Islamic Leadership
Islamic Leadership
Islamic Leadership
Faculty of Economics
Islamic Leadership
Lecturer Nurhadi, MA
Phone 08156818040
Credit (SKS) 2
Pre-Requisites Introduction to management and or leadership in
business organization or equivalent
Subject Overview
In any social or business organization, small or large, a very important role of
leadership is ensuring that the organization can achieve productive development
for long lasting human well-being. The role of leadership is particularly important in
times of change. The reality of business practice in this globally competitive era
sometimes drives organizations and their leaderships to conduct their business
activities in a way we would consider as unethical. In both business and social
organizations, these activities may lead to corruption, bribery and various other
kinds of illegal practices, all in the pursuit of maximizing profit.
In the modern era, leaders of organizations are required not only to be profit
oriented but also value/norm oriented. This responsibility stems from the fact that
leaders have horizontal and vertical responsibility. Horizontally, leaders are
responsible not only to the members of an organization or company, but also to the
society at large. Vertically, leaders are responsible to God. Thus this course
highlights the fact that, modern leaders should possess both excellent managerial
and leadership skills, as well as a commitment to upholding the moral backbone of
society. Islamic Leadership is a course that discusses leadership from an Islamic
Subject Objectives
This course is designed to provide students with a thorough understanding of
leadership from an Islamic perspective. In addition to an understanding of the
Islamic model of leadership, this course will also provide students with a
comprehensive understanding of ethical leadership and leadership skills that are
essential qualities for leaders in modern society. On completing this subject,
students are expected to be able to:
1) Journal of Human Values 4:2 (1998)
2) Al-Jamiah Journal of Islamic Studies 41:1 (2003)
Individually or in small groups, students are to write one essay on a topic related to
the subject, with a word-count ranging between 1000-1500 words. The topics of
the essay will be given in the first or second meeting in order that students have
enough time to collect the material. In addition, students are also required to
present the essay orally to share their ideas and opinions as reflected in the essay.
A formal 1000-1500-word assignment will be given during the semester. This
assignment will require students to search for leadership cases, either personal or
organizational, and analyze them critically. It is expected that students will
incorporate the Islamic perspective in their analysis.
There will be one mid semester and one final semester exam. Both exams will be
open book. The exams will require you to answer three to four short essay
questions. The exams will be 100 minutes in duration.
Policy on assessment
Essays and assignments will not be accepted after the due date unless
arrangements for an extension of time have been made prior to the due date. If you
do not agree with the result that you been awarded for any piece of assessed
material for this subject please contact the lecturer immediately. You have a right
to know the reasons why your work has received a certain grade and to request a
reassessment if you believe your work has been unfairly assessed.
Subject Organization for Islamic Leadership
Meeting 7 Leading Skill 1: Training in Management Skills,
Building a Power Base chapter 14