Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: A Forgotten Liberator: Available Online On 2012 1 (2) 34-39 ISSN: 2278-7143
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: A Forgotten Liberator: Available Online On 2012 1 (2) 34-39 ISSN: 2278-7143
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: A Forgotten Liberator: Available Online On 2012 1 (2) 34-39 ISSN: 2278-7143
International Journal of Basic And Advanced Research, 2012; 1(2); 34-39
ISSN: 2278-7143
Research Article
The objectives of this research paper were to 1. Study the life of Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule and to study his works in the
light of the thoughts generated and practices developed by him. The work of Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule was treated to be
the unit for this research paper. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. This research paper concluded
that Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule was a great revolutionary. At the time he was born India was divided into different
castes. Shudras were treated like animals. He himself belonged to a lower caste. He also faced caste discrimination. So he
sacrificed his life for the upliftment of the untouchables , peasants and women. For this purpose he formed institution i.e.
satya shodhak samaj. He wanted to create a new social system in India based upon equality,justice, liberty and fraternity.
He was the pioneer of women education in India. In the history of India he was the first person who spread women
education by opening girl schools and opened orphanages for widow women and their children. He was the first Indian
who was honoured by British Govt for his noble work. He taught his wife and made her the first trained lady of India. He
was a great revolutionary writer. He was severely criticized by Brahmin samaj for his noble work and attacked by them.
But he continued with his movement. He sacrificed his life for the upliftment of untouchables, peasants and women.
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule was an activist, thinker, social were even deprived of human rights and when anyone of
reformer, writer, philosopher, theologist, scholar, editor them tried to get education he was mercilessly punished.
and revolutionary from Maharashtra, India in the The condition of women belonging to any caste was very
nineteenth century. He was born on April 11, 1827 in pathetic and miserable in this respect.
Satara district of Maharashtra. His family belonged to a That’s why even Dr. Iqbal had to say: “Ah Shudra ke liye
mali caste. His father and uncle served as florists. His Hindustan gem khana hai, dard-e-insan se is basti ka dil
family came to be known as Phule. His mother passed begana hai”.
away when he was nine months old. His caste perceived Mahamanav Budha to Dr. Ambedkar, King Ashoka,
to be inferior caste by certain sections of the society. His Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Guru Kabir, Guru Ravidass Ji, Guru
mother’s name was Mata Bimla Bai Phule. Their Namdev, Guru Sadna Ji, Guru Sain Ji and many other
ancestors used to serve the upper castes. After completing unknown revolutionaries and saints led movement against
school he had to leave school and helped his father by casteism and untouchability and with the impact of a very
working on the family’s farm. A Brahmin clerk of his long battle fought by the revolutionaries and social
father also advised his father to stop his son from going to reformers in different parts of the country, Mahatama
school by saying that there was no use of education. His Jyoti Rao continued with the same mission.
father Baba Gobind Rao Phule stopped his education. Works of Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: From the following
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule Ji was married at the age of 13. points we can understand the works done by Mahatama
His wife Mata Savitri Rao Phule was 8 years old at the Jyoti Rao Phule.
time of her marriage. But his intelligence was recognized a) Formation of Satya Shodhak Samaj: He wanted to
by a Muslim and Christian neighbourers who persuaded disclose the true history of India. He said that every one
his father to send him to the local Scottish Missions High should be eager to search for the truth. He said,
School which he completed in 1847. At the time when he “Bhartye logon mein satya ki khoj ki jageyasa nahi hai. Is
was born India was divided into different castes. Chatur ka karan yeh hai ke husankhye logon ko sikhsha se
Varna system (Caste System) was prevalent in India. vanchit rakha geya hai. Yeh bat phule ne jaan li
Original inhabitants of India belonged to lower castes. thi………..siksha na hone se bhartiye samaj ka kitna
They were called Shudras, Untouchables etc. They were nuksan hua hai ise beh mehsoos karte the………… Jyoti
treated like animals. This had been prevalent for the Rao Phule sahi arthon mein satye ki khoj karne wale ek
centuries. They were not allowed to get education. They mahan vicharak the. Pratek veyakti ko satye ki khoj karke
were to serve the upper Castes i.e. Brahmins, Kshatryas usi ke anusar aacharn kiya, to samsat manavsamaj sukhi
and Vashyas. They were badly treated by the upper hoga, esa unka vishvash tha………… bat manav
castes. They were deprived of every kind of right. They samaj ke kalian ki drishti se galat hai uska unhone khub
virod kiya. (4) (The Indian people don’t have the curiosity These were the realities of the times of Mahatama Jyoti
to know the truth. It is so because a large number of Rao Phule that led him rebellious. He presented very
people have been kept devoid of education. Phule came to revolutionary thought about education in the times when
know this……….he used to feel the damage occurred to the Indian people were under the spell of the superstitions
the Indian society because of the unavailability of and false traditions made by the Brahmins. In those times
education………..Jyoti Rao Phule was in the real sense a education was not meant for all. Moreover education was
great thinker finder of truth. He was of the view that related to religion. Today unless we adopt his philosophy
every individual should search for the truth and mould we cannot get rid of all superstitions. Mahatama Jyoti
accordingly, only then the human society can remain Rao Phule was a great revolutionary and result oriented
happy…………the thing that was wrong from the thinker. He did deep study of the Indian social system. He
perspective of the welfare of the society, he severely observed the Indian class and caste system minutely and
opposed that.” produced scientific and revolutionary thoughts. He was of
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule also continued with this the view that all the people on this earth are born equal
movement. The turning point in Jyotiba’s life was in 1848 and they have every right to have the equal opportunities
when he was insulted by the family members of his in every field. Every discrimination and inequality is
Brahmin friend. Members of the Brahmin family manmade and therefore, is not the will of God, Mahatama
threatened him against attending the function of Jyoti Rao Phule proved the same. He also emphasized
Brahmins. Influenced by Thomas Paine’s book Right of that the social systems are manmade therefore should not
Man 1791 Phule developed a keen sense of social justice. be accepted when these are unjustified.
On 24 Sep, 1873 Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule formed a He revolted against the tyranny of the upper castes. Under
Satya Shodhak Samaj with himself as its first president caste system millions of people had suffered for
and treasurer. The main objectives of this were to liberate centuries. He criticized predominant position of
the Shudras and atishudras and to prevent their Brahmins. Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule was the prominent
exploitation by the upper castes like Brahmins. Satya social reformer of the 19th century Indian. He led the
Shodhak Samaj was the society of seekers of Truth. For movement against the prevailing caste restrictions in
his fight to attain rights for the peasants and the lower India. He revolted against the domination of the
castes and his contribution to the field of education, Brahmins and for the rights of peasants and low caste
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule is regarded as the most sections and women.
important figure of social reform movement in India. He His book Slavery was severely criticized for its venomous
is regarded as the father of Indian social propaganda against the Brahmins. He criticized in it the
revolution. Satya Shodhak Samaj was a social movement cruel and inhuman laws of Brahmins. Mahatma Jyoti Rao
and had nothing to do with politics. Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule argued that the shudras were the sons of the soil
Phule was its president and Mata Savitri Rao Phule and the Brahmins came from outside.
became head of the women’s section which included 90 c) Efforts to Create New Social System: Mahatma Jyoti
female members. She worked tirelessly as school teacher Rao Phule’s family believed that if he wanted to create a
for girls. She was the first trained lady teacher of India. new social system based on freedom, equality,
Deenbandhu Publication, the mouthpiece of Satya brotherhood, human dignity, economic justice, values
Shodhak Samaj played an important role in Satya devoid of exploitation, he would have to overthrow the
Shodhak Samaj movements. old, unequal and exploitative social system and the values
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule refused to regard Vedas as on which it is based. Knowing this Mahatma Jyoti Rao
sacrosanct. Satya Shodhak Samaj propounded the spread Phule attacked the blind faiths and so called God’s words.
of rational thinking and rejected the need for a Brahmin He tore the misleading myths to pieces that were ruling
priestly class as educational and religious leaders. over the minds of women, shudras and atishudras. He
b) Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: A Great Revolutionary- also led campaign to remove the economic and social
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule was hundred years ahead of handicaps that breed blind faiths among women, shudras
his time. The modern world has just experienced the and atishudras.
struggles he undertook in his times for the women Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule was the only sociologist and
emancipation. In his age Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule had humanist in his time that could put forth such bold ideas.
to face much opposition from the orthodox upper castes In his view every religious book is the product of its time
and was also boycotted, but still he was very determined and the truth it contains has no permanent and universal
and unshakable. In this sense, it can be said that he was validity. These books can never be free from the
also an early feminist. He suffered a lot from upper caste prejudices and selfishness of the creators of such books.
people. Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule was the victim of that Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule believed in overthrowing the
social system established by Brahmins and all this is still social system in which man has been deliberately made
prevalent at high rate in India. He stood against this dependent upon others, illiterate, ignorant and poor, with
system and gave his and the life of his wife to this noble a view to exploiting him. To him blind faith eradicating
cause. Unless philosophy and all efforts made by him are formed part of a broad socio-economic transformation.
implemented in India we cannot attain the target of This was his strategy for ending exploitation of human
universalisation of education and we cannot change the beings. Mere advice, education and alternative ways of
living are not enough unless the economic framework of commented on the rich invitees who displayed their
exploitation comes to an end. wealth by wearing diamond studded jewellery and
(d) Pioneer of Women Education in India: Another warned the visiting dignitaries that the people who had
oppressed group in the Indian society was that of women. gathered there did not represent India. If the Duke of
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule always mentioned women Cannaught was really interested in finding out the
along with men. He did not assume that when men are condition of the Indian subjects of her majesty the queen
mentioned, women are automatically included into that of England. Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule suggested that they
category. He made a special reference to women when he ought to visit some nearby villages as well as the areas in
discussed human rights. Just as Shudras were deprived of the city occupied by untouchables. He requested the Duke
rights by the Brahmins by keeping them ignorant, of Cannaught who was a grandson of Queen Victoria to
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule thought that selfish men had convey his message to her and made a strong plea to
prohibited women from taking to education in order to provide education to the poor people. Mahatma Jyoti Rao
continue male domination. Phule’s speech created quite a stir. He fought for the
He was assisted in his work by his wife Mata Savitri Rao emancipation of the down trodden people. He is known
Phule and together they started the first school for girls in for selfless service. Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule led the
India in 1848. He later on opened two more schools movement against the prevailing caste restrictions in
(1851-52). No teacher dared to teach in the school in India. He revolted against the domination of Brahmins
which untouchables were admitted but he taught his wife and for the rights of peasants and other low caste fellows.
and then he asked her to teach. The stones, sticks, He believed that enlightenment of the women and other
brickbats were thrown at her when she was on her way to law caste people was the only solution to combat the
school. But she did not lose her courage. In the social evils.
19th century, Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule and his wife Mata f) Attacked by Orthodox Upper Caste People: The
Savitri Rao Phule were also the pioneers of women orthodox Brahmins of the society were furious at the
education in India. His remarkable influence was activities of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule. They blamed him
apparent in fields like education, agriculture, caste for vitiating the norms and regulations of the society.
system, woman and widow upliftment and removal of Many accused him of acting on the behalf of the Christian
untouchability. He is most known for his efforts to missionaries. But Jyotiba was firm and decided to
educate women and the lower castes as well as mass. He continue the movement interestingly. He attacked
after educating his wife opened the first school for girls. orthodox upper castes and termed them as hypocrites. He
She was the first trained lady teacher of India. campaigned against the authoritarianism of the upper
He started women education from the education of his castes. He urged the peasants and proletariate to defy the
wife. All the time he was making people aware about the restrictions imposed upon them. He later opened two
education and compelling the British govt to make more schools for the girls and an indigenous school for
arrangement for education of all people of India. He the lower castes especially the Mahars and Mangs, when
requested people all the time to send their children in the news of teaching by Mata Savitri Rao Phule reached
schools he opened for downtroddens and women. his father who threatened to drive him out of his house,
He stated, fearing attack from orthodox elements when the choice
Nar nari sabhi mehnati bano before Savitri Rao Phule was either going away with her
Parivar ko pale. Anand le husband or staying back with her in laws, she preferred to
Nit bacho bachi ko padne bheje be with her husband. After that her husband sent her to
d) Opened Orphanages for Widows and Their Children: training school. She passed out with flying colours. After
For the orphans he opened an orphanage. This was the completing her studies she joined the school opened by
first such institution opened by any Indian. He gave proletariate. She used to leave for school early in the
protection to pregnant widows and assured them that the morning. Orthodox society was not prepared for this
orphanage would take care of their children. It was in this misadventure as women’s education was frowned upon.
orphanage run by Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule that a She continued with teaching the girls despite all
Brahmin woman gave birth to a boy in 1873 and opposition from the society. She was abused by the
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule adopted him as his son and orthodox society. But slowly and gradually she
made him a doctor. Many young widows from the upper established herself. In Pune proletariat he established a
castes spent their days in the orphanages established by library for the people belonging to down trodden classes.
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule. With this people became aware about their education,
e) Raised Voice for the Upliftment of Poor Peasants: their rights and about how to protect them. It became very
Another incident also revealed his attachment for the poor difficult for the upper castes to tolerate Mahatma Jyoti
peasants and his courage in drawing the attention of Rao Phule. They hired two persons Rode and Dhodi Ram
members of the British royal family to the sufferings of in Rs. 1000 to kill mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule but when
the farmers of rural areas. On March 2, 1888, Hari Raoji they came to kill Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule, he woke up
Chiplunkar a friend of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule arranged and they were very much impressed by the personality of
a function in honour of the Duke and Duchess of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule. They felt sorry and decided to
Cannaught. Dressed like a peasant Mahatma Jyoti Rao help Jyotiba in his mission. They got admission in his
Phule attended the function and made a speech. He school. Dhondi Ram progressed so much that he became
the popular leader of Satya Shodhak Samaj who wrote was severe. His thinking on all this was concrete one. He
many important books to improve the condition of the observed and concluded that until the people were not
untouchables, shudras and the down troddens. This great educated and aware of their human rights they could not
social reformer, revolutionary, great thinker and be raised from their situation. Hence he fought for the
philosopher passed away on 25 Nov. 1890. right of education equally for all the people regardless of
g) Honoured by British Government: Eventually Mata the caste and class. He knew once the people are educated
Savitri Rao Phule was honoured by the British they would fight themselves for their rights without any
government for her contribution and educational work. outside help and support. He said that progress of
On 16 Nov. 1852 Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule and Savitri individuals was possible only with education. He stated,
Rao Phule were felicitated by the government for their Vidya bina mat gayi
commendable efforts in the field of education. Principal Mat bina gati gayi
of the Pune College Mr. Major Cannedy honoured them. Gati bina niti gayi
This was the great day in the history of education of girls. Niti bina sampati gayi
Govt. decided to give dakshing fund. Amount Rs. 3000 Sampati bina shudra dbast huye
was used to be given for good books and prominent Itna sara anarth ek avidya se huya
writers. But Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule requested the govt. He gave new meanings to education: He said, “The
to give half amount for books written in Marathi. education which does not help the common mass of
Orthodox Brahmins criticized it but the govt. agreed with people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule and lovers of Marathi does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of
language won this battle. philanthropy, and the courage of a lion…..real education
h) Inspired Indians: Various great personalities were is that which enables one to stand on one’s legs”
inspired by the personality of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule had also stressed on the
who brought great changes in social and economic fields education of the individuals which can enable them to
of India. Dr. Babasaheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar, first law distinguish right from wrong, to love good and despise
minister of the Republic of India and the architect of evil.
Indian Constitution was inspired by his noble work Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule had encouraged the individuals
towards humanity and he followed the philosophy of to develop the inventive powers among themselves as by
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule based upon justice, equality, research only one can achieve something new and
liberty and fraternity. He followed all the suggestions different from others. He said that man is not helpless like
given by Jyotiba as right to education to all, special other beings. He had got certain inventive and creative
provisions for women, minorities, downtrodden etc. powers. Through these powers and skills, he can make
Telgu actor Chiranjeev who started a political party stated change.
that he is very much inspired by the works done by Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule stressed on universalisation of
Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule especially creating social education i.e. education for all irrespective of caste,
harmony. Writer Chandra Mohan is also very much colour, creed, sex and poverty. Mahatma Jyoti Rao
inspired by the works of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule. Phule had done a lot in his life to reform society, to fight
Shahuji Maharaj ruler of Kohlapur province was a for establishing equality in society. As he wanted
staunch follower of Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule and education for all, same is the motto of present education
devoted life to the upliftment of the society. He system, to provide education to all. Following his
emphasized the development and welfare of the lower principles Dr. Ambedkar had compiled the constitution in
castes. He always used to contemplate over some serious which we have provision for free and compulsory
issues of the society. He carried out efforts to provide education and universalization of education in the
education and employment to all. Shahuji initiated the constitution in the art 45 but the target of this article is yet
scheme of providing free education to the children of the to be achieved which was to be achieved within 10 years
down troddens. In order to provide shelter to them and from the commencement of the constitution.
outstation students Shahuji established hostels. For his Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule has expressed his views about
activities he had to face severe criticism from many primary education and primary teacher in the statement
corners of the society. He long patronized the Satya forwarded to Hunter Commission . He asserted that it was
Shodhak Samaj formed by Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phule. He the need of the day to concentrate more on primary
worked more for the women education. Primary education than on higher education. The British
education to all regardless of caste and creed was one of Government received more amounts by taxes from the
the significant moves of him which later on after common masses but in return it does not extent facilities
independence became the fundamental Right to for spreading primary education to the common masses.
Education in Indian Constitution. Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule severely opposed this practice
i) Compulsory primary education to all: Mahatama Jyoti of British government. He demanded that the tax
Rao Phule strived endlessly for the lot of the most collected from the masses should be spent on their
neglected and the down trodden people. He himself welfare, more importantly on education. Through
experienced the discrimination and refusal of education Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule did not want to
fundamental rights at first hand. This is why hatred in his raise the temporary standard of living of few persons. He
heart for the upper castes and the false rituals and rites was in fact thinking of the future of education for
independent India, therefore he was trying to establish the for the needy and deserving students. Thus opportunities
permanent value of education to the Indian society with for education should be made available. Phule criticized
freedom of mind and liberty in action. the existing scheme of scholarships in his times. The
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule thought over the need of award of scholarships was centred in a particular circle
Primary education, the essential qualities of Primary and the other backward classes were not included in this
education. Through his wide experience in the field of circle. Therefore he suggested reorientation in the scheme
primary education, Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule expressed of scholarship. The scholarships were awarded on the
these views with profound foresight. Primary teacher basis of competitive examinations but the principle of
plays a pivotal role in educative process. According to equality was not considered. The result was that the
Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule, Primary teacher should be a benefits of scholarships could not reach up to the
trained person and sufficient salary should be paid to backward classes.
him/her . In order to safeguard the interest of teacher and Such were the views of Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule on
the so called lower castes of the community, teachers education and education system. His very revolutionary
from these castes should be provided opportunities for the views which attracted the attention of the government.
employment. Efficient Primary teacher should be paid His views compelled the government to keep his
more salary than the usual teachers. In the curriculum of philosophy in mind while policy making. By doing so
primary education, preliminary knowledge about Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule has done an unforgettable
agriculture and health should be included. The curriculum service to the down trodden people who could have
of primary education should be reoriented to provide the remained enslaved and down trodden for many more
demands of rural areas. There should be clear years.
demarcation between the curriculum of rural and urban (j) Mahatama Jyoti Rao Phule: A Great Revolutionary
area. Education should be utilitarian and practical so as to Writer: He wrote many books and his famous published
cover the needs of the society. A scheme of ideal farming works are as follows:
should be implemented on a small scale. Practical Tritiya Ratna, 1855
knowledge is superior to bookish knowledge hence Brahmananche Kasab, 1869
primary knowledge in Modi (a special Marathi Powada : Chatrapati Shivajiraje Bhosle Yancha, [English:
script)(regional languages were supported ) , accounts, Life Of Shivaji, In Poetical Metre],June 1869
History, Grammar, Agriculture, Ethics and Health should Powada: Vidyakhatyatil Brahman Pantoji, June 1869
be imparted. Quantitative growth in Primary school is no Manav Mahammand (Muhammad) (Abhang)
doubt important but it should not be considered at the cost Gulamgiri [full name in English: Slavery: In The
of qualitative one. He further said that British government Civilized British Government Under The Clock Of
should introduce the scheme of grant in aid properly for Brahmanism],1873
the growth of primary schools run by private Shetkarayacha Aasud (Cultivator's Whipcord), July 1881
management. The local self government should be Satsar Ank 1, June 1885
entrusted with responsibility of primary schools with the Satsar Ank 2, October 1885
increased need of society. The amount collected through Ishara, October 1885
local taxes should be invested rear about 50% for the Gramjoshya Sambhandi jahir kabhar, (1886)
spread of education. The payment of grant to schools Satyashodhak Samajokt Mangalashtakasah Sarva Puja-
should not be released on the basis of the results of vidhi, 1887
examinations. He further stated that the British Sarvajanik Satya Dharma Poostak, April 1889
government should discharge its duty to establish Sarvajanic Satya Dharmapustak, 1891
government primary schools parallel to schools run by Akhandadi Kavyarachana, 1893
private management. He advised govt to open new govt. Asprashyanchi Kaifiyat , 1893
private schools advocating that
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