) The American Iron and Steel Institute has
written a minority opinion concerning this appendix; see page 193.
2. Addition of new vertical shear connections between the girder webs and the
column flanges.
3. Removal of existing clip angles at the top and bottom flanges of the girders.
4. Addition of new moment plates welded at the top and bottom flanges of the
(E) transverse =girder (N) web shear connection (E) clip angles, to be removed.
removed (E) longitudinal beam SECTION a-a (E) transverse girder (N) moment plate
(E) longitudinal Remove (E) concrete beam fill and steel decking PLAN FIGURE C1.3.1
Providing moment capacity to an existing steel frame.
The design of these modifications should provide moment plates that are sized so as
to yield prior to inducing yield stress in the columns. The new girder web shear
connections should be sized for the gravity load shears (i.e., dead and live load)
plus the shears associated with the formation of yield hinges in the moment plates.
The column section of the new frame joint must be checked to determine the possible
need for horizontal stiffeners opposite the girder flanges. The column web also
should be checked to determine the need for doubler plates. Stiffeners probably can
be fitted above or below the existing longitudinal beam-, at the column, but if
doubler plates are required, this alternative may not be feasible because of
interference with the existing longitudinal beam connection.
C1.3.2 Providing New Diagonal Bracing Assume that diagonal bracing is to be
considered for the longitudinal direction of the building. If the existing
diaphragms have adequate capacity, the new bracing can be located in the exterior
walls to avoid possible interference with the internal circulation within the
building. If the diaphragm has inadequate capacity to transfer
the seismic shears to the exterior longitudinal walls, it probably would be more
cost-effective to brace one or more of the interior longitudinal frames rather than
to strengthen the diaphragm.
In the design of the vertical bracing, X-bracing will be more effective than
diagonal or chevron bracing for most braced bays because the tension diagonal will
provide lateral support for the compression diagonal. Many designers assume that
the effective length of the compression diagonal for X-bracing may be taken as one-
half of the diagonal length for the in-plane direction and two-thirds of the
diagonal length for the out-of-plane direction. Since the greater L/ will govern
the capacity of the brace, this leads to the use of brace members with different
radii of gyration, r, about each axis.
The number of braced bays must be adequate to resist the story shears; however, in
this building the story shears are not severe and can easily be resisted with only
a fraction of the number of bays available in the exterior longitudinal frames.
Next, the existing columns and foundations must be investigated for the overturning
loads in the bracing. If it is assumed that all braces are equally loaded, it
should be noted that with multiple contiguous bays of X-bracing there are no
additional vertical forces in the columns and foundations except at the extreme
ends of the braced bays. Therefore, if the existing columns or foundations do not
have adequate capacity for the calculated overturning loads in the bracing, the
engineer may be able to reduce these loads to acceptable limits by using smaller
brace members and increasing the number of braced bays. The required structural
modifications (Figure C1.3.2) involve:
1. Removal of the existing concrete fill and steel (E) column decking at second
floor VP and roof levels to permit welding of gusset plate to (E) beam shear beam
flange. Since the connection gusset is to be welded along the center of the (E)
floor beam flange, only a narrow section of decking needs to be removed.
Care must be taken that adequate bearing remains (N) gusset plate for the decking.
2. Welding of gusset plates to the beam/column joints and to the column/base plate
joints. (N) X-bracing 3. Welding of new diagonal braces to the gusset plates.
The design of the new plate A' w e n bracing system must include a e ()tension
structural investigation of the to base plate ad
of the existing provide
I additional
capacity of the existing co-' anchor bolts, as, beams, and foundations A required
to resist the additional forces associated with the new FIGURE C1.3.2 Providing new
diagonal bracing to an existing steel frame. It should be noted that the floor
beams in the braced frames are required to function as collector members to
"collect" the diaphragm shears and distribute them to the braced bays. The beam-to-
column connection must therefore be capable of transferring tensile or compressive
forces as well as resisting the vertical reaction of the floor beams.
C133 Providing New Shear Walls New shear walls of reinforced concrete or reinforced
masonry may be provided in lieu of bracing or frame action in either direction of
the building. If shear walls are provided, they should be infilled bays on a column
line and preferably in a location where window or door openings are not required.
With infill walls, the columns can function as boundary members for overturning
loads and the beams or girders as collector members for the shear walls. The shear
walls probably will require new foundations and also will add significantly to the
building mass, which will increase the seismic story shears.
the frame columns have inadequate capacity to resist the seismic story shears in
the longitudinal direction; therefore, new vertical bracing or shear walls are the
available options. It appears that the bracing could be installed in the exterior
longitudinal frames without strengthening the columns or the foundations whereas
the shear walls probably would need new foundations and be more disruptive as well
as requiring more time for construction.
In the transverse direction, providing moment capacity to the existing frames
(Figure C1.3.1) appears to be feasible. It appears that this would be required for
about two-thirds of the frames in the transverse direction at the second floor
level and only about one-half of the frames at the roof level.
Preliminary design of the structural strengthening concepts should be performed to
define the location and extent of the modifications and to size the new structural
members. Relative costs for the various alternatives also should be developed and
attention should be given to the other considerations described at the beginning of
Chapter 3. With this information, the most appropriate seismic strengthening
technique for the building can be selected.
is a two-story structure, 30 ft by 100 ft in plan. The first level has an open
front at the east end and a longitudinal bearing wall on the centerline of the
building. There are no crosswalls in the first level, but the second level contains
apartments with many crosswalls. The roof diaphragm is constructed of diagonal
timber sheathing. The floor contains finished wood flooring over timber diagonal
sheathing. The existing conditions are shown in Figure C2.1.
C22 DEFICIENCIES The building's deficiencies involve: 1.
Torsion--The east end of the building has negligible resistance to lateral loads at
the first level and constitutes a severe seismic hazard.
2. Adjacent Building--The adjacent building on the south side is not separated from
the south wall and would act as a buttress for the diaphragms of the subject
building. This could result in damage to both buildings.
3. Wall Stability--The gabled east and west walls at the second level are too
slender (i.e., 9 in.) for the calculated out-of-plane seismic response imparted by
the roof diaphragm.
4. Wall Anchorage--There is a serious inadequacy in the anchorage of all walls to
the floor and roof diaphragms.
5. In-Plane Shear Strength of Walls--In addition to the obvious deficiency in the
open east wall at the first level, there also are potential deficiencies in the
remaining east and west walls at both levels.
6. Parapet--The 9-in. unreinforced masonry walls in the second level terminate in
an unsupported 18-in. high parapet above the roof level that may be a hazard to
life safety in a severe earthquake.
13-inch masonry
exterior walls N I,
9-inch masonry : t-partition A._; FIRST LEVEL FIGURE C2.1 Existing two-story
unreinforced masonry building.
C23 STRENGTHENING TECHNIQUES The structural evaluation of this building was
conducted using the ABK Methodology for unreinforced masonry bracing wall buildings
with wood diaphragms. The recommended strengthening techniques (Figure C2.3) also
follow that methodology.
C23.1 Torsion The east wall of the building is deficient in both strength and
stiffness. In addition, extensive wall anchors are required at both the first and
second levels. Although the open front condition at the first level could be
improved with either a concrete or steel moment frame, the extensive additional
work required for this wall and its foundation combine to make replacement an
attractive alternative.
Replacement of the existing east wall with a two-story reinforced concrete frame is
the recommended strengthening alternative. Since the roof and second floor joists
are supported on the longitudinal walls, shoring will not be required as the east
wall is removed. Temporary lateral bracing in the north-south direction should be
utilized during the replacement of the east wall. The new (N) 4-inchl reinforced n
(N) wall anchorages second level wall would be a concrete overlay at second and
roof metal stud wall with window on (E) wall (E) wall levels levels > openings
similar to the existing ones and with brick veneer to F I [II fill I I1 I match the
other brick walls, desired.
I C2.3.2 Adjacent Building The proposed solution to the problem with the adjacent
(N) reinforced concrete building is to provide a new
frame with brick veneer>/ reinforced concrete shear wall on steel studs --in the
first level of the subject SECOND LEVEL building. The wall would be in line with
the west wall of the (N) plywood sheathed (N) reinforced adjacent building. In
addition crosswalls concrete frame to the new shear wall, three new timber cross
walls will be provided in the first level (Figure C2.3) to reduce the diaphragm
deflection. The shear wall, the cross walls, and their connections to the floor
diaphragm will be designed in accordance with the ABK Methodology. This
strengthening reinforced concrete may not completely solve shear wall the adjacent
building problem, but the new shear wall and the FIRST LEVEL cross walls will
significantly reduce the inertia forces transmitted
FIGURE C2.3 Proposed structural modifications to the adjacent building.
C233 Wall Stability The height to thickness ratio, h/t, of an unreinforced masonry
wall is used as an index of the stability of the wall for the out-of-plane seismic
response induced by the diaphragm. The east wall is to be replaced with a
reinforced concrete wall so that the west wall in the second level is the only
remaining wall with an excessive h/t ratio. The deficiency can be corrected by
providing anchors at the ceiling level and bracing this anchorage up to the wood
diaphragm or by designing vertical wall braces that span from the floor to the roof
anchorage level.
C23A Wall Anchorage All anchorages of masonry walls to diaphragms were found to be
inadequate at both levels of the building.
Supplementary anchors must be provided for the calculated anchorage. The anchors
should be similar to those indicated in Figure or b. Significantly greater
allowable loads are permitted for anchors that extend through the masonry wall with
a large metal washer on the outside of the wall. This type of anchor should be used
in all locations where access is available to the outside face of the wall.
C2.3.5 In-Plane Shear Stress The new reinforced concrete frame at the east wall,
the new shear wall, and the new concrete overlay for the west wall at second level
have eliminated the calculated in-plane overstress in the east and west walls.
C2.3.6 Parapet The unreinforced and unbraced parapet is a life safety hazard
because of its h/t ratio. It is recommended that the parapet be reduced in height
by the removal of several courses of brick (i.e., 8 to 10 in.). This should be
preceded by a horizontal saw cut at a mortar joint on both sides of the wall to
avoid damage to the remaining brickwork. The top of the reduced parapet then should
be sealed with a mortar cap to prevent intrusions of moisture into the wall.
The comments concerning this handbook presented below are included at the request
of the representative of the American Iron and Steel Institute.
� Concerning Chapter 1, Sec. 1.4: It is questioned if rehabilitation techniques
need to be fully consistent with the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for new
buildings. The NEHRP Recommended Provisions were developed with modern buildings as
the underlying basis. Force fitting detailing provisions developed for modern
structures onto older structures may overlook adequate details built into many
older buildings which can provide adequate toughness.
* Concerning Chapter 3, Sec. 3.0.4: In the 5th line of the first paragraph the word
"tested" should be changed. A test implies that a structural system has been
subjected to known loading conditions which is typically not the case with existing
* Concerning Chapter 3, Sec. 3.1: We strongly object to the organization of this
section. Typically when several subjects are presented the most significant is
placed first. Since we are dealing with techniques of rehabilitating seismically
deficient structures this section should be organized with the most significant
(deficient) structures first. The scope of the section should then explain the
reason for the organization of the section. For whatever reason this section has
been organized with steel moment frames placed first. Steel moment frames have been
observed to be one of the most reliable seismic resisting systems worldwide, the
majority of which were not designed to modern seismic detailing practices.
* Concerning Chapter 4, Sec. 4.1: Additional techniques such as reducing the weight
by eliminating hollow clay tile partitions and substituting with lightweight
partitions should be included.
* Concerning Appendix C: Where a limited number of examples are to be presented
they should be based upon the highest risk structural systems. Certainly steel
moment frames do not fall into that category.
The two most common types of seismically deficient structural systems observed in
past earthquakes are unreinforced masonry and poorly detailed concrete frames. The
inclusion of steel moment frames as one of two examples does not serve justice to
the potential risk of the various structural systems.
The comments concerning this handbook presented below are included at the request
of the representative of the American Institute of Steel Construction: * Concerning
Chapter 3: In Sec., modify the first sentence to read: "The principal
deficiencies of ordinary steel moment frames in high seismic areas are:" 193
In Sec., modify the first sentence to read: 'The principal deficiencies of
steel concentrically braced frames in high seismic areas are:" Users of this
document may not read the Introduction and/or Sec. 3.0.4 for a proper are
orientation on seismic zonation. Thus, explicit reminders in the actual design
chapters needed.
Chairman Gerald H. Jones, Director of Codes Administration, Kansas City, Missouri
Vice Chairman Allan Porush, Dames and Moore, Los Angeles, California (representing
Structural Engineers Association of California) Secretary Harry W. Martin, American
Iron and Steel Institute, Newcastle, California Ex-Officio Warner Howe, Gardner and
Howe, Memphis, Tennessee Members John C. Canestro, PE, City of Orinda, Pleasanton,
California (representing the National Institute of Building Sciences) S. K. Ghosh,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois Mark B. Hogan, National Concrete
Masonry Association, Herndon, Virginia Nestor Iwankiw, American Institute of Steel
Construction, Chicago, Illinois H. S. "Pete" Kellam, Graham and Kellam, San
Francisco, California (representing the American Society of Civil Engineers) Les
Murphy, International Association of Fire Fighters, (representing AFL/CIO Building
and Construction Trades Department) F. Robert Preece, Preece/Goudie & Associates,
San Francisco, California, (representing Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Blair Tulloch, Tulloch Construction, Inc., Oakland, California (representing the
Associated General Contractors of America) David Tyree, National Forest Products
Association, Georgetown, California Martin Walsh, City of St. Louis, Missouri
(representing the Building Officials and Code Administrators International) Richard
Wright, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland
(representing the Interagency Committee for Seismic Safety in Construction) Staff
James R. Smith, Executive Director 0. Allen Israelsen, Project Manager Claret M.
Heider, Technical Writer-Editor Karen E. Smith, Administrative Assistant 195