Asdf CPP Socket
Asdf CPP Socket
Asdf CPP Socket
The allowable pressures were calculated by the formula pressures at 1000P tabulated above accordingly may be
in the Code for Pressure Piping, ASA B31.1-1955, Section used, provided that water hammer or shock conditions
3, par. 324(a), are considered by reducing these values by the product of
25(t-C) the flow rate in gallons per minute and the Water Hammer
P= Pactor tabulated above.
where P = allowable.pressure in lb per sq in. (gauge) Thus if the flowrateis 100 gpmina 2"extra strong
S = allowable working stress in lb per sq ip.. line, the shock pressure created by water hammer is 100
D = outside diameter in inches x 6.52 = 652Ibs. per sq. in.; by deducting this from the
t= design thickness in inches, or 121/2% less than value of 2500 lb per sq in. shown in the table the allowable.
the nominal thickness shown in the table statiC'working pressure is found to be 1848lb per sq in.
C = allowance in inches for corrosion ~d/ or Burst pressures for pipe were calculated using
mechanical strength (C==O.05"hasbeen used above
for all pipe sizes) P= 25t
y = a coefficient having values for feirriticsteels, as OD
follows: Where P = internal burst pressure, psig
0.4 up to and including 9000P S = allowable stress (60,000 psi
0.5 for 9500P OD = outside diameter of tube in inches
0.7 for 10000P and above t = nominal wall thickness
The allowable working stresses were obtained NOTES: ·Not extra strong. Schedule 60 is extra strong in this
from the Code for Pressure Piping, ASA B31.1.1-1955,
Table 12. •• Notshedulenumberin
extra strong. Extra
this size!
does not have
Hydraulic machinery piping is not covered by the Inches)
Code for Pressure Piping, but it is current practice to use @ Not standard weight. Standard wei~t does not
have a schedule number in this size! (lD of 12"
stresses comparable with those given for Refinery and Standard is 12.00 Inches).
Oil TransportationPiping, Div. A. Theallowableworking
Steel Pipe- ;S,ize, Schedule and Flow Rates