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Overcurrent and Distance Relays SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)

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Overcurrent and Distance Relays

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)


The 7SA510 distance protec- Scope of functions
tion relay provides fast, re-
liable and selective clearance 21 49
of faults on overhead lines and
cables, being fed from one or
21N 78
multiple points. The network
can be radial, ring or meshed.
The system star point may be 50 FL
isolated, resonance-earthed
(e g. Peterson coil), solidly eart-
50/51N FR
hed or low-resistance earthed.
The relay incorporates all func-
tions normalIy required for dis- 67N LM
tance protection and can also
be applied as a time-graded
back-up protection for all ty-
pes of differential protection
The 7SA510 can be incorpo-
rated in both conventional
switchgear systems and mod-
ern LSA 678 substation con-
trol systems.

With its compact construction Fig. 1
the 7SA510 contains all the SIPROTEC 7SA510
components required for cur- distance protection relay
rent and voltage measure-
ment for protection scheme
logic, fault recording and on- Serial interfaces Settings
line measurements, operator The relay is fitted with two se- All settings can be input by
panel with display field, event/ rial interfaces. means of the integrated opera-
alarm and command outputs, The operator interface on the tor and display field panel, or a
binary (contact) inputs, serial front panel is suitable for the PC. All parameters are identi-
interfaces and power supply connection of a PC. The fied in clear text. The settings
with DC/DC converter. operating and analysis soft- are stored in a non-volatile
The relay can be supplied in ware DIGSI, running under memory, so that they cannot
three case variations. The ver- WINDOWS, is available as an be lost even during interrup-
sion for surface mounting is option to enable user-friendly tion of the supply voltage.
supplied with 60 two-tier ter- parameter setting, analysis of All parameters are reliably sto-
minals accessible from the fault data and records, and red in EEPROMs and are thus
front. The versions for flush commissioning. independent of the state of
mounting or cubicle mounting The fibre-optic system inter- charge of the memory battery.
have rear connection termi- face is available for connection
nals and are available with or to the Siemens SINAUT LSA Self-monitoring
without glass cover. 678 substation control sys- Hardware and software com-
tem, to a central data acquisi- ponents are monitored continu-
Mode of operation tion system, to the data con- ously and any irregularities are
All data processing within the centrator DAKON or to a star immediately detected and alar-
7SA510 is digital, from the coupler (see Fig. 4). med. As a result, the security,
measurement of voltages and The communication protocol availability and reliability of the
currents to the tripping deci- used is the compatible proto- relay are significantly impro-
sion logic. The application of col according to IEC 870-5-103 ved.
digital measurement to a large (VDEW). The serial informa-
degree suppresses the influ- tion interface has been certified
ence of switching currents, by the research institute for
transient DC current compo- high-voltage and high-current
nents, high-frequency transi- technology (FGH) and decla-
ents and harmonics. red to be in conformity with
the IEC 870-5-103 standard.
Remote operation of the dis-
tance protection relay 7SA510
with the DIGSI software is
possible if a modem is connec-
ted to the FO-serial interface.

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997  Siemens AG 1997 1

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)


Distance protection Fault locator

Distance protection is the Fault location is provided
main function of the 7SA510 through calculation of the fault
relay. The distinguishing fea- impedance. The distance-to-
tures of the relay are as fault may be output in ohms,
follows: kilometers or percentage of
• Availability of multiple start- the line length.
ing options:
a) Overcurrent fault detec- Definite-time overcurrent
tion I>>, phase selective protection (emergency)
b) Voltage-dependent over- The distance protection
current fault detection V</I> 7SA510 can be used as a two-
(option), phase selective. stage definite-time overcur-
The measured voltages, rent protection. This protec-
depending on the selected tive function can only be auto-
settings and the earth-fault matically activated if the
detection, may be 3 x phase- measuring voltage fails result-
to-earth VPH-E , depending ing from short-circuit or fault in
on the phase current IPH or the V.T. circuit, or if the V.T.
the 3 x phase-to-phase volta- m.c.b. trips. Fault detection:
ges VPH-PH .
Phase - Phase - Fault
c) Polygonal impedance Universal teleprotection Phase - Earth - Fault
characteristic fault detection interface
Z< (option) (see Fig. 2). Ei- For fast selective clearance of
ther the impedances of the faults over the complete line a Fig. 2
3 x phase-to-phase loops or comprehensive teleprotection Characteristic of impedance fault detector (Z<)
3 x phase-to-earth loops are facility is provided. The follow-
calculated depending on the ing schemes may be selected:
earth-fault detection. The ef-
fect of apparent impedances • Intertrip via fault detection
in unfaulted phases during • Intertrip via zone extension
earth faults is eliminated by Z1B
a compensation method. • Signal comparison with
• Earth faults are detected by zone extension Z1B
earth current IE detection • Unblocking with directional
and/or residual voltage VE fault detection
• Directional comparison with
• Polygonal tripping charac- directional detection
teristics with separate set-
• Unblocking with zone exten-
tings for reactance X and re-
sistance reach R (see Fig. 3). sion Z1B
Separate settings are provi- • Blocking with zone exten-
ded for the resistance sion Z1B approx.
reach R for phase-to-phase • Pilot wire protection 45°
and phase-to-earth faults.
• Reverse interlock function
Four distance zones are pro-
vided and they may be inde- An echo function for zero or
pendently set in the forward weak infeed, and a current re-
or reverse direction or non- versal block function for com-
directional. One of the zo- parison or blocking are integra-
nes may also be used for ted.
zone extension schemes. In
addition, a directional and a Switch-onto-fault protection
non-directional back-up time Through the use of a binary in-
stage is available. put representing manual clos- Fig. 3
Tripping characteristic of distance protection
• Directional measurement ing of the line circuit-breaker
using sound phase polariza- the 7SA510 can initiate a
tion and voltage memory for switch-onto-fault function. The Earth-fault detection in non- • Determination of the direc-
unlimited sensitivity. function may be set to initiate earthed networks (option) tion of the earth fault through
• Six independent time delays immediate tripping from zone
In networks with compensa- precise measurement of the
are provided. Z1B or from the fault detec- active and reactive compo-
tion elements. ted or isolated star point, single
• Automatic blocking of the dis- phase-to-ground earth-fault de- nents of the residual current
tance protection function is tection is provided. The follow- (IE).
provided following detec- ing functions are included: • Annunciation or tripping in
tion of a V.T. failure to pre- • Detection of an earth fault the event of an earth fault in
vent incorrect distance by monitoring the residual forward direction.
measurement. displacement voltage VE. • Measurement of the respec-
• Determination of the faulted tive content of the active
phase through measure- and reactive component of
ment of the phase-to-earth the earth current during an
voltages. earth fault.

2 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Sensitive earth-fault protec-
tion in earthed networks
(option) PC

In earthed networks which are Modem

subject to extreme high-resi- terminal
stance earth faults, it is possi-
ble for the fault impedance to Telephone network
lie outside of the distance pro-
tection impedance charac-
teristic. The 7SA510 may inclu- Modem
de the following optional func-
tions for high-resistance earth-
fault protection: Substation Star coupler
• Directional earth-fault protec-
tion with emergency and
back-up definite-time over-
current protection function
• Earth-fault overcurrent pro-
tection function with in-
verse-time characteristic
• The directional earth-fault
function may be extended
to become a directional
comparison scheme with Fig. 4
the use of interstation sig- Telecontrol of protection equipment with a PC via modem, telephone channel and starcoupler
nalling and comparison logic.

Power swing (option)

Power swings can give rise to Thermal overload protection Fault recording Function allocation for com-
high equalization currents and For thermal protection of ca- The digitized measured values mand and alarm relays,
small voltages. Small voltages, bles an overload protection of phase currents, earth cur- LEDs and binary inputs
with simultaneous high cur- with an early warning stage is rent, phase voltages and resi- The 7SA510 is equipped with
rents, mean small impedances, provided. The thermal replica dual earth voltage, together 2 heavy-duty output relays.
which can lead to tripping of can be formed with the maxi- with several binary channels, They can be linked with the
the distance protection. In mum or mean value of the re- are stored with parameteriz- commands for the above-men-
order to avoid uncontrolled trip- spective excess temperatures able pre-trigger and post fault tioned protective functions
ping by the distance protection in the three phases, or with time. Storage of recorded fault and with all other signal out-
and specific tripping in the the temperature rise from the data is battery-buffered and puts or binary signals.
event of synchronism loss, respective maximum phase therefore remains available
the 7SA510 distance protec- For user-specific output and
current. even after an interruption of display of signals, alarm relays
tion relay features an additional the auxiliary power supply.
power swing function option. The tripping time charac- and LEDs may be allocated as
teristics are exponential func- Fault recording can be trans- desired. Individual signals can
The following reaction to pow- tions to IEC 255-8 and they mitted to a PC and to the be grouped. The stored LED
er swings can be set: take account of heat loss due SINAUT LSA substation con- indications are protected from
• Blocking to the load current and the ac- trol system for evaluation. Par- supply voltage failure.
The distance protection trip- companying drop in tempera- allel operation of PC and sub-
station control system is poss- All binary inputs can Iikewise
ping function may be blok- ture of the cooling medium. be allocated as desired.
ked for the duration of the The previous load is therefore ible. Up to 8 fault records can
power swing taken into account in the trip- be stored. The data memory is
ping time on overload. A sett- organized as a ring buffer Measurement and test func-
• Tripping store with a maximum length tions
Tripping may be initiated fol- able alarm stage can output a
current or temperature-de- of 5 s at fN = 50 Hz or 4.2 s at The 7SA510 provides a large
lowing the detection of a fN = 60 Hz.
power swing outside the de- pendent indication before the number of test and measure-
fined stability limits. tripping point is reached. The oldest fault records are ment functions, including the
overwritten with the newest following:
Selectable parameter data. A fault record can also • Measurement of the (in-ser-
changeover setting groups be started via a binary input or - vice) impedance of six impe-
especially as an aid in commis- dance loops and indication
Through binary (contact) in- sioning - via an integrated con-
puts or via the relay setting fa- of direction, reactance and
trol panel or PC. The respec- resistance
cilities (front panel or serial in- tive record duration can then
terface) it is possible to change • Monitoring of the phase se-
be parameterized.
between four sets of pre- quence
viously stored parameter set-
tings. This allows the rapid mo-
dification of relay settings to
match configuration changes
in the protected network.
Parameter set changeover is
also possible via the compati-
ble IEC 870-5-103 interface.

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 3

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)


Measurement and test func- • Fault indications User-definable binary inputs

tions (continued) The operational records and time stages, external
• In-service measurement (e.g. fault type, distance-to- tripping
IL1, IL2 , IL3 fault etc.) for the last three There are four binary inputs
fault operations are available available for recording of binary
• In-service measurement via the integrated control pa-
VL1-L 2, VL2-L3 , VL3-L1 , VL1, signals, e.g. signals from other
nel. The last four operational protective devices. These
VL2 , VL3 records are available at the inputs are stored in the ope-
• Active and reactive power PC interface via DIGSI. rational indications buffer and
measurement • Operational indications can be passed to alarm relays,
• Frequency measurement All signals not associated LEDs and the SINAUT LSA
• Trip circuit test facility, three- directly with the fault are substation control and protec-
pole operation stored in the operational tion.
indication buffer. The relay is also equipped
• Measurement of the respec-
tive content of the active • Earth-fault protocol (com- with two parameterizable time
and reactive component of pensated/isolated networks) stages. The start and reset sig-
the earth current during an Relays with the optional iso- nals can be marshalled to bi-
earth fault in compensated lated/compensated network nary inputs; the timing period
or isolated networks. earth-fault detection func- can be marshalled to alarm re-
tion store record and fault lays and LEDs.
details in a separate memory Pickup and reset delay can be
Non-volatile storage of block.
operational records set across a broad range. Ex-
• Tripping statistics ternal use of additional time re-
The 7SA510 provides all the The progressive total of trip- lays for special switching re-
data necessary to analyze the ping and opening operations quirements will in future be
operational performance of as well as the summation dispensed with.
the relay following a network of the breaking currents is
fault. The following recording stored.
functions are all secure from
interruption of the auxiliary • Automatic data display
power supply. An operation mode may be
selected in which two (nor-
• Real-time clock
mal service) measured
A standardized, battery- values are continuously
backed, real-time clock is updated on the integrated
available which may be syn- LCD display. Following a fault
chronized via a binary input operation two (previously se-
or via the system serial inter- lected) stored fault informa-
face. The clock time can be tion values are displayed.
set via PC and IEC 870-5-103
interface. All events are
recorded with a date and
time tag.

4 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Technical data

Input circuits Rated current IN 1 or 5 A

Rated voltage VN 80 to 125 V AC
Rated frequency fN 50 or 60 Hz
Thermal overload capability in v.t. circuits, continuous 140 V AC
in phase c.t. circuits, continuous 4 x IN
for 10 s 30 x IN
for 1 s 100 x IN
in earth c.t. circuit, continuous 15 A
for 10 s 150 A
for 1 s 300 A
Dynamic overload, impulse for a half cycle 250 x IN
Burden v.t. circuits Approx. 0.1 VA
c.t. circuits at IN = 1 A Approx. 0.05 VA
at IN = 5 A Approx. 0.2 VA
Residual current input Approx. 0.05 VA
Voltage supply Rated auxiliary voltage Vaux 24, 48 V DC
via integrated DC/DC converter 60, 110, 125 V DC
220, 250 V DC
Permissible tolerance -20 to +15 %
Permissible max. ripple (pk-pk) ≤12 %
Power consumption quiescent Approx. 9 W
energized Approx. 13 W
Max. operating time after auxiliary voltage drop ≥50 ms at Vaux ≥110 V
Binary inputs Number of inputs 4 (marshallable)
Voltage range 24 to 250 V DC, adjustable in 4 ranges
Current input Approx. 1.7 mA
Indication contacts Number of relays with 1 changeover contact each 5 (marshallable)
Switching capacity make/break 20 W/VA
Switching voltage Max. 250 V AC/DC
Permissible current continuous 1A
Heavy-duty contacts Number of relays with 2 N/O contacts each 2 (marshallable)
Switching capacity make 1000 W/VA
break 30 W/VA
Switching voltage Max. 250 V AC/DC
Permissible current continuous 5A
0.5 s 30 A
LED displays Ready for operation green 1
Fault indication red 1
Marshallable LEDs red 6
Serial interfaces Operator interface On the front panel, not isolated, suitable
for connection of a PC
Baud rate 1200 to 19200 Bd
System interface Control system interface for coupling
to a central unit
Baud rate 1200 to 19200 Bd
Connection fibre-optic connection Integrated FSMA connector for fibre-optic
optical wavelength 820 nm
permissible line attenuation Max. 8 dB (for 62.5/125 µm F.O.)
transmission distance Max. 1.5 km
Construction Housing, dimensions 7XP20, see dimension drawings
Weight panel flush mounting/cubicle Approx. 5.4 kg
panel surface mounting Approx. 8.7 kg
Degree of protection according to EN 60 529 housing IP 51
terminals IP 21

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 5

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)

Technical data (continued)

CE-conformity, standards This product is in conformity with the directives of the Conformity is proved by tests performed
Council of the European Communities on the by Siemens AG in line with article 10 of the
approximation of the laws of the Member States relating Council Directives in accordance with the
to the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC CounciI Directive generic standards EN 50081 and EN 50082
89/336/EEC) and to the use of electrical equipment within for the EMC directive 89/336/EEC and with
defined voltage ranges (lovv-voltage directive standard EN 60255-6 for the low-voltage
73/23/EEC). The product conforms with the international directive.
standard IEC 255 and the national standard DIN 57 435
part 303 (corresponding to VDE 0435 part 303).
The relay is designed for use in an industrial environment,
for installation in standard relay rooms and compartments
so that with proper installation electro-magnetic compatibility
(EMC) is ensured.
Insulation tests High-voltage test (routine test), except d.c. voltage supply input 2 kV (rms) 50 Hz
IEC 255-5, DIN 57 435 part 303 High-voltage test (routine test), only d.c. voltage supply input 2.8 kV DC
Impulse voltage test (type test), all circuits, class III 5 kV (peak), 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J,
3 positive and 3 negative shots
at intervals of 5 s
EMC-tests; immunity (type test) High-frequency test with 1 MHz interference 2.5 kV (peak), 1 MHz, τ = 15 µs,
Standards:IEC 255-6, IEC255-22 IEC 255-22-1, class III and VDE 0435 part 303, class III 400 shots/s, duration 2 s
(international product Electrostatic discharge 4/6 kV contact discharge, 8 kV air dis-
standard) IEC 255-22-2,class III and IEC 1000-4-2, class III charge, both polarities, 150pF, Rl =330 Ω
EN50082-2 (generic Radio-frequency electromagnetic field, non-modulated 10 V/m, 27 to 500 MHz
standard) report IEC 255-22-3, class III
VDE 0435 part 303
(German product Radio-frequency electromagnetic field, amplitude modulated 10 V/m, 80 to 1000 MHz, AM 80 %, 1 kHz,
standard) IEC 1000-4-3, class III
Radio frequency electromagnetic field, puls modulated 10 V/m, 900 MHz, repetition frequency
ENV 50204, class III 200 Hz, duty cycle 50 %
Fast transients 2 kV, 5/50 ns, 5 kHz, burst length = 15 ms,
IEC 255-22-4 class III, IEC 1000-4-4 class IV repetition rate 300 ms, both polarities,
Rl = 50 Ω, duration 1 min
Conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields, 10 V, 150 kHz to 80 MHz, AM 80 %, 1 kHz,
amplitude modulated
IEC 1000-4-6, class III
Power frequency magnetic field
IEC 1000-4-8, class IV 30 A/m, continuous, 300 A/m for 3 s, 50 Hz
IEC 255-6 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
EMC-tests; emission (type test) Conducted interference voltage, auxiliary voltage 150 kHz to 30 MHz, class B
Standard: EN 50081-*(European CISPR 22, EN 55022 and VDE 0878 part 22
generic standard) Interference field strength 30 to 1000 MHz, class A
CISPR 11, EN 55011 and VDE 0875 part 11
Climatic stress tests permissible ambient temperature during service -5 to +55 °C
during storage -25 to +55 °C
during transport -25 to +70 °C
permissible humidity mean value per year ≤ 75 % relative humi-
dity, on 30 days per year up to 95 % rela-
tive humidity, condensation not permissible
Mechanical stress tests permissible mechanical stress during service 10 to 60 Hz, 0.035 mm amplitude
IEC 255-21-1, IEC 68-2 60 to 150 Hz, 0.5 g acceleration
during transport 5 to 8 Hz, 7.5 mm amplitude
8 to 150 Hz, 2 g acceleration

6 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Distance protection Setting ranges
Earth-fault detection
Earth current IE/IN Step 0.01 0.25 to 1
Displacement voltage
VE > ( = √3 V0, earthed network) 1V 2 to 100 V
VE > ( = √3 V0, isolated network) 1V 10 to 100 V
Overcurrent fault detection (I>>)
Overcurrent IPH/IN 0.01 0.1 to 4
Impedance fault detection (Z<)
Characteristic Polygonal
Forward reach X+ 0.01 Ω 0.1 to 200 Ω1)
Reverse reach X- 0.01 Ω 0.1 to 200 Ω1)
Resistance reach R 0.01 Ω 0.1 to 200 Ω1)
Threshold angle between load and
short-circuit range 0.1° 30 to 80°
Minimum current IPH/lN 0. 01 0.1 to 4
Voltage-dependent overcurrent
fault detection ( V</I>)
Phase-to-earth voltage VPH-E (I>) 1V 20 to 70 V
Phase-to-earth voltage VPH-E (I>>) 1V 20 to 70 V
Phase-to-phase voltage VPH-PH (I>) 1V 40 to 130 V
Phase-to-phase voltage VPH-PH (I>>) 1V 40 to 130 V
Distance measurement
Characteristic Polygonal
Distance zones 4; 1 as zone extension and all zones may
be set in the forward, reverse or in both
directions (non-directional)
Reactance reach X 0.01 Ω 0.05 to 130 Ω1)
Resistance reach R
for phase-to-phase faults 0.01 Ω 0.05 to 65 Ω1)
for phase-to-earth faults 0.01 Ω 0.05 to 130 Ω1)
Time stages 6 for multi-phase faults
3 for single-phase faults
Timer range 0.01 s 0 to 32 s or infinite
Residual compensation
, 0.01 -7 to 7
Directional determination
for all failure types with sound phase polarization
and voltage memory
Directional sensitivity Dynamically unlimited
Operating times
Minimum trip time 23 ms
Reset time Approx. 30 ms
Tolerances Measurement tolerances according to
VDE 0435, Part 303 for sinusoidal quantities
for polygonal impedance fault detection ≤ 5 % for 30° ≤ ϕ ≤ 90°
≤ 10 % for 0° ≤ ϕ ≤ 60°
for distance measurement ≤ 5 % for 30° ≤ ϕ ≤ 90°
≤ 5 % for 0° ≤ ϕ ≤ 60°
for amplitude measurement +5 %
Timer accuracy +1 % of set value or 10 ms

1) Impedance settings referred to IN = 1 A; at IN = 5 A

these values are 5 times the secondary values.

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 7

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)

Technical data (continued)

Fault locator Distance to fault Secondary Ω, primary Ω, Km or % of line

Start signal Trip output, fault detector reset or binary
Reactance per unit length Step 0.001 Ω/km 0.01 to 5 Ω/km
Measurement tolerance (according to ≤ 2.5 % line length for 30° ≤ ϕk ≤ 90° and
VDE 0435, Part 303 for sinusoidal quantities) VK/VN ≥ 0.1without intermediate infeed
Power swing Power swing detection principle Measurement of the rate of change of im-
(devices with impedance starting Z<) pedance
Modes Power swing blocking
Power swing tripping
Differences between power swing Step 0.01 Ω 0.1 to 50 Ω
polygon and fault detector
Rate of change (impedance) 1 Ω/s 0 to 200 Ω/s
Operating time 0.01 s 0.01 to 32 s or until end of power swing
Definite-time o/c Automatic initiation on recognition of measuring
emergency mode voltage failure or v.t.m.c.b. trip
Setting ranges
Overcurrent IPH >/IN Step 0.01 0.1 to 4
Earth current IE >/IN 0.01 0.1 to 4
High set o/c IPH >> /IN 0.01 0.5 to 9.99
Timers tl>, tIE>, tl>> 0.01 s 0 to 32 s or infinite
Measurement tolerance (according to ±5 %
VDE 0435, Part 303 for sinusoidal quantities)
Universal teleprotection interface Modes
Tripping PUTT via fault detection
PUTT/POTT via zone extension
Comparison Signal comparison
Directional comparison
Unblocking with zone extension
Unblocking with fault detection
Pilot wire protection –
Reverse interlocking –
Earth-fault detection Earth-fault detection using Step 1V 10 to 100 V
(compensated/isolated networks) residual displacement voltage VE > ( = √3 V0)
Faulted phase detection
VPH-E < (faulted phase) 1V 10 to 100 V
VPH-E > (unfaulted phase) 1V 10 to 100 V
Measurement tolerance (according to ≤ 5 % of set value
VDE 0435, Part 303 for sinusoidal quantities)
Directional determination
Measuring principle Active/reactive power measurement
Earth-fault current IE> (active/reactive I), 1 mA 3 to 1000 m A
cable type c.t. angle error correction 0.1° 0 to 5° in 2 operating points
Measurement tolerance (according to VDE 0435, ≤ 10 % of set value
Part 303 for sinusoidal quantities)
Sensitive earth-fault protection Directional earth-fault protection with back-up definite-time non-
(high-resistance faults in earthed directional overcurrent function
networks) Earth-current fault detection IE >/IN Step 0.01 0.1 to 4
Residual displacement voltage VE> (= √3 V0) 0.1 V 1 to 10 V
Directional determination with IE and VE
Carrier signalling Directional comparison
Operating times
Shortest tripping time Approx. 30 ms
Current reversal guard time Approx. 30 ms
Tripping time delay 0.01 s 0 to 32 s or ineffective
Timer tolerance ≤1 % of set value or 10 ms
Undirectional earth-fault protection with inverse time
Characteristics according to IEC 255-3, Normal inverse
or BS142 Very inverse,
Extremely inverse
Pick-up value IE > IN 0.01 0.1 to 4
Time multiplier tIE 0.01 s 0 to 32 s
Current pick-up 5 to 15 % of set value
Operating time ≤ 5 % ± 15 ms for 2 ≤ (I/IE>) ≤ 20 and
1 s ≤ tIE ≤ 30 s

8 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Thermal overload protection Setting ranges
Factor k to IEC 255-8 Step 0.01 0.1 to 4
Time constant τ 0.1min 1 to 999.9 min
Evaluation of thermal replica Θmax , Θmean , Θ with Imax
Temperature warning stage ΘAlarm /ΘTrip 1% 50 to 100 %
Current warning stage IAIarm /k IN 0.01 0.1 to 4
I 2 - Ipre
Tripping time characteristic t = τ ⋅ ln 2
I - (k IN )2
Reset conditions
Θ/ΘTrip Approx. 0.99
Θ/ΘAlarm Approx. 0.99
I/IAIarm Approx. 0.99
Tolerances Class 10 % to IEC 255-8
Fault recording Measured values iL1, iL2, iL3, iE, vL1, vL2, vL3, vE
Starting signal Tripping, fault detection, binary input, con-
trol panel, PC
Recording management Dynamic ring buffer store, battery buffered
Maximum number of simultaneously available records 8
Sampling interval 20 samples per cycle
Max. recording period (sum of alI records)
at 50 Hz 5s
at 60 Hz 4.2 s
Pre-trigger time Step 0.01 s 0.05 to 0.5 s
Post-fault time 0.01 s 0.05 to 0.5 s
Max. period for one record 0.01 s 0.3 to 5 s
Additional functions Operating values for
Current IL1, IL2, IL3
Voltage VL1-L2 , VL2-L3 , VL3-L1 , VL1 , VL2 , VL3
Power P, Q
Frequency f
Effective range 0 to 240 % IN , 0 to 120 % VN ,
0 to 120 % PN , 96 to 104 % fN
Earth current during earth faults in isolated networks Iea, Ier
Overload values Θ/Θtrip
Tolerance ≤ 2 % of respective rating

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 9

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)

Scope of functions Selection and ordering data

Function scope of device Designation Order-No.

The following functions are Distance protection relay ¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨ ¨
7SA510▲ - ▲ ▲A▲ ▲ - 1▲D ▲
available in all device versions: Rated current at 50/60 Hz
Distance protection, fault loca- 1A 1
tor, thermal overload protec- 5A 5
tion, load values, overcurrent-
time protection (emergency), Rated auxiliary voltage
operational measured values
24, 48 V DC 2
(current, voltage, active pow- 60, 110, 125 V DC 4
er, reactive power, frequency 220, 250 V DC 5
measurement) switching
statistics with summation of
interrupted currents per pole,
integrated clock, battery-buffe- For panel surface mounting B
For panel flush mounting/cubicle mounting C
red signal memory and fault re- For panel flush mounting/cubicle mounting without glass cover E
cording memory, parameter
changeover facility.
Relay versions
All device versions can be
Version 1: Operator language German, distance protection 61
used in earthed and in com- with overcurrent fault detection (I>>), firmware V3
pensated/isolated networks. Version 2: Operator language German, distance protection 63
with overcurrent (I>>) and voltage controlled over-
current (V<, I>) fault detection selectable, firmware V3
Version 3: Operator language English, distance protection 71
with overcurrent fault detection (I>>), firmware V3
Version 4: Operator language English, distance protection 73
with overcurrent (I>>) and voltage controlled over-
current (V<, I>) fault detection selectable, firmware V3
Version 5: Operator language English, distance protection 72
with impendance (Z<), voltage controlled over-
current (V<, I>) and overcurrent (I>>) fault detection,
selectable, firmware V3

Serial system interface

without A
with integrated fibre-optic interface C

Earth-fault protection functions, power swing detection

without 0
without earth-fault protection functions, with power swing blocking1) 1
with sensitive earth-fault detection for compensated/isolated star point 2
and with high-resistance earth-fault protection for solidly or low-resistance
earthed star point, selectable; without power swing blocking
with sensitive earth-fault detection for compensated/isolated star point and with 3
high-resistance earth-fault protection for solidly or low-resistance earthed star
point, selectable; with power swing blocking1)

Operating software (German and English are standard, other languages on request)
DIGSI program (suitable for all protection relays German 7XS5020-0AA00
7UM..., 7UT..., 7SJ..., 7SA..., ...) English 7XS5020-1AA00
Test version: German 7XS5021-0AA00
English 7XS5021-1AA00
Connecting cables for protection relays (25 pin) - PC (9 pin); 7XV5100-2
(other variations supplied on request)

German: Katalogblatt LSA 2.2.17: Abzweigschutz SIPROTEC 7SA510 E50001-K5712-A271-A1
(Version V3)
Handbuch: Abzweigschutz SIPROTEC 7SA510 C53000-G1100-C113
(Version V3)
English: Catalog LSA 2.2.17: SIPROTEC 7SA510 distance protection relay E50001-K5712-A271-A1-7600
(Version V3)
Manual: SIPROTEC 75A510 distance protection relay C53000-G1176-C115
(Version V3)

1) The function power swing blocking (16th position 1 or 3) is only available for
versions with impedance fault detection (12th position 2, version 5).

10 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Connection diagram

Version for panel surface mounting

Version for panel flush/cubicle mounting

Alarm relay 1 Carrier send

IL2 Alarm relay 2 General fault


IL3 Alarm relay 3 Trip due to fault

in reverse direction

IE Group annunciation 1
Alarm relay 4 supervision of measured

VL1 Device operative

Alarm relay 5
(Alarm contact)


Remote reset LED Binary

input 1

V.T. m.c.b. trip Binary relay 1 Trip command
input 2

Carrier receive Binary

input 3 Command General fault
relay 2 detection
Manual close input 4

Power supply

Fibre-optic interface
Binary inputs, coupling to central unit
alarm relays, command
relays and LED are
freely marshallable

Fig. 5
Connection diagram for distance protection relay 7SA510 (version V3), state of development BB

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 11

SIPROTEC 7SA510 Distance Protection Relay (Version V3)

Connection diagrams

Version for panel surface mounting

Version for p. flush/cubicle mounting






Fig. 6
Connection diagram for Holmgreen connection of current transformers for networks with any kind of star point treatment with c.t.- star point towards busbar

Version for panel surface mounting

Version for p. flush/cubicle mounting




Fig. 7
Connection diagram for networks with compensated/isolated star point, IE-connection to separate cable-type c.t., c.t.- star point towards line

12 Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997

Dimensions drawings (in mm)

Diam.5 or M4


Diam. 6

Front view Side view Panel cutout

Fig. 8
SIPROTEC 7SA510 distance protection relay with 7XP2030-2 housing (for panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)

Panel cutout 20 x 60
(without paint)

Fibre-optic interface

Front view Side view Panel cutout

Fig. 9
SIPROTEC 7SA510 distance protection relay with 7XP2030-1 housing (for panel surface mounting)

Siemens LSA 2.1.17 ⋅ 1997 13

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Responsible for:
Technical contents: Michael Claus
Siemens AG, EV S V13, Nürnberg
General editing: Claudia Kühn-Sutiono
Siemens AG, EV BK T, Erlangen

Energieübertragung und -verteilung
Geschäftsgebiet Sekundärsysteme
P. O. Box 48 06
D-90026 Nürnberg
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Order-No.: E50001-K5712-A271-A1-7600
Printed in Germany
KG K 0797 2.0 14 En 321548 6101/U587

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